Mad Renaissance STGOD

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Comrade Tortoise
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#1 Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Fourth day of June, Year of Our Lord 1434


The city of Florence was under siege, and fully invested by three full roman legions. Trenches and earthworks had been constructed, and men bearing the Eagle and S.P.Q.R upon their tower shields occupied them. Some eating or sleeping, some simply seeking shelter from the hail of arrows, ballista shot and gun-stones. Others were engaged in far deadlier work, letting loose their own arrows, pulling the pins of their terbuchets, or setting the priming charge on cannon alight to send cannon balls of their own hurtling toward the walls, where they broke apart, and took great chunks of masonry with them. For the romans however, this was simply not enough. No. One full legion was working on the system of earthworks, traps, towers, and palisades that would be necessary to successfully Circum and Contravallate the city to prevent sorties by the garrison, and supplies being smuggled into the city's many gates, one of which was under assault.


A battering ram slammed against the stout wooden door, sending a cloud of dust from the earth and rending splinters from the planks. Men on the other side pressed against the door, and wedged heavy beams behind it to brace, even while others built a sheltered firing position behind the raised portcullis so they could supplement the arrow loops and murder holes inside the gate when it was breached. A man resplendent in full gothic plate and wearing a yellow cloak with seven red balls arrayed in a circle, carrying a laden pottery jar and a torch calmly ascended the spiral stairs leading to the gallery overhanging the gate. He applied the torch to a piece of cloth and shoved it partially down the opening. Then, he casually dropped it down the murder hole, where it shattered and the liquid inside was set alight, razing the battering ram and forcing the legionaries inside to scramble for their lives, only to be cut down by the crossbowmen behind the battlements.

Cosimo de' Medici looked upon the carnage he had wrought, raised his visor and grinned. He looked back at somewhat disheveled looking man in leathers "I am paying you a large annuity in addition to your commission now, Brunelleschi!" he called back. Have the men bring the pumps to the walls and load the trebuchets, it looks like the Romans are going to attempt to scale the wall" a runner scurried to relay the orders.

Sure enough, horns sounded over the din of battle, and an entire legion formed up, each half of a centuria getting into a Testudo and holding ladders in their free arms, they advanced slowly toward the walls of Florence. Cosimo, observing this, turned to two mercenary captains who were commanding their men from the gate, one an Eglishman commanding longbowmen named Robert of Shrewsburry, the other an exiled Genoese Condotieri named Paolo Vinchenso, who commanded a group of arbalasters.

"Tell your men to hold fire until the testudos break to assault, then give them hell. There is no use wasting the arrows"
They each in turn commanded their signalers to relay the command down the line via bugle. The cannon kept firing, though as the Legion approached within range, they switched to canister shot. Cannon however were inaccurate, especially against moving target--irrespective of the stabilized clockwork gun-carriages Brunelleschi had devised-- and only two cannonballs hit home during the approach. One was solid shot that skipped along the ground diagonally through a cohort, rending limbs from body as it went, smashing off arms and legs. A credit to the discipline of the legion, these man managed to hold and re-adjust their formation despite the carnage. The other was canister shot that cut the center out of another cohort, breaking the formation despite the resolve of its men. Bowmen immediately took action. Arbalasters and the crossbowmen of the militia took aim and squeezed their triggers, sending armor piercing quarrels down range, while longbowmen drew their bows, sending their goose feathered arrows into their roman foe. The buzzing sound of an arrow storm was only punctured by the cries of the wounding and dying. The centurians in command did the only thing that they could do, ordering a tactical retreat to regroup his men and treat his wounded.

As the legion reached the wall, archers from the Auxilla advanced, protected by large wheeled pavises into bow show, and began release continuous volleys of arrows upon the defenders, forcing them to keep their heads behind the merlons of their own battlements. A few dozen men reacted too slowly and caught arrows to the chest, throat and face from the mighty composite bows the romans employed. However, because the fusillade had to be continuous, they could not cover almost three hundred meters of wall, and the ten towers associated with them. Range and elevation did not permit that, to say nothing of the presence of arrow loops. As a result, as the Legion broke Testudo for their assault, the bowmen in the towers were able to unleash hell.

