Phoenix War III

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Post by Ra »

High Orbit, Vulcan


Ra's Tel'tak came out of hyperspace in orbit of Vulcan, the planet Galadriel had indicated would be hosting her conference. The Goa'uld frowned at the sight hundreds of miles below, angry that he had now lost his personal Dark Jedi guards. He now had hired guns from his corporation doing their job, along with a detachment of Kull Warriors, who would remain onboard the ship, as to not stir up too much trouble. Having armed, fearsome-looking soldiers at the conference would do more harm than it could possibly do good.

And Ra had a feeling that war was going to start in those Vulcan halls. It would be in his best interest to make sure the shooting didn't start there as well.

Ra's pilot looked over his controls, and hit several keys, hailing the planet.

"Orbital control, this is the Imperial Goa'uld Courier carrying Supreme System Lord Ra aboard. Request permission for orbital descent and landing instructions," he stated.

A level, emotionless voice answered, "Permission granted, courier. Proceed down vector niner-seven. Navigational instructions will be beamed directly to your computers."


The small ship began its descent.

* * *

Lady Galadriel sat silently in a room behind the expansive meeting hall, a worried look on her face. Slowly, the robed Vulcan that had been seen with her in the transmission, Prime Minister Salar, walked up, her fingers interlocked serenely.

"You should not worry, Galadriel," she stated. "You do the correct course of action by being here and attempting to call for peace."

"I fear these people will not see reason," Galadriel answered. "From what has been happening, it is obvious few of them truly value peace, all many of them desire is revenge."

"A truly irrational thing that causes untold suffering," nodded Salar. "That may be true, but remember that you have a calm mind that does not let its emotions drive it. That can be your ally."

"Experience tells me that these people, especially Ra, are completely blinded to reason."

Salar offered something that almost looked like a smile, and said, "Then you will simply have to open his eyes. Come, the conference is about to begin."

Galadriel nodded slowly, and rose to her feet, going toward the hall beyond.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

'From what we understand, once he left you and the Kingpin, he went to the bar and tried to get pissed again, though our agent there said he failed misrebly' The man speaking was a human, medium heigh, brown eyes and hair, he had, for some inexplicable reason, a tuxedo on.

How come he wasn't lynched? If I'd been there drinking I'd imagine that I would smack the bastard who was for all intents guildty of wipeing out several thousand of my people

'This is not the Disc, Commander. They rarely have bar fights here, unless they want to smacked over the head with a stunbat' He handed the troll a data pad 'As you can see from that image from our camera, there was some sort of maintenence occuring in the time before the explosion, soon afterwards...' he touches a button to put the next holoimage up on the projector 'This woman appears, we're running a search through GCHQ as to who she is'

And what of the Amillians? Do we know when they left?

'Indeed, a few hours before the detonation, a transport from their HQ'

What? Their HQ is an entire galaxy away!

'Exactly. We can assume then that they had either been planning this, or knew of this for some time for there to have been a chance of that transport being here on time'

My gods. Has that Adam bloke gone insane?

' I do not know commander, I can ask for a psychological assesement from our agents out there to find out'

It's a figure of speech, BFlotsam looks at the latest casulty figures. They were pretty grim several hundred more had died in the various hospitals, and the stations super-laser had been completly disabled.

[color=darkredHad there been a any sort of communication between Kreshna and the Amillians recently?][/color]
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

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Post by Ra »


The Stargate on a nameless planet activated, coming to life and startling several peasants. Madar, Buscan, and Nica lept through, still firing blasters at unseen pursuers.

"Find some cover!" Buscan barked.

Nica ran over behind the DHD, taking position as Madar slipped behind a pillar decorated with Ancient writing, and Buscan knelt behind a stone. Several Jaffa ran through just before the 'Gate shut off, backed up by a pair of Kulls.

Ra had ordered his men to stand down and let the Dark Jedi escape, since he could legally do nothing to keep them, and it would cost far too much blood to force them to stay. But nevertheless, the Jaffa garrison had responded rather overzealously, sending troops to take down the "intruders" that had blasted their way through the Lord Ra Intergalactic Starport.

Madar reached out with her hand, as well as the Force, sending a Kull off his feet. Despite his armor, the force of the Dark Jedi's assault was so hard that the hapless soldier fell on his neck, breaking it instantly.

Nica then honed her Force senses, making her shot inhumanly accurate as she fired her blaster, hitting two of the Jaffa right between their eyes. The putrid smell of burnt flesh quickly wafed up into the morning air.

Buscan lept from his cover at another Jaffa, kicking him square in the face. Bones broke, and the soldier fell down to the dirt.

One last enemy remained. Madar rose from her cover, and with a primal scream, tendrils of Force lightning burst from her outstretched fingers. The attack was nowhere near as powerful as a Sith could manage, but it was enough to bring down the Kull's shields and electricute him to death.

Madar gasped for air, and felt a deep satisfaction from what she had just done. Energy flowed through her, and she felt gratified in some sadistic way. Opening her eyes again, Madar's irises had turned yellow, the Dark Side having taken complete control of her.

"Now that we're out of that mess," Madar smiled, "Where the hell are we?"

