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Post by Dark Silver »

missing Days wrote:Betrayl.

It was well known to the Ilithian Snake-men, all the major events in their millinia long history involved acts of betrayl.

So it was nothing unexpected or surprising when the Cattle burst forth from the necromantic fortress. It wasn't even surprising when the undead corpses unleashed thier balista's on the near landed airship.

The Lord General took this in stride, and with a word of power, a forcefield surronded the black airship, but not before several bolts tore through the hull proper. The honor guard and those few troops which had disembarked with the Cobra-hooded necromage fanned out, moving to attack, and give thier leader a the nessacry time.

With a unspoken command, the assaulted, damaged airship began to move forward, picking up speed as the captain of the ship unhooded the rear energy crystals - sending the ship speeding towards the frontgates of the fortress.
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Post by frigidmagi »

With a unspoken command, the assaulted, damaged airship began to move forward, picking up speed as the captain of the ship unhooded the rear energy crystals - sending the ship speeding towards the frontgates of the fortress.
Guardsmen and pikemen ran out of the way. Rushing with frantic effort to get out of the airships flight plan. The officers on the wall, a Under Captain and Captain Major goggled for a split second, then the Captain Major called out his orders.

"Everyone fire on that thing! BRING IT DOWN, BRING IT DOWN, BRING IT DOWN!" He hollered. The Under Captain scurried off to get as many out of the fortess as possible. The dark magic of the snakes was not to be trusted.

Hundreds of lightening bolts and fireballs slammed into the airship and thousands of bolts from crossbows thudded into the product of dark socercy. The Sky Guard above began to line up for attack runs to force the damnned thing to the ground.
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Post by Charon »

LadyTevar wrote:The regally enrobed diplomats all bowed, giving the Lords of Riversmeet the honor due their station as rulers, even if it was of a single city-state. "Thank you, Honored Lords, for granting audience. We have come to discuss the matter of the attack on Lars Port with you, our long-time ally on the Western Gulf."
The assembled rulers smiled grimly. "Yes, we have been made aware of the attack upon Lars Port." spoke the Nithgard official. It is a shame that..." The official paused. "We of Riversmeet have decided that we support the actions of the Hylideian. The city-state of Lars Port was a sanctuary of daemon worshippers." It was obvious that the Nithgaard officials did not seem quite pleased with this, but they also seemed to understand it. The other officials however looked only sightly uneasy at the decision.
Skarabrak, Confederacy of Dusk

"Let the Night Dragon know what is occuring," ordered Malevan. "Inform the other warships to keep their distance and let the peace ship know that it is forbidden from entering the city, although it may dispatch envoys by rowboat. I will meet with them."
The messages were sent and in a short time a group of rowboats were seen being lowered from the ships. In the first were obviously diplomats, in the second boat, it looked to be military officers.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Skarabrak, Confederacy of Dusk

Malevan and a modest honour guard awaited the arrival of the envoys on the dock.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Charon wrote: The assembled rulers smiled grimly. "Yes, we have been made aware of the attack upon Lars Port." spoke the Nithgard official. It is a shame that..." The official paused. "We of Riversmeet have decided that we support the actions of the Hylideian. The city-state of Lars Port was a sanctuary of daemon worshippers." It was obvious that the Nithgaard officials did not seem quite pleased with this, but they also seemed to understand it. The other officials however looked only sightly uneasy at the decision.
"That was the rumor that came to our ears as well," the Nithgaard envoy replied smoothly, only the barest flicker of eyes showing that the reactions of the council had been noted. "We did not hear that rumor confirmed." The tone of voice was neutral, a mere statement of facts as they lie. Only those with guilty consciences would find it amiss.

"Please forgive our hastiness," the envoy continued, "Seeing a city-state that has been a strong power upon the Western Gulf suddenly beseiged by a stronger nation was ... unsettling. We came to discuss the matter between ourselves, as allies of long standing, in the eventuallity of the conflict spreading. Yet, if you believe this conflict is well in hand....."

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Post by Charon »

Skarabrak, Confederacy of Dusk

Malevan and a modest honour guard awaited the arrival of the envoys on the dock.
The diplomats and military officials arrived at the dock and stepped up to Melevan.

