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Post by Destructionator XV »

Dartzap wrote:I don't suppose there are any handy nebulai around your place....?
We never said there isn't one, so just make one up. It would have to be a few light years away from a planet though, because if not, the planet's parent star would simply absorb the nebula.

Remember though real life nebulae are just huge dust clouds, lightyears across, dense compared to the vacuum, but the density is still very low. If it is a realistic nebula, it would have no effect on ships.

If you are looking for a Star Trek nebula that fucks up sensors, etc, specify it as a technobabble nebula and explicitly mention what effects it has up front, so we can be consistant with it.
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Post by Dartzap »

Understood, this might occur tommrow now, since my brains completely frazzled and when I checked my last post from yesterday.. it was appaling :lol:
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Post by Ra »

So, since you said as much, Adam, what magical powers does Lord Adam posess?

I'm actually asking because I might have Galadriel use magic in this game as well, not the Force, like she did in PW I. What I'm going to do with Galadriel, I'm not sure, however.

As much as I hate to admit it, the first PW game started so long ago that, after my first viewing of the LOTR movies, I didn't make a distinction between Galadriel's magic and psionics (it was probably those telepathic tricks of Galadriel's, and the big TK fest inside Saruman's tower that threw me off). Reading the books showed me that LOTR magic and psionics were indeed different things.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Ra wrote:So, since you said as much, Adam, what magical powers does Lord Adam posess?
All righty then, it is rather extensive (the A'millians in my head started off as a Final Fantasy / Star Trek hybrid, and of course, grew from there extensively over the years, but the beginnings are still seen in many places.)

Something that I've been wrestling with for a long time is how to make the Final Fantasy battle mechanics fit into a sci-fi universe without tipping balances of power or blatently violating things like conservation of energy / momentum, and my explanations are rather convoluted, so I'll give the abridged version here.

Most the magic powers he has are designed toward shattering the magical powers of another mage, or reinforcing your own magical powers, so the other mage cannot smash your own powers. Against non-magic users, this whole category of powers has no effect, so I will not expand on them now.

The powers you could actually see that affect non-mage objects are:

1) levitation of himself (flight) and objects in his direct line of sight. He can't fly much faster than he can sprint, nor levitate objects tremendously heavy (like he can't uproot a building or toss ships around, but can throw rocks or knives pretty easily).

2) Lightening bolts. These happen as described in my last post in character, and there are three levels that can affect real world objects. Level one brings a strike from above, magically gathering electrons. Thus, if the target has metal shielding or a lightning rod, this is rendered blocked. This takes a couple seconds to charge and execute, during which time, the spell can be interrupted.

Level 2 adds to that, but after the first external bolt, another bolt forms from inside the target, and strikes upward. This can fry the inside of shielded things. This takes a couple more seconds to execute than level 1.

Level 3 forms a third bolt in addition to the first two that comes from the caster's hand to the target, accompanied by a pressure wave that knocks it backward (and the momentum from this pressure wave knocks the caster backward too, making it dangerous to himself if he makes an error in execution). Again, this takes a couple more seconds to execute than level 2.

3) Fireballs. There are again three levels that can interact with real world objects:

Level 1 causes a brief flame to materialize on the target, possibly causing burns, but then it magically dissipates, so it cannot be used to start a fire that will spread.

Level 2 causes the same flame as level 1, but the flame lasts longer and moves in circles around the target.

Level 3 throws a fireball from in front of the caster's hands toward the target, and explodes on impact. This takes only a couple seconds to cast and is rather destructive, making it possibly one of the most dangerous spells he has available to him.

4) Wound healing: this is not very effective. It requires physical contact with the area and is very limited in scope. However combined with precision levitation, it might be able to buy some time for emergency medical personnel to arrive.

5) Pressure waves. There are only two of these that works on the real world. The first is called a 'psyonic wave' and it fires a wave forward and backward (both directions needed for conservation of momentum) that send objects flying. Unlike the other spells listed above, this can cause costly internal damage to buildings, and its use is frowned upon.