Image Image

Missiles flew into the flanks of the romans, even as they held their shields above their heads to protect them from rocks being hurled through the machicolations in the wall, and the cannon retrained themselves on the archers, and continued to fire canister shot into their ranks. Against static targets, it was much easier to aim and ensure accurate fire, but guns did not load very quickly, and the intrepid roman infantry managed to get their ladders to the walls and begin to scale them before the archers were forced to withdraw. Pots of that same flammable liquid rained down from the walls, shattering on impact an immolating the unfortunate souls unlucky enough to receive them, hot sand, burning oil, and molten lead were poured or thrown down on to them. Nonetheless, the Romans just kept coming. They mounted the wall, and the conflict descended into the anarchy and carnage of brutal hand to hand combat.


The archers had withdrawn from the walls to the towers, and shut their stout doors of iron reinforced oak behind them--each was well stocked with food and had its own cistern, and could thus last for days or weeks if not relieved, each serving as their own keep in mineature. This permitted the men at arms, all of them brave Florentine citizens and professional soldiers to do their dread-work, striking out at the defilers of their fair city of Florence with sword, hammer, mace, and poleaxe. The romans fought valiantly, even as the archers upon the tower slowly began picking off targets of opportunity. Great feats of bravery and chivalry were performed on both sides, but in the end, the Romans were forced back, and their ladders cast from the walls. Archers from the towers sent further barrages of missiles at the retreating romans, who rapidly formed testudos in order to withdraw in relative safety. The canon gave them a final send off, until they made it to the relative safety of their siege works.


This was the first and last time the Romans tried a direct assault on the city. Instead, they dug themselves in for a siege by starvation. With the city itself blockaded, the only food shipments came in via the river Arno, however, six months in, the rRomans and their Genovese allies managed to drive the florentine brown water navy of galleys and small gun boats into their harbor and blockade the river from its mouth without further molestation, making the occasional ship running the blockade, and the small fields and gardens within the walls the the only source of food, and while this slowed the process down, by a year into the siege, the city no longer had enough food to stave off the ravages of hunger. The florentine population was reduced to eating horses, cats, dogs, rats, and large cockroaches. The Roman army, while well supplied, was also suffering. The Bloody Flux was running rampant among the legions, just like it did in every siege in the history of human-kind. The guns continued to fire, and the walls of the city were pock-marked, and cracked--but refused to collapse. The constant bombardment was doing more damage to morale than the city defenses, and several of the roman siege guns had had the misfortune of exploding. One of the craters was still a smoking ruin.

,The entire Albizzi family with the exception of Luca who was a friend of Cosimo and despised the rest of his house, hung from the gatehouse of Florence, with their bowels opened. The Signoria had voted. In light of the harsh conditions, and order to preserve morale, the city's leading families would eat the same rations that everyone else was, and would open their larders for public distribution. The Albizzis had hoarded food, and as a result, were tried for and convicted of treason. Their execution was not at all pleasant. Well, it was pleasant for Cosimo, after they had chased him from the city and then run it into the ground several years before. His revenge at the time had been brutal and swift, but he always thought it incomplete. There was a silver lining to everything. Still, as he looked out the window of his palazzo and saw an enterprising citizen selling rats roasted on a spit, he shook his head. This had to end. However, he also needed leverage. He needed to cast aside one more attack upon the city, as brutally as possible, to convince the legions to leave. He would offer concessions of course. If the Romans wanted to keep up the illusion that they had "won" but otherwise allow the city its autonomy--and the Medici their power--who was he to say no? But, he needed to negotiate from a position of strength.

A man somewhat more gaunt than he should have been, but wearing the flag of Genoa over his maile strode up to him.

"Signore Medici?"

"Yes Vinchenso?"

"Listeners have detected sappers. The Romans are trying to undermine the south wall, by the Gate"

"Perfect"Cosimo replied, a wolfish grin spreading over his face.

"Signore?" Vinchenso asked, a look of mortified bewilderment on his face. Had his employer finally gone mad? That section of wall was near collapse. It would not withstand mining. In fact, one almost would not need to burn the supports of the shaft to cause the wall to fall under its own weight. It was only continual building of buttresses and reinforcing walls that kept is standing as it was. They dared not even put men on its battlements. Cosimo looked at him and laughed from his belly and eyes.

