Heroes: Endings and Beginnings
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Ultima Regional Headquarters, Chicago, IL - Briefing Room 612
Monday, April 11th, 2011 - 1645 Local
Hawk had waited until everyone was present in the briefing room before entering. He walked to the front of the room and logged into the computer and accessed the briefing files.
"Alright, lets begin everyone. You've got a little over an hour to be in place.
"First off, background information; Apex Pharmecuticals is a mid-level pharmecutical company that historically has produced nothing of any real importance or value, relatively speaking. They're a big supplier to most of your major retail outlets of the U.S., producing a large portion of your generic equivalent drugs for your Targets, Wal-Marts and K-Marts.
"A few months ago, Apex came under our radar when they started putting bids in for government contracts into metahuman research and so-called metadrugs. Areas of interest that this company has historically ignored and as far as all are concerned, are not viable candidates to persue it as they lack the capabilities to do it.
"The investigation is still ongoing and I'm not privy to all the details, however the B.M.A. decided to have an infiltrate an agent. The agent was working with a group of techs on developing a new metadrug. He uncovered evidence that Apex was in the process of designing some sort of new metadrug, however he was certain they weren't doing the research themselves. His efforts to uncover where they were obtaining the data came up dry.
"Last night his signal went offline. He had been injected with remote biofeeds so we could monitor his vitals to ensure his safety. The vitals flatlined at approximately 2235 last night.
"We have enough evidence to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant. Omega team is executing this warrant. It goes into effect at 1800 hours. You're going to be in place and ready to knock on the door the second it becomes valid.
"Your objectives are as follows: Find out what happened to our missing agent and obtain any evidence about this metadrug, where Apex is getting their data and what they're planning on doing with it."
The screen behind him changed to a overhead view of a group of four buildings.
"This is the Apex Pharmecutical complex. It's made up of these four buildings seen here. This building here..."
One of the buildings was circled in blue on the screen.
"Is the administrative building. Seven stories, typical office and cubical farm. Not our concern yet."
Another building was circled in green.
"This is the manfacturing facility, where Apex drugs are produced and bottled. Next to it is the warehouse where the end product is stored and distributed. Your objective is here."
The final building was circled in red.
"This is Lab 1. This is the primary objective and the last location of our agent."
The picture changed again, this time to blueprints and building schematics.
"This is the most current building blueprints we have on record. From what we can tell, security is on the first floor as well as most of the offices. The real work is conducted up on the second through fourth floors. Thats where you'll probably be concentrating your search."
The image changed once more, this time to a profile shot of a white caucasian male in his early 30's.
"This is Agent Mitchell. He's the undercover agent in question. This photo was taken just prior to his insertion into Apex, so it's fairly recent and should be a good match for him.
"Alright, any questions?"
Monday, April 11th, 2011 - 1645 Local
Hawk had waited until everyone was present in the briefing room before entering. He walked to the front of the room and logged into the computer and accessed the briefing files.
"Alright, lets begin everyone. You've got a little over an hour to be in place.
"First off, background information; Apex Pharmecuticals is a mid-level pharmecutical company that historically has produced nothing of any real importance or value, relatively speaking. They're a big supplier to most of your major retail outlets of the U.S., producing a large portion of your generic equivalent drugs for your Targets, Wal-Marts and K-Marts.
"A few months ago, Apex came under our radar when they started putting bids in for government contracts into metahuman research and so-called metadrugs. Areas of interest that this company has historically ignored and as far as all are concerned, are not viable candidates to persue it as they lack the capabilities to do it.
"The investigation is still ongoing and I'm not privy to all the details, however the B.M.A. decided to have an infiltrate an agent. The agent was working with a group of techs on developing a new metadrug. He uncovered evidence that Apex was in the process of designing some sort of new metadrug, however he was certain they weren't doing the research themselves. His efforts to uncover where they were obtaining the data came up dry.
