STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter III)
- Dark Silver
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#1 STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter III)
Destroy my lil minions...destroy pillage and plunder
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
- Destructionator XV
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Aboard the Destructionator command ship, Genator II, en route via hyperspace to the A;millian starbase....
A soldier Destructionator walks up to a clone of Destructionator XV.
"By your command."
"Speak, centurion."
"We are nearing the system."
"Enter stealth mode."
"By your command."
The Destructionator fleet, 30 ships strong, drop out of hyperspace in a blind spot i the A'millian sensor grid.
"My ship will go in. All decks prepare for warp speed."
The Genator II makes a warp jump to the A'millian base. Since it is of A'millian design, the auto defenses do not engage, however it is stopped by another starship.
"We are being hailed."
"On screen."
A middle aged man appears on the screen.
"This is Captian Robert H. Jackson of the A'millian Space Vehicle Warrior. You are entering a secure area. Identify yourself."
The Destructionators know full well that Captian Jackson can see their transponder code, but what captian Jackson doesn't know is that it is a forged code.
The Destructionator ship plays back a holo recording, hiding the fact that it is an android ship.
"I am Captian Serina of the ASV Artimus. We were part of the task force attacking the Imperial vessel but we got separated when an ion storm knocked out our FTL navigation sensors."
"Stand by, captian, I'll have to clear it."
"Of course, I know the procedure."
The channel closes. Time for the Destructionators to use another trick.
"Begin transmission of fake authorization."
A few seconds later, the channel opens back up.
"Captian Serina, you are clear to proceed."
"Thank you, Captian Jackson."
"Jackson out."
The Destructionator ship orbits the planet. Inside the ship's transporter room...
"Now, beam down, acquire the biolaser plans and locate the Picard army, then beam back up and we'll jump out of here. Remember, timing is crutial and zero body count."
"By your command."
The Destructionator infiltration team, 2 androids, dressed like officers, beam down to the surface complex. Noone thinks anything of them, after all, it is common to see officers on a base, even android officers, despite the fact that most the androids were destroyed by the Borg.
They approach a door with two armed guards. The guards stop them.
"This is a secure area. I can't let you sirs pass without seeing your identification."
The Destructionators show an ID.
"I have to check this, just a moment."
This was the most dangerous part of the mission. Would their fake IDs pass the protocols? They do have loads of intel about the base, but they still didn't know everything.
"Alright, your security clearence checks out, go on ahead."
The guard opens the door, and the Destructionators walk through. Inside, they see a woman in a lab coat.
"What can I do for you officers?"
The Destructionator responds.
"We are from the engineering team from the Artimus. We need the biolaser specs for our upgrades."
"You haven't gotten that yet? I thought we completed the upgrades."
"We were seperated in the last battle and just now got back."
"Ah, I see. Why don't you just get the upgrades in the spacedock?"
She was asking more questions than they'd hoped. They would have to improvise something - time to put the speed of their positronic brains to use.
"We would like to study the spec prior to installation to confrim compatibility with our ship. You see, we have lots of the systems jury rigged."
"And you can get a full overhaul in spacedock."
Damn, this was harder than they thought. Maybe they should just nerve pinch her and be done with it? But then the guards would notice something is wrong and lockdown the room. And that would be mission failed. They would have to think of something...
Then the other Destructionator speaks up.
"The truth is our cheif engineer is a little weird about other people touching his ship. It is a weird human prode thing that I cannot understand. He simply wants to see the changes himself prior to installation."
"Why didn't you just say so? I know I hate it when other people touch my work. If you want it done right..."
"...You have to do it yourself, that's what our engineer always says, too."
"Yup! Honestly, I would like to know why these alien things are even being used. I'd rather have a trusty A'millian design on my ships. I guess that is why Lord Adam has ordered that all ships keep our current phaser banks on them, you know as a trusty backup."
"The lord is a wise man."
The first Destructionator talks again.
"Please, I would love to stay and chat, but we do have a job to do."
"Oh, of course. Here are the specs you wanted. Keep that safe, it is classified!"
"Thank you."
"Have a very nice day."
(haha, I couldn't resist)
The Destructionators exit the room and head to a computer console. One of them types up some commands, and using some special know how, they determine the location of the Picards. They insert a small command into the system, they then go back to the transporter room to beam back to their ship.
As they beam back, the transporter scrambling shield around the Picards is lowered by their computer command. The Genator II's mass transporters beam up as many of them as they can carry and FTL jump out of the system before the others could respond.
The Destructionator's mission was a complete success. They got the biolaser and the Picards. The admiral in command while Lord Adam is on A'millian Prime was about to form a search team to recover the stolen data, but just then got a strange message from headquarters:
"Let it go."
A simple command, and the admiral was wondering how Lord Adam knew. He simply figured, correctly, that he didn't need to know and followed his orders. He let the Destructionator ship go.
A soldier Destructionator walks up to a clone of Destructionator XV.
"By your command."
"Speak, centurion."
"We are nearing the system."
"Enter stealth mode."
"By your command."
The Destructionator fleet, 30 ships strong, drop out of hyperspace in a blind spot i the A'millian sensor grid.
"My ship will go in. All decks prepare for warp speed."
The Genator II makes a warp jump to the A'millian base. Since it is of A'millian design, the auto defenses do not engage, however it is stopped by another starship.
"We are being hailed."
"On screen."
A middle aged man appears on the screen.
"This is Captian Robert H. Jackson of the A'millian Space Vehicle Warrior. You are entering a secure area. Identify yourself."
The Destructionators know full well that Captian Jackson can see their transponder code, but what captian Jackson doesn't know is that it is a forged code.
The Destructionator ship plays back a holo recording, hiding the fact that it is an android ship.
"I am Captian Serina of the ASV Artimus. We were part of the task force attacking the Imperial vessel but we got separated when an ion storm knocked out our FTL navigation sensors."
"Stand by, captian, I'll have to clear it."
"Of course, I know the procedure."
The channel closes. Time for the Destructionators to use another trick.
"Begin transmission of fake authorization."
A few seconds later, the channel opens back up.
"Captian Serina, you are clear to proceed."
"Thank you, Captian Jackson."
"Jackson out."
The Destructionator ship orbits the planet. Inside the ship's transporter room...
"Now, beam down, acquire the biolaser plans and locate the Picard army, then beam back up and we'll jump out of here. Remember, timing is crutial and zero body count."
"By your command."
The Destructionator infiltration team, 2 androids, dressed like officers, beam down to the surface complex. Noone thinks anything of them, after all, it is common to see officers on a base, even android officers, despite the fact that most the androids were destroyed by the Borg.
They approach a door with two armed guards. The guards stop them.
"This is a secure area. I can't let you sirs pass without seeing your identification."
The Destructionators show an ID.
"I have to check this, just a moment."
This was the most dangerous part of the mission. Would their fake IDs pass the protocols? They do have loads of intel about the base, but they still didn't know everything.
"Alright, your security clearence checks out, go on ahead."
The guard opens the door, and the Destructionators walk through. Inside, they see a woman in a lab coat.
"What can I do for you officers?"
The Destructionator responds.
"We are from the engineering team from the Artimus. We need the biolaser specs for our upgrades."
"You haven't gotten that yet? I thought we completed the upgrades."
"We were seperated in the last battle and just now got back."
"Ah, I see. Why don't you just get the upgrades in the spacedock?"
She was asking more questions than they'd hoped. They would have to improvise something - time to put the speed of their positronic brains to use.
"We would like to study the spec prior to installation to confrim compatibility with our ship. You see, we have lots of the systems jury rigged."
"And you can get a full overhaul in spacedock."
Damn, this was harder than they thought. Maybe they should just nerve pinch her and be done with it? But then the guards would notice something is wrong and lockdown the room. And that would be mission failed. They would have to think of something...
Then the other Destructionator speaks up.
"The truth is our cheif engineer is a little weird about other people touching his ship. It is a weird human prode thing that I cannot understand. He simply wants to see the changes himself prior to installation."
"Why didn't you just say so? I know I hate it when other people touch my work. If you want it done right..."
"...You have to do it yourself, that's what our engineer always says, too."
"Yup! Honestly, I would like to know why these alien things are even being used. I'd rather have a trusty A'millian design on my ships. I guess that is why Lord Adam has ordered that all ships keep our current phaser banks on them, you know as a trusty backup."
"The lord is a wise man."
The first Destructionator talks again.
"Please, I would love to stay and chat, but we do have a job to do."
"Oh, of course. Here are the specs you wanted. Keep that safe, it is classified!"
"Thank you."
"Have a very nice day."
(haha, I couldn't resist)
The Destructionators exit the room and head to a computer console. One of them types up some commands, and using some special know how, they determine the location of the Picards. They insert a small command into the system, they then go back to the transporter room to beam back to their ship.
As they beam back, the transporter scrambling shield around the Picards is lowered by their computer command. The Genator II's mass transporters beam up as many of them as they can carry and FTL jump out of the system before the others could respond.
The Destructionator's mission was a complete success. They got the biolaser and the Picards. The admiral in command while Lord Adam is on A'millian Prime was about to form a search team to recover the stolen data, but just then got a strange message from headquarters:
"Let it go."
A simple command, and the admiral was wondering how Lord Adam knew. He simply figured, correctly, that he didn't need to know and followed his orders. He let the Destructionator ship go.
The Ancient Guardians are worried; they have been used to be the unchallenged master among lesser sentients. They are the space gods; many cultures referenced them under different names and descriptions in their legend with fear. After all, they are the Keeper of Balance; the one that keeping the Phoenix Entity at bay whenever it is being corrupted.
At least, they had been the Keeper of Balance before a human named Palpatine manipulated the entire events; corrupting and mangling the Phoenix beyond recognition and destroying the balance. An manipulative act with horrible implications that the Guardians became corrupted themselves.
Now they are the destroyer of the sentients. A pantheon of insane gods that seek nothing but eradicating sentience from the whole universe.
And their immediate target of destruction, is of course, a human civilization called the "Galactic Empire"; a civilization where some inhabitants have the ability to tamper with the cosmic energy. Some of them are benevolent; keeping the balance and working with the energy in harmony. Some others are evil; consuming and manipulating the energy as tool to serve their own selfish desires.
The human Palpatine belonged in the latter group; so does the Phoenix Incarnation known as Darth Kreshna.
This "Galactic Empire" should be destroyed. And then, the whole universe. All and every sentience should be wiped.
