Star Wars: Cost of Hope

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#26 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

LadyTevar wrote:HOTFOOT! You left me out!

Of course, I need to grab CT and get help building my Pilot
Oh. My. God. Why does everyone ALWAYS assume I have or can easily obtain pdf copies of every book known to human kind? What do you ratfinks think I am, some kind of pirate omnibus, shamefully thieving anything that is not nailed down on the internet? I protest! I daresay, I am appalled by what you all think of my personal character!

check your pms
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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#27 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by LadyTevar »

Comrade Tortoise wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:HOTFOOT! You left me out!

Of course, I need to grab CT and get help building my Pilot
Oh. My. God. Why does everyone ALWAYS assume I have or can easily obtain pdf copies of every book known to human kind? What do you ratfinks think I am, some kind of pirate omnibus, shamefully thieving anything that is not nailed down on the internet? I protest! I daresay, I am appalled by what you all think of my personal character!
Lys beat you to it. :)

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#28 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Karrick »

Comrade Tortoise wrote: Oh. My. God. Why does everyone ALWAYS assume I have or can easily obtain pdf copies of every book known to human kind? What do you ratfinks think I am, some kind of pirate omnibus, shamefully thieving anything that is not nailed down on the internet? I protest! I daresay, I am appalled by what you all think of my personal character!
I for one never assumed you felt any shame in your activities.

*hides stash of RPGs that fell of the back of an internet truck*
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#29 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by LadyTevar »

The Mirialan believe in that an individual's Destiny is based on his or her actions. Good actions and hard work adds to one's Destiny, and Siana Jhelian strives to follow this creed. She worked hard at menial jobs about the spaceport to earn her piloting license, then took every co-pilot job she could get to save up for a ship of her own. Doing it the hard way worked for her; when she was on her own she already had contacts and knowledge to make her way legitimately, not needing to rely on smuggling to pay off her debts.
This cautious, careful approach has forged a respectable reputation amongst her clients, as she does not take risks with cargo or passengers aboard. However, even the most respectable ship captains get boarded.
It was humiliating. She had nothing to hide, all her cargo was above-board, she had all her papers in order, but the Imperial Customs Official impounded her ship for a week because Siana did not have the money to pay a new 'landing fee' that the Official had required. While waiting in port, she found she wasn't the only captain with that problem, and that the 'landing fee' was heavier on non-humans. Her ship was only released when one of her contacts (a Rebel cell-leader) paid up for her.
From then on, Siana Jhelian started doing extra little runs for that Cell. Nothing too out of the ordinary: a datapad here, a passenger there. The Cell-leader wanted to use Siana's reputation as much as he did her services. It was mutually profitable, and slowly Siana gained a quiet reputation as a trusted outside support for the Cells on her normal routes.

Siana Jhelian is a Mirialan of average height and has olive green skin and dyed white hair. Her facial tattoos denote her birth (a triangle of small diamonds on her chin), the day she got her pilot license (a diamond-shaped cluster on her forehead), and her first ship and first profitable run (two bands of small diamonds running along each cheek).

NAME: Siana Jhelian
RACE: Mirialan
CLASS: Explorer
SPECIALIZATION: Trader, Fringer (20XP)
MOTIVATION: (Economic) The Empire's making it hard on the honest businessperson to make a living. One must take what jobs one can.
DUTY : Support

INT : 2
CUNNING : 2 (20XP)
WILL : 2
PRES: 3 (30XP)

WOUND : 13

Astrogation : 1
Cool : 1 (5XP)
Deception : 1
Knowledge (Core Worlds) : 1 (5XP)
Knowledge (Outer Rim) : 1
Knowledge (Underworld) : 1 (5XP)
Perception : 1
Piloting (Space) : 1
Negotiation : 1
Ranged (Light) : 1 (Non-Class 10XP)

Know Somebody (5XP)
Smooth Talker (5XP) (Negotiation)
Galaxy Mapper (5XP)
Convincing Demeanor (5XP)
Strret Smarts (5XP)
Skilled Jockey (10XP)
Defensive Driving (15XP)
Master Starhopper (15XP)

Coronet Arms Equalizer Blaster (Dam 7, Crit 2, Range Med, HP 3, Ecum 2, Superior, Stun – 1200cred)
Backup Blaster (Dam 6, Crit 3, Range Med, HP 3, Ecum 1, Stun – 200Cred)

Camperdyne Armored Jacket (0/2, +1 to successful check on Charm, Deception, Negotiation – 6200Cred)
Tool Kit (350cred, Ecum 4)
Utility Belt (25Cred, Ecum 1, contains following:)
Handheld Comlink (25cred)
MicroBinoculars (75cred, Ecum 1)
Datapad (250cred, Ecum 1)
Extra Reload (blaster, 25cred, Ecum 1)

Credits: 2150

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#30 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Zappa Tenuis
Species: Mon Calamari
Class: Jedi Consular
Specialization: Jedi Healer (primary)/Niman Disciple
Morality: 50
Force Rating: 2
Motivation: Bring the Empire to Justice
Strength/Weakness: Justice/Anger

Synopsis: A half-trained Mon Calamari Jedi Healer who has issues "letting go".

Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 14
Defense: Variable
Soak 3

Brawn 2
Agility 2
Intellect 3
Cunning 2 (20)
Willpower 3 (30)
Presence 2

Skills (35)
Cool 1(5)
Discipline 1
Lore 1
Education 2
Medicine 2(10)
Xenology 1
Negotiation 1 (5)
Lightsaber 1 (5)

Healer Talents (50)
Surgeon (5)
Healing Trance (5)
Physician (10)
Grit (15)
Knowledgeable Healing (15)
Calming Aura (20)
Force Rating (25)

Niman Talents (25)
Parry (5)
Reflect (5)
Nobody’s Fool (5)
Niman Technique (10)

Force Powers
Sense (10)
[tab=30]Control (10)
Move (10)
[tab=30]Range (5)
[tab=30]Control (10)

Lightsaber (amber colored)
Physicians Kit (400)
Holdout blaster (200)
Concealing Robes (150)
Datapad (75)
Comlink (25)
Stimpack x4 (25x4)
Respirator (25)
Utility Belt (25)
Zappa Tenuis was born on Dac (AKA Mon Calamari) in 30 BBY. Force sensitive, he was taken by the Jedi Order in infancy. He excelled as a Youngling and passed the Initiate Trials and constructed his own lightsaber at the age of 11 in 19 BBY, and apprenticed to the Selkath Jedi Knight Shelkar Morgal. Normally, this would not have happened, but with the Clone Wars in full swing and Jedi being killed all over the Galaxy, the Council--even if only subconsciously--started to accept younger candidates to Padawanhood.
The two were largely tasked with relatively low risk diplomatic and medical assignments due to the Padawan’s young age, but these put them off coruscant and relatively far away from any clone troopers on Ithor later in 19 BBY when Order 66 was initiated

Ithor, not under direct imperial control for several years, was safe for several years and the two Jedi were able to eek out an existence there. That is until the ISD Conquest showed up in orbit and subjugated the planet in 17 BBY. Thanks to a precognitive vision through the force, they managed to escape undetected and flee on a refugee transport to Phindar. There, they ran afoul of bounty-hunters. Only one of them survived, but that was enough to get an Inquisitor on their tail, as the last bounty hunter called the empire to collect the information bounty, rather than make a doomed attempt to collect on their hides.

This single event caused five years of planet-hopping through the vast barely-navigable regions around Centrality space, desperately trying to keep one step ahead of the Imperial Inquisitors hunting them. Hiding in force-saturated urban areas and wilderness, eeking out an existence as physicians and trade mediators until they could afford passage to the next world.

The end came on one of Gand’s space stations. Their last stop before hopping on a freelance (by which I mean smuggler, a Rhodian by the name of Kreenas Lev) transport to the relative safety of independent Dornean space when the Inquisitor finally caught up with them. Master Morgal stayed behind, buying time by fending off the Inquisitor and his Minions while he boarded the transport, which escaped into hyperspace. That was in 13 BBY, and Zappa would spend the next 12 years in Dornean space, protected from overt imperial pressure by the formidable Dornean fleet. He still had to worry about bounty hunters, but he dealt with that by forming links with the locals. He earned a living--and local protection--as a doctor in a low cost medical clinic, as well as a volunteer doing planetside treatment of fleet casualties (being educated by the Jedi Order in the healing arts goes a long way toward getting a Dornean medical license)
But Dornea was never Home. The Jedi Order was Home, and the Empire took it. There were however no viable alternatives. Dornea could hold off imperial encroachment--at immense strain to its economy--but it could not mount offensives into Imperial space, and he was a half-trained Padawan when further development of his abilities was cut short by his master’s death. That changed in 2 BBY when Mon Calamari was liberated by the nascent rebellion, its planetary shield reactivated, and its shipyards put onto a war-footing converting large civilian liners into warships that could match an ISD broadside for broadside.

It took him some time to wrap up his affairs on Dornea (refer his patients, get through things already scheduled, settle finances, liquidate assets etc), then book transport to Mon Calamari. There, he enlisted with the rebellion.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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#31 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Cynical Cat »

Never mind.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#32 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by rhoenix »


Name: Terek Magnus
Species: Human
Class: Seeker
Specializations: Hunter (Seeker), Ataru Striker (Seeker)
Morality: 50


Terek never remembered where he was born or what planet he was from, but he does remember being taken from his parents, and taken by a kindly woman who taught him to be aware of and cautiously play with the Force while she gathered a few other young ones. He remembered celebrating his fourth life-day a week after he arrived at the temple, spending time in the creche with the other younglings. Soon enough, his life seemed to fall into an easy existence, as he began learning about the Force. It was shortly afterward that his natural agility was discovered, and he undertook tutelage in the basics of lightsaber combat, as a way of helping him to learn focus.

Four years after he had first arrived at the Temple, he was on a field trip to the old temple on Dantooine with his teacher and the rest of their class when Order 66 was declared. They had no knowledge of this until, as they were returning to their ship, they were ambushed by a squad of clone troopers. During the ensuing fight, the other children were killed, and the Jedi named Tora then hustled him onto the ship despite her wounds, made sure he was safe, and sent it away. He watched her lightsaber ignite as the ship lifted off, and watched the patterns it made as the ship swiftly bore him away. He never saw her again.