"Last night his signal went offline. He had been injected with remote biofeeds so we could monitor his vitals to ensure his safety. The vitals flatlined at approximately 2235 last night.
"We have enough evidence to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant. Omega team is executing this warrant. It goes into effect at 1800 hours. You're going to be in place and ready to knock on the door the second it becomes valid.
"Your objectives are as follows: Find out what happened to our missing agent and obtain any evidence about this metadrug, where Apex is getting their data and what they're planning on doing with it."
The screen behind him changed to a overhead view of a group of four buildings.
"This is the Apex Pharmecutical complex. It's made up of these four buildings seen here. This building here..."
One of the buildings was circled in blue on the screen.
"Is the administrative building. Seven stories, typical office and cubical farm. Not our concern yet."
Another building was circled in green.
"This is the manfacturing facility, where Apex drugs are produced and bottled. Next to it is the warehouse where the end product is stored and distributed. Your objective is here."
The final building was circled in red.
"This is Lab 1. This is the primary objective and the last location of our agent."
The picture changed again, this time to blueprints and building schematics.
"This is the most current building blueprints we have on record. From what we can tell, security is on the first floor as well as most of the offices. The real work is conducted up on the second through fourth floors. Thats where you'll probably be concentrating your search."
The image changed once more, this time to a profile shot of a white caucasian male in his early 30's.
"This is Agent Mitchell. He's the undercover agent in question. This photo was taken just prior to his insertion into Apex, so it's fairly recent and should be a good match for him.
"Alright, any questions?"
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
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"Will the warrant cover the collection of computer data within the facility?" NeXT's question was obvious; otherwise he'd just be babysitting cameras to watch backs.
Half-Damned, All Hero.
Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.
I Am Rage. You Will Know My Fury.
Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.
I Am Rage. You Will Know My Fury.
- Dance Puppets Dance
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"Yes, search and seizure will cover anything we can find. It's one of the reasons this team was selected for the operation. Your electronics abilities and the genetics backgrounds of possessed in varied areas by some members. It may not be exactly what we're looking for, but it gives you a chance to understand what you're looking at better than some others.
"However, the security setup presents a problem for you. If Apex has any sense of CompSec at all, they'll isolate any of the research systems on a seperate internal network that's not connected to an external network. I'm not sure how that will affect your ability to access the data or if it's something you've dealt with and can overcome.
"Alright, anything else?"
"However, the security setup presents a problem for you. If Apex has any sense of CompSec at all, they'll isolate any of the research systems on a seperate internal network that's not connected to an external network. I'm not sure how that will affect your ability to access the data or if it's something you've dealt with and can overcome.
"Alright, anything else?"
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
- Agent Fisher
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Mike raised a hand. "And what do we do if they don't cooperate? How far are we authorized to go?"
Morpheus:I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me.
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"Good question. I believe the term is 'obstruction of justice.' Anyone who refuses to cooperate, detain them and charge them. We're dealing with a missing federal agent, one of our own. Use your best judgement but he is our primary concern and accepting a 'No thanks' at the door is not going to fly."
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
Mark 25 nodded as he took in the data. The orders were fairly straightforward, though he knew the circumstances would be anything but. "Metadrugs and a missing agent. Are we going for a strong approach, or more subtle? The more they are aware of our arrival, the more time they have to move the evidence away from our search area, the more time they have to get lawyers in line to try and slow down the search, or even to unleash metahuman level technologies. All are standard tactics used by corporations involved in illegal metahuman research." His voice module faltered for a moment towards the end of his comment. Those looking close enough could even see his hand twitch slightly around the last three words.
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Hawk nodded at Mark's assessment of the situation as it would possibly go down.
"Valid points. We're giving them no notice and no time. We're on a federal warrant after a missing agent, one of our own. Now, that being said, the less media attention we draw during the operation, the better. But I doubt anything done will be subtle. You all will be timed to arrive at the complex gates right as the warrant goes into effect so there won't be delays there. If the front gate guards attempt to impede your progress, detain them and push through. Keep the damage to the complex to an absolute minimum so we avoid lawsuits.