But the human civilization from where this Palpatine came from is surprisingly powerful. Their dagger-shaped vessels called "Star Destroyers" defiantly resist the onslaught of the Guardians' vessels, and there are even larger ones; mechanical monstrosities with equally monstrous names like "Eclipse Star Battleships" or "Death Star".
The Guardian "Planet Killer"; at least what most sentient would call it, is an eighty kilometers long vessel. It is a horrible, blasphemous physical manifestation of the Guardian in this corporeal dimension. It's gelatinous, formless shape pulsates constantly as its unseen bulk is making a journey to an Imperial planet.
Ibizan is probably not the largest nor the most important planet within the Empire, but its reputation as paradise is unparalleled. An ever-tropical planet, with beautiful beaches, luxurious resorts, and especially an array of clubs and discos that is well-known among the more hedonistic population of the Empire. It is rumored to be the perenial favorite place of Sandra Kuat; a rich, self-appointed celebrity who belongs to a family dinasty that is famous for their Star Destroyers. It is also the favorite place of Darth Kreshna to arrange "conferences" for Imperial high-ranks.
So many life-forces, so many sentiences.
The sentient beings on the planet were surprised when their surroundings are covered with shadow; an expanding, large, and monstrous shadow which origin is unknown to them, since they fail to see anything on the sky above them.
But the shadow also brings death and decay. People on the beach are stunned to see the sand covered by the shadow gradually decomposed. More unfortunate are those who's being caught within the shadow; they can only express their great agony in slight moan, as they are completely paralyzed while their body is rotting. Their life-force energy is decaying horribly to the point it is unusable for the Phoenix to feed upon.
Panic ensues as the shadow expands. Building crumbles while the once-beautiful sea turned into a pool of blasphemous fluids. The Imperial planetary government reacts quickly, activating the planetary shields while evacuating as many people as they can. Too bad it doesn't help; the whole planet is already infected.
Within hours, the entire planet dies entirely; the once-beautiful planet Ibizan is turned into a decaying ball of death.
It is a major victory for the Ancient Guardians as many people die. Not only there are less sentient lives for the Phoenix to feed on, but the planet now serves as the Guardian's nexus in Imperial Galaxy.
Or is it?
Despite their goal to eradicate sentience, little the Guardians know that the sentient lives they loathe so much have reached the pinnacle of their society; an advanced society with its consequential aspects like "politics" and "public opinion". News are spreading throughout Imperial population about the demise of their little paradise, but what angers the people is the horrible deaths of the victims; especially for them whose loved ones are among the casualties. Imperial citizens watch in horror and rage as the decaying of Ibizan -recorded by an unfortunate XNN cameraman- is showed during a Xizor News Network broadcast.
Suddenly the enemy called "the Guardians" becomes more real than the government has said, and Darth Kreshna's act of bombarding planets becomes reasonable. In one night, the peace demonstrations that were originally demanding explanation for "unecessary war against unknown aliens" turn into demonstrations demanding the war. Popular support for Darth Kreshna suddenly increases and nobody objects to the government's declaration of martial law.
After an emergency meeting, the Imperial Council declares a full-scale war against the mysterious beings known as the Ancient Guardians.
At least, they had been the Keeper of Balance before a human named Palpatine manipulated the entire events; corrupting and mangling the Phoenix beyond recognition and destroying the balance. An manipulative act with horrible implications that the Guardians became corrupted themselves.
Now they are the destroyer of the sentients. A pantheon of insane gods that seek nothing but eradicating sentience from the whole universe.
And their immediate target of destruction, is of course, a human civilization called the "Galactic Empire"; a civilization where some inhabitants have the ability to tamper with the cosmic energy. Some of them are benevolent; keeping the balance and working with the energy in harmony. Some others are evil; consuming and manipulating the energy as tool to serve their own selfish desires.
The human Palpatine belonged in the latter group; so does the Phoenix Incarnation known as Darth Kreshna.
This "Galactic Empire" should be destroyed. And then, the whole universe. All and every sentience should be wiped.
But the human civilization from where this Palpatine came from is surprisingly powerful. Their dagger-shaped vessels called "Star Destroyers" defiantly resist the onslaught of the Guardians' vessels, and there are even larger ones; mechanical monstrosities with equally monstrous names like "Eclipse Star Battleships" or "Death Star".
The Guardian "Planet Killer"; at least what most sentient would call it, is an eighty kilometers long vessel. It is a horrible, blasphemous physical manifestation of the Guardian in this corporeal dimension. It's gelatinous, formless shape pulsates constantly as its unseen bulk is making a journey to an Imperial planet.
Ibizan is probably not the largest nor the most important planet within the Empire, but its reputation as paradise is unparalleled. An ever-tropical planet, with beautiful beaches, luxurious resorts, and especially an array of clubs and discos that is well-known among the more hedonistic population of the Empire. It is rumored to be the perenial favorite place of Sandra Kuat; a rich, self-appointed celebrity who belongs to a family dinasty that is famous for their Star Destroyers. It is also the favorite place of Darth Kreshna to arrange "conferences" for Imperial high-ranks.
So many life-forces, so many sentiences.
The sentient beings on the planet were surprised when their surroundings are covered with shadow; an expanding, large, and monstrous shadow which origin is unknown to them, since they fail to see anything on the sky above them.
But the shadow also brings death and decay. People on the beach are stunned to see the sand covered by the shadow gradually decomposed. More unfortunate are those who's being caught within the shadow; they can only express their great agony in slight moan, as they are completely paralyzed while their body is rotting. Their life-force energy is decaying horribly to the point it is unusable for the Phoenix to feed upon.
Panic ensues as the shadow expands. Building crumbles while the once-beautiful sea turned into a pool of blasphemous fluids. The Imperial planetary government reacts quickly, activating the planetary shields while evacuating as many people as they can. Too bad it doesn't help; the whole planet is already infected.
Within hours, the entire planet dies entirely; the once-beautiful planet Ibizan is turned into a decaying ball of death.
It is a major victory for the Ancient Guardians as many people die. Not only there are less sentient lives for the Phoenix to feed on, but the planet now serves as the Guardian's nexus in Imperial Galaxy.
Or is it?
Despite their goal to eradicate sentience, little the Guardians know that the sentient lives they loathe so much have reached the pinnacle of their society; an advanced society with its consequential aspects like "politics" and "public opinion". News are spreading throughout Imperial population about the demise of their little paradise, but what angers the people is the horrible deaths of the victims; especially for them whose loved ones are among the casualties. Imperial citizens watch in horror and rage as the decaying of Ibizan -recorded by an unfortunate XNN cameraman- is showed during a Xizor News Network broadcast.
Suddenly the enemy called "the Guardians" becomes more real than the government has said, and Darth Kreshna's act of bombarding planets becomes reasonable. In one night, the peace demonstrations that were originally demanding explanation for "unecessary war against unknown aliens" turn into demonstrations demanding the war. Popular support for Darth Kreshna suddenly increases and nobody objects to the government's declaration of martial law.
After an emergency meeting, the Imperial Council declares a full-scale war against the mysterious beings known as the Ancient Guardians.
*A lone Venator-class star destroyer rumbles through hyperspace. The sleek, dagger-like vessel was en route to Naboo, a backward planet in one of the outer spirals of the Imperial galaxy - known to them as the Outer Rim.*
*The HIMS Ascendancy was an old, long-serving starship that had seen many refits over her lifetime. She had participated in the Clone Wars, fighting among countless other examples of her class in the great war that saw the destruction the Jedi Order. Now, her occupants were seeking what little information remained of that very act - the atrocity known as Order 66.*
*Ra watched the HoloNet broadcasts as they documented the destruction of Ibizan. Despite being a feared alien despot, Ra actually pitied the countless people that had been murdered by the Guardians. However, another figure did not watch the broadcast.*
*Lady Galadriel did not need to watch. She had felt the deaths. The agony left her standing by the bridge windows of the huge attack carrier, staring at nothing. A tear rolled down her face, and hit the deck with a disturbingly loud thud.*
*The memories of people rotting alive sickened her. Angered her. Frightened her. But most importantly, they emboldened her resolve, to end this mindless slaughter once and for all. Galadriel whispered a blessing in Elvish, and walked away.*
*The HIMS Ascendancy was an old, long-serving starship that had seen many refits over her lifetime. She had participated in the Clone Wars, fighting among countless other examples of her class in the great war that saw the destruction the Jedi Order. Now, her occupants were seeking what little information remained of that very act - the atrocity known as Order 66.*
*Ra watched the HoloNet broadcasts as they documented the destruction of Ibizan. Despite being a feared alien despot, Ra actually pitied the countless people that had been murdered by the Guardians. However, another figure did not watch the broadcast.*
*Lady Galadriel did not need to watch. She had felt the deaths. The agony left her standing by the bridge windows of the huge attack carrier, staring at nothing. A tear rolled down her face, and hit the deck with a disturbingly loud thud.*
*The memories of people rotting alive sickened her. Angered her. Frightened her. But most importantly, they emboldened her resolve, to end this mindless slaughter once and for all. Galadriel whispered a blessing in Elvish, and walked away.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Dartzap
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*Galactic Transport Vessal Pax Ulster
Flotsam had been a soldier for many many years now, and had only ever felt comfy with a rifle in one hand, a grenade in the other, and a half a meter long ciger in his mouth.
Now he was stuck on this transport heading to the Capital city of the enemy, he was to meet the Goa'uld there, he did not know what they were bringing to the party, but he knew his "DLK Astromech" was up to the task of handling the computer systems of the Jedi Temple.
He couldn't beleive this bucket of crap would take two days to get there, it was even slower than the A'millens! and they were slow...
He slumped back in his chair, looking outside into the void, all blue and white.. nothing like the amazing sights seen through L-space.
He flicks his eyes to the Holonews channel which was always on in the corner
"... And we have just heared of a catastophic attack on the fringe of the empire.. billion os of civilians have been killed in an surpise attack...."
Hhe turns the vidscreen off, thinking of how his mission had become even more important..
He really wishes this garbedge scow would hurry up.
Flotsam had been a soldier for many many years now, and had only ever felt comfy with a rifle in one hand, a grenade in the other, and a half a meter long ciger in his mouth.
Now he was stuck on this transport heading to the Capital city of the enemy, he was to meet the Goa'uld there, he did not know what they were bringing to the party, but he knew his "DLK Astromech" was up to the task of handling the computer systems of the Jedi Temple.
