Heroes: The Road of Good Intentions

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Post by Hotfoot »

Hotfoot was still overwhelmed from the emotional barrage, but he nodded numbly to Gravitas' words. Argent stirred at the motion and the words, and before Hotfoot could react, he was once again between, the shadows of the darkened hospital room reaching up to envelop both himself and Argent. When the shadows fade, they both are gone from Gravitas' physical sight.

Hotfoot blearily opened his eyes upon exiting the space between shadows. Soft music greeted his ears, a comfortable matress supported him, and a dim light illuminated the room. As his eyes came in to focus, the cool colors of the room shaped themselves into blues and greens, and the nature of the room was clear. More important than the room, however, was the woman currently in his arms.

He looked down to see her head resting on his chest, warm air flowing from her nostrils as she breathed in the slow, steady pace of sleep. He leaned his head back and took a slow, deep breath. It occured to him that there might be consequences for this later, but for now, he felt relieved. Argent was sleeping comfortably, and he...he actually felt a bit better himself. While this room was unfamiliar and strange, it was comforting in a way, it felt like a place to live, not just a bare bunk in a government facility.

After a short effort to get into a comfortable position, with special care not to disturb Argent, he began to nod off to sleep himself as he watched her, smiling to himself at the sight. He was glad that he was able to finally help in some way, and happy to see her at peace. The nightmare earlier faded into obscurity as he fell softly into slumber, replaced by somewhat happier dreams...
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Ghost opened his eyes when his alarm went off. He reached over and slapped it, not wanting to wake his wife. He slipped from the bed and forty five minutes later, he gave his sleeping wife a kiss goodbye and walked out of the apartment, heading for Ultima.

Along the way he stopped at a coffe shop, getting a coffee and a paper. As he left the shop, he stumbled into a man. Ghost walked on after apologizing. Now though, a envelope was inside the paper, his delivery from Fox Inc.
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Mon May 21, 2007 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dark Silver »

Doctor Jeff Stone sat at his desk, drinking his fifth cup of coffee, and checking his email when communicator call came through.

"Do you have any idea what ungodly hour of the morning it is? Yes, i was already up....what? a meeting? When.......fine...I'll be there in a hour."

Stone disconnected the line, finished his coffee, and went to get prepared. Ultima called him not even a full day after getting the new suit certified, it had better be important.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
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Blackheart got dressed, munched down three bagels washed down with a pitcher of orange juice, and flew into work.
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Post by SirNitram »

"I'm aware of the dangers, Doctor. That's why my legs aren't actually on the ground." Gravitas sighed as he hovered, levitating as he defied doctor's orders and began gently urging the sensors off himself. "You will know if I die. I just need the IV secure and a heartbeat monitor. I promise you, I will not drop dead. Now, please, my suit."

The doctors and nurses were bewildered here. The tailored suit would be hard to get on over all the medical equipment stuck in Gravitas, especially the pins. Yet, when it touched his skin, it began moving on it's own, sliding over his skin and molding itself into a looser fit of the same style. The living Eufiber adjusted itself. Fully attired, Gravitas gestured at the IV, and the heart monitor. Both lifted off the ground.

"Now. I suppose I should really bring one of you along." Smiled the Nova, as he drifted, feet never on the ground and thus never having to support weight, towards the meeting.
Half-Damned, All Hero.

Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.

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Post by LadyTevar »

The morning light woke Lei gently, and she drowsily snuggled closer against the warm body at her back. All was well... Garth here, they were in her room. Any moment now he'd roll over and...


Why were they on top of the covers?

Garth shouldn't be here... he was in Medica....

What The Fuck?!

Like a fish she dove into the shadow lying across her and resurfaced across the room, staring back at the bed in shock.

Hotfoot? How'd he... did we.... What the......

Memories trickled back, of the mission. Of her wasted attempt to talk to Blackheart. Of visiting Gravitas, with Hotfoot there.

Oh. So... how'd we get here?

Looking down at herself, she was relieved to see she was still wearing clothing, and a glance at him proved he was as well. Ok... no sex happened. Still don't know how we got here, but I'll bet he didn't carry me. Fine... time to think.

A step into the shadows again, and then into the shower to figure out exactly what happened, and what she was going to do now.