"We want this done as fast as possible so that by the time someone does start screaming and the lawyers start making phone calls we'll already be in and hopefully have found some sort of evidence to give us more than probable cause so we can tell their lawyers to shove it.
"We're to be tactful and as non-destructive as possible, but the life of our agent comes before a hole in the wall."
"Valid points. We're giving them no notice and no time. We're on a federal warrant after a missing agent, one of our own. Now, that being said, the less media attention we draw during the operation, the better. But I doubt anything done will be subtle. You all will be timed to arrive at the complex gates right as the warrant goes into effect so there won't be delays there. If the front gate guards attempt to impede your progress, detain them and push through. Keep the damage to the complex to an absolute minimum so we avoid lawsuits.
"We want this done as fast as possible so that by the time someone does start screaming and the lawyers start making phone calls we'll already be in and hopefully have found some sort of evidence to give us more than probable cause so we can tell their lawyers to shove it.
"We're to be tactful and as non-destructive as possible, but the life of our agent comes before a hole in the wall."
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
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Legion listened to the breifing, gave a slight inward smile as the agents asked questions and clarifications. But it was all old hat to him.
Still, it would be good for the newer agents - a relatively easy assignment.
Still, it would be good for the newer agents - a relatively easy assignment.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
- LadyTevar
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Jerri had been typing on the laptop, having what seemed like an animated conversation. Finally she looked around the table. "Heidi will be in control for the assignment," she informed them. "If we're expecting resistance, it's better that way."
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
Inferno sat quietly as the rest of the team asked their questions. He spoke up after Jerri however. "We aren't expecting resistance, at least not direct resistance."
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- LadyTevar
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Right. We're going in and delivering a warrant. He's joking, right? Besides.. it's my time.
Jerri lowered her head as Heidi spoke in her mind, editing it slightly for Inferno. "If something took the agent off-line, there's a good chance they will not like anyone coming in with a warrant. Heidi is better in such situations."
"Plus ... at that time, she'd be the one in control normally," she also added sheepishly. "Time-share body, remember?" Jerri and Heidi spoke the old (to them) joke as one.
Jerri lowered her head as Heidi spoke in her mind, editing it slightly for Inferno. "If something took the agent off-line, there's a good chance they will not like anyone coming in with a warrant. Heidi is better in such situations."
"Plus ... at that time, she'd be the one in control normally," she also added sheepishly. "Time-share body, remember?" Jerri and Heidi spoke the old (to them) joke as one.
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
"No, they won't like that. But nor will they be stupid enough to directly confront an Ultima team with a warrant, if they do they're gonna have every Meta agency smashing down their walls. There likely won't be direct physical resistance. They'll of course try to get rid of us other ways though."
Inferno shrugged. "It'll still be better to have Heidi in that situation for intimidation and if they attempt to eliminate us discreetly, but I'm not seeing this becoming violent."
Inferno shrugged. "It'll still be better to have Heidi in that situation for intimidation and if they attempt to eliminate us discreetly, but I'm not seeing this becoming violent."
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- LadyTevar
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Jerri gave half a smile. "Heidi doesn't share your optimism."
You do know you're having an intelligent conversation with *Inferno*, right? The guy you want to...
Jerri BLUSHED bright red.
Jerri gave half a smile. "Heidi doesn't share your optimism."
You do know you're having an intelligent conversation with *Inferno*, right? The guy you want to...
Jerri BLUSHED bright red.
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
Inferno caught Jerri's blush and merely shook his head before looking around. "Sir, what about the Omnicorp robot? It should be here for this."
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"I recommend a Mac truck and a tarp for transportation. Look on the bright side, the 'bot is going to make the rent-a-cops think twice about hassling you..."
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
"Frankly I'd prefer to keep it under wraps the whole time, whether it's flying new colors or not. But I want it up here for the briefing." Inferno looked around at the others of his team then to Agent Hawk. "I don't want any surprises from it when we get there."
