Zodiac Question.

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#1 Zodiac Question.

Post by Soontir948 »

Do we get to choose which sign we can have or do they pick it at random for you?
I really want the moxie sign when I ascend so I can start wearing shirts!
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Post by B4UTRUST »

That and you can get flanges and clockwork keys..

which means you can share happily with the clan and those of us who have mall stores and we can in turn share the profits with the clan. *nods sagely* plus Clockwork Chefs and Bartenders last longer and clockwork maids give 8 adventures....clockworks rock!
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers


Post by Anonymous »

The sign which allows you to wear shirts (once you learn "torso awareness") is a Moxie sign. I just finished such an ascension run, and chose torso awareness as the skill I take with me, permanently. During my time in this run, I did acquire a few clockwork items, though most have either been sold or used (such as my mech familiar, which kicks serious ass).
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Post by Soontir948 »

Ok, so we do get to choose. That's all I wanted to know. :)
Nephtys wrote:The biggest difference is which new town you access, which really does change the way your ascension ends up. Jewlery and Mind Control Items from Canadia, Mushrooms and such from the Knoll, or Clockwork junk from the Camp.
Hmm, with Scrawl already with Clockwork, maybe I'll get Canadia for the jewelry.
The Dark
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Post by The Dark »

I'm a Moxie sign also, so once I get out of Ronin I should be available for the creation of clockwork items.
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