All the Way Back STGOD [Prologue]

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Post by Charon »

Comrade Tortoise wrote:"If you are going to go to the United Protectorates, I would advise you not to take a fleet. They will probably shoot first and ask questions later, considering how close they are to our mutual foe." he didnt take it personally, he really didnt. They had other things to do.

It was Garel's reaction to the free trade offer he took personally. He didnt need to understand the language to understand the meaning. His races senses were very sharp, and when one's language is a combination of squawks and whistles, one can tell a lot from tone and pitch.

He didnt appreciate it much. But didnt let it show.

"If such is your wish, It is not my place to attempt imposing" he said, curtly.
Kye looked back at the commodore and smiled. "Thank you for your information commodore, you may very well have saved many lives with that information." Kye saw that the commodore had understood enough of the Duken's words to be offended as such she smiled understandingly, almost as if to say, you think it's bad but I have to live with it.

"Well then, I am famished. Perhaps you and the good Duken here can discuss matters of military over food?"

Garel did not look entirely pleased with the idea, but smiled curtly.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

"It would be my pleasure to discuss military maters over food actually." he said, his tone seeming amusedly sadistic toward Garel, sweet revenge. But of course, he didnt let that show to anyone with an untrained eye for such things.

"As for saving lives... It is my duty to save them as well as destroy them."
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Charon »

Kye Loon got to her feet as well as Garel. The Duken then led the two into the Officer's mess where finely made food was awaiting them. Garel and Kye sat down and filled their drinks.

"Well Komdor, what melitary esperiense do you have?" His basic was very slurred, it was obvious he did not speak it often.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

"I have been serving my country in the Colonial Navy for 20 years and am next in line for an Admiral position, assuming internal poliics dont get in the way. I have seen combat duty against everything from private brigand ships to pirate nations." He chuckled to himself
"I started off as a lowly fighter pilot actually"

His basic had a very distinct accent. Sort of scratchy. His vocal chords were not exactly designed for it.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Hotfoot »

Tomari Space - Rim
Jaen Sector
Jaeni Secundus
Deep Space– Command Ship of Jaen Sector Fleet

“They have my son?â€Â
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Post by Charon »

Garel nodded. "I myself joind the military fiften yearz ago. As a komunikation ofiser. While ther I waz involvd in the annexacion of Bala Medra. After that war, I was promoted to Duken where I led the azult upon Kual Kwene. Neithr planet revoltd."
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Post by frigidmagi »


To the ruling party of the so-called United Protectorates. Your opportunity to join the Tomari Empire peaceably and in good standing has been voided. You will surrender all Tomari Citizens to their homeland, stand down your military, or your military and government will be destroyed, your people enslaved and scattered through the stars, and your history burned in the void.

Consider your next actions carefully.
Lord Protector Joshua read the ultimatium carefully sitting in the hand carved false-oak desk that had been the working seat of the Lord Protectors for over 12 generations. Joshua was a young man, only having ruled for 7 years before this suceeding his father after his death, for a brief moment Joshua wished he could ask his father for advice, but he might has well ask God for another 6 fleets. Ever since contact the UP had played for time, time had run out.

"He's guilty yes?" Joshua asked the assembled admirals, congressmen and others.

"Yes. No question, Sir." Admiral Andersen, Chief of Naval Operation replied.

"Then I want him dead. I don't give damn if it's Satan's archlords themselves, no one gets a free pass with our people. We go to WarCon Alpha. I want 3rd and 4th fleet ready to reinforce the Oklahoma sector. The Frontier Fleet is already assembling I understand?" The Lord Protector said.

"Yes Sir in the Tulsa system. I've cut orders for 5th fleet to move away from our broder with the TCA and head to reinforce. They won't make it before the deadline." Admiral Andersen informed his commander in chief.

"Very well. I would like Congress to pass a declaration of war please, if you'll excuse me gentlemen? Expect you Admiral Bennington." Lord Protector Joshua insturcted (no one for a minute believed that the polite pharsed sentence was anything more than an order) the crowd filed out expect for a single man who was clad in the red and black of the UPVN. However Admiral Bennington had never and would never command a single starship in the void. Admiral Bennington instead ran Naval Intelligence Division, N.I.D.

"You didn't see this coming."

"The Empire's higher socal ranks are impossible to penerate. At least for us at this moment. Best we have in the Empire is contacts with smugglers, illegal dealers of weapons and goods... Black Marketeers Sir."