The second is the Kamehameha wave as seen in Dragon Ball, sans wank. It takes a significant time to charge and precise movements, which are easily interrupted, foiling the spell. After preparation, it fires from the caster's hands, and may be redirected mid flight, if and only if the caster is still sustaining it. If the caster stops sustaining it, the wave quickly dissipates. It can do rather significant structural damage and makes a good battering ram alternative, but is also very tiring on the caster. Maximum damage possible by one is about what a wrecking ball can do, and may also incur collateral damage to objects behind and under the caster (thanks to conservation of momentum).

6) Teleportation. This can occur on the caster himself (and any people in physical contact with him, if he so desires) or on a small object in his line of sight to another location, also in his line of sight. Teleporting himself takes negligible charge time (however, he is vulnerable during the execution time), but teleporting another object takes a second to prepare.

It consists of the caster (or target) fading away then instantly fading back into reality somewhere nearby (within about 80 metres in any direction). The destination must be in line of sight for an external object, but need not be for the caster teleporting himself (so long as he has a mental image of what the destination looks like, he can do it).

Nothing may teleport inside a solid object, but something may teleport though a solid object (disappear next to a wall and reappear on the other side).

Lastly, 7) shielding and walls. A magical barrier can be erected in the mage's line of sight that can stop objects, similar to how the technological body shields work, but may also be projected, whereas the tech shields are form fitting.

Both stop physical objects, although in different ways (momentum is still transferred to the wearer with a tech shield, it is redirected elsewhere with a magical shield). The differences come in energy: the magical barrier stops magical energies rather effectively (such as incoming magic streams preparing for a spell), whereas the tech shield does not (however, it might stop real world magic effects like it would any other energy). Both glow slightly when they come in contact with other matter (like Star Trek forcefields, but prettier).

A difference is the magical shield does not stop non-magical energy at all. Laser beams, for example, would pass right through it like it is not there.

The magical shield also needs to be sustained by the mage, else it dissipates.

Also illusion which can also do invisibility.

All spells take a drain on the caster's power (different drains for different spells) (Magic Points if you will). The power is recharged while he is at rest. If the caster runs out of power, he becomes physically weak and cannot cast any more spells for some time. Lord Adam is a highly experienced mage, and has a high limit on power he can use, but it is not unlimited. (Also other things can occur as side effects, but none of these things will happen in Phoenix War, since they are entirely irrelevant)

Any other feats you see him do, such as the Voice for controlling someone or the very fast lateral movements he can do during a sword fight, have some magical basis, but are mostly non-magical. These feats are nonetheless important, so my next information post will detail them.

In almost all cases, a tech shield is a better choice than a magic shield, a tech gun is better than a magic gun, etc when dealing with real world objects. The magic is a non issue most the time, unless dealing with another mage or when otherwise unarmed.
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ra »

Awesome, and very well thought out. You continue to impress me with how much thought and detail you put into this. :grin:

Also, I had stated earlier that Ra would get a Vulcan henchman; I've changed my mind on this. Instead, post-conference, Galadriel is going to be working with the Vulcans, primarily on side-quests trying to figure out what Ra and Kerrigan are up to; whether or not she can do anything about their schemes is a whole different matter, because it would be very odd for me to basically be playing against myself.

Overall, I just want to maintain the PW Galadriel as she has always been; Ra's mirror, a voice of Light to oppose his Darkness.
Last edited by Ra on Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

All right, the non-magical but nonetheless impressive feats he can do are lifted right from Frank Herbert's Dune, specifically the Bene Gesserit training. I however modified it slightly.

While Adam is the superior mage, his wife Leila is the superior physical fighter, both in sword art and in performing these feats. Both are decently good at the other's field, however.