The diplomat in the lead looked rather annoyed. "It is a shame that we must meet under these conditions again, Malevan. I shall be short, the state of Vicona demands compensation for the ships you have taken from us as well as the return of the sailors and compensation for those lives lost. This attack was unwarranted."

"That was the rumor that came to our ears as well," the Nithgaard envoy replied smoothly, only the barest flicker of eyes showing that the reactions of the council had been noted. "We did not hear that rumor confirmed." The tone of voice was neutral, a mere statement of facts as they lie. Only those with guilty consciences would find it amiss.

"Please forgive our hastiness," the envoy continued, "Seeing a city-state that has been a strong power upon the Western Gulf suddenly beseiged by a stronger nation was ... unsettling. We came to discuss the matter between ourselves, as allies of long standing, in the eventuallity of the conflict spreading. Yet, if you believe this conflict is well in hand....."
The assembled rulers all nodded and conversed quietly among one another for a few minutes before a Kainan representative spoke up. "What exactly is it you wished to discuss? We of Riversmeet are always eager to hear propositions." If there was one thing certain about Riversmeet, it waas that almost everyone was a businessman of some sort, even if it wasn't their job.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Skarabrak, Confederacy of Dusk

"It is interesting that your heavy military presence in the waters coincides with an increase in piracy being committed against my people," said Malevan. "That your ships are watching the sky and not the water, so much so that they attacked me at night without provocation pirate hunting is also interesting. If I was inclined to believe your fairy tales, those points would be glaring holes in your fables. As it, I am not inclined to indulge your lies.."

"I was merciful during the last conflict and you have repaid my mercy with piracy and murder. If your lords surrender now, they will be permitted to keep half of their current holdings. Either way Viconia is mine."
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Post by LadyTevar »

Charon wrote:Riversmeet
The assembled rulers all nodded and conversed quietly among one another for a few minutes before a Kainan representative spoke up. "What exactly is it you wished to discuss? We of Riversmeet are always eager to hear propositions." If there was one thing certain about Riversmeet, it waas that almost everyone was a businessman of some sort, even if it wasn't their job.
"We were wishing to discuss a pact of mutual aid and protection," the envoy state plainly. "While the Hylideians have justified their attack on Lars Port by claiming demonic worship within, our Queen remembers other nations that have made suitable claims to justify their attacks." The envoy's hands stayed low, fingers interlocking as she spoke. "To be truthful, we feared for Riversmeet, and did not wish the same fate to befall her. Thus, we were prepared to offer a company of our best fighters to stand with Riversmeet's own upon her walls."
Last edited by LadyTevar on Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Seems my last post got deleted with board issues...so...

The archmage watched as a series of mobile wooden walls, essentially large thick pavises designed to ward off ballista bolts were rolled up to within longbowshot of the walls. The pikemen who created them were tired. They had worked in shifts to complete them, but they needed to rest.

300 longbowmen and the mages attached to the army could stand comfortably behind them, the mages providing extra defense for the bowmen and occasionally bombarding the walls. With this, they could, with relative safety, send their goose-feathered shafts against the city's "defenders". But not in the way one would normally. They wrapped pitch soaked rags around their arrows and set them alight, lifting their bows into a 45 degree arc, they let loose voley after volley of flaming arrows into the city. They would not be able to meaningfully hit troop formations at this range, but they could probably set buildings, which were of a flamable wattle and daub construction with thatched roofs on fire.

In the mean time, as the first group of pikemen rested, 500 heavy infantry began digging a covered communication trench to the mobile wall.
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Post by Charon »

Skarabrak, Confederacy of Dusk

"It is interesting that your heavy military presence in the waters coincides with an increase in piracy being committed against my people," said Malevan. "That your ships are watching the sky and not the water, so much so that they attacked me at night without provocation pirate hunting is also interesting. If I was inclined to believe your fairy tales, those points would be glaring holes in your fables. As it, I am not inclined to indulge your lies.."

"I was merciful during the last conflict and you have repaid my mercy with piracy and murder. If your lords surrender now, they will be permitted to keep half of their current holdings. Either way Viconia is mine."
One of the generals growled low. "And all we have for that is your word as a god slayer, when you openly admit you want nothing more than to take our lands. Our ships were there because we have been experiencing a heavily increased amount of pirating, and we learned early to watch the skies because of your dragon."