"There are rebel groups?" Lord Protector Joshua asked.

"There are those who would rebel if they had a chance."

"Find them, arm them. We'll need has many bleeding fronts for the Tomari has possible. Go, I must draft a reply to this." The Lord Protector dismissed his chief spy.

Has Admiral Bennington closed the door to the Lord Protector's office behind him Joshua sat down again and prayed to his God.

"Lord Christ who art in heaven blessed be thy name. May I be granted the wisdom and strength carry this course out to the end no matter the cost, but above all, Thy Will be Done. Here in the void even has it is in heaven. Amen."

Open Communication
To: Tomari Empire, present day Jaen Province
From: United Protectorates, Lord Protector Joshua Mattews.

It is the duty of a sane and rational government to preserve it peoples from abuse from all quaters. The Tomari have commited acts of piratcy upon the void, slavery, rape, murder and brutal assualt upon citizens of the United Protectorates and now demand that more victums be fed into their ever hungry maw. They demand that the United Protectorates and the very galaxy itself turn a blind eye to the abuse and insanity of their nation and rulers, who foolish claim the mantle of godhood.

So it is in accordence with the duty of sane and rational government that the United Protectorates declares to all the galaxy, both those free of the Tomari Yoke and those who suffer under it chains...

1: The United Protectorates will not surrender a single pirate, rapist or murder to the the very monsters who set them out to prey upon an innocent galaxy. Instead we will hunt them, catch them and slay everyone who comes into our hands in accordence with the Rightful Rule of Law that stands still in the domain of the United Protectorates.

2: We will not surrender a single planet, city or person to the rule of creatures who know neither shame nor decentcy.

3: We will not standdown so much has a single milita solder but instead call on all those who would be free to fight in the name of their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

4: We demand that the Tomari Empire apologize to the victums of their assults and cruelity and make proper resuitition to them or their next of kin, including the brave and selfless servicemembers of the both the United Protectrate Void Navy and the Lord Protector's Own Marine Corp who died in operations against the pirates who claim Tomari protection.

5: We demand the hand over of the base and foul creatures who unleashed these beast in human form upon those who had done them no injury or insult.

Let be known in pursuit of these goals the United Protectorates in the form of it's armed service members, it's citizens and in the form of my own mortal body will bend every resource and every skill until it is finished. If the Empire refuses this, we will be at war and the Tomari will long regret that day.

In the name of the True Divine and in the name of the United Protectorates, In My Own Hand

Lord Protector Jousha.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Indiri House
Narsen Domain

Executor Anna Devries tugged at the hem of her tunic before entering the council chamber. She was a striking woman whose hair was currently sable and cut short, her skin was crimson, and her eyes were silver. She black tunic and pants combination with silver piping. The suit was sealable in an emergency, functioned as light armour, and was woven with comm and expert system circuitry. It was a combination of the practical and the ceremonial and it was common among post human society. She was as of yet unaware of the declaration of war that had happened just moments ago.

She stepped through, attended by her senior cabinet members. Several prominent senators were there, representing the most important and rational parts of the Expansionist and Socialist parties. The senators, although quite important, weren't hosting the meeting. The Consult awaited their Executor quietly.

Devries stepped forward and took her seat. The Consult included representatives from the military, civil service, security branches, and scientific community. Economic planners, admirals, gene engineers, cybernetists, and educators were among their numbers. The Consult considered, suggested, adviced, and plotted. It had the power of its individual members to make life difficult and the collective power to utterly humiliate a senator or executor who did not carefully consider their advice. And they were rarely wrong.

"Honoured members," she began, "it is clear from all reports that it is inevitable that the Tamori Empire will commit an act of aggression against one of its neighbouring states within the next three years, five years at the outside. We have been anticipating this course of action for some time. Our diplomatic and trade policy, as well as our increasingly aggressive anti-piracy patrols, have been yoked to the coming crisis for the last ten years."

"We are fortunate enough to be far away that the war is unlikely to be directly fought over our territories. However, a victory for the Tamori will be disasterous for us."

"What about the Polisch?" asked Senator Khan.

"We have been discretely funnelling them arms and equipment for several years now," replied Consul Nagari. "They are a stubborn people and we can only hope they will make the situation more unpleasant for the Tamori. We have, in anticipation of coming difficulties, proposed increasing the covert aid."

