Heroes: Eve of Destiny

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Post by Narsil »

"Ah," Adam replied, "I'll be on my way, then, anyone else to watch out for than that other gunman, and I'm assuming you mean the masked one?"
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Post by Charon »

Mark knelt down on the cieling as thing tendrils of his suit spread out and began boring small holes through the roof. Legacies felt out each room that the piece of him entered and reported back to Mark, many of the rooms were empty, but it looked like the masked guy was making preperations to blow a door. Legacies searched out further, into the next room. Yep, there were the hostages and their captors. Now it was a matter of timing, Legacies felt for a window, nothing. Through the cieling it was then.

The tendrils slipped out of the holes they'd silently made and returned to Mark. "I've found our entry point. We'll hear the signal." Mark began moving to the ceiling over the room they would be entering.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Niner mindspoke to Adam. Come, we must get into place. He dropped the TP screening and allowed Adams to realize he was right behind him.
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Post by SirNitram »

"Gravitas, actually. Old joke, long story. Call me Phil." Replied the Nova as he ran. "As for knowing what we're doing.. Experience comes at a high cost. You want me to give you some cover, or get the hostages out through a portal?" He quickly asked, preparing himself.
Half-Damned, All Hero.

Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.

I Am Rage. You Will Know My Fury.
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Post by Elheru Aran »

Anderson stuck out a foot as the vampire and Niner ran past, tripping the new arrival. As his rifle struck the floor, it spat out a round; wincing at the sloppy firearms discipline, he quietly stated "Cover. Boom now."

And pressed the trigger on the detonator control...
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Niner threw up a TK shield to protect himself from any flying debris.
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Post by Narsil »

Adam ducked around the door, away from the oncoming explosion. He yelled over the blast, "What the hell was the bloody need for explosives?!"
Last edited by Narsil on Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Blackheart strode down the corridor, brushing ash off his jacket. This whole thing was seriously fucked up. Amateurs everywhere doing God only knew what. It looked like they were heading for the roof, which was the obvious move. He hoped some of them knew what they were doing. Well, he had things covered on his end. If the info he had obtained was good then the hostages shouldn't be too much farther ahead. If it wasn't well then the punk would have more to worry about than broken arms and legs.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Elheru Aran »


Smoke and dust settles. Anderson got up from the floor casually, brushed dust off his vest, and hefted the rifle, advancing through the smoke, to the door... which was still there.

Perplexed, he considered for a second. Then gesturing to the other two, he stepped to the side of the gouge blasted around the doorframe, lifted his leg and whacked the steel door with his heel, keeping most of his body outside the frame.

It creaked; and slowly, with an enormous sound of ripping concrete, it collapsed backwards.

Two flashbangs followed it immediately after, bouncing on the floor... and with a huge crack and flash of light, they detonated.
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Post by Charon »

Mark heard the explosion. "Get any hostages out. Now!"

Mark smiled as tendrils flew out from him and tore through the roof like it was paper. He immediately took cover to avoid bulletfire.
Last edited by Charon on Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Narsil »

Adam shielded his eyes from the flashbangs, wincing at the sudden surge of sound before stepping to the side of the door and pressing his back against the wall, having swiped his rifle from the floor quickly. "Okay," he said in an irritated tone to the masked rifleman, "who might you be?"
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Post by Elheru Aran »

"Call me Anderson. And take finger off trigger. Now."

He then leaped through the doorway, as the roof ripped away, and a rain of silver around a human-shaped figure fell through...
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Post by Narsil »

"Okay," Adam said calmly, peering through the doorframe at the... thing that dropped into the centre of the room, "could someone please explain to me what the fuck that bloody thing is?"
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Niner stood to the side of the door and watched, increduosly, as the gunman named Anderson lept through the door way.

Is he trying to get killed?
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Post by Narsil »

Adam withdrew and crouched down, glancing at the rifle he'd swiped. It was a crappy model, and had an almost-literal hair trigger. He cursed at his own stupidity for having not checked it first, and cast it away, drawing his pistol again, it was infinitely more reliable.
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Post by B4UTRUST »

"Hey Freakshow, they're here."
"Right on time. They're making their way in yes?"
"Yeah, they managed to get some of the norms we brought with us."
"Indeed. Well my little freaks, lets go welcome them."

Those remaining with Freakshow began to subtly shift, thier appearance changing from that of relatively normal human into the monsterous. One sprouted extra appendages. Razor barbs sprouted from the body of another. All began to shift thier appearance. Freakshow laughed at the horror etched in the faces of the hostages. Their power-induded nightmare just got worse.

Freakshow, closed his eyes for a moment and flexed his power.

Throughout the building the interior shifted and changed. Walls became pulsating masses of bleeding flesh. Shrieks and screams of torture and pain echoed from every wall. Rooms and hallways began to tilt at unnatural angles filling those looking with a sense of vertigo. Stairways began to twist and writhe as if alive. Half-seen wraiths and phantoms moved and walked. Visages of death, multilation and torture manifested at every turn. The entire building had turned into a living nightmare, Hell personified. No one was safe from the hallucinations, their worst fears all realized and made manifest.

'That should keep them busy for a moment or two,' Freakshow thought for a second. He grabbed the backpack that had sat by his feet and shouldered it.
"Alright, lets go. Take anyone out that gets in our way. Out the back. Grab a couple of the hostages."

As Freakshow left the room he set up a small laser trip device. It was wired to a large amount of explosives surrounding the remaining hostages. The explosives themselves were surrounded by a layer of washers and ball bearings.