"Perhaps I have gone insane my friend. But, let us talk to someone who most certainly is mad. I take it Brunelleschi is still alive?"

"I believe so." said the Condotieri "Unless those damn archers managed to pick him off this morning while he was maintaining the guns. He should be in his workshop"

They found him not long after that. Brunelleschi had been a bit on the heavy side before the siege. A combination of advancing age and living a very comfortable life under Cosimo's patronage, though no matter how comfortable and well dressed he was, he always managed to look disheveled. Now he was thinner, well dressed, and disheveled; pouring over diagrams, calculations and design prints.


"Filippo?" Cosimo asked, after the artist, architect and mad inventor did not seem to take notice of him. Filippo looked up from his work the insane look of a hunger starved jackal, but the cunning--now bent toward the predatory-- still gleamed in his eyes. "Yes... Signore?"

"I have a problem. The Romans are undermining one of the sections of the south wall"

"The one in danger of imminent collapse, Signore?"

"Just so. I need a way to kill them, without risking further damage to the wall. Can you think of anything that might help?" Brunelleschi abruptly plopped down on the floor, sitting there with his legs splayed out before him, one arm supporting his body as he looked around the room for inspiration with his chin in his hands. His eyes seemed to glaze over, as if his consciousness was, to all observers, literally lost in thought. Cosimo thought that a rescue expedition would need to be attempted by the entire Signoria to bring him back from the edge of the abyss that was his own mind. Then, Filippo's blank eyes settled on the sulfur on his desk he was using to try a new gunpowder mix, and he came back from the brink.

"Eureka" he whispered. Then he stood up, and shuffled over to a closet, hauling up a basket or reeking sulfur.

"Have my students bring parchment, charcoal, and a writing board. Oh, and my extensible mining drill. I have" he paused for a pregnant moment, "An idea." he then started scooting southward shouting back "Have the priests bring as many incense burners as they can!"

The two men looked at eachother, and shrugged. Then they went off to do what he said. Or rather, to have someone else do what he said."


Everyone, apprentice artists, priests, soldiers, and of course Cosimo de' Medici watched the man work. He listened on the ground at different locations, mapping them out on parchment to figure out where the romans mine shaft was, then he scetched out the angles and calculated where his drill would need to go. He did this using trigonometry and arabic numerals, and used an artillery compass to get the angle right, and set his drill, then began turning the crank. As the drill moved the earth, he extended the drill shaft by sliding and locking a shaft extension on with a bolt.

"When I break through, light the burners and throw them inside. Then seal with this cork and wax as fast as you can" he said as he looked over his shoulder.

An hour and twenty feet beyond the wall later, Brunelleschi rapidly withdrew the drill

"Now!" he called. Torches were applied to the incense burners, by several apprentices as Brunelleschi backed away quickly. The apprentices threw the the burners down the hole, one falling coughing and holding his eyes after he breathed in a bit of smoke. The rest however managed to get their payloads inside without injury, seal the hole.

The Roman miners by contrast, looked up in concern as a drill bit punctured their mine, and then withdrew. They listening at the wall, and heard no one on the other side ready to break through, but the trepidation was palpable. In a dark torch and candle lit mine, unarmored men with daggers and pickaxes backed away from the hole nervously, before twelve smoking spheres rolled down the hole. Smoke began to billow out, creating concentrations of sulfur dioxide that would at most pleasant, be highly uncomfortable, but potentially lethal. The men at back of the mine had no chance. They fell like the apprentice did. Their airway was clocked, fluid filled their lungs, and their eyes were badly damaged. Those who were left retreated from the mine as fast as their legs could carry them, but panic slowed their progress. Men tripped over and trampled eachother as the gas expanded to fill the chamber, worse because some passages were only wide enough to crawl through or were obstructed by the carts used to carry earth out of the mine shaft. Of the three hundred men in the mine, two hundred made it out. Those that did needed to treated by physicians to one degree of another, and another fifty died in their care from suffocation brought on by lung damage.

