Bulyard-Class Fleet Tender
Designed by the Star Fleet Corps of Engineers as a “Shipyard in a Box” concept, the Bulyard-Class Fleet Tender is the first of it's kind in Star Fleet, and one of the largest ships in the fleet. The ship is built with a semi-modular design in it's out structure, allowing it to switch between two modes - normal operation mode and Dry Dock.
Under normal operation mode, the Bulyard-Class is a slow, sluggish beast. Compared to even the largest Star Fleet cruisers, the Bulyard-Class is slow and ponderous. Designed to operate in support of Fleets of ships, the Bulyard-Class itself has little in the way of weaponry, only seven phaser arrays are lining the titanic ships hull, with no torpedo tubes in fire support.
Dry Dock mode essentially “unfolds” the ship, extending articulated pylons which can enfold most Federation starships and allow the dedicated crews to repair all but the most heinous damage to an allied ship. In this mode, the Bulyard-Class ship has virtually no mobility aside from minor altitude corrections, and loses function of it's primary weapons systems.
Notable Ships
Bulyard (NX-865400)
Newport News (NCC-865401)
Avondale (NCC-865402)
Length: 1623m
Beam: 1146m
Height: 824m
Decks: 80
Crew: 3900
Crew Composition 80% Engineering and Construction, 3% Science, 2% Security, 3% Medical, 15% Flight Operations
Auxillary Vehicles
300 Worker Bees
2 Yellowstone-class runabouts
10 Type XII Shuttlecraft, 15 Type VII Shuttle
5 Type X Shuttlecrafts
10 Type IX Shuttlecrafts
Type X Phaser Array x7
Triple Redundant Regenerative Shield Generators
Duranium/Tritanium Double hull with 5cm of Ablative Armor
High Level Structual Integrity Field
Warp Speed
Normal Cruise: Warp 7
Maximum Cruise: Warp 8.0
Maximum Sustained: Warp 8.7 for 20 hours