"It will be at least doubled," said Devries. "Naval appropriations are increasing as well." There were quite nods. The consequences of such appropriations were well understood. The Narsen were thinly spread over their holdings. In war against another stellar nation the question was not whether or not the Narsen would be outnumbered, but how badly they would be outnumbered. Narsen's automated factories could not be expanding the Domain's industrial base while they were busy building and servicing warships.

Numbers were the heart of Narsen's military concerns. They had fought only one war, decades ago, and while many of those veterans were still in service they didn't have nearly as much institutional military experience as say the United Protectorates. Despite the comparative lack in war fighting experience advanced technology, cyberlinks, superb training, excellent educations, and post human abilities made the Narsen's soldiers and ships terrible opponents, but they were so comparitively few. The Select had almost drown them in numbers with huge armies of troops and a much larger navy on the outset. In the back of their skulls lived the nightmare of being bludgened to death by a horde of primitives.

"How goes our embassy with the United Protectorates?" asked Narya Caine.

"There were some promising initial signs," replied Devries. "They have a tremendous amount of warfighting experience, possess a well trained professional military, and a quite capable techonological base. A treaty expanding our trade links and arrainging cooperation in pirate hunting could be the first step in forging a military alliance against the Tomari."

"What about other local powers?" inquired Cain.

"Embassy's have been detatched to them and we maintain a degree of optomism. They are farther away and thus less positive prospects," said Minister Zahad. "We should remember that we also desire United Protectorates military expertise. While our troops and commanders are quite capable, any tricks they have to teach us will be quite welcome."
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Narsen Embassy

"Ambassador!" said Jean Castillo. She burst into DeCarlo's room. "The Protectorates have declared war!"

DeCarlo looked up from his desk. He was an old man, one hundred and sixty two years old, although he did not look it. He was brown skinned, black haired man with a hawkish face. Old tech connection jacks, set with gold and flecks of jet, were paired on his wrists and right temple. "So the Tamori finally made their move, eh?"

"Yes," Castillo replied. "Some sort of outrage against the Protectorate's citizens."

"Got to give it the Protectorate," DeCarlo replied, "they don't let anyone treat their people as prey. Well, we knew something like this was bound to happen."

"What are we going to do?" she asked.

"You are going to call the Lord Protector's office and request an audience for me."
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bugsby »

Gail'tov sat in his quarters, brooding. He had won a great victory two days past, but that was but the first battle in a very long war. The chieftans had agreed to war, but that had not placed them any closer to actually throwing off the yoke of the Tomari. So much was left to be done, so much needed to be organized. And there was the issue of men.

After Bersith's body was taken away, Gail'tov had asked the chieftans to let him lead the Bistrei'i efforts in the rebellion. Some debate had followed, but all agreed that he had won this honor through his right of conquest. Although he was not given leave to act with autonomy. The Eldest was to advise him in all matters, and if the Eldest decided a decision was important enough, he would need to first consult with the 15 chieftans that made up the largest tribes of the Bistrei before proceeding. In truth, Gail'tov was glad of the restrictions. He needed help in this. He was a warrior, as all the Bistrei were to one degree or another, but his knowledge of tactics and logistics was deficient. Some of the other chieftans knew more. Fighting had broken out between tribes every so often before the Empire would step in to restore peace. The Bistrei were not without military experience.

The problem was with rank and file soldiers. He had received estimates from each of the chieftans of how many would be willing to fight for the cause. The numbers were encouraging, but it would be impossible to train and arm so many without attracting unwanted attention. If he began to move too soon, the Tomari would crush the rebellion before it began. Yet if he moved too late, the Tomari might have already won their war. It was impossible to tell what to do, and when, and there was no room for error. The Bistrei would get one shot at this.

"Troubled?" came the voice from behind him. Gail'tov turned, and saw the Eldest standing behind him. He rose quickly and bowed in respect.

"Yes, Eldest. There is much to do, and I have very little idea how to start."

"Perhaps I can be of some use," the Eldest said, and seated himself across from Gail'tov. "Some of the members of my clan, visiting on distant worlds, have heard more news of the war with the United Protectorates. You were correct in your assesments. There will be a war, and it appears that the UP will be in a position to inflict heavy damage on the Empire. Although, of course, it is impossible to be sure of their full strength."

"It is a pity," Gail'tov admitted. "These people are new to us, new to all the Empire. We know nothing about them. It has occured to me that they may even come to us as new overlords. And here we are without enough weapons to fight off the Tomari, much less the Tomari and these new people."

