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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Since the last post was mine, I guess the next should be yours.
Lord Adam should maybe replies in venomous tone; "no wonder Detritus hasn't arrived yet, he's busy mobilizing his forces to conquer the galaxy with you", etc.
He is far to subtle for something like that... for now. He will sit back and let you throw the first flame.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote:
Lord Adam should maybe replies in venomous tone; "no wonder Detritus hasn't arrived yet, he's busy mobilizing his forces to conquer the galaxy with you", etc.
He is far to subtle for something like that... for now. He will sit back and let you throw the first flame.
Actually, I have thrown the flame bait by insisting that everyone should wait for the Trolls, in an authoritative tone. I suppose someone will take the bait and start a flame war.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Actually, I have thrown the flame bait by insisting that everyone should wait for the Trolls, in an authoritative tone. I suppose someone will take the bait and start a flame war.
Not enough for me to bite. We have bigger things to wait for, and in fact, in universe, I'd just rather have everyone present at once anyway.

So I guess we wait a bit then. And with that, I am going to bed. See y'all in 9 hours.
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Post by DesertFly »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:
Destructionator XV wrote:I kinda wanna skip ahead and say Detritus has arrived. Dartzap probably won't be up for a couple more hours at least, and we should be able to post him just sitting down so the rest of us can move on without usurping his authority over his characters.
How about the alternative? We can have a heated up arguments whether the discussion should be started without Detritus or not. Darth Kreshna will naturally defend his ally, while Kerrigan will arroganly insist that the meeting can begin without Detritus, and such thing until the conference heated up and everyone start yelling at each other.
Haha, that's awesome! That's exactly what I wrote, and then I read this thread! Score +2 for the Zerg!

EDIT--Also, I'm now out for the night. I should be back on in ~16 :shock: hours !
Last edited by DesertFly on Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dartzap »

:lol: a fine mess this will turn into.

The device I used will probably work reasnobly well, unless Bison... err Kreshna or the Queeny becomes excessivley furious :wink:
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Post by Destructionator XV »

As to how this is timed for the talking: Someone responding to something someone else posted happens in that sequence, not in the time we actually post it.

KAN posts.
Dartzap posts something else.
I post, responding to KAN.
Ra posts responding to me.
DesertFly posts responding to Dartzap.

To rectify the fact that we are all up and on the board at different times, I would say the timing would happen like this:

Dartzap talks.
Kerrigan talks in response
the rest of us respond to that (this hasn't been posted yet)
Darth Kreshna talks, on a different subject
Adam talks, answering DK
Ra talks, answering me

So, the time events in game happen need not correspond with the sequence in which it is posted.

And if someone posts something controversial while you are not here, we can always rewind time and make changes if need be.

I have mod powers in the game forum, so if need be, I can edit or delete posts so we can move stuff around.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

I also missed this little statement the first time when I was writing up my comments in universe:

"are human as the rest of my fellow guests here"

This is very interesting because I don't think there are any simple humans in the room.

Galadriel is an elf.

The Vulcans are obviously Vulcans.

Kerrigan used to be human, but is now quite Zerg.

Ra has a human host, but is himself, a Goa'uld.

Kreshna is a human, although possessed by the phoenix. I'd rank him as a human anyway though.

Detritus (am I spelling that right?) is a troll.

And of course, Lord Adam and the Lady Leila (by the way, you aren't allowed to use her first name. There are few people in the universe on a first name basis with her, and you aren't one of them) are also not human.

It seems the Trolls are having an off day at this meeting :lol:
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

A Note On Suspension of Disbelief

Alright, maybe this is just my rants, but I simply refuse to believe that Lord Adam --a Star Trek Federation-esque idealist-- is willing to take innocent lives just to disarm the Death Star's superlaser, and out of the blue. No. There must be something deeper to motivate Lord Adam to disarm the superlaser at all cost.

Thus, this is the background story I propose to make the whole story more reasonable. Note that this is merely the way I envision each nation, so please make necessary correction if my description is inaccurate.

