Urban Dead: The Price of the Oath
"Who cares 'bout bein' in charge," Jared said, accentuating the statement as he folded his arms over his chest with a 'hmph!'
Bjorn looked up as the kid made the noise, sniffed his arms, then laid his head back down.
"Bjorn doesn't talk much either," Jared said.
Bjorn looked up as the kid made the noise, sniffed his arms, then laid his head back down.
"Bjorn doesn't talk much either," Jared said.

"Sorry, 's an old family joke, you know, the kind that aren't at all funny, but the family keep's 'em alive anyway? Kind of a dumb story, the payoff doesn't merit the wait." He sighed. Way to ramble, man, way to ramble.
"Well, I wouldn't argue that is was a no holds-barred, adrenalin fuelled thrill ride, but there is no way you
can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
-Sgt Nicholas Angel, on Point Break
"You gotta look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.'"
can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
-Sgt Nicholas Angel, on Point Break
"You gotta look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.'"
"O... kay," Melanie said, not really understanding where he was going. If he wanted to continue, by all means, but she wasn't about to force him to.

He let out a look-what-I-got-myself-into sigh, "Okay...it was my grandmother's name. One time my dad wasn't eating much at breakfast, and his dad, my granddad, says to him, 'Ach, you gotta eat, or you'll look Estelle did when I met her!' The hilarious joke is that they met when my grandfather's infantry unit liberated Birkenau, 'cause she was one of the prisoners. 'Ha-ha' right? Turned into a family joke, if someone wasn't eating or was too skinny, 'you look like Estelle!' Its kind of sick if you think about it...even if you don't, I guess. Okay, you can now stuff a pillow over my face."
"Well, I wouldn't argue that is was a no holds-barred, adrenalin fuelled thrill ride, but there is no way you
can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
-Sgt Nicholas Angel, on Point Break
"You gotta look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.'"
can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
-Sgt Nicholas Angel, on Point Break
"You gotta look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.'"
- Pcm979
- Adept
- Posts: 1306
- Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:22 am
- 19
- Location: Command Deck, the UMSC Pillar of Awesome.
"Man's best friend." Chuckled Punt, scratching the dog behind the ears again. "Argh." He pulled his hand back and clenched it. "Not workin' so well since whatever you did." He mentioned.

"Are you trying to give me a spasm?" ~The Necrontyr Messenger
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:51 pm
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- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
Lovely smells wafted into the infirmary. Petro stepped in, along with a couple of conscripted assistants, with fresh-cut steaks hot off the grill, as well as baskets of fruit. "Alight people, dinner's on! Who's hungry?"
Melanie chuckled. "Sick joke isn't a reason for me to suffocate you."
She then heard Petro's grandiose entrance and, having fed the two already, figured she could sneak out for a bit. She looked down to Lasko again.
"If you need anything, give one of us a holler, okay? I'll be back soon."
She then trotted off.
Melanie chuckled. "Sick joke isn't a reason for me to suffocate you."
She then heard Petro's grandiose entrance and, having fed the two already, figured she could sneak out for a bit. She looked down to Lasko again.
"If you need anything, give one of us a holler, okay? I'll be back soon."
She then trotted off.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
Gator almost dropped his bowl, "Jay-sis God! Steak!? 'Ow do ye manage that?"
"Booze I can't drink, and steak I can't eat." Lasko said dryly. "sorry, I don't reckon I'm up to solids just yet."
"Ah'll 'ave 'is!" It almost sounded like one word. Gator added quietly, "and ixnay on the oozebay, huh?"
"Booze I can't drink, and steak I can't eat." Lasko said dryly. "sorry, I don't reckon I'm up to solids just yet."
"Ah'll 'ave 'is!" It almost sounded like one word. Gator added quietly, "and ixnay on the oozebay, huh?"
Last edited by Hedgecore on Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Well, I wouldn't argue that is was a no holds-barred, adrenalin fuelled thrill ride, but there is no way you
can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
-Sgt Nicholas Angel, on Point Break
"You gotta look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.'"
can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
-Sgt Nicholas Angel, on Point Break
"You gotta look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.'"
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:51 pm
- 19
- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
Steak and fruit were distributed throughout the infirmary, as the party atmosphere consumed the mall. Petro passed out the food with the help of his able assistants, before snagging Melanie and retreating from the infirmary.
He grinned and waved at Gator as he passed. "We work magic around here. We conjured up a herd of cattle."
He grinned and waved at Gator as he passed. "We work magic around here. We conjured up a herd of cattle."
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"Well, listen, if the 'magician' needs anythin' atall, you let me know, aright? I dinnae like bein' in a man's debt. Relly, though, ah appreciat what yer doin for the boy there."
"Well, I wouldn't argue that is was a no holds-barred, adrenalin fuelled thrill ride, but there is no way you
can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
-Sgt Nicholas Angel, on Point Break
"You gotta look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.'"
can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork."
-Sgt Nicholas Angel, on Point Break
"You gotta look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.'"
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:51 pm
- 19
- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
"Eat, drink, be merry, talk to Frank Zimmerman in the morning," he said cheerfully. "If you're interested in staying and making yourself useful around here."
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
- Pcm979
- Adept
- Posts: 1306
- Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:22 am
- 19
- Location: Command Deck, the UMSC Pillar of Awesome.
"Your hand?" Jared asked, blinking. He couldn't see of course, but he could hear what Punt was thinking.
He nodded. "Lost it when I died. Stuck back on, but 't's never been the same."
"Mostly in your fingers?" he asked, reaching out for the appendage to inspect it.
"Mmm." Punt let the boy feel his hand. "Blood vessels must be outta wack."
"Your joints," he said. "Mama had it. Arthritis, I think..." But he could always be mistaken. His hands on Punt's were tiny in comparison.
"Gets tingly. Pins 'n' needles." Punt had heard about hand transplants, how sometimes it didn't work properly and the hand wasn't as useful afterwards.
"I aint a doctor," he said with a bit of sadness in his voice. "Sorry..." He then added: "Wish I coulda helped more."
"Shit, you did enough." Punt protested. "Choice between two workin' hands, psycho 'n' one workin' hand, sane, I pick sane."