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Post by Hotfoot »

The lack of Argent's warmth and weight caused Hotfoot to stir from his slumber. His eyes opened to the soft light of the apartment, a deep yawn causing his body to stretch out on the bed. Argent was gone, but to where? He swung his legs off of the bed and started to stumble around the apartment, yawning repeatedly. The night had been restful, in as much as it could be, given his previous failed attempt to sleep.

The shower was going, he chuckled a little to himself as he thought of to how many people, this situation would mean something else entirely. He walked around the rest of the apartment, taking it in. It was, in a word, amazing. His own house growing up had been downright spartan in comparison, though a bit bigger. As he walked past the front door, a smell caught his attention. His stomach growled, and he rolled his eyes. He was a guest here, and while his body was screaming for food, he could wait a while longer. It wasn't his place to simply devour everything in the kitchen.

The windows were covered, creating a wonderful ambiance, but his curiousity wanted to see beyond them. He was in a strange place, and anything he could do to get his bearings would help. He tugged the cloth coverings aside gently, trying to get just a peek of the outside. He didn't recognize the area, but the architecture was certainly unique. For a moment, he wondered if she had teleported him all the way back to China. He laughed at himself and shook his head. He'd find out where they were later. For now, he had to wait for Argent to finish with the shower. In the meantime, he began his morning routine and started stretching out in a nice, clear spot in the apartment.
Last edited by Hotfoot on Mon May 21, 2007 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

The shower gave her plenty of time to think, about everything that had happened. It had been a clusterfuck, but oddly the cry she'd had on Hotfoot's shoulder had cleared her mind so she could think clearly.

And kick herself for going to Blackheart with her head clouded. Still, he'd made up his mind about her, so whatever the higher-ups decided he'd probably not stop. Which meant she was on her own.

She sighed deeply and turned off the shower. Best to save some hot water for Hotfoot... I should ask him his real name, since we've slept together.

She toweled off, wrapping herself in a kimono that Ember had given her many years ago over protests Lei wasn't Japanese. It worked as a robe for around the apartment, at least. Time to check on Hotfoot, see if he was awake....

... Ah, good. Empty bed, means she can dress. He'll probably want a shower...
Damn. He'll need clothes.

"Hotfoot? If you want a shower, go ahead." The voice came from the bedroom, where Chinese panels and other free-standing walls partitioned it off from the main room. A loft this size ought to cost a fortune in rent. "if you need clothing ..." The voice trailed off a little. "... Garth left some of his here. I don't think he'll be needing them...."
Last edited by LadyTevar on Mon May 21, 2007 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Hotfoot »

Hotfoot grunted as he got up from his stretching. His days in gymnastics had stuck with him, and with his powers now being a major focus in his life, he had kept up his daily regimen. He walked over to the bathroom, cautious about catching a view he wasn't supposed to see. "Thanks Argent, I appreciate it." Idly, he wondered who Garth was, but he guessed it was Saibot's name. He felt bad for a moment about using the injured man's clothes, but given that he tried to kill, well, everyone, he figured borrowing a shirt or two wouldn't matter so much.

He stepped into the shower and stripped down, letting the humid air from Argent's shower wash over him. He turned on the faucets, getting himself wet before shutting them off. Efficiency, taught to him by his father. While he did enjoy long, hot showers when he got the chance, he didn't want to overstep his boundaries here. He lathered himself in soap and turned the water on again to rinse it off. Once more for his hair and he was done, in all, the process took roughly five minutes. He grabbed a towel after sloughing off the excess water on his body and dried off a bit more completely. When that was done, he wrapped it around his waist and peeked outside of the bathroom. "So, uh, I think I'll take you up on those clothes....where are they?" What he left out was how nasty his own were starting to get. He had been on the road for a while, and though he tried to stay hygenic as much as possible, the little adventure he had last night pushed his current set of clothes over the edge.
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Post by LadyTevar »

The clothes were delievered via a shadow tendril, expertly balancing the folded shirt, pants and clean undergarments. Nothing too fancy, just a servicable pair of jeans and a poloshirt meant for a man with a big chest and wide shoulders.

There was also a braided leather belt, brought by a second tendril as if by afterthought. Lei did all this while brushing the tangles out of her long black hair. "I think Blackheart mentioned a debriefing this morning. I can drop you off near your place if you wish to get better clothing. Those might draw the wrong sort of attention to you," she called out from the bedroom.