There are three important things:

Observation of little things. Noting when something is slightly out of place, etc. Also tied into this (and the Voice, explained below), is they can tell if someone is lying or otherwise bullshitting with reasonablely good accuracy, once they get him 'registered'. Registering aliens is far harder than registering humans.

The Voice. Once they have someone registered (this happens by observing him talk usually for a few seconds to a minute for humans, longer for aliens), they can pitch their voice to make their words do one of two things:

1) Make the subject carry out a simple command without his mind even realizing what he is doing. Example: "Open the door", he opens it, then realizes what he just did, but it is too late. Another common use is "drop your gun".

Since it bypasses the concious mind, this cannot be used to force someone to carry out a complex command or a command unknown to him. Also, it must be something quick, since by the time the subject realizes what he is doing within at most a couple seconds, it should be too late for him to do anything about it.

2) Carefully inject primal emotion responses into the subject. Similar to the above, but the effects are not seen as immediately. Something like "you're lying" can make an honest person feel like he should admit it. Also very useful in seduction and invoking fear or anger.

Lastly, the third big power this training gives is the ability to very carefully move muscles independent of eachother or together in a way they can't normally do. This is useful in dodging blows during a fight, or quickly making lateral movements. When combined with a touch of magic, the user can make a 'slide' for a few metres very quickly, something that can pwn many foes in a close range fight. It is almost like a very short range teleportation, without the execution time the normal magic teleport has (explained in my previous post).

All A'millian knights are trained in these things, with Lord Adam (and also Sir Ericson from the mirror universe) being very good at them, and Lady Leila being even better.

Note the difference between the Voice and using Force persuade - the Voice makes you do something before you really know what is going on, so it needs to be quick. Resisting it is not an easy task, even for those trained to do so. However, it can also be blocked simply be covering your ears or wearing ear muffs, etc.

Force Persuade uses the Force to implant a thought in the subject's mind, so he carries it out, thinking he thought of it himself and the idea originated entirely from him. Resisting it is simply a matter of not being a weak willed idiot.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote: Force Persuade uses the Force to implant a thought in the subject's mind, so he carries it out, thinking he thought of it himself and the idea originated entirely from him. Resisting it is simply a matter of not being a weak willed idiot.
Mmmm... okay. Where did the A'millan learn the Force? They just met the Galactic Empire recently (PWI), didn't they? :???:
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Mmmm... okay. Where did the A'millan learn the Force? They just met the Galactic Empire recently (PWI), didn't they?
It is not something he knows in universe, that was just information I was giving for you guys to compare his powers to Star Wars.
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

I just wonder.....

Which one is stronger: the Goa'ulds, or the A'millan Star Empire? Which one has greater firepower, Stargate or Star Trek?

I post this because I remember that the yield of a photon torpedo is about 64 megaton. How about a Ha'tak, then? How big its firepower is?
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Which one is stronger: the Goa'ulds, or the A'millan Star Empire? Which one has greater firepower, Stargate or Star Trek?
These are two entirely distinct questions, as the similarities between Star Trek and my A'millian universe stop at inspiration and my fan references.

To answer them, Stargate is generally considered more powerful than Star Trek (some of their weapons may approach Star Wars levels, especially the Terran Mk. IX gatebuster, and Stargate ships are faster than Star Wars ships).

When it comes to the A'millian Star Empire vs the Goa'uld, on a firepower level, I like to consider them pretty close, but there are many differences between them that would probably put the ASE on top if they were to fight.

The big difference is political structure. The Goa'uld are a feudal society, and it takes them time to raise a significant fleet (ref: season 1 of Stargate SG-1). Most Goa'uld planets are simply primitive slaves working for false gods, where as the average A'millian planet is a decent power on its own.

