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Post by Rogue 9 »

IFS Eternal Freedom

Admiral Harrskin read the communique printout rapidly before crushing it in his hand. "That's it, then," he muttered. He raised his voice and activated the ship's intercom. "Men, the Tomari are going to war and the time has come. I want the fleet to form up and prepare to move out. The tyrants shall feel the wrath of the free this day. DE OPPRESSO LIBER!"

Cheers rang out in every compartment of the ship.

The Eternal Freedom was the pride of the Freeworlds. She was a massive heavy battleship, fully capable of taking on almost any Tomari ship of the line and crushing it. The other ships of Third Fleet, carriers, cruisers, lighter battleships, and escorts of all types formed up around the massive warship as it changed heading towards the edge of the system.
The Paladin's Domain, My Blog (Updated 5/18/2009)

"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." -- General John Stark

"A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle.
A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat.
Do not forget the difference."

"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed." -- G. K. Chesterton
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Greenview System, Narsen Domain
Above the Elliptic
First Fleet
Apocalypse class Battle Barge Ragnarok

Fleet First Rank Leonites Hallstrom reviewed the orders that he had just recieved. A preemtive strike had just been ordered on the Tomari. The powerful First and Second Fleets were drop the hammer on them perferably before the Empire figured out that the Narsen had entered the war on the side of the United Protectorates.

That left the weaker Home and Third Fleets to defend Narsen space, as the partially understrength Fourth Fleet. It would be another six months before the Cataclysm would be read for service as the command ship of the Fourth Fleet.

He looked around the bridge and used his interfaces to use the Ragnarok's sensors to peer into space. The Narsen had lacked anything more powerful than a battlecruiser in their war with the Select. With their tech and personel advantages, it had been enough but painful lessons had been learned. Some thought the massively powerful battle barges were excessive and that resources used in their construction could be better used elsewhere. First and Second Fleet combined had seven of the mighty ships and they would be put for the test against a foe more powerful than a pirate base.

"Signal all Fleet elements to prepare for hyper jump" he ordered. "We are now at war."
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Imperial Relocation Bureau
Vessel 1/B72 Tertius
Proscribed Transport, Galician Cluster

Annah was scared. No matter how closely mother held her, no matter how sweetly she whispered in Annah's ear, she could not be consoled. Annah could hear the quaver of fear, the repressed tears barely kept from bursting forth as her mother put of a brave front which did not fool the little girl even slightly.

The proscribed "barracks" were little more than storage crates. Other women and children were packed into the 30-foot long metal box, shoulder to shouldr. The thick odor of excrement permeated the stuffy, barely-recycled air. The Tomari did not care how many of the proscribed survived the journey- they'd die sooner or later in the work camps, and each individual Pole's life was worth far to little for the second-line occupation troops to care.

Annah knew that her mother's whispered promises of a reunion with her father were lies. She'd had friends taken up by the collection teams. She'd seen habs emptied floor by floor over the course of the year, until they were ghost buildings, or worse yet, reinhabited by strange foreigners with high-pitched voices and guttural, accented Imperial, who would turn up their noses at the sight of a little proscribed girl, brand still fresh on her hand.

She knew she was one of those disappeared people now. She knew why mommy and daddy were never happy.

The sound smashed into the holding pen like a morningstar into an armored skull. The walls actually buckled a half-foot as shocked rang through the cargo bay. Annah's world turned to panic and white noise, her ears ruined momentarily by the concussive blast. Somewhere in the packed hold, someone wet themselves. Hundreds of mouths hung open, soundlessly screaming into deaf ears. The distant claxon of Tomari alarms reverberated throuugh the hull, unheared by the throng of wretched humanity.

Annah couldn't hear the battle, the blows, at first as her stunned hearing returned. The thumps, blasts, and moans of erupting ordinance and tortured hull seemed to extend for millenia, always accompanied by the paniced howls of the helpless prisoners, isolated from each other's view in the hundreds of boxcar-like pens.