Nica took out a datapad, and messed around with it until she got results. She said, "Somewhere in the so-called Gamma Quadrant of this galaxy, near the outermost fringe. This planet belongs to the Lucien Alliance, and is rather primitive. It's unlikely we'll find transport off this rock."

"Unless the Alliance has a presence here," Madar stated. "At least it'll get us away from the Goa'uld, and the looming war, for a moment."

"That it will," Buscan nodded. "We can get anything we need to survive from the local primitives. To hell with gold, if they worshipped men with snakes in their heads at one time, we will look like true gods to them. They may be free of imposters, but a little Force lightning will convince them we are no imposters."

"I like that idea," Madar chuckled. "How about I take on the guise of Eris, a Terran goddess of mischief? All of the Goa'uld took on names of Terran dieties, after all."

"It suits you perfectly," Nica smirked.

"Alright, Eris, lead the way," Buscan laughed.

The three Dark Jedi walked off from the Stargate, on their way to a settlement on the horizon.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Dartzap wrote:Flotsam looks at the latest casulty figures. They were pretty grim several hundred more had died in the various hospitals, and the stations super-laser had been completly disabled.

Had there been a any sort of communication between Kreshna and the Amillians recently?]
An agent from Imperial Security Bureau, who had been accompanying Flotsam, interjected, "it had been, indeed. The A'millan Ambassador had been presistently asking for a complete disarmament of the Death Star's superlaser. Here's the recording."

The agent handed Flotsam a datapad.


Meanwhile, on Vulcan...

A 17.6 km-long Executor-Class Command Battleship, flanked with two Eclipse-Class Star Battleships, approached the planet.The Eclipses were slightly shorter than the Executor, but far bulkier and more massive. The Executor, on the other hand, had a bird-shaped pattern painted on its hull. Everyone familiar with the Empire should notice that the ship was the Phoenix; Darth Kreshna's personal flagship. The two escorting Eclipses were Erebus and Terror, and of course, each was capable of destroying a planet with their superlaser. Imperial March played in the background as the three mighty ships approached the planet.

The Commander of the Executor spoke, "Vulcan authority, this is Executor-Class Command Battleship Phoenix, requesting clearance."
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Adam was asleep in the back of the ship when he was awakened by movement coming from next to him. He looks up to see the Lady starting to move away.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked, without turning around.

"Next to you, who wouldn't?"

"Most everyone, but good Final Fantasy VII quote."

He takes a look at the clock, and said: "Well, we'd better get ready to land pretty soon."

She tosses him a small, individually wrapped square - one of the many benefits they got from their long time information exchange with the Asgard.

"Ack," he says after eating it, "you'd think that after all this time, we'd figure out how to make these not taste like crap."


A few minutes later, they are putting on their dress uniforms. Adam gets her attention by adding something to it however: what looked like a belt with suspenders.

"You're wearing a body shield?" she asked him.

"Yeah," he answered, "and you should too."

"Surely it won't be necessary. They wouldn't try anything here."

" 'For, thy last breath shalt also be mine own' " he quoted from the traditional A'millian wedding vows.

"Well, since you went through all the trouble of forming a coherent, logical argument, I guess I have to."

He looked at her, smiling, for a couple seconds, then finished fastening the shield and started to put on his boots.

"Yeah, also remember their might be telepaths there," he said.

"So block our minds. It's not like we've never dealt with them before."

"Yeah," he agreed, putting on the uniform's ceremonial sword on his right side.

He always found ceremonial weapons to be kinda bizarre - a weapon made for looks rather than use. These swords have decorative handles and blades, but weigh very little and have no true blade nor point. Contrasted to his regular sword, which some have said is a ugly lump of enhanced laconia with a crystal orb superglued to the handle, made to channel magical energy and be conventionally deadly at the same time. It might not look nice, but it has worked oh so well for over a milennium despite endless abuse. These fancy swords seem to need replacement at least every fifty years, and that is with heavy maintenance.

Next comes the double layered cape, covering his left side. (looks like like this).

The Lady also puts on her sword, on her left side, and her cape, covering her right side.

After he sees that she had the cape on, he steps up to her and says: "You have some grease on your face, old friend, let me get that off you."

She leans back, laughing and says: "No I don't! You're such an ass!"

He stands smiling at her as she starts to put on her ceremonial hat.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, smiling as well.

"I love you" he answered.

"I know."

"Nice Han Solo quote."

"Just put your hat on and fly the ship."

"Yes, sir."

Soon, they drop out of warp and go to impulse power for Vulcan orbit. They pass by Kreshna's ships: the Executor and two Eclipses.

"Looks like the Dark Lord brought a fucking attack fleet," Adam commented as he piloted the tiny ship past the super star destroyer, that just seemed to keep going forever.

"We have authorization to land" the Lady told him while turning dials to reinforce the structural integrity fields for a cool atmospheric landing.

Adam flips a switch, retracting the warp nacelles, then presses another switch and the tiny ship's delta shaped wings deploy. They both ensure they are securely strapped into the chairs then he takes a look over the navigational data provided by the Vulcan air traffic controller, takes a quick scan of the atmosphere below, and then sets the computer to descend.

The shuttle's computer masterfully makes the intricate moves needed to bleed off large amounts of gravitational potential energy. Not even the experienced A'millian could possibly react fast enough to land a orbital glider manually, so they just sat back and waited while the computer, SIF and shields kept the little ship from burning up. Indeed, it remained rather cool in the cockpit itself.

