WOD Werewolf: Appalachia Moonrise

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Want to play a Werewolf?

Poll ended at Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:17 pm

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General Havoc
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Post by General Havoc »

Submitted for consideration:

Name: Sophia Aran ("Sophie")

Breed: Metis
Tribe: Glasswalkers
Camp: Random Interrupts
Auspice: Philodox

Background: Sophie's true name (assuming she ever had one), tribe, and background, are unknown. Her real parents, perhaps ashamed at having birthed a Metis, perhaps members of a tribe that decreed their expulsion, abandoned her shortly after birth to a fate that would almost certainly have been death, had she not been discovered by the members of a small sept of Glass Walkers operating out of the city of Chicago. Despite recent upheavals in the local organization, the Glass Walkers operated, then as now, under a policy of adopting abandoned and unwanted Metis cubs, and Sophie was therefore taken in and raised by a half-dozen Homid Werewolves from the 'Random Interrupt' camp of the Glass Walkers, all technical experts and self-avowed "geeks", who raised her the only way they knew, as one of their own.

In consequence of this incredible luck, Sophie, unlike most Metis, grew up in a vibrant and happy (if very strange) household, her unknown original lineage replaced entirely by that of her adopted tribe. Though unable to leave the headquarters of adopted family (for obvious reasons) her six different 'uncles' (all Homids, and all technicians, hackers, programmers or general nerds) did the best they could with the Metis cub they found themselves responsible for, and while the results of their amateur parenting techniques were often hilarious, they were miles beyond the neglect and social starvation that most Metis cubs received. Sophie grew up around computers, technology, and passionate experts in both, who taught her everything she was able to learn about programming, hacking, database manipulation, electrical engineering, computer science, and other associated fields. She coupled these with other, more intrinsic, lessons, such as "How to resolve Kirk v. Picard disputes", a matter of some importance when the debating parties are also werewolves, or the time-honored "How to get what you want from another parent when the one you asked says no."

As a result of all this, Sophie grew up to be a tomboyish, willful Garou, who neither knew nor cared of her own background, having thrown herself from an early age into the 'traditions' of her adopted tribe. A computer expert beyond compare, she rapidly exceeded her uncles' technical skills in breadth and even in depth, coding her first application at age 4, constructing her first computer at 6, and overcoming her uncles own security systems for the first time on her 7th birthday (after she discovered from what source they had derived her last name). Less overtly 'geeky' than her uncles, she still holds a deep fascination for technology in general, and computers and networks in specific. While she was always taught to be careful and aware of how others would view her 'unique' status, both as a Garou and a Metis, she was never made to feel 'inferior' because of it, and therefore utterly rejects all attempts by others to make her feel so. The way she was taught to see it, she needs no 'permission' from any man or wolf to exist, particularly when most of those making the insinuations can't tell a fiber-optic network from a spiderweb.

Equally at home in Lupus, Homid, or any other form (though of course her most comfortable is Crinos), Sophie unquestionably thinks more like a Homid than she does a Lupus (having taught herself to use computers even as a wolf), save for the fact that she refuses to pre-judge any situation or being she encounters through human perspectives, preferring instead to objectively 'read the code', that she, like her uncles, believes underlies and controls even non-electronic beings and situations. Her Metis nature has resulted in a deformity, not of body but of spirit, and she, unlike all other Garou, cannot rely on the veil to protect her should she accidentally be seen in her natural form. One of the few lessons all her uncles took entirely seriously, one she has taken closely to heart, is the need for her to 'be her own veil', and to actively avoid drawing such attention to herself. Having only recently started acting and taking on duties in her own right, she is hardly an expert in the world at large, unable for much of her life to leave the confines of her home for more than a few carefully-planned excursions. Her social skills are not the most refined (though well beyond anything her uncles display), but she is objective, perceptive, and non-judgmental, and while she heaps fiery scorn upon overly dogmatic types (be they human or Garou), she has not developed enough hatreds or bad experiences yet to be averse to working or associating with largely anyone, for better or worse.

Metis Flaw: Thin Veil


Physical (3 pts)
Strength: 1. Sophie is small and slight for her age in all forms, though within the realm of what one might call "normal".
Stamina: 2. A few electrical shocks and chemical explosions from 'experiments' conducted as a child have taught her how to avoid the worst of the events she brings on herself.
Dexterity: 3. Being small has its advantages, and it is better to avoid being hit, than to simply absorb punishment.

Social (5 pts)
Charisma: 3. Non-judging, friendly, and open-minded, if a bit weird.
Manipulation: 4 (5 freebie points spent). Learned veryearly on how to get what she wanted from her various uncles, be it a piece of candy before dinner or a new microprocessor for her gaming rig.
Appearance: 2. A bit bookish-looking in her human forms, a little small in her lupine ones. Nothing too abnormal.