"Guess so," he said with a sigh. "I just wish I could help everyone... But it don't work right sometimes, you know?"
"Yah." Again, not the man to go to for moral support.
"But it worked with you?" he asked again. "You at least feel better?"
"Better? Eh. Less nuts? Yeah."
"Well, that's what I meant. I think." He said.
"Then, yeah." Punt concluded.
"Good," Jared said. If he couldn't help himself, he'd help the people here.
"How're the voices?" Punt asked after a moment. "Musta been loud t'day. Know the lights were bright."
He looked up. "... Yeah," he said quietly. "Some days is worse."
"The Doc 'n' Sher turned up. Brought lotsa stuff, so everyone's pretty 'cited. That's why."
He nodded. "Miss Sherry doesn't hear the screamin' anymore either," he said.
"'S good. 'Bout her... Problem? The one like mine? Didn't see her, so I couldn't... See." He finished lamely.
"Dunno yet," Jared said. "She's fine right now, but if somethin' happens I dunno... It's like I told Mr. Petro... When people come back when they aint supposed to, they bring a little bit of Hell back with 'em."
"Best find out." Punt concluded. "Doc 'n' Chief like her. Can't let somethin' happen."
He nodded. "I like her too... But if there's nothin' we can do, aint nothin' we can do."
"Hey." Punt looked down at the boy. "I'm th' one who thinks things'll go wrong. That's my job. Don't you start."
"Didn't say they were gonna," he said quietly. "I just..." He sighed. "I seen the dark place in her head. Lotta things happened to that girl she don't want us knowin' about..."
"Thought you said she was better."
"She is," he said. "But you think the smilin' man was the first one to hurt her? She been fucked with," he said.
"Now I know you've been around me too long." Punt chuckled. "Good thing we don't have sailors here, or you'd have a right rich vocabulary."
"Sorry," he said meekly.
"'S fine." Punt chuckled. "I mean, I'm yer- What'd you say? Uncle? Uncles are like that."
"Well Petro's my dad," he said, "an' Mel's my mama now... So you're his brother, makes you my uncle, right?"
"I 'spose." Punt replied. "Means I get to spoil ya."
"Spoil me?" Jared asked. "What with? Not like we got a lot of stuff to spare."
"'S funny y' should ask that." He said, fishing around in his pockets. "Doc got some winter gear. I gotcha... This." He put something in Jared's hands.
He felt the... Whatever the hell it was. He ran his hands over the smooth band--like headphones--and then over the two giant puffs on the end. "Cat?" he asked stupidly, knowing that wasn't right.
"Odd cat." Punt said. "No, earmuffs. For the voices."
"Earmuffs, eeeaaarmuffs. Muffs." he repeated the word. "We didn't have ear-muffs back home."
"Haiti, right? You wouldn't. Earmuffs are for cold. Keep yer ears warm."
"Haiti and the States, yeah." He listened. "Oh! You put 'em..." He fiddled for a moment, then stuck them on his head the wrong way, so that the band was pressing against his nose.
"Almost." Punt said encouragingly. "Goes the other way."
"What do they do?" Jared enunciated loudly.
"Lemme." He lifted the earmuffs off the boy's head and put them on the right way round. "Better."
"Huh?" Jared asked, not quite hearing things right.
Punt lifted one of the fluffy covers and said, "I said, 's better. They keep y' ears warm when 't gets cold. Also block out noise."
"Wow," Jared said as though they were the single most amazing thing he'd ever not-seen. "They really work!" he cried with childish excitement.
"'S good." Punt said with amusement. "Hate t' getcha th' only pair that didn't."
When he looked up, there were tears in his blind eyes. "This is the best present anyone ever gave me!" he announced proudly.
"'S the least I could do." Punt said.
He nodded. "Lost it when I died. Stuck back on, but 't's never been the same."
"Mostly in your fingers?" he asked, reaching out for the appendage to inspect it.
"Mmm." Punt let the boy feel his hand. "Blood vessels must be outta wack."
"Your joints," he said. "Mama had it. Arthritis, I think..." But he could always be mistaken. His hands on Punt's were tiny in comparison.
"Gets tingly. Pins 'n' needles." Punt had heard about hand transplants, how sometimes it didn't work properly and the hand wasn't as useful afterwards.
"I aint a doctor," he said with a bit of sadness in his voice. "Sorry..." He then added: "Wish I coulda helped more."
"Shit, you did enough." Punt protested. "Choice between two workin' hands, psycho 'n' one workin' hand, sane, I pick sane."
"Guess so," he said with a sigh. "I just wish I could help everyone... But it don't work right sometimes, you know?"
"Yah." Again, not the man to go to for moral support.
"But it worked with you?" he asked again. "You at least feel better?"
"Better? Eh. Less nuts? Yeah."
"Well, that's what I meant. I think." He said.
"Then, yeah." Punt concluded.
"Good," Jared said. If he couldn't help himself, he'd help the people here.
"How're the voices?" Punt asked after a moment. "Musta been loud t'day. Know the lights were bright."
He looked up. "... Yeah," he said quietly. "Some days is worse."
"The Doc 'n' Sher turned up. Brought lotsa stuff, so everyone's pretty 'cited. That's why."
He nodded. "Miss Sherry doesn't hear the screamin' anymore either," he said.
"'S good. 'Bout her... Problem? The one like mine? Didn't see her, so I couldn't... See." He finished lamely.
"Dunno yet," Jared said. "She's fine right now, but if somethin' happens I dunno... It's like I told Mr. Petro... When people come back when they aint supposed to, they bring a little bit of Hell back with 'em."
"Best find out." Punt concluded. "Doc 'n' Chief like her. Can't let somethin' happen."
He nodded. "I like her too... But if there's nothin' we can do, aint nothin' we can do."
"Hey." Punt looked down at the boy. "I'm th' one who thinks things'll go wrong. That's my job. Don't you start."
"Didn't say they were gonna," he said quietly. "I just..." He sighed. "I seen the dark place in her head. Lotta things happened to that girl she don't want us knowin' about..."
"Thought you said she was better."
"She is," he said. "But you think the smilin' man was the first one to hurt her? She been fucked with," he said.
"Now I know you've been around me too long." Punt chuckled. "Good thing we don't have sailors here, or you'd have a right rich vocabulary."