The Aftermath of the Guardian War

The Empire/Guardian War has taken great toll on smaller nations; the Goa'ulds, the A'millan Star Empire, and the Trollish Imperium. The Empire, being a galactic-scale nation, quickly recovered from the war, but that was not the case with smaller countries. Out of goodwill and sense of responsibility, Supreme Chancellor Saan and Premier Sate Pestage offered recovery programs for the smaller nations, to rebuild their nation from the ashes of the Guardian War.

Alas, things did not always happen as intended. First, cultural differences between nations had made it difficult to implement the recovery programs. Second --and worse-- Imperial mega-corporations (such as Kuat Drive Yards, Taim & Bak, Xizor Transit Systems, and Tagge Mining Corporation) saw this as opportunity to profit from the recovery programs. Thus, different nations have different degree of success in recovering their economy.

The Trollish Imperium

Being a rock-based race, the Trolls actually have great advantage of colonizing mineral-rich but inhospitable planets. For starter, they can live on asteroids without the need to build life support system (OOC: again, correct me if I'm wrong). Thus, even before the Empire/Guardian War, the Trolls were already rich. Naturally, the Trolls has managed to reap the most benefit from the Empire's recovery program; they were able to pay their national debt quickly, and even managed to make themselves a major economic power in the Milky Way galaxy.

Thus, the Trollish Imperium has become the closest ally to the Empire, enjoying the most benefit from many bilateral cooperations between two nations (including trade agreements, cultural exhibitions, and student exchanges). The Trolls, being economically powerful next to the Empire, was also a staunch supporter of open trade agreements between all nations.

The Goa'ulds

The Goa'ulds probably suffer the most complex problem, as they are basically coalitions of various (and sometimes, rivaling) System Lords. Ra's faction has suffered the most from the Guardian rampage; his territory has been reduced significantly. Thus, while Ra is still the official Supreme System Lords (acknowledged by the Empire), other System Lords start looking to dethrone his position. Baal is notably active in competing against Ra to gain Imperial support.

Being under pressure to survive, Ra has somewhat become an opportunist; willing to court anyone who can bolster his power. Ra is notably getting impatient with Darth Kreshna's peace campaign, making him (secretly) switching allegiance so quickly to side with the Zergs. However, that's not saying that Ra cannot quickly switch his allegiance to the Galactic Empire again --or the Trolls-- if it works to his advantage.

The A'millan Star Empire

(OOC: note that this is the most important part of my speculation, because it actually tries to explain why Lord Adam is willing to endorse such act of terrorism)

Being a former Guardian ally, the A'millan Star Empire found itself in very difficult position. First, it was hard for the A'millans to gain trust from other nations --notably the Empire. Second, the formerly glorious Star Empire has now suffered heavy casualties from Guardian's punishment when they switched their allegiance to the Army of Lights. In fact, a mysterious being dubbed 'Unicron' would have destroyed A'millan Prime if not for the timely arrival of the Death Star.

Their economy being ruined, the A'millans had no choice but accepting Imperial's aid programs. Alas, greedy Imperial corporations was taking advantage of the situation, hiding their agenda of neo-colonialism (corporate colonialism) behind Imperial aids. While the Trolls were successful in repelling those corporations, the A'millans were not. Soon, corporations like Kuat Drive Yards, Taim & Bak International, Xizor Transit Systems, and most notably Tagge Mining Corporation (SW equivalent of Halliburton, I guess) have been ruthlessly exploiting the "open trade policy", gaining business monopolies while worsening the nation's economy.

The A'millans --being academic-oriented and having used to prosperity for millenia-- are not ready to face such "open market policies". Unlike the crafty and industrious Trollish society, the studious and contemplative A'millans were not ready for such economic change. A'millan local corporations were absorbed by the Imperial mega-corporations, while local A'millan workers were reduced to slave-labors. Worse, the mega-corporations introduced a new culture of bribe to the A'millan society. While the Galactic Empire has learnt how to handle government corruption (notably since Palpatine's regime), the A'millans --having lived in utopian society for far too long-- have no idea to handle the situation. The local labor unions are powerless against the mega-corporations, while the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.