About fifteen minutes later, the computer finishes the last needed S-turn, and the radio beacon from the Vulcan landing strip was detected. Adam retightened his hands back on the control stick, pushing it slightly forward and carefully manuevering the ship in giant spirals to line up with the quickly approaching runway.

He pulls back on the stick and the Lady pressed a button to deploy the landing gear. Shortly, the real wheels hit the runway, and Adam pushes forward on the stick, pushing a pedal with his foot as the momentum jerked him forward. Simultaneously, the Lady pushes a lever to open the air flaps. Once that is finished, she presses another button and a large parachute shoots out the back of the small ship.

They finally come to a stop; the exterior far to hot to open the door, so they remain inside and start to power down active systems. After a few more minutes, they power down the SIF, the flight computer, and finally the internal lights.

Illuminated only by the light of the Vulcan sun shining in through the cockpit window, the Lady turns to the Lord and says: "I see even after all this time, you haven't lost your touch."

"Not half bad, if I do say so myself."

They unbuckle, stand up, straighten their dress uniforms and stand by the airlock, waiting for the external gauges to return to safe levels before opening the door.

Some ten minutes later, the gauges indicate it is safe to open the door, so they go through the airlock, and walk down portable stairs that the Vulcan ground crew prepared.

They get into a car and a Vulcan driver drops them off outside the meeting hall where Galadriel waited.
Adam D. Ruppe
Image Oh my hero, so far away now.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

In the meeting hall....

The meeting had started. Everyone gathered around a round table. Darth Kreshna looked around, looking for his ally Lord Detritus. Apparently, Detritus was late. As Flotsam had mentioned, the Trollish Imperium's Lord was busy back in his home galaxy mobilizing his forces.

The Sith really wished Detritus --or at least a Trollish representative-- was here. He took a glance at Ra, and then Lord Adam. They were still waiting for the Zerg head of the state as well. Kreshna wondered how the Zerg should look like....
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Destructionator XV »

Lord Adam sat in the meeting hall, his beautiful wife at his right side, and takes a look around.

He sees Ra, Galadriel, and Kreshna, but apparently no one else has arrived yet. Strange, he thought he would be the latest one.

He takes another look at Kreshna. This man, excepting his own old friend and wife, was the only person here who could possibly defeat him in single combat, and that was just because of the Phoenix inside him. His own magic, training, and arguably most important, seventeen centuries of experience could only compensate for so much raw power. This phoenix had plenty of raw power.

He slowly, as to not upset the body shield he wore, placed his hand in the Lady's, and they sat there, not saying a word, observing.
Adam D. Ruppe
Image Oh my hero, so far away now.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Destructionator XV wrote: He slowly, as to not upset the body shield he wore, placed his hand in the Lady's, and they sat there, not saying a word, observing.
While waiting, Darth Kreshna tried using his Phoenix telepathy to probe Lord Adam's mind. Damn,he thought. The A'millan Lord was trained in resisting mind probe. Pushing it further to the contest of brute force would only make Lord Adam realized that his mind was being probed.

Ah, after all, Kreshna wouldn't need that; it would change nothing anyway. Besides, he was following intelligence reports closely, and Flotsam were gettingh more evidence on the A'millans...

Darth Kreshna quickly withdrawn his telepathic probing before the A'millan ruler noticed.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by DesertFly »

With a scream that rent space and time (or at least sounded like it in the minds of those who could hear such things), the Zerg capital, fueled by the blood of a thousand virgins, arrived in the space over Vulcan. The crews on the human ships surrounding it were uniformely struck by both awe, and revulsion.

The Zerg queen, Kerrigan, had a flair for the dramatic, and that was manifested in this monstrous vessel (both in size and in form). Although not quite as large as the Star Destroyers (which Kerrigan was sure were compensating for something...), the Zerg craft had a menace all its own.

It was a city, miles in diameter, still perched upon the hunk of rock on which it had been constructed untold millenia ago. In the center and dominating the skyline stood an enormous temple, whose spires stretched improbably high. When it had still been anchored to a planet, this colossus had been visible from space.

Any pride its original builders and inhabitants had known would be turned to disgust now, if they could see what the current occupants had done to their marvelous structures. Where once the countless towers and spires gleamed in the sunlight, horrific growth now stood. Secreted biomatter covered every exposed surface now, smoothing out the sleek lines and sharp edges of the original buildings, hardening into a shell that mocked the original form of the city.

Tethered around every edge of the city were thousands of winged creatures, who, despite the improbability of it all, strained against titantic chains to draw the vessel through the void.

From the top of the tallest tower in the center of the temple and the city, a creature disengaged. In form it appeared a dragon from Earth's Asian mythology, with a figure proudly astride its smooth back. It seemed to move with a coiling motion, slipping down into the atmosphere to the designated landing place. In its claws it clutched something roughly analogous to a horse, which it carefully set down, then settled its bulk on the unforgiving soil and inclined its neck, allowing its rider to step down.

Kerrigan, Queen of Blades, had arrived!

She swiftly ascended her mount, then, after allowing Vulcan forces to move into escorting positions, set off for the meeting place like a shot. When she neared, she leapt off her seat in one smooth motion, then entered the hall, throwing back the doors with a crashing sound.

