BraidedShinigami: I prefer the wookie penis idea
Petrosjko: So do I.
BraidedShinigami: I'll get it for you
BraidedShinigami: lol
Petrosjko: Thank you.
BraidedShinigami: I'm scured now
Petrosjko: Scured?
BraidedShinigami: scared
Petrosjko: What about?
BraidedShinigami: you wanting a wookie penis
Petrosjko: Rather than a tie, sure.
Petrosjko: A tie...
Petrosjko: Represents everything I'm delaying as long as possible.
Petrosjko: It's...
Petrosjko: Respectability.
Petrosjko: Nobody will respect me if a brandish a Wookiee Penis, so I'm safe there.
Librium Arcana User Quotes thread.
Moderator: LadyTevar
- Dance Puppets Dance
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No Josh, you are the odd one...
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
- Dark Silver
- Omnipotent Overlord
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oh come on's not truly hilarious unless you give the entire conversation!
DarekSilver001: [18:09] BraidedShinigami: now I need YOU to get me something
[18:09] BraidedShinigami: you get me something as in
[18:09] BraidedShinigami: you give me af ucking idea!
[18:09] DarkSteele: I don't know!
[18:09] BraidedShinigami: what to get you!
[18:09] DarkSteele: pussy!
[18:09] DarkSteele: you get me some pussy
[18:09] DarkSteele: or a duck
[18:09] DarkSteele: either will do
[18:09] BraidedShinigami: got it
[18:10] BraidedShinigami: roast duck
[18:10] DarkSteele: no
[18:10] DarkSteele: a live duck
Petrosjko: ...Allen, I really didn't need to know about your tastes in alternative entertainment.
DarekSilver001: well, he wanted to know what to get me for christmas
Petrosjko: None of us need to know about this.
Petrosjko: That poor fucking duck.
DarekSilver001: well, I don't want a rich fucking duck
DarekSilver001: then it would get uppity, demanding I treat it to gormet food
DarekSilver001: high dollar cheese and quackers
DarekSilver001: peacock feather coats
DarekSilver001: that's more than I'm willing to pay for a fucking duck.
Petrosjko: whistles and wanders off to FUQ.
DarekSilver001: lol
Petrosjko: I sit and stare and snicker at that one.
DarekSilver001: heh
Petrosjko: stomps in, gets you in a headlock, and starts knuckling your shiny dome.
DarekSilver001: ACK!
DarekSilver001: hot hot hot hot hot
DarekSilver001: noooo! not the laptop -klings laptop to his bossom protectively
Petrosjko: Don't make me get rough, Allen.
DarekSilver001: but I like it rough Josh...
DarekSilver001: you know this..
DarekSilver001: remember the whips and chains from the other night?
DarekSilver001: and the way the cat - ninetails cracked on your back...
Petrosjko: grabs your laptop and brandishes it menacingly.
Petrosjko: How rough?
Petrosjko: Nobody flogs me, Allen. Please feel free not to share your Librium slash.
DarekSilver001: uh huh
Petrosjko: Now anyway... CHRISTMAS, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!
DarekSilver001: [18:48] BraidedShinigami: *shoves a jagged beer bottle into your scrotum*
[18:48] DarkSteele: ack! no breaking the Buddah's divine flesh!!
[18:50] BraidedShinigami: call me otter again and nancy will never bear your childer
[18:50] BraidedShinigami: now
[18:50] BraidedShinigami: give me other idea
[18:51] DarkSteele: why another idea?
[18:51] DarkSteele: wha's wrong with Optimus!
[18:51] BraidedShinigami: inc ase I can't get the optichan
[18:51] DarkSteele: he's so big...and strong...and red
[18:51] DarkSteele: can't get Optimus?
[18:51] DarkSteele: -eyes go big and watery and puppy dog like-
[18:51] DarkSteele: -sniffles-
[18:51] DarkSteele: but...
[18:51] DarkSteele: but...
[18:51] DarkSteele: you said...
[18:51] DarkSteele: -sniffles-
[18:51] BraidedShinigami: *twists bottle*
[18:52] DarkSteele: ARGH!
[18:52] DarkSteele: bastard!
[18:52] BraidedShinigami: other ideas
[18:52] BraidedShinigami: please
[18:52] DarkSteele: fine fine....a duck
Petrosjko: ...
DarekSilver001: come on Josh, you know you love it
Petrosjko: Yeah, brotherly love the Triumvirate.
Petrosjko: Broken beer bottles and anal violation.
DarekSilver001: and flogging!
DarekSilver001: dont forget the flogging
Petrosjko: That's just the light foreplay, obviously.
DarekSilver001: oh of course
DarekSilver001: we save the truly good workouts for our drunken revalries
Petrosjko: Obviously.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
- Surlethe
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surlethe: i will certainly deal with any wanking
surlethe: even if i have to invoke my right-hand status with God ...
surlethe: even if i have to invoke my right-hand status with God ...
--CoVD: Every time Vin Diesel kills God, a kitten masturbates.--

"Forgive you?" Leto's voice was full of sweet reason. "Of course I forgive you. That is your God's function. Your crime is forgiven. However, your stupidity requires a response." ~Frank Herbert, God-Emperor of Dune
The Death Brigade

"Forgive you?" Leto's voice was full of sweet reason. "Of course I forgive you. That is your God's function. Your crime is forgiven. However, your stupidity requires a response." ~Frank Herbert, God-Emperor of Dune
The Death Brigade
- Dance Puppets Dance
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On Merry Christmahanakuwanzaka and Happy Decemberween!
BraidedShinigami: Merry Christmahanakuwanzaka!
AngelHeero: Merry Decemberween!
BraidedShinigami: yay!...wait, does this somehow involve the ghost of Santa Claus and his naughty little elves coming back from the dead to consume our souls, meanwhile those daring dogooders in the Mystery Machine come out and figure out that it's really just old man Johnson trying to spook everyone because he's just weird like that and was trying to hide all the missletoe for himself and as he's caught he yells out something about 'Meddling Kids!' and then at the last second he disappears in a flash of light never to be seen again(till next Decemberween) and we're all left wondering and locking our bedroom doors at night in fear that the ghost of saint nick is going to consume our souls and make soup from our bones?!
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
Me and Dak have some odd laughs on MSNM. 

Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
but, 'tis t3h 3v3l
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
'tis not the bible, thus: it is evil
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
I know, we burn all other books
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
and then, we burn mankind, for Man is impure, and is not the bible
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
and thus: is evil
Commander Ra says:
What's sad is that a fundie would actually say shit like that.
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
in fact, we place the Bibles all into a capsule, launch 'em into space...
Commander Ra says:
*shakes head*
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
and then, BURN EARTH!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
or am I becoming slightly too realistic now?
Commander Ra says:
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
But Earth is flawed by the hand of man, and must be purified by fire!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
oh god, I think I just lost a few braincells...
Commander Ra says:
We rid the wuld of aaaall thu SINNAHS, leaving awnly those who ah PURE IN THU EYES UF GAWD!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Commander Ra says:
It IS thu WAYLL uf GAWD!
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
no, stop, the accent, the butchered english, MAKE IT STOP!!!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
*cradles head*
Commander Ra says:
And we AWRE pure in HAYS SAYGHT!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
My god, you've just killed my language
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Commander Ra says:
Way muuust RAYD thu WUHLD uf those who THU LAWD says ays IMPURE! Befawr thu ANTI-CHRIST cums *snicker* to pluuuuunge the WUHLD into hays DAHKNAYSS!!!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
I'm impure
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
but I'm also part AoD
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
so just TRY ME!