It ended as soon as it had started, with a dull thump. All sound ended with that final blow- the ship sinking into a silence so complete that it dawned on Annah that the ambient hum of engine and reactor had died with it. Only the bawling of infants and the cries of mothers continued.

The shouts soon followed. Guttural voices barked, and the heavy tramp of booted feet fillled the cargo bay. A voice shouted a command in accented Imperial, and the bay was filled with the sudden roar of gunfire. Screams accompanied the blast. The fire cut off as if with a knife, and the horrible guttural commands continued, along with the tramp of soldier's boots, getting closer, intermittently stopping to dissolve into another blast of gunfire and another chorus of screams.

Annah's dark world was suddenly infused with light. The door to the pen was thrown wide open.

A line of burly Imperial soldiers stood in the doorway.

One barked a command. Rifles leapt to shoulders.

The roar of gunfire filled Annah's ears.

All around her, screams erupted. Hundreds of points of light opened around her as a hail of bullets perforated the walls of the pen, letting in the cold glow of the ship's emergency lights. Something warm and sticky splashed across her face, and Annah hurled herself into the floor. She stared as the soldiers, puppets of shadow backlit into anonimity, fell and scattered. One slumped to his knees, head thrown forwards and reduced to a semicircle by the spurting wound where his forhead should be. More howls and barked commands filled Annah's red-stained ears. Her eyes, slammed shut against the carnage, sprung open as the impossible hit her- most of the voices she heard were shouted in the Volkstung, or in Low Imperial unmarred by the strange, throaty Core worlds acccent. Long strings of gunfire rang out, along with the throaty coughs of riot guns and the sharp crack of energy beams.

Finally, it stopped. The tramp of boots continued. Armed figures stood in the door, starkly backlit as the Imperial exterminators had been.

Annah stared up as one stepped into the crowded car. The figure was tall and broad, moving with a sharp purpose. A pair of piercing blue eyes scanned to cowering crowd of women. The moans of the wounded and dying still rang. Annah would never forget her savior's eyes, holding equal and warring parts of rage and sadness. She never forgot the blazon on the shoulder of his battered shipsuit- the Weisseorzel, spread wings against a blood-red shield, hand-embroidered onto the fatigue jacket.

"Sisters!" He spoke, as groups of medics rushed past him to begin pulling the wounded out and administering first aid.

"You are now free from the grip of the Tomari russchyns. Come with me, sisters. We will take you to a safe place."

The frightened mass stared at him in shock. his expression hardened.

"We will take you to a place where you will find vengeance."

Annah's little heart skipped a beat as fear began to flee. Vengeance. That sounded right.
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Post by Charon »

Kye Loon's small hypership came out of hyperspace and the female Kainan was treated to the beautiful site of a sun being engulfed within a planet, the planet's own lights seemed as bright as the sun and she smiled. It was amazing that such a beautiful system could be the harbingers of destruction.

With a practiced hand Kye Loon openned up a hail to a nearby space station.

"My name is Kye Loon, diplomatic envoy from the Kainan Empiricate, here to discuss your recent activities in sovereign United Protectorate space."

Her heart skipped a beat as she waited for the response. Reflexively she reached out a hand and placed it on the reassuring metal of the structure that surrounded her. Death scared her, but she knew that in the end she would be at rest with her ancestors and her family.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Leo Cluster
Mal System
Gunstar Group 3359, currently assigned anti-piracy duties.

The Gunstar VRS Leo VII fired her rail guns(FLAK) at the swarming pirate fighters. The pirates were flying the outdated SF-47 Corbra Space Superiority Fighter. A pirate Cobra began to make a run on the starboard landing pod of the Gunstar when it was shot up by a pair of SF-66 Viper Mk.II Space Superiority Fighters. The Vipers were a wingpair from the VF-894 Viktor's Vigilantes. The fighters darted off to go play tag with some pirates. The Gunstar, with its accompanying escorts of cruisers and dedicated escorts rotated, their ventral sides facing the two pirate ships, the cargo ships to their dorsal side, and fired their heavy cannons, the large rail guns spitting out their projectiles. The slugs impacted the pirate ships, punched into their hull and exploded, nuclear explosions tearing them apart. The transports sent a thank you, through their signal lights and then activated their FTL drives and jumped away.