"Sorry," he said meekly.
"'S fine." Punt chuckled. "I mean, I'm yer- What'd you say? Uncle? Uncles are like that."
"Well Petro's my dad," he said, "an' Mel's my mama now... So you're his brother, makes you my uncle, right?"
"I 'spose." Punt replied. "Means I get to spoil ya."
"Spoil me?" Jared asked. "What with? Not like we got a lot of stuff to spare."
"'S funny y' should ask that." He said, fishing around in his pockets. "Doc got some winter gear. I gotcha... This." He put something in Jared's hands.
He felt the... Whatever the hell it was. He ran his hands over the smooth band--like headphones--and then over the two giant puffs on the end. "Cat?" he asked stupidly, knowing that wasn't right.
"Odd cat." Punt said. "No, earmuffs. For the voices."
"Earmuffs, eeeaaarmuffs. Muffs." he repeated the word. "We didn't have ear-muffs back home."
"Haiti, right? You wouldn't. Earmuffs are for cold. Keep yer ears warm."
"Haiti and the States, yeah." He listened. "Oh! You put 'em..." He fiddled for a moment, then stuck them on his head the wrong way, so that the band was pressing against his nose.
"Almost." Punt said encouragingly. "Goes the other way."
"What do they do?" Jared enunciated loudly.
"Lemme." He lifted the earmuffs off the boy's head and put them on the right way round. "Better."
"Huh?" Jared asked, not quite hearing things right.
Punt lifted one of the fluffy covers and said, "I said, 's better. They keep y' ears warm when 't gets cold. Also block out noise."
"Wow," Jared said as though they were the single most amazing thing he'd ever not-seen. "They really work!" he cried with childish excitement.
"'S good." Punt said with amusement. "Hate t' getcha th' only pair that didn't."
When he looked up, there were tears in his blind eyes. "This is the best present anyone ever gave me!" he announced proudly.
"'S the least I could do." Punt said.

"Are you trying to give me a spasm?" ~The Necrontyr Messenger
- Dark Silver
- Omnipotent Overlord
- Posts: 5477
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:15 pm
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Silver sat on the roof of the Mall, staring up at the stars. He had come back for the fresh meat, the first real meat any of them would have in along time.
He had just set the plastic plate on the side, not even touching the fruit they had added to it.
The roof was mostly deserted, he had sent half of the posted watch down to enjoy the evening, had cleared it already. Of course it was suppossed to be in shifts, but Silver wanted the peace and quiet.
He had just set the plastic plate on the side, not even touching the fruit they had added to it.
The roof was mostly deserted, he had sent half of the posted watch down to enjoy the evening, had cleared it already. Of course it was suppossed to be in shifts, but Silver wanted the peace and quiet.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
- Dark Silver
- Omnipotent Overlord
- Posts: 5477
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:15 pm
- 19
- Contact:
After the dinner festivities had finally begun to die down, Sherry had left Mike for the meantime to deal with the animals. She'd gathered some of the remnants of their party and proceeded to tear the mall apart from the bottom up in search of Silver, who she had yet to see since arriving. He'd probably heard of her arrival by then, which was fine as it would dampen a lot of the awkward silence that would no doubt pop up.
Finally, she reached the roof. A few fires had been lit and a few social circles had formed, but the crowd had thinned since the celebrations had slowed. Glancing around from corner to corner, she finally spied him off by the edge of the roof, sitting near an air conditioning unit. Alone.
"Hey, you!" she called as though addressing a stranger, then trotted up with an amicable smile.
When the populace had decided to migrate to the roof, he had decided to find solace in one of the last dark areas. He felt safer there, for some reason, more secure. More than likely it had to do with the thing in his head, still crawling about, still whispering and tearing at the edges of him. But he could ignore it, regulate it to the back, as long as he watched the stars. He was trying to recall the names of the constellations, and failing in that, when someone had come up to share a drink.
He managed to make it clear he didn't want to be bothered, and the person had left. He wasn't going to be so lucky the second time, when Sherry found him.
He put on his best smile, as she trotted up with another plate of food, his stomach almost growling, damn if the first one hadn't filled him up. He didn't stand up, but he did his best to force a smile on his face. "Hey kiddo," he said, genuinely glad to see her, though he had been doing his best to avoid her.
"Wasn't sure if you'd eaten," she said with a grin, "so I brought you some of what we had earlier. Some apples and a baked potato as well... Although we had to cook them in aluminum foil..."
Something didn't seem right about him from the moment she plopped down next to him, drawing her legs up to her chest and handing over the food with a grin. From inside her jacket pocket she also had a bottle of some cheap liquor or another, took a sip, passed it to him.
"Shitty brandy," she said, "but it's better'n nothing."
He looked at the plate of food, swallowing hard, before shaking his head, pointing to a smilar plate he had put to the side earlier, the fruit and potatoes still on it. "Thanks kid, but I had mines earlier...maybe see if that Jared kid wants it....he doesn't seem to eat much"
He leaned back against the air conditioning duct, looking up at the stars. The quiet the sky held always fasinated him. His voice was soft as he spoke, "How you feeling kiddo? Is everything alright now?"
She leaned against it as well, head thunking against the metal. Resting her chin on her knees, she looked up at him.
"I..." She exhaled. "I don't know. I mean... Nothing has ever been remotely close to 'all right' to begin with so it's kind of hard to gauge."
"Yeah...but your alive" he said, his head turning to see her. His lips quirked up in a half smile, as he watched her. "That's better than what I expected.....after I woke up.."
He sighed, his head falling forward, chin resting on his chest, "I shouldn't have taken you out after him....I should have waited...."
"I came on my own," she reminded him. "You didn't take me anywhere."
She wanted to ask him what had happened, why everyone had been acting so strange, as she barely remembered anything of the event at all... But the knew it wasn't her place to do so.
Shaking his head, he looked at her, his silver tinged eyes focused on her face. "We thought we lost ya kiddo...I thought I lost ya....don't scare me like that again."
He reached up, his right hand touching her cheek, no gauntlet in the way. "I heard about you and the Freeman.....if he doesn't make ya happy...and you need someone to rough him up a lil...." he let the sentence unfinished.