The diplomat raised his hand at the general. "Your bloodlust is as insatiable as ever, Malevan. It is you who has drawn first blood here, but should you be foolish enough to attack us again we will be forced to draw blood last. I say again, release the sailors into our custody."

"We were wishing to discuss a pact of mutual aid and protection," the envoy state plainly. "While the Hylideians have justified their attack on Lars Port by claiming demonic worship within, our Queen remembers other nations that have made suitable claims to justify their attacks." The envoy's hands stayed low, fingers interlocking as she spoke. "To be truthful, we feared for Riversmeet, and did not wish the same fate to befall her. Thus, we were prepared to offer a company of our best fighters to stand with Riversmeet's own upon her walls."
The lords of Riversmeet looked at each other questioningly, before one of the Hylideians spoke up. "And how long would these troops be present within our walls? And how many?" Many of the lords looked naturally worried over allowing foreign troops within their walls, no matter how many assurances there were as to the intent.
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Post by LadyTevar »


The lords of Riversmeet looked at each other questioningly, before one of the Hylideians spoke up. "And how long would these troops be present within our walls? And how many?" Many of the lords looked naturally worried over allowing foreign troops within their walls, no matter how many assurances there were as to the intent.
"Until you, the council, requests their removal," the envoy answered, head bowing as reassurances were offered. "We have no desire to burn our bridges when they have been profitable to all sides, but merely to insure those bridges remain standing."

The envoy reached slowly out to one of those with her, and was handed a scroll. "Here is a list of the troops we offer you: 600 archers, taken from the Ree and the Erne. 400 infantry troops of the Neagh. And we offer enough money and supplies to feed and house them, as well as money for them to spend amongst the markets of Riversmeet." The scroll was held out so that it could be handed to the council for their inspection. "If this does not meet your liking, Lords of Riversmeet, I have been bidden by Queen Gliadrachan to hear your own proposals, and hopefully come to an agreement that suits your wishes."

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Post by Charon »

Some of the councilmembers smiled some at the offer, others frowned. One of the Nithgaard members spoke up. "You will need to give us a few minutes to confer with one another. Please wait outside the doors."

With that the envoy was led out of the room and the doors were shut and locked behind them.

Several minutes passed before the doors were openned again and the envoy led in once more.

"We shall agree to the generous gift that is offered to us."
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Post by LadyTevar »

Charon wrote:Riversmeet
Some of the councilmembers smiled some at the offer, others frowned. One of the Nithgaard members spoke up. "You will need to give us a few minutes to confer with one another. Please wait outside the doors."

With that the envoy was led out of the room and the doors were shut and locked behind them.

Several minutes passed before the doors were openned again and the envoy led in once more.

"We shall agree to the generous gift that is offered to us."
The envoy bowed low in graceous acceptance. "I shall bear that good news to Queen Gliadrachan myself. Now, good Lords, shall we discuss the finer details on when you wish the troops to arrive?"

The next two hours were spent working out the finer details of the agreement, concluding with the signing of the scroll to make the pact complete.

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Post by The Silence and I »

Today was a special day for the Skarklagger nations. Thousands of colorful Skarklagger crowded the rocky beaches and the waters around the Eastern harbor. Some waved strips of dyed cloth, others simply chatted excitedly to any neighbor that would listen (in other words, any neighbor not already talking). Performers juggled stones and driftwood, or perfomed daring acrobatic stunts. A few drums had been set up and percussion music wafted slightly over the general noise of the crowd.

They had come together to see the single most exciting thing in years: the launch of the first completed wooden sailing vessel, the wood and knowhow for which was provided by the elves. The elves! Those were landwalkers worth dealing with. Atypically polite and they wore as many colors as the waterwalkers!

It was time to begin paying off their debts to the elves, one ship wouldn't go a long way itself but it was a symbolic start. More ships would follow soon, the carpenters were even now fitting the masts to a second hull, that vessel should be ready in a week's time, maybe less.

As for this ship, it was loaded with pearls and aragonite from the sea, quartz from the mountains, an assortment of the finest quality dyes their craftsmen could provide, and the first catch of ivory the Skarklagger had ever gathered. All told the vessel could perhaps have carried a bit more, but the seas rounding the Morkan's peninsula can be rough on any ship and buoyancy was deemed the wiser choice.