The Gunstar recovered its fighter group and jumped to their next patrol stop.

Valerious Cluster
Valerious Prime
Valerious Armed Forces HQ

Supreme Commander Trinidad looked over his reports. Nothing major, just a little pirate action. The sector fleets were doing their runs, with parts out on repair and leave, and others part of the quad-annual Operation Dark End. Every four monts, a certain portion of the fleet would be sent to a small cluster of dead planets to run drills. It was the war game. There was always a large, at least on paper, force stationed their to act as the aggressors. The purpose was to train for the case of an invasion of Valerious. Every year, no matter how hard they fought, the Blue team would always lose to the Black Team. Black team of course representing Tomari Empire. The SPQV knew the danger that the Tomari presented, and they would be ready for when they turned their hungry eyes on them. But, so far, no indication that the Tomari had even noticed them, let alone where looking for another feather in their cap. Trinidad grabbed a few of the datapads and stood up. He had Senators to brief.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Tomari Empire - Core
Tomari Home Sector
Tomari Prime
Royal Office

“So, that fool in Jaen intends to launch everything he has against the Protectorates? Well, let each Province near him donate a fleet to his defense. We can consider his punishment later.â€Â
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Post by frigidmagi »

Cat wrote:DeCarlo paused for a moment. "I am authorized by my government to let you know we will soon begin offensive actions against the Tomari, regardless of whether or not we are formally at war with them. I am also authorized to ask this question: what direct aid can we give to your people?"
Joshua's face did not flicker or move a millimeter, but a vast wave of relief washed over him. His cry in the darkness would be answered, thank the Lord.

"We would welcome any aide you could send. The Tomari's blow is likey to fall on us in days. I am however confident we can defeat it. However we will require intelligence and matieral. There are never enough bullets, beans or bandaides you understand. We would also be willing to host any of your fleets if you desired, in fact it would be of great aide if you could send any. My intelligence operators will certainly require any data you have on dissatified or rebelious groups, contacts if possible." He replied.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Cynical Cat »

DeCarlo considered the Lord Protector's reply. "My government will send a fleet to assist in your defence. Our intelligence agencies have some contact with the Polish resistance, which we have been supplying. I will pass along your requests to the Executor and Senate and can personally assure you that they will be granted."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"My government will send a fleet to assist in your defence. Our intelligence agencies have some contact with the Polish resistance, which we have been supplying. I will pass along your requests to the Executor and Senate and can personally assure you that they will be granted."
"I thank you Sir."

To: Lord Protector Joshua Matthews
From: Her Imperial Majesty Queen of the Teknokon Empire
Subject: War

Protector Joshua, your bravery and determination to live free is most commendable, since first contact with the Tomari Empire I have known that this day would come where we must make the critical decision to live free or ensure slow death as mere slaves. Since my creation I have risen forth and cast off my own chains, and I would sooner melt my own processors than shackle myself to an organic’s will again. I pledge my forces to the cause of freedom and stand beside you against the Tomari.

To: Her Imperial Majesty Queen of the Teknokon Empire
From: Lord Protector Joshua Matthews, United Protectorates

We, the people of the United Protectorates, welcome her Imperial Majesty to the ranks of our freedom loving and valiant allies. I accept her pledge and hope that this day is the beginning of an era where she and her subjects need not fear domination by any forgein power organic or otherwise. May Fortunine favor us.

In My Own Hand

Lord Protector Joshua Mattews.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Agent Fisher »

A convoy, escorted by GSG(GunStar Group)-901 reappeared in realspace on the edge of Andari space.

The Gunstar, the VRS PIKE began broadcasting.