Finally, her so-called allies and enemies saw this woman who controlled such a fearsome race.

She appeared to be human, or at least had the general form of one, a female, once lovely. Now her countenance was decidedly more sinister. Her skin was a strange color now, and unhealthy looking splotches and lines marred her complexion. The most striking change, though, was the pair of limbs made of sickly flesh that grew from her shoulders, appearing as a cross between strangely jointed arms and wings. Sharp spines tipped the ends of the limbs.

As she looked at them through red-rimmed eyes, she smiled, then spoke.

"I am Kerrigan, Queen of Blades. Now this meeting can truly begin!"
Last edited by DesertFly on Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

DesertFly wrote:She appeared to be human, or at least had the general form of one, a female, once lovely. Now her countenance was decidedly more sinister. Her skin was a strange color now, and unhealthy looking splotches and lines marred her complexion. The most striking change, though, was the pair of limbs made of sickly flesh that grew from her shoulders, appearing as a cross between strangely jointed arms and wings. Sharp spines tipped the ends of the limbs.

As she looked at them through red-rimmed eyes, she smiled, then spoke.

"I am Kerrigan, Queen of Blades. Now this meeting can truly begin!"
Darth Kreshna glanced at the Zerg Queen. So he thought, this is the Kerrigan I keep hearing about.

Before the Queen had any chance to continue, the Sith interjected, "I beg to differ, O Queen. For my ally Lord Detritus of the Trollish Imperium had yet to arrive. Surely, we don't want to leave the Trolls out of this conference, do we?"

Kreshna's words were polite, but there was something authoritative in his tone. Darth Kreshna knew that everyone realized the unchallenged might of the Empire....
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.

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Post by Destructionator XV »

By slightly squeezing the Lady's hand in quick specific patterns, and she doing the same to him, they could discreetly pass messages between eachother that would look like nothing more than hand muscles twitching to the untrained eye, assuming they are looking at their hands closely enough to notice the slight movements in the first place.

"I thought Starcraft was just a game." he passes to her using this method, but both remain silent, not speaking, merely nodding a greeting to the Zerg Queen.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by DesertFly »

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:"I beg to differ, O Queen. For my ally Lord Detritus of the Trollish Imperium had yet to arrive. Surely, we don't want to leave the Trolls out of this conference, do we?"

Kreshna's words were polite, but there was something authoritative in his tone. Darth Kreshna knew that everyone realized the unchallenged might of the Empire....
Kerrigan looked diffidently back at the human who obviously thought so highly of himself. With an air of cool composure, she fixed him firmly with a gaze that said, "your might does not impress me", then spoke. "Of course, your concern is warranted. However, I feel that what we have to discuss is important enough to begin immediately. I'm sure it will be a simple matter to catch the troll up when he arrives."
Last edited by DesertFly on Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ra »

Ra sat awestruck at the terror that called herself the Queen of Blades. In all the millenia he had posed as a god, Ra had thought he was a terror to behold; intimidation was supposedly the Goa'uld's penchant.

But this Kerrigan was more than intimidating; she had the looks of not just a Goddess, but of some horror, some embodiment of pure wrath. Part of her looked human, but only just enough to put chills down the spines of any humanoids in the room. Even Galadriel was dumbstruck by her presence.

But Darth Kreshna was arrogant; so arrogant that he wasn't affected by her glacial stare. Ra composed himself, and in his best diplomatic tone, said, "I must agree with the honorable Kerrigan. While the presence of Dietritus would be very beneficial, it is not urgent. We have to talk."

Ra noticed the curious stares around the room, and added, "I am indeed well aware of recent events. The 'terrorist' attack upon the DS III. The deadly situation with Baal. The numerous plots and schemes going around the galaxy. And of course, the great amount of oversensationalism in the Imperial media over the loss of an insignificant Goa'uld outpost on a lifeless ball of rock." - He obviously knew Kerrigan and Kreshna were the wiser, but others were still in the dark - "There are other things to mention, but I will get to them in time."

Ra allowed himself a smile, and noted how glad he was that his secretary had filled him in on many events during his trip to Vulcan. That, and meetings via Holo with Director Kerasher gave him a clear picture of the political situation, and what he could use against the Empire; their recent overreaction to many events would be their undoing; he would see to that.

Embarassing the Imperials would benefit him, and even (a free bonus he didn't care about in the short term) the Zerg and the A'millians, whom his spies told Kerasher, Kreshna was hellbent on pinning for the minor bombing of his precious battlestation.

It was a highly irregular thing for the A'millians to do, but if anything, Ra saw the A'millians as once an enemy he had respected during the War, and after that, allies he respected. He couldn't say the same for the Galactic Empire, outside of Darth Kreshna, then-Captain Ronald McKenzie, and then-Major Irene Patterson. Three people out of a military of over a trillion people.

The Goa'uld cleared his throat, and stated, "Darth Kreshna, we are the staunchest of allies - not just mere allies, we're friends. Am I somehow wrong in this conclusion? But it seems to me that, following the attack on Tais II - which the Zerg Ambassador stated was done by a rogue faction and confirmed by my own intelligence network - the Empire and its Troll allies have been far too... active.