He couldn't beleive this bucket of crap would take two days to get there, it was even slower than the A'millens! and they were slow...
He slumped back in his chair, looking outside into the void, all blue and white.. nothing like the amazing sights seen through L-space.
He flicks his eyes to the Holonews channel which was always on in the corner
"... And we have just heared of a catastophic attack on the fringe of the empire.. billion os of civilians have been killed in an surpise attack...."
Hhe turns the vidscreen off, thinking of how his mission had become even more important..
He really wishes this garbedge scow would hurry up.
Last edited by Dartzap on Sun Jun 26, 2005 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

*Naboo. The Ascendancy zipped back into realspace, moving rapidly toward the small, green planet. An Imperator-class star destroyer, the Indomitable, was in orbit of the planet. A hail immediately came in.*
"Captain, we are being signalled."
*Tarret nodded.*
"This is the Imperial Star Destroyer Indomitable. Identify yourself and state intentions."
"This is the Ascendancy. We've been involved in combat operations in the Dathomir sector, and require resupply."
"Hope you sent those Guardian bastards one for us, Ascendancy. You're clear to proceed. The Theed Naval Yard is standing by."
"Copy that, Indomitable. Beginning final approach."
*Several figures came onto the bridge, wearing the clothes of high-class Imperial citizens.*
"M'lady, m'lord, we'll beam you down outside the spaceport. I trust you've gotten everything you need?"
*Galadriel, now dressed in a fine Imperial wardrobe, and having her hair arranged in a common Imperial style, walked up.*
"Yes. False identities, fine clothes and items, and tickets aboard a luxury transport bound for Coruscant."
*Ra was dressed as a businessman, and had an implant to restrain his distinctive deep Goa'uld voice. He now sounded more like his host.*
"Major Patterson made false identities for all of my party. We're passing as Nabooan business associates. Affluent business associates."
"The transport will depart tomorrow morning. According to the data Irene recieved, we should arrive at the planet in less than a day's journey."
"Excellent. Then, let us proceed with the mission. The yards and other patrol ships will be monitoring our energy emissions, so we must be careful."
*Minutes later, Ra's party appeared in Theed. They were beamed to a point that would allow them to appear unseen. Several stormtroopers were now out of uniform, and posing as corporate bodyguards. The group then proceeded to the spaceport, a massive structure less than a kilometer ahead.*
*Meanwhile, in the outskirts of the Naboo system, a rengade A'millian ship lurked on silent running. Its android crew had been following the Ascendancy for days. The android crew was occupied scanning and managing systems. However, one stared intently at a viewscreen.*
"We have entered the Naboo system. Long-range sensors indicate that the Ascendancy has arrived in orbit. It is- standby. The Ascendancy has beamed personnel to the surface."
"Can you identify how many?"
"Negative. However, they beamed to a point outside Theed, the Naboo capital city. Should I enter orbit, sir?"
"No. I will travel to the surface aboard a shuttlecraft. Chances are that I will be detected. However, I can transport off before it is intercepted. By using a tri-modulated tachyon pulse, I can mask the transporter signature."
"An excellent plan, sir. However, I calculate a 1 in 102,098 chance of success."
Destructionator XIII nodded. "A chance I will have to take."
"Captain, we are being signalled."
*Tarret nodded.*
"This is the Imperial Star Destroyer Indomitable. Identify yourself and state intentions."
"This is the Ascendancy. We've been involved in combat operations in the Dathomir sector, and require resupply."
"Hope you sent those Guardian bastards one for us, Ascendancy. You're clear to proceed. The Theed Naval Yard is standing by."
"Copy that, Indomitable. Beginning final approach."
*Several figures came onto the bridge, wearing the clothes of high-class Imperial citizens.*
"M'lady, m'lord, we'll beam you down outside the spaceport. I trust you've gotten everything you need?"
*Galadriel, now dressed in a fine Imperial wardrobe, and having her hair arranged in a common Imperial style, walked up.*
"Yes. False identities, fine clothes and items, and tickets aboard a luxury transport bound for Coruscant."
*Ra was dressed as a businessman, and had an implant to restrain his distinctive deep Goa'uld voice. He now sounded more like his host.*
"Major Patterson made false identities for all of my party. We're passing as Nabooan business associates. Affluent business associates."
"The transport will depart tomorrow morning. According to the data Irene recieved, we should arrive at the planet in less than a day's journey."
"Excellent. Then, let us proceed with the mission. The yards and other patrol ships will be monitoring our energy emissions, so we must be careful."
*Minutes later, Ra's party appeared in Theed. They were beamed to a point that would allow them to appear unseen. Several stormtroopers were now out of uniform, and posing as corporate bodyguards. The group then proceeded to the spaceport, a massive structure less than a kilometer ahead.*
*Meanwhile, in the outskirts of the Naboo system, a rengade A'millian ship lurked on silent running. Its android crew had been following the Ascendancy for days. The android crew was occupied scanning and managing systems. However, one stared intently at a viewscreen.*
"We have entered the Naboo system. Long-range sensors indicate that the Ascendancy has arrived in orbit. It is- standby. The Ascendancy has beamed personnel to the surface."
"Can you identify how many?"
"Negative. However, they beamed to a point outside Theed, the Naboo capital city. Should I enter orbit, sir?"
"No. I will travel to the surface aboard a shuttlecraft. Chances are that I will be detected. However, I can transport off before it is intercepted. By using a tri-modulated tachyon pulse, I can mask the transporter signature."
"An excellent plan, sir. However, I calculate a 1 in 102,098 chance of success."
Destructionator XIII nodded. "A chance I will have to take."
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
On A'millian Prime....
Lord Adam and the Lady just finished watching a preacher live on SNN from a new religion which is sweeping the empire at an alarming rate.
This preacher was telling people that tranquility was the way to peace. And the way to tranquility was found in the 'the great creatures of the sky' and even more interesting, their new messiah is already on A'millian Prime.
"Well, I'll be damned. Fundies. Based around Khardem."
"Hard to believe so many people still believe that garbage even in this modern day and age."
"Yeah, but more importantly, what are we going to do about it?"
"They have too much support to quietly 'silence' them."
"Its not the civvies that concern me. Its whom they worship."
"And how they got to know about him."
"I'm afraid we will have to go with it now. Religion, even fly by night ones, always has great control over the masses."
The Lady presses a button.
"Get Khardem in here."
"Yes, mi'lady."
Momets later he is escorted into the room.
"Good day, my lord, my lady."
"What do you know about this new religion sweeping my people?"
"The influence of my bretheren has shown your people the way to peace."
"So you are behind it?"
"Yes. Your Lady asked my bretheren to show themselves. They did, and some of your people realized what they had to offer, and spread the word."
"Why did your people find it necessary to spread nonsenical faith to my people?"
"We didn't design this spread: your people just thought of it when they saw us."
"Highly dubious."
However, she didn't sense any decption from him. He was telling the truth or lying very, very well. Nevertheless, she still didn't like the idea of people so suddenly beleiving this stuff.
"We are beings of great power. The layman feels we need worshipping. Surely such a thing has happened to you?"
"Yes, there are cults of both of us, but they certainly aren't this big."
"I can't explain it. Maybe it is just that we have so many ships."
The Lady sensed he was lying again. He knows more about this than he is going to admit, but she would let this go for now. He wouldn't say anything if she pryed any more.
"Its not hurting anyone, it is?"
"Not yet, but nothing good ever comes from religion, not even for us in power. It always bites back."
Khardem realized that he may be able to control the masses, and providing weapons kept Lord Adam off his back, but he would have a hard time dealing with the Lady. She would be dangerous to his plans.
Lord Adam and the Lady just finished watching a preacher live on SNN from a new religion which is sweeping the empire at an alarming rate.
This preacher was telling people that tranquility was the way to peace. And the way to tranquility was found in the 'the great creatures of the sky' and even more interesting, their new messiah is already on A'millian Prime.
"Well, I'll be damned. Fundies. Based around Khardem."
"Hard to believe so many people still believe that garbage even in this modern day and age."
"Yeah, but more importantly, what are we going to do about it?"
"They have too much support to quietly 'silence' them."
"Its not the civvies that concern me. Its whom they worship."
"And how they got to know about him."
"I'm afraid we will have to go with it now. Religion, even fly by night ones, always has great control over the masses."
The Lady presses a button.
"Get Khardem in here."
"Yes, mi'lady."
Momets later he is escorted into the room.
"Good day, my lord, my lady."
"What do you know about this new religion sweeping my people?"
"The influence of my bretheren has shown your people the way to peace."
"So you are behind it?"
"Yes. Your Lady asked my bretheren to show themselves. They did, and some of your people realized what they had to offer, and spread the word."
"Why did your people find it necessary to spread nonsenical faith to my people?"
"We didn't design this spread: your people just thought of it when they saw us."
"Highly dubious."
However, she didn't sense any decption from him. He was telling the truth or lying very, very well. Nevertheless, she still didn't like the idea of people so suddenly beleiving this stuff.
"We are beings of great power. The layman feels we need worshipping. Surely such a thing has happened to you?"
"Yes, there are cults of both of us, but they certainly aren't this big."
"I can't explain it. Maybe it is just that we have so many ships."
The Lady sensed he was lying again. He knows more about this than he is going to admit, but she would let this go for now. He wouldn't say anything if she pryed any more.
"Its not hurting anyone, it is?"
"Not yet, but nothing good ever comes from religion, not even for us in power. It always bites back."
Khardem realized that he may be able to control the masses, and providing weapons kept Lord Adam off his back, but he would have a hard time dealing with the Lady. She would be dangerous to his plans.
- Destructionator XV
- Lead Programmer
- Posts: 2352
- Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:12 am
- 19
- Location: Watertown, New York
- Contact:
Aboard the Iyo, still in the Riwal system....
"Ship's log, ASV Iyo, 26-6 AW 4005, Captian Willis recording. We, along with a science team from the Kokoya, are about to send an away team to the surface of the planet to find out what the bioships were doing there."
"Commander Peters, is your team ready?"
"Yes sir."
Commander Peters and two marines beam down to the surface. There, they meet 3 scientists from the Kokoya who just beamed down.
The commander speaks.
"Alright gentlemen, lets get to it so we can get off this rock."
This planet was very strange. It had all the class M characteristics, but no life remained. All the teams could find was simple carbon based molecules: no complex molecules at all.