The mine shaft itself was closed shortly thereafter, as greek fire pots were also rolled down the mine shaft and collapsed its supports. Wood smoke began to pour out from the shaft, and a few minutes later, the support beams gave way, and the entire tunnel collapsed, leaving a deep trench in the earth where a tunnel had been.

Cosimo had gone to the south gate to watch the carnage and smiled. Here was the leverage he needed. He raised the white signal flag of truce, signaling to the Romans that he wished to parlay. The Romans responded by waving a similar flag from their own entrenchments. Cosimo descended the stairs and met his honor guard of men at arms, his two mercenary captains, and the captain of the city guard, Luca Albizzi. They marched forth with the blaring of trumpets on foot. Their horses had long since been eaten. None other than the Princeps Sonatus of Rome came out to greet them being carried on a palatine , flanked by two generals on horseback, and secured from harm by lictors with axes in their batons. Symbolic. Medici's honor guard carried halberds, a much more practical weapon. However, the Romans loved their symbols, and were expecting base capitulation. They also loved their arrogance. Rome had not changed in two thousand years. He would play to both.

"Your Majesty" he said, bowing slightly. "I am come to negotiate an end to hostilities."
One of the generals, the one commanding the legion hit hard in the assault a year ago, Marcus Flavius Orsinius stepped forward and practically spat in the Medici's face. "The ram has touched the wall, no mercy! No Quarter!"
Cosimo did not so much as bat an eye, and Princeps Marcus Reinzus Maximus waved a contemptuous hand at his general.
"Speak" he commanded.

"You cannot win this siege, great king. Neither can we win it. You have lost half a legion, at minimum. I do not know the precise number, though I am to understand that the heaviest casualties were in Orsinius'' legion, and I do not know the figures for the Blood Flux that is undoubtedly running rampant within your army. You have not made significant headway in a year, we have enough water to last indefinitely, and while our food supplies are taxed, and none of us eat particularly well, we eat enough to not starve to death, and can keep this up for years. Can you say the same?"

"We will take your city in the eleventh year..." Orsinius muttered to himself

"Be that as it may" Cosimo countered "Do you want to? You have Venice to put down, and surely you have better things to do with three legions than lay siege to one city."

"I can think of a few" the Principe replied, nodding his head "What terms do you propose?"

"You need money to prosecute your conquests. The Medici Bank will give it to you, at favorable interest rates, and less prejudicial terms if you default. We will also not engage in foreign adventures without the approval of Rome. In exchange, we, the City of Florence, will retain our civil autonomy, and be granted representation within the roman state. If we are to suborn our foreign policy to rome, it is only right we should have a voice in the same."

"Your terms are acceptable, and you and your heirs shall be given the rank of Praetor, while one you select shall be a senator. The position of Praetor shall be hereditary, and the selection of senator shall lie within your person, or those of your progeny. However, there is one caveat. That the city of Florence share their technology with Rome"


"What!?" screamed the obviously enraged roman general. The Lictors had to physically restrain him. "Why in the hell should we trust him!?" Cosimo wheeled on him.

"I am Medici." he hissed. "There are two reasons to trust me. When I sign my name to an agreement, I abide by it. Also, it is in my interest to enlarge and aggrandize the city of Florence, I can do that allied with Rome, and I can also increase my own power. I have nothing to gain by betraying Rome."


Welcome to the Renaissance.

The following is a proposal for an STGOD, set in a Renaissance period gone Mad, where certain concepts work, and mad artists create fanciful technology that uses clockwork, torsion, cranks, and other means of generating power beyond simple muscle power. If you want armies with Ornithopters as air support, it can be done, among other terrifying things that would be achievable if DaVinci's opium dreams were to come true.

Havoc is playing Rome (yes, his rome) and I Florence, as co-GMs, Acnut has laid claim to Sicily, but other than that, the map is free. Anyone interested?
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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#2 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Dark Silver »

I hesitate to commit.....but if so, I chose Venice.
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#3 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by frigidmagi »

I wish to see the map.
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#4 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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#5 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Steve »

Ah, the good ol' EU2 map...
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#6 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Hey, the provinces are numbered, and labeled. It makes things easy.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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#7 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Lys »

Oh, God, oh God. *trembles* The Reinaissance... pike squares...


