Werewolf Chapter 2: Tennesse Waltz

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Post by LadyTevar »

"Of course, honey," the waitress replied, still grinning as she walked away.

As Sophie and Alex found seats, she brought two pint glasses and set the cokes in front of them. "Let me get the burger for your dog now."

Outside, the sun was hot, but the awning kept it off SeesFaces. After about five minutes, the waitress came out and set a bowl of water down close by, and a plastic plate with a couple burger patties.

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"Thanks," said Alex. "A Swiss burger with bacon and mushrooms would be good, along with a plate of wings. I'm starved. How about you Sof?"
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"A hot turkey sandwich," said Sophie, glancing quickly over the menu. "And a cherry coke."

She looked fidgety and nervous, glancing around the restaurant as though expecting to see the Nashville crew at any moment. Only after the waitress had gone and she was absolutely certain they weren't sequestered in some dark corner of the restaurant, did she seem to relax at all.

"What do you think this thing is for?" she asked semi-absent mindedly, referring of course to the fetish they had been chasing all this time.
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Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
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There was a brief interruption as the waitress brought their drinks. her tray also had a small bowl with water, and a paper container with two good-sized burger patties. "Do you want to take these to your pet, or is it ok if I do?"

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"It's ok if you do. He's really friendly," said Alex with a winning smile. He paused for a moment and then answered Sophie.

"I don't know what it does, but it sounds like it's fucking powerful. The what is the key and about that there are too many possibilities."
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The restaurant's door opens, and Sees-faces is again assaulted by the mouth-watering scents of Fine Human Cooking. The waitress, her smile subdued, carried a tray cautiously over to him. After all, he was a large husky/german-shepherd/something, with that dark fur dusted with white.

"Easy boy... here's some food for you," she said, setting down the paper container with the burger patties, carefully nudging it towards him. She had been a lot braver in front of Alex. The bowl was set down next, and she poured cool water into it for SeesFaces to drink. "Good boy.. enjoy the food.." she sing-sung, in that babying voice humans use for stupid animals as she backed away and went back inside.

<Wrong! Wrong! WRONG!> the butchered Garou tongue came from what looked like a puppy, being carried in a woman's large purse as she walked by. <Wrong!Wrong! DANGER DANGER STAY-WAY!> the tiny bitch-dog barked, its scent reaching SeesFaces telling him not only the dog's sex, but that it was full-grown despite the size. <*GRRRRRRRRRRR* WRONG WRONG! STAY WAY!>
"No, Ceely, no burgers for you," the woman said, rolling her eyes, totally missing the meaning of the warning the dainty little dog was trying to give. "Now shush."
Last edited by LadyTevar on Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Seeing the waitress come outside, and being able to smell her nervousness, Sees-Faces-In-Stars played up acting like a goof to set her at ease. Letting one ear flop down again, he let his tongue pant out the side of his mouth as he whined happily as the smell of the food reached his nose.

The tiny yipping wolf-descendant in the homid's purse seemed amusingly perturbed, but sees-Faces-In-Stars ignored it for the short time the waitress was giving him Good Homid Food.

As soon as the waitress finished pouring the water, Sees-Faces tried to lick her hands and face as a thank you, but let her back away when she chose to.

The homid with the tiny yapping wolf-descendant in her purse walked closer to the entrance to the restaurant, the tiny wolf-descendant kept her attention on Sees-Faces, apparently very intent on her assumed duty of making him and all other Garou-ish beings around know that he was "WRONG" and "DANGER(OUS)."

Of the many responses he could've given to the tiny wolf-descendant, he chose the one that included teasing the tiny wolf. He replied in the Garou tongue as the waitress walked back inside.

"Homids only let the harmless ones inside their buildings," he said with the equivalent of a cheeky grin.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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The cheeky message went over the head of the owner and dog alike. The owner just saw the large dog 'grinning' with his tail waving jauntily and assumed it was a good thing, thus passing the restaurant and SeesFaces, heading on her way down the sidewalk.

The tiny bitch-dog couldn't understand the words (natural, considering the size of the brain), but she -did- understand it was an insult.
>Get you get you get you!!> she barked furiously, trying to scramble up and out of the baggy purse, which caused the owner to have to stop and shove Ceely back down, with many repetitions of "No CEELY, NO. BAD DOG."

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With a grin he couldn't quite hide completely, Sees-Faces-In-Stars chuckled to himself at the infuriated tiny wolf, and returned his attention to the Hamburgers that had been put before him.

He ate Hamburgers the way he loved most - gobbling them down with a wolf's jaws and sense of smell & taste. Using the Homid form's hands to eat them with those bun-things and grass the Homids put in them was okay, but he loved this way the most. He wasn't quite able to restrain the happy noises as he ate, however - it had been a while since he'd had Hamburgers.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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"Well, yer a happy puppy, aint'cha," a man's voice drawled as SeesFaces ate greedily. "Heya, boy... how're ya doin'," the man continued, slowly crouching down to the lupine's level. Long shaggy blond hair brushed the open leather vest the man wore. A white shirt with human writing on it was worn underneath, tucked into faded ragged bluejeans. A huge golden belt buckle shone on the leather belt, the decorations matching the tips of the cowboy boots sliding out of the jeans.