A scavenger ship found the ship he was on drifting along the Outer Rim a week later, as he was nearly delirious from lack of food and water. The young poor couple who found him were attempting to scavenge a few items to sell when they found Terek. Treating his wounds, they took him with them back to their settlement on an out of way star near the Unknown Regions named Ourati, in a small village in a large, planet-wide wilderness. There, he learned to hunt and stalk, and he adapted to his new existence. His natural agility lent him many early successes with learning to hunt and live as woodsmen do, and his ability to find things, however untrained, helped him find prey and lost items more than most others.

Still, he always kept the true reasons for his successes hidden, ever mindful of the words that the Jedi Tora gave him before the ship door closed - "The Force is ever your ally, but you must make it a subtle one. The galaxy is no longer safe for those who do. Go - live, be free, and be mindful."

Those words stuck with him ever since, and he never told anyone of his upbringing - only that he had hazy memories of once having parents before he was taken. People's natural conclusions that he was taken by slavers from this, and something he subsequently escaped from, is something he doesn't bother to correct. People tend to ask fewer questions that way.

Once he came of age, Terek sought his fortune as a pilot, taking small jobs in the Outer Rim for the last year.


Motivation: To learn more about the lost ways of the Force (leaning heavily Light side)
Morality Strength: Bravery
Morality Weakness: Recklessness

Contacts: Terek has run into several others during his travels. Below are several notable.

- encountering Nils several times, and enjoying some thought-provoking conversations regarding life, and the nature of that which cannot be touched.

- Morrek Meremen - a Taidoran trader that Terek ran into several times, Morrek took a liking to Terek immediately due to the "rek" in his name; as such, they developed a friendly tradership over the years, giving one another priority over certain goods and services, as well as doing one another several favors over the years. Currently, Terek is ahead on points, but not by much.

- Jedi Knight Tora - the kindly Jedi who was with Terek on the Jedi ship during the field trip, and who pushed him onto the ship, and safety. Terek never heard or found out what became of her after the ship lifted off.

- Nel and Forne Matrusken - the couple that took Terek in when he was young, they still trade small goods and shipments, mostly legitimate (if you ask the buyers), who still are in business. Terek at first resolved to visit them about once a year, though has never managed to make it on the same day; after several years worth' of mishaps, he just visits them when he can.

Brawn: 2
Agility: 4
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 3
Willpower: 2
Presence: 2

Defense: 0
Soak: 3
Force Points: 1

Strain Threshold: 12
Wound Threshold: 14

(Class Skills: denoted with *)
Skills: *Athletics 1, Cool 1, *Coordination 1, Gunnery 1, *Knowledge (Xenology) 1, *Lightsaber 1, *Perception 1, *Piloting (Planetary) 1, *Piloting (Space) 2, *Ranged (Heavy) 2, *Stealth 1, *Survival 1, *Vigilance 1

Talents: (`: denotes ataru striker talents, ^: denotes hunter talents)
` Parry 1 - when Tarek suffers a hit from a Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber skill check, after damage is calculated (but before soak is applied), he may Parry as an incidental. He suffers 3 Strain and reduces the damage dealt by 2 + ranks in Parry. Can only be used with a Lightsaber or Melee weapon.
` Quick Draw - Once per round on his turn, Tarek may draw or holster an easily-accessible weapon or item as an incidental. This talent also reduces the amount of time to draw or stow a weapon that usually requires more than one maneuver, by one maneuver.
` Jump Up - Once per round on his turn, Tarek may stand up from prone or seated position as an incidental.
` Ataru Technique - When making a Lightsaber skill check, Tarek may use Agility instead of Brawn.
` Reflect 1 - when Tarek suffers a hit from a Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), or Gunnery skill check, after damage is calculated (but before soak is applied), he may Reflect as an incidental. He suffers 3 Strain and reduces the damage dealt by 2 + ranks in Reflect. Can only be used with a Lightsaber.
` Conditioned 1 - Tarek removes one black die per rank of Conditioned from Athletics and Coordination checks. He also reduces damage and strain suffered from falling by one per rank.
` Dodge 1 - When targeted by a combat check (either ranged or melee), Tarek may choose to perform a Dodge incidental to suffer 1-x Strain (max amount being his ranks in Dodge), then upgrade the difficulty of the combat check by that number.
^Rapid Recovery 1 - When Tarek recovers Strain after an encounter has concluded, he recovers 1 additional Strain per rank in Rapid Recovery.
^Toughened 1 - Increases Wound Threshold by 2 per rank of Toughened.

