Witch Hunter: The Invisible World

OOC: For the creation and management of board RPG's.

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Post by Haizu »

For whatever the reason I haven't been getting an email when people post so if I go for a couple of days without posting that's why.
Those who do evil to others...the killers, rapists, psychos, sadists...you'll come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me....The Punisher.

The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
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Post by Soontir948 »

Yes, it happens to me at times too. I have tried resubscribing to the dysfunctional thread and it does seem to work.

Now put your hand into the torch!
Last edited by Soontir948 on Sat May 08, 2010 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Haizu wrote:For whatever the reason I haven't been getting an email when people post so if I go for a couple of days without posting that's why.
That's why you actually go to the thread and check it. It only takes a couple of seconds.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Haizu, please keep blatantly out of game comments to this thread. I don't have an issue with kibitzing and cracking wise, but in these sorts of games it rather breaks the flow of the narrative to have such a comment in the RP thread, especially mid-post.
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Post by Haizu »

I fixed it, sorry I'm used to writing not rp'ing.
Those who do evil to others...the killers, rapists, psychos, sadists...you'll come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me....The Punisher.

The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
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Post by frigidmagi »

No worries Haizu, just try to think of it has writing in the 1st person. Stick yourself in the character's shoes if you can.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by frigidmagi »

Name: Robert O'Connell
Nationality: Irish
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Catalysis: Witness
Order: Stalwarts of St Christopher
Religion: Catholic
Background: Highwayman
Vice: Hot Headed
Virtue: Courageous

Str: 3
Agl: 4
Tou: 3
Edu: 2
Rea: 2
Will: 3
Cour: 4
Int: 3
Per: 3

Hand to Hand: 3
Firearms: 1
Ride: 1
Stealth: 1
Survival: 1
Resolve: 1
Throw 1
Grapple 1
Empathy 1
Intimate 1
Jump 1
Aerobatics 1
Animal Care 1
Parry 1
Reflexes 1

Gaelic 4
English 3

Basic Fighting Style
Attack Focus- Rapier -1 complexity
Pugilist +1 die bonus to HTH when unarmed
Apprentice Gauntlet: +1 to DM of any improvised weapon
Never Umarmed: +1 to unarmed attack modifier

2 daggers
grab, common
10 yrds rope
2 waterskins
Fucking Chalk
3 days rations
common wine

Background: Robert's story, like most people's started before he was born. His great-grandfather had been a supporter of Hugh O Neill and had been one of his officers in the 9 year war against Elizabethan England. A war that like most of the ones against England, the Irish lost. With that his family lost their lands and wealth and fled to southern Ireland. His grandfather took part in the Irish Rebellion of 1640s only to lose his left arm in battle and much of the land he had taken. Robert's father held to a small farm that barely fed everyone. Robert was his youngest living son and child, the 7th. Given the example set by the last two men of O'Connell, Robert's father gave short shift to any ideas of fighting the English and concentrated on making enough to pay his taxes and feed his family. Robert however, was fed tales of bloody rebellion and glorious battle against the oppressors from the cradle by his dying grandfather and mother, who had lost much of her own family.

Robert learned to fight from his Uncle, who had become a mercenary. Growing up, it was Robert's great ambition to join his uncle on his bloody adventurers across Europe. Robert's ambitions, as is usual for Irishmen, were thwarted by fate. At the age of 14, determined to show he could go with his uncle the next time he visited, he started visiting the closest bar.
The first couple visits were uneventful, it was a quiet bar in a backwater village. The the son of the local English lord came... Slumming. With a pair of bodyguards and drunk off his rocker. Sadly the boy was a mean drunk and Robert wasn't a tolerant boy. Robert went for his knife in the fight and he was an outlaw before the drunk lording hit the ground. Robert did manage to steal the lording's rapier and money purse while fleeing.

Robert spent the next two years drifting before finding his next occupation. That of a highwayman. It was something he stumbled into accidentally. He was alone in a wooded grove next to a road (couldn't afford an inn) when he saw a marvelous carriage roll pass. It was some Englishmen's personal ride and something in him snapped. His grandfather had lost his arm and died a broken, sick old man, because of an Englishmen. His father was rotting away on a some small scrap of a farm, owning most of what he grew to an Englishmen. He had siblings who had died of sickness or not enough to eat, because of an Englishmen. His Uncle had to wonder the bloody battlefields of Europe to make a living because of an Englishmen. He was shivering out here in the dark, because of an Englishmen. He grabbed the rapier he had refused to sell and ambushed the carriage. He knocked out the coachmen and robbed the fat Englishmen inside of everything down to his undies and ran for it.

He sold what he stole and realized he had more money then he had ever seen before in his life... More then his father had seen before in his life... And it was owed him by those English bastards. He bought a horse and some pistols and turned to his new job with a will. He roamed South Ireland at will attacking rich Englishmen on the road and using their money to fund himself. While he kept the vast majority of what he stole, he wasn't heartless, many a church and poor family found tithes and gifts nearby to keep them going. He did this for 3 years before running into another change.

He attempted to ambush another English merchant, only to get the thrashing of his life! The man was a Stalwart of St Christopher and while Robert wasn't the prey he was seeking, he was predator none the less. Robert barely managed to escape with his life, never you mind his pride. This angered him deeply and he started on a feud on this sneaking English bastard, believing him to be some sort of sheriff in disguise. The witchhunter at first thought perhaps Robert was in league with the Adversary but quickly realized he was just a mundane bandit with a temper. For 3 months Robert attempted strike back at the witchhunter only to be outdone each time and told to leave off! Which only goaded him more.

Then came the last step in the series of events. Robert was a witness to a Red Cap attack. A full band of monsters swept down on a traveling convoy of pilgrims. Robert attacked the Red Caps attempting to help but received a thrashing even worse then the one the witchhunter gave him. Only pure dumb luck kept him from being killed, he fell into a river and was carried away. He crawled back up on the banks a few miles downstream and tried to heal but what he saw gnawed away at him. He had no illusions about himself. He was not a good man but he was no monster! The Red Caps needed to be stopped and try as he might Robert could think of only one man even close to capable of doing it.

He went hat in hand, expecting to be mocked, disbelieved and rejected, but he had to try. When the witchhunter, whose name was Gregory, not only believed him but told him that's why he was in Ireland in the first place, Robert almost fainted dead away. They bound up Roberts wounds and went hunting. They killed the Red Caps. All of them. Robert enlisted on the spot as a Stalwart of St. Christopher. Gregory would spent the next 2 years training and preparing him. 6 Months ago Robert and his mentor took leave of each other, Robert decided to take ship for the New World to avoid being swept up in the Williamite War, for he would never fight for England but feared taking up arms against his fellows in the Order. When the visions started he was in New Amsterdam, as a Catholic he was deeply unwelcome in New England. He made a bee line for Annapolis.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Thu May 20, 2010 9:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Soontir948 »

My oh my, we're getting bigger. :D
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Post by frigidmagi »

*twiddles thumbs*
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Hotfoot »

Okay guys, I know we had the whole "school's ending" lull, and I've been considerate to those of you still in college who had finals and all, but I'd really like to get this game moving. On that note, if you've not posted by Friday, I will make a post and you may not like the results if you're not active.
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