FSTGOD3 Preliminary Diplomacy Thread
Moderator: B4UTRUST
- frigidmagi
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Meniltian was the youngest son of a small farmer. As such he could not hope to inherent any land, but he did have a crossbow and was willing to learn. That's how he ended up in the border facing the walking dead. He should have went into the Sea Guard.
His squad men hid in the treeline watching the long line of dead men and wagons marching pass. An invasion? Maybe. Annairen knew that the walking dead couldn't have much real business in the lands of the Taurian. Still no one would thank him for starting a war by mistake.
"We're gonna need to get to the temple before them. Warn the villages and ranches to. There's a small army of the dead coming and we don't know why." He said. One of his men spat.
"Walking Dead can't be up to anything good." He declared solidly.
"That's a call for a priest. Get moving all of you." He said sternly and the squad moved out. Annairen and Wynniren in your mercy don't let a gang of hotheaded noble brats hit them before the Priest makes his mind...
His squad men hid in the treeline watching the long line of dead men and wagons marching pass. An invasion? Maybe. Annairen knew that the walking dead couldn't have much real business in the lands of the Taurian. Still no one would thank him for starting a war by mistake.
"We're gonna need to get to the temple before them. Warn the villages and ranches to. There's a small army of the dead coming and we don't know why." He said. One of his men spat.
"Walking Dead can't be up to anything good." He declared solidly.
"That's a call for a priest. Get moving all of you." He said sternly and the squad moved out. Annairen and Wynniren in your mercy don't let a gang of hotheaded noble brats hit them before the Priest makes his mind...
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
"Ship approaching," noted Armsman Tarlach noted to his sergeant in the top of the watchtower overlooking the harbor mouth.frigidmagi wrote:Eire Confederation
Priestess Alicairen of the goddess Lairen stood on the bow of the heavy warship Iron Grip. The heavy breese whipped her grey gown and dark red hair about her. She reveled in it, feeling her goddess' touch in the wet spring wind. Her sister ships, Steel Hand and Unbreakable Hold sailed beside her and their lighter escorts fanned out around her. The small fleet had one purpose to convey her to the King of the Eire for an audience.
Sea Captain Duiltian, master of the Iron Grip came up behind her.
"My lady we should make port within the hour." He reported. She turned to him and smiled.
"I thank you Captain. I am deeply thankful for your able service this voyage. I had had great fears about crossing the deep blue sea." She said.
"I thank you my lady." The captain said with a bow. Before them the great port city of the Eire grew larger and larger as the ships sailed before the wind, the Axe and Bull horns of the Taurian nation flying high.
"Flag? The sergeant looked up from the dispatch he was reading to peer out over the harbor.
"Taurian, looks like. The Argent Knight is already moving out to meet her," he added, pointing to the dwarf-crafted trireme rowing around the point.
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark
"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."
"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
- Comrade Tortoise
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"That is why each individual nation would only guard the portions of the road which pass through their nations, and the sections passing through adjascent wilderness, say, the wilderness between Hylidaeus and the Holy Kingdom of Saint Steven As I said, we would use those roades that already exist, and improve upon and expand them as needed. Those roads are already patrolled or can be relatively easily. In fact, patrolling adjescent wildnerness will lead to towns and settlements cropping up which can be annexed as into our respective nations as well. Increasing income futher.Rogue 9 wrote:King Artair leaned forward. "It is an interesting proposal, I must admit. Rynskald has been so good as to point out the difficulties," he said as he turned towards the knight standing behind him. "Now perhaps Uisdean could enlighten us as to the military obstacles."Comrade Tortoise wrote:"Indeed this is true. But if, and only if, we can get the cooperation of other nations along the route, who have an existing road network, we could cut those costs, and the time required."Rogue 9 wrote: The king frowned, brow furrowed in thought.
The robed man on the dais cut in. "Such a project would be a colossal undertaking, fraught with bandits, barbarians, and all kinds of wild beats, to say nothing of the necromancers of Nod'h. The distances are colossal; it could take years to see the benefits."