Fleets were being prepared to be positioned just outside of Zerg space; this reeks of a preemptive strike to me. While you do assume the role of "galactic police constable" here, Lord Kreshna, a role you perform with zeal and vigilance, I do think I would have preferred to have been notified before you sent your battleships to avenge some insignificant invasion in my stead. As you, Kerrigan, now know, my own solution was much more diplomatic in nature."

Ra then interlocked his fingers, and stated, "And Darth Kreshna, your own actions here have been most counterproductive toward the sprit of this meeting, which Lady Galadriel arranged; a spirit of us all gathering and discussing issues. But frankly, you show up here with a small flotilla of utterly overpowered battleships, the sole aim of which is to intimidate others to your will. What are you going to do with those superlasers, friend? Glass the Vulcans? Then you spite the Zerg ruler as she makes her first public appearance. What happened to Kreshna the Goodwill Ambassador? I do not mean to sound disrespectful or accusatory, but these events concern me, and likely everyone else in this hall."

"That is quite enough, Goa'uld," Galadriel interjected. "Is spitting venom all you have come here for?"

"Hardly, Galadriel," Ra answered frankly. "Hardly."
Last edited by Ra on Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

A shadow appears in the doorway of the meeting room, with a fwoosh, Lord Detritus, one of the Four lords of the Imperium, Lord of sanity, or whatever passed for it these days, steps into the room.

Ladies and Gentlemen! You will cease your mind numbing retoric now! The last word lounder, since the babble had become a great wave of whitenoise

I came to this meeting in good faith, however, when I heared someone suggest you start without me... I thought I might listen to your various views He absent mindedly starts throwing and catching a small silver orb in one hand.

Whilst you've all been stomping around the place and making the galaxy untidy, I have been making certain... Provisions he looks around the room, giving each of the leaders a glare.

As you may, or may not know, during the Guardian war, my faction seemed to up sticks for some time. The reason for this was because we were trying to develop a method of disabling one of the horde without killing it. Before we managed to deploy what we had developed, others did capture one with... far less elegance

He looks down at the sphere in his hand again This he says, whilst pressing a button on itIs the result of that research, this device, which I have just turned on, disabled all psychic connections within this room for the next three hours, Her ladyship over there He nods to the Zerg QueenIs no longer connected to her swarm, so we may disscuss with her... certain irregularities without being disturbed by any of her creatures

He nods to Lord Kreshna I have also disabled your powers as well m'lord, I know that once you feel... angry, the pheonix has a rather depressing tendency to explode on us. He looks around the room again, getting several glares in return

What? Did you really think we spent months locked away in our caves doing wall paintings? My spys have been telling me of the various ... plots that seem to be occuring at the moment, I shall not mention them, some of them might be necessary to get this mess sorted out.

he sits down, in the chair that was several times bigger than the rest

I will not tolerate being bloody minded for bloody minded sakeness on my watch

He glances around the room once more, much happier than before.

Now, I think this meeting can continue
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Darth Kreshna did not fear Kerrigan at all, but he actually felt intrigued by the Queen of the Zerg. He knew that his own Phoenix power was still magnitudes stronger than the Queen's psychic ability. Yet the Sith still felt intrigued; it was Kerrigan who invaded his dreams during the following days, and now facing the Queen herself, the Sith could not help but thinking.

What are you?

But he didn't have the time to ponder it over as Lord Detritus entering the conference room.
Dartzap wrote:He looks down at the sphere in his hand again This he says, whilst pressing a button on itIs the result of that research, this device, which I have just turned on, disabled all psychic connections within this room for the next three hours, Her ladyship over there He nods to the Zerg QueenIs no longer connected to her swarm, so we may disscuss with her... certain irregularities without being disturbed by any of her creatures

He nods to Lord Kreshna I have also disabled your powers as well m'lord, I know that once you feel... angry, the pheonix has a rather depressing tendency to explode on us. He looks around the room again, getting several glares in return
In contrary to what people expected, Darth Kreshna didn't look concerned at all. He merely nodded as if it was nothing to him. Others started looking at him with puzzled look. Realizing that others were staring at him, he quickly explained to others, "of course I won't be happy to be deprived of my Phoenix powers, but I appreciate Lord Detritus' effort to keep this discussion reasonable. After all, both the Trollish Imperium and the Galactic Empire share the same views: keeping peace and stability of this Milky Way galaxy."

Dartzap wrote:I will not tolerate being bloody minded for bloody minded sakeness on my watch

He glances around the room once more, much happier than before.

Now, I think this meeting can continue
Darth Kreshna rose from his chair, "thank you, Lord Detritus." He then turned to others, "Lord Detritus has clearly mentioned that he has no desires for unecessary agression, and so do I. Should I remind everyone here that after the aftermath of the Guardian War, we had no desire for such war to be repeated again, and assume that none of us here in this room suddenly have such desire now." the Sith inadvertently glanced at Lord Adam.

"Together, the Trollish Imperium and the Galactic Empire had been working hard in turning guns into plows. What was previously focused on war effort now have been turned into constructive efforts; we have economic treaties, joint scientific projects, trade agreements, and foreign investments. We have been working hard to rebuild on what was previously ruined by the Guardian War, and we have been successful so far. Should I mention that both the Trolls and the Empire maintain the highest economic growth rate since the end of the Guardian War?"