Right now, she knew he didn't need the sort of attention she would bring. She was sure that Blackheart intended to let her have it publically with both barrels, and she would not be surprised if Ultima did remove her from the team. If not permanently...

No... best to keep Hotfoot out of it, if she could.

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Post by Hotfoot »

He got dressed quickly, sliding into the too-loose clothes. He cinched the belt tight and grabbed his own clothes. He walked out of the bathroom and shrugged. The clothes were clearly hanging from him more than he was weaing them, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. "He wants us back, huh? Well, I guess I owe him that much. I gotta be honest though, I'm not sure I'm up for being a full time member of that team. Hell, I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm running around the country with barely an idea of where I'm going next or what I'll do when I get there."

He sighed, "I've been staying at a youth hostel, what I've got there is at least cleaner than this." He hefts his clothes and chuckles a little. "But before we go off teleporting from place to place, I want to know how you're doing. Last night was pretty rough on you, and I want to make sure you're okay, especially before we go back to Ultima."
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Before he got to Ultima, Ghost opened the envelope, reading the notes. Just word from Fox that they weren't sure who was behind the augmentations, and that if Argent got hit hard and was going to be removed, to offer her an invitation. Ghost reread the note and then took out his lighter, burning it. Once it was completely gone, he headed to Ultima. He walked inisde and reached his cubicle, drinking his coffee and getting ready for the team debrief.
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Mon May 21, 2007 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

That made her lose count of the 100 brush-strokes.

"... My... sleep with me once, and now you're all worried about me?" she quipped. If the voice didn't tell him, the teasing amusement she sent his way would get the idea across. She rose with a sigh, using her shadow-step to slip into her older costume before stepping out into the main room to talk to him face to face.

It covered more than the last one, at least. Actual pants covered her legs, the boots only mid-calf. A bustier hugged her, with the usual effects of a well-fitted bodice. A nearly floor-length sleeveless duster muted the effect. The color scheme was once again black and silver, with red accents around the duster's collar and armholes.

"You may call me Lei, if you wish," she offered the name as if it was a gift. "Between your speed and my teleportation... yes, we have time to talk," she admitted, stepping around him and going behind the kitchen counter. "The restaurant isn't open yet, so you're stuck with my cooking." Another smile at him, hoping to distract him from the topic. "American or Chinese?"

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Post by Cynical Cat »

Blackheart slid into his office and checked his email. Nothing yet. Gravitas still had clearance, he was still team leader, and Argent still had her status. Everything was still hanging. So now it was sit and wait, unless Bowman had something up his sleeve.

He flexed his left hand. Not up to snuff yet, but it was getting there. He smiled grimly. He would find out soon enough if Ultima had something on the go. If not, then he was going to take some personal time. Japan was nice this time of year.
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Post by Hotfoot »

He chuckled, though there was a slight blush at her comment. "Hey, I was concerned before that happened." At least she was making jokes, that was a good sign. "I'm, uh, Collin." It felt weird, using actual names after being introduced by callsigns and alter egos. "And any cooking is fine by me, so whatever you feel like making is perfect." Argent's costume, of course, did more to get his mind off of the line of questioning than the offer of food, but only just barely. "I have to say, this is a really nice place. Did Ultima spring for it or what?"
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Post by LadyTevar »

She froze, holding open the fridge door. "No." Mentally she kicked herself, realizing that he probably still had his earbud in, and it could be traced here. Damn damn damn.

A deep breath, then she started pulling out various veggies to begin cooking. "I've lived here, off and on, for about three years, Collin," she said softly, chopping them up with surprising skill as a shadow tendril heated a wok on the stove behind her. She seemed not to notice the extra 'hand', or put any effort into directing it.

"I've been trying to hide it from Ultima, as a safe house. Up til now, I'd lived with Garth ... Saibot." Still a slight pain as she spoke his name. "He prefered Little Italy."

One by one, the chopped veggies were added to the wok to start cooking, while another tendril fetched microwaveable rice and got it started. No time for rice to cook, after all. The first shadow seasoned the veggies without supervision, as if practiced at the movements.