The situation only gets worse with the overexploitation of A'millan natural resources. The Tagge Mining Corporation was notorious for introducing World Devastators to the A'millan Star Empire. Having banned from the Galactic Empire itself due to conservationalist's concerns, the World Devastators now freely roam the A'millan territory with their endless hunger for minerals. The local A'millan population does not get any benefit at all from such outrageous mining operation, as the corporations always get the significantly bigger percentage of the result --thanks to almost uncontrolled corruption in local government level. Worse, those World Devastators are causing heavy pollution throughout the Star Empire.

Lord Adam was desperate to face the crumbling of his nation. He already tried his best to eradicate the corruption within his own government, but Imperial corporate lobby is always stronger. Out of desperation, he find himself commmitted to drive the Empire out of A'millan nation, and out of Milky Way galaxy. He really hates to resort to terrorism, but he simply has no choice.

The Zerg Horde

Having scored major victory against the Protoss and the Terrans, the Zerg now seek to expand their territory. According to their record, the Terrans were originated from the Sol System of the Milky Way galaxy. Having experienced with the weak Terrans of the StarCraft universe, the Zergs actually expect an easy conquest. Turned out the things are not like what they have expected. Due to some disturbance in the space-time continuum (the same "amalgaming phenomenon" that caused the Trolls, the A'millans, the Goa'ulds, and the Empire to meet on the first place --despite originated from different universes), the Sol System they encountered is not the one where the Terrans come from. Instead, the Zergs now have to face nations more powerful than their own; the Trollish Imperium, the Goa'ulds, the A'millan Star Empire, and the Galactic Empire.

While the Zerg is formidable in ground combat, their space combat technology is virtually nonexistent. Sure, a horde of Zergs could probably slaughter the Goa'ulds in ground combat, but how can they defend their Overlords from the slaughtering Ha'taks? How can a "fleet" of Overlords travelling in space defend themselves from A'millan Cruisers or Trollish Goliath-Class Battleships? The mighty Terran Battlecruisers have awesome firepower in Star Craft universe, but their numbers are sparse enough for the Zergs to handle. Worse, all the Milky Way nations' warships have better armaments, better shields, and better speed/maneuverability than the Terran Battlecruiser.

Realizing the urgency of their shortcomings, the zergs realize that they need to resort to alliance and diplomacy; they need an ally to safely carry their ferocious ground troops to the planet of their target. That's why the Zergs accept Ra's invitation with (somewhat) open arms.

The Commonwealth

Little is known about this mysterious, reclusive space-faring nation, save the rumors that they're equal to the Galactic Empire in technology. However, it is also rumored that they're an utopian nation with weaker military than the Empire (and where are you, Dak?).
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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Post by DesertFly »

Alright, I wasn't going to post this because it wasn't really all that important, but here's what I've worked up on the backstory of the Zerg and why they are here and acting as they do.

Most of you know the story of Starcraft: how the Zerg were essentially created by an ancient race, their destruction of most of their creators, then their subsequent push to assimilate the Protoss. Along the way, they realize they need an edge to combat the powerful psionics of the Protoss, so when they stumble across humanity and realize the untapped psychic potential that the Terrans possess, they realize that this could be just the tool they need to face the Protoss on an even level.

I'll spare you all the politics of the Terrans, because they're complicated and not really relevant to the story. What is relevant is that a young girl, Kerrigan, was taken by her government and trained as a deadly psychic assassin, a ghost. She later switched sides and joined a rebel group against that government, then was betrayed by that group and left for dead on a Zerg-overrun planet.

Instead of killing her, the Zerg, realizing the enormous latent psychic powers she possessed, infested her, twisting her body and mind to serve the Swarm (official title of the Zerg group) and the Overmind, the will of the Swarm embodied. Kerrigan became infested Kerrigan, and was used by the Overmind as one of its most deadly and effective agents.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you're not a Zerg), the Overmind was slain in an ill-conceived assault against the Protoss, leaving the Zerg without their highest level of leadership. Kerrigan had been granted some measure of individuality though, even as a Zerg, and she used that to take control of about half the Swarm when the Overmind was killed.