Force Powers:
*Enhance: (can roll an enhance power check as part of pool on athletics check, p201)
- control ^: enhance can be used with coordination checks
- control ^: enhance can be used with piloting: planetary checks
- control ^: enhance can be used with piloting: space checks
- ^: can commit one force point to increase agility by 1 (to a maximum of 6)

*Seek: (can spend a Force Point to gain insight into the direction of a previously encountered person or object, regardless of distance; can also spend a Force Point and succeed at an average Vigilance check (or opposed Vigilance vs. Discipline check) to see through illusions. p.212)

- Heavy Clothing (soak 1, encumbrance 1)

- Blaster Rifle (dam 9, crit 3, range: long, encumbrance 4, HP 4, special: stun setting)
- Basic Lightsaber (blue crystal: dam 6, crit 2, range: engaged, encumbrance 1, HP 5, special: Breach 1, Sunder)

- Utility Belt
- Reload for Blaster Rifle (encumbrance 1)

Encumbrance: 5

Character creation:
Spoiler: show
110 XP to start (base character creation XP)
-30 - agility from 2 to 3
-40 - agility from 3 to 4
-30 - cunning from 2 to 3
+10 xp equipment option

1 rank Gunnery
1 rank Cool human bonus skills

Seeker Skills: Knowledge (Xenology), Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space) 1, Ranged (Heavy) 1, Survival 1, Vigilance
+Hunter Skills: Coordination, Ranged(Heavy) 1, Stealth 1, Vigilance
5-Vigilance 1
5-Coordination 1
5-Knowledge (Xenology) 1
5-Piloting (Planetary) 1

150xp (character advancement XP, pre-game)
-10 Piloting (Space) 2
-20 Ataru Striker spec added. Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Lightsaber, Perception
-10 Force Power: Seek
-10 Force Power: Enhance-can add Force dice on Athletics check, Force Points add successes or advantages
--5 Control: Can use it on Coordination Skill
--5 Control: Can use on Piloting (Planetary)
--5 Control: Can use on Piloting (Space)
--10 Control: Can use on Agility
-5 - 1 rank in Athletics
-5 - 1 rank in Lightsaber
-5 - 1 rank in Perception

Ataru Striker Talents
-5 Parry
-5 Quick Draw
-5 Jump Up
-10 Ataru Technique
-10 Reflect
-5 Conditioned
-10 Dodge

Hunter Talents
-5 Rapid Recovery
-5 Toughened
Initial Expenditures:
Spoiler: show
money spent: 1000 (to start, due to lightsaber)
blaster rifle 900
reload for blaster rifle 25
utility belt 25
Heavy Clothing 50
Last edited by rhoenix on Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:46 pm, edited 10 times in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#33 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Cynical Cat »

Tyson you've spent a lot on non class skills that don't seem to help you much. Also I caught a math error and an option for xp you could take. Let me suggest an alternate build:

110 XP to start (base character creation XP)
-30 - agility from 2 to 3
-40 - agility from 3 to 4
-30 - cunning from 2 to 3
+10 xp equipment option

1 rank Gunnery
1 rank Cool human bonus skills

Seeker Skills: Knowledge (Xenology), Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space) 1, Ranged (Heavy) 1, Survival 1, Vigilance
+Hunter Skills: Coordination, Ranged(Heavy) 1, Stealth 1, Vigilance
5-Vigilance 1
5-Coordination 1
5-Knowledge (Xenology) 1
5-Piloting (Planetary) 1

150xp (character advancement XP, pre-game)
-10 Piloting (Space) 2
-20 Ataru Striker spec added. Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Lightsaber, Perception

-10 Force Power: Seek
-10 Force Power: Enhance-can add Force dice on Athletics check, Force Points add successes or advantages
--5 Control: Can use it on Coordination Skill
--5 Control: Can use on Piloting (Planetary)
--5 Control: Can use on Piloting (Space)
--10 Control: Can use on Agility


-15 1 rank in Athletics, Lightsaber, Perception


Ataru Striker Talents
-5 Parry
-5 Quick Draw
-5 Jump Up
-10 Ataru Technique
-10 Reflect

-5 Conditioned
-10 Dodge

Hunter Talents

-5 Rapid Recovery
-5 Toughened

Class Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Knowledge (Xenology), Lightsaber, Perception Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Heavy), Stealth, Survival, Vigilance

Skills: Athletics 1, Cool 1, Coordination 1, Gunnery 1, Knowledge (Xenology) 1, Lightsaber 1, Perception 1, Piloting (Planetary) 1, Piloting (Space) 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Vigilance 1
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#34 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by rhoenix »

Excellent - you have my thanks, CynCat.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#35 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Hotfoot »

So, some clarifications.

Starting bonus XP will be 150. Starting cash will be 10,000 (or lightsaber) + 1,000 instead of normal book starting values. Money from Obligation, Duty, and Morality are otherwise unaffected.

I will be looking for several points to be touched upon with regards to character backgrounds. Things I will be looking for:

1. A one sentence description of your character concept, ideally with three key points as to who they are. Good examples include, but are not limited to:

"Farmboy Pilot from the outer rim who is learning the ways of the Force."
"Mercenary Smuggler with a heart of gold and trusty blaster pistol at his side."
"Rebellious diplomat with a sharp tongue and sharper aim."
"Walking carpet with a nose for trouble and a talent with a hydrospanner."
"Droid hacker with a smart mouth and an often overlooked frame."

Bad examples might include:

"Force badass who is a master with a lightsaber and all other forms of combat."
"Best pilot in the galaxy, who is also handsome, smart, and best friends with everyone."
"Just a dude who is going to learn all of the things."
"Boba Fett, but better."

The idea here is that you should be able to distill what your character is good at and will continue to strive to be good at without having to be the absolute best at a given thing, or having to acknowledge that because the game system doesn't start you off at super-high level that you have to learn things. Your characters will develop with time, and by the end of the series, Luke becomes a badass Jedi Knight, even if he wasn't that beforehand. What he was, before hand, was the fighter pilot who took down the goddamn Death Star after breaking into it and escaping. The sentence will change over time, but right now it's how the character will be introduced to others.