I'm light-headed now, I cannot muster the patience to truly read the opening post. I have but skimmed it, so let me check to see if I got this right. It's crazy Reinassance... like the Vinci in Rise of Legends. Clockwork machines and primitive gunpowder, but probably not lightning guns. And we don't play individual characters, we play a whole nation. Also, I guess we can make our own nation given the dudes with the SPQR shields. Yes?

Okay, so at present there's Rome with claims on.. central and southern Italy? Also Florence, Venice, and Sicily.

Can I play? Can I play? I totally need play this!

Let's see, either Spain or France. It has to be one or the other, has to, totally, definitely.

Okay, there is no Spain in 1434, Fernando and Isabel aren't even born yet. But I could play Castille, or Aragon, or both. No Sicily for the Crown of Aragon unfortunatley, no jumping point from which to have Italian Wars. But no matter, no matter, Spain is Spain and the stage is set!

Then there's also France, historically the Maid of Orleans only died three years ago... My God! The Maid, the Maid! She may live yet! I could do things with her, she could become a great figure, a spiritual advisor lead by visions and backed by talent. But that's later, right now she continues to lead the war, for there is still much to be done. So many possibilities!

Oh dear, I don't know what to play... >.>

*looks at map*

Hey, Comrade Tortoise? If I may be so bold, I believe the Europa Universalis 3 map is better than EU2's.
Lys is lily, or lilium.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
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Comrade Tortoise
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#8 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Well, the year of game start is 1478. So Joan has been gloriously dead a while. The pope is in Avignon because Rome kind of gave the papacy the boot. Also, before anyone gets any ideas... DaVinci is in fact, still in Florence, but many many others are not, and Ahistoric characters are ALWAYS encouraged. One can play their own nations, with their own insane and crazy histories. Havoc revived the roman republic for hell's sake.

Here. let me post the basic rules...

Land Statistics: You have 26 points, each of these is on a 1-10 scale, though as you advance, they can increase higher than this limit.

Size:How large your territory spans, in increments of 2 provinces.
Resources:A measure of the natural resources, be it iron, wood, fish, wool etc.
Connectivity: How connected your territories are by roads, paths. Alsop how urbanized the state is..
Economy: How strong the barter and good to currency exchange economy is.

Connectivity and Economy can be increased by spending a number of Florins equal to (Current rating)x((1+1/2 economy)xconnectivity)x1000 .

Resources and Size increase only by conquest. For each new province you conquer, your resource score increases by (Conquered Nation's Base resource score/number of provinces+bonus to that province's score due to a particular resource in high supply)

Bonuses to Resources will be assigned to particular provinces based on geographic and historical criteria, and will be applied to a player's Resource score at game start. These bonuses however do NOT average in to the above equation. They are applied to Florins Per Season. Economy will get similar bonuses, and are applied the same way, and are added to the conquering player's economy score upon successful conquest of an affected province.

Derived statistics: The are statistics derived from Land Statistics

Military statistics derived this way are for starting military only.
Feudal Army (SA):(Resources+Size) x 40000 Florins
This is the portion of an army composed of men called to serve as part of the Feudal Burden. Any given regiment requires 10-connectivity (minimum of 1) weeks to be called into service. No upkeep is required when they are not active for less than a season, as they have already been paid as part of their recruitment and are in effect paying for the favors granted by their noble patron. Keeping them beyond a season of active service however requires that they be paid 5% of their recruitment cost for each additional season.

Professional Army (M): (Connectivity + Economy) x 35000 Florins
These soldiers are professionals. They may be citizen soldiers (Yeoman) or they may be locally recruited mercenaries (Condotta). Their upkeep cost is 5% of their total recruitment cost per season and they are available year round.

City Guard/Emergency Levies: (½ Connectivity + ½ Economy) x 5000 Florins
Standing garrisons are for walled cities only. You can assume you have this in point value for soldiers for each walled city, available immediately upon that city being besieged. It basically represents the local constabulary, and however many bows, guns, spears etc a walled city might have on hand to shove into the arms of the population in defense if the city is attacked without sufficient warning to call for additional soldiers. These soldiers are paid locally, and as a result, no upkeep is required.