They took to the stairs, hostages subdued after screaming themselves into unconciousness.

Below another explosion ripped through the building, shaking it. Freakshow looked at another of the freaks, his eyebrow raised in question.
"Wasn't us man. Fuck, those wondertwits they're sending are more dangerous then we are!"
"Yeah, no shit. We're out of here. Now."
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Post by Rukia »

-At the Java Joint-

Camie was walking around the out door part of the cafe refilling drinks and taking orders like a pro. Her long red hair was slung back in a pony tail and she had a smile permently fixed on her face.

She had made her way back inside just as some one was turning up the t.v. A reporter was spilling a breaking news story. Something about the dedication cerimony being interrupted by anti-supers and something else about the Binary Building. She only watched for a second then continued with her work.
shark42bait: you are evil...
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!
"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"

LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
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Post by frigidmagi »

Blast grew frusrated with the ever empty strech of hallway he was moving down. Just where in Mary's name was everyone? What kinda of hostage taking group didn't have guards in the hallways? Why did this look so much more straightforward in Die Hard?

It was then he heard a snarl... Man, he heard that snarl before, it haunted his dreams... That thing, it wouldn't stop, it tossed trucks around like matchsticks... It had taken everything he had just to put it on it's ass for a few minutes and he had ached and been sore for weeks...

Whispering a Hail Mary, Blast turnned around and promptly wished he hadn't. It was like looking down into an abyess. Impossibly huge and menacing,naked and uniform steel grey all over expect where streaked with dryed blood and gore. It's face was a mockery of humanity with flatten tusk jutting from it's lower lips. It didn't have a name he knew of. It didn't speak, it just snarled and roared. Not even the fucking terrorist scared him more than this... this... Demon.

It opened it's mouth impossibly wide and roared, a combination of bloodlust, hate and bloodcurling fear seemed to hammer Blast along with the sound. Blast stared for what seemed an eternity at the huge, flat yellowed teeth. He didn't have the power right now to hurt it or hold it back. Just one option left has far has he could see.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" With a scream of terror Blast bolted at his top speed away from the living tank behind him. He turned the corner blindly concenrating on just getting enough distance between him and that fucking thing! Maybe he could find a power source big enough to blast it again. Maybe.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Niner stood still. As Anderson lept into the room, Niner realized there werent hostages in there. Suddenly the building seemed to shift. Niner blinked and then he was floating in a tube. He was back in the lab where he was born. He realized when he was. He was at the day where he awoke and escaped. He narrowed his eyes and burst the tube. Only the tube didn't break. He was trapped. He sent out TK pulse after TK pulse, but nothing would break the tube. He Increased the power of his pulses, and still nothing. The scientists were laughing at him now. Mocking him. Niner continued to send out his pulses.
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Post by Narsil »

Adam was blown backwards instantly by the first of Niner's pulses; it had surprised him. "What the hell are you doing Niner?!"

He was hit, then, by another pulse, one which slammed him into the wall and rendered him unconscious.
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Post by B4UTRUST »

OoC: Sorry Ben, but having to refresh 50 times and having to edit my post every time just to compensate for the insane posting everyone is doing delayed me.


At the ceremony -

The manhole cover exploded upwards and was flung violently through the air as a half-gator man surged into the light.
The Bureau agents, dressed in their official monoblack uniforms were caught off guard and two turned to deal with this new threat.
"FREEZE FUCKHOLE! GET THE FUCK DOWN!" shouted on of the agents, intending to make the command quite literal as the temperature around the gatorman dropped rapidly.

The manhole cover was blasted from the air and became more flying debris in the battle, fragments of it whipping around. A scream was cut off as the scream's producer started gagging and gurgling blood, a shard of the manhole lodged in their throat.

Hazard, up on the roof was suddenly drenched in sweat as his body compacted, the air around him increasing in denisty and heating up. Some of the ammo strapped to his chest exploded outward, blowing him out of the area of effect. Smoke rose in tendrils from his chest. Luck was with him, as always. He was for the most part uninjured. He radioed a few commands to his team and he pulled back to find a safer spot to shoot from.

One of the Bureau's cars was lifted from the ground, was torn in two and then thrown at a group of the agents.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Blast bolted down the corridor, around the corner, and smacked into Blackheart. An iron hard grip closed on Blast's shoulder and shook him. "Ease up!" Blackheart yelled. "It's just a mindfuck! It isn't real!" Blackheart waved his hand in front of the amateur's face. "Are you with me? Do you see me?"
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Are you with me? Do you see me?"
"I see you fucking fine! What about that thing!?!" Blast cried pointing behind him where it was stomping along in it's unvaried pace. Faster than man could walk but slower than a fear fueled sprint for safety. Blast had heard about heros who said they never ran from the enemy. His opinion on them was that they should start shopping for coffins.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Charon »

Mark looked through the hole. Nothing. With some caution a tendril slipped into the hole. Suddenly Mark's mind began to scream at him, his ears almost beginning to bleed. Oh God, what was that?! Mark quickly yelled at Legacies to come back, it did more than that. The suit practically came to life at it's own accord and launched into the air just as the first of Niner's pulses began to shake the foundations of the building.
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"It's not fucking real!" Blackheart shouted. "The air has been laced with some kind of super LSD. Get ahold of yourself." He carried Blast forward. He reminded himself that the floor was not really squishing underfoot, nor was it flesh shot through with black, fibrous tumours.

He shook him again. "Can you pull yourself together enough to help? Because if you've got powers and can't hold it together, you need to sit this one out."
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.