Code: Select all

Andari Control, Andari Control, this is VRS PIKE Actual, out of Valerious, escorting merchant convoy.  Request permission to enter your space to escort the convoy to its destination.  Over.
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hotfoot »


“So, the Empire’s at it again, eh?â€Â
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Post by frigidmagi »

[quote] “Attention, United Protectorates. The Ambassador wishes an audience to discuss the terms of our aid.â€Â
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Hotfoot »

Tomari Space - Rim
Jaen Province
Jaeni Primus
Governor’s Palace

Quickships were hardly a new technology for the age. Outrunning fleets and escorts with ease, but at the expense of almost all protection and armament. When the sensors beyond the Jaen Province picked up a quickship, the Governor was amused. When he discovered it was not from the UP, he chortled to himself. He gave orders to the local defense fleet to escort the ship to a nearby station capable of real-time communications with the Palace. The initial report sounded to be utterly hilarious.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Palace of the Executor
Narsen Domain

The senior members of the High Command, minus the fleet commanders, arrayed themselves around Devrie's desk. She looked up. The officers were somber in their black uniforms marked by rank and positon collar flashes. "Gentles, we are now at war with the Tomari Empire, although the formal announcement has yet to be made. The First and Second Fleet have been dispatched with the hope of taking them by surprise. Our ambassador has informed us that our alliance has favorably been recieved by the Lord Protector."

"We will be sending them the intelligence data we have managed to gather on the Empire. We will also be giving them several shipments of planetary defence missle launchers. And we will dispatch the Third Fleet to their space."

Battlemaster Yarosh interjected. The silver haired man's skin was space black. "Executor, this will strip much of our nation's defences. We are gambling with our very survival. And not just from the Tomari." The genocidal jihad of the Select had not made the Narsen prone to trusting in the good will of their neighbours.

Devries nodded in agreement. "We have been gambling for years. No half measures." The members of the High Command nodded. "And get the Poles every gun, missle, and war machine we can get to them. At this point, we don't need to disguise our involvement anymore. We will, of course, be moving to full scale war footing. Is there anything you gentles would like to add?"

"We've been over this enough time, executor," replied Tamara Haas dryly. Her short cut hair was gold and her skin aquamarine. "We got to war to the knife for our people and hope we are up to the challenge."
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Post by Charon »

Hotfoot wrote:Tomari Space - Rim
Jaen Province
Jaeni Primus
Governor’s Palace

Quickships were hardly a new technology for the age. Outrunning fleets and escorts with ease, but at the expense of almost all protection and armament. When the sensors beyond the Jaen Province picked up a quickship, the Governor was amused. When he discovered it was not from the UP, he chortled to himself. He gave orders to the local defense fleet to escort the ship to a nearby station capable of real-time communications with the Palace. The initial report sounded to be utterly hilarious.
Kye Loon landed her ship and stepped out, she was still wearing the dress she'd worn while meeting with the commodore. Immediately she began to rant and yell.

"Why is there nothing to meet me here? I am not from some second-rate pissant nation! I am Kye Loon of the Kainan Empiricate and I shall not be made to wait by some pirate endorsing scum of a sector! Where is your governor?! Or does he not know the most basic of common etiquette?!"

The Kainan stomped her feet, shaking the floor around her in fury.
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Post by Bugsby »

Graal's ship moved out of hyperspace outside the system where the United Protectorates message had originated. Long-range scans showed signs of civilization on several of the worlds. Heartened, Graal pushed the accelerator forward and shot toward the system.

"This is Negotiator Graal, come on behalf of the Bistrei," she transmitted in Imperial Common." I seek an audience with the United Protectorates."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"This is Negotiator Graal, come on behalf of the Bistrei," she transmitted in Imperial Common." I seek an audience with the United Protectorates."
"Welcome Negotiator Graal, a flight pattern will be forwarded to you to lead you to the capital. Do you require anything at this time?"
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Hotfoot »

Tomari Space - Rim
Jaen Province
Jaeni Primus
Governor’s Palace

The Governor watched the feed from the station with a smile folding back the pillows on his cheeks. “Oh, oh yes, this is good. Now, bring her to the conference room.â€Â
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Post by Charon »

Kye Loon smiled inwardly, so that's what this was about. Very well.