The amphibian retraced the route which ran from Hylidaeus through the lands of the horsemen to the south, across the wilderness (leaving out the Necromancers) and through the Tauran, then across the ocean
"If we have cooperation, All of our nations increase trade and the costs will be made up in taxes alone. Out here on this penninsula you are relatively isolated with only a few consistent trading partners, but by bridging the gaps in the roads we can connect the nations in the east, to the nations in the west. Bringing food, goods, and materials much more reliably than the equivalent ocean voyage. We are currently sending ambassadors to the other powers who would potentially be involved as we speak, or are preparing to send them, to discuss this very proposal"
The knight bowed slightly at the waist. "As you wish, Your Majesty. As you know, our military might is unparalleled by any of our immediate neighbors, but pacifying the entire route of a trade road of such scale would be extremely difficult at best. Between Noh'd, nomadic barbarians, and the usual assortment of orcs and goblins, it may well prove impossible to guard the whole of the road."
If we use the Gulf to transport goods between you and the Tauren's with their cooperation of cource, those routes are already patrolled for piracy. And again, all of this does depend on the cooperation of the others. If even one of them refuses, pacifying the resulting larger expanse of wilderness would be too expensive to manage"
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
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"Eire vessel off the port bow" Cried a look out. The Captain nodded, it was a dwarf ship strictly speaking, but no need to go into that. The ships drew closer togather and he picked up his loudspeaker."Ship approaching," noted Armsman Tarlach noted to his sergeant in the top of the watchtower overlooking the harbor mouth.
"Flag? The sergeant looked up from the dispatch he was reading to peer out over the harbor.
"Taurian, looks like. The Argent Knight is already moving out to meet her," he added, pointing to the dwarf-crafted trireme rowing around the point.
"Ahoy, Dwarven vessal! This is the Taurian vessal IronGrip. Bound for port with ambassor for your Lordship the King! May I have the honor of your ships name?" He called out.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
The Lady Embalmed Maria Ris Széchenyi, Báróno of Isztesh, was more than a little miffed when the local Seat called for her to mobilize her private guard in the service of the Sublime State. When she'd insisted on her presence on the expedition, she certainly wasn't expecting to deal with an ambassador who thought that all the Spheres orbited around his wrinkeled head.frigidmagi wrote: "That's a call for a priest. Get moving all of you." He said sternly and the squad moved out. Annairen and Wynniren in your mercy don't let a gang of hotheaded noble brats hit them before the Priest makes his mind...
And now, they'd found the border and the main track between the Taurian nation and Isztesh quite devoid of traffic. There were no border-guards or any other such expected folk.
Petofi, the Ambassador, raised a fist. "Send forewards three riders to the nearest village. We will find out what has become of the border-guard."
Silently, Maria fumed. Arrogant bastard.
"Winter is Coming"
- frigidmagi
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Orlanltian had been priest for almost 2 decades now. He was good at it, he enjoyed it. Whether it was helping heal the hurts and illnesses of the local men and women, acting his part in the seasonal rituals, teaching the young or being judge in a dispute between anyone. He did not enjoy this however.
Calm, I will be Calm. Beltian will provide. Altian's will be done.
He was sitting in the middle of the village, one empty of it's normal occupants. The young priestess of Lairen had not been amused, wanting to stay in his place. His wife and son had felt the same way, but he was the senior local priest, this was his duty.
Up the main road, riders were coming. He could feel they were still alive. He wondered vaguely how they felt about their lives. Horror? Serving creatures that looked upon them has nothing more then resources, that raised their fellow man as if they were cattle, that slew them without a thought and dragged their bodies into a foul parody of life. Resignation? After all no nation had lifted their hands against the walking dead. Not even the Taurians, Altian forgive us, to worried about the snakes to fight a war that would drain and tire them. Did they enjoy their lot in life? Were they so brainwashed that they saw no other way as right?
It does not matter. I will be Calm
They arrived in the center of the village. He finished his drink and stood up. He felt divine power gathering about him. He could strike them down if needed, but not before one of them killed him.
I am Calm, Altian's will be done
"Greetings. I am Priest Orlanltian of Beltian. You are within the Taurian nation and I would know your purpose." He spoke, calmly, assured that the will of God would be done, even unto the end of all things.
Calm, I will be Calm. Beltian will provide. Altian's will be done.
He was sitting in the middle of the village, one empty of it's normal occupants. The young priestess of Lairen had not been amused, wanting to stay in his place. His wife and son had felt the same way, but he was the senior local priest, this was his duty.