She laughed. "Mike is... Fuck, Mike is incredible." Pausing. "He had so much faith in me... I didn't see how I could possibly be that important to someone like him."
There was a bit of a melancholy twinge in her voice as she said that.
"Things are great right now," she said, "I'm just worried that after this all blows over he'll realise what a mistake he made."
"By that time, I'll have him at the altar, you will have on a wedding gown, and I'll have a shotgun to his back." He chuckled as he said it, something was changing in him, the Silver they knew was slowly disappearing, not as ticiturn, harsh, or closemouthed.
"At least your back with us" he patted her on the cheek, before his hand dropped.
He let his eyes close, and when they did, the voices grew louder. He snapped them back open, but the smile was gone.
"You okay?" she asked quietly, noting the slight change in his breathing as he opened his eyes again.
She'd been right. Something had happened... Something they hadn't told her about... Calm down, she told herself, don't jump to conclusions.
He shook his head, "It's nothing important" Not as long as I conrol it...
You don't control us.....
He smiled again, but it looked every bit of fake as it was, "We put Jaycee down....just not like I promised....Punt finished him off. Sorry i didn't keep my promise kiddo"
He reached up, and ruffled her blonde locks for a second. "But...at least he's dead...."
"That's fine," she said. "The part of me that still cared about what happened to him died in that cell."
She pulled her lighter from her pocket and lit the cigarette she'd been saving behind her ear.
"I'm worried about you," she said in a moment of rather defensive weakness.
He was taken aback by that, and stared at her blankly for a few moments, before the smile came back. "Your worried about me? "
He almost laughed, but her saying that meant something, he wouldn't brush it aside with a laugh. "Why worried kid? I'm still breathing...and Mike cured me before he brought you back..."
Things like this weren't easy for the girl to say. Especially without some nice lubrication. She took a swig from the bottle.
"Because you cared," she said, so quiet it was almost to herself.
There was a touch of sadness in his voice, as he leaned over and kissed her hair. There was nothing in the motion, almost like a father would his daughter, or a uncle to his neice. He looked at her, reached for the bottle of brandy, and took a swig of it.
"Lots of people care about you kiddo....not just me. Petro cares, and we both know Mike cares a whole hell of alot.."
He took another swig of the brandy, grimacing with the burning sensation, and passed it back to her. "When you get as close as well all have, when you become family, you can't help but care about the people in that family. they grow on you..and when thier hurt, your hurt."
He reached for the cigarette between her lips, removing it and taking a drag from it, then putting it back between. He blew a smokering, imperfect as it was, into the night.
She leaned heavily against his shoulder, tapping the ash off to the side and taking another drag.
"I... Wasn't thinking clearly," she admitted. "Hell, not a lot of us were. I'm glad I don't remember how bad it must've gotten."
A tiny sigh as she tried to exhale her own ring, which looked more like a misshapen circle, and she shrugged. "Tried," she admitted.
He chuckled, the sound soft as he sat with her. She didn't remember, he wasn't going to tell her. Better she was in the dark for now.
"Just promise one thing, you get to that point again, you remember we care about you kiddo, we always have your back. Your always going to be good enough for us, hell, you can't be much worse than Punt is. Ever."
He grinned at the joke, elbowing her side gently.
She smirked and offered him the last of the smoke.
"I was stupid," she said, "things were bad enough before... But when that guy nearly shot me and he got you instead, I panicked... Blamed myself."
"Nutin to it kiddo" he grinned, "takes more than a few bullets to take me down....have some nice new scars to show if I ever get a lady friend"
He took the cig, and finished it off, flicking the butt over the edge. He released the smoke in three quick puffs, each one forming a imperfect ring. "I'll get the hang of it one day" he mused.
"Better'n mine," she conceded. She placed her hand on his arm and looked up at him, grinning.
"Might not be what you were looking for, but I'm a lady and I'll be your friend for now, all right?"
He shook his head, his half smile breaking into a full fledged one. "If'n your gonna be my friend for now, what bloody well happens later? Gonna stop being my friend?"
"Then I'll be your loan shark!" she said matter-of-factly. "When this all blows over and we run the fuckin' town, eh?"
"That you would kid, that you would" he grinned, shaking his head ruefully.
"Have a feeling we could own this town inside a week, we'll keep Petro up as our figurehead puppet and run behind the scenes...what ya say?" he teased.
"We already are," she said with a smirk. "All he needs if Frank convincing him he's important and we can do the rest, right?"
"Good, just dont let him know it, and we'll still be good"
He chuckled, grinning at her. "How is he doing anyway? I never asked him about his ribs..."
"What about his ribs?" Sherry asked, perplexed. She hadn't been informed about their little dispute from earlier.
"You didn't hear?"
He looked at her incredulously. Then he figured it out, no one told her. Apparently people were good about keeping thier mouth shut. Except for him that was.
"ahem....well....we got in a bit of a roll...after Jaycee was finished off....I called him a son of a bitch..." he went into the story, omiting the part about him talking to himself. He finished it off and a loud exhale, "Shit....I didn't know they hadn't told you..."
"Well I didn't ask," she said with a shrug. She chuckled, though, and gave him a playful slug to the shoulder.
"You kicked his ass, didn't ya?"
"I was pulling my punches...I didn't wanna hurt the gimp.." he grinned at he slug, letting it push him over.
"He's beat up enough without it," she agreed, "plus he needs to learn he can't win 'em all. Even if he was in peak physical condition."
She yawned a bit, then rested her forehead against his shoulder and mumbled a quiet thank-you.
He smoothed her hair and laid another kiss upon the very top of her head. "your welcome" he mummered, the lips tracing the words upon her scalp. It didn't matter what she said it for.
He looked back up at the stars, and smiled.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad night after all....
"You're the only one who understood," she explained. "About why I went out there again. Why I couldn't go back until he was dead or as good as."
"They didn't want you in harms way....they didn't want to put you out where he could hurt you again. I seen enough in my old work...that I knew you had to face him, for closure."
"What'd you do before all this?" she asked, realising she'd never thought about it.
He shrugged, "I worked as a bobby" he said mater of fact. "I wanted to be a barrister, got some years as a beat walker, went to uni, got a degree in law, and decided to keep being a cop...never did sit well with Jamie that I didn't want to use my degree..."