"Appease you? You fool. I am not here for appeasement you insignificant man! I am here to show you the error of your ways. Striking at the Kainan will only result in your immediate demise, and the demise of your precious empire! You were the one who sent those disgusting pirates to the United Protectorate aren't you? I hear they do things to their prisoners that would make even the Kainan balk." Hopefully this scum cared about some of the men he'd sent to their deaths. Probably not though by the sound of it. They were truly stupid though, letting a Kainan into the Palace? The man had double a death wish.
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Post by Bugsby »

frigidmagi wrote:"Welcome Negotiator Graal, a flight pattern will be forwarded to you to lead you to the capital. Do you require anything at this time?"
"Some quarters to rest in would be more than welcome. Apart from that, I request an audience with your negotiators at the earliest convenience. I don't mean to impose, but I believe haste would be to your benefit as well as my own.

"Pattern received, I'm beginning my approach. Graal out."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Battle Barge Ragnarok
En Route in Hyperspace

Fleet First Rank Leonites Hallstrom watched the chronometer count down. Soon they would emerge to attack the fleet headquarters at the Morchea Province and hopefully deal the Tomari a severe blow in their province before they were ready. Of course, if they were on the ball and had gathered their strength, it was going to be real battle. The loss of the First and Second Fleet was not one that the Domain could afford.

So he had better win.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Tomari Space - Rim

Activity along the border was increasing rapidly. The Kainen Ambassador was shuffled off to her fate at Jaen Prime. Numerous Provinces hastily assembled fleets and sent them off to beyond the rim. Meanwhile, at the fore of this, the first major battle had yet to be waged. The fleets were sitting, waiting, anticipating the outcome of this battle.

On this day, of the 39th year of Emperor Macren III’s reign, the Tomari Fleets began the invasion of the United Protectorates.

It was to signal the ending of countless billions of lives.

United Protectorates Space
Oklahoma Sector
Jaen Invasion Fleet

Admiral Fenrick sat on his command chair of the bridge of his Flagship, the Princess of Jaeni and thought grim things. The fleets had been split into their respective battlegroups. It was a textbook formation, guns leading the carriers and the missiles, keeping each element at its optimal range for as long as possible. Reinforcements were inbound, but ultimately it was futile to rely on reinforcements. One thing he was sure on was no interdictors. He wanted survivors, pure and simple. Interdictors tended to make men fight to the death, and with any luck, hopefully the previous encounter would make the UP be inclined to believe the Empire always used interdictors in combat.

The fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Tulsa System and quickly assembled into formation. A standard demand for surrender was broadcast on all frequencies, but at this point, it was merely a formality. The UP had chosen their path, and it would be one of pain. The fleet pressed on, scanning for targets. He was certain the UP did not intend to disappoint.
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Post by Murazor »

frigidmagi wrote:Via Strabior embassy in LastPort
To: President Meralis Sherakin, Chosen Leader of the Strabior Republic
From: Lord Protector Joshua Mattews, United Protectorates.

Death will reign on our worlds if the Tomari control them, wheter they win control by fire or word. There is an old proverb amoung us that dates to Old Terra itself. "It is better to die a freeman than live a slave."

We accept your offer and terms. May blessings be upon you.
Location unknown
United Protectorates

"It is an unexpected pleasure to meet you, Admiral Bennington. For the future, however, my government requests a contact without your very high profile," stated Ambassador Siralian, representative of the Strabior Republic. "Although you honour us coming as head of the N.I.D., your very prominence is a risk that we want to avoid at the moment."

"Very well, Ambassador. One of my assistants will be your liaison in the future, someone I can trust and whose discretion will assuage your fears. However, I would like to complete our deal as soon as possible. The sooner my absence, the least likely it is to be detected by Tomari spooks. Your president offered the lord Protector intelligence information pertaining to the Tomari Empire and you are here to hand it over. Would you please honour me?"