Kreshna paused for an effect, then continued, "however, we believe that other nations should also share our success; we wish to set examples to others, that things like arms race or military skirmishes are pointless. We do hope other nations to follow our lead, to change their focus from destructive efforts into constructive developments. Both the Trolls and the Empire wish peace and stability in this region, and we assume that others wish the same thing." He strongly emphasized the words.

"Turned out we were wrong."

Humming noises started to be heard among the audiences, but Darth Kreshna rose his hands and continue, "no more than few days ago, a terrorist attack ensued aboard the Death Star; an antimatter bomb exploded in a heavily populated area. The bomb took many civilian casualties, innocent victims. Many of them were honest, hard working civilians that worked hard to contribute in keeping the peace and stability in this region. I should add a note that Commander Flotsam, a notable Trollish military commander, almost became a victim himself."

After pausing for a moment, the Sith continued, "this could not be tolerated."

"Not that only terrorism is wrong and barbaric, but it will ruin everything we have achieved so far. No longer can we concentrate on building for our people. No. Instead, we will waste our time and effort to combat this threat."

"Thus," the Sith raised his voice, "I propose that all of us here to commit ourself in a war against terrorism; a joint effort by each and every reasonable nation to stop terrorism. No reasnable nation should ever sponsor terrorist organization in any form, and I propose today we will declare our commitment to stop terrorism once and for all."
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dartzap »

Detritus looks at the group, the were either forwning or nodding along to what Kreshna is saying.

I agree we must stamp out this terroism, but I have a intreguing thought. in many cultures, when an atrocity is commited they automatically assume they are terroists, yes? But in others, they are called Freedom fghters, heros He looks at a datapad, tapping in a few commands. What we need to understand is why they think they need to blow themselves and others up

He gets up again, still looking at his data pad In the last day, Commander Flotsam has been working with the secret service in an attempt to locate the people behind the bombing on the Deathstar, what they found was most disturbing He activates a hologram, so that everyone can see In the last year, there have been sixty threats against the station, usally it's just citizens who are annoyed at th tax rate, and they never go through with it. Then we have the two or three cases where actual explosives are found, and thats chucked out the airlock

This time, there was nothing, no warning, no known ill-feelings. Nothing, we of course have the supposed evidence that there was a Zerg riot just before hand, I cannot go in the specifics, because of a joint enquiry that is going on, but it is rapdily becoming clear that it was not the Zerg who planned the riot or the attack

I want to know that you people will help us to prevent anouther attack like this. I know many of you would hate to see this happen on your home turf, as do I

He glances at the Queen of the Zerg again. Hmm, It seems thats many of my spies have been mis-informed M'lady. They all seemed to think you were as alien as the rest of your swarm He looks down at the datapad again, clearly amused by what he seesMy my.... It appears that you infact are human as the rest of my fellow guests here He grins, lighting up the room with his diamond teeth

Don't be surprised that I can tell. Whilst most of my allies invest most heavily in the art of war, I tend to invest in the science of espionage, diplomacy and the tools to do those tasks. How else would I be able to know whose who and what species? I would be most delighted if you could tell us how you came to be in charge of such a speices when your so much different to them.

He smiles And don't think about bringing in some of your little zerglings. They are all blissfully unaware they are dis-connected from their ruler, I have no wish to harm them or you.

He sits down, looks at Lord Ra and Lord Adam. So, gentlemen, what thrilling tales have you got to tell us?
Last edited by Dartzap on Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ra »

Ra then looked up at Darth Kreshna, and put a hand to his chin, inquiring, "And to whom would this war be directed, Lord Kreshna? Your cause is just, but the public still has no valid clue as to whom bombed the station. Blurry holographs, questionable findings, and more questions than answers."
Last edited by Ra on Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Dartzap wrote:He smiles And don't think about bring in some of your little zerglings. They are all blissfully unaware they are dis-connected from their ruler, I have no wish to harm them or you.
Darth Kreshna tried to hide his smile. Of all involved nations, it seemed only the Trollish Imperium and the Galactic Empire didn't fear the Zergs. And for good reason.

Ra wrote:Ra then looked up at Darth Kreshna, and put a hand to his chin, inquiring, "And to whom would this war be directed, Lord Kreshna? Your cause is just, but the public still has no valid clue as to whom bombed the station. Blurry holographs, questionable findings, and more questions than answers."
Darth Kreshna replied, "like Lord Detritus has said, the Trollish Secret Service and the Imperial Security Bureau were conducting a joint investigation on this matter. We haven't discovered from which nation these terrorists come from, but once we do, we expect a full cooperation from the respective nation. Surely a nation should never sponsor terrorism, shouldn't it?" He put an extra emphasize on the last sentence.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer

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:welcome :arrow: :sheepfucker: :thumbsup

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Post by Ra »

Ra then noticed DK's subtle attempt to hide a smile, and asked, "I don't seem to understand, however, if the Zerg are not responsible for the bombing, and only dissidents are responsible for the Tais II attack, then why has the Empire continued to insist on treating the Zerg like a rogue state? Is Kerrigan some dire threat to us bourne from the very fires of hell?"

"That's enough."