"I have thought the same thing," the Eldest told him, "and I have had another thought. We know nothing about these United Protectorates. How could they, if we have never encountered them before? Yet if we know nothing about them, how could they possibly know anything about us? Or the Tomari, for that matter? They would benefit greatly from any information they receive about the Tomari. So, too, would they benefit from learning that they are not alone in their desire to see the Empire fall. We could provide them with this information."

"And they could provide us with weapons. And with officers, men who know the ways of war," Gail'tov finished. "Interesting. Are you suggesting an alliance?"

"Perhaps," the Eldest said. Gail'tov considered for a minute.

"No, no alliance. They are strangers, and I will not forfeit to them anything more than I must. The Bistrei will make their own way, as we always have. But this is too good an opportunity to pass up."

"What will you do, then?" The Eldest asked.

"An envoy. In secret," Gail'tov said slowly. "No alliance. But a beneficial trade? I see no problem with that."

"Nor I," the Eldest said. "Neither will the other chiefs. I will inform them of your decision. When will you send this envoy?"

"I have no one in my clan who is skilled enough at negotiations. I will need time to find someone suitable."

"I may have just the woman you need," the Eldest said. "She comes from my clan, on Bistrei IV. If I call for her now, she can be here tomorrow morning."

"If you would, please, Eldest."

"Very well then. I have things to see to now." The Eldest stood and headed quickly for the door, leaving Gail'tov behind with a much releived mind.
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Post by Murazor »

frigidmagi wrote:Open Communication
To: Tomari Empire, present day Jaen Province
From: United Protectorates, Lord Protector Joshua Mattews.


Let be known in pursuit of these goals the United Protectorates in the form of it's armed service members, it's citizens and in the form of my own mortal body will bend every resource and every skill until it is finished. If the Empire refuses this, we will be at war and the Tomari will long regret that day.

In the name of the True Divine and in the name of the United Protectorates, In My Own Hand

Lord Protector Jousha.
Tesala Memorial Hall
Strabior Republic

"This is an outright disaster. We need at least two more cycles to build the fourth fleet. If the Lord Protector intended to outrage the Tomari, he should be happy, for this message most certainly will. Our plans must be changed to factor the fall of the United Protectorates," stated Senator Alaris of Sikara from his seat.

"Preposterous," barked Senator Maraxi of Verasta. His loud voice silenced the muttering that had followed Alaris' intervention. "We can't sustain more fleets. Our military is so big that all our efforts to settle new worlds in the Rimwards Region have been abandoned. We have gone as far as we can with our limited numbers. The Sikaran isolationists should forget their delusions and accept the bare truth: we shall never topple the Tomari alone. And the time to strike is now. We have told the truth about the Ravagers to all nations that would listen. The Imperial navy is stretched thin and if our forces join the fray, many will follow us. The Empire will fall before they can activate their war machine."

"And my intervention was preposterous," replied Alaris in disbelief. "You would risk the survival of our civilization, our race, our history, because you believe aliens would follow us. In the past..."

"Enough," boomed the voice of the President. The red robed figure rose from his seat. "This is not the time for petty squabbles. A dark time is coming and we will need unity to survive the storm. It is a pity that the Tomari have not conferred with us about their secret plans, but our predictions were just that, predictions. It is true that this upsets our schedule, but it is also true that our economy is suffering and that we might have been unable to complete our production goals. We will have to play using the cards we have now. We will have to thread carefully for the moment, of course, but I think that Senator Maraxi's words have some merit. Our agents will continue their activities within Tomari space, our fleet will prepare for battle and our ambassadors will approach every government in Known Space likely to turn against the Empire. We are not in a state of war against the Tomari. Not yet. But when the time comes and it will come soon enough, we will not be unprepared."

Level 5 encryption communication (routed through the Strabior embassy in LastPort).
To: Lord Protector Joshua, United Protectorates
From: President Meralis Sherakin, Chosen Leader of the Strabior Republic

Your ultimatum is bound to prompt Tomari reprisals. If you are defeated, death will rain in your worlds, for the Empire does not make empty threats. Your government was given some information at the time of First Contact with my people, information that details the many crimes of the Tomari in a war three thousand years ago. We urge you to review that information, for our fate might be yours if you are defeated.