If an A'millian battle fleet is needed, it takes only days for the order to come through and the ships to be prepared and deployed. Superior organization means they can bring more force to bear while the Goa'uld are still bickering among themselves.
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote: If an A'millian battle fleet is needed, it takes only days for the order to come through and the ships to be prepared and deployed. Superior organization means they can bring more force to bear while the Goa'uld are still bickering among themselves.
But the A'millans are using warp, while Stargate is almost as fast as SW hyperdrive (some of the ships is even faster). How far superior organization can compensate for technological disparity?
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:How far superior organization can compensate for technological disparity?
No great disparity exists. In a small shuttle, we went from I-1071 to Vulcan, a trip across the galaxy, within one day, to make it to the meeting on time.

Saying our warp drive must be slow based on the name is as fallacious as saying turbolasers must be lasers.
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Post by Ra »

It could also be that A'millian warp is actually akin to the Alcubierre drive (it warps space using negative mass, IIRC) some people have proposed, rather than subspace technobabble fields like ST uses. While that may not be what Adam has in mind, I'm just saying that it doesn't have to be some slow-ass drive system as portrayed in Star Trek.

But overall, to add my own two cents, Even I never saw the Goa'uld as being as powerful as the ASE. Sure, they might have a firepower advantage with naquadah-based weapons, but when it comes to energy cannons, the A'millian phasers are probably as good or better; and also, the ASE is damn near a galaxy-spanning polity, am I correct? Even at its most powerful state in PW I, the Reformed Goa'uld Empire wasn't that big.

And as Adam pointed out, human resources are clearly in the Star Empire's favor, since most of my citizens are living with midieval-stage technology, or worse, and education is virtually nonexistant. While the RGE has far more educated people than the SG-1 Goa'uld had (necessary to build such things as the Tais II project, and necessary to build up a fleet during the Phoenix War too), many of those are either Imperials working for Ra's corporation, or the Jaffa (like Meryetre, an ex-priestess turned geneticist) they educated and trained.

And likely, after this meeting, most of those Imperials are going to quit. :razz:
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I never really even thought about how the warp drive works. I call it warp drive, and it has nacelles, because I based the idea off Star Trek, but it is observably faster, again I point to the fact we made it to Vulcan in less than a day.

I am not limiting myself to any television canon at all in my creation of this universe. I take inspiration, sure, and even lift names, but from there it is wholly different.
Ra wrote:better; and also, the ASE is damn near a galaxy-spanning polity, am I correct?
About 180 states (remember, state is often a planet, but is not necessarily one (many states may be on one planet, sometimes states of different nations can also occur on the same planet) pre Guardian war. After the Guardian attacks, that number was reduced to about 160.

I'd say they take up a decent chunk of the galaxy, but they are no where near Star Wars size. Recall in one of my big long irrelevant posts, if you read it, I mentioned that the entire population of the A'millian Star Empire is only slightly larger than that of Coruscant alone.

The number of population is about 1.1 trillion sentients.

Also, the A'millians share their galaxy with at least two other major powers (the republic of Wivillia (seen in the mirror universe, but it exists in the main universe too, and is not actually much different than protrayed in the mirror universe) and the ENF (mentioned numerous times in PW1 as the reason most our fleet was tied up back home) (uncreative names, I know. I was like 12 years old when I thought of them), and a unspecified number of minor nations (including the Algo system, seen back on page one and two of PW3)
education is virtually nonexistant.
Stark contrast to the state funded universities in the ASE, available to any citizens who can be accepted at no charge (well, they do pay for it eventually in high taxes, but no money up front).
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote:About 180 states (remember, state is often a planet, but is not necessarily one (many states may be on one planet, sometimes states of different nations can also occur on the same planet) pre Guardian war. After the Guardian attacks, that number was reduced to about 160.
So the upper limit of A'millan territory (assuming there's one planet per state, which is actually less) is 160 planets, right?

Anyway, from the Phoenix War I, it seems to me that the A'millan firepower is about on par with that of the Borg, which put it on Star Trek high rung.
Destructionator XV wrote:"They are probably also concerned about the increased Borg activity. I find it unlikely that they know our posistion yet. Tactical ananysis on the Borg ships heading towards the conduit."