He trailed off after mentioning Jamie, his eyes going far away.
She held one of his hands between both of hers, then said:
"Chances are you were looking for me at one point or another then."
He shrugged his shoulders, watching the stars, "Maybe....I don't know."
He didn't elaborate. He just went quiet after that was said.
"Tamerill murders in Old Arkham," she confessed, glad to get the weight off her chest. Up until now, only Petro and Mike had known. "My mum's husband and his bastard kid. I was fifteen then."
"Did you have reason to do it?"
"They were evil people," she said. "My mum was stressed, working two jobs and all just to keep us in our place, and they got her hooked on something. His kid was a fucking sadist punk. He beat my dog 'til she died and he used to beat me too. 'Course then I couldn't fight back. We got evicted from our house, moved into this shitty little apartment..." She sighed.
He thought on it for a minute, trying to recall the case. He didn't. More than likely her case was handled by one of the other detectives. But he couldn't blame her.
"Hell kid....if I had been looking for you....nine out of ten I would have tried to set you up a better place....I hated doing the paperwork......"
He brought his head forward, and hit the back of it lightly against the duct, "Hell...ask Petro about how much I hate paperwork....he has a few good stories to tell ya on that subject. But you telling me that....I can't say I blame you a whole hell of alot. Look what I was planning on doing....what I did. Weren't no worse what you did."
She laughed bitterly. "I didn't even get caught, either... Not until someone I cared about got hurt. Auto wreck. And stupidly enough, I gave the hospital my real name."
Funny, how things worked out. She remembered going to the jail, dreading it, and finding that it wasn't any worse than anywhere she'd lived before.
"I was waiting for my trail when the outbreak happened."
"Well, it's in the past now kiddo, things gone to shit, and I seriously doubt anyone's looking to put you back in jail. I sure as in hell ain't..."
He squeezed her hand lightly, watching the stars, "You better go see about yor bonnie boy down there, he'll be missing ya by now"
She nodded, knowing that he was right. And of course Mike was eager to get her back, to shepherd her to their room and tuck her underneath his wing like a mother hen. It was understandable why he'd be protective, though.
"Silver," she said, sitting up and looking over to him. "If anything's wrong, you know you can trust me, right?"
He looks her in the eye, a smile creeping over his lips, "Nuttin to it kiddo....I trust ya. Now scoot along, before Mike comes up here and gets jealous for me monopolizin' your time."
He let go of her hand, and leaned back against the duct work, and closed his eyes. It was the first time he had lied to her. Ah well, he'd make it up to her if she ever found out.
She grinned and nodded, then said: "Oh, I almost forgot!" and pulled a plain sheet of paper from her pocket, folded and scribbled all to hell. "It's a copy of my plans for the oil drums on the ramparts," she said. "I'm going to need some help getting it together. You want in?"
His body shook with a chuckle, and he nodded. "Sure thing. just give me a hollar when your ready to set up. I'll be over there" he pointed to the abandoned two story flatroof across the parking lot-
"Why ain'tcha staying here with the rest of us peasants?" she teased, crouching down on her haunches so they were eye-level and canting her head to the side. In the dim light, her blue eye twinkled almost eerily.
"An animal shouldn't stay with civilized folk" he said grinning, ruffling her hair, "Go on, get going with ya. Stay safe kiddo"
"Only if you do!" she said in a childish, playground-teasing tone.
"If that's what it takes"
"Well it is," she said with a solemn nod.
He nodded, "then deal." He smiled at her, then turned his attention away, back into the night, and into himself.
She lifted her hand in a mock salute and trotted back downstairs.
Finally, she reached the roof. A few fires had been lit and a few social circles had formed, but the crowd had thinned since the celebrations had slowed. Glancing around from corner to corner, she finally spied him off by the edge of the roof, sitting near an air conditioning unit. Alone.
"Hey, you!" she called as though addressing a stranger, then trotted up with an amicable smile.
When the populace had decided to migrate to the roof, he had decided to find solace in one of the last dark areas. He felt safer there, for some reason, more secure. More than likely it had to do with the thing in his head, still crawling about, still whispering and tearing at the edges of him. But he could ignore it, regulate it to the back, as long as he watched the stars. He was trying to recall the names of the constellations, and failing in that, when someone had come up to share a drink.
He managed to make it clear he didn't want to be bothered, and the person had left. He wasn't going to be so lucky the second time, when Sherry found him.
He put on his best smile, as she trotted up with another plate of food, his stomach almost growling, damn if the first one hadn't filled him up. He didn't stand up, but he did his best to force a smile on his face. "Hey kiddo," he said, genuinely glad to see her, though he had been doing his best to avoid her.
"Wasn't sure if you'd eaten," she said with a grin, "so I brought you some of what we had earlier. Some apples and a baked potato as well... Although we had to cook them in aluminum foil..."
Something didn't seem right about him from the moment she plopped down next to him, drawing her legs up to her chest and handing over the food with a grin. From inside her jacket pocket she also had a bottle of some cheap liquor or another, took a sip, passed it to him.
"Shitty brandy," she said, "but it's better'n nothing."
He looked at the plate of food, swallowing hard, before shaking his head, pointing to a smilar plate he had put to the side earlier, the fruit and potatoes still on it. "Thanks kid, but I had mines earlier...maybe see if that Jared kid wants it....he doesn't seem to eat much"
He leaned back against the air conditioning duct, looking up at the stars. The quiet the sky held always fasinated him. His voice was soft as he spoke, "How you feeling kiddo? Is everything alright now?"
She leaned against it as well, head thunking against the metal. Resting her chin on her knees, she looked up at him.
"I..." She exhaled. "I don't know. I mean... Nothing has ever been remotely close to 'all right' to begin with so it's kind of hard to gauge."
"Yeah...but your alive" he said, his head turning to see her. His lips quirked up in a half smile, as he watched her. "That's better than what I expected.....after I woke up.."
He sighed, his head falling forward, chin resting on his chest, "I shouldn't have taken you out after him....I should have waited...."
"I came on my own," she reminded him. "You didn't take me anywhere."