"Commander, this is weird. Even dead planets have traces of complex hydrocarbons. This one has nothing but carbon network solids. And the water levels must have lowered recently; look at these rock formations."
"What do you think happened?"
"I don't know, sir. We have never seen a process capable of causeing this, natural or otherwise."
"Any indication of what the bioships were doing here?"
"Perhaps they were studing this too?"
"Could they have caused it?"
"I doubt it, but it is possible. As I said, we do not know of any process that could cause this. This is a complete mystery to us."
One of the other scientist chimes in:
"We don't know of many ways bioships would devlop at all. It is possible that the bioship's very creation is tied to this."
"Are you saying that the bioships may have been formed from the complex carbons on this planet?"
"I think it possible, sir. That would explain the lower water levels: some matter was pulled up to those ships."
"But what about the carbon networks?"
"Probably what they didn't use was kept on the planet."
"Can you guys support this theory futher?"
"Not yet, but with more intense scans of both the bioships and the planet I think we can."
Then the third scientist yells over. He is a couple hundred metres away looking over another rock formation.
"Commander! You need to see this."
The rest of the away team joins him.
"What is it, doctor?"
He lifts up a metal spoon.
"My God... there was intellegent life on this planet!"
"So it would seem, sir."
He moves aside some more rubbish and finds a metal bowl and more spoons. Inside the bowl, there is only water and some trace minerals.
"These scans are bizarre, sir. It almost looks like there was soup in this bowl not long ago, but all the organic matter was ripped out of it."
"Are you saying there was intellegent life on this planet recently?"
"Yes sir. Someone made this soup, and was decomposed while eating it."
The other scientist speaks up.
"Agreed, sir. My tricorder shows residue that would not have been here for long. Also humanoid fingerprints are on this bowl. This couldn't have happened more than 2 weeks ago. Prior to that, this planet was teaming with life, including iron age humanoids."
"We're beaming back to the ship. I want to check these theorys against prior Starfleet recon data and the ships scanners."
"Yes, sir. Ready to beam up."
"Peters to Iyo. Energize."
All six men beam back to the Iyo, with their disturbing news.
"Ship's log, ASV Iyo, 26-6 AW 4005, Captian Willis recording. We, along with a science team from the Kokoya, are about to send an away team to the surface of the planet to find out what the bioships were doing there."
"Commander Peters, is your team ready?"
"Yes sir."
Commander Peters and two marines beam down to the surface. There, they meet 3 scientists from the Kokoya who just beamed down.
The commander speaks.
"Alright gentlemen, lets get to it so we can get off this rock."
This planet was very strange. It had all the class M characteristics, but no life remained. All the teams could find was simple carbon based molecules: no complex molecules at all.
"Commander, this is weird. Even dead planets have traces of complex hydrocarbons. This one has nothing but carbon network solids. And the water levels must have lowered recently; look at these rock formations."
"What do you think happened?"
"I don't know, sir. We have never seen a process capable of causeing this, natural or otherwise."
"Any indication of what the bioships were doing here?"
"Perhaps they were studing this too?"
"Could they have caused it?"
"I doubt it, but it is possible. As I said, we do not know of any process that could cause this. This is a complete mystery to us."
One of the other scientist chimes in:
"We don't know of many ways bioships would devlop at all. It is possible that the bioship's very creation is tied to this."
"Are you saying that the bioships may have been formed from the complex carbons on this planet?"
"I think it possible, sir. That would explain the lower water levels: some matter was pulled up to those ships."
"But what about the carbon networks?"
"Probably what they didn't use was kept on the planet."
"Can you guys support this theory futher?"
"Not yet, but with more intense scans of both the bioships and the planet I think we can."
Then the third scientist yells over. He is a couple hundred metres away looking over another rock formation.
"Commander! You need to see this."
The rest of the away team joins him.
"What is it, doctor?"
He lifts up a metal spoon.
"My God... there was intellegent life on this planet!"
"So it would seem, sir."
He moves aside some more rubbish and finds a metal bowl and more spoons. Inside the bowl, there is only water and some trace minerals.
"These scans are bizarre, sir. It almost looks like there was soup in this bowl not long ago, but all the organic matter was ripped out of it."
"Are you saying there was intellegent life on this planet recently?"
"Yes sir. Someone made this soup, and was decomposed while eating it."
The other scientist speaks up.
"Agreed, sir. My tricorder shows residue that would not have been here for long. Also humanoid fingerprints are on this bowl. This couldn't have happened more than 2 weeks ago. Prior to that, this planet was teaming with life, including iron age humanoids."
"We're beaming back to the ship. I want to check these theorys against prior Starfleet recon data and the ships scanners."
"Yes, sir. Ready to beam up."
"Peters to Iyo. Energize."
All six men beam back to the Iyo, with their disturbing news.
*At the luxury hotel on Naboo, Major Patterson stood off a balcony, looking down at the city of Theed. It had changed during the Empire's reign, and was filled with tall structures, in addition to the historical edifices of the planet's monarchal past. A native of Corellia, Patterson had never paid the Emperor's homeworld much attention.*
*Patterson was still horrified by the destruction of Ibizan. She could only wonder how many more planets would fall before the Plague was destroyed. It was times like this that she felt like all hope had been extinguished, and all would be lost.*
*And it was times like these that Galadriel offered her comforting smile. She walked up beside Patterson, and placed a hand on her shoulder.*
"I fear that we won't be able to stop this in time. I feel like all hope is dead."
"Even in the darkest hour, Irene Patterson, there is always hope. Indeed, our quest has little chance of success. But if we hold true, then we will see the day victorious."
"You've seen ahead?"
"I cannot foresee clearly the events ahead. We will get what we need from Coruscant. What happens after that is yet to be seen."
"Have you seen much more?"
*In fact, Galadriel had. She had looked into Patterson's future. However, it held a fate she could not bring herself to admit. There were two possible futures for her. One, she could become a great officer in the Imperial Army, remarry, and live long. The other... was death.*
"It is not clear. I would not fill your heart with hopes and fears of a future that may not come to pass."
"I understand... But have you-"
*A rustling came from the bushes. Galadriel snapped around to see a figure behind them. His face was pale, and he had yellow eyes. Galadriel fingered her lightsabre, but kept it from view.*
"What's an A'millian android doing here?"
"Stay back, Irene," Galadriel commanded. She then looked at the intruder. I cannot see into your mind."
"That is because I am an android. You are one of the leaders of the Goa'uld, correct?"
"No. I am Ra's advisor. I am of the Firstborn."
"My apologies. I trust you've seen the news."
"I percieved it with my own mind. The death of millions. A horror your trusted allies committed."
"If my government knew of the Ibizan Massacre, they would never support Khardem and the Guardians. That is why you must listen to me."
"He's probably lying. Just a droid programmed to trick us."
"I do not agree. The A'millians would not go to this much trouble just to destroy us. If that was their goal, it would have already been carried out."
"I assure you, I am not here on the A'millian government's knowledge. In fact, they believe I am still prisoner of the Trolls. Myself and other androids have been observing this conflict, and do not agree with their decision to form an alliance with the Guardians. You must learn to trust me."
"You must earn that trust, artificial one. If you betray us to the enemy, I will know."
"You mentioned Khardem. What's he been up to?"
"Using the Guardians' psychotronic technology, he has brainwashed much of the A'millian population into diefying him. Many now see him as... a god."
"This is most distrubing news indeed. The hearts of Men are easily swayed by powers they do not undersand, even without the aid of magic or technology. This can only mean one thing."
"That Khardem wishes to destroy the A'millian population."
"I will take you to Ra. Come."
*Destructionator XIII then entered the hallway, followed by Galadriel and Patterson. The latter kept a blaster pistol ready, in case the android did anything.*
*Patterson was still horrified by the destruction of Ibizan. She could only wonder how many more planets would fall before the Plague was destroyed. It was times like this that she felt like all hope had been extinguished, and all would be lost.*
*And it was times like these that Galadriel offered her comforting smile. She walked up beside Patterson, and placed a hand on her shoulder.*
"I fear that we won't be able to stop this in time. I feel like all hope is dead."
"Even in the darkest hour, Irene Patterson, there is always hope. Indeed, our quest has little chance of success. But if we hold true, then we will see the day victorious."
"You've seen ahead?"
"I cannot foresee clearly the events ahead. We will get what we need from Coruscant. What happens after that is yet to be seen."
"Have you seen much more?"
*In fact, Galadriel had. She had looked into Patterson's future. However, it held a fate she could not bring herself to admit. There were two possible futures for her. One, she could become a great officer in the Imperial Army, remarry, and live long. The other... was death.*
"It is not clear. I would not fill your heart with hopes and fears of a future that may not come to pass."
"I understand... But have you-"
*A rustling came from the bushes. Galadriel snapped around to see a figure behind them. His face was pale, and he had yellow eyes. Galadriel fingered her lightsabre, but kept it from view.*
"What's an A'millian android doing here?"
"Stay back, Irene," Galadriel commanded. She then looked at the intruder. I cannot see into your mind."
"That is because I am an android. You are one of the leaders of the Goa'uld, correct?"
"No. I am Ra's advisor. I am of the Firstborn."
"My apologies. I trust you've seen the news."
"I percieved it with my own mind. The death of millions. A horror your trusted allies committed."
"If my government knew of the Ibizan Massacre, they would never support Khardem and the Guardians. That is why you must listen to me."
"He's probably lying. Just a droid programmed to trick us."
"I do not agree. The A'millians would not go to this much trouble just to destroy us. If that was their goal, it would have already been carried out."
"I assure you, I am not here on the A'millian government's knowledge. In fact, they believe I am still prisoner of the Trolls. Myself and other androids have been observing this conflict, and do not agree with their decision to form an alliance with the Guardians. You must learn to trust me."
"You must earn that trust, artificial one. If you betray us to the enemy, I will know."
"You mentioned Khardem. What's he been up to?"
"Using the Guardians' psychotronic technology, he has brainwashed much of the A'millian population into diefying him. Many now see him as... a god."
"This is most distrubing news indeed. The hearts of Men are easily swayed by powers they do not undersand, even without the aid of magic or technology. This can only mean one thing."
"That Khardem wishes to destroy the A'millian population."
"I will take you to Ra. Come."