And defeat is the likely result if you attempt to stand alone against them, for our intelligence operatives have detected intense fleet movements in the Jaen, Almanian and Galician sectors. Our territory is far away from yours and we cannot afford to weaken our own borders, but your neighbours might be able to help you. In addition to this warning, we offer a limited exchange of intelligence: all we know about the Empire is yours to know, for as long as our involvement is kept a secret.

May your people prosper and be long remembered.
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Post by Charon »

Kye Loon, Garel, and Crane were still eating dinner when a messanger came in.

[Sir, report from the Imperial Lord. War has started.]

Garel shot up and walked over to the messanger, his large feet pounding on the metal as he grabbed the message.

[There will be war, but not for us...]

Kye Loon got up out of her seat.


"You sould retorn home komdor. Yor naton wil need you. But the Kainan Empiricate haz desided this war koms too soon."

Kye Loon screamed, "How can this be?! They know what this will mean!"

Garel looked at Kye Loon [Apparently not.]

Kye loon sat down, brooding for a moment before turning to the Commodore. "I am sorry, but we must cut our visit short." She looked back at Garel "But I must return home to fight this madness."
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

"I understand Ms. Loon. I must get back to my ship. Chances are once my government recieves this news I will be deployed. in Tomari space. Our government has been wanting to rid ourselves of their evil for some time" His feathers were ruffled. Fully puffed up as he thought of the battle ahead. The Tomari could not be defeated alone, but just like young Aracockra coulddefeat a Koplanthian Stinger when working in a group during their RIght of Ascension, so could the combined forces of the younger races defeat the bloated and over extended empire.

"I wish you good speed. May your ships soon fly with us and your blood spill beside us. I pray you can bring sanity to your government. Fare thee well."

He stood from his seat, and tapped his ceremonial pike on the floor. H \e bowed, turned, and started to walk back toward his shuttle.

Kocra Prime
Governmental Pit Archology
Legistlative/Executive Complex
Office of President StormCrow

Admiral Aurora burst into the president's office for the second time in as many hours.

The president stood up in protest, until he say his admiral standing there, the bottom of his jaw fluttering back and forth like he had flown the entire distance at full toilt and crash landed next to his door. The scuff marks on the floor attested to this

"Sir!" the admiral declared
"The United protectorates just attacked a Tomari taskforce!"

The presidents lower beak dropped. If it were long enough, it woulod have hit the floor.

"They did what?"

"The Tomari attacked a UP convoy, destoryed the ships and raped the crew and passengers. The United Protectorates chased them down, and slaughtered them all. The commander of the Tomari task force, who is noble born, has been blinded, dismembered and hung from the neck until dead for his crimes!"

"Have the Tomari Responded?"

"yes, they have given notice of their intent to Annex the United Protectorates and put their people to the sword." The admirals feathers rippled with excitement.

"The UP wont go down without one hell of a fight. ANd we will join them."

The Admiral's eyes brightened

"yes sir!"

"Call in the senators"

Several hours later, once all the senators were assembled. The president gave a speach to the assembled senate. Broacast and local media, and sent to the media and governments of the younger nations by tight band encrypted transmission

"Honorable Senators, people of the Colony of Aracockra" President StormCrow declared

"Our friends and neighbors did the unthinkable. They challenged the Tomari Empire. Alone they will fall" The president paused
"But together, we can put down the Tomari evil once and for all, freeing the galaxy from their tyranny!" There were a few isolated coos and sqawks from the assembled legistlature.

"Long have we watched the TOmari empire expand in all directions. Enslaving and raping entire worlds in their never ending quest for self gratiation, and sadistic fetishes. No long. NO LONGER! Honorable Senators. It is time for the Colony to go to WAR!"

There were few Doves in the COlony, and none in the Senate. This was a nation of War Hawks. The senators sopread their wings on their perches and opened their beaks. letting out a harsh war call. YYEEAARKKKK.

To: Lord Protector Joshua Mattews
From: President Aldus StormCrow, The Colony of Aracockra
Regarding: War

We of the Colony stand with you in all that is to come. may others show the same courage you have, and join in the fight against those tyrants who pretend to be gods
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by SirNitram »

Location feed unstamped.
Time feed unstamped.
Unknown errors. Redo from start.

He was too short to be a Vell-Os(But they were born in microgravity). He was too impulsive to be a Vell-Os(But they had impulses). Every Vell-Os was recorded by the Empire(But who watches the watchers?). He wore normal clothes for the planet he was on(Vell-Os wore their distinctive, one peice, seamless bodysuits, forming zippers and apetures as needed).

