Redesign Part Three [last time, please revote]

GH: General Discussion

Moderator: LadyTevar

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Which one of the five

Release Canidate 1 - Hillary Clinton
No votes
Release Canidate 2 - Barak Obama
No votes
Release Canidate 3 - Rudy Guiliani
Release Canidate 4 - Obama Clinton the Fifth
Release Canidate 5 - Ross Perot
Stop making fucking threads!
Total votes: 18

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Dark Silver
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#1 Redesign Part Three [last time, please revote]

Post by Dark Silver »

Ok, I locked the last thread because I've done several revisions as per suggestions and I need new opinions.

Below I am listing the three Release Canidates for the new layout of The below are NOT final designs - the coloration of each of the layouts is subject to and most likely WILL be changed. If you see a design you overall like, but except for one little thing, PLEASE make a suggestion below on what you would suggest for the change.

Again, nothing on these layouts are final, and the one with the most votes will more than likely be the one who gets the finishing touches, the most changes, and becomes the new layout when it's ready.

So again, the following are ONLY Release Canidates - pure Alpha Phase Mock-ups, and not the final product by far.

Release Canidate 1 aka 'Hillary Clinton'

Release Canidate 2 aka 'Barak Obama'

Release Canidate 3 aka 'Rudy Guiliani'

Release Canidate 4 aka 'Obama Clinton the Fifth'

Release Canidate 5 aka 'Ross Perot'

Please Vote and Discuss.

And I'm sorry about redoing the poll, but you'll see enough changes in them that a new opinion is required.
Last edited by Dark Silver on Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by The Cleric »

Perot for President!
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Post by rhoenix »

I like #2's style, with #4's color scheme.

I opine that the links across the top would look better aligned to the right or left, instead of the center, however. I also think that the LA logo would look better as...not purple. It doesn't fit the scheme, in my view.
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Post by Lord Iames Osari »

Obama Clinton V!
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Post by Dartzap »

Perot, whoever the hells that might be.
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Post by Ace Pace »

Ghouliani for president!

Mostly because Ross Perot is unreadable on my current monitor.

Then again, reading Ross Perot sounds like a bad idea in any case.
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It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Dark Silver »

On Ace's comment, I added some changes to Ross Perot. Just changed the borders, tightened up the layout a bit and getting it look overall alot nicer than it was before

but so far, it's RC-5 aka 'Ross Perot' By a landslide....

Wow......I think that's the first time those words have ever been uttered in all of history.....

Anyway...If we don't get overwhelming support for one of the'll be RC5 who gets all the rest of the work to make it the final product.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
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Post by Ace Pace »

Again, christ, Ross Perot needs a color change, stat.
But better, I like the small tweaks.
[img=left][/img]Grand Dolphin Conspiracy
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.

Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined

Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.

"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

#5. Also #6, but we can't do multi-voting. :razz:
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Post by Batman »

Combine the white background of RC1 with the larger menu items and bigger title bar of RC4. RC2 and 3 once more have the links on the left undecipherable. As is I find RC4 the least offensive.
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Post by The Silence and I »

#4 seems best to me, although it would be win if you could add the divisor bar from #5 (the one containing the time) to help organize the lower part of #4.

On second thought I think #5 might be mostly better, I just like the links on the top in #4 better than what you did in #5. So... a hybrid of #4 and 5.
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Post by Dark Silver »

The Silence and I wrote:#4 seems best to me, although it would be win if you could add the divisor bar from #5 (the one containing the time) to help organize the lower part of #4.

On second thought I think #5 might be mostly better, I just like the links on the top in #4 better than what you did in #5. So... a hybrid of #4 and 5.
Something like this (review RC 5)
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
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Post by The Silence and I »

Dark Silver wrote:
The Silence and I wrote:#4 seems best to me, although it would be win if you could add the divisor bar from #5 (the one containing the time) to help organize the lower part of #4.

On second thought I think #5 might be mostly better, I just like the links on the top in #4 better than what you did in #5. So... a hybrid of #4 and 5.
Something like this (review RC 5)
Yes, although now you have two copies of those links. With polishing I think this'll work best.
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Post by RogueIce »

I voted for RC 5. Hell I even like the color scheme as-is.

Hey look, I posted! The Blue Ranger has returned! All hail David Yost!

Also, you guys put in a Wiki too? Lame. :razz:
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Post by Anonymous »

I chose #4. It looks nice.
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