Opposing her for control of the Swarm was an especially ambitious Cerebrate, Daggoth. He managed to take control of the other half of the Broods, but, with the timely interference provided by the arrival of a new player from Earth, Kerrigan was able to destroy him, most of the remnants of the Protoss, and many of the various human factions, leaving her the strongest power in that section of the galaxy, though there were rumours right at the end of the game that something far more powerful than the Zerg or the Protoss was waiting behind the scenes....

Anyway, for the purpose of this game, though, I'm modifying things slightly, to the point that Kerrigan was not successful in destroying her myriad enemies, and in fact Daggoth was triumphant, and basically did the same as Kerrigan tried to do, ridding the sector of all his enemies and emerging as the unchallenged leader of the victorious Swarm.

Kerrigan wasn't completely beaten, though, and managed to gather the forces that were loyal to her, leading the Zerg on a second mass exodus, fleeing the pursuing loyalist Zerg forces, until finally she managed to stumble upon a wormhole. Not knowing where it lead, but realizing that staying in this galaxy would mean certain destruction, she sent her forces through, and used some technobabble means to seal it behind them, trapping them in our galaxy on the edge. That's where the story begins, as the Zerg are able to find several uninhabited and lightly inhabited planets, and from there learn enough to create Namtaru, etc...
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Alright, maybe this is just my rants, but I simply refuse to believe that Lord Adam --a Star Trek Federation-esque idealist-- is willing to take innocent lives just to disarm the Death Star's superlaser, and out of the blue.
He is no Captain Picard. In his youth, he almost was, but multiple major wars, always induced by outsiders, then an unprovoked holocaust, and almost 1,000 years of rebuilding his old nation and holding off foregin aggressors and internal threats changed that.
Second, the formerly glorious Star Empire has now suffered heavy casualties from Guardian's punishment when they switched their allegiance to the Army of Lights.
Don't forget the unprovoked Imperial assault on their Destructionators scouting the Sol system.

Or the unprovoked Imperial assault on multiple civilian worlds.

Or the obscene usage of Imperial hardware against their people who were forced, by the more powerful Guardians using their might to push them around, to fight a war they wanted no part of.

Nope, the A'millians have no gripes against the Empire, I'm sure. They have no reason not to trust powerful assholes in their backyard.

Yeah, right.
In fact, a mysterious being dubbed 'Unicron' would have destroyed A'millan Prime if not for the timely arrival of the Death Star.
We wouldn't have even been involved if it wasn't for the Empire.
Their economy being ruined, the A'millans had no choice but accepting Imperial's aid programs.
No such thing happened. Each world in the A'millian Star Empire is self sufficient and mostly autonomous. They did take big losses, but it was nothing they couldn't handle on their own.

Since the end of the Guardian incident, they have gotten right back to normal. The planets lost were entirely destroyed. No rebuilding would take place, as the populations who would live there have ceased to exist, thus there was no refugee problem. They just moved on.

The A'millian economy has been in a great surplus for a long time, and the loss of twenty worlds reduced that surplus, but did not eliminate it. This is evident by the fact that they still maintained Starbase 242 (which is expensive to maintain due to its distance) and the fact that the Lord and Lady are personally going out on science trips on a whim.

If they were really hurting, wouldn't they be back home working? Instead, we see them writing fan fiction, appearing in university debates and playing video games.

The A'millans --being academic-oriented and having used to prosperity for millenia-- are not ready to face such "open market policies".
Let's see. They have had to deal with aggressive nations on their borders (remember them being mentioned as a big reason why I didn't just sent in the full Starfleet to crush you when you had only a few ships in PW1) . They barely survived a fucking holocaust in Lord Adam's lifetime.

Prosperity for centuries would be accurate, but they have to stay on their toes thanks to the neihbouring countries.

The only external power with which they do any serious trade is the Asgard, mostly just exchanges of cool ideas between their scientists (such as the food squares that taste like crap but are highly nutritious, or the Asgard being interested in taking a look at ancient ruins they find (i.e. I-1071)).

Since each world takes care of itself and staying purely within their own states, they produce everything they need, they have no reason to deal with Imperial corporations.

while local A'millan workers were reduced to slave-labors.
That would get the Federal garrison in that state to mobilize and disband the company. Slavery is expressly forbidden in all A'millian territories on the Federal level.