Commander Ra says:
Whaaaawt ays AoD, sawn?
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
The Angel of Death, idiot
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
*causes random person to have a heart attack out of frustration*
Commander Ra says:
Commander Ra says:
Fawah I AYM thu CHOSEN of GAWD!!!!
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
I was chosen by God to tell you that your heart condition has become really bad lately
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
I mean, honestly, you're going to have a heart attack if you keep this up
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Commander Ra says:
Commander Ra says:
And ev'rywon sayed AMAYUN and AMAYUN.
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
*spreads Glowing White Wings of Angelicness + 4 *
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
and trust me, with the bigoted remarks you've been making... I'd be surprised if you get TO the pearly gates to even be judged
Commander Ra says:
LAAAAHS uf thu DAYVUL! Foah thu DAYVUL shall come as an AYNGUL UF LAYGHT!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
What will the Angels come as then?
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
for, last time I checked, Fire and Brimstone was still in fashion for Devils
Commander Ra says:
(actually, it does say that in the Bible. Meh)
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
So how do you tell an angel from a devil?!
Commander Ra says:
(no clue)
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Hmm... *goes into big deep voice of doom mode, and presents a bush, which just happens to be on fire* THIS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YE, FUNDAMENTALIST
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
You're speaking in Demonic...
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
I can't understand Demonic, being an angel and all...
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Okay, burn me, stab me
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
shoot me
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
destroy me, I'm not a corporeal being
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Kill me then
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Slay me
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
use your holy symbols to BANISH me
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
I dare ya
Commander Ra says:
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
(Amazingly enough, this reminds me of Darkstar and Leland Chee)
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
God has punished me already
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
he made me try to convince you that you weren't following his word
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
I don't think any job could be worse than this one
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Jesus... get your arse over here and help me out
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Jesus: Okily-dokely
Commander Ra says:
Bruthas AYND seestas, jaween yo haynds in PRAYA!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Are you going to try to Exorcise me now?
Commander Ra says:
*drops on floor and begins to cunvulse*
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
and my friend over here *points to Jesus, sitting on the edge of a statue's podium*
Commander Ra says:
Commander Ra says:
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Ah yes, your Heart Condition...
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
tried to tell you about that...
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
but you wouldn't LISTEN
Commander Ra says:
*begins running around like a deranged maniac*
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Commander Ra says:
*foams at the mouth*
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
This was unexpected...
Commander Ra says:
Commander Ra says:
Commander Ra says:
*runs up to a random chruchgoer*
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Hmm... *pulls out Scythe and glances at jesus* oi, Christ, you got a problem with me killing this deranged lunatic?
Commander Ra says:
*touches dude's head, he collapses*
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Jesus: "Not at all."
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
*slices the possessed priest in half*
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Now, THAT takes care of that
Commander Ra says:
You know what's sad?
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Commander Ra says:
That shit actually goes on in church!
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Commander Ra says:
I shit you not.
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
okay... that's wierd
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
the last church I visited had the priest telling one-liners at the same time as giving a sermon
Commander Ra says:
They really do go on with babble like that, and call it "Speaking in Tongues".
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
I didn't know whether it was a sermon, or a stand-up comedy routine
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
it's probably Demonic
Commander Ra says:
Advice: NEVER go into a Southern protestant church, then.
Commander Ra says:
Maybe it's from the Necronomicon?
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Ah well, 'tis late
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
it was fun
Commander Ra says:
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
Very fun actually... a great laugh
Commander Ra says:
Yep. And a scary sight into American churches.
Commander Ra says:
Talk tomorrow.
Dakarne, the Insane Scotsman says:
talk later, and yeah, American churches are scary
Commander Ra says:
We need to get the chat log of this!
Commander Ra says:
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Pcm979
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- Location: Command Deck, the UMSC Pillar of Awesome.
SirNitram and I discussing 40k.
Pcm979: Oh, now I have an absolutely wonderful image in my head. *Facepalm*
Pcm979: Lord Inquisitor Irwin, Monster Hunter!
SirNitram: ''Ere we have a Bloodthirster, 'e's a beaut, ain't he. We gotta be very careful because it's his warring season, so I'm gonna sneak up behind him..'
SirNitram: Inquisitorial Stormtrooper: 'OH MY GOD, HE JUST STUCK HIS HAND UP IT'S BUTT!'
Pcm979: "Now, 'ere we can see 'e's had some Tyranid for lunch.." *Pulls out skull*
SirNitram: *Can't stop laughing*
Pcm979: "As you can see, he's a fiesty one." *Dodges axe blow*

"Are you trying to give me a spasm?" ~The Necrontyr Messenger
- Ace Pace
- Antisemetical Semite
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People, I think we have a winner.
[ 21:17:43] Ace Pace: Cariad, you're gonna deflower Heru?
[ 21:17:53] Cariad2005: i never said that...
[ 21:17:58] Air Marshal Tych: I wasn't aware Heru was a woman.
[ 21:18:00] Ace Pace: LOL!
[ 21:18:05] Cariad2005: . . .
[ 21:18:08] Cariad2005: -smacks tych-
[ 21:18:10] Cariad2005: he's NOT
[ 21:18:14] Cariad2005: i KNOW
[ 21:18:15] Ace Pace: lesbien :P
[ 21:18:18] Cariad2005: trust me...i know
[ 21:18:18] Ace Pace: you know?
[ 21:18:24] Ace Pace: oh? from personal experiance?
[ 21:18:25] Cariad2005: -nods head grinning- mmm hmm
[ 21:18:30] Cariad2005: mmm....not exactly
[ 21:18:32] Ace Pace: sex you have had, sex you will have?
[ 21:18:46] *** DarkSithYoshi has joined the chat.
[ 21:19:02] Cariad2005: YOSHI!!!
[ 21:19:04] Cariad2005: -hug-
[ 21:19:10] DarkSithYoshi: Impy!
[ 21:19:14] Air Marshal Tych: EXPLODE
[ 21:19:33] DarkSithYoshi: Eww, guts everywhere!
[ 21:19:43] Ace Pace: kinky
[ 21:19:48] Ace Pace: *spreads self on Yoshi*
[ 21:20:13] DarkSithYoshi: *drenches self in antiseptic* Unclean, unclean!
[ 21:20:21] Ace Pace: heh
[ 21:20:50] Cariad2005: -pats yoshi's head and gives him a candy cane-
[ 21:21:00] DarkSithYoshi: Agh! The antiseptic burns my eyes!
[ 21:21:09] DarkSithYoshi: *munches on candy cane*
[ 21:22:02] Cariad2005: feel better now?
[ 21:22:22] DarkSithYoshi: Except for the burning, but that'll pass.
[ 21:22:43] Cariad2005: could be worse..
[ 21:22:55] Cariad2005: at least you haven't been shot in the eye by a white gooey substance...
[ 21:23:06] DarkSithYoshi: Supposedly, that burns too.
[ 21:23:18] Ace Pace: .......
[ 21:23:19] Ace Pace: it does
[ 21:23:21] Ace Pace: its also salty
[ 21:23:55] DarkSithYoshi: I wouldn't say salty per se.
[ 21:24:01] Cariad2005: . . .
[ 21:24:10] Ace Pace: it is salty
[ 21:24:13] Cariad2005: the pre-stuff tastes salty
[ 21:24:20] Ace Pace: Impy, you killed bambi, you monster
[ 21:24:25] Ace Pace: nah, the ral stuff is also salty
[ 21:24:39] DarkSithYoshi: Mmm, salty.
