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Post by Shark Bait »

Um I'm not very good at the immage stuff can someone place a young world marker for the Teknokon Empire a little ways above the Neo strabior marker?

EDIT: And for elevation put it at three please thank you :grin:
Last edited by Shark Bait on Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[img=left] ... giite1.png[/img]"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

I'm interested. I plan on bringing in a nation that is basicly a clone of Battlestar Galactica. Does anyone object to this?
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Post by Bugsby »

Do I taste a hint of Arya in Thirdfain's first post? I think I do...
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Post by Agent Fisher »

I would like a unconquered nation, if you please.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Fisher - Younger nations are fine, just please post here your general concept and so forth and let me know where you want it to be.

Shark Bait - I'll get right on it
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Post by Hotfoot »

Okay, just because I'm getting a LOT of similar answers concerning Z-coordinates, I'm just going to assign them at random. I know, people placed their empires normally, but right now there's a lot of people on the positive plane and nobody below it, so just to mix things up a bit, I'll be flipping signs at random for people who have it declared, and just making it up for everyone else.
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Senatus Populusque Valerious
The Senate and People of Valerious

History and Government: The orgins for the name for the Valerious republic is older than the Republic itself. No is sure where the name came from, but there it is (in truth, one of the orginal colonists said he knew it from somewhere and that it would be a good name, everyone agreed and so it was; however, no one remembers that far back). The people of the Valerious nation are human colonists from a long forgotten world. Their government is a large senate with the sector fleets being under the control of the respective sector governor, with supreme control resting with the Supreme Commander.

The people are hard working, no nonsense, dedicated people. They are polytheistic. They have worked for many centuries to build their nation.

The six clusters of Valerious are Leo, Gemini, Cyralis, Patavim, Valerious, and Ziaku.

Military: Military service is voluntary. With enlistment being eight years, four active duty, four reserves. The military remains largely un-bloodied, with mainly pirates to combat. Every member of the Valerious Armed Forces bears the tattoo SPQV on their upper right arm, to signify that they are the property of the People and that their bodies are forfeit in defense of the people. The largest and most powerful ships in the Valerious Fleet is the Battlestar. A hybrid of a spacecraft carrier and a battleship. Each Battlestar forms the nucleus of Battlestar Groups, with the Battlestar being escorted by capital ships, cruisers and escorts, along with an accompanying group of dedicated carriers. Gunstar Groups are smaller versions of the Battlestar Groups, serving largely the same function.

Society: The SPQV is an open market, with a thriving trade between their clusters. The SPQV is largely islotationist due to the fact that there is a large, land hungry nations just a short distance away. One throwback back to Old Terra's ancient history is the Gladiator games. These games however are non-lethal, using stun weapons, but are still wonderfully entertaining.
Last edited by Agent Fisher on Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

And I will be expanding that post as I make up more info.
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Post by SirNitram »

Agent Fisher wrote:History and Government: The name for the Valerious republic is older than the Republic itself.
That'd be hard, as the Tomari are pretty much straight from the first extrasolar explorations which encountered the Vell-Os, last I checked with Hotfoot.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Age can be a relative thing. I'll sort through it all in more detail in a moment, but remember that the Vell-Os and the Empire are relatively close to one another, and his nation is very far off.

In any case, I'm in a flurry of catching up and map updating, so I'll sort through this shortly.
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

SirNitram wrote:
Agent Fisher wrote:History and Government: The name for the Valerious republic is older than the Republic itself.
That'd be hard, as the Tomari are pretty much straight from the first extrasolar explorations which encountered the Vell-Os, last I checked with Hotfoot.

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Post by Shark Bait »

Hotfoot wrote:Shark Bait - I'll get right on it
Thank you very much.
[img=left] ... giite1.png[/img]"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
-Adam Savage "Mythbusters"

"Rule 4: Blades don't need reloading."
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"What is burning people but stabbing them with fire?"
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Post by Hotfoot »

Okay, that's settled. Latest map is uploaded, if anyone has a major problem with their z-coord, let me know and we'll work something out. Changed the font to something a lot easier to read (though somewhat less fun, oh well).

