Deep within Borg space, greenish glow appeared. Seconds later, a montrous cubical vessel popped into existence. It approached a dark planet, assuming orbit.
Onboard the Borg cube, Lord Walper looked upon a vast display in the chamber. The planet was boldly displayed, information on it's characteristics filling the screen. The planet was primitive, but sported a large population of assorted beings. Sensors identified a land mass with the majority concentration of said lifeforms.
Robert was intrigued. The planet felt
different somehow. It's impact and sense on the Force was unique to say the least. The planet itself Robert could sense easily enough, although the "shape" of it through the Force did not seem right. As if sections of it did not exist within the Force. He decided to employ a recognizable Borg tactic. A single drone was beamed to the planet surface near a group of beings matching the majority population.
A dozen Uruk-hai sat around a camp fire, having just finished cutting down a large portion of forest. They were on break, the large wagons having loaded their labor and was now taking it to the center of Middle-Earth. There the lumber would be fed into the huge furnaces powering the machines that Sauron had ordered built, although their purpose was far beyond the grunt's grasp.
"I'm starving." one Uruk-Hai complained. "We haven't had anything but this maggoty bread for three stinking weeks!" Fresh meat was scarce nowadays, ever since the armies of Sauron had plunged the world into permanent darkness. Now fresh meat was reserved for the higher up positions of Sauron and Saruman's troops, with the exception of those lucky enough to sumble upon a rogue human or hobbit, or more rarely, a forest animal still living in the area. And those positions were few and far between.
"Yeah!" complained another. "Why can't we have a some fresh meat?" Spittle flew from his mouth as he spoke. At that moment, a creature stepped forward out of the brush. The Uruk-Hai turned to face this newcomer. The being did not react other than to survey the group quietly, it's one weird eye glowing red. The Uruk-Hai did not notice the red dot that touched each of them, taking in information far beyond their feeble understanding.
The second Uruk-Hai looked at the newcomer with intense interest. "What about him? He looks
fresh!" He got up and started to approach the strange humanoid.
The leader Uruk-Hai also stood up, shoving his companion back. "Get back scum! We don't know what kind of creature this is!" He approached the twisted creature, it's red eye focusing on him. The Uruk-Hai held his large sword at the ready.
"What stranger dares to enter the lands of Mordor?"
The weird being said nothing, just staring at the leader.
"Answer me, creature. Or I shall cut you down and eat your heart!"
But he got no response. Infuriated by the lack of concern or answer to his questions, the Uruk-Hai swing his heavy blade at the creature's neck. It connected solidly, cleaving the being's head right off the at shoulders. The headless body tumbled to the ground.
"Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!" he snarled. His companions roared their approval, closing on the corpse quickly. Their hands and knives dug into the strangely cold flesh, cutting out pieces and eating them raw.
Through the drone's perspective, Walper watched with interest. These creatures were fascinating. He could not sense their life energy, although he felt confident he could manipulate them physically well enough. He decided he would beam down himself and pose questions to these primitives. Perhaps their world had secrets he could utilize.
The Uruk-hai had finished tearing apart the victim of their latest 'dinner'. It had been quite unsatisfying really. Not much meat was on the creature to begin with, and even the pieces they had gotten had resulted in the spitting out of pieces of metal here and there. Rather than sate their hungry, they had only kindled it.
Thus when another similar looking creature stepped into view, the Uruk-hai leader didn't hesistate to charge the individual, swinging his sword to decapitate this one as well. But when his blade connected, it was repelled by some magic, for the individual's form glowed green, and the blade made no cut.
Robert grabbed the Uruk-hai by the throat, lifting him into the air. With a twist of his hand, the leader's neck cracked, and he was dropped to the ground lifeless.
Walper smiled at the group looking on. "Fragile sort of creatures, aren't you?"
The Uruk-hai raised their blades in an attack posture, although they did not advance. The one closest to the metallic being was suddenly swept off his feet, sliding across the ground towards him. He roared his surprise, and some amount of fear. An unholy blade of energy appeared in the being's hand, swinging down and decapitating the Uruk-hai.
The rest, now seeing their leader killed and one of their fellows headless, turned and ran from the being. They were no match for this wizard.
Robert smiled, deactivating his lightsaber. No doubt these creatures would run to their 'glorious' leader, bringing news of some intruder upon his lands. He felt no need to pursue...the orbiting cube would alert him as soon as it seemed they made contact with any area or beings of importance.
Lord Walper realized the planet might not have much to offer him after all.
Many dozens of miles away, a giant tower loomed. At it's peak, a redish eye glowed. Suddenly it shifted, as if something had caught it's attention. It focused upon the location of Lord Walper as he took some time to explore his surroundings.