She wanted to ask him what had happened, why everyone had been acting so strange, as she barely remembered anything of the event at all... But the knew it wasn't her place to do so.
Shaking his head, he looked at her, his silver tinged eyes focused on her face. "We thought we lost ya kiddo...I thought I lost ya....don't scare me like that again."
He reached up, his right hand touching her cheek, no gauntlet in the way. "I heard about you and the Freeman.....if he doesn't make ya happy...and you need someone to rough him up a lil...." he let the sentence unfinished.
She laughed. "Mike is... Fuck, Mike is incredible." Pausing. "He had so much faith in me... I didn't see how I could possibly be that important to someone like him."
There was a bit of a melancholy twinge in her voice as she said that.
"Things are great right now," she said, "I'm just worried that after this all blows over he'll realise what a mistake he made."
"By that time, I'll have him at the altar, you will have on a wedding gown, and I'll have a shotgun to his back." He chuckled as he said it, something was changing in him, the Silver they knew was slowly disappearing, not as ticiturn, harsh, or closemouthed.
"At least your back with us" he patted her on the cheek, before his hand dropped.
He let his eyes close, and when they did, the voices grew louder. He snapped them back open, but the smile was gone.
"You okay?" she asked quietly, noting the slight change in his breathing as he opened his eyes again.
She'd been right. Something had happened... Something they hadn't told her about... Calm down, she told herself, don't jump to conclusions.
He shook his head, "It's nothing important" Not as long as I conrol it...
You don't control us.....
He smiled again, but it looked every bit of fake as it was, "We put Jaycee down....just not like I promised....Punt finished him off. Sorry i didn't keep my promise kiddo"
He reached up, and ruffled her blonde locks for a second. "But...at least he's dead...."
"That's fine," she said. "The part of me that still cared about what happened to him died in that cell."
She pulled her lighter from her pocket and lit the cigarette she'd been saving behind her ear.
"I'm worried about you," she said in a moment of rather defensive weakness.
He was taken aback by that, and stared at her blankly for a few moments, before the smile came back. "Your worried about me? "
He almost laughed, but her saying that meant something, he wouldn't brush it aside with a laugh. "Why worried kid? I'm still breathing...and Mike cured me before he brought you back..."
Things like this weren't easy for the girl to say. Especially without some nice lubrication. She took a swig from the bottle.
"Because you cared," she said, so quiet it was almost to herself.
There was a touch of sadness in his voice, as he leaned over and kissed her hair. There was nothing in the motion, almost like a father would his daughter, or a uncle to his neice. He looked at her, reached for the bottle of brandy, and took a swig of it.
"Lots of people care about you kiddo....not just me. Petro cares, and we both know Mike cares a whole hell of alot.."
He took another swig of the brandy, grimacing with the burning sensation, and passed it back to her. "When you get as close as well all have, when you become family, you can't help but care about the people in that family. they grow on you..and when thier hurt, your hurt."
He reached for the cigarette between her lips, removing it and taking a drag from it, then putting it back between. He blew a smokering, imperfect as it was, into the night.
She leaned heavily against his shoulder, tapping the ash off to the side and taking another drag.
"I... Wasn't thinking clearly," she admitted. "Hell, not a lot of us were. I'm glad I don't remember how bad it must've gotten."
A tiny sigh as she tried to exhale her own ring, which looked more like a misshapen circle, and she shrugged. "Tried," she admitted.
He chuckled, the sound soft as he sat with her. She didn't remember, he wasn't going to tell her. Better she was in the dark for now.
"Just promise one thing, you get to that point again, you remember we care about you kiddo, we always have your back. Your always going to be good enough for us, hell, you can't be much worse than Punt is. Ever."
He grinned at the joke, elbowing her side gently.
She smirked and offered him the last of the smoke.
"I was stupid," she said, "things were bad enough before... But when that guy nearly shot me and he got you instead, I panicked... Blamed myself."
"Nutin to it kiddo" he grinned, "takes more than a few bullets to take me down....have some nice new scars to show if I ever get a lady friend"
He took the cig, and finished it off, flicking the butt over the edge. He released the smoke in three quick puffs, each one forming a imperfect ring. "I'll get the hang of it one day" he mused.
"Better'n mine," she conceded. She placed her hand on his arm and looked up at him, grinning.
"Might not be what you were looking for, but I'm a lady and I'll be your friend for now, all right?"
He shook his head, his half smile breaking into a full fledged one. "If'n your gonna be my friend for now, what bloody well happens later? Gonna stop being my friend?"
"Then I'll be your loan shark!" she said matter-of-factly. "When this all blows over and we run the fuckin' town, eh?"
"That you would kid, that you would" he grinned, shaking his head ruefully.
"Have a feeling we could own this town inside a week, we'll keep Petro up as our figurehead puppet and run behind the scenes...what ya say?" he teased.
"We already are," she said with a smirk. "All he needs if Frank convincing him he's important and we can do the rest, right?"
"Good, just dont let him know it, and we'll still be good"
He chuckled, grinning at her. "How is he doing anyway? I never asked him about his ribs..."
"What about his ribs?" Sherry asked, perplexed. She hadn't been informed about their little dispute from earlier.
"You didn't hear?"
He looked at her incredulously. Then he figured it out, no one told her. Apparently people were good about keeping thier mouth shut. Except for him that was.
"ahem....well....we got in a bit of a roll...after Jaycee was finished off....I called him a son of a bitch..." he went into the story, omiting the part about him talking to himself. He finished it off and a loud exhale, "Shit....I didn't know they hadn't told you..."
"Well I didn't ask," she said with a shrug. She chuckled, though, and gave him a playful slug to the shoulder.
"You kicked his ass, didn't ya?"
"I was pulling my punches...I didn't wanna hurt the gimp.." he grinned at he slug, letting it push him over.
"He's beat up enough without it," she agreed, "plus he needs to learn he can't win 'em all. Even if he was in peak physical condition."
She yawned a bit, then rested her forehead against his shoulder and mumbled a quiet thank-you.
He smoothed her hair and laid another kiss upon the very top of her head. "your welcome" he mummered, the lips tracing the words upon her scalp. It didn't matter what she said it for.
He looked back up at the stars, and smiled.
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad night after all....