A tactical analyist turns around and speak.

"Sir, two cubes were dispatched. They make good speed on their own, but not as fast as our ships. However, they have a vast array of transwarp conduits that facilitate their high speed transport of ships. Using this conduit web, they can cross the galaxy rather quickly. Their ship layout looks highly decentralized and redundant. Our estimates currently say that these ships could continue to function even if over 70% of the ship was destroyed."

"Impressive. How do their weapons and shields hold up to ours?"

"We can't know for sure as we have not yet seen them in battle, but based on the technology level of what we can see, they will hold up well against our light ships. 1v1 Borg cube vs. our light classes I will give to the Borg. But against our heavy vessels, I would estimate that our ship would win."

The captian speaks again:

"So these two cubes should be easily dispatched by the 5 starships Destructionator XIII has at the conduit?"
However, that would still put them below Star Wars, considering the huge disparity between Star Wars and Star Trek. Besides, the reason the A'millan adopted Biolaser in Phoenix War I was because their concern to the Empire's firepower, wasn't it?

But if the Goa'uld has similiar firepower to Star Wars, then their firepower would be stronger than the A'millans (again, I don't know much about Stargate power level). IMO, I think it is more balanced this way: the ASE has weaker firepower, but with greater numbers and is more organized. The Goa'uld, on the other hand, has better firepower, but less numerous and constantly involved in rivalry against each other.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:So the upper limit of A'millan territory (assuming there's one planet per state, which is actually less) is 160 planets, right?
There would still be the other 20, they are just empty now, and thus irrelevant.

But 160 major inhabited planets, yes, and a unknown number of minor facilities.

However, that would still put them below Star Wars, considering the huge disparity between Star Wars and Star Trek.
I believe Robert and I did stick to us being about equal.

But you have to remember, we didn't stick to a Star Wars vs Star Trek fight one bit. Our ships, pre-Guardian, came very close to scoring a Stardestroyer kill (it would have been a kill, except I never write other people's units dying without their OK from the OOC). shields at 10%
And further analysis from after recovering the Genator's flight recorder: "We can take them"

I really don't think we should be quibbling over minor things like firepower and canon anyway. Most us agreed on equal firepower levels, and the Empire wasn't even that unmanageable. Any one Imperial ship could crush most our individual ships, but combined fleets of us were able to stand our ground.

I have no problem with continuing it like that, completely ignoring what George Lucas made them capable of. This is our own universe now.

Besides, the reason the A'millan adopted Biolaser in Phoenix War I was because their concern to the Empire's firepower, wasn't it?
Out of universe we accepted it because someone else wrote that we did. It was entirely out of character for the xenophobic Lord Adam to just let those guys in like he did.

In universe, yes, that is the best explanation. With the Guardian weapons (however the hell they were powered is beyond me, considering we never replaced our power units), we could realistically stand right up to a star destroyer and tell them what to go do with themselves with reasonable chance of victory in every engagement.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Lord Adam's mind without letting him know, but I can sense that he's lying all the time.
I've been very careful to not write him lying, for the very reason that there are telepaths here who would detect that. Most of what he is saying is simply rebuttals to you, or at worst true, from a certain point of view.

If you have a quote of him actually saying a lie, why do you not call him on it instead of whining to Galadriel telepathically where no one else can hear?

edit: Of course, it doesn't matter anyway. I could wipe the floor with you in the debate, but the Empire will just use its big guns. That proves they are nothing but an Evil Galactic Empire, but what are we going to do about it? (aside from bring universal armageddon)
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote:
However, that would still put them below Star Wars, considering the huge disparity between Star Wars and Star Trek.
I believe Robert and I did stick to us being about equal.