Up the main road, riders were coming. He could feel they were still alive. He wondered vaguely how they felt about their lives. Horror? Serving creatures that looked upon them has nothing more then resources, that raised their fellow man as if they were cattle, that slew them without a thought and dragged their bodies into a foul parody of life. Resignation? After all no nation had lifted their hands against the walking dead. Not even the Taurians, Altian forgive us, to worried about the snakes to fight a war that would drain and tire them. Did they enjoy their lot in life? Were they so brainwashed that they saw no other way as right?
It does not matter. I will be Calm
They arrived in the center of the village. He finished his drink and stood up. He felt divine power gathering about him. He could strike them down if needed, but not before one of them killed him.
I am Calm, Altian's will be done
"Greetings. I am Priest Orlanltian of Beltian. You are within the Taurian nation and I would know your purpose." He spoke, calmly, assured that the will of God would be done, even unto the end of all things.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
There were two thanatoi and one liveman, clad in tight grey leather armour fastened with buckles. Each one wore a sash in the pale grey and white of the Sublime State over their Iszteshi livery. Horn crossbows were slung over shoulders, and sickle-swords rested in simple wood sheaths. One of the two thanatoi bore a censor full of smouldering incense on a long ash lance. The other spurred his mount forwards. Orlanltian looked up in two glassy, black eyes, ringed in kohl, set in a pale face powdered and rouged. The faint, astringent scent of embalming fluid mixed with the spicy stench of the sandalwood smoke.
The thanati's voice was quiet and airy, as if whispered through vocal cords long gone dry.
"Greetings to thee, Priest Orlantian. I called am Laszlo the Serjeant, in the sworn horseguard of deadlady the Báróno Széchenyi. In the name of State the Sublime High Korlech, I come with tidings of embassy and of trade-goods and gifts of well-meaning. State and Embassy to Foreigners seeks to bring conversant with lords of Taurians. Will thou render passage to great capital and send word?"
The thanati's voice was quiet and airy, as if whispered through vocal cords long gone dry.
"Greetings to thee, Priest Orlantian. I called am Laszlo the Serjeant, in the sworn horseguard of deadlady the Báróno Széchenyi. In the name of State the Sublime High Korlech, I come with tidings of embassy and of trade-goods and gifts of well-meaning. State and Embassy to Foreigners seeks to bring conversant with lords of Taurians. Will thou render passage to great capital and send word?"
"Winter is Coming"
- frigidmagi
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"I will have to see for myself. Take me your caraven, Dead One." He answered."Greetings to thee, Priest Orlantian. I called am Laszlo the Serjeant, in the sworn horseguard of deadlady the Báróno Széchenyi. In the name of State the Sublime High Korlech, I come with tidings of embassy and of trade-goods and gifts of well-meaning. State and Embassy to Foreigners seeks to bring conversant with lords of Taurians. Will thou render passage to great capital and send word?"
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
"I am called Laszlo, liveman Orlantian. Not Dedwun. I will take thee to the caravan. Wilst thou ride with liveman Pavol?"frigidmagi wrote: "I will have to see for myself. Take me your caraven, Dead One." He answered.
"Winter is Coming"
- LadyTevar
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The Nithgaard were as equally interested in the Skarklagger as they wandered the city with its low elegant houses. Decoration was everywhere, carved in wood and stone, touched with bright coloured paint. Because of the winter storms, all the buildings were no more than two stories tall, with rounded corners to ease the blustery winds. Here too was a fishing fleet, strong ships to hunt the crab and lobster that stalked the sea bottom, or the herring that swam the deep.Silence wrote:Early the next morning the other group of Skarklagger reached Heronter of Æthelmearc and did much the same as the others. Walking upright with stayed weapons and dried garments they headed for the first official looking place they saw, wondering at the appearance of these graceful landwalkers called Elves (this group did not land at Idu'nno) in particular marvelling at their bright colorful headhair.
It did not take long for word to reach Duke Rurik McNeagh of his visitors. Unlike his distant cousin, Rurik went himself to greet the strangers immediately. With only a handfull of his personal retainers, Duke Rurik strode down the road leading from the sea to his keep, meeting the Skarklaggers in the midst of the busy marketplace.
"Greetings, travelers! I am Rurik McNeagh, Duke of Heronter. Be welcome to Æthelmearc."
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
- frigidmagi
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"I will ride with whomever you see fit. And I am Priest Orlantian not Liveman Orlantian. In this nation the dead do not walk." He answered walking forward to them."I am called Laszlo, liveman Orlantian. Not Dedwun. I will take thee to the caravan. Wilst thou ride with liveman Pavol?"