The central government doesn't often get involved with local politics, leaving most things to the states, but they have a number of guidelines which they do enforce. Moreover, they listen to complaints from the little people (in a previous post here in OOC, I explained that they maintain a Federal Post Office as one of the most important aspects of their government for this reason).

If the little people were to start complaining, the Federal garrison would do something about it. If this was wide spread, don't you think the Crown would have better things to do than play video games?

notorious for introducing World Devastators to the A'millan Star Empire.
From when a World Devestator destroyed the Destructionator ship Genator, we have labeled them as Weapons of Mass Destruction. (And after you went and BDZed one of our planets in PW1, Imperial Star Destroyers are also labeled as WMDs).

Federal law prohibits civilians from owning battleships. There is no way they would let civilian WMDs roam free. Once again, the Federal forces would stop them faster than you can say "free enterprise".

Lord Adam was desperate to face the crumbling of his nation.
Once again, if this were true, he would not be playing Starcraft with his wife during the day.

The reason he wants to get rid of the Death Star is simple: it represents the biggest threat to their national security, ever in their entire history. He didn't make the move immediately because he had some time, and rushing things like that would just lead to more trouble.

Then after seeing how you shamelessly spied on the Goa'uld and continued expanding at an alarming rate, he started to feel the threat the Empire, specifically the Death Star posed was far more immediate. When you blew off Kruger's request, he knew there was no point talking to blood thursty xenos, and called his people back. From there, he put into place another method of dealing with the Death Star, which has only started to unfold.

Once again, diplomacy without threat of war is not cooperation, it is subjugation. It is his duty to the state to maintain its security, and he is going to do just that.

Little is known about this mysterious, reclusive space-faring nation, save the rumors that they're equal to the Galactic Empire in technology. However, it is also rumored that they're an utopian nation with weaker military than the Empire (and where are you, Dak?).
The Commonwealth went home. They are no longer an aspect of the game.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote:The reason he wants to get rid of the Death Star is simple: it represents the biggest threat to their national security, ever in their entire history. He didn't make the move immediately because he had some time, and rushing things like that would just lead to more trouble.

Then after seeing how you shamelessly spied on the Goa'uld and continued expanding at an alarming rate, he started to feel the threat the Empire, specifically the Death Star posed was far more immediate. When you blew off Kruger's request, he knew there was no point talking to blood thursty xenos, and called his people back. From there, he put into place another method of dealing with the Death Star, which has only started to unfold.
Okay, but sponsoring terrorism? Exploding antimatter bombs amidts the innocent civilians? Come on, he needs a stronger cause. If economy is not the reason, the how about religious fundamentalism? :razz:
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Okay, but sponsoring terrorism? Exploding antimatter bombs amidts the innocent civilians? Come on, he needs a stronger cause. If economy is not the reason, the how about religious fundamentalism? :razz:
Religion is mostly absent in the A'millian Star Empire, thanks to free university level education for all citizens.

He has bombed civilians before, it is not that new of a thing. What it comes down to is thousands of your civvies now, or billions of ours later. Easy choice.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

While reading through the old threads to gather evidence to prove Darth Kreshna is a heartless war criminal, I came across a fact I forgot about: we were temporarilly allied with the fucking Daleks to fight your aggression.

Yup, we trust Daleks more than we trust Imperial Sith not to be genocidal. :lol:
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Post by DesertFly »

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone on the way this game's progressed so far. When I first joined as the Zerg, I specifically made them weak, as I didn't want the all envouring Swarm to unite the galaxy against it. That just seemed like it would be too boring of a path, besides replicating what had happened in the first war.

It turns out that I needn't have worried. I provided the smallest of sparks, and everyone took that and used it to ignite the smoldering fires into open flames. And really, I'm glad. All this tension and all these groups are far more interesting than a bunch of people allying to fight one monolithic enemy. You've had your world war. It's time for the cold war. Except it's about to get very hot.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Who remembers this classic post from PW1: ... =2758#2758

This is too good. The Destructionator attack on the Death Star to rescue their captured friend, Destructionator XIV. From this post comes timeless classics, such as:
"Detention block 4, what is going on down there?"