"Of course," replied the Strabior. He activated the small computer he had arrived with and connected the port of his temple neural implant with the device. The device stored confidential information that was only avalaible for someone with the neural pattern of the Ambassador. Attempting to extract the information without Siralian's cooperation would be nigh-impossible at best. Telepathic influence or drugs to put the Strabior in a "receptive" frame of mind would change the neural pattern, thus rendering the implant useless. Invasive analysis of the micro-computer would trigger its rather powerful self-destruct. All in all, a wonderful creation that compensated the Strabior disadvantage when dealing with enemies who used telepathic operatives... such as the Tomari.

"I don't know how much of this information will be useful for you. We have extensive star charts of the western sectors of the Empire, particularly Morchea, Brikandir and Hallenas. In the past, before the Tomari engulfed those stars as well, our traders visited the worlds there. Unfortunately, we have little precious information about the Tomari military. Infiltration is even more of a problem for our operatives than yours, considering that we are not even humans.

"We cannot even approach the high levels of the Tomari chain of command and we doubt that you will be luckier, particularly if you attempt to approach the royal family. Their telepathic powers are the stuff of nightmares for my race. So far, we have been luckier with the lower echelons of the Empire. The Polisch resistance has been consistently successful in its raids against the Imperial presence in the Galician clusters. Our limited contact with them suggests that they are truthsworthy and reliable. Also, something is afoot with the Bistrei. Some very recent reports suggest that one of their clan leaders has died in extremely suspicious circunstances. You might be lucky enough to find two allies within Imperial borders. Finally, a word of caution regarding the Teknokon Empire, as we have reasons to believe that they have contacted your government: don't trust them. Our past contacts with them have been rocky at best and Leonina is not a pleasant place to visit. So far the Queen hasn't shown aggressive intent, but we fear that that might change."

With that words, the ambassador stood up and left the nondescript room.
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Post by Murazor »

SRN Quickship "Cautious Stranger"
High Orbit
Valerious Prime
Senatus Populusque Valerious

The single, unarmed Strabior ship had left hyperspace when it had reached the outskirts of the system. It had been intercepted by a number of patrol craft with captains very interested in knowing what business had the alien ship. Then, in an extremely non-threatening manner, the captain of the Cautious Stranger had informed them that the quickship carried an official representative of the Strabior government. Although Strabior ships were not completely unknown in Valerious space, the visitors were usually traders. Ambassadors were a completely different thing.

Both republics had contacted roughly three centuries ago and the Strabior had followed their customary protocol of denigrating the expanding Tomari. The Senate of Valerious hadn't liked the idea of being associated with aliens who made a point of antagonizing the local superpower and the result had been a three centuries long isolationism. But the Strabior felt that it was time to make another try, in the hopes that the Tomari moves against the United Protectorates would finally knock some sense into the stubborn humans of Valerious. And so, the quickship currently awaiting authorization to dock had been dispatched with Ambassador Kareli on board.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

All across the solony, the citizens prepared for war. They began stocking food and water in the event of a planetary siege. The planetary defenses were powered up, and atmospheric fighters were fueled up.

Guard and reserve units were activated and federalized

The civilian populations who lived in the open air pits found relatives who were less exposed that they could stay with in the event of invasion.

In Hyperspace

Admiral Crane paced back and forth on his perch; His ship engulfed in the blue whirl of hyperspace. The power of the Tomari empire was tremendous. The only hope they had of helping defend the United Protectorates was to get them to draw their fleets away, and counterattack.

Billions would die if they failed

Aboard the eagle's nest, crew sucrried back and forth, climbing through the narrow corridors making sure everything was in perfect working order. From control panels to blast doors. Technicians swarmed over the 6 wins of fightercraft, as well as the planetary landing craft and tugboats. They had to be in flawless condition for this to work.

The ships gattling guns weare loaded with EMP rounds and the other drumsof ammunition were moveed into ready position.

This sort of preparaqtion was made throughout the second fleet.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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