Fortifications: Every geographic region is assumed to have at least 1 walled city (for example, Tuscany would have Florence as a walled city, while northern Italy would have Milan, SE England would have London etc). The number of walled cities within a geographic region increases by 1 per two points of connectivity. Stand alone military fortifications (read: castles/device forts/bastions) are purchased from a pool of points equal to ((Resources+Economy) x size) x 20000) with availability of specific components and the cost of those components based on Art and Technology respectively

Army Travel Speed: Armies may move between regions based upon that region's connectivity. It takes [14-connectivity] days to move from one geographic region to one adjascent. Minimum of 3. If the territory in question is controlled by another power, the average of the two scores is used.

Florins per Season From Internal Tax Revenue=((1+½ connectivity) X Economy) +((1+½ Resources) X Size) x 1000 Florins

Feudal Tax Levie=((1+½ Resources) X Size)x1000 Florins, useable 1 season per year. This does not count toward seasonal income for the purposes of increasing land or renaissance statistics and is a separate figure.

Florins per Turn from Exports: High resource states do more exporting rather than importing of raw materials, while high economy states export finished goods. This produces a number of Florins per Season equal to Resources+Economy x1000

Production Capacity: This is the ability of your state to produce weapons, armor, Ornithopters for sale or transport to another state. It is calculated as ((1+½ Resources) X Size) x 25000 florins. You pay 1/2 of the total recruitment cost of any soldiers recruited in this way, while the player purchasing the weapons pays 75% normal recruitment costs (in effect, soldiers cost 1.25 x their normal cost). The terms of the economic exchange (how much you make from this) are between you and the other player. The industrial capacity sum is spent from your normal budget accordingly.

Renaissance Statistics: These are on a 1-10 scale, as above. You have 26 points to spend, and your investments will be modified by land statistics and may go over ten.

Technology A measure of the advancement in industrial technologies such as metallurgy. (If average of Economy and Conectivity is greater than 6 +1, if greater than 8, +2) Higher scores open up new military units, and increase the effectiveness of others. The average of artistry and technology also affects the ability of a state to Jury Rig solutions to certain problems on the fly (such as creating a countermeasure to a new siege engine). If such a counter-measure is conceived of by the player, a base chance of 50% exists that the solution can work or be built correctly. This is modified by the GM for difficulty, and by this average at a rage of 5% per averaged score.

Art: A measure of craftsmanship, both military and civilian.(If average of Economy and Conductivity is greater than 6 +1, if greater than 8, +2) Higher scores can open up new military units increase the effectiveness of others, and offer certain optional upgrades to existing units. Also assists in placating angry populations and securing your power base in the event of a difficult succession etc.

Finance: The degree to which financial innovation is advanced in the economy. (If the average of economy and connectivity is greater than six, finance is increased by 1, if greater than 8, +2). The primary purpose is determining how safe it is for lenders to lend money to the state, a higher score lowers interest rates on loans used to spend Florins over and above your quarterly budget.
(1=40%,2=35%. 3=30%, 4=25%, 5=20%, 6=15%, 7=10%, 8=5%, 9=4%, 10=3%). Loan payments (1/4th balance+ interest) are due at the next season unless an extension is granted, default on loan obligations lowers your finance score by 1. Increases can be made to finance only through making and taking out loans, and successfully collecting upon or paying them back. You must successfully collect or pay back 2 loans x Current finance score in order to increase said score by 1. Loans between states are possible, however this is done by guaranteeing a loan from a private bank. The lending state takes a loan at their interest rate and gives it to the borrowing state at whatever interest rate they wish. However, if the borrowing state defaults (damaging their finance score), the lending state is left holding the bag. Unless otherwise specified, loans are taken from the Medici Bank, which will begin the game with 2 million florins in assets, which grows by a stable 5% annually. Failure to pay back loans or make other arrangements (such as giving a province to Florence of the loan's value or somesuch) may lead to the bankruptcy of the bank.