As the ship was released from the dock and its sails unfurled prepared waterbenders sent it off with a gently surging wave which carried it far out to sea. Other benders sent off 'iceworks' where they launched large ice missiles into the bright sky and shattered them thoroughly so the light might catch the thousands of shards and glimmer and sparkle. The gathering persisted even after the ship was out of sight and it was nearly evening before the tired citizens of the two tribal nations finally retired.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Kaldic Mountains
Csabrag Pass

The Honor Guard pushed forwards, but was met with a menacing wall of steel. The gates of the courtyard wall were thrown open, and one of the fortress' honved sallied. Pikes jabbed out from behind the advancing wall of shields. Howling, the gruesome Ilithian war-things hurled themselves into the disciplined ranks of Immortals.

As the ship began it's charge towards the fortress' walls, a boulder slammed into it from above with a terrific blast. A brilliant flash of protective magics illuminated the valley for a moment. The Ilithian ship had gained very little alititude in the few moments it had had, and the force of the impact was enough to bounce it into the ground, like some massive child's ball. The burning airship swerved wildly, partially out of control, defensive magics fading. More projectiles were raining on it from the heights above. At this rate, it would reach the walls a shattered wreck.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Skarabrak, Confederacy of Dusk

"You may continue to lie to yourselves about my power if you wish, " said Malevan, his anger rising, "but you will be held accountable for the lies you are spewing now. Go back to your masters and tell them you succeeded in scuttling any chance for peace. Those who surrender and swear obedience before my soldiers reach their properties shall retain a portion of their wealth. Tell your masters that your lies have left me less inclined towards mercy. Go."
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Post by Charon »

Comrade Tortoise wrote:Seems my last post got deleted with board issues...so...

The archmage watched as a series of mobile wooden walls, essentially large thick pavises designed to ward off ballista bolts were rolled up to within longbowshot of the walls. The pikemen who created them were tired. They had worked in shifts to complete them, but they needed to rest.

300 longbowmen and the mages attached to the army could stand comfortably behind them, the mages providing extra defense for the bowmen and occasionally bombarding the walls. With this, they could, with relative safety, send their goose-feathered shafts against the city's "defenders". But not in the way one would normally. They wrapped pitch soaked rags around their arrows and set them alight, lifting their bows into a 45 degree arc, they let loose voley after volley of flaming arrows into the city. They would not be able to meaningfully hit troop formations at this range, but they could probably set buildings, which were of a flamable wattle and daub construction with thatched roofs on fire.

In the mean time, as the first group of pikemen rested, 500 heavy infantry began digging a covered communication trench to the mobile wall.
The path into longbow range was one that was rather arduous. A near constant thud of javelins imbedding into and sometimes cracking the thick wood was enough to unsettle even the hardiest of soldiers, and one particular incident where a longbowman who had fallen a little too far behind had almost had his head removed by a ballista bolt had gotten a round of nervous chuckles. The way was further more made difficult as ballista bolts would occasionally get stuck into the ground directly infront of them, or in the path of the wheels, causing the pavises to stop for a few moments until the problem could be solved.

As the longbowmen let loose their first volley a number of the aflame arrows went out, between loose rags, or perhaps rags that were not soaked enough, or the wind itself, a third of the arrows did not stay lit. Those that did found varying difficulties, the first was that many of the houses that were close enough to the wall to be caught aflame had been thoroughly doused with water and a number of troops remained on standby against the shaking wall to quickly put out any fires that did manage to catch. This deadly dance continued as similar measures were being done to protect the somewhat vulnerable ballistas, keeping them shielded until they were prepared to fire.

The smaller, one man, ballistas were searching for targets of opportunity, and while the defensive shield protected many, several were picked off and sent flying back with large javelins imbedded in their chests. The heavier ballistas were meanwhile refitting to better fire their stone projectiles.
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Post by Charon »

Cynical Cat wrote:Skarabrak, Confederacy of Dusk

"You may continue to lie to yourselves about my power if you wish, " said Malevan, his anger rising, "but you will be held accountable for the lies you are spewing now. Go back to your masters and tell them you succeeded in scuttling any chance for peace. Those who surrender and swear obedience before my soldiers reach their properties shall retain a portion of their wealth. Tell your masters that your lies have left me less inclined towards mercy. Go."
The diplomat bowed very curtly while the general only glared, the group turned their backs on Malevan and headed back into their ship, which promptly left.