Mental (7 pts)
Perception: 3. Accustomed to thinking laterally and paying close attention to detail.
Intelligence: 4. A mind like a sponge, soaking up everything she comes in contact with, coupled with an insatiable curiosity for detailed knowledge.
Wits: 3. Very clever and steady of mind, if a bit inexperienced.


Talents: (5 pts)

Primal Urge: 2. Long ago learned that bestial rages usually result in nothing more than a smashed keyboard, and no resolution.
Empathy: 1. Makes an effort to understand the reason behind things and people, not just their face value.
Dodge: 2. A talent picked up in many a late-night nerf war with her uncles, somewhat heightened by current experiences.
Alertness: 2. You never could tell, around her house, when someone was waiting in ambush with a cheap Halloween mask affixed to a nine foot werewolf. One can also never tell when a toxic pond is going to loom up out of the darkness and attack one, or so it appears.
Brawl: 1. Not the most physically imposing werewolf alive, but still a werewolf.

Skills: (9 pts)

Repair: 2. Not a professional, but definitely very skilled at assembling or repairing all manner of devices, particularly electronic ones.
Drive: 1. Learned to drive once she could take human form, and managed to avoid wrecking too many cars doing so.
Firearms: 3. Several of her uncles were firearms enthusiasts, and readily imparted their wisdom to her. Has definite preferences in regards to her favored weapons, preferences honed somewhat by the need to blast certain unspeakable monstrosities into inert bits.
Leadership: 2. As the most level-headed of the bunch, she was often called upon to find solutions to particularly stubborn security systems, or resolve the raging conflicts over Star Wars v. Star Trek.
Subterfuge: 2. Hacking is as much social engineering as it is cryptography.
Survival: 1. Didn't spend a lot of time outdoors, but several of her uncles at least made sure she knew how to build a campfire... or at least use a GPS uplink.
Stealth: 1. Useful when trying to sneak into the kitchen at night to get another dog biscuit...

Knowledges: (13 pts)

Computer: 5 (4 freebie points spent). A prodigal, intuitive master of all things electronic, surpassing even her teachers.
Enigmas: 3. A mind like a steel trap mated to a curious nature and a penchant for riddles and exploration.
Investigation: 2. When knowledge won't cut it, find out what others know. Especially useful when debugging a hand-written UNIX kernel.
Science: 2. Though her primary expertise is computers, her uncles made sure she had a thorough grounding in everything from biochemistry to particle physics.
Politics: 2. Mediating the disparate interests, goals, and desires of six super-nerd werewolves demands a certain level of political acumen.
Medical: 1. Familiar with the basics of first-aid, if only because of the recurring chemistry 'accidents' she participated in around age 8.


Allies (5 pts): Her so-called 'uncles', six male Homid Glass Walkers of the Random Interrupt camp, each of them experts in one technology-related field or another, and each of them very geeky by the standards of even normal human society.
Fetish (4 pts, all freebies):
Vulcan Interface, Mk. II: An attachment to Sophie's ubiquitous laptop, which, when attached by phone cord or physical contact to any electromechanical device, grants Sophie complete control over said device via her computer, bypassing all security features and control privileges and accessing the device on a machine-spirit level. Sophie acquired this Fetish shortly after her first transformation, and has used it for all manner of purposes since then, some serious (hacking into the records of a major bank to track money deposits), some merely comedic (causing one of her uncles' computers to play extremely loud Elvis songs at three in the morning).
Resources: 1. Sophie doesn't have a vast amount of financial resources available to her, but her needs aren't enormous either. Most of her income goes into more powerful and advanced technical equipment.


Create Element
Truth of Gaia

3 Honor (5 Temporary)
0 Wisdom (5 Temporary)
0 Glory (6 Temporary)

Rage: 3/3
Gnosis: 4/5 (4 freebie pts)
Willpower: 5/5 (2 freebie pts)

Personal Gear:


Remington Model 870 pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, 24x 12-gauge buckshot shells, 6x 12-gauge silver buckshot shells.

Česká Zbrojovka CZ-75 9mm Semiautomatic Handgun, 32x 9mm Parabellum FMJ Ball rounds.

Other: Clothing, laptop, PDA/Cell Phone/GPS, carrying cases, Bluetooth headset, satellite uplink, extra batteries, CZ-75 9mm handgun, several clips 9mm ball ammunition, pocket technician's kit, motorized screwdriver, digital watch (with built-in compass), spool of phone cable with crimper and heads, soldering iron, twisted-wire Cockroach pendant.

Freebie points spent:

5 on Manipulation
4 on Computers
4 on Fetish
4 on Gnosis
2 on Willpower
1 on Resources

Current XP: 4


2 on Alertness
2 on Dodge
4 on Firearms
Last edited by General Havoc on Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:43 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...

Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
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Post by Jason_Firewalker »

for your first WW character, thats damn good...........
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Post by rhoenix »

Also, if it helps any for choosing gifts - I found this rather handy page.
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Post by LadyTevar »

That's so good, its' approved.

Don't forget the Mark 2 can be used without the phone cord. The phone cord is more for things that the BlackBox can't be physically touching.

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Post by Charon »

Damn you and your story-time characters Havoc.

I feel like I just sat through a novel. :razz:

Hurray for another Metis though! Even if you are a Glasswalker.
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Post by LadyTevar »

So far we have the following:

Sees-Faces-In-Stars, Stargazer Lupus Theurge (rheonix)
Alexander "Stormwalker" Korolyi, ShadowLord Homid Ahroun (cyncat)
Adahy Breathes-The-Winds, Uktena Metis Galliard (charon)
Joe FeatherFall, Wendigo Homid Galliard (firewalker)
Sophia "Sophie" Aran, Glasswalker Metis Philodox (havoc)

Devonie is working on the backstory and name for a Fianna Homid Ahroun I've created for her, because she wanted to "party and kill stuff". We're still not sure if she'll have the time to play.

All we need is a Ragabash, and we'll have a full pack. :lol:

I think those already approved need to start discussing what Totem and Name your pack should have. If needed, I'll post later detailing why werewolves run in packs, and why packs have Totems. I'll also give examples of how having a Totem helps a pack.

And Cyncat? I don't think Grandfather Thunder will like this motley crew, do you? :lol:
Last edited by LadyTevar on Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Cynical Cat »

With your kind permission Lady T, I will join the pack during the game and so not be part of picking the pack totem, if anyone actually spent points on it.
LadyTevar wrote:
And Cyncat? I don't think Grandfather Thunder will like this motley crew, do you? :lol:
Crow sees much and he tells Grandfather Thunder all. Their strengths and potential will not be rejected if they strive to be worthy.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by General Havoc »

Yeah, sorry Tev, but I'm gonna need pretty low-level explanations for a lot of the terminology and things. For example, I can guess what a pack is (in D&D we'd call it a 'party'), but I have no idea of the in-game rationale for why these particular werewolves would have anything to do with one another, particularly given that (from what I've read), Wendigos and Glasswalkers do not tend to get along all that well. I also have no clue what a Totem is (in regards to a pack), nor what one does with it.
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Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

General Havoc wrote:Yeah, sorry Tev, but I'm gonna need pretty low-level explanations for a lot of the terminology and things. For example, I can guess what a pack is (in D&D we'd call it a 'party'), but I have no idea of the in-game rationale for why these particular werewolves would have anything to do with one another, particularly given that (from what I've read), Wendigos and Glasswalkers do not tend to get along all that well. I also have no clue what a Totem is (in regards to a pack), nor what one does with it.
Werewolves are creators of the spirit as much as of the flesh. Each tribe has a patron spirit and so does each pack. There's a background (you can also spend xp in game) which allows you to put points towards the pack's totem. Totems have special abilities they can grant the pack and they get stronger the more points they have.

Don't sweat the Wendigo thing. Stereotypes are stereotypes and you're both Garou first.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Cynical Cat wrote:
General Havoc wrote:Yeah, sorry Tev, but I'm gonna need pretty low-level explanations for a lot of the terminology and things. For example, I can guess what a pack is (in D&D we'd call it a 'party'), but I have no idea of the in-game rationale for why these particular werewolves would have anything to do with one another, particularly given that (from what I've read), Wendigos and Glasswalkers do not tend to get along all that well. I also have no clue what a Totem is (in regards to a pack), nor what one does with it.
Werewolves are creators of the spirit as much as of the flesh. Each tribe has a patron spirit and so does each pack. There's a background (you can also spend xp in game) which allows you to put points towards the pack's totem. Totems have special abilities they can grant the pack and they get stronger the more points they have.
To expand on this: The Pack is closer than Family to a Garou. You are siblings in spirit with those in your pack (and often fight like siblings too). But your Pack has your back, you stand with them throughout it all, for good or ill. The pack Totem is said to be born of this spirit of family, and ties you together stronger than blood.

Each Pack Totem gives in-game bonuses to the pack. For example, Owl gives all pack members the ability to fly in the Umbra (Spirit World), as well as gifts them with bonuses to their Knowledges. However, the pack totem also asks for a favor that the pack must do monthly, or names a Ban that the pack must never do. Owl, once again, asks that each month a mouse or small rodent be restrained and left in the woods for his mortal children to find and eat. An example of a Ban might be to never let an insult go unanswered (which can get the pack into a LOT of fights).