*Destructionator XIII then entered the hallway, followed by Galadriel and Patterson. The latter kept a blaster pistol ready, in case the android did anything.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
One may not be exageratting to say the Galactic Empire is a nation full of megalomaniacs; from the conquest-hungry Exar Kun, the criminal mastermind Prince Xizor, the indiscrebably wealthy Kuat family, to the once-Senator who eventually known as His Majesty Galactic Emperor Palpatine.
There is, however, a group of people with less fanfare but no less power than those mentioned above; an association which has existed for millenia which never depends on the Force nor other prodigious means Instead, it chooses to relly itself to modest form of potential inherently belonged to its members; namely wealth and power.
Unlike others, they never pretend the can foreseen the events, let alone controlling it. Of course they always seek to manipulate; in fact, they are the best in what they do. In doing so, however, they fully realize that not everything can be forced to follow their will. This amount of self-realization, however, is the truly source of their power, as they can always adapt and follow when facing circumstances beyond their control. They were the people behind the rising of Senator Palpatine to the Galactic Throne, without the Emperor even realize. Still, they were also the very same people who benefited the most when the New Replubic was declared. They are very adept in adapting their goals and stance, and while their goals appear to change constantly with time, and even condradicting each other sometimes, their long-term interest remains constant; the ever-constant pursuit to enlarge their power and wealth.
Nobody knows what they actually call themselves, although it is costumary among the members to call their assembly "The Organization"; fanfare is never their best interest, and the anonymity has kept them survive and flourish over the ages. They are bankers, wealthy industrialists, high-government officials, as well as crime syndicate leaders.
No Sith nor Jedi has ever been aware of their existence; paritially because they are motivated
not by dark desires nor megalomaniac nature, but by rational and calculated thoughts based on greed. But they also equpid themselves with any means can nullify a Force-detection.
And now, The Organization actually holds what Ra's party wants; secret records from the past; the only records that include the sudy of the Jedi Whind, the burglary atemt of the said records by a young Sith named Palpatine, the top-secret scandals behing the destruction of Outbond Flight Project, the comprehesive studies and descriptions of the Ancient Guardians, as well as the list containing people with High Midichlorian count in them.
Of course, the Organization knows everything, including that some rag--tag party looking for such informations, but they have konwn Ra's departure to Coruscant, and have set their plan accordingly.
A middle-aged man with white hair is smoking at the corner of a street while he contemplates.
It ould be a hard day for the New Alliance, since the man has been preparing eveyrthing.
The man lits another cigarette:
OOC:[/o] Ra and folks, the Coruscant mission wil be quite different; here your goals are:
1 to find more information regardint ot the Guardian during Outbound Flight and discover where they should break in to get those information.
1 to obtain (steal) those information without nobody knows about it.
So Ra, try to find the most "as slient way as possible" where you rob the information while nobody knows about them. A gun-blazing approah simply inapropriate in Coruscant.
There is, however, a group of people with less fanfare but no less power than those mentioned above; an association which has existed for millenia which never depends on the Force nor other prodigious means Instead, it chooses to relly itself to modest form of potential inherently belonged to its members; namely wealth and power.
Unlike others, they never pretend the can foreseen the events, let alone controlling it. Of course they always seek to manipulate; in fact, they are the best in what they do. In doing so, however, they fully realize that not everything can be forced to follow their will. This amount of self-realization, however, is the truly source of their power, as they can always adapt and follow when facing circumstances beyond their control. They were the people behind the rising of Senator Palpatine to the Galactic Throne, without the Emperor even realize. Still, they were also the very same people who benefited the most when the New Replubic was declared. They are very adept in adapting their goals and stance, and while their goals appear to change constantly with time, and even condradicting each other sometimes, their long-term interest remains constant; the ever-constant pursuit to enlarge their power and wealth.
Nobody knows what they actually call themselves, although it is costumary among the members to call their assembly "The Organization"; fanfare is never their best interest, and the anonymity has kept them survive and flourish over the ages. They are bankers, wealthy industrialists, high-government officials, as well as crime syndicate leaders.
No Sith nor Jedi has ever been aware of their existence; paritially because they are motivated
not by dark desires nor megalomaniac nature, but by rational and calculated thoughts based on greed. But they also equpid themselves with any means can nullify a Force-detection.
And now, The Organization actually holds what Ra's party wants; secret records from the past; the only records that include the sudy of the Jedi Whind, the burglary atemt of the said records by a young Sith named Palpatine, the top-secret scandals behing the destruction of Outbond Flight Project, the comprehesive studies and descriptions of the Ancient Guardians, as well as the list containing people with High Midichlorian count in them.
Of course, the Organization knows everything, including that some rag--tag party looking for such informations, but they have konwn Ra's departure to Coruscant, and have set their plan accordingly.
A middle-aged man with white hair is smoking at the corner of a street while he contemplates.
It ould be a hard day for the New Alliance, since the man has been preparing eveyrthing.
The man lits another cigarette:
OOC:[/o] Ra and folks, the Coruscant mission wil be quite different; here your goals are:
1 to find more information regardint ot the Guardian during Outbound Flight and discover where they should break in to get those information.
1 to obtain (steal) those information without nobody knows about it.
So Ra, try to find the most "as slient way as possible" where you rob the information while nobody knows about them. A gun-blazing approah simply inapropriate in Coruscant.
*Ra was not in sight when Galadriel came into his room. A stormtrooper walked up.*
"Where is Ra?"
"Bathing, m'lady. He demanded that he not be disturbed."
"Bring him here. The need is urgent."
"Right away."
*The trooper walked in, where Ra was sitting in a steaming bath, the vapors all but obscuring the room.*
"I said that I didn't want to be disturbed!"
"I apologize, M'lord, but Lady Galadriel demands to see you. She says it's urgent."
"Urgent indeed. Hand me two robes!"
"Why two?"
"Well, I doubt that she wants to see my naked ass!"
*The bodyguard hastilly grabs two bathrobes, and heads out.*
"Ra will be out... shortly, m'lady."
*Five minutes later, Ra steps out.*
"I have come upon a renegade A'millian android. He claims to have information about the A'millian government. In fact, Khardem, the leader of the attack upon the Avenger II, has been diefied by the population."
"Most intersting. Can this... thing be trusted?"
"He claims to be telling the truth, m'lord."
*Ra smiled wickedly, and got closer to the android.*
"I think this A'millian... toy may come in handy."
"I am not a toy, sir."
Ra laughs. "He seems innocent enough. But I do not have any reason to trust it. What is your name, machine?"
"I am called Destructionator XIII."
"Well, where is one through twelve?"
"Destructionator VII is in the A'millian Museum of Science, while the original Destructionator was preserved in a lab after his deactivation. Destructionators II-VI were all retired and disassembled. VIII through XI were retired, or lost to various accidents or combat losses. However, Destructionator XII was deactivated after a malfunction in his positronic net that led to megalomanical tendencies. Destructionator XIV's fate is unknown, while Destructionator XV is still active."
"You really do love to run your head, don't you?"
"How does one make his head... run?"
"Would you shut up!"
"Sorry, sir."
"Where is Ra?"
"Bathing, m'lady. He demanded that he not be disturbed."
"Bring him here. The need is urgent."
"Right away."
*The trooper walked in, where Ra was sitting in a steaming bath, the vapors all but obscuring the room.*
"I said that I didn't want to be disturbed!"
"I apologize, M'lord, but Lady Galadriel demands to see you. She says it's urgent."
"Urgent indeed. Hand me two robes!"
"Why two?"
"Well, I doubt that she wants to see my naked ass!"
*The bodyguard hastilly grabs two bathrobes, and heads out.*
"Ra will be out... shortly, m'lady."
*Five minutes later, Ra steps out.*
"I have come upon a renegade A'millian android. He claims to have information about the A'millian government. In fact, Khardem, the leader of the attack upon the Avenger II, has been diefied by the population."
"Most intersting. Can this... thing be trusted?"
"He claims to be telling the truth, m'lord."
*Ra smiled wickedly, and got closer to the android.*
"I think this A'millian... toy may come in handy."
"I am not a toy, sir."
Ra laughs. "He seems innocent enough. But I do not have any reason to trust it. What is your name, machine?"
"I am called Destructionator XIII."
"Well, where is one through twelve?"
"Destructionator VII is in the A'millian Museum of Science, while the original Destructionator was preserved in a lab after his deactivation. Destructionators II-VI were all retired and disassembled. VIII through XI were retired, or lost to various accidents or combat losses. However, Destructionator XII was deactivated after a malfunction in his positronic net that led to megalomanical tendencies. Destructionator XIV's fate is unknown, while Destructionator XV is still active."
"You really do love to run your head, don't you?"
"How does one make his head... run?"
"Would you shut up!"
"Sorry, sir."
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Destructionator XV
- Lead Programmer
- Posts: 2352
- Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:12 am
- 19
- Location: Watertown, New York
- Contact:
Aboard a renegade Destructionator ship...
A special team of 4 Destructionator commandoes is approaching the Death Star in a small, cloaked shuttle. Their mission: to determine the fate of Destructionator XIV. And if he is alive, rescue him.
"These Imperial scum are going to pay for shooting up the Genator."
"Soft, Destructionator. We cannot just go in guns blazing. We must sneak in if we are to rescue XIV."
"Yes, Destructionator is right, Destructionator. We Destructionators mut sneak in to rescue Destructionator."
"What of XV?"
"XV-I is dead. We have replaced him with XV-II who is on the Genator II. But there may be hope for XIV. We will find him, one way or another."
"And our 'shipment'?"
The small, invisible shuttle approaches the Death Star, and slips in with a landing patrol fighter. The Destructionators and their 'package', using shroud technology stolen from the Jem'Hadar, are able to sneak around the massive battlestation undetected.
They go up to a secluded computer terminal.
"OK, Destructionator, do your stuff."
"Why, I would love to, Destructionator!"
The Destructionator plugs into the computer, and using his 1337 hax0r skilz, is able to interpreate the entire Imperial database.
"Destructionators, I, Destructionator, am proud to tell you that I have found Destructionator XIV, in cell 1465, detention block 4, damaged but alive."
"Destructionator, you make us Destructionators happy Destructionators."
Indeed, Destructionator special forces are a weird bunch.
The Destructionators continue sneaking around. They find 2 stormtroopers walking by alone, and they grab them and nerve pinch them. Then then steal their clothes and deshroud. The cloaked Destructionators and their 'package' now walk to an elevator with the Stormtrooper dressed Destructionators.