2. A basic background of your character, what they do, and how they got to where they are. For Jedi, it will be particularly important to discuss how you survived the Purge, but all of these backstories will have to be approved in full by me before the game starts, and I want to be clear: If you put yourself into the line of fire of major events from the films or other areas where your character would cross paths with Vader, Palpatine, the 501st, Boba Fett, or so on, strongly reconsider this story element because I may well decide it would have either killed your character or given Darth Vader a personal reason to hunt you down. This is something you will not survive.

3. This part I recommend keeping secret by sending to me directly by email (my inbox here is getting rather full and I grow tired of pruning it), though you can do this for your background too. I want you to think of at least two characters that your character would have known. Note that these are not other PCs, but rather NPCs that I will control that your character has had interactions with in the past, for good or ill. Ideally, one should be at least reasonably friendly with you, and one should not be so much. Note that this doesn't mean that they are allies or enemies, just people your character has connections to. They could be a scoundrel that operates a tibanna mining operation, or an old friend from back home who left for the academy earlier in the year, or they could be a gangster you used to work for...

I posted my email in the chat monday night, if you need it again, contact me via skype or AIM or what have you.
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#36 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Cynical Cat »

Wandering Force Mystic Searching for Knowledge and Power

Name: Nils Cerana
Race: Human
Career: Mystic
Specializations: Seer

Morality: 50

Emotional Strength: Discipline
Emotional Weakness: Coldness

Brawn: 2
Agility: 2
Intellect: 3
Cunning: 3
Willpower: 3
Presence: 3

Defence: 1
Soak: 3
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 14
Force Rating: 2

Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Perception, Survival, Vigilance
Skills: Charm 1, Discipline 1, Knowledge (Lore) 2, Perception 1, Piloting (Planetary) 1, Ranged (Light) 1, Vigilance 1

5-Uncanny Reactions (1 boost die to all Vigilance checks)
10-Keen Eyed (remove 1 setback die from Perception and Vigilance checks)
15-Grit (+1 Strain)
20-Sense Advantage (add 2 setback dice to 1 NPC's skill check 1/session)
20-Force Rating (+1 Force Rating)
20-The Force is My Ally (1/session pay 2 strain to perform Force power action as maneuver)

Force Powers:

10-Control upgrade (target adopts an emotional state or believes something untrue)


Armored Clothing Defence: 1 Soak: 1
Concealing Robes
Comlink (Handheld)
2 Stimpacks
General Purpose Scanner
Scanner Goggles
Breath Mask
Utility Belt
Training Saber
Raider Arms Model 1 "Nova Viper" Blaster Pistol Dam: 7 Crit: 3 Accurate 2, Pierce 2 Range: Medium

3125 Credits


Nils Cerana was born Istar Renn, the child of a family of government functionaries and academics on the Expansion Rim planet of Hunara. At age 10 he showed signs of sensitivity to the Force and was sent to the Jedi Temple. His parents were proud of having a child selected for training by the Jedi Order and were humiliated by the order's rejection of Nils. Too old, they said. Too impetuous, too angry. Too much anxiety, too much fear.

The rejection haunted Nils. Everyone knew the Jedi Order had found him unsuitable. Everyone knew he was defective. His parents careers stalled and though they said nothing he knew that his rejection by the Jedi was partly to blame. The Empire had outlawed the Jedi and killed them wherever they found them, but he took no joy in that. The Force was all he had left and it had become dangerous to pursue it. There was no future for him on Hunara. So he left.

On Jerewah he became the right hand man and friend to Captain Yvaine Farrunner and her ship Voidwalker for two years before leaving her on Aserk to explore ancient ruins of Sith Temples. On Idraskar he met Senior Hala of the Monks of the Celestial Wheel. They denied him membership by shared their wisdom and training when he helped fight off the Bloody Stars Gang. On Sian-je he fell in with confidence man and trickster Chalen Karr when they attempted to find the lost treasure of the Tyrant Manikang the Ninth.

Nils is hard and reserved, by rarely cruel. He does not trust easily, but once given his loyalty is strong. He has been battered and tossed by the vicissitudes of fortune and expects similar resiliency from others. He is disciplined and controlled, but beneath his passions run deep. Nils needs the friendship of other beings more than he lets on and while calculating he is capable of compassion and generosity. He rejects the restrictions of the Jedi but does not embrace the brutality of the Sith.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#37 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Karrick »

Like many Weequay, Ghazan left his homeworld of Sriluur for work as a mercenary. He spent several years in a minor mercenary unit making its way around the Outer Rim in the employ of corporations, traders (legitimate and otherwise), minor governments (legitimate... or otherwise), and occasionally criminal organizations. Growing tired of a life of combat for hire, Ghazan opted to return home rather than renew his contract. As they parted on good terms, his company set him up with the name of a tramp freighter captain and their well wishes.

Instead of returning home to find his family and clan waiting for him, he instead found their charred corpses. A pirate raid had wiped out the clan holding. Ghazan swore over the ashes of his family that he would track down the perpetrators and convinced the freighter captain who had brought him back to put him in contact with an information broker of unsavory character. The broker in question was expensive... but worth it. Ghazan has chalked up several of the pirate crew responsible. Though the trail sometimes grows cold, he continues to watch for his prey.