Any Tribal Totem can be chosen, and there are several 'lesser' Totems that can be chosen as well such as Lion, Crow, Mouse, and Wolverine. Some Totems are picky about whom they ally with. Grandfather Thunder is especially picky, and lays a heavy Ban for his immense aid.

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Post by General Havoc »

Hrm, well then the question arises of whether or not we are all going to be in a pre-existing pack (and if so, how that came to be, and why), or if we're going to actually form one in-game.
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Post by LadyTevar »

It would help if some of you were, at least. Cyncat has stated he wants to be a loner at first.

Edit: FYI, it is possible to add to a pack, or to dissolve one and form another. You take a hit in Renown for doing this -too- often, unless there's good cause (i.e. deaths in the Pack)
Last edited by LadyTevar on Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by General Havoc »

Well as a Metis Glasswalker from Chicago, I don't know how my character would have originally gotten involved with a pack in Appalachia. I'm therefore amenable to starting outside or inside the pack, whichever you think best.
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Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
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Post by LadyTevar »

Actually, it is normal for youngsters to be 'fostered' out to different Septs. If a pack is the basis of Garou society, a Sept is several packs sharing guardianship of a Caern, which is a magic node dedicated to a particular Totem and how Garou regain Gnosis. In these days fostering's considered a good way to make sure Caerns have enough bodies to protect them, as well as try to get a little more cooperation between Septs and Tribes.

Often the fosterlings are thrown together into a pack, perhaps with one or two locals if there are any of the right age. Charon is a 'local' and I've already given him some background on where he's from. If Firewalker and Rheonix wish it, I could make them either locals or Fosterlings to the starting Sept. If the 4 of you wish, you can be a new-formed pack, and be charged with "watching over" the Shadowlord.

I will admit it would be easier if you were already a pack, but I can work it otherwise and let you guys experience the Mystic Wonder of forming your own pack. :wink:
Last edited by LadyTevar on Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Charon »

I think it would be interesting to have the pack being formed at the very beginning. Get some good RPing and get everyone used to their characters and the other player's characters before we get started.

On that note, who wants to be the Alpha?

*sits back and lets the others squabble for it.*
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Post by General Havoc »

I tend to agree with Charon, though I don't know the ins and outs of how it would work.
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...

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Post by Cynical Cat »

Charon wrote:

On that note, who wants to be the Alpha?
We'll definitely RP that.
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Post by Charon »

Cynical Cat wrote:
Charon wrote:

On that note, who wants to be the Alpha?
We'll definitely RP that.
Oh definately. But I want to see now who wants the job and who doesn't.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Charon wrote:
Cynical Cat wrote:
Charon wrote:

On that note, who wants to be the Alpha?
We'll definitely RP that.
Oh definately. But I want to see now who wants the job and who doesn't.
I want to RP that as well.

Yes, this is me pushing to start the game soonest.
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Post by rhoenix »

Charon wrote:I think it would be interesting to have the pack being formed at the very beginning. Get some good RPing and get everyone used to their characters and the other player's characters before we get started.
I like this idea, and given the gathering group, it would help all of us as players feel more invested in the game as well, I think.
Charon wrote:On that note, who wants to be the Alpha?
I'd say that depends very much on what situation the pack finds itself in. :wink:
Last edited by rhoenix on Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by General Havoc »

I'd say it also depends very much on how people choose Alphas.
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Post by rhoenix »

General Havoc wrote:I'd say it also depends very much on how people choose Alphas.
While that's true, an example I (vaguely) recall from the WW:tA book was "A Philodox is usually Alpha in times of peace, giving way to the Ahroun in times of war, Galliard in times of rejoicing or rallying or revelry, to the Theurge when matters of spirits arise, and Ragabash for the unconventional solutions."
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Post by Charon »

At the same time. Being the Alpha isn't something you hand around like the town bicycle. As I see it, the Alpha may defer to a Theurge for a matter of spirituality, but he's still the Alpha and his word is law. And hell, in a pack I can't see there being much more than maybe a trading of Wartime and Peacetime Alpha.
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Post by rhoenix »

Charon wrote:At the same time. Being the Alpha isn't something you hand around like the town bicycle. As I see it, the Alpha may defer to a Theurge for a matter of spirituality, but he's still the Alpha and his word is law. And hell, in a pack I can't see there being much more than maybe a trading of Wartime and Peacetime Alpha.
With a pack this size, quite probably, as there is little need.

In larger packs (where each Auspice is well-represented and has its own hierarchy), it can be traded around a little; not as much as the example I quoted implies - but enough.
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Post by General Havoc »

The question that comes to mind for me though is how one determines Alphaness? Is it a matter of beating down the previous Alpha? Is it a matter of acclamation? Is there a vote?
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...

Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
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