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
As Orlantian was helped onto the back of the third Korlechi's saddle, he heard the serjeant's dry and raspy laughter.
"No, priest- in this land, they ride!"
The three cavalrymen took off at a terrific pace, the priest riding behind liveman Pavol and more than a little perturbed at the audacity of the thanati.
In a thrice, they approached the halted caravan. The priest unsaddled, staring in disbelief at the great mass of animated mules and handlers, bracketed by horsemen dressed as his escorts had been. Censors filled the air with thin ribbons of aromatic smoke, mixing queasily with the scent of raw meat and old, dry flesh.
The Deadlady rode forth, resplendent in a noblewoman's sarong and sashes, hair laquered into a tight spiral down her back. Her skin was like soapstone, seemingly carved and perfect, powdered and maintained. Her eyes were crystal spheres, cunningly tinted with the images of small stars and moons. Thick kohl circled those bizzare, glowing orbs. Wrappings of the finest silk covered the deadlady's arms up to the point where elegant, cold fingers emerged from sable riding-gloves.
A wrinkled diplomat of the thanati was at her side. He spoke excellent common: "Priest of Altian, on behalf of the Sublime State of High Korlech, I salute you. We seek passage through these lands on a mission of diplomacy and trade." His voice was a rich baritone, likely enhanced by some small charm. "We bring rare gifts for the lord-priests of the Taurian."
"No, priest- in this land, they ride!"
The three cavalrymen took off at a terrific pace, the priest riding behind liveman Pavol and more than a little perturbed at the audacity of the thanati.
In a thrice, they approached the halted caravan. The priest unsaddled, staring in disbelief at the great mass of animated mules and handlers, bracketed by horsemen dressed as his escorts had been. Censors filled the air with thin ribbons of aromatic smoke, mixing queasily with the scent of raw meat and old, dry flesh.
The Deadlady rode forth, resplendent in a noblewoman's sarong and sashes, hair laquered into a tight spiral down her back. Her skin was like soapstone, seemingly carved and perfect, powdered and maintained. Her eyes were crystal spheres, cunningly tinted with the images of small stars and moons. Thick kohl circled those bizzare, glowing orbs. Wrappings of the finest silk covered the deadlady's arms up to the point where elegant, cold fingers emerged from sable riding-gloves.
A wrinkled diplomat of the thanati was at her side. He spoke excellent common: "Priest of Altian, on behalf of the Sublime State of High Korlech, I salute you. We seek passage through these lands on a mission of diplomacy and trade." His voice was a rich baritone, likely enhanced by some small charm. "We bring rare gifts for the lord-priests of the Taurian."
"Winter is Coming"
- Comrade Tortoise
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As the Lady Miranda and her Retinue approached the border of Hylidaeus they savannah and grassland suitable for raising horses began to transition to woodland. First isolated trees began showing up, followed they traveled further by pockets of trees, then light forest. Mostly at this point deciduous trees and small conifers. The forest got thicker and as they approached the area with higher rainfall that made up Hylidaeus they entered The Great Forest.To the north-east, Duke Prospero's daughter, the Lady Miranda, would be sent to open a dialogue with the Hylidaeus
Artemis sat on top of his post,abranch on one of the highest trees overlooking the road into Hylidaeus. From this perch he could see for miles, especially with a spyglass. He was attached to the legion under the command of Viridis, the Green Wizard, who operated in times of peace out of one of the nations several fortresses, the one which guards this road. He was thus assigned to border duty, and the longbowman had to watch for trow things. Travelers of note and suspicion, and invasion armies. In a sick way he hoped for the later, expected the former of the former. WHich on this day he recieved in the form of Lady Miranda.
He let out a loud chuckle call which alerted the men on the ground that there was someone of import on the road, and gave a description in the same series of chucks, warbles and peeps.
As the Lady Miranda and her procession rounded the next corner, there was a guard post already prepared for her arrival. Several Longbowmen and Macemen were arranged in parade formation along the side of the road as a Magus clad in the vestments of his order, a robe with the Hylidaeian Hand on the chest walked with purpose and courtesy towad her procession.
The guardhouse itself was formed from the living wood of the forest from trees grown together and cultivated into a semblance of a building. It was quite splendid naturecraft.