A Destructionator goes over to the microphone while the others go down to rescue XIV.

"We had a weapons malfunction down here, but its all under control here now."

"We're sending a team down there."

"Negative, negative. We had a plasma pulse through the tritetryon conduit that triggered a cascade rupture of the duranium tubule that carries the quantum stream to the duotronic controller. Without the duotronic conroller, there is a high level of nutrinos going thourgh the atmospheric controls which could be dangerous to humanoid life."

The sound of the Imperial operators head exploding could be heard over the intercom. Then another officer runs to his aide.

"Emergency! A man just got technobabbled to death! We have a trekkie abord! Repeat we have a trekki-"

He is interrupted by Destructionator blasting the microphone.

"Boring conversation anyway. Destructionator! We're going to have company!"
Inside, he sees Destructionator XIV, whose joints were jammed with gungan cum.

"Dear god! What the hell did Kreshna do to you!"

Destructionator XIV talks, slow and laboured.

"Isn't your penis a little small for a gungan?"

"Oh, the horror! I am Destructionator, I am here to rescue you! I am here with Destructionator!"

"Destructionator is here?"

"Yes, and we are going to get you out of here!"

"Destructionator, help a tortured Destructionator walk."
I almost miss the unstructured TGOD of the olden posts. (TGOD means 'The Good Old Days' by the way. It is amazingly appropriate here).
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Post by Destructionator XV »

I have to admit, this is the most excited I have been for the Phoenix War threads I have been for a long time. I enjoy writing almost anything in here (especially obvious by the mass of irrelevant stuff I write up for the hell of it), but a flamewar!

This is almost as fun as catching a troll on SDN before the HoS pile on and subsequent banning. Been a long time since I have been in a flamewar myself. It is a blast, even when it is pure fiction.

This is damn fun.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

If any of you are concerned that this is going to turn into a everyone else vs Trolls and Empire, I remind you of the fact that the A'millians also have a score to settle with the Zerg (the destruction of the Pathfinder) and in Adam's own words "Never trust a Goa'uld".

Of course, they are of lesser concern to him right now; frankly, the A'millian starfleet could clean their chronometers, and A'millian ground troops vs Jaffa and Zerglings? Don't make me laugh. Kulls and Hydralisks (and mutalisks) give me some pause, but I can answer those with clear air superiority, naval superiority, and our powered armour wearing Star Marine Corps.

The fact that they are manageable with conventional warfare means he can deal with them later (or even just talk with them, backed by the mighty Starfleet). And hell, he might get the Zerg payback he wants indirectly.

But if the tide is going against the Empire, it is in just about everyone's best interest to get rid of them (maybe even a backstab by the trolls. The Terror did destroy the Trollish planet of Pluto, remember "Et tu, Detritus?").

(And if the Empire issue does turn to universal armageddon, it gives a nice lead into the proposed post-apacalypse storyline for PW IV)
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote:I remind you of the fact that the A'millians also have a score to settle with the Zerg (the destruction of the Pathfinder) and in Adam's own words "Never trust a Goa'uld".
Huh? Did the Zergs attacked you somewhere? Is there anything I miss?

Destructionator XV wrote:Of course, they are of lesser concern to him right now; frankly, the A'millian starfleet could clean their chronometers, and A'millian ground troops vs Jaffa and Zerglings? Don't make me laugh. Kulls and Hydralisks (and mutalisks) give me some pause, but I can answer those with clear air superiority, naval superiority, and our powered armour wearing Star Marine Corps.
I thought A'millan tech is similar to Star Trek; redshirts and the likes.

Destructionator XV wrote:But if the tide is going against the Empire, it is in just about everyone's best interest to get rid of them (maybe even a backstab by the trolls.
Not really. While I can't speak for Dartzap, I can see no benefit for the Trolls to backstab the Empire. Just like in the real world, will the UK, for instance, gain any benefit from attacking the US? I believe decision for warfare in the real world is mostly based on cost-benefit ratio instead of "just for the sake of it".