Name: Ghazan Sartakiin
Species: Weequay (Bonus Resilience, pheremone-based communication with other Weequay in short range)
Career: Bounty Hunter
Specializations: Assassin, Gadgeteer
Concept: Former mercenary seeking vengeance for his murdered clan

Brawn 3
Agility 4
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Willpower 2
Presence 1

Wound Thresh: 13(+2=15)
Strain Thresh: 11(+1=12)

Athletics 2
Brawl 0
Coercion 0
Mechanics 2
Melee 1
Perception 1
Piloting(planetary) 0
piloting(space) 0
ranged(light) 1
ranged(heavy) 3
*resilience 1
skulduggery 2
stealth 2
streetwise 0
vigilance 1

Assassin: Dodge
Assassin: Grit
Assassin: Lethal Blows
Assassin: Precise Aim
Assassin: Quick Strike
Assassin: Stalker
Gadgeteer: Armor Master
Gadgeteer: Jury Rigged
Gadgeteer: Toughened

Starting Expenditures
Base 90 starting xp
Intellect to 2 = 20
Agility to 3 = 30
Agility to 4 = 40

gadgeteer (specs*10 = 20)
Mechanics to 2 = 10
stealth to 2 = 10
skulduggery to 1 = 5
skulduggery to 2 = 10
Athletics to 2 = 10
ranged (light) to 1 = 5
ranged (heavy) to 3 = 15
Assassin: Dodge = 5
Assassin: Stalker = 5
Assassin: Lethal Blows = 5
Assassin: Precise Aim = 10
Assassin: Quick Strike = 10
Gadgeteer: Toughened = 5
Gadgeteer: Jury Rigged = 10
Gadgeteer: Armor Master = 15

Standard Obligation/Duty/Morality (+5xp, +1000 credits)
Assassin:Grit = 5

Misc gear: 2685
modular backpack
3 backpack pouches
commlink (handheld) 25
hand scanner 100
synthskin 10
stimpack 25
emergency medpac 100
Com jammer 400
electronic lock breaker 1000
datapad 50
extra reload (1 rifle, 1 pistol) (2*25)
Czerka Detonator Rounds (1 box, 450)
Tool kit 350
load bearing gear 100
utility belt 25

Weapons and armor: 8300
Czerka Model 38 slughtrower 3000
-forearm grip 250
-teleoptic sight 250
-weapon sling 100
se-14r light repeating pistol 1000
vibro knife 250
mountaineer armor 1800
-enhanced optics suite 1750

11085 spent
1295 credits left
Last edited by Karrick on Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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#38 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Hotfoot »

As this weekend I will be in the woods, expect to be doing Night's Black Agents this Sunday.

That said, I desperately need characters to be completed well in advance of the game. Small adjustments prior to the game to juggle points around or tweak small aspects of character stories of what have you is one thing, but if there is going to be a significant change to the party I need to know in advance.

I don't want to set a due by date for characters, but I will not start the game until I have more characters finished, and it will take me at least a week from the point of having enough finished characters to where I feel comfortable starting the campaign. The sooner everyone gets their characters to me, the sooner we start. If you feel that you work best with a deadline, get me the character NO LATER THAN Thursday, April 16.

I will update this list as they come in.

CynCat - Submitted
CT - Submitted
Karrick - Submitted
Rhoenix - Submitted
Marcao - Submitted
Frigid - Submitted
Havoc - Submitted
Lys - No Data Available
White Haven - Submitted
Josh - Submitted

Game Status: Commencing Primary Ignition...
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Last edited by Hotfoot on Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:58 am, edited 10 times in total.
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#39 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by General Havoc »

Sorry guys, it's looking very likely that I will literally not be able to go home between now and Friday evening, let alone consult a book or fill out a character sheet. As such, I'm afraid there's nothing for it.
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Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
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#40 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Marcao »

Name: Issan Neir
Alias: Isaiah Ladal
Duty: Sabotage/Tech Procurement
Species: Human
Career: Engineer
Specialization: Mechanic, Saboteur
Duty: 10 (Lowered Duty for +10 xp)
Cash: 500 baseline + 10,000 credits (baseline)
Motivation: Justice
Character Concept: "Former Imperial Mechanic that defected to the Rebellion due to the barbarism of the Empire".


Brawn: 2
Agility: 3
Intellect: 3
Cunning: 3
Willpower: 3
Presence: 2

Wound Threshold: 14
Strain Threshold: 14
Defence: 1
Soak: 3


(E) Athletics (Brawn): 1
(M) Brawl (Brawn):
(H) Cool (Presence): 1
(S) Coordination (Agility):
(E) Computers (Intellect): 2
(E) Knowledge - Education (Intellect): 1
(E) Mechanics (Intellect): 3
(E) Perception (Cunning): 2
(E) Piloting - Space (Agility): 1
(E) Ranged - Light (Agility): 2
(H) Ranged - Heavy (Agility): 1
(M) Skulduggery (Cunning): 1
(S) Stealth (Agility): 1
(E) Vigilance (Willpower): 1


Gearhead - Remove 1 setback die per rank of gearhead from Mechanic checks. Halve the credit cost to add mods to attachments.
Toughened - Gain +2 wound threshold.
Fine Tuning - When repairing system strain on a starship or vehicle, repair 1 additional system strain per rank of fine tuning.
Solid Repairs - When repairing hull trauma on a starship or vehicle, repair 1 additional hull trauma per rank of solid repairs.
Gearhead II - Remove 1 setback die per rank of gearhead from Mechanic checks. Halve the credit cost to add mods to attachments.
Redundant Systems - Once per session, may take a redundant systems action (an easy mechanics check) to harvest components from a functioning device to repair a broken one without breaking the first device.