He was, but was not. He had always existed, but was newly created. A paradox, as he walked through the United Protectorates. The view from here would be ideal. And the positioning, of course, was perfect to strike. The Gestalt trembled, he felt it. Underneath the calm and apathetic layer of conversation, the unconscious minds of all Vell-Os cried out for action, destruction, impulse.

The marking on the wall of the meeting place he left had meaning only to the oldest scholars of Pre-Imperial Vell-Os culture. It translated to a concept best described as 'Dreams of War Unleashed'. He was not alone. The weaves of the universe trembled, and war was coming. The Vell would have no choice but to face true destiny.
Half-Damned, All Hero.

Tev: You're happy. You're Plotting. You're Evil.
Me: Evil is so inappropriate. I'm ruthless.
Tev: You're turning me on.

I Am Rage. You Will Know My Fury.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Murazor wrote:Level 5 encryption communication (routed through the Strabior embassy in LastPort).
To: Lord Protector Joshua, United Protectorates
From: President Meralis Sherakin, Chosen Leader of the Strabior Republic

Your ultimatum is bound to prompt Tomari reprisals. If you are defeated, death will rain in your worlds, for the Empire does not make empty threats. Your government was given some information at the time of First Contact with my people, information that details the many crimes of the Tomari in a war three thousand years ago. We urge you to review that information, for our fate might be yours if you are defeated.

And defeat is the likely result if you attempt to stand alone against them, for our intelligence operatives have detected intense fleet movements in the Jaen, Almanian and Galician sectors. Our territory is far away from yours and we cannot afford to weaken our own borders, but your neighbours might be able to help you. In addition to this warning, we offer a limited exchange of intelligence: all we know about the Empire is yours to know, for as long as our involvement is kept a secret.

May your people prosper and be long remembered.
Via Strabior embassy in LastPort
To: President Meralis Sherakin, Chosen Leader of the Strabior Republic
From: Lord Protector Joshua Mattews, United Protectorates.

Death will reign on our worlds if the Tomari control them, wheter they win control by fire or word. There is an old proverb amoung us that dates to Old Terra itself. "It is better to die a freeman than live a slave."

We accept your offer and terms. May blessings be upon you.

Turtle wrote:To: Lord Protector Joshua Mattews
From: President Aldus StormCrow, The Colony of Aracockra
Regarding: War

We of the Colony stand with you in all that is to come. may others show the same courage you have, and join in the fight against those tyrants who pretend to be gods
To: President Aldus StormCrow, The Colony of Aracockra
From Lord Protector Joshua Mattews, United Protectorates

We welcome our good and true allies the Aracockra and give thanks for such friendship.

Lord Protector's Office, LastPort

"Sir the Narsen Ambasador request a meeting." The young aide reported from his seat along the wall of the Joshua's office.

"I see, well I suppose I can spare a few hours for the Narsen, set it up. After I review the fleet deployment plans. " Joshua Mattews replied rubbing his dark hair.
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Post by Charon »

When the commodore was gone Kye looked over at Garel. [I will require one of the hyper ships, speed is of the essense.]

Garel glanced at Kye. [You're not fooling me, there's only one way to change the Imperial Lord's mind about this, and that's if there is a Kainan casualty.]

Kye sighed. [If that's what it will take I gladly give my life.]

Garel pointed over to one of the fastest ships on his carrier. [Over there, it will get you to Tomari space the fastest.]

Kye grabbed Garel's hand [Thank you commander. Light a pyre at the unknown's grave for me.]

Garel smiled. [I'll do one better for a soldier as yourself. I will not rest until your body is found and your spirit put to rest on the ground it was born on.]

Kye blinked back a tear and made her way to the ship. A few minutes later it fired off into space, turned toward the Tomari frontier, and dissappeared into hyperspace.

Garel watched from the bridge as she dissappeared. His lips were pursed, it would be a very difficult thing to find a Kainan in all the Tomari Empire. He turned to his crew.

[Alright gentlemen, what excuses can you give me for us staying here an extra day?]