"You're the only one who understood," she explained. "About why I went out there again. Why I couldn't go back until he was dead or as good as."
"They didn't want you in harms way....they didn't want to put you out where he could hurt you again. I seen enough in my old work...that I knew you had to face him, for closure."
"What'd you do before all this?" she asked, realising she'd never thought about it.
He shrugged, "I worked as a bobby" he said mater of fact. "I wanted to be a barrister, got some years as a beat walker, went to uni, got a degree in law, and decided to keep being a cop...never did sit well with Jamie that I didn't want to use my degree..."
He trailed off after mentioning Jamie, his eyes going far away.
She held one of his hands between both of hers, then said:
"Chances are you were looking for me at one point or another then."
He shrugged his shoulders, watching the stars, "Maybe....I don't know."
He didn't elaborate. He just went quiet after that was said.
"Tamerill murders in Old Arkham," she confessed, glad to get the weight off her chest. Up until now, only Petro and Mike had known. "My mum's husband and his bastard kid. I was fifteen then."
"Did you have reason to do it?"
"They were evil people," she said. "My mum was stressed, working two jobs and all just to keep us in our place, and they got her hooked on something. His kid was a fucking sadist punk. He beat my dog 'til she died and he used to beat me too. 'Course then I couldn't fight back. We got evicted from our house, moved into this shitty little apartment..." She sighed.
He thought on it for a minute, trying to recall the case. He didn't. More than likely her case was handled by one of the other detectives. But he couldn't blame her.
"Hell kid....if I had been looking for you....nine out of ten I would have tried to set you up a better place....I hated doing the paperwork......"
He brought his head forward, and hit the back of it lightly against the duct, "Hell...ask Petro about how much I hate paperwork....he has a few good stories to tell ya on that subject. But you telling me that....I can't say I blame you a whole hell of alot. Look what I was planning on doing....what I did. Weren't no worse what you did."
She laughed bitterly. "I didn't even get caught, either... Not until someone I cared about got hurt. Auto wreck. And stupidly enough, I gave the hospital my real name."
Funny, how things worked out. She remembered going to the jail, dreading it, and finding that it wasn't any worse than anywhere she'd lived before.
"I was waiting for my trail when the outbreak happened."
"Well, it's in the past now kiddo, things gone to shit, and I seriously doubt anyone's looking to put you back in jail. I sure as in hell ain't..."
He squeezed her hand lightly, watching the stars, "You better go see about yor bonnie boy down there, he'll be missing ya by now"
She nodded, knowing that he was right. And of course Mike was eager to get her back, to shepherd her to their room and tuck her underneath his wing like a mother hen. It was understandable why he'd be protective, though.
"Silver," she said, sitting up and looking over to him. "If anything's wrong, you know you can trust me, right?"
He looks her in the eye, a smile creeping over his lips, "Nuttin to it kiddo....I trust ya. Now scoot along, before Mike comes up here and gets jealous for me monopolizin' your time."
He let go of her hand, and leaned back against the duct work, and closed his eyes. It was the first time he had lied to her. Ah well, he'd make it up to her if she ever found out.
She grinned and nodded, then said: "Oh, I almost forgot!" and pulled a plain sheet of paper from her pocket, folded and scribbled all to hell. "It's a copy of my plans for the oil drums on the ramparts," she said. "I'm going to need some help getting it together. You want in?"
His body shook with a chuckle, and he nodded. "Sure thing. just give me a hollar when your ready to set up. I'll be over there" he pointed to the abandoned two story flatroof across the parking lot-
"Why ain'tcha staying here with the rest of us peasants?" she teased, crouching down on her haunches so they were eye-level and canting her head to the side. In the dim light, her blue eye twinkled almost eerily.
"An animal shouldn't stay with civilized folk" he said grinning, ruffling her hair, "Go on, get going with ya. Stay safe kiddo"
"Only if you do!" she said in a childish, playground-teasing tone.
"If that's what it takes"
"Well it is," she said with a solemn nod.
He nodded, "then deal." He smiled at her, then turned his attention away, back into the night, and into himself.
She lifted her hand in a mock salute and trotted back downstairs.
Last edited by Dark Silver on Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
"Then again, Detective....how often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
- Pcm979
- Adept
- Posts: 1306
- Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:22 am
- 19
- Location: Command Deck, the UMSC Pillar of Awesome.
When Sherry returned to their little 'home' after her rooftop meet-up with Silver, she seemed more subdued than she'd been at dinner. Sure, she was still relaxed, still in a good mood, but there was a touch of sadness to her smile.
"Hey, you," she said as she approached Mike, lazily wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder.
Arms hurt. Head hurt. Long fucking day.
"Hey." He replied simply, setting down the cat's water dish and hugging her back. "You look bushed."
"I am," she said quietly, shaking her head a bit. "I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life when I've been too tired to fuck."
She chuckled a bit at that, pulling him towards the hammock as if to say Sleep? Now? Please?
"Amen to that." He said, letting her guide him to the hammock and pulling her on top of him. "Watch the chest." He said jokingly. "I just got the stitches out a few hours ago."
"And here I was looking forward to removing them with my teeth," she said ruefully, pulling him down against her, careful to keep her elbows from smacking into his chest as she did so.
"Kinky." He remarked, resting his chin on her head. "So." He started quietly. "You're doing OK? Not to nanny you or anything. I'm just worried."
She sighed, resting against him with all the weight of a feather. "I... Don't know," she said softly. "I feel okay and all, but I can't help but worry. Silver's not doing well; it's my fault."
"Bullshit." He said, not loudly but firmly. "You didn't kill him. You didn't revive him half-way, or whatever the hell went wrong. He's been slipping since I first met him, and you weren't around then."
"He took three bullets for me," she whispered.
Mike paused, confused. "Well, yeah. But how did that contribute?"
"When he got hurt, I just lost it... Someone like Silver nearly losing his life to save mine isn't how things should be." She sighed. "Now I can't even think about him without feeling sick with guilt."
"That's nonsense. You're just as worthy as the rest of us." He said firmly. "We'd all take bullets for each other. That's how it works."
"I know," she said quietly. "And it's stupid. He chose to do what he did... But I was so messed up at the time, so worthless, you know?"
"You were confused. That was then. You're better now. He just had faith in you, and it worked out, didn't it?"