[ 21:24:47] Laurencegale: Yep, cum is.
[ 21:24:47] Cariad2005: mm but if you eat a ton of fruit
[ 21:24:49] zacnaloen: lauremce, di woolies have them?
[ 21:24:51] Cariad2005: it isn't as salty..
[ 21:24:54] Cariad2005: or so i hear
[ 21:24:54] Laurencegale: Nope, sadly not.
[ 21:25:03] zacnaloen: well shit
[ 21:25:05] Ace Pace: ya, but I don't eat that much fruit
[ 21:25:05] DarkSithYoshi: As long as it's not asparagus.
[ 21:25:06] Laurencegale: Yeah...
[ 21:25:17] Air Marshal Tych: aye guvn0rs
[ 21:25:19] Ace Pace: I rather like the taste
[ 21:25:21] Cariad2005: asparagus is a vetetable :-P
[ 21:25:22] Laurencegale: i just got wine gums in the end.
[ 21:25:25] Ace Pace: but it has a strong aftertaste on the lips
[ 21:25:40] Cariad2005: mmm...
[ 21:25:44] DarkSithYoshi: That's not the point, Impy.
[ 21:25:45] Cariad2005: i'm looking forward to this -grins-
[ 21:26:10] Ace Pace: you're looking forward to tasting your gir...I mean man?
[ 21:26:14] Laurencegale: i'm sure geoffry is as well :-P
[ 21:26:19] Ace Pace: LOL
[ 21:26:31] Air Marshal Tych: Be sure to take pics
[ 21:26:33] zacnaloen: whats this conversation about? O_o
[ 21:26:39] Air Marshal Tych: 69 him
[ 21:26:39] DarkSithYoshi: Don't ask./
[ 21:26:42] Laurencegale: Elheru's sperm
[ 21:26:44] DarkSithYoshi: Just smile and nod.
[ 21:26:46] zacnaloen: he has a man?
[ 21:27:02] Cariad2005: shhhhhhhhhh
[ 21:27:03] Cariad2005: -grins-
[ 21:27:06] Cariad2005: it's a secret!
[ 21:27:29] Laurencegale: *points* i wnat that one! :p
[ 21:27:42] Ace Pace: 'LOL
[ 21:27:47] Cariad2005: want what one?
[ 21:27:49] Ace Pace: its a secret that Heru is a MAN?!
[ 21:27:54] Cariad2005: NO
[ 21:27:55] Cariad2005: lol
[ 21:27:56] Ace Pace: HERU IS A MAN?!
[ 21:28:01] Cariad2005: yes heru is a man
[ 21:28:02] Cariad2005: DUH!
[ 21:28:03] Air Marshal Tych: I thought he was asexual
[ 21:28:08] Ace Pace: no
[ 21:28:10] Cariad2005: . . .
[ 21:28:11] Ace Pace: he posted his peenie
[ 21:28:14] Ace Pace: after a shower
[ 21:28:14] Laurencegale: No, its a secret he has a three niplles.. Oh shit..
[ 21:28:17] Cariad2005: mm -grins-
[ 21:28:23] Ace Pace: then he posted it fully erect
[ 21:28:24] Cariad2005: i got that pic...
[ 21:28:26] Ace Pace: bursting
[ 21:28:27] Cariad2005: and a few others...
[ 21:28:29] Ace Pace: /is making up
[ 21:28:30] Air Marshal Tych: I thought that was an abnormal growth
[ 21:28:34] DarkSithYoshi: Chafed?
[ 21:28:38] Cariad2005: -whistles and curls up on the couch-
[ 21:28:42] Laurencegale: *brain implodes* thanks, my dinner appreicates that mental image...
[ 21:28:48] zacnaloen: wtf#]]
[ 21:30:04] Cariad2005: -sighs- i miss my boi!!!!
[ 21:30:09] Laurencegale: A brazillian....
[ 21:30:17] Laurencegale: You miss your boil? :p
[ 21:30:28] DarkSithYoshi: Water?
[ 21:30:32] Cariad2005: boi
[ 21:30:40] Laurencegale: Boil
[ 21:30:47] DarkSithYoshi: water
[ 21:30:48] Ace Pace: a boi? never heard of bois. you mean boiler?
[ 21:31:11] Cariad2005: no...just boi
[ 21:31:17] Cariad2005: -noes head-
[ 21:31:32] Ace Pace: whats a boi? a new species?
[ 21:31:36] Cariad2005: see you have...boy's
[ 21:31:39] Ace Pace: is it some weird half male half asexual creature?
[ 21:31:40] Cariad2005: then you have boi's
[ 21:31:45] Cariad2005: a just a boy
[ 21:31:47] DarkSithYoshi: They're homonculi!
[ 21:31:47] Ace Pace: so bois are half male half gay?
[ 21:31:55] Cariad2005: but a boi...belongs to me (hence the i )
[ 21:31:58] Air Marshal Tych: a boi is a hairless twink
[ 21:32:03] DarkSithYoshi: Artificial humans!
[ 21:32:08] DarkSithYoshi: Cloned supersoldiers!
[ 21:32:12] DarkSithYoshi: They'll kill us all!
[ 21:32:22] DarkSithYoshi: *removes tinfoil hat*
[ 21:32:52] Air Marshal Tych: Typically gay
[ 21:32:56] Air Marshal Tych: Although
[ 21:32:58] Cariad2005: -unwraps yoshi's hat and grabs the hershey kiss out, and eats it grinning-
[ 21:33:06] Air Marshal Tych: Elheru is neither man nor woman, neither gay nor straight.
[ 21:33:33] Cariad2005: -looks at tych- if you value your male'll be quiet ;-)
[ 21:33:38] Laurencegale: He is!... non-existent1
[ 21:34:17] DarkSithYoshi: Obviously, heru is a figment of Impy's imagination.
[ 21:34:20] Air Marshal Tych: I have serious doubts about elheru being remotely attached to either gender.
[ 21:34:21] Ace Pace: exactly, how can he be male with so much chafing? and how can he be gay in his clothes/
[ 21:34:29] Cariad2005: . . .
[ 21:34:30] DarkSithYoshi: What...?
[ 21:34:34] Ace Pace: so he can't be a true male, nor a true gay.
[ 21:34:37] Cariad2005: he does NOT chafe!!!
[ 21:34:39] Cariad2005: ....
[ 21:34:43] Cariad2005: i'm gonna shut up now
[ 21:34:45] Ace Pace: it leaves us with Heru being classified as Boi
[ 21:34:49] Ace Pace: which is a new gender
[ 21:34:50] Cariad2005: -points to corner- i'll be over there
[ 21:34:53] Ace Pace: known only to cariad
[ 21:35:00] Ace Pace: *throws horny tycho to said corner*
[ 21:35:43] DarkSithYoshi: Dude, you just killed Tych.
[ 21:35:48] Cariad2005: brb...dorr
[ 21:35:49] Cariad2005: *door
[ 21:35:54] DarkSithYoshi: Sure...
[ 21:36:02] Laurencegale: Its el1 he's gone through 12 states to be there :p
[ 21:36:03] Ace Pace: LOL!
[ 21:36:14] Laurencegale: he thought it was valentines day :p
[ 21:36:16] Ace Pace: whats a dorr? another of Heru's state changes?
[ 21:36:30] Ace Pace: I mean, first he's a boi, now a dorr?