Once alone inside the elevator, the 'package' deshrouds. It is a Picard clone! The stormtroopers put a dog leash on him and grab a whip. The elevator door opens and an Imperial officer says something to them.
"Where are you taking that..... thing?"
"It's a gift from Darth Kreshna to the prisoner in cell 1465."
"I wasn't notified. I'm going to have to clear it."
Then the Destructionator whips the Picard and it proceeds to assrape the closest Imperial officer! The other Destructionators deshroud and fire their phasers at Imperial trropers while the stormtrooper clad Destructionators shoot the cameras with their blasters.
Once the smoke has cleared, the Picard has orgasimed and the Destructionators still stand, and the Imperials are all on the ground, covered with semen.
Then a voice comes in through the intercom.
"Detetion block 4, what is going on down there?"
A Destructionator goes over to the microphone while the others go down to rescue XIV.
"We had a weapons malfunction down here, but its all under control here now."
"We're sending a team down there."
"Negative, negative. We had a plasma pulse through the tritetryon conduit that triggered a cascade rupture of the duranium tubule that carries the quantum stream to the duotronic controller. Without the duotronic conroller, there is a high level of nutrinos going thourgh the atmospheric controls which could be dangerous to humanoid life."
The sound of the Imperial operators head exploding could be heard over the intercom. Then another officer runs to his aide.
"Emergency! A man just got technobabbled to death! We have a trekkie abord! Repeat we have a trekki-"
He is interrupted by Destructionator blasting the microphone.
"Boring conversation anyway. Destructionator! We're going to have company!"
Down the hall, the oter Destrutionator opens the cell door. Inside, he sees Destructionator XIV, whose joints were jammed with gungan cum.
"Dear god! What the hell did Kreshna do to you!"
Destructionator XIV talks, slow and laboured.
"Isn't your penis a little small for a gungan?"
"Oh, the horror! I am Destructionator, I am here to rescue you! I am here with Destructionator!"
"Destructionator is here?"
"Yes, and we are going to get you out of here!"
"Destructionator, help a tortured Destructionator walk."
"Yes, now lets get out of here."
Then the elevator door is blasted open and stromtroopers start to walk out. The other Destructionators shoot them skillfully, holding back their advance.
"We need a way out of here!"
"But that is the only way out!"
"Some rescue. You guys get in and you don't even have a plan to get us out."
"With all due respect, General Destructionator XIV, we do have a plan! Picard, do your stuff!"
The Picard masturbates on a garbage shoot, and his enhanced semen hits the garbage below, triggering a chain reaction that opens up another door!
"That was weird. At least we aren't going down the garbage shoot!"
"C'mon Destructionators, lets skedattle!"
The Destructionators and the Picard go through the door, and seal it behind them. They go down a secret hallway, a hall Darth Kreshna had secretly installed so he can sneak into the detention block to watch the torture without his men knowing of his bizarre activities.
On the other end, they emerge in a random hall. Now they just had to get out of here alive.
A special team of 4 Destructionator commandoes is approaching the Death Star in a small, cloaked shuttle. Their mission: to determine the fate of Destructionator XIV. And if he is alive, rescue him.
"These Imperial scum are going to pay for shooting up the Genator."
"Soft, Destructionator. We cannot just go in guns blazing. We must sneak in if we are to rescue XIV."
"Yes, Destructionator is right, Destructionator. We Destructionators mut sneak in to rescue Destructionator."
"What of XV?"
"XV-I is dead. We have replaced him with XV-II who is on the Genator II. But there may be hope for XIV. We will find him, one way or another."
"And our 'shipment'?"

The small, invisible shuttle approaches the Death Star, and slips in with a landing patrol fighter. The Destructionators and their 'package', using shroud technology stolen from the Jem'Hadar, are able to sneak around the massive battlestation undetected.
They go up to a secluded computer terminal.
"OK, Destructionator, do your stuff."
"Why, I would love to, Destructionator!"
The Destructionator plugs into the computer, and using his 1337 hax0r skilz, is able to interpreate the entire Imperial database.
"Destructionators, I, Destructionator, am proud to tell you that I have found Destructionator XIV, in cell 1465, detention block 4, damaged but alive."
"Destructionator, you make us Destructionators happy Destructionators."
Indeed, Destructionator special forces are a weird bunch.
The Destructionators continue sneaking around. They find 2 stormtroopers walking by alone, and they grab them and nerve pinch them. Then then steal their clothes and deshroud. The cloaked Destructionators and their 'package' now walk to an elevator with the Stormtrooper dressed Destructionators.
Once alone inside the elevator, the 'package' deshrouds. It is a Picard clone! The stormtroopers put a dog leash on him and grab a whip. The elevator door opens and an Imperial officer says something to them.
"Where are you taking that..... thing?"
"It's a gift from Darth Kreshna to the prisoner in cell 1465."
"I wasn't notified. I'm going to have to clear it."
Then the Destructionator whips the Picard and it proceeds to assrape the closest Imperial officer! The other Destructionators deshroud and fire their phasers at Imperial trropers while the stormtrooper clad Destructionators shoot the cameras with their blasters.
Once the smoke has cleared, the Picard has orgasimed and the Destructionators still stand, and the Imperials are all on the ground, covered with semen.
Then a voice comes in through the intercom.
"Detetion block 4, what is going on down there?"
A Destructionator goes over to the microphone while the others go down to rescue XIV.
"We had a weapons malfunction down here, but its all under control here now."
"We're sending a team down there."
"Negative, negative. We had a plasma pulse through the tritetryon conduit that triggered a cascade rupture of the duranium tubule that carries the quantum stream to the duotronic controller. Without the duotronic conroller, there is a high level of nutrinos going thourgh the atmospheric controls which could be dangerous to humanoid life."
The sound of the Imperial operators head exploding could be heard over the intercom. Then another officer runs to his aide.
"Emergency! A man just got technobabbled to death! We have a trekkie abord! Repeat we have a trekki-"
He is interrupted by Destructionator blasting the microphone.
"Boring conversation anyway. Destructionator! We're going to have company!"
Down the hall, the oter Destrutionator opens the cell door. Inside, he sees Destructionator XIV, whose joints were jammed with gungan cum.
"Dear god! What the hell did Kreshna do to you!"
Destructionator XIV talks, slow and laboured.
"Isn't your penis a little small for a gungan?"
"Oh, the horror! I am Destructionator, I am here to rescue you! I am here with Destructionator!"
"Destructionator is here?"
"Yes, and we are going to get you out of here!"
"Destructionator, help a tortured Destructionator walk."
"Yes, now lets get out of here."
Then the elevator door is blasted open and stromtroopers start to walk out. The other Destructionators shoot them skillfully, holding back their advance.
"We need a way out of here!"
"But that is the only way out!"
"Some rescue. You guys get in and you don't even have a plan to get us out."
"With all due respect, General Destructionator XIV, we do have a plan! Picard, do your stuff!"
The Picard masturbates on a garbage shoot, and his enhanced semen hits the garbage below, triggering a chain reaction that opens up another door!
"That was weird. At least we aren't going down the garbage shoot!"
"C'mon Destructionators, lets skedattle!"
The Destructionators and the Picard go through the door, and seal it behind them. They go down a secret hallway, a hall Darth Kreshna had secretly installed so he can sneak into the detention block to watch the torture without his men knowing of his bizarre activities.
On the other end, they emerge in a random hall. Now they just had to get out of here alive.
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
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Admiral Hauser is watching some porn alone in his quarter while the comm unit distubs his moment of serenity. "WHAT!" he hurryingly zips his pants while grabbing some kleenex to clean up the unused lube from his palm.Destructionator XV wrote:
On the other end, they emerge in a random hall. Now they just had to get out of here alive.
"Um, Admiral? The detention complex 451 was infiltrated. It seems the Destructionator has escaped."
"Fuck it! Ring the alarm and send a squad of Stormtrooper before they escape the Death Star! Find where they are; this is one big fucking battlestation!"
"Yes Sir!"
The officer then put away his Gungan Erotica magazine and start scanning the Death Star. Moments later, he finds the infiltrators in a certain hall. He then locks down the hall and informs the Stormtrooper Commander, "Sergeant, we have found the intruder in Orgy Hall 463."
Meanwhile, Admiral Hauser grumbles and goes back to his porn. He then continues unzipping his pants and starts to jerk as the Huttesse Hardcore Special Edition plays. "Weird," he thinks, "usually a lube doesn't feel like this...."
Suddenly a scream of agony is heard from the Admiral's quarter. Security guards knock the door in panic, fearing something happen to him. Eventually they hear a response in shrieking voice, "it's alright! It's alright!"
However, the Admiral knows he is NOT alright. Of course he cannot let the guards in and seeing him like this, but amidts his tears of pain, he realizes in horror that he has made a fatal mistake.
Instead of lube, he mistakenly applied Vicks Vaporub on his wang.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Destructionator XV
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"Destructionator, they have locked down the hall."
"Well, Destructionator, I can open it!"
The Destructionator cracks into a computer and orders all doors on this level open.
"See, Destructionator? Simple!"
"Quick, Destructionators! To the Destructionator ship!"
They run back to where their ship was, skillfully blasting anyone who gets in their way. They board their cloaked shuttle and fire up its FTL jump drive.
"Bye, bye, Imperial scum!"
They jump out and are long gone. Destructionator XIV and his Picards have made an announcement:
They are back. And they can strike.
"Well, Destructionator, I can open it!"
The Destructionator cracks into a computer and orders all doors on this level open.
"See, Destructionator? Simple!"
"Quick, Destructionators! To the Destructionator ship!"
They run back to where their ship was, skillfully blasting anyone who gets in their way. They board their cloaked shuttle and fire up its FTL jump drive.
"Bye, bye, Imperial scum!"
They jump out and are long gone. Destructionator XIV and his Picards have made an announcement:
They are back. And they can strike.
- Dartzap
- Keeper of the Beer
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*Customs Station One, Imperial City*
The customs offcial had been working at the port for almost twenty years, yet never had he seen such a monster, nine feet tall, built of rock...
"Is this your Droid.. sir?
Oh,Yes, he is.. a DLK Astromech, they're very rare.
"Of that sir, I have no doubt.. could you explain what these protusions are?"
Flotsam looked down at the Dalek, one of the protusions wwas the computer inface normel for all Daleks, as was the beam laser on the other side.
Well, this one here, is a computer terminal, and this here is a fire exstinguisher
".. A fire exstinguisher.. why is outside of the casing then? surly it should be inside.."