Destructionator XV wrote:The Terror did destroy the Trollish planet of Pluto, remember "Et tu, Detritus?").
Pluto was not a Troll planet; it was an empty planet being explored by Ra and Galadriel (which started the "quest-like STGOD" trend) to investigate the mysterious newcomer that was later identified as the Ancient Guardians. Detritus ambushed Ra on the planet, but he need to land his ship there and unload the troops, so it wasn't Trollish planet.

Besides, all fihgting forces left Pluto before it was destroyed, because Captain Lester of the Terror gave his warning.

(And if the Empire issue does turn to universal armageddon, it gives a nice lead into the proposed post-apacalypse storyline for PW IV)[/quote]
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Post by Ra »

Huh? Did the Zergs attacked you somewhere? Is there anything I miss?
I'm sure Adam will clarify himself tomorrow morning, but ASV Pathfinder entered a system that, unbeknownst to the A'millians, was Zerg territory. The ship was quickly destroyed, and the rest of the A'millian ships fled back to the Starbase. The Zerg were defending their own space, but the act was questionable, since Pathfinder was a meagre science vessel, not a warship.
I thought A'millan tech is similar to Star Trek; redshirts and the likes.
Not anymore. Adam took the basic stuff of Star Trek (phasers and warp drive), and added about 1000% more awesomeness.
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Post by Ra »

OK, I think we should go ahead and wait for Adam to post next. I might continue to flesh out the Madar side-quest later on, though.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Ra wrote:I'm sure Adam will clarify himself tomorrow morning, but ASV Pathfinder entered a system that, unbeknownst to the A'millians, was Zerg territory. The ship was quickly destroyed, and the rest of the A'millian ships fled back to the Starbase. The Zerg were defending their own space, but the act was questionable, since Pathfinder was a meagre science vessel, not a warship.
That is correct. He let it slide at first, saying it was an accident (because, it was), but also said he will not forget about it.

He isn't going to outright start glassing Zerg planets, but that incident did cause him to call in about 20 more warships from home, just in case, and he would very probably just look the other way if bad things were to happen to the Zerg.
I thought A'millan tech is similar to Star Trek; redshirts and the likes.
Not anymore. Adam took the basic stuff of Star Trek (phasers and warp drive), and added about 1000% more awesomeness.
Right. We have all kinds of fun toys on the ground that would make Halo look puny. Not to mention the armoured forces (tanks, etc), and the naval forces (as in sea going ships). Sea power is still important to us, mostly in long term holding of a planet, but dropping in the mobile sea navy in an invasion is a potential tool too. Have war ships send in cruise missiles from the water and laugh as you can't respond. Launch amphibious attacks from the sea, going right under your anti-air defences.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Dartzap: attacking the Genator II is a big mistake. If you wanted to hit the transport that carried the people off the Death Star, it would have been a civilian transport and maybe the destroyer escort they had, who would have frantically surrendered upon seeing someone heavily armed coming up on them, assuming they were still in the Milky Way, which they would not be by now.

Of course, they would also know nothing, being civilians and perhaps the Marine honour guard who were assigned to the embassy.

The Genator II itself is a heavily armed warship. It could go toe to toe with a Star Destroyer and have a reasonable chance of victory, thanks to Khardem and his Guardian enhancements.

It is one of the two most powerful ships in the fleet (the other being The Lady's Pride, attached to the first fleet garrisoned in the A'millian Prime sector). Crewed entirely by androids, the maddening effect the Biolasers have on humans was no problem to them, so they kept them while the rest of the fleet disarmed.

The Destructionators have also been to the Imperial galaxy during PW1, and who knows what kind of toys they could have nabbed while they were there. I understand the Coruscant Weapons Emporium had a "steal one, get one free" sale on. :grin:
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Post by Dartzap »

Bah, fine... It was only meant to keep the Nemsis safe until something popped into my head :lol: Mind you, I never did say that the joint Troll-Imp wargames had'nt started yet...

Or is that classed as a DEM? :wink:
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Dartzap wrote:Or is that classed as a DEM?
Go nuts.

Remember though that the wargames were to take place close to Zerg territory, which is within an hour or two's trip from base 242, less if they rush it.
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Post by Dartzap »

I don't suppose there are any handy nebulai around your place....?
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