I am starting an AIM chat channel atwbstgod for people who want to chat with me, in an effort to keep my chat windows to a minimum.
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Post by Hotfoot »

By the way, I am not sure if I stressed this or not earlier, but as primary mod, I would very much like it if people sent me indications of secret movements. While, yes, I do control the Empire in this phase, I also control all the other NPC nations as they arise.

Point is, if people are doing secret deals, I should know about them. Period. If I'm not informed, I reserve the right to call bullshit on the mess and resolve it as I see fit.

Also: Concerning Travel Times in terms of Hexes (50ly)

Capital Ships travel 25ly per day (1 hex = 2 days)
Cruisers travel 50ly per day (2 hex = 2 days)
Escorts travel 75ly per day (3 hex = 2 days

Quickships can travel roughly 300ly per day (6 hex per day)
Last edited by Hotfoot on Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Anonymous »

Hotty linked me to this, and it seemed cool, so after some talking, here I am with preliminary info. More will be added as it gets ironed out.


Bad Pa

The nation of Bad Pa doesn't even try to hide the blatant seperation in the various classes within its social structure at all, and this split is most apparent in its government. The people live with one another, some work for the big corporate entities, and the military protects all and thus they see it as within their rights to rule over the people and restrict the activities of the companies. The seperate specialized branches of the military all have their own lead representative, and they essentially order various lesser commities to dictate the course of their everyday politics.

The people of Bad Pa are human in nature, though they are often far from natural. Genetic alteration of unborn children, expensive physical reconstruction and cybernetic enhancements are all too common amongst the population. There is always some new fad sweeping the planets and their vast controlled media channels. Whether it's the eye color of the month, some new cyber-mind wetware, or other technological advancements, the bodies and minds within Bad Pa are always in a constant state of flux (and sometimes disarray).

Historically, there haven't been too many conflicts with surrounding systems to any large extent, much less any all-out wars. Unification under military control occured farther in the past than most of the current living citizens can even recall being told about via the generation beforehand, but it was a grandious war between private armies and mercenary forces and the present military powers at the time. In the end, the companies decided that overthrowing the mass of the armed forces was not in their financial interest and stopped throwing money at the combatants under their side, essentially leaving them to be crushed under the massive wave of the United Bad Pa Militia.

Those who survived from the hired hands, along with their families, always held a grudge against the corporate entities for abandoning their half of the agreement during the war, and because of this they were relegated to never being able to rise in status above the one working class citizens are born into. Around these parts, you're either part of the oppressed lower class - slaving away at some job, or destitute, rebellious, and more than likely on some wanted list or another, an intellectual elite - the brains behind the massive corporate giants that tower above the slums with their pristine mirrored domes, or born into the armed services, where you are trained to give your life for any cause the UBPM deems you're worthy or unworthy for.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Okay, it would take me the better part of two months to reach the Protectorates while bringing along my heavies. The closest mapped Imperial worlds to me are ironically my home systems. :lol: *Contemplates whether to attack Randholm or Nosmenai.*
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Post by frigidmagi »

Go for it the more fronts opening against the Tomari the better.
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Post by Murazor »

Just for clarification about the Valerious sensors. I never implied that the ship had arrived undetected, but Agent Fisher writes that in his reply post, so I decided to go along.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

If we did make a mistake, we wouldnt have let you know. We arent about to let people know that some conscript was asleep at his board.
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Post by Murazor »

Agent Fisher wrote:If we did make a mistake, we wouldnt have let you know. We arent about to let people know that some conscript was asleep at his board.
OK. Can I suppose that someone said a lil bit too much in the national day of Valerian screw-ups or do you want me to modify the post. Not that either option is much of a problem.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

leave it, too late to mod it know, since I quoted it.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Yo Bugsby sorry it took so long. Hope that's what you were looking for and for the record Daniel there is a cousin of the Lord Protector, he's also a professal worked for forgein affairs for over two decades and all that good shit.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Agent Fisher »


Ships of the fleet

Its a 200 kb png, so 56k, uh, click if you want. Anyway, while I dont have any type ups for the ships, those are what my ships are and what they look like.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Just real quick, just to keep everything straight, if people could just include a quick timestamp to their posts. Time right now is rather fluid, but it would be nice to establish a cohesive timeline for all of this.

For ease, just use the invasion of Tulsa as the zero-hour/day :smile:
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Post by Charon »

Well how far are we into the fighting at Tulsa? An hour?
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