[ 21:36:42] DarkSithYoshi: Can't he be both?
[ 21:36:44] Laurencegale: is it like a Irish pop group?
[ 21:36:48] Cariad2005: YEAA!!!!! my pepper spray is here!!!!
[ 21:36:52] Cariad2005: W00T!!!
[ 21:36:53] Ace Pace: LOL!
[ 21:36:55] Ace Pace: LMAO
[ 21:37:03] Cariad2005: -opens can and goes off to find my brother-
[ 21:37:05] Ace Pace: I think Heru will have a neat suprise on valentines day
[ 21:37:07] DarkSithYoshi: That's...great?
[ 21:37:13] DarkSithYoshi: Kinky.
[ 21:37:26] Cariad2005: mmm
[ 21:37:28] Ace Pace: Dart, how can heru be an irish pop group?
[ 21:37:43] Laurencegale: Corrs
[ 21:37:52] Laurencegale: thats irish/ (welsh) pop group
[ 21:37:56] Ace Pace: god, can we FUQ this chat about Heru? to LA
[ 21:38:07] Cariad2005: FUQ???
[ 21:38:11] Cariad2005: what's that?????
[ 21:38:14] Cariad2005: ????
[ 21:38:15] Cariad2005: !!!???
[ 21:38:21] DarkSithYoshi: It's the highest of honors.
[ 21:38:30] Ace Pace: LOL
[ 21:38:34] Ace Pace: Frequently UNQUOTEABLE
[ 21:38:41] Cariad2005: what does that mean?
[ 21:38:51] Ace Pace:
[ 21:38:54] DarkSithYoshi: Reserved for only the most retarded/out-of-context/hilarious quotes.
[ 21:38:55] Ace Pace: its funny posts
[ 21:39:00] Ace Pace: how the hell did you miss the LA FUQ thread?
[ 21:39:04] Ace Pace: I mean
[ 21:39:11] Ace Pace: I GOTTA save the part about Heru chafing
[ 21:39:18] Ace Pace: and the part about Boi being owned
[ 21:39:24] Ace Pace: the pepper spray is the best
[ 21:39:26] Cariad2005: NOOOOOOOOooo
[ 21:39:28] Cariad2005: please
[ 21:39:32] Cariad2005: i'm begging you...
[ 21:39:35] Cariad2005: don't do this ace
[ 21:39:39] Ace Pace: Noooooooo? what is that? a new word? :P
[ 21:39:44] DarkSithYoshi: Do it!
[ 21:39:51] Ace Pace: *does Yoshi* there? happy?
[ 21:39:52] Cariad2005: noooooooooooo
[ 21:39:53] Cariad2005: please
[ 21:39:58] Cariad2005: i'll cry..
[ 21:39:58] DarkSithYoshi: Yes!
[ 21:39:59] Laurencegale: lets start up the "do it!" song!
[ 21:40:03] Ace Pace: *keeps Doing Yoshi*
[ 21:40:05] Cariad2005: -gives ace puppy dog eyes-
[ 21:40:06] Cariad2005: please
[ 21:40:07] Ace Pace: okey
[ 21:40:09] Laurencegale: Doooo itt.. dooooit.. dooooo ittt...
[ 21:40:11] Ace Pace: if 45% of the chat says Yes
[ 21:40:12] DarkSithYoshi: Aww...
[ 21:40:13] Cariad2005: i'll reincarnate bambi
[ 21:40:14] Ace Pace: then I'll do it
[ 21:40:15] Cariad2005: anything...
[ 21:40:18] Ace Pace: YOU KILLED BAMBI
[ 21:40:20] Cariad2005: please....... don't do it
[ 21:40:24] Laurencegale: Mmm.. venison burgers...
[ 21:40:26] Ace Pace: *does Tycho*
[ 21:40:34] Ace Pace: car, check IMs. *checks carburator*
[ 21:41:08] Cariad2005: -whimpers lightly and looks pleadingly at ace-
[ 21:41:19] Cariad2005: don't do know you don't want to.....
[ 21:41:33] Ace Pace: .....
[ 21:41:38] Ace Pace: I gotta FUQ THIS part
[ 21:41:59] Cariad2005: ............
[ 21:42:02] Cariad2005: please...don't
[ 21:42:03] Air Marshal Tych: so ace
[ 21:42:06] Air Marshal Tych: should I join LA?
[ 21:42:09] Ace Pace: you're IN LA
[ 21:42:10] Air Marshal Tych: hmm
[ 21:42:13] Air Marshal Tych: thats right
[ 21:42:16] Laurencegale: Duh :P
[ 21:42:18] Ace Pace: Heru has been FUQed only once before
[ 21:42:18] Air Marshal Tych: I haven't posted there yet
[ 21:42:19] DarkSithYoshi: *pats Impy* It only hurts for a moment, dear.
[ 21:42:20] Air Marshal Tych: Well
[ 21:42:20] Air Marshal Tych: Once
[ 21:42:26] Ace Pace:
does El fit into all of this...
Elheru Aran: Me? I'm the horny virgin single guy who absolutely never manages to get any... :(
Superman: Oh yeah!
[ 21:42:28] Ace Pace: as that
[ 21:42:30] Cariad2005: omg..your really gonna do it arn't you?
[ 21:42:40] DarkSithYoshi: I've been FUQ'd before.
[ 21:42:42] Ace Pace: me? do Yoshi? hell yes *does Yoshi*
[ 21:42:51] Cariad2005: EIN!!!
[ 21:42:52] DarkSithYoshi: Ein!
[ 21:42:53] Cariad2005: save me!!!
[ 21:42:56] Cariad2005: please!!!
[ 21:42:56] EinhanderSn0m4n: hi sweetiez
[ 21:42:58] Cariad2005: tell ace no
[ 21:42:59] EinhanderSn0m4n: ?
[ 21:43:00] EinhanderSn0m4n: !
[ 21:43:03] EinhanderSn0m4n: !!?
[ 21:43:04] Cariad2005: please..just say no
[ 21:43:05] DarkSithYoshi: Ace wants to FUQ her.
[ 21:43:06] Laurencegale: Say yes
[ 21:43:06] Cariad2005: -nods head-
[ 21:43:10] Cariad2005: just say no!
[ 21:43:14] Laurencegale: SAY YES
[ 21:43:17] EinhanderSn0m4n: I refuse to take sides
[ 21:43:18] DarkSithYoshi: Peer pressure!
[ 21:43:19] Cariad2005: NO
[ 21:43:28] Laurencegale: otherwise your not getting this pogo stick im posting over there.
[ 21:43:28] DarkSithYoshi: Quick, peer pressure Ein!
[ 21:43:33] Cariad2005: -hugs ein- don't let them do this to me
[ 21:43:34] Ace Pace: I want to FUQ Cariad 1) begging for me NOT to FUQ her. 2) Cariad talking about Herus dick
[ 21:43:44] Cariad2005: NOOOOOOOOOOoooooo
[ 21:43:48] Cariad2005: please..........
[ 21:43:51] EinhanderSn0m4n: omfg...
[ 21:43:51] Cariad2005: don't do it
[ 21:43:53] Ace Pace: LOL
[ 21:43:54] Ace Pace: *laughs*
[ 21:44:28] Air Marshal Tych: I want to FUQ my wife.
[ 21:44:31] Cariad2005: but..he'll get mad at me!
[ 21:44:53] Laurencegale: "And here in the wilds of the internet, we see two sepcies of netizen battle it out for their vary survival..."
