Blake's 7 Early Years: Disappointed and dissatisfied

SF: Not to be confused with SyFy....
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#1 Blake's 7 Early Years: Disappointed and dissatisfied

Post by Soontir948 »

Last year, I had bought the audios to the remake of Blake's 7. There were three of them, an hour long each, and were fantastic. Riding on the excellent production I decided to buy their Early Years audios. Now I do have to admit, they had warned that they would be shorter but I didn't think they'd reduce them to thirty minutes. Fourty-five perhaps but thirty is unbelievable! They are also priced the same as the hour long audios as well which makes it even worse.

I just finished listening to the third installment "Eye of the Machine" which features Kerr Avon and it was going fantastically until the anti-climatic end. I was like, "that's it? Bullshit!". It was bad enough that they were only thirty minutes and paying what about $13 for each story but now I am completely miffed!

The stories are definitely fantastic to listen, but holy smokes they could be longer.
Last edited by Soontir948 on Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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