"I'd rather not say who owns the apartment... or how I afford it." Her eyes rise to meet his candidly, despite her discomfort. "You deserve the truth, Collin ... I will say simply that crime pays very well, when you have the right contacts." She paused again, before going again to the fridge for some meat to add in. "Perhaps if I had remained simply a theif, I would not be here, putting off the debriefing."

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Post by Dark Silver »

W.A.R.path slid through the morning sky, the noise of the thrusters quieted to not even a whisper utilizing the selective sound masking technique he developed with the acoustic generators of his armor.

He neared the Ultima building, and the on board computer singled his authorization code for violation of airspace in his power armor, and landed at the front door.

"Agent W.A.R.path, Code Epsilon, I have a meeting with Agent Bowman." he said as he walked to the front desk, the usual thumping sound of his footsteps quieted to a normal walking noise of a regular human.

"Yes sir, he's expecting you, Conference room Fifteen, floor 45. You'll find the other members of your new team there."

Great..he was being forced on a team. Ah well, he could take comfort that it wouldn't be a fucked up team, Ultima usually assigned him good teammates for these little outings they liked to send him on....

"Thanks doll," with that, he was off on his way.

----- o ----- o -----

"Dr Soon Yat to Agent Bowman, we report no changes to Agent Saibot, he's still unconscious, brainwave scanners show no change in Alpha or Beta waves, though we have a slight discrepancy in the Gamma and Delta Brainwaves - more than likely he's having some kind of coma dreams. Our psychic team is doing what they can, but what they've pulled from him so far has been pretty grim. I'm forwarding you and Agent Blackheart the reports and brain-scan videos they've managed to make. It's.......pretty bad sir. Dr Soon Yat out."

A click on a mouse button, and the files were emailed with a appropriate description of what was within.
Last edited by Dark Silver on Tue May 22, 2007 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Hotfoot sighed. It was true, she was a criminal, working for Ultima to pay off a debt to society. Still, it wasn't like she murdered people. "Yeah, but with what you can do, you could do so much more than just stealing things. You could save people from natural disasters, help them cope with the horror and the loss. I know I've only known you for a little while, but this...link that you've made? I know you care about doing good for other people, and I know that it hurts you when you couldn't help."

"I know, I'm just a stupid college kid, probably a dropout by now to be honest, and I don't even know what it is I'm going to do a week from now, just that I want to help people. I might not have your powers, but when I help someone, I feel good, and when I can't, I feel awful. I'm scared, scared I'll mess up, I'll end up killing someone, or that I'll die myself, but I'm more scared about not doing anything. I guess....I guess what my point is...is that you should look into yourself and see just what it is that you really want. Do you want to keep stealing things, or helping people? Without any of the other shit, like Blackheart or this place, which makes you feel better, at the end of the day?"

His body language was open, attempting to elicit a response. Hope, understanding, caring, and a twinge of hunger trickled through the link. He was reaching out, hoping to help, to let her find her path. Internally, he hoped for one choice more than the other, but he was doing his best to leave it up to her.
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Post by LadyTevar »

The look she gave Hotfoot during his passionate speech was priceless. Wryly bemused would be one way to describe it, with a touch of true amusement at his naivete. With a chuckle she turned back to the cooking, whipping eggs with chopsticks before carefully scambling them with the veggies.

"You should be a recruitment poster, Collin," she said teasingly. "But you are right, I do like helping people. 'Mother's Heart, Father's Darkness'." The microwave beeped, and the shadow tendrils removed the steaming rice and added it to the wok as Lei gave the veggie and egg stirfry a taste. "Hmm... I wasn't paying attention.. it's a little spicy for American tastes."

Plates were pulled from cabinet and laid out on the counter seperating kitchen from main room, with a fork and a stool provided for Hotfoot. With practiced ease Lei stirred the rice into the veggies and then mounded it on each plate. "I will make you a promise, Collin," Her black-on-black eyes meet his steadily. "If I am able, I will stay and aid you as best I can. Now... eat. We have maybe 25 minutes before the meeting."

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Post by Hotfoot »

Collin smiled at Lei's bemusement, but it didn't seem to phase him. He knew the emotions he felt through the link were geniune. "Hey, what can I say? Even after last night I'm still something of an optimist, and it's not like we're small, insignificant people, but I'm not asking you to do anything for me, just do something for yourself." His bright eyes met her darkness without blinking, and his smile added to his glow.