The man's scent was familiar, even if his face was the one on the Jack Diamond poster. This man smelled like Jack the Whistler.

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Still playing the part of the happy domesticated dog, Sees-Faces took quick inventory of his surroundings before replying to this oddly familiar homid. Deciding to test him a little bit, Sees-Faces sniffed the man now crouched in front of him, cleaning his chops before saying anything.

Luckily, saying "Hi, do you whistle?" in the Garou tongue could be construed as a friendly, if slightly odd-sounding bark of greeting.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Jack Diamond took the bark as a friendly greeting, reaching out to scratch SeesFaces just behind the jawline with both hands. "Oh yeah, you're a good puppy. Yes you are, yes you are," he sing-sung, showing no sign of having understood a word. "Yer jis' the friendliest thing, aint'cha boy. Now.. where's yer owners, hmm?"

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Tolerating the attention, Sees-Faces stoically sat as the homid scratched him behind the jaw. Unless the homid was playing games, he hadn't understood a word of his greeting, which meant he probably wasn't even Kin.

For the time being, he simply sat there soundlessly as the man talked to him like a pup, not hating the attention, but not really wanting it either. Even so, he didn't let his annoyance show - he was playing the part of a dumb and happy domesticated wolf. Even so, he didn't look away.

A small part of him wished the others would hurry up.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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"Ok, boy, I get the message. You don' like gettin' petted," Jack Diamond grinned, pulling his hands back. "I'll get on inside, an' have Brie fetch ya more burgers." With that, he rose to his feet and started for the door.

Inside, the blond-haired man strutted like he owned the place. "Jeanie, darlin', how're you doin'?"

The waitress' grin widened in delight. "Jack! You're early!"

Jack gave her a wink as he headed for the small stage. "Now, I tol' ya I'm never late or early... jis' always righ' where I'm s'posed ta be," he said, before pausing as he passed Alex and Sophie. "Nice pure-bred ya'll got out there. I think he wants more burgers, tho."

((Alex, you botched last time, so you're at a disadvantage here, but I want you and Sophie to roll Perception and Primal Urge. You need 3 successes each. Sophie Diff 7, Alex diff 9))

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Had the man not said anything to them, Sophie would almost assuredly not have noticed anything out of the ordinary. But when he mentioned that Sees-Faces probably wanted more hamburger, she looked up for a second, and froze.

That man...

She was sure she had seen him before, dead certain, and she wracked her brain until she remembered where. It was the name that did it, the name of "Jack" that one of the waitresses called him by.

"That man looks like Jack the Whistler," she whispered under her breath, as much to herself as to Alex. "But... how the hell did he get here? He was in Kentucky..."

She took a second look. There was something slightly off about him, or so she thought. Maybe a relative?
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Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
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It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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"Maybe," said Alex. He shrugged. "When will the fucking wings arrive? I've skipped two meals and had fights to the death. I'm fucking starved."
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Just as he spoke, a delicious smell lead the waitress out of the kitchen, with a tray full of the food Alex and Sophie had ordered. With a wink to Jack Diamond, who just saluted her and moseyed up to the stage, she set down the very large portions of wings, burgers, and large steak fries.

"Ya'll need refills?"

<You could'a tried ta enjoy tha' a bit.> The language was full Garou, unlike the tiny yap-dog of before. A glance around would show a small, rangy lupine of patchy shades, with one ear flopped over at the tip and a tail that corkscrewed over his back. <E'en if ya are a bit too full-blood ta look th' part.>
Last edited by LadyTevar on Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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"Yes please ma'am," said Alex. "You're a lifesaver. I haven't eaten since yesterday lunch." He lifted the burger to his mouth and tore into like a starving wolf.
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"I love a man who enjoys his food," she replied with a grin, taking his glass away. It took barely a minute to bring it back refilled, as well as one for Sophie. "Jis call if you need something."

Up on the stage, Jack brought out an acustic guitar and started tuning it.

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"Will do," said Alex as he stopped inhaling the burger long enough to speak and drink some Coke. He then went to work on the wings.
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Upon looking at the one who'd spoken, Sees-Faces tilted his head to the side slightly as he spoke. "<One cannot help but be who they are>," he replied softly in Garou. "<And besides, I didn't ignore him or growl or anything. I am Sees-Faces-In-Stars, what is your name?>," he asked after a moment.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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<I know who you are,> the Garou replied, tilting to one side and vigorously scratching the side of his neck. It was a posture of insolence. <Yer with th' ones who took off without givin' my Alpha the papers she demanded.>

A final thrum, and Jack Diamond slung the guitar over his back long enough to grab a chair. "Ya'll don' mind if I tune up, do ya? Call it Jack Diamond, Unplugged..." he said with a wide grin, which got a few giggles from the waitresses who seemed to think this was a grand idea.

He started playing a few chords, then rolled into a rockin' accustic version of of Whiskey in the Jar, ala Thin Lizzy.
Last edited by LadyTevar on Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Settling back on his haunches, Sees-Faces-In-Stars appeared to relax in front of the newcomer, though still faced him directly. "<You are correct.>"

He said nothing more for the moment, but the breeze that passed over toward the two Garou gently ruffled its way through his star-like coat as it passed by.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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<Good ta see yer here. She was gonna be pissed if ya'll weren't.>

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