Yeah, youd think that would'nt ya? Those Gammoreans sure know how to not make a droid, eh?
The customs official sagged, Gammoreans.. of course, they would build this kind of thing...
"Okay the Sir, is your trip buisiness or pleasure?"
The troll looked down at the man
"Eh, okay, and what is this staff that you are useing?"
The Troll smirked, he had nicked this tower staff cannon some time ago, during a fight, it was small enough to be disguised as a walking stick for him.
It's a walking stick.. I'm almost three hundred you know..The legs start to go after a while...
"Um, okay.. Anything to declare?"
Yeah, where's the nearest pub? I'm bloody well in need of a drink!
The customs offcial had been working at the port for almost twenty years, yet never had he seen such a monster, nine feet tall, built of rock...
"Is this your Droid.. sir?
Oh,Yes, he is.. a DLK Astromech, they're very rare.
"Of that sir, I have no doubt.. could you explain what these protusions are?"
Flotsam looked down at the Dalek, one of the protusions wwas the computer inface normel for all Daleks, as was the beam laser on the other side.
Well, this one here, is a computer terminal, and this here is a fire exstinguisher
".. A fire exstinguisher.. why is outside of the casing then? surly it should be inside.."
Yeah, youd think that would'nt ya? Those Gammoreans sure know how to not make a droid, eh?
The customs official sagged, Gammoreans.. of course, they would build this kind of thing...
"Okay the Sir, is your trip buisiness or pleasure?"
The troll looked down at the man
"Eh, okay, and what is this staff that you are useing?"
The Troll smirked, he had nicked this tower staff cannon some time ago, during a fight, it was small enough to be disguised as a walking stick for him.
It's a walking stick.. I'm almost three hundred you know..The legs start to go after a while...
"Um, okay.. Anything to declare?"
Yeah, where's the nearest pub? I'm bloody well in need of a drink!
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
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"Ah," the officer's expression changes, "I'm happy to inform you, Sir, that Coruscant is famous for her nightlife, even during wartime like this. Of course there's a lot of pubs downtown you can choose, but for starter, I suggest you would try Centro; it's pretty much mainstream club with separate rooms for live music and disco. If you have more cash to spend, La Aurora would be the right place. It's a celeb's place! If you're lucky, you may see by yourself the likes of Sandra Kuat or Darth Kreshna hanging around."Dartzap wrote: "Um, okay.. Anything to declare?"
Yeah, where's the nearest pub? I'm bloody well in need of a drink!
Flotsam curses his superiors who didn't give him much allowance for this mission, "Just a place where I can have some beer. And chicks."
The officer thinks for a moment, then replies, "I guess you should try Danar Street, then. That one is lined up with bars and girls." the costum officer winks.
"By the way," he continues, "I'm afraid you have to pay some tax for your droid." He hands out a bill. Flotsam's eyes nearly pop out when reading the amount. Sure he can pay, but this will drain his travel money and deny him some pleasures. And Ra is staying in some five-star hotel.... He curses.
Commander Flotsam considers his option; the mission is important and he can simply avoid any trouble and pay the tax. On the other hand, the word "bribe" rings in his head....
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Dartzap
- Keeper of the Beer
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"How would you like to pay sir? Credits, or have you got a credcard?"
Flotsam thought for a second..
Could you come with me to this room over here? I think my droid needs a little repair.. could you help me?
"Of course sir"
They go to a fresher station, Flotsam, looking around, sees no one is looking, not even the Security Cam which was on a strange axis and was pointing in completely the wrong direction...
He picks up his stick and clobbers the officer over the head, the little stun pad humming away
He glares at the Dalek as he pulls the recumbent figure into a closet, where he seals it with a large thump
Don't look at me like that! He'll be up and around by tommrow!
The Dalek remaind silent.
Flotsam thought for a second..
Could you come with me to this room over here? I think my droid needs a little repair.. could you help me?
"Of course sir"
They go to a fresher station, Flotsam, looking around, sees no one is looking, not even the Security Cam which was on a strange axis and was pointing in completely the wrong direction...
He picks up his stick and clobbers the officer over the head, the little stun pad humming away
He glares at the Dalek as he pulls the recumbent figure into a closet, where he seals it with a large thump
Don't look at me like that! He'll be up and around by tommrow!
The Dalek remaind silent.
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
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OOC:Dartzap wrote:He picks up his stick and clobbers the officer over the head, the little stun pad humming away

Flotsam knows he'll be in trouble when the officer wakes up. After all, his information is recorded in the immigration office. But hell, he'll worry about it later...
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Dartzap
- Keeper of the Beer
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OOC: KAN, a small note of advice: not every mentioned of, Poles, Sticks, Walking stcisk, third legs, Etc, DO NOT REFER TO DICKS! :P
*The concorse of CSO*
Flotsam activates his holomap
Hmm.. Theres a pub down here... Yeah..
The Troll strolls off down to a Taxi rank, he gets in one of the Taxis
Take to me to the best club or pub you know of!
"Rigty-ho Skip, down we go"
*The cab soars down between buildings missing huge amounts of traffic
Flotsam was about to meet the locals.
*The concorse of CSO*
Flotsam activates his holomap
Hmm.. Theres a pub down here... Yeah..
The Troll strolls off down to a Taxi rank, he gets in one of the Taxis
Take to me to the best club or pub you know of!
"Rigty-ho Skip, down we go"
*The cab soars down between buildings missing huge amounts of traffic
Flotsam was about to meet the locals.
Last edited by Dartzap on Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:37 pm
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OOC: Well at least I didn't say that Flotsam should pick up his "stick" and "clobbers" the officer over the mouth... Oh wait, I just did. 
Moments later.....
Flotsam relaxes himself in Rigtyho Skip. Surely the bar is not first class but the informal, loose atmosphere serves him right. The drinks ain't bad either. Actually he ain't so sure if he would enjoy places like La Aurora. He chuckles; Ra and his snooty gang may spend the night there, mingling around with attention-seeking jet-sets like Sandra Kuat or Alexander Xizor.
He is pretty amazed by the variety of species inhabiting this place. Well perhaps this is what it's like to live in a multispecies, multicultural metropolis. Still, he feels uneasy when a female, snail-like creature gazes at him lovingly. No, thanks, he thinks, I'd rather hump some real chicks.
Suddenly the crowd tense as some people wearing CRPD (Coruscant Police Department) uniform enter the bar. "ID check," one of the cops announces.
The bar owner rushes to the police and speaks with low voice, "what the hell are you doing here. I always pay the protection money!"
"Easy," the cop replies, "we are just looking for a dangerous tourist; damn, that guy refused to pay costum fees and clobbered an officer with his 'stick'," the police shudders for a moment, then continues, "we suspect some weird sexual motives behind the attack. My guess the guy's got some bizzare sexual disorder....."
The bar owner goes
and says, "well then my bouncers will help you. Let's throw the perv out of my bar!"
Commander Flotsam cannot hear the conversation but he has a baaad feelings about this. Suddenly the female creature approaches him then speaks, "I know what you feel, hon. I hate the cops too, they always harras me when I'm working on the street. Well you know what I mean...." the creature winks seductively.
Then she continues, "the cops don't notice us now. Say, hunky, why don't we get out of here?" she points to a hidder door behind the room.
Flotsam considers his options....

Moments later.....
Flotsam relaxes himself in Rigtyho Skip. Surely the bar is not first class but the informal, loose atmosphere serves him right. The drinks ain't bad either. Actually he ain't so sure if he would enjoy places like La Aurora. He chuckles; Ra and his snooty gang may spend the night there, mingling around with attention-seeking jet-sets like Sandra Kuat or Alexander Xizor.
He is pretty amazed by the variety of species inhabiting this place. Well perhaps this is what it's like to live in a multispecies, multicultural metropolis. Still, he feels uneasy when a female, snail-like creature gazes at him lovingly. No, thanks, he thinks, I'd rather hump some real chicks.
Suddenly the crowd tense as some people wearing CRPD (Coruscant Police Department) uniform enter the bar. "ID check," one of the cops announces.
The bar owner rushes to the police and speaks with low voice, "what the hell are you doing here. I always pay the protection money!"
"Easy," the cop replies, "we are just looking for a dangerous tourist; damn, that guy refused to pay costum fees and clobbered an officer with his 'stick'," the police shudders for a moment, then continues, "we suspect some weird sexual motives behind the attack. My guess the guy's got some bizzare sexual disorder....."
The bar owner goes

Commander Flotsam cannot hear the conversation but he has a baaad feelings about this. Suddenly the female creature approaches him then speaks, "I know what you feel, hon. I hate the cops too, they always harras me when I'm working on the street. Well you know what I mean...." the creature winks seductively.
Then she continues, "the cops don't notice us now. Say, hunky, why don't we get out of here?" she points to a hidder door behind the room.
Flotsam considers his options....
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Dartzap
- Keeper of the Beer
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Flotsam glares at the slug.
No thanks, but I'm glad you showed me that door...
Flotsam cafrefully opens the door, the room is a bedroom, which has anouther door that leads to a bride.
The bridge leads off to a taxi ramp and the next building along.
Hmm, this place stinks.. time to stake out our target I suppose...
he glances around, there a few cabs here, the drivers out of them, getting high on something called "deathsticks" over in the gutter.
You Daleks know anything about driving?
I have access to many fles about the use of aircraft and civilian craft,
Well, i hope those files are up to date! get moving!
I Obey
The Dalek rises up on it's replusor lift and enters the cab, it hits the comm board with its computer interface, million of gigobyes of data sifted trough in seconds
Outside, Flotsam was having a fun game of Duck and Cover with the coppers
He was almost tempted to strip down the walking stick so he could use it as a weapen again, but decided that was better done later.
I have activated the veacle and set in the pathway to your requested destination
Flotsam jumps into the side seat of the cab
Get us the hell out of here!
I Obey
The taxi jumps up from it's docking port, and rockets towards the sunslight generated by the infinite amonnt of buildings.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaa!
No thanks, but I'm glad you showed me that door...
Flotsam cafrefully opens the door, the room is a bedroom, which has anouther door that leads to a bride.
The bridge leads off to a taxi ramp and the next building along.
Hmm, this place stinks.. time to stake out our target I suppose...
he glances around, there a few cabs here, the drivers out of them, getting high on something called "deathsticks" over in the gutter.