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- LadyTevar
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"Heidi, one day..." Jerri muttered under her breath as Inferno's gaze left her.
Yeah yeah. As if.
Their little discussion almost made Gemini miss the conversation. "We're taking the OmniBot?" Jerri and Heidi spoke again as one. Whether it changed her voice or not was something neither of them knew or bothered to study.
Why the fuck are we doing that?
"After the public disaster we had bringing it in, is this a good idea?" Jerri asked, turning Heidi's unheard commentary into a valid question.
Yeah yeah. As if.
Their little discussion almost made Gemini miss the conversation. "We're taking the OmniBot?" Jerri and Heidi spoke again as one. Whether it changed her voice or not was something neither of them knew or bothered to study.
Why the fuck are we doing that?
"After the public disaster we had bringing it in, is this a good idea?" Jerri asked, turning Heidi's unheard commentary into a valid question.
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
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"Fair enough, Agent Inferno. Lets see what we can do in that department."
Hawk walked to the side wall and grabbed the phone off the wall. He held the reciever to his ear and punched in the extension for MetaTech.
"Phyber? Yeah, this is Hawk up here in six twelve. I need the slaughterbot patched into the briefing room's holo-emitter for an op briefing. And finish bolting the thing back together, we've got an op in an hour and it's probably coming with. Yeah, I know it's short notice, deal with it, I didn't exactly get two weeks notice either. Alright, goodbye."
Hawk dropped the receiver back into the cradle and turned back to the rest of the group.
"Alright, lets give it a minute and see if those overpaid geeks can get it in here."
A moment later the air shimmered over the center of the table as a very miniaturized version of the omnicorp bot appeared next to NExT's holographic avatar.
"Anything else, Inferno?"
Hawk walked to the side wall and grabbed the phone off the wall. He held the reciever to his ear and punched in the extension for MetaTech.
"Phyber? Yeah, this is Hawk up here in six twelve. I need the slaughterbot patched into the briefing room's holo-emitter for an op briefing. And finish bolting the thing back together, we've got an op in an hour and it's probably coming with. Yeah, I know it's short notice, deal with it, I didn't exactly get two weeks notice either. Alright, goodbye."
Hawk dropped the receiver back into the cradle and turned back to the rest of the group.
"Alright, lets give it a minute and see if those overpaid geeks can get it in here."
A moment later the air shimmered over the center of the table as a very miniaturized version of the omnicorp bot appeared next to NExT's holographic avatar.
"Anything else, Inferno?"
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
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The image was grainy, and the resolution poor, but the miniature figure that appeared atop the desk was easily recognizable as the fifteen and a half foot war machine that the Ultima team had brought in some time before. It turned its upper body around 360 degrees, though the holograms it was comprised of did not replicate the sound of the enormous motors it used to do this. When it finally spoke, its voice was tinny and distant, like the recording of a thunderstorm played through a damaged headset.
"Transmission link established. Audiovisual feed online."
"Transmission link established. Audiovisual feed online."
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
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"Good," stated Hawk simply.
For the next few minutes he recapped what he had already explained to the rest of the group to the giant walking Omnicorp Battle-class Can-opener.
For the next few minutes he recapped what he had already explained to the rest of the group to the giant walking Omnicorp Battle-class Can-opener.
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
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Hawk looked around the room, eyebrow raised in a questioning look, waiting.
"Well then, if there are no further questions or concerns, you all are dismissed. You've got a little less than an hour to get in position. Get to it."
"Well then, if there are no further questions or concerns, you all are dismissed. You've got a little less than an hour to get in position. Get to it."
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
- LadyTevar
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Gemini pushed away from the table, looking over to Inferno. "Do you have a suggestion on what to bring, other than collection bags for the paperwork and samples?"
A weapon, duh. Gel rounds or other subdual ammo.
"I didn't ask you, Heidi..." Jerri muttered.
I'm going to be in charge of the body, I know what I'm doing.