Politics: The machiavellianity (thank you Havoc for this word) displayed in your political system. (If the average of size, connectivity and economy is greater than six, increase this stat by 1, if greater than 8 +2) A low score does not stop a player from being clever, but has other in-game effects, and cleverness will provide a modifier to any plot . High scores increase the chance of any external plot working, and affects the chances of detecting and foiling a plot committed inside your territory by another state. (roll of 3d6 +0 on a politics score of 5, -1 for each point below, +1 for each point above. Opposed rolls). It also effects how well conquered territories are integrated, and how the population will respond to upsets. In the event that you conquer a territory, every season for the the next year, there is a base chance of 50% that the territory in question will rebel (any militia within the territory defect to rebels, garrisons will select their own leaders and refuse to follow orders) leaving only standing army and mercenaries obeying your commands, and forcing you to re-take the territory. This chance decreases by 5% per point in the average of Politics and Art. In the event of a natural disaster, politics will also help in maintaining the order and productivity of the state within the territory in question. A difficulty will be set by the GM if a natural disaster strikes, and a roll of 3d6 will be forced, with Politics, and Art scores providing a bonus equal to average between their scores. Failure will mean the loss of all Florins produced in that territory that season (proportionate to the number of territories you control).

Note on Attrition: Battlefield attrition can force capitulation of smaller states. Huge battlefield upsets with a casualty threshold based on the number of men lost, and the size of the nation in question, can cause political turmoil. Politics must then be used to deal with this using checks identical to those for natural disasters. On three cumulative failures of these checks (once failures-successes=3), a leader who refuses to come to terms will be ousted in favor of one who WILL. These however reset after a two in game year period. Mercenaries do not count against this threshold.

Threshold:(Sizex10000 casualties)

Renaissance statistics are increased in several ways. Politics cannot be raised using monetary investment, but only by successfully carrying out or countering a plots (1 per current score. So, to go from 5 to 6 requires 5 successfully machinations of sufficient magnitude that GM permits it to count. The same goes for avoiding negative fallout from disasters, and putting down rebellions without military force. FInance has already been described. Art and technology are increased the same way economy and connectivity are.
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#9 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Dark Silver »

mmm....I wonder if I could change it up to the Western section of the Roman Empire...

You know, the fun (read: Greek) side of it...or did Havoc reclaim that area for SPQR
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
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#10 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Dark Silver wrote:mmm....I wonder if I could change it up to the Western section of the Roman Empire...

You know, the fun (read: Greek) side of it...or did Havoc reclaim that area for SPQR
You mean the Eastern Roman Empire. And no. He has not. He currently will control most of Italy, and if no one claims it either for Byzantines or Turks, I imagine he will have broken the siege of Constantinople in 1453 and it will be under his control. If the Byzantines claim it, there may have actually been a second siege. You would need to work that out with him.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
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#11 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Dark Silver »

yes yes, I meant the east, my bad.

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Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
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#12 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Lys »

Comrade Tortoise wrote:Well, the year of game start is 1478. So Joan has been gloriously dead a while. The pope is in Avignon because Rome kind of gave the papacy the boot. Also, before anyone gets any ideas... DaVinci is in fact, still in Florence, but many many others are not, and Ahistoric characters are ALWAYS encouraged. One can play their own nations, with their own insane and crazy histories. Havoc revived the roman republic for hell's sake.
Oh, we start 1478 not 1435. Any reason for that start date?

Anyway, Joan d'Arc was born January 1412, so she'd be 66 at game start. If she survived the Hundred Years War then she could be anywhere from 15 years dead to still alive. Either way, her existence could have a number of neat and interesting effects on France as a country, including the role of women in its society. Such interesting prospects!

On the other hand! Spain. The not yet Catholic Kings have been eight years married and are enjoying their mid-20s. I am giddy at the thought of writing them and the late 15th century is the cusp of Spain's rise to glory. Though granted, the unusual set of circumstances that resulted in Emperor Charles V are unlikely to repeat themselves, but the beating heart of the Empire was always Spain, and if I have that, then I have a shot at making Castille head of the world. Though I'm sure the rest of you would object most vigorously. ^_~

Such a hard choice, I'm a fan of both countries! v.v

Anyway, *pushes for EU3 map*
It has an Avignon province and everything!

Dark Silver wrote:We will develop Lightning Guns, by Zeus!
The (Eastern) Roman Empire was Orthodox...