"Is it, Galadriel? Why do they think Kerrigan would summon zerglings to massacre everyone in the meeting? What has she to gain from such a move?"

"Fool," Galadriel thought. "He simply doesn't realize who she is. They're wrong to single her out, for it only creates unnecessary tension and makes this meeting all the more prone to failure, but he cannot trust her."

"He thinks I'm afraid of the Zerg," Ra thought, nodding to himself. "While they do have some things that worry me to no end, he thinks my argument is driven by fear. That's his mistake, because I'm tiring of the Imps waving their dicks around and boasting how big they are. I'm going to find the kink in your diplomatic armor, Phoenix-Incarnate, and soon."
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er

"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Ra wrote:Ra then noticed DK's subtle attempt to hide a smile, and asked, "I don't seem to understand, however, if the Zerg are not responsible for the bombing, and only dissidents are responsible for the Tais II attack, then why has the Empire continued to insist on treating the Zerg like a rogue state? Is Kerrigan some dire threat to us bourne from the very fires of hell?"

"That's enough."

"Is it, Galadriel? Why do they think Kerrigan would summon zerglings to massacre everyone in the meeting? What has she to gain from such a move?"

"Fool," Galadriel thought.
Darth Kreshna smiled diplomatically, "on the contrary, milady Galadriel, Ra's concerns deserve to be addressed. In fact, there some of his points I haven't replied --my apologize for that, of course, but please understand that the Empire has absolutely nothing to hide."

Ra wrote:The Goa'uld cleared his throat, and stated, "Darth Kreshna, we are the staunchest of allies - not just mere allies, we're friends. Am I somehow wrong in this conclusion? But it seems to me that, following the attack on Tais II - which the Zerg Ambassador stated was done by a rogue faction and confirmed by my own intelligence network - the Empire and its Troll allies have been far too... active.

Fleets were being prepared to be positioned just outside of Zerg space; this reeks of a preemptive strike to me. While you do assume the role of "galactic police constable" here, Lord Kreshna, a role you perform with zeal and vigilance, I do think I would have preferred to have been notified before you sent your battleships to avenge some insignificant invasion in my stead. As you, Kerrigan, now know, my own solution was much more diplomatic in nature."

Ra then interlocked his fingers, and stated, "And Darth Kreshna, your own actions here have been most counterproductive toward the sprit of this meeting, which Lady Galadriel arranged; a spirit of us all gathering and discussing issues. But frankly, you show up here with a small flotilla of utterly overpowered battleships, the sole aim of which is to intimidate others to your will. What are you going to do with those superlasers, friend? Glass the Vulcans? Then you spite the Zerg ruler as she makes her first public appearance. What happened to Kreshna the Goodwill Ambassador? I do not mean to sound disrespectful or accusatory, but these events concern me, and likely everyone else in this hall."
"I'll address your first concern first. It seemed that you are actually objecting to the Trollish-Imperial fleet exercise in Imperial galaxy, but should I politely remind you that our fleet exercise is performed in neutral zone. I could assure you, that no single ship, not even a single fighter, is violating anyone's territory. You are of course welcome to confirm with Lord Detritus here, and even though I could not speak for the respectable Trollish Head of the State, I am sure that his reply wouldn't be much different than mine." While saying that, Kreshna gave a 'we're-there-to-protect-your-ungrateful-ass' stare at Ra. Ungrateful bastard, he thought, I've been protecting your sorry ass from Baal and THIS is what you give me in return?

But he then continued, still with smile, "about your second concern, frankly I don't understand what you mean by 'a small flotilla of utterly overpowered battleships'. THREE battleships HARDLY constitute a flotilla --even a small one. I trust His Excellency Supreme System Lord Ra doesn't need a brief lecture on basic naval knowledge." Stiffled laughter could be heard among the audience.

"Furthermore," the Sith Inquisitor continued, "my three battleships are far from overpowered; the superlaser is nothing but standard equipment of an Eclipse-Class Star Battleship. Furthermore, those three battleships are nothing but standard ceremonial formation. Notice the flags, the decorated guns, and the formation itself. Do you think it will be efficient combat formation when an Executor is flanked by two more-powerful Eclipses? Why would we ever need two Star Battleships with planet-destroying capability in a single formation? Wouldn't you think it is an overkill, not to mention inefficient? And a formation without Star Destroyers and Star Cruisers support? Do you really believe that it is a reasonable combat formation? No! It was a ceremonial formation!"

The Sith took a deep breath, then continued again, "as addressing your last concern, frankly we are quite offended by your accusation. What makes you think that we treat the Zergs as a rogue statue? Don't the Zergs have official *embassy* aboard the Death Star? Didn't we welcome the Zerg Ambassador with open hand? Even the rioting Zerglings, who were disowned by Ambassador Namtaru himself, were handled by stun setting. So pardon me, but I fail to understand your concerns."

Darth Kreshna actually restrained himself from making a mockery of Ra's innocent accusation; trying really hard to not turning to Detritus and ask jokingly, "my jolly good chap! I guess we just treated the Zergs unfairly! Oh, I'm hurt!!" He knew Detritus had a good sense of humor, and would catch his subtle sign of mocking Ra. But no. The Sith was far too subtle for such bad-taste joke.