When the Magus reached the procession he crouched in respect and released the Hylidaeian Greeting Warble. Then he got up and ith heavily accented Common, punctuated by the occassional croak began to speak.
"Salutations Noble Traveler. I am Niikos. Magus in the realm of Hylidaeus attached to the Legion of Viridis. I am at your service" he said, bowing slightly again.
"Might I inquire as to your destination so that I and a contingent of Hylidaeus' best troops can personally escourt you safely in your travels?"
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- The Silence and I
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The five Skarklagger gestured and bowed in their own funny way and the lead one spoke in return, slowly and carefully in a tongue rarely used.LadyTevar wrote:The Nithgaard were as equally interested in the Skarklagger as they wandered the city with its low elegant houses. Decoration was everywhere, carved in wood and stone, touched with bright coloured paint. Because of the winter storms, all the buildings were no more than two stories tall, with rounded corners to ease the blustery winds. Here too was a fishing fleet, strong ships to hunt the crab and lobster that stalked the sea bottom, or the herring that swam the deep.
It did not take long for word to reach Duke Rurik McNeagh of his visitors. Unlike his distant cousin, Rurik went himself to greet the strangers immediately. With only a handfull of his personal retainers, Duke Rurik strode down the road leading from the sea to his keep, meeting the Skarklaggers in the midst of the busy marketplace.
"Greetings, travelers! I am Rurik McNeagh, Duke of Heronter. Be welcome to Æthelmearc."
"We thank you for you welcome, Duke Rurik McNeagh of Heronter. We have traveled far and where we live we have only stories telling of your people and lands. Those stories of Æthelmearc do not begin to capture its wonder."
Elemental Master Shante and Ambassador Shemnolld had just left the city of Vicona when they were found by Chief Dollindereum's messangers. Fortunately upon learning of the current state of affairs in the region Shante, Shemnolld and Chief Mauloullrye's party had opted to avoid starting any agreements. Mauloullrye's party continued Westward and Shemnolld, Shante and the messengers returned to the Western Tribe lands.
Two days of fast travel later Chief Mauloullrye's party discovered a city on the coast (OOC: the first city West of the Confederacy Of Dusk on the coast) where they split into two parties. Five Skarklagger landed at the harbor and attempted contact, the other five continued toward the next coastal city and landed the next day. They also attempt contact.
Last edited by The Silence and I on Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
- frigidmagi
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"I am a priest of Beltian, not of Altian. I see your mission as you call it, I also see many solders with you. Do you distrust the Taurian nation or fear banditry? The border guard half believes you to be a raid or invasion force, or would if not for your wagons. One wonders why a diplomatic mission requires such a heavy guard." Orlantian said crooking an eyebrow.A wrinkled diplomat of the thanati was at her side. He spoke excellent common: "Priest of Altian, on behalf of the Sublime State of High Korlech, I salute you. We seek passage through these lands on a mission of diplomacy and trade." His voice was a rich baritone, likely enhanced by some small charm. "We bring rare gifts for the lord-priests of the Taurian."
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
"My apologies, but two hundred light horse are hardly an army. A train of richs such as these must be defended, and it is both custom and prudence for the honored to travel with resplendent honor-guards."
"Winter is Coming"
- frigidmagi
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"Defended? From what pray tell? And it is costom in the land of the Taurian not to allow large groups of forgein guards, even from allies. Still in the interest of peace I will compromise. Send 50 of your men back and I will travel with you to the capital and ensure you will not need your guard to defend yourselves from the farmers and tradesmen of Taurian." Orlandtian said."My apologies, but two hundred light horse are hardly an army. A train of richs such as these must be defended, and it is both custom and prudence for the honored to travel with resplendent honor-guards."
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- LadyTevar
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Rurik smiled broadly, bowing in return, his shoulder-length golden-blond hair falling forward. Brushing it back with an offhand gesture, he continued the pleasantries. "The fishermen have stories of meeting your people out at sea, yet that is all we know of you. Please, join me at my keep for dinner, and allow me to show you the hospitality of the Nithgaard."The Silence and I wrote:The five Skarklagger gestured and bowed in their own funny way and the lead one spoke in return, slowly and carefully in a tongue rarely used.
"We thank you for you welcome, Duke Rurik McNeagh of Heronter. We have traveled far and where we live we have only stories telling of your people and lands. Those stories of Æthelmearc do not begin to capture its wonder."
