Wonder Woman's New Look for NBC Show

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#1 Wonder Woman's New Look for NBC Show

Post by Dark Silver »

So Wonder Woman has a new show coming to NBC

The Actress did some testshots in a proposed costume for wonderwoman


I...kinda like it. It's different, but still decent, plus she's not in a one peice strapless bikini basically.

I would have preferred the red boots instead of the blue personally.
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Post by Batman »

I would have preferred the red boots instead of the blue personally.
Guess who said exactly that over at SDN. :grin:
And not too happy. The chest eagle is too small, I fail to see what those little red stars are good for, and they overdid the WW symbol being everywhere (IIRC classic Diana has the the eagle on the chest, the belt being a simple golden circlet, and the boots having simple white stripes across the upper rim/down the front middle). Also, despite being supposed to be silver, the bracers just somehow look off to me in that configuration.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Plastic? Can I get some metal here?
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Post by KlavoHunter »

http://www.deadline.com/2011/03/first-l ... der-woman/

Look at the juxtaposition of old and new, and the new will stand out as being... horrible.

The pants are awful with their ridiculous shininess, and it just gets worse from there... She looks like a celebrity impersonator who gets hired for cheap parties.

They're on the right track, but then they screwed up on all the details.
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Post by SirNitram »

Too much plastic. Needs more ARMOR PLATING.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Would bluejeans work?

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Post by rhoenix »

LadyTevar wrote:Would bluejeans work?
Probably better than what she has now.
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Post by Batman »

LadyTevar wrote:Would bluejeans work?
Generally? Yes. They seemed to work okay for Cassandra Sandsmark. With that outfit? No.
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Post by Stofsk »

i say lose the pants and put on red boots, but i said this already over on TOB
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Post by B4UTRUST »

Honestly, she looks like a cheap stripper playing dress up for some nerd's bachelor party.
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Post by Batman »

The sad thing is other than the boots, the outfit could have worked, if they had avoided the shiny and the overly elaborate belt. Imagine the same costume in more subdued colours, with the proper boots (hell, even let them keep the eagle top and gold stripe, as long as they're red), that would have been a perfectly acceptable Wonder Woman outfit.
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Post by frigidmagi »

This is Wonder Women, not Batgirl, subdued colors isn't the issue. It's the plasticy, cheap appearance of the outfit. Pants is a good thing, spandex rubber pants not so much.

Some of the other boards (like spacebattles) are screaming about how the actress doesn't have the muscles to be wonder woman, to be honest from how I've seen her drawn she's not especially muscular. Any thoughts on that folks?
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Post by Batman »

Subdued may have been the wrong word. Would 'not glossy' have been more accurate? And frankly, given Steph's duds she isn't so hot on subdued either. (I so hate purple in a bat costume).

And I'm sorry, I couldn't do what I do by sheer muscle power in the real world, and I'm allegedly basically (if upper edge) human.
I don't care how muscular you are, you can't do the things Diana, or Clark, or anybody else in their league do, so why, exactly, would that matter?
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