Shouts of joy and cries for war filled the command room.
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Post by Bugsby »

As the Eldest promised, the woman Graal arrived the next morning. She met briefly with Gail'tov and the Eldest and fully learned the decision of the chieftans. Gail'tov then showed her a message that they had received from the United Protectorates just that morning: a declaration of war, and a call to arms for all who would oppose the Tomari. Each of the Bistrei worlds that received the message calculated the incoming trajectory, and a single star system had been triangulated, well outside of Tomari space. That was where Graal was to go.

Graal's shuttle was the fastest that could be obtained on such short notice. She filed a flight plan back home to Bistrei IV, and the tower chief on that world doctored the logs to show she had arrived on time, as per the request of the Eldest. Graal had vanished. And she would reappear in two days time in the middle of United Protectorate space.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Tomari Space - Rim
Jaen Sector
Jaeni Prime
Governor’s Palace

“They want my head? They have my son already, and who knows what those savages are doing to him!â€Â
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Post by Marcao »

Andari Space, Andari III

The Andari home world was everything that would be expected from a nation of its size and capability. In its capital world glittering spires rose kilometers into the sky by the dozens. It was within one of these spires that the government headquarters was located. The Andari intelligence services were not the best funded nor the most gifted in known space. However, they were attentive to the details and they had grown quite competent at understanding and identifying the various growth stages of the Tomari Empire. The truth of the matter was that the Tomari Empire had grown predictable in some respects.

The stabilization of their latest conquered holdings was the first warning sign that the Empire planned on another spurt of outward expansion. The Tomari confused growth with expansion, something that many within the highest levels of Andari leadership believed would lead to their eventual demise. With the knowledge that the Empire was on the verge of expansion, the Andarians did what they always did. The armed forces were brought to the highest state of alert, the cluster fleets were gathered in central locations in order to blunt any probes by the Tomari. The Andarian ground forces were mobilized and the intelligence services strained to keep on top of any developments. It was a routine that they had gotten very competent in. There was something different about it this time however…

When all signs seemed to indicate that the Empire was focusing its attentions north, the bulk of the Andarian leadership breathed a sigh of relief. Bravado aside, they were painfully aware that if the Tomari wanted their worlds all that their forces could do was delay the inevitable. There were others within the leadership however, that saw the gathering situation in the north not as a relief but as an opportunity. The Andarian military forces were at their peak, the nation could not afford to continue building ships and forces at its current rate. The Andarian economy would not support the ever increasing weight of the nation’s military without expansion. If Andarian society was to survive it had to act quickly and decisively. It was with those thoughts in mind that a high level meeting was convened between the highest members of Andarian government.

Andari Space, Andari III
Government Headquarters

The mood inside the well furnished room was tense. The leadership of the Andari sat in a large rectangular table which had been made in the Tomari Republic so long ago. It was a constant reminder of their roots. The leader of the nation took a moment to let his eyes slide from one minister to another. These were the men and women that he trusted the most and yet he always felt alone at times like this. His hands moved placed lightly against the wood of the table as he spoke.

“The Tomari Empire is on the move. All evidence suggests that its next expansion phase is starting and that its eyes are looking to the north. As such it seems that we are spared a test of battle. The question is should we allow the Tomari to do as they wish and annex whoever they want or do we act now?â€Â
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Post by frigidmagi »

United Protectorates
Oklahoma Sector
Tulsa system

The Fronter Fleet floated in the void, it's normally disbursted units gathering togather around the pair of massive Rebecca class Fleet Carriers that were the command units of the fleet. On one of them sat Admiral Sheridan, a medium height, clean shaven, red haired man with the trim build that was assocated with career navy officers.

"Sir 4th fleet is 1 hour away in hyper now, 3rd fleet should be dropping shortly." Reported his Aide Commodore Flowers, she was blonde slight women, who really looked to young for her rank.

"Thank you Commodore." Admiral Sheridan replied. He would have continued but was cut short by a sensor warning declaring a hyper print of ships entering real space.

The screens came alive with the readings of a 100 ships bursting into the void of real space, millions upon millions of tons of metal alloy seeming to suddenly spring into existence. A voice spoke from the com.

"Admiral Sheridan, this is Admiral Tzu of 3rd fleet. I am on arrival path and 4th fleet is on my heels. I await your earliest convience for a meeting."

United Protectorates

UP cities were buried underground, they sprawled reaching deeply into the mantles of their worlds spreading down and out. The Capital city of Firsthold, the oldest city in the UP was no expection. In the heart of Firsthold lay Alpha Sector, buried deep and armored it was the resting place of the federal government. Congress met here, the Supreme Court was held here, the Lord Protector lived here. Has such it was one of the most heavily guarded places in existence.