Resolve - When involuntarily suffering strain, suffer 1 less strain per rank of Resolve to a minimum of 1.
Grit - Gain +1 strain threshold.
Second Wind - Once per encounter, may use Second Wind incidental to recover strain equal to ranks in Second Wind.
Rapid Recovery - When recovering strain after an encounter, recover 1 additional strain per rank of Rapid Recovery.

Name: Modified DR-45 "Dragoon"
Mode: Pistol
Damage: 8(10)
Crit Rating: 3
Range: Medium
Encumbrance: 3
Hardpoints: 3
Modification: Blaster Actuating Module [Special: Damage (2), Pierce (1)]
Special: Accurate (1), Pierce (1), Stun
Mechanics: 1 Blue, 1 Green, 2 Yellow, 1 Black
Price: 1,900 + 1,050 [3,050]

Frag Grenade x2: Damage 8, Crit 4, Short, Encumbrance 1, Special: Blast 6 (50 each) [100]
Armor Piercing Grenade x2: Damage 13, Crit 3, Short Range, Encumbrance 1, Special: Blast 4, Pierce 3 (100 each) [200]
Stun Grenade x2: Damage 8, Crit N/A, Short Range, Encumbrance 1, Special: Disorient 3, Stun Damage, Blast 8 (75 each) [150]
Detonite x6: Damage 15, Additional Damage: +10, Short, Encumbrance 2, Price (50 each) [300]
Proton Grenades x10: Damage 10, Additional Damage: Special*, Short, Encumbrance 1, Price (60 each) [600]

Smugglers Trench-coat: Defense 1, Soak 1, Encumbrance 3, Hardpoint 0, Price 1650, Special: Can conceal up to 2 encumbrance of items.

Comlink (Handheld): Price 25
General Purpose Scanner: Price 500
Scanner Goggles: Price 150
Stimpack x4: Price 100
Load Bearing Gear: Price 100
Utility Belt: Price 25
Creshaldyne Mk. IV Modular Backpack: Price 75
Slicer Gear: Price 500
Restraining Bolt x2: Price 70
Journeyman Custom Tool Kit: Price 700 (Special: 1 boost die when used by Owner)
Fusion Cutter: Price 175
Fusion Lantern: Price 150
Datapad: Price 75
Breath Mask/Respirator: Price 25
Anti-Grav Chute: Price 450

Background: Issan Neir was born in Chandrila in a community on the outskirts of Lake Sah'ot. He joined the Empire due to the appeal of serving a higher purpose and a growing disenchantment with the previous leadership structure. Issan believed that a singular voice was needed to drive the chaos that had suffused the galaxy prior to the rise of the Empire. Since Chandrila was predominantly human, the human centric nature of the Empire did not bother him. He had always had an interest in engineering and his aptitude in this area was harnessed and channeled towards supporting the seemingly never ending might of the Empire.

Initially, Issan was excited about being part of something bigger than himself and the human led Empire appealed to his sense of destiny. However, as the months became years and the Empire's brutality became increasingly transparent he began to doubt. It became increasingly more difficult for him to rationalize the callous brutality that the Empire employed. The lives that were taken by those that used the tools and implements of war that he maintained became harder and harder to ignore. The creation of the Death Star and the subsequent destruction of Alderaan was the last straw. Within the week, he had begun plans to extricate himself from his circumstances and join the rebellion. It took him over two months to make the contacts with the resistance and another six weeks to arrange leave to Chandrila his first in over a year.

His defection to the Rebellion was not without incident. He had been initially supposed to make contact with Rebellion assets near his parent's home in Lake Sah'ot but imperial intelligence had noticed increased activity from the resistance in the outskirts of Hanna and rescinded all leaves. Instead, Issan was asked alongside all personnel scheduled to arrive in the in the continent to hold in the Brionelle Memorial Military Academy until the threat was identified and stamped out. He was asked to provide logistic support for Imperial Forces operating out the academy. After seventy two hours and certain that his window of opportunity was closing he risked contact with the resistance through backdoor channels. An extraction plan was agreed upon but only if he could find a means to leave the Academy itself and make his way to the Hanna institute within a specific time frame.

Issan spent the next thirty six hours planning his escape managing to embed himself into a unit set to patrol the local space port. His plan had been to stay behind with the vehicle as the bulk of the unit went about their rounds. Afterwards, he arranged to separate himself from the rest of the unit. Unfortunately, the final three members of the unit left with him were among the most zealous of the unit. After his second attempt to detach himself from the vehicle failed, he took more direct steps. He overloaded a conduit within the vehicle and then employed a stun grenade. Two of the three storm troopers fell but the third recovered. In a panic, Issan drew his side arm and killed him before running towards the rendezvous. The ensuing exchange between resistance forces and Imperial forces claimed the lives of over a dozen people including three resistance fighters. The information that Issan had managed to secure for the resistance felt hollow compared to the loss of life in both sides. While he was not directly blamed for the incident that transpired in the Hanna Institute Issan threw himself into his work for the Rebellion as if through work alone he could atone for the loss of life.