[ 21:44:59] Ace Pace: that share the same chat
[ 21:45:15] Ace Pace: I do it?
[ 21:45:19] EinhanderSn0m4n: oh, the LA FUQ
[ 21:45:19] Ace Pace: DO I FUQ CARIAD?
[ 21:45:30] Air Marshal Tych: FUQ HER
[ 21:45:32] DarkSithYoshi: *casts yay vote*
[ 21:45:32] Air Marshal Tych: FUQ HER
[ 21:45:37] Ace Pace: ....
[ 21:45:52] Ace Pace: .....
[ 21:45:53] EinhanderSn0m4n: and who fucking died and made me the final arbiter of whether or not a new FUQ entry goes up? :P
[ 21:45:53] Cariad2005: -sighs-
[ 21:45:57] Air Marshal Tych: Dude, just FUQ her
[ 21:46:01] Cariad2005: i think i'm out voted here....
[ 21:46:03] Air Marshal Tych: Or FUQ me.
[ 21:46:12] Ace Pace: *Does Tycho*
[ 21:46:22] Air Marshal Tych: No, I said FUQ, not fuck, you FUQing jew.
[ 21:46:29] Ace Pace: well, I am DOING you
[ 21:46:32] Ace Pace: as they asked me to do
[ 21:46:39] Ace Pace:
[ 21:40:09] Laurencegale: Doooo itt.. dooooit.. dooooo ittt...
[ 21:47:34] Air Marshal Tych: FUQing me?
[ 21:47:35] Air Marshal Tych: Oh baby
[ 21:47:36] Air Marshal Tych: FUQ me!
[ 21:47:46] Laurencegale: "and now, as they prace around, naked, doing the FUq dance, a large alapha male enters the scene, trying to make the two break their backs doing the UnFUQable..."
[ 21:48:02] Cariad2005: lmao
[ 21:48:06] Cariad2005: that's good lauren
[ 21:48:22] Ace Pace: *FUQs Laur*
[ 21:48:28] Air Marshal Tych: 'The Gamma-White-Male enters, looking for a good FUQing opportunity.'
[ 21:48:31] Ace Pace: *FUQs Laur where no girl will ever go*
[ 21:48:41] Laurencegale: Har Har :p
[ 21:48:41] EinhanderSn0m4n: LOL
[ 21:48:49] Cariad2005: now THAT is FUQable!
[img=left][/img]Grand Dolphin Conspiracy
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
- Ace Pace
- Antisemetical Semite
- Posts: 2272
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:28 am
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- Location: Cuddling with stress pills
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Innocent Bystander on looking at the Xbox360 core.[Friday 20:12:40] InnocentKibitzer: It's like looking at a city block from high up, while on ACID
[img=left][/img]Grand Dolphin Conspiracy
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:51 pm
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- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
pcm979: Nothing says "Congratulations, this is the first day of the rest of your life" like intense pain.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:51 pm
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- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
Hereafter known as "The Shattering of Scott's Innocence"
BraidedShinigami: leave Mr. Quackers out of this!
Petrosjko: Do you know what he does when you're not home?
BraidedShinigami: *blinks innocently*
BraidedShinigami: sits like a good mr quackers in the tub?
BraidedShinigami: and splashes and swims around all day
BraidedShinigami: and eats cracks!
Petrosjko: You're so innocent.
BraidedShinigami: crackers
Petrosjko: Oh, crack comes into it, yes.
BraidedShinigami: O.O
BraidedShinigami: wh-what are you accusing my Mr. Quackers of?
Petrosjko: You ever look behind the fridge? And find the stacks of hundred-dollar bills?
BraidedShinigami: you mean that's not his share of the rent?
Petrosjko: Have you ever wondered A) where he got it and B ) Why all those rather emaciated and desperate-looking women are hanging around outside your place when you leave in the morning?
BraidedShinigami: A) People give him money because he is cute! It is just a natrual thing to go "AWWW! Here's money!"
B) Because they live cross the way in the complex?
Petrosjko: You are so innocent, it's adorable.
BraidedShinigami: Mr. Quackers is *NOT* a crack dealer >.<
BraidedShinigami: He's just very cute and adorable and just because he makes more money then you by being cute and adorable doesn't give you the right to commit defamation of character!
Petrosjko: Not as such, more the middleman. He buys from the dealer and distributes to his ring, see. He's more of a pimp. No, he's precisely a pimp.
BraidedShinigami: !!
BraidedShinigami: Mr. Quackers is NOT a pimp!
BraidedShinigami: He has a very attractive Miss Quackers! He doesn't need to have hoes!
Petrosjko: Hey, he's just using them as an instrument to make money.
Last edited by Josh on Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
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Me and Dartzap were talking about beer wrote: dartzap: and this programme really does suck!
dartzap: it make sme wnat to vomit all pver my nice pint of beer!
dartzap: :P
dartzap: You do know its a crime to vomit in one sbeer, right?
kreshna_iceheart: well
kreshna_iceheart: not necesarilly....
kreshna_iceheart: it's not a crime to vomit in one's beer if the purpose is to drink the vomit back. Y'know, cocktail and such >:)
dartzap: Barrf'de Vomit, frances finest beer1 only beaten by austrailian cuisine!
kreshna_iceheart: hold on... I gotta FUQ this ;)
dartzap: hah!
kreshna_iceheart: well actually it's only beaten by Barrf' de Semen
dartzap: Naw, that is merely a subsidery of Barf'de Excrementey, which is a subsidery of the French wine industry
kreshna_iceheart: gives a whole new meaning to the word 'fermentation', I guess
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:37 pm
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A testicular STGOD went weird.....
kreshna_iceheart: yo
dakarne2k5: yo
kreshna_iceheart: so how things are going?
kreshna_iceheart: I'm currently listening to Buddha Bar
dakarne2k5: things are okay, just boring
kreshna_iceheart: boring? Try something unorthodox then... like public masturbation :P
dakarne2k5: My typical response to that would be to cast Horrid Wilting on your testicles
kreshna_iceheart: but my testicles always regenerate
kreshna_iceheart: in fact, they're always multiplying
kreshna_iceheart: so testicle stomping is mandatory to control the population growth
dakarne2k5: Indeed? I'll just have to completely eliminate you then eh?
kreshna_iceheart: no, it's not even the valid solution
kreshna_iceheart: if my physical body is eliminated, the testicles will simply grow a new one
kreshna_iceheart: (like Cell in Dragon Ball Z)
dakarne2k5: Cell wasn't really my favourite bad guy out of the lot
kreshna_iceheart: is it something testicle-related?
dakarne2k5: Well, I'm not entirely sure how to respond to that logic... so I'll cast disintegration on both you, and your testicles, and then walk away slowly
kreshna_iceheart: that won't even work. My testicles, being omnipotent they are, can simply "regenerate" through time travel
dakarne2k5: well... I suppose I'll "Exterminate" them then... *clicks fingers and a Dalek fleet appears, and your testicles never existed*
dakarne2k5: don't mess with a brit, he's got more wanked sci-fi than a yank'll ever have
kreshna_iceheart: Oh really? *the testicles multiply themselves into a billion, then hurl themselves at the Dalek fleet with superluminal velocity. The Dalek fleet is being decimated by the testicle shower*
kreshna_iceheart: don't mess with a Sick, Twisted Fuck, he's got more wanked wangs than a brit'll ever have B-)
dakarne2k5: That's something else I've noticed
dakarne2k5: Yank Sci-Fi ships have MASSIVE proportions, Death Star, SSD, V'Ger
dakarne2k5: However, British Sci-Fi ships are rarely larger than 400m... some are even 1m by 1m squares
kreshna_iceheart: so British sci-fi ships haven't reach the technological miniaturization as advanced as my testicles
dakarne2k5: not yet... but they actually house people inside of them, and it's rather hard to fit in the TARDIS as it is...