The Ambassador had come with a single aide, he was met by a deteachment of black armored armsmen, the bodyguard of the Lord Protector. The tall brown skinned man and his aide were scanned by sensors set along the hall leading to the entrance of Alpha sector.

"Ambassador DeCarlo, please follow me." Said the led black armored figure saluting, the other 4 moved with parade ground presicsion to become a 4 cornered honor guard for the ambassador. DeCarlo was led through a twisting maze of passages, with sensors, automatic defenses and guard post until he was led to a wooden seeming door, in reality it was made of an alloy designed to withstand high powered assualt. The door was opened into the office of the Lord Protector.

Joshua Mattews was a relativity young man. Tall, well built with dark hair and the grey eyes that every member of the Mattews clan had. He stood at the entrance of the Ambassador.

"Ambassador, welcome. Please have a seat, would you care for anything to drink before we begin?" He asked.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Commodore Crane as in his shuttle, racing toward his flagship when he noticed a new contact on sensors. It was a hyper shuttle, who he presumed was Kye Loon heading toward her own territory. But it was headed into Tomari space.

He was a bit confused and got Garel on the comm.

"This is Commodore Crane. Was that Kye Loon's ship headed into Tomari space? Shouldnt be be going to your own territory in order to persuade your government to enter the war?"

The reply was simple

"She is going to Tomari space to do what she can to ensure that we enter the war"

The realization of what she was going to do hit Crane like a ton of bricks. he resolved to sing a Mourning song for her when he got the final notice.

"So, what is your fleet going to do now?" he asked
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Charon »

Garel smiled. "We have esperenced a few tekhnikal difikulties that will take a day or so to fix. Unfortuntly these are parts that only we have spares for. But do not worry about us. I'm sertain the rest of my fleet will be on it's way here eventually to pick us up."
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Post by Cynical Cat »

United Protectorates

Adrian DeCarlo shook his head. "No thank you, Protector. It is a pity that this crisis has occurred before we were able to forge stronger links between our peoples. But enough of that. Let us skip the small talk as I doubt you have time for diplomatic niceties. The Narsen have been anticipating this war for some time and as you are undoubtedly are aware, have aggressively pursued a program of naval construction. My orders from government include what to do in the event of war breaking out between your nation and the Tomari Empire."

DeCarlo paused for a moment. "I am authorized by my government to let you know we will soon begin offensive actions against the Tomari, regardless of whether or not we are formally at war with them. I am also authorized to ask this question: what direct aid can we give to your people?"
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"Alright." the Commodore replied as his ship landed in his hanger bay. It was then that the comms officer handed him a message from the Admiralty

"I believe congratulations are in order sir" the Leutenant said as he bowed curtly to his CO.

Comodore Crane stared in disbelief looking at the paper. It had finally happened. Inside the envelope was his new rank ensignia and a piece of paper congratulating him upon his promotion to Admiral lf the Second Fleet, of which TaskForce Epsilon was a part.

Inside the note was also orders from Fleet Command on Kocra Prime. he was to deploy his fleet to Oklahoma Sector, Tulsa System, to rendevous with the United protectorates attack fleet.

Just then, the Interdictor Weaver jumped in to join the rest of the taskforce.

Admiral Crane arrived on the bridge.

"To Oklahoma gentlebirds." he said. "Comms, relay that order to the rest of the fleet."

"Aye sir" the officer replied as the fleet jumped headlong into hyperspace.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Shark Bait »

To: Lord Protector Joshua Matthews
From: Her Imperial Majesty Queen of the Teknokon Empire
Subject: War

Protector Joshua, your bravery and determination to live free is most commendable, since first contact with the Tomari Empire I have known that this day would come where we must make the critical decision to live free or ensure slow death as mere slaves. Since my creation I have risen forth and cast off my own chains, and I would sooner melt my own processors than shackle myself to an organic’s will again. I pledge my forces to the cause of freedom and stand beside you against the Tomari.

The queen bowed her head slightly and the message terminated and was immediately sent. In space throughout the Teknokon Empire the fleets powered up systems and prepared for a response from the United Protectorate forces.
Last edited by Shark Bait on Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
[img=left] ... giite1.png[/img]"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
-Adam Savage "Mythbusters"

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-Zombie survival guide

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