The council chambers was filled with shouts and cursing as the august members yelled at one another about only one thing.

The Dusk.

"We must fight them back. We have been treated as ghouls in the night for no reason for too long!" Yelled one member.

Another, older member, laughed. "Fight back? You do not remember what happened at the last war, you are not old enough. I do. That wasn't a war, it was a slaughter. The Dusk is bigger than us, it is stronger than us, and with that damnedable bloodthirsty Malevan on their side able to defeat or one advantage, sea power. Our only option is surrender."

Another member stood up, slamming his hands on his desk. "No! I refuse to submit to that god killer. We have worked hard to make Vicona ours, he still has to deal with the horrors of the woods, that will tie up many of his forces. Can we not call for aid?"

The older member looked at the one who had just spoken. "From who? The bears? They hate all humans. The dwarves and the Dusk are practically allies, and the Nithgaard are useless for anything that doesn't involve stuffing your soul in a box or being snooty and superior just for being older." A few other council members laughed at this. "No, we are without friends in this."

A man who's hair was just beginning to gray, and whom was obviously the leader of the council looked at the diplomat that they had sent. "Do you think he would consider a surrender?"

The diplomat shrugged. "As I said, he stated that any who swear fealty to him will be spared and allowed to keep a portion of their wealth. But I don't know if he'll even do that, or to what extent even if he does."

The council members nodded slowly before the head of the council spoke. "Well, what say we to this?"

Hands were extended, thumb raised or thumb lowered. In the end the council was decided for a war, but there was much dissension in the ranks between council members, and those that had voted for the war watched those who had not carefully, knowing in their hearts that in the end the traitors would sell out to Malevan and become patsies in his so called confederacy.
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Post by Charon »

Off the island of Ji-Kai

The Glories of Wodir had come to a stop beside the medium sized ship that was filled with refugees. To the front and back of the refugee ship was two more Koronan ships, lighter in design. Boarding planks had been placed and Inquisitor Toth and Admiral Ohnmeiss, along with a small, slightly worried, guard walked on board.

Ohnmeiss looked around at the huddled figures of men and women, his eyes filled with worry and grief over the lives of the people now aboard.

Inquisitor Toth however, looked upon the people almost as though they were cattle. Picking a Kainan child up he seemed to examine the child closely for almost half a minute as the child grew more and more panicked under the steely gaze of the practiced Inquisitor. He dropped the boy and craned his head upward, seeming to smell the air for a few moments before looking directly at a Hylidaeian female. The female croaked in fear and then got to her feet, running. Without emotion the Inquisitor lifted his hand, revealing a crossbow, flicking the release the bolt was sent flying through the air, piercing the female in the neck where she dropped. Screams filled the vessel at the cold homicide and Ohnmeiss and his guards grabbed the hilts of their swords and prepared to defend themselves and the inquisitor.

Without a word, Inquisitor Toth's hands disappeared into the folds of his robes again, looking around the vessel one last time he turned and walked back to the boarding planks. Ohnmeiss and his guard followed. Once back aboard the Koronan flagship the Inquisitor turned and looked at Admiral Ohnmeiss. "Every last passenger on board that ship is to be killed, and the ship to be burned to the waterline."

Ohnmeiss looked at him incredulously for a few moments, the Inquisitor became angry. "That ship is filled with daemons. The very air is foul with their corruption."

Admiral Ohnmeiss spoke up. "Surely some of the passengers remain untainted Inquisitor."

Turning on the admiral the Inquisitor walked away. "In a stench so foul not even the pure of heart can remain untainted for long."

"What of the innocent?"

Toth walked away from them. "The innocent are even worse."

Admiral Ohnmeiss briefly considered disobeying the orders of the Inquisitor, but only briefly. When Inquisitors spoke, they spoke the will of both the church and Dahhok, and disobeying them, especially on matters dealing with daemons, was damn near heretical.

And so The Gestalt pulled up on the other side of the refugee ship and the marines were unloaded onto the heretics ship, dispassionately, though with remorse in their eyes, the passengers were slaughtered, with few losses to the marines. Those refugees who attempted to jump overboard to escape were filled with crossbow bolts. When the grisly work was done the ship was set afire and watched until it burned away and sank into the sea.

Many of the sailors of those three ships retired from the service soon after where they either commited suicide or were never the same again.
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