World War 2: Messerschmidt Bf 109. Granted Mustang or FW 190 are better; longer range and heavier armaments and such, but I love agile dogfighters more than anything; the same reason I love F-16 more than F-15.
Vietnam/Korea: MiG-15 and MiG-17, baby! They're always my faves whenever I play flightsim games that depict such era like Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, MiG Alley, or Jane's Fighters Anthology. My favorite pastiche when playing Fighters Anthology is pitting my MiG-17 against more advanced fighters in gun-only dogfight!
Modern era / Cold War: F-16. Need I say more?
Future: YF-23 Black Widow. Well I'm not sure whether the rumor that YF-23 is actually more potent than F-22 is true or false, but YF-23 has definitely more beautiful shape.
Bomber: B-1B Rockwell. It looked futuristic during my childhood back in 1982, and it still looks futuristic by now. Plus, its shape has a menacing, 'bird-of-prey' impression (not the Klingon one!).
Helicopter: RAH-66 Comanche. Cobra may be a legend, but I'm really fascinated with Comanche's concept of 'stealthy helicopter' and its sleek, beautiful shape. Too bad the US Army cancelled the project. Life is not fair, really.