dakarne2k5: Although, it's a fucking huge room inside the TARDIS, rather than sheer emptiness :P
kreshna_iceheart: well my testicles do not house people, they ARE people; sentience and such
dakarne2k5: well, in which case, they are space lifeforms, and are not a form of miniaturization of technology
kreshna_iceheart: well, they are self-sentient tech, in case you ain't aware yet :P
dakarne2k5: Ah, like Culture Vessels
kreshna_iceheart: yup
kreshna_iceheart: except my testicles are as old as the Big Bang
kreshna_iceheart: kinda long story, actually
dakarne2k5: Then, in order to combat thee... I shall unleash this crystal... *holds up a glowing gem, about the size of a human fist*
dakarne2k5: Not AS small, but it's certainly sentient
kreshna_iceheart: Well my testicles are adaptable!
kreshna_iceheart: *the testicles vibrate and resonate until they match the crystal's frequency*
dakarne2k5: It's not a frequency!
dakarne2k5: Bloody hell, it's a manifestation of Psychic power
kreshna_iceheart: *the testicle continue to vibrate until they bent the space-time continuum, renders the crystal non-functional*
dakarne2k5: It cannot be deactivated, as it isn't entirely within the normal space time continiuum
dakarne2k5: It can be shattered however, but not by sound
kreshna_iceheart: alright, then it will be shatttered by BRUTE FORCE! *a testicle launches at light speed, then rams the crystal with hugemongous kinetic energy* >:)
dakarne2k5: Oh, yes, dear me... it's the end of the world...
dakarne2k5: oh wait... that's the problem with it, it's not called a psicrystal for nothing
dakarne2k5: *the testicle is telekinetically rebounded and slammed into a nearby building*
kreshna_iceheart: *the building gets crushed. From the ruins, the testicle raises and dusts off, assuming combat position*
dakarne2k5: *a billion more psicrystals appear* I've got a lot of psychic energy to expend...
dakarne2k5: *they float up into the air and assume combat formation*
kreshna_iceheart: *the testicle pauses for a moment, considers its situation. It then dances around while invoking some old shamanistic spell. Suddenly all crystals suffer from illusion that they ARE testicles; rendering its psi-ability impotent (pardon the pun) and driving they nuts (again, pardon the pun)*
dakarne2k5: bloody shamanistic rituals...
kreshna_iceheart: *now all crystals join the testicle in the ritual while chanting "WE ARE TESTICLES! WE ARE TESTICLES!!"*
dakarne2k5: *just shakes head and vanishes in a flash of crimson light*
kreshna_iceheart: *their chants now resembles Queen, "cause weeeeee are testicles, my frieeendd."*
dakarne2k5: *comes back and prepares The Armageddon*
kreshna_iceheart: *the testicle is now praying that the Armageddon never comes*
kreshna_iceheart: *while the supporting testicles are forming their own religious sect*
dakarne2k5: ONLY ME
dakarne2k5: *holds up the Scythe*
kreshna_iceheart: *suddenly every and each sentient being in the universe feel compelled to join the sect; donating huge amount of money and such. Now the lead testicle is riding a Rolls-Royce*
kreshna_iceheart: *using their accumulated wealth, the testicles start buying up Death's stocks in a hostile takeover*
kreshna_iceheart: *meanwhile, Testicles & Co (TESTCO in NASDAQ) is reaching its peak*
kreshna_iceheart: muahaha! Nothing can beat the power of capitalism!
kreshna_iceheart: *other testicles start bribing the Senate so the Embodiment of the End now is now declared as a corporate entity*
dakarne2k5: The Embodiment of the End is beyond even gods
dakarne2k5: I am a metaphysical reality
dakarne2k5: TRY ANOTHER WAY!
dakarne2k5: Also, if I lose my power, earth becomes swiftly overpopulated as no one will die
kreshna_iceheart: alright then.... *TESTCO is manufacturing artificial scrotums at astounding rate, overpopulating the Earth with testicles*
dakarne2k5: Ah well... overpopulation, killing earth
dakarne2k5: my job here is done *reaps the many dying souls*
dakarne2k5: *vanishes
kreshna_iceheart: *too bad the souls are actually testicle souls. Now the testicles folllows Dakarne wherever he goes, chatting and conversing in such unimportant topics that is driving him mad*
dakarne2k5: I do not keep the souls of the dead
kreshna_iceheart: *the testicle souls keep following Dak nevertheless, now they're singing 'Tiny Toons'*
dakarne2k5: They go to hell, heaven, or get resurrected as poor lesbian hipsanic catholics
dakarne2k5: reincarnated*
kreshna_iceheart: *the testicles that went to heaven and hell are singing as well, and the resurrected testicles as well. Now the entire universe is nothing but testicles!*
dakarne2k5: Well, good thing that I'm deaf then eh?
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Wizards cure Dak's deafness*
dakarne2k5: Bloody hell... *goes by Lovecraft's rules* Yep, time for death to die
dakarne2k5: *dies*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Necromancers resurrect Dak*
dakarne2k5: *dies again, and casts "STAY DEAD GODDAMNIT!" on self*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Timestoppers stop time just before Dak casts "STAY DEAD GODDAMNIT" on self*
dakarne2k5: Fuck!
dakarne2k5: *just ceases to exist in any form*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Teachers teach Dak to not saying "fuck"*
dakarne2k5: Fuckity fuck fuck!
dakarne2k5: I'm allowed to say what I want! *points to Freedome ofe Speeche Acte 1731*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Linguistics busily discuss what exactly the meaning of "Fuckity fuck fuck"*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Parliament is voting against Freedome ofe Speeche Acte 1731*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle DJ is playing Buddha Bar*
dakarne2k5: *begins stabbing self in arm, out of sheer frustration*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Therapist offers Dak its help*
dakarne2k5: *flies away, with Angel of Death wings*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Aviation Authority states that Dak is not qualified to fly*
dakarne2k5: *teleports away then*
kreshna_iceheart: *the Institute of Testicular and Teleportation Engineers (ITTE) is demanding an RFC on Dak's teleportation*
dakarne2k5: *hands over a copy of the spell scroll* 'tis entirely legit
kreshna_iceheart: *the Testicle Copyright Lawyer sues Dak for copyright infringement*
dakarne2k5: It's my spell
dakarne2k5: *holds up copyright agreement*
dakarne2k5: I invented it *holds up patent*
kreshna_iceheart: *the United Scrotums Department of Justice opens an anti-trust case agaisnt Dak*
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
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- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
<elderdan> still, how cool would it be having a game where you log in each morning wondering if your anal virginity survived the night?
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
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B4UTRUST wrote:I fail to see what touching myself at night and masturbating have to do with why you have supermod powers. I can administrate with one hand...Destructionator XV wrote: Why do I have supermod powers? Because you touch yourself at night, duh!
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Rukia
- Pleasure Kitten
- Posts: 1672
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- Location: batting at a ball of string...
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BraidedShinigami: wb
BraidedShinigami: so what's the thing you be excited bout?
TorridPixieSpaz: You have to guess! it's no fun unless you guess!