Also, I see your fictional lightning guns and raise you real steam engine.
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#13 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Steams engines are something Havoc and I have decided to preclude, because they do not preserve proper Renaissanceness.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
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#14 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Dark Silver »

The Eastern Empire was still more Greek than Roman by Zeus!

We're bringing back the Olympians.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
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#15 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Lys »

Comrade Tortoise wrote:Steams engines are something Havoc and I have decided to preclude, because they do not preserve proper Renaissanceness.
Tell you what, I'll only bring it up again if the game manages to last half a century. ^_~
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#16 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Academia Nut »

Ah, I was unaware that you had put this up.







Well now, I need a minimum of six provinces do I? Hmmm... well, as you already know, I am interested in Sicily. So for the whole island that is two provinces right there. I suppose I could take the rest of the islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea, so that would be Corsica and Sardinia, then also pick up Malta, and then grab the Balearic islands unless the Spanish player has any objections, so that is six right there. I guess there would also be the hashing out of the issue of Naples with the Roman player.

Oh, Sicily is going to be the Pope's most annoying best friend, I just know it.
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#17 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Oh no. Sorry. I thought I had deleted those min numbers. They are just on a 1-10 scale, no lower bounds
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#18 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by frigidmagi »

That's gonna create vast swaths of nothingness.
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#19 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

I can increase the numbers, and it is not like players wont want to invade Bohemia or something. Even so, I am willing to increase the size by a factor of two (2 provinces per point)
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
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#20 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Lys »

In 1478 the Crown of Aragon had the Baleares, Sardinia, Malta, Sicily, and Naples.

*weeps for the loss of her Mediterranean empire*

Oh darn, if I don't have Sicily then I don't have the best comeback ever either!

*cries some more*

Anyway, if everything goes on a 1-10 scale, does that mean a ten province maximum? Because I counted, and even without Sardinia, Malta, and the Two Sicilies it's 17 provinces for Castilla-Aragon: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Aragon, Rousillon, Gerona, Catalonia, Valencia, Castilla, Leon, Extremadura, Toledo, Murcia, Andalusia, Granada, Baleares, and Canarias. Granada should be a one province minor, and Navarra belongs to the Kingdom of Navarre, which should also own Bearn. Portugal should be Oporto, Tago, Algarve, Tangier, and the Azores.
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#21 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Academia Nut »

Norman Sicily never became part of the Holy Roman Empire or of Aragon.

A hint: Syracuse is on Sicily.

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#22 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

I have updated the rules, to reflect a doubling of provinces per point of rating.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
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#23 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Academia Nut »

First draft -

Size: 3 [Both Sicily provinces (395&396), Malta(819), Sardinia(397), Corsica(398), and Tunisia (739)]
Resources: 3
Connectivity: 10
Economy: 10

Tech: 10
Art: 10
Finances: 3 + 2 from land = 5
Politics: 3 + 1 from land = 4

Feudal Army: (3+3)*25,000 = 150,000 (7,500/season beyond first)
Professional Army: (10+10)*25,000 = 500,000 (25,000/season)
City Guard: (5+5)*5000 = 50,000
Speed: 4 days
Fortifications: 6 walled cities per province, ((3+10)*3)*20,000 = 780,000 on stand-alone forts
Florins per turn: (((1+5)*10)+((1+1.5)*3))*1000 = (60+2.5*3)*1000 = (60+7.5)*1000 = 67,500 Florins/turn
Net florins per turn: 67,500 - 25,000 = 42,500/turn
Production: ((1+1.5)*3)*1000 = 7,500

EDIT: Updated with some changes.
Last edited by Academia Nut on Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#24 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Lys »

You wrote:Balearic islands unless the Spanish player has any objections
I wrote:17 provinces for Castilla-Aragon: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Aragon, Rousillon, Gerona, Catalonia, Valencia, Castilla, Leon, Extremadura, Toledo, Murcia, Andalusia, Granada, Baleares, and Canarias.
Last edited by Lys on Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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#25 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD

Post by Academia Nut »

Well then you only need an 8 instead of a 9 in size :razz:

Alrighty, I will scratch out Baleares and figure out where my sixth province is then.
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