"But yeah, anyway, food!" He grinned and took a deep breath. "Smells great." He picked up the fork and started to dig in, blindly sating his own hunger without need for ritual or savoring taste. His mouth half-full of food, he smiles and nods, "Good stuff."
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Post by LadyTevar »

"I'm glad you like it," Lei said, this time with a devilish amusement shining in her eyes and down the link as she waited for the 'heat' of the spices and peppers to hit him. The way he was wolfing the food down, when it hit he'd be wishing he'd eaten slower. A shadow tendril placed a glass of milk was placed on the counter, within easy reach. He'd need it. "I did warn you about the spicyness, remember...."

Do something for herself... isn't that what got her into theivery in the first place? The thoughts went round her head as she used her chopsticks with practiced ease. He was such a young optimist... had she ever been that way? No.. perhaps not. But she could do something for him.

Shadows responded to silent thought, and two items were brought to the counter. One was a set of keys, the other a pad of paper and a pen. "You shouldn't stay in a hostel, really. I've got a spare bed in storage, as well as the partitions to wall off another bedroom." It was amusing to watch, really. Chopsticks in her real hand, a shadow holding a pen to write in what could only be Chinese on the pad as she seemed to supervise. "Either way.. keep the keys. I'll walk you downstairs so you can see how to get here, and so the security knows not to disturb you. How are you for cash?""

Blackheart will have kittens if he finds out Hotfoot's got keys to this place. There was definate amusement over the image. "... Just remember, Ultima's not supposed to know about it. I'd like to keep it that way."

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Post by Hotfoot »

The spice in the food kicked in shortly after she mentioned it. He made a small motion of discomfort and took a small sip of the milk. "Yeah, that is spicy, just a bit." He put on a little bit of a show, the changes to his body had done strange things to his appetite and his ability to handle food, while he could eat considerable amounts, the flavors were sometimes muted or changed, one of the curses of being able to run faster than a sound, it seemed.

He blinked as Argent offered him a place to crash while he was in the city. Internally, he wondered where this fit in his moral center. She had all but told him the place was paid for by crime lords, and now she was offering to let him stay here. More than that, she was offering him money. He knew she was trying to be nice to him, but still...

"I'm fine for money, actually, at least for now. Next semester I'll probably be in trouble, but by then I should have decided more clearly what I'm going to be doing. My Mom is going to go apeshit when she finds out about all this though. I won't tell anyone about this place though, so don't worry about that. Thanks for letting me crash here for the time being, I really appreciate it." He smiled again and wolfed down another large bite of food, followed quickly by a sip of milk.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Never try to lie to an empath, or to hide your feelings. It doesn't work. The pen stilled as Lei glanced his way. "The money's clean... or as clean as WallStreet gets," she said softly. "When one has lived on the street, you learn quickly not to care."

She silently pushed the remainder of her uneaten food towards him, rising to her feet and turning to clean the kitchen. "You really care about you mother ..." There was an odd tone to her voice. "... She's always been there?" it was asked like a child wondering what snow is.
Last edited by LadyTevar on Wed May 23, 2007 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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"Sorry....but I really am okay for money. I made sure I had enough before I left, and so far it's holding." It was the truth. He wouldn't be buying a big screen TV or fancy laptop anytime soon, but he had enough to survive, even with his appetite.

He started in on the rest of the food, nodding in thanks as he devoured the rest. "Well, yeah for the most part. I mean, her job takes her away from home sometimes. You know, conferences and deadlines and all that stuff, but since my dad died, she's done the best she can to take care of me. I haven't been able to contact her much since I got to college, you know, everything's nuts when you get there, and when my powers showed up, well, I really just didn't know what to do. I couldn't really just go back to school, pretend like nothing happened. It didn't feel right, and I just know that if I stuck around, something bad would happen to the other kids there, you know? Since then, I just don't know what I'd say. Sometimes I've thought about calling her, telling her what happened, but I don't know what would happen next? Would she lose her job? Would she try to hide me? Try to stop what happened to my Dad?"
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"No ... I don't know ...." It was a soft answer, nearly lost under the rest of his ramble about what would his mother do if she found out. "Would she lock you away?"

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