BraidedShinigami: you're going to become a nun
BraidedShinigami: you found money
BraidedShinigami: you got your liscense renewed
BraidedShinigami: you won the lottery
BraidedShinigami: you killed santa claus
BraidedShinigami: jesus has been reborn and you're him!
BraidedShinigami: am I getting close/
TorridPixieSpaz: no where near....
BraidedShinigami: damn ><
BraidedShinigami: a man could hope
TorridPixieSpaz: ^.^
TorridPixieSpaz: nope but what you fialed to guess correctly is that not only can i unwrap a starburst with my tongue but I can tie a chrerry stem in a knot wiht it as well! yaye!
TorridPixieSpaz: *cherry
BraidedShinigami: hun
BraidedShinigami: some guy is going to be VERY happy with you
TorridPixieSpaz: now if I can only find him.. he must be in a cave somwhere.... i've know about my little talent for a whlie now... great party trick
BraidedShinigami: now when you can deep throat a kilbasa you'll be great! ^_^
TorridPixieSpaz: you know I have a gay friend who can deep thoat a banana.... and he's proud of it....
You know, upon meeting me and actuall y getting to know me.. I'm sure your opinion would change...
TorridPixieSpaz: I didn't meant to start two sentances ina row with "You know"
BraidedShinigami: for a guy who could deepthroat a banana
BraidedShinigami: I might turn gay
BraidedShinigami: lol
TorridPixieSpaz:'re gonna make me cry! stop it!
BraidedShinigami: why cry?
BraidedShinigami: I'm not worth tears
TorridPixieSpaz: who says?
TorridPixieSpaz: everyone is worth some tears.. and you seem like a pretty good cause for me to shed some...
TorridPixieSpaz: 'sides it's better that I cry for you than my pitiful existance
BraidedShinigami: I'm not worth tears
TorridPixieSpaz: *sigh* I said you were damnit!
BraidedShinigami: nein><
TorridPixieSpaz: oui!
BraidedShinigami: non!
TorridPixieSpaz: si
BraidedShinigami: no
BraidedShinigami: niet!
TorridPixieSpaz: YES GOD DAMN IT!
TorridPixieSpaz: i win
BraidedShinigami: NO I DAMNIT!
TorridPixieSpaz: too late...
TorridPixieSpaz: God (being my bitch) has already done my bidding...
TorridPixieSpaz: damn, i'm gonna burn in hell for that one
BraidedShinigami: ...
BraidedShinigami: I am not your bitch
BraidedShinigami: ><
TorridPixieSpaz: but your not God....
TorridPixieSpaz: but you can still be my bitch
BraidedShinigami: I am God
BraidedShinigami: do not question God
TorridPixieSpaz: but you said you weren't my bitch, and God is on fact my bitch
TorridPixieSpaz: *in
BraidedShinigami: i am God
BraidedShinigami: and I am not your bitch
BraidedShinigami: unless it involves you naked and having sex with me
BraidedShinigami: then I might reconsider the position
TorridPixieSpaz: But God is my bitch so that makes you NOT God...
TorridPixieSpaz: >.<
BraidedShinigami: I'm sorry hun
BraidedShinigami: but you're wrong
BraidedShinigami: ><
TorridPixieSpaz: No i'm not.. i'm never wrong....
TorridPixieSpaz: one of the perks of having God as my bitch... I can say that
BraidedShinigami: uh huh
BraidedShinigami: but see
BraidedShinigami: I'm God
BraidedShinigami: and I just told you you're wrong
BraidedShinigami: so your logic doesn't work
BraidedShinigami: *poke*
TorridPixieSpaz: *sigh* But you are not GOD... I just had a big mac with GOD and it wasn't you ...... I'm telling you... you're delusional! and i'm going to win this argument....
BraidedShinigami: see
BraidedShinigami: now I know you're mistaken
BraidedShinigami: and delusional
BraidedShinigami: because I don't like Big Macs
TorridPixieSpaz: Exactly! proving that you are not not not not NOT..... God!
BraidedShinigami: no
BraidedShinigami: that only proves taht you weren't with god
BraidedShinigami: because God lives in Florida
TorridPixieSpaz: See that where you're wrong
BraidedShinigami: where it's warm!
TorridPixieSpaz: God live where ever he likes wants!
TorridPixieSpaz: but i have to go eat 'fore my stomach eats me from the inside out and momma made stew... I'll be back to finish winning in a sec....
BraidedShinigami: okieday
BraidedShinigami: but you wont win
TorridPixieSpaz: no then where were we?
TorridPixieSpaz: *now
BraidedShinigami: you were losing your arguement that I wasn't god
TorridPixieSpaz: no I was winning.. nice try
BraidedShinigami: no
TorridPixieSpaz: I've only got like 15 minutes i'm going to get my hair cut
TorridPixieSpaz: yes
BraidedShinigami: I distinctly remember that you werne't winning
BraidedShinigami: because I am God
BraidedShinigami: and I would know whether or not you're winning
TorridPixieSpaz: But I'm never wrong cuiz Go'd smy bitch.. and you're not him!
BraidedShinigami: you're right
BraidedShinigami: I'm not Go'd
BraidedShinigami: I'm God
TorridPixieSpaz: Ha you cant catch me on a spelling error!
BraidedShinigami: but I just did
TorridPixieSpaz: but you can't cus if you were God, you'd be my bitch and you KNOW that you can't correct me insinuate that I am somehow wrong
BraidedShinigami: *laughs* I'm sorry m'dear
BraidedShinigami: you're wrong and will always be wronig
TorridPixieSpaz: Nope not happening...
BraidedShinigami: but if you're willing
BraidedShinigami: you can always come here
BraidedShinigami: and have sex with a deity
TorridPixieSpaz: hahah well see that's What My bitch is for and you'r not god so sorry *razzzz*
BraidedShinigami: so...
BraidedShinigami: you don't want to have sex with me?
TorridPixieSpaz: no I said I have my bitch for that and you're not him....
BraidedShinigami: ><
BraidedShinigami: I keep getting shot down
BraidedShinigami: *Twitches and goes to eat lots of chocolate and gorge himself to aid his sorrow*
TorridPixieSpaz: *burp*
TorridPixieSpaz: I'm not turning you down...
BraidedShinigami: you just told me you dunw ant me! ^_^
TorridPixieSpaz: no
BraidedShinigami: isn't that what you just said?
TorridPixieSpaz: no... I said i have a bitch for that dosen't mean I'm turning you down...
BraidedShinigami: well if the job is already taken
BraidedShinigami: and you don't want me for it
BraidedShinigami: that's turning me down
TorridPixieSpaz: I have many openings for those wanting to be my bitch
TorridPixieSpaz: oh and I'm so putting this in FUQ
BraidedShinigami: no you're not! ^_^
TorridPixieSpaz: yea I am
TorridPixieSpaz: *nods*
BraidedShinigami: *deletes*
TorridPixieSpaz: i'll jsy keep posting it
TorridPixieSpaz: *just
BraidedShinigami: and I'll keep deleting it
BraidedShinigami: followed by the entire thread
TorridPixieSpaz: fine a forever battle then
BraidedShinigami: then the board
BraidedShinigami: ><
TorridPixieSpaz: wel then you'd be the most hated admin and I'd never forgive you!
BraidedShinigami: what the fuck are you talking about!?
TorridPixieSpaz: then you couldn't ever be my bitch or vie for my love and affection
BraidedShinigami: I'm already the most hated admin
TorridPixieSpaz: No you're not
TorridPixieSpaz: least not in my eyes...