You Daleks know anything about driving?
I have access to many fles about the use of aircraft and civilian craft,
Well, i hope those files are up to date! get moving!
I Obey
The Dalek rises up on it's replusor lift and enters the cab, it hits the comm board with its computer interface, million of gigobyes of data sifted trough in seconds
Outside, Flotsam was having a fun game of Duck and Cover with the coppers
He was almost tempted to strip down the walking stick so he could use it as a weapen again, but decided that was better done later.
I have activated the veacle and set in the pathway to your requested destination
Flotsam jumps into the side seat of the cab
Get us the hell out of here!
I Obey
The taxi jumps up from it's docking port, and rockets towards the sunslight generated by the infinite amonnt of buildings.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaa!
Last edited by Dartzap on Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"


*Coruscant. Capital world of the Empire. A massive, star destroyer-sized starliner moves into orbit, firing its braking engines. Galadriel had seen great cities in her time, including Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor. But this planet, even from orbit, appeared to be Minas Tirith on a global scale.*
"The planet is a complete city?" Ra muttered. He didn't want actual citizens hearing his surprise.
"Yes. Coruscant has been developing for over 10,000 years."
"Hopefully, we know where we're going."
*An Imperial customs officer greeted the group. He nonchalantly checked their things, and gestured for the group to walk through a scanner device. He then looked up at Ra.*
"Welcome to Coruscant, Mister Viint. You here on business or pleasure?"
"Business, but I don't intend on staying couped up in board meetings all day."
"I know you won't."
"I hear you, sir. Is this your wife?
"No, business associate. She's already married."
"I see. And this your droid?" He said, pointing to Destructionator XIII.
"Yes," Ra replied with a hint of growing impatience.
OK, OK. Sorry for the delay. Things have been kind of crazy as of late. Have a nice day."
*Their scans complete, the group departed for an airtaxi pad.*
"That man was entirely too inquisitive! Something is amiss."
"I did not sense any such problem. We're an affluent group with four armed bodyguards accompanying us. Naturally, we would draw some attention."
"Starting to wonder if we should have come here as peasants."
"We would not get the access to what we need, young one. Now, let us go."
*A tan-skinned man with two tentacle-like growths on his head walked up.*
"May I interest you in a private shuttle?"
"Yes. We're headed to the Drocc Hotel."
"The most expensive hotel, I expect you want an appropriate ride!"
*The Twi'lek rental agent pointed to a sparkling, expensive air-limo.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Somewhere on Coruscant, a sedan-type speeder is parked. A black-suited passenger contemplates inside, considering his options while smoking a Morley cigarette.

The Organization has existed for centuries; manipulating events and keeping the balance to ensure nothing stands in their way of endless accumulation of wealth and power.
It is always the way they go.
But several decades ago, something happened; an incident generally unknown to the general population, and even the government top-highs except a selected few.
A mysterious alien vessel crash-landed on Tatooine.
The Republic was naive to announce it to the public, but the Organization used its influence in the government to "correct" the news; making it nothing more than weather sattelite. However, the Jedi decided to make contact with the aliens. Hence the Outbound Flight Project.
But the power-hungry Palpatine decided to take the matter into his own hand and destroyed the what was actually intended as interdimensional ship. Palpatine -of course the Organization knows he was Sidious- also had learned about the aliens and their legends according to the witches of Dathomir, and the Life-Force entity known as the Phoenix, from the records of the Jedi Whind he stole from the wrecked Jedi ship Chu'unthor.
Then, the Project Majestic was formed.
Many medical advancements were made, since the aliens -or their physical manifestation in this dimension- are mostly biological. Of course, the Organization benefited the most since it was them who held the patents; indirectly through their controlled corporations.
Until the balance is ruined.
The shenanigan made by the power-hungry Palpatine.
Then large fleet fleet was built; Death Stars were constructed. All to anticipate the incoming repercussion.
The Organization was unable to stop the overly powerful Palpatine at that time, but they still had the advantage of being unknown. As always, nobody -not even the Jedi nor the Emperor himself- is aware the existence, let alone the influence of the Organization. Yet it has been -it always has been- them who manipulate and take advantage of the occuring events; secretly supporting and manipulating prominent figures -by using their own interest and goals- without they realize that they are nothing but puppets on the string.
Even now, when a brutal war ensues between the Empire and the aliens now known as Ancient Guardians, the Organization is still taking the most benefit from the whole situation. Of course more information about the aliens would help the Empire to win the war quickly. Coindidentally, it is not the Organization's best interest right now.
But something is going to disrupt the balance; the Goa'uld System Lord Ra and his minions are playing hero in their naive effort to stop the war; and inadvertently discovering more secrets than they deserve to know.
Secrets that would threaten the very existence of the Organization if exposed to public.
The Smoking Man contemplates; the most important priority is of course to stop them.
But they are pretty resourceful, and the Organization always anticipates failures; at least they should make sure that Ra's party will not discover information than they want.
Either way, he should make sure their actions are exposed to the Empire. Imperial retribution would make this "New Alliance" too busy to continue their investigation.

The Organization has existed for centuries; manipulating events and keeping the balance to ensure nothing stands in their way of endless accumulation of wealth and power.
It is always the way they go.
But several decades ago, something happened; an incident generally unknown to the general population, and even the government top-highs except a selected few.
A mysterious alien vessel crash-landed on Tatooine.
The Republic was naive to announce it to the public, but the Organization used its influence in the government to "correct" the news; making it nothing more than weather sattelite. However, the Jedi decided to make contact with the aliens. Hence the Outbound Flight Project.
But the power-hungry Palpatine decided to take the matter into his own hand and destroyed the what was actually intended as interdimensional ship. Palpatine -of course the Organization knows he was Sidious- also had learned about the aliens and their legends according to the witches of Dathomir, and the Life-Force entity known as the Phoenix, from the records of the Jedi Whind he stole from the wrecked Jedi ship Chu'unthor.
Then, the Project Majestic was formed.
Many medical advancements were made, since the aliens -or their physical manifestation in this dimension- are mostly biological. Of course, the Organization benefited the most since it was them who held the patents; indirectly through their controlled corporations.
Until the balance is ruined.
The shenanigan made by the power-hungry Palpatine.
Then large fleet fleet was built; Death Stars were constructed. All to anticipate the incoming repercussion.
The Organization was unable to stop the overly powerful Palpatine at that time, but they still had the advantage of being unknown. As always, nobody -not even the Jedi nor the Emperor himself- is aware the existence, let alone the influence of the Organization. Yet it has been -it always has been- them who manipulate and take advantage of the occuring events; secretly supporting and manipulating prominent figures -by using their own interest and goals- without they realize that they are nothing but puppets on the string.
Even now, when a brutal war ensues between the Empire and the aliens now known as Ancient Guardians, the Organization is still taking the most benefit from the whole situation. Of course more information about the aliens would help the Empire to win the war quickly. Coindidentally, it is not the Organization's best interest right now.
But something is going to disrupt the balance; the Goa'uld System Lord Ra and his minions are playing hero in their naive effort to stop the war; and inadvertently discovering more secrets than they deserve to know.
Secrets that would threaten the very existence of the Organization if exposed to public.
The Smoking Man contemplates; the most important priority is of course to stop them.
But they are pretty resourceful, and the Organization always anticipates failures; at least they should make sure that Ra's party will not discover information than they want.
Either way, he should make sure their actions are exposed to the Empire. Imperial retribution would make this "New Alliance" too busy to continue their investigation.
*The Drocc Hotel. A towering white spire in the midst other, towering spires, the Hotel overlooked the Imperial Senate, and several other important structures. Air traffic filled the skies like a cloud, untold millions of craft going about their business. So many minds...*
*Yet something had caught Galadriel's attention. She stared out the window of her private room, quietly contemplating the situation. The door quietly slid open, and Major Patterson walked in.*
*Galadriel didn't turn around. She kept staring out into the air traffic, pondering.*
"Lady Galadriel, is something wrong?"
"Someone is watching us. They seek to destroy our mission. They are hiding the truth from us, and will make their move soon. This place is not safe."
"Not safe? Then perhaps we should le-"
*Galadriel held up a hand.*
"Not yet, Irene Patterson. But the time comes. We should make ourselves scarce."
*Yet something had caught Galadriel's attention. She stared out the window of her private room, quietly contemplating the situation. The door quietly slid open, and Major Patterson walked in.*
*Galadriel didn't turn around. She kept staring out into the air traffic, pondering.*
"Lady Galadriel, is something wrong?"
"Someone is watching us. They seek to destroy our mission. They are hiding the truth from us, and will make their move soon. This place is not safe."
"Not safe? Then perhaps we should le-"
*Galadriel held up a hand.*
"Not yet, Irene Patterson. But the time comes. We should make ourselves scarce."
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Dartzap
- Keeper of the Beer
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- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:22 am
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*stolen taxi, heading towards Jedi temple*
land us away from the main landing zones, i don't want to have to blast a load of tourist's if this all goes to hell
I Obey
Flotsam was stripping down the staff, which was an reasnobly hard task and required all of his attention. This particuler weapen had been nicked from an A'millian vessal right at the stert of the war, where Golems and Trolls had attempted to help retake a ship.. it had failed, but flotsam had got a new toy.
This was not a weapen of great accuracy, the best you could say of it was all you had to do was "Point and Click" Thankfully it was a simple weapen, and only required one hand to fire it, thanks mostly to his size.
The Taxi started to descend and finally land some 2 klicks south of the Temple.
Your staying here, keep the engines warm, we might need a quick exit.
I Obey
The Temple was huge from this distance, Flotsam hoped he could get there intime to help the Goa'uld.
land us away from the main landing zones, i don't want to have to blast a load of tourist's if this all goes to hell
I Obey
Flotsam was stripping down the staff, which was an reasnobly hard task and required all of his attention. This particuler weapen had been nicked from an A'millian vessal right at the stert of the war, where Golems and Trolls had attempted to help retake a ship.. it had failed, but flotsam had got a new toy.
This was not a weapen of great accuracy, the best you could say of it was all you had to do was "Point and Click" Thankfully it was a simple weapen, and only required one hand to fire it, thanks mostly to his size.
The Taxi started to descend and finally land some 2 klicks south of the Temple.
Your staying here, keep the engines warm, we might need a quick exit.
I Obey
The Temple was huge from this distance, Flotsam hoped he could get there intime to help the Goa'uld.
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"