But you have to remember, we didn't stick to a Star Wars vs Star Trek fight one bit. Our ships, pre-Guardian, came very close to scoring a Stardestroyer kill (it would have been a kill, except I never write other people's units dying without their OK from the OOC). shields at 10%
Um... that was a single Star Destroyer against a fleet.

Destructionator XV wrote:Any one Imperial ship could crush most our individual ships, but combined fleets of us were able to stand our ground.
Provided that the A'millans have more ships, of course. Since a single Imperial ship could crush an A'millan ship, then the A'millan Starfleet requires more ships to stand their ground.

Destructionator XV wrote:With the Guardian weapons (however the hell they were powered is beyond me, considering we never replaced our power units), we could realistically stand right up to a star destroyer and tell them what to go do with themselves with reasonable chance of victory in every engagement.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Um... that was a single Star Destroyer against a fleet.
Yup. We shall fight the Empire as the wolf pack hunts the bear.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote:
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Um... that was a single Star Destroyer against a fleet.
Yup. We shall fight the Empire as the wolf pack hunts the bear.
Quantity vs quality. Would be interesting.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Destructionator XV »

We really should have actually worked out what this Sol Charter is before claiming everyone signed it without complaint.

It doesn't matter soon anyway, since it is going to be dissolved by the time Imperial invasion forces step foot on our soil, but why the fuck would we all sign a charter that says "we can have embassys on the Death Star, and oh by the way, we keep our superlaser and you signed it so fuck you!"? There must have been something in it for us, unless there is not and we signed it because if we didn't, the Imperials would just kill us all, which is plenty of reason for them to be pissed off about it now, and not complain eariler. (In fact, if you want me to delete the post claiming that spying is illegal, I will, since the treaty being completely one sided toward the Empire is even easier to play for me)

Something we almost certainly would have pushed for is a right to privacy, especially considering we are all developing weapons to fight the Empire. A simple explanation as to why Ra didn't bring this up when we saw the probe over Tais is that he scared shitless of the Empire and didn't want to push back.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote:(In fact, if you want me to delete the post claiming that spying is illegal, I will, since the treaty being completely one sided toward the Empire is even easier to play for me)
Go ahead, but delete my post too for the sake of continuity.

Actually that is interesting: the treaty will be one-sided to some degree (benefiting the Big Boys like the Empire and the Trolls) -- actually reminds me of today's international politic.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Eh, this is going fine anyway. I'll play it the way it is.

At this point, I am about to give up on dealing with Kreshna, and he is about to give up on dealing with me, so this meeting should not last much longer. However, we will try to hold out as long as possible, to look like the little guy being bullied around (because, at this point, we are). I also still intend to outright accuse the Empire of manufacturing the Zergling riot as an excuse to invade. Once you confess to spying, I will move on to that. (And if you don't confess, we all saw the probe over Tais II, so I'll just call him a liar again)
Adam D. Ruppe
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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Since war is going to erupt anyway, which nations have fighters? Let's see, the Goa;ulds have Death Glider, the Imperials have TIEs....
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Destructionator XV »

We do, but are not stupid enough to use them against cap ships. A little frigate is one thing (if you didn't show up, that frigate would have been destroyed, without doubt), but star destroyers? Waste of lives.

(Actually, fighters in sci fi is a fucking stupid idea anyway. They just throw lives away. I am currently revising their role in the A'millian Empire in my brain; I don't want to get rid of them entirely (because they have some very important history that I am not going to overturn), but they are such a stupid idea, I don't want to see them used often either.)

I should dig up a picture of Galactica's flak barrier from the new series to show why fighters vs capship is suicide. They get mowed down before they can get close to the ship, and can only do serious damage by launching nukes, which is a task better suited for an automatic drone.

What you will be seeing from the A'millians are going to be capships focus firing, ground cannons firing, and "we surrender" being transmitted. There will be next to no fighter combat at all.
Adam D. Ruppe
Image Oh my hero, so far away now.....
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