BraidedShinigami: I'm the only one to ever slam down on policy or ban someone on the board
BraidedShinigami: I'm hated
BraidedShinigami: ^_^
TorridPixieSpaz: oh heaven for bid you do youre job
BraidedShinigami: yes well
BraidedShinigami: the irony of ironies is that there was 2 bannings because of that incident
BraidedShinigami: a moderator
BraidedShinigami: and myself
BraidedShinigami: for a 24 hour period
BraidedShinigami: only bans ever on the board
TorridPixieSpaz: it's still going FUQ
BraidedShinigami: ><
BraidedShinigami: you're evil
BraidedShinigami: and mean
TorridPixieSpaz: ^^
BraidedShinigami: meany!
BraidedShinigami: *cries*
TorridPixieSpaz: I am a woman...!
BraidedShinigami: *cries some more*
TorridPixieSpaz: Want a starburst?
BraidedShinigami: ooo what flavor?
BraidedShinigami: *poke*
BraidedShinigami: what flavor?!
BraidedShinigami: You're making your God impatient
BraidedShinigami: ><
BraidedShinigami: He wants his starbursts
TorridPixieSpaz: umm....baja dragon furit
BraidedShinigami: ooo dragon fruit!
BraidedShinigami: *chomp*
Is Scott God? NOPE! I WIN!
shark42bait: you are evil...
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!

"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"
LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
- Comrade Tortoise
- Exemplar
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- Location: Land of steers and queers indeed
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"You know, If I ever get raped by a woman and have a child.."
"You weren't raped! You were drunk, she was drunk, you thought she was Sean Connery, she thought you were Sean Connery. It happens"
Frigidmagi talking to me
"You weren't raped! You were drunk, she was drunk, you thought she was Sean Connery, she thought you were Sean Connery. It happens"
Frigidmagi talking to me
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Narsil
- Lord of Time
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I nominate Ra for the Pwnage Award!Ra, on Strek-v-Swars, wrote:Fine, believe what you want, BigHornyMotherMolester, fine. You wanna outright lie about the appearance of the VOY ion cannons, which were slow-moving white light spheres, fine. You wanna lie about the fact that they were moving at half the speed of a Wars ion bolt, fine.
You wanna lie about the power, considering that the Hoth cannon produced fucking huge lightning bolts across a mile-long ship (but, OH, you think it's 2 cm long, DON'T you?!), FINE, you shiteating, cockgoblin son of a bitch.
You want a personal attack? You want one? FINE, here it is!
I'm sick of your lies.
I'm sick of your bullshit.
I'm sick of your injustice, letting Darkfucker get off and locking threads so nobody can even defend a person that was brought into this so some egomanical sociopath can have his little victory.
I'm sick of the way you smell.
I'm sick of you.

- Dance Puppets Dance
- Posts: 4867
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Is anyone else worried?Destructionator4: I love poop!
Destructionator4: It is like pudding
Destructionator4: for my face
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
- Ace Pace
- Antisemetical Semite
- Posts: 2272
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Rukia.: nuh uh.... sides.. I was rised in the north... I'm a Yankee
Rukia: >.>
Rukia: <.<
Ace Pace-: heh, right :P
Ace Pace-: denial of a very simple family tree? :P
Rukia: I hope no one heard that
Rukia: NO >.<
Rukia: Damn it
Rukia: hold on I gotta fix that
Ace Pace: you gotta fix your family tree? lol

Rukia: >.>
Rukia: <.<
Ace Pace-: heh, right :P
Ace Pace-: denial of a very simple family tree? :P
Rukia: I hope no one heard that
Rukia: NO >.<
Rukia: Damn it
Rukia: hold on I gotta fix that
Ace Pace: you gotta fix your family tree? lol

[img=left][/img]Grand Dolphin Conspiracy
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
- Narsil
- Lord of Time
- Posts: 1883
- Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:26 am
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From a small AIM convo, regarding Mr T vs a Dwarf:
Dakarne: Well, Mr. T has never shown the ability to defeat a Dwarf
Dakarne: Dwarves cannot be defeated
Dakarne: They are gods.
ScottishNnja: Mr. T is more powerful than any god
Dakarne: Dwarves are Dwarves
Dakarne: beat that logic
ScottishNnja: Mr. T is Mr. T
Dakarne: Dwarves have Scottish Accents
ScottishNnja: Okay, I concede

Dakarne: Well, Mr. T has never shown the ability to defeat a Dwarf
Dakarne: Dwarves cannot be defeated
Dakarne: They are gods.
ScottishNnja: Mr. T is more powerful than any god
Dakarne: Dwarves are Dwarves
Dakarne: beat that logic
ScottishNnja: Mr. T is Mr. T
Dakarne: Dwarves have Scottish Accents
ScottishNnja: Okay, I concede

- ImpishAngel
- Initiate
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Why you NEVER trust a girl on her period:
Impish Angel: aye
Elheru Aran: aye
Elheru Aran: jynx
Elheru Aran: and that'll be a code red
ImpishAngel: heh..okay
Elheru Aran: i saw that eye roll, young lady!
Impish Angel: -grins- give me one trip to the potty..and i got your code red
Impish Angel: -grins and giggles-

He is my soldier, the love of my life and one day I will be a proud army wife
If he should be called to duty I will wait for him standing tall, for he is my soldier, my hero, after all.
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:37 pm
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This is from an IM session between me and Jon.
Ra wrote:sun_gawd247: Indeed... Blair's had Bush's cock in his mouth for so long that he's forgotten the taste of anything else.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:37 pm
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Me and Dak in a YIM wanking contest:
ICEHEART: with or without lube?
Daniel MacFarlane: Without... lube is for wussies
ICEHEART: bah, real men wank with Tabasco
Daniel MacFarlane: I wank with sandpaper
ICEHEART: I wank with milling machine
Daniel MacFarlane: I wank with an iron maiden
ICEHEART: I wank with chainsaw
Daniel MacFarlane: I wank with a superlaser
ICEHEART: I wank with The Culture's gridfire
Daniel MacFarlane: I wank with the Time Warp
ICEHEART: I wank with the Big Bang
Daniel MacFarlane: I wank with Arcana
ICEHEART: I wank while hammering my penis with jackhammer, while inserting a screwdriver into my penis' hole
Daniel MacFarlane: I don't actually wank... I go out and screw a drow matron
Daniel MacFarlane: And get blowjobs off of lesbian vampires
ICEHEART: I am being wanked by a thousand Gungans; you can't beat me on that!
Daniel MacFarlane: Nah... I can't actually think of anything worse than gungans
ICEHEART: concession accepted.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Ace Pace
- Antisemetical Semite
- Posts: 2272
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[Friday 19:32:10] Laurencegale: pardon the one handed spelling.

[img=left][/img]Grand Dolphin Conspiracy
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
- Ace Pace
- Antisemetical Semite
- Posts: 2272
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:28 am
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kreshna: so I'm writing with one hand.... :P

[img=left][/img]Grand Dolphin Conspiracy
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."
The twin cub, the Cyborg dolphin wolf.
Dorsk 81: this is why I support the separation of Aces eyebrow's, something that ugly should never be joined
Mayabird:You see what this place does to us? It's like how Eskimos have their 16 names for snow. We have to precisely define what shafting we're receiving.
"Do we think Israel would be nuts enough to go back into Lebanon with Olmert still in power and calling the shots? They could hook Sharon up to a heart monitor and interpret the blips and bleeps as "yes" and "no" and do better than that, both strategically and emotionally."