A weapon, duh. Gel rounds or other subdual ammo.
"I didn't ask you, Heidi..." Jerri muttered.
I'm going to be in charge of the body, I know what I'm doing.
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers
"Some sort of weapon, non-lethal ordinance only. Not to be used unless absolutely necessary." Inferno looked around at the rest of the team.
"Right then, lets head out. You'll be down at the vans in 5, Agent Hawk please make certain that we roll out of here with something big enough to hide Unit Alpha's presence."
"Right then, lets head out. You'll be down at the vans in 5, Agent Hawk please make certain that we roll out of here with something big enough to hide Unit Alpha's presence."
Moderator of Philosophy and Theology
- Agent Fisher
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Mike frowned at the non-lethal order, but nodded. He exited the room with the rest of the team. "Well, see you down in the motorpool. Oh, a suggestion, for those of you who aren't bullet sponges, body armor would be advisable. Even if it's just a knock on the door and they don't do much more than roll over, they help you look more intimidating." He said.
With that, the merc returned to the car level, and his vehicle, once again opening the trunk. He removed his vest from the trunk, making sure he had every he needed in the three cargo pockets on it, search gloves, handcuffs, ziplock bags, and other assorted items. After slipping it on, he removed his pistol from his holster on his belt, removing the magazine and the round in the chamber as well as the two magazines in the pouches on his belt. Making sure no one else was watching him, he slipped two of the magazines full of normal ammunition into a pocket on his vest, and grabbing three magazines full of non-lethal stun rounds and placed them in the correct spots. Mike grabbed a water bottle from the flat he kept in his trunk and headed over to the van they had used earlier, expecting they would use it again. As he waited he put on the headphones for his iPhone, starting to bob his head to the music.
With that, the merc returned to the car level, and his vehicle, once again opening the trunk. He removed his vest from the trunk, making sure he had every he needed in the three cargo pockets on it, search gloves, handcuffs, ziplock bags, and other assorted items. After slipping it on, he removed his pistol from his holster on his belt, removing the magazine and the round in the chamber as well as the two magazines in the pouches on his belt. Making sure no one else was watching him, he slipped two of the magazines full of normal ammunition into a pocket on his vest, and grabbing three magazines full of non-lethal stun rounds and placed them in the correct spots. Mike grabbed a water bottle from the flat he kept in his trunk and headed over to the van they had used earlier, expecting they would use it again. As he waited he put on the headphones for his iPhone, starting to bob his head to the music.
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Morpheus:I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me.
- LadyTevar
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See? What did I tell you? Now go drink the serum so I can get us ready to break a door down.Charon wrote:"Some sort of weapon, non-lethal ordinance only. Not to be used unless absolutely necessary." Inferno looked around at the rest of the team.
Jerri simply nodded to Inferno and left the room, heading for her lab, where all her armor and weapons were kept. As they moved, the clocks struck the time, making Jerri sigh.
Don't want to give up the body? Heidi smirked as they entered the lab.
"No, because a lot of what we'll be finding in there would be genetics and chemistry that I'd have a better chance understanding."
So you just stay awake for once. I can translate for the boys.
"Sure you can," Jerri replied, tongue firmly in cheek.
Whatever. It's my turn either way.
Jerri nodded slowly, pulling the vial of serum out of the pouch on her belt. "Yes. Try not to get to enthusiatic. We want people alive and information intact," she reminded her sister as the mint-flavored potion was swallowed.
Gemini's body shuddered, shivering and twisted as the serum took effect, transforming from lab-tech to athletic superhero. "Don't worry, Jerri. I'll remember," Heidi promised with a huge grin as she grabbed armor and non-lethal rounds for the pistol she buckled on, as well as grabbing a tazer that had settings for "norms, meta, and tanks".
As Mike was bobbing to the music, he got a good view of Heidi walking towards him, dressed to kill in ways that only a merc could love.
Dogs are Man's Best Friend
Cats are Man's Adorable Little Serial Killers