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
"I fail to see how two hundred men are more dangerous than three fifties of... ah! a dominance-display. This is the land of the Taurians, and when in the land of Taurians, one does as they do. I am sure the Báróno Széchenyi will not mind?"frigidmagi wrote: "Defended? From what pray tell? And it is costom in the land of the Taurian not to allow large groups of forgein guards, even from allies. Still in the interest of peace I will compromise. Send 50 of your men back and I will travel with you to the capital and ensure you will not need your guard to defend yourselves from the farmers and tradesmen of Taurian." Orlandtian said.
The baroness nodded. "I will not, deadlord."
"Then we will accede to your wishes. Lead the way, Priest Orlantian."
Serjeants made soundless signals, and a quarter of the horsemen turned to the border, riding at speed.
"Now, perhaps, we may bring our tidings to your lords?"
"Winter is Coming"
- frigidmagi
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"We will go to the capital and you will be made known to the PriestKing and PriestessQueen. Beyond that all things are in the hands of Altian." Orlanltian replied.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- Stofsk
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Sister Katalin took a moment to compose a response.Thirdfain wrote:"Welcome, envoys from out honored neighbor. I am deadlady Banovic. What may the Sublime State do for the pleasure of St. Stephen?"
"We thank you for your welcome. My retinue and I are here to bring greetings from our King, St Steven."
Katalin wrinkled her nose at the undead noblewoman who had been chosen to meet with her. She tried to keep neutral, but her training as a Paladin found it a great difficulty, and she wondered yet again why her leige had sent her south to this... place.
"Will you permit my troop and I leave to explore your city, my King has a curiosity about your land he wishes to be sated."
- Stofsk
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"Peace, good Taurian. Your vigiliance is commendable. 'Tis I, Steven Dobó, General of my King's riders. We have come to seek an audience with your rulers. My leige has sighted storm clouds in the distance, and he wants to know who his friends are. Will you give us an escort?"frigidmagi wrote:"Good day to you. I am Neltian, son of Etheling Neltian of the Taurian. Who are you and what is your business, of your courtsey please inform me. " He said.
- Stofsk
- Secret Agent Man
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A border patrol of hussars spotted an envoy from the Confederacy of Dusk. They were at the outskirts of Saint territory, plains and light forest were common in this area. The closest settlement was a hamlet an hour's ride away. Confederacy traders were common, though a full-fledged envoy wasn't and so the hussar officer was mindful of his courtesy but also of his curiosity.Cynical Cat wrote:Fulgrin Grimsson shaded his eyes with his hands. He had traded with the Saints for twenty years and it had made him rich. For the most part the horse lords were decent enough folk. Now he was returning to their lands not as a merchant but as Malevan's envoy to the Holy Kingdom of Saint Steven.
"Hail and well met. You now enter Saint territory. State your business and inform how I and my men may accomodate you."
- Stofsk
- Secret Agent Man
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"Salutations!" said Miranda. "I come from your neighbours to offer the hand of friendship. We have much to gain and learn from cooperation, wouldn't you agree?"Comrade Tortoise wrote:"Salutations Noble Traveler. I am Niikos. Magus in the realm of Hylidaeus attached to the Legion of Viridis. I am at your service" he said, bowing slightly again.
"Might I inquire as to your destination so that I and a contingent of Hylidaeus' best troops can personally escourt you safely in your travels?"
The Lady Miranda was a young woman compared to other dignitaries the Kingdom had sent in the past. Also, a keen ear might tell that her accent was not typical of the Saint's, but of some other accent not yet encountered. She spoke Common flawlessly however, and though she carried the Flag of the Golden Cross she did not speak as them, though she clearly did represent them.
Her manner seems less austere and formal than other noblewomen of her rank and role would portray. Perhaps the inexperience of youth could account for it.
"Of course. I will guide you through the hallowed halls of the High city, and through the warrens of the Low. Of course, I believe there are a handful of traders and travellers from your land in the inns and boarding-houses of the Low city and the market. Perhaps you would speak with them as well? They can attest to the wealth and potential more formal peaceful relations would promote."Stofsk wrote: "Will you permit my troop and I leave to explore your city, my King has a curiosity about your land he wishes to be sated."
"Then we shall go.""We will go to the capital and you will be made known to the PriestKing and PriestessQueen. Beyond that all things are in the hands of Altian." Orlanltian replied.
(ooc) Can we move it along to the capital at this point?
"Winter is Coming"