Within six months, he was considered the most driven recruit that had joined the resistance that year. Within a year, his reputation as a Mechanic had spread throughout the resistance in the continent. The rebellion awarded his commitment by providing him with a new identity. Issan Neir had perished trying to defect to the resistance and in his place Isaiah Ladal was born. The crafting of this new identity was time consuming and expensive. The new identity would be strongest away from Chandrila were too many records of Issan's existance still existed. The man called Isaiah Ladal left the world of his birth vowing never to return until the Empire no longer existed. Isaiah spent the next few months moving from place to place within the galaxy always seeking to aid those that would oppose the Empire and earn the right to return home.
Last edited by Marcao on Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:25 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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#41 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Cynical Cat »

Just a reminder that armor's encumbrance is 3 points less when worn.
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#42 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by frigidmagi »

Slightly Degenerate Tourist

Name: Holiday
Race: Human
Class: Colonist
Specialization: Marshal
Obligation: Betrayal! (+10)

Brawn: 2
Agility: 3 (30xp)
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 3 (30xp)
Willpower: 3 (30xp)
Presence: 3 (30xp)

Skills: (C = Colonists, M = Marshal, H = Human, N = Noncareer)
C Charm: 1
C Deception: 2 (10xp)
C K Coreworld: 1
C K Education: 1
M Coercion: 1
M Ranged Light: 2 (10xp)
H Medicine: 1
H Xenobiology: 1
N Perception: 1 (10xp)
N Cool: 1 (10xp)
N Melee: 1 (10xp)
K Underworld: 1 (5xp)
Vigilance: 1 (5xp)
Streetwise: 1 (5xp)
Negotiation: 1 (5xp)

Hard Headed (5xp)
Grit (5 xp)
Streetsmarts (5xp)
Bad cop (10xp)
Quick Draw (10xp)
Good Cop (10xp)
Point Blank (15xp)
Point Blank (20xp)
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#43 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by LadyTevar »

Um... Hotfoot? I submitted a Character too.

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#44 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Hotfoot »

Yes, as you did for Night's Black Agents, and then you didn't show up for any of the games with no comment whatsoever. I have an expectation that if you're going to be a part of a game I am running, you are going to make it reliably at the time everyone has agreed to set aside for this, or if not, let us know why so we can reschedule appropriately.
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#45 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by White Haven »

Self-aware heavy engineering droid trying to find its place in the world.

Species: Droid
Career: Technician
Specializations: Outlaw Tech, Commando
Increased Obligation for 5xp, 1000cr

Soak: 9
Wound Threshold: 18
Strain Threshold: 14
Defense (R/M): 1/1

Brawn: 4
Agility: 1
Intellect: 3
Cunning: 2
Willpower: 2
Presence: 1

Astrogation: 1
Coordination: 1
Discipline: 1
Mechanics: 3
Perception: 1
Piloting (Planetary): 1
Melee: 3
Knowledge - Outer Rim: 1
Knowledge - Underworld: 1

Enduring x1
Physical Training x1
Toughened x2
Tinkerer x1
Durable x1
Armor Master
Solid Repairs x1
Utility Belt
Grit x1

Credits: 500cr

Integrated Equipment:
-Fusion Cutter
-Heavy Battle Armour (Representing heavily-reinforced chassis for hostile-environment repairs. Non-removable.), Superior, Energy Dispersion, and Multi-Band Comlink mods
-Toolkit (Deployable repair tools)
-Utility Belt (Internal storage compartments)
Hand Scanner (Engineering-focused)

Other Equipment:
6x Emergency Repair Patch

Further detail on some areas in PDF character sheet, on account of this system being half-pictographic in nature.
ImageImageChronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

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#46 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Cynical Cat »

Some people have discussed the possibility of knowing my character, but no one has actually proposed anything. So how about we change that. Who wants to know me?
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#47 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Hotfoot »

Okay, we're officially pushing the limit. I don't want to put pressure on people, but there won't be a game start until I have complete characters (Stats and Writeups) in before Sunday.

If characters aren't in this thread or my email by 6AM PST Saturday the 25, the game is postponed until my next available slot.
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#48 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by White Haven »

Looking at the status list, what else do you need from me, Hotfoot? I thought I was set to roll.
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#49 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by Josh »

Going to try to sit down with it tonight.

Having new notions. Any of these books got rules for Clawdites?
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#50 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope

Post by rhoenix »

Cynical Cat wrote:Some people have discussed the possibility of knowing my character, but no one has actually proposed anything. So how about we change that. Who wants to know me?
We talked briefly about this in passing, enough that I added your character as a pre-game contact for mine. As I envisioned it, your character and mine crossed paths a few times; not exactly to the point of being friends, but not adversaries either.

Given that my character has probably done a fair bit of traveling in the past few years, it's also likely others have run into my character. I'll leave this here in case others wish to follow up with this.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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