However, the Sith was baffled, yet offended. First, the A'millans, and now Ra too? Ungrateful bastards, he thought, who was helping you rebuilding your nation after the Guardian War? Yes, motherfuckers; it was THE EMPIRE. Darth Kreshna was a staunch advocate of 'friendly' diplomatic relationship, but after all the shits, he started to believe that the Empire had been far too lenient to the A'millans and the Goa'ulds.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

Dartzap wrote:He looks down at the sphere in his hand again
Adam felt a small pressure on his ring finger and his middle finger as the Troll explained the device: the Lady telling him such a device could be useful later on in disposing of a problem.

When Detritus explained it disabled the Sith Inquisitor's power as well, he felt another tap on his middle finger, then a tap on his pinky: we could, but should not kill them all right now, she said.

And she was right. Without their obscene power, the others are no match for the heavily trained and highly experienced Elite Knights, even armed with nothing but ceremonial swords, which are useless. But she was also right that taking the opportunity would not be a good idea, and even, dishonourable at this time.

But aside from the slight finger movements, they remained still and silent as everyone kept talking.
Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Kreshna wrote:Lord Detritus has clearly mentioned that he has no desires for unecessary agression
Interesting, coming from you. he thought, but still said nothing.

Both he and the Lady noticed the Sith's glance at him, but still did nothing.
Darth Kreshna wrote:Both the Trolls and the Empire wish peace and stability in this region
Under your iron fist, no doubt.
Detritus wrote:Then we have the two or three cases where actual explosives are found, and thats chucked out the airlock
This might be a problem, he thought, but he should be still able to play it to his advantage, albeit perhaps not the same advantage he originally had in mind.

But, as the Sith spoke back to Ra, Adam felt a pressure on his thumb, and middle finger. It was time to get started.

He felt his heart rate start to increase. Fuck, I hate public speaking he thought as he attempted to surpress the nervousness.

Finally, Kreshna stopped talking.

"Good sir," the old A'millian said out loud, his voice somewhat muffled by the body shield he wore, "if planet killing superlasers are nothing but standard equipment on your ships, I think that says something about your commitment to peace."
Last edited by Destructionator XV on Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dartzap »

B knocks on the door with a slight hesitence, clearly he had something of importance to say

Come in B.

'Thank you commander. I thought you'd want to know, we found the ship that the suspect escaped on, a A'millian transport known as the Genator II, It just showed up on our scanners in deep space'

How long would it take to get to it?

'At current speed it's going at, and depending if we were to leave now.. three hours in L-space'

What ships do we have?

'Most of the task force is still here, and the Galactic fleets should be at the HQ in the next day'

We can't wait, we'll loose the trail otherwise

'Agreed, I suggest we take the vessel Golden Nemisis A type 53 tactical assault frigate, I have several squads of slayers, even a golem who will be willing to assist.'

All right, get everyone together, we leave within the hour

'Yes Sir'

He leaves , closing the door behind him, Flotsam looks at the image of the female again. There was something damn odd about her, he couldnt place it though.

He activates his comm to one of his agents working on all the threads they currently had

Mardstine, Did anyone think of using the infer-red on the video we have of the suspect?

'I don't think so, why?'

Lets just say I have a feeling this 'person' is more cold hearted that we thought. Get some one on it would you? I'm taking a trip out into deep space, send all updates to my datapad

'Understood commander, good luck'
Last edited by Dartzap on Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Narsil »

With a last pulse of energy, the wormhole opens... and the Commonwealth fleet departs the galaxy, possibly never to return.

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Post by Ra »

Lord Adam wrote:"Good sir," the old A'millian said out loud, his voice somewhat muffled by the body shield he wore, "if planet killing superlasers are nothing but standard equipment on your ships, I think that says something about your commitment to peace."
"Interesting that someone agrees with me," thought Ra. He only waited for the Sith to make his reply to the A'millian head of state, looking the Sith Lord right in the eye and allowing himself a smirk of his own.
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Post by Dartzap »

Deep Space

The Golden Nemisis, a frigate of some two hundred years old, it was three hundred meters long, and some seventy meteres deep, a crew of two hundred man her, with room for a hundred troops of various sizes. Her hull glistens in the light of the numerous suns past in her journey

She is currently moving thrugh the great wastelands of L-space, scanners and shields at the ready if something appears from the mists.

'Commander, we think we're coming up behind them, We have detected their warp signiture in this area, My best best guess would be we're about half an hour away, atleast'

Thank you Captain. Are the troops ready?

'Yes sir, I have informed them that we are after prisnors, not victims, they are as prepared as can be'

Excellent, I'll be in the prep-room. Tell me when we get there.

'Aye commander'

Some twenty minutes later

The commsboard cackles to life, and the Captains voice comes through

'This is the captain. We have found the suspect ship, it's engines, shields and power seem to be offline, I want all boarding parties to ensure they have their weapens set to stun, your squad leaders will be checking before the boarding shuttles depart from the hanger'

Various sniggers could be heard from the Trolls in the prep-room, they were all elites soldiers, they didnt need to be warned

Flostam opens up a connection to the Bridge Whats going on then? 'Unknown sir, they;ve either suffered a massive failure on there, or they know we're coming'

Which do you think?

'I think your going to have to prod buttock sir'
Last edited by Dartzap on Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

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