"Just like you did," she said against his lips, and then kissed him. "You all believed in me when I wasn't worth believing in."
She rested against him, eyes closed.
"Don't understand how I earned it," she said.
"Well, the simplest answer is that we all believe in you because you are worth believing in." He said pointedly, kissing her on the forehead.
"Now I remember yet again why I love you," she said with a smile, clinging to him as she let out a tiny yawn. From the corner of the room came a series of small sounds: Licorice putting the kittens to bed.
From the other corner of the room came the sound of August burrowing under a pile of blankets for his own snooze. The bustle outside was winding down too, as all but those with night-shift work settled down for the evening.
"'Member," Mike said sleepily, "'M always here if you need to talk."
"I know," she said, resting a hand on his neck. Some things, though, she didn't think she'd ever be able to put into words. Like what had happened with Silver, and why she felt it was her fault.
"I love you," she said quietly.
"I love you too." He replied, meaning it. He kissed her forehead again and held her comfortably.
And Sherry had a sense that this was where she belonged: right there beside him, no matter what happened in the coming time. She knew things would get worse before getting better, no doubt about it, but they could handle it. Tomorrow, she'd see that Frank and Marley got the preparations for the ramparts ready... And hopefully have some time afterwards to perhaps snag a quickie in the back rooms of the infirmary before heading off to find the remaining Blackcaps.
"Hey, you," she said as she approached Mike, lazily wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder.
Arms hurt. Head hurt. Long fucking day.
"Hey." He replied simply, setting down the cat's water dish and hugging her back. "You look bushed."
"I am," she said quietly, shaking her head a bit. "I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life when I've been too tired to fuck."
She chuckled a bit at that, pulling him towards the hammock as if to say Sleep? Now? Please?
"Amen to that." He said, letting her guide him to the hammock and pulling her on top of him. "Watch the chest." He said jokingly. "I just got the stitches out a few hours ago."
"And here I was looking forward to removing them with my teeth," she said ruefully, pulling him down against her, careful to keep her elbows from smacking into his chest as she did so.
"Kinky." He remarked, resting his chin on her head. "So." He started quietly. "You're doing OK? Not to nanny you or anything. I'm just worried."
She sighed, resting against him with all the weight of a feather. "I... Don't know," she said softly. "I feel okay and all, but I can't help but worry. Silver's not doing well; it's my fault."
"Bullshit." He said, not loudly but firmly. "You didn't kill him. You didn't revive him half-way, or whatever the hell went wrong. He's been slipping since I first met him, and you weren't around then."
"He took three bullets for me," she whispered.
Mike paused, confused. "Well, yeah. But how did that contribute?"
"When he got hurt, I just lost it... Someone like Silver nearly losing his life to save mine isn't how things should be." She sighed. "Now I can't even think about him without feeling sick with guilt."
"That's nonsense. You're just as worthy as the rest of us." He said firmly. "We'd all take bullets for each other. That's how it works."
"I know," she said quietly. "And it's stupid. He chose to do what he did... But I was so messed up at the time, so worthless, you know?"
"You were confused. That was then. You're better now. He just had faith in you, and it worked out, didn't it?"
"Just like you did," she said against his lips, and then kissed him. "You all believed in me when I wasn't worth believing in."
She rested against him, eyes closed.
"Don't understand how I earned it," she said.
"Well, the simplest answer is that we all believe in you because you are worth believing in." He said pointedly, kissing her on the forehead.
"Now I remember yet again why I love you," she said with a smile, clinging to him as she let out a tiny yawn. From the corner of the room came a series of small sounds: Licorice putting the kittens to bed.
From the other corner of the room came the sound of August burrowing under a pile of blankets for his own snooze. The bustle outside was winding down too, as all but those with night-shift work settled down for the evening.
"'Member," Mike said sleepily, "'M always here if you need to talk."
"I know," she said, resting a hand on his neck. Some things, though, she didn't think she'd ever be able to put into words. Like what had happened with Silver, and why she felt it was her fault.
"I love you," she said quietly.
"I love you too." He replied, meaning it. He kissed her forehead again and held her comfortably.
And Sherry had a sense that this was where she belonged: right there beside him, no matter what happened in the coming time. She knew things would get worse before getting better, no doubt about it, but they could handle it. Tomorrow, she'd see that Frank and Marley got the preparations for the ramparts ready... And hopefully have some time afterwards to perhaps snag a quickie in the back rooms of the infirmary before heading off to find the remaining Blackcaps.

"Are you trying to give me a spasm?" ~The Necrontyr Messenger
- Pcm979
- Adept
- Posts: 1306
- Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:22 am
- 19
- Location: Command Deck, the UMSC Pillar of Awesome.
The next day Petro and Frank were in the office, musing over one of Frank's many, many spiral notebooks. "So we're up to another five weeks of food stock, at this point. Chop off a week for pilferage..." Frank was saying, then they looked up as the door opened.
Mike poked his head in. "Is this a bad time?" He asked.
"Nah, c'mon in. Man of the hour and all that..." he said, producing a bottle of fruit juice and tossing it over to him. "How's it going?"
"Pretty well, considering." Mike said, catching the bottle and taking a drink. "We're dancing on the edge with the med supplies, but what's new?"
"We can make that our next objective. Now that the food issue is pushed back, we can bring up supplies."
"Mmm. That's kinda-sorta what I wanted to talk about." He said, grabbing a chair and sitting down. "I've had a week to think about Silver's mutated viral strain, and I'm worried it might not have been contained just to him. What if he got it from the ones who killed him in the first place?"
"Got any way we can hunt them down?" he asked, glancing at Frank and then back to Mike.
Mike shrugged. "It's been months. They probably won’t be in the same place, and’ll most likely have killed again. It might not even have started with them. Luckily," the look on his face said that it might not be that lucky after all, "I have an idea."
"Then we keep our eyes open for it."
"It could start again on the other side of the city. No, what we need is a method to distribute a 'cure' over the entire city. We can't do that, but..." He hesitated. "I might be able to get in touch with people who can."
"Necrotech?" he asked. "They're the only ones still moving anything into this city."
"The syringes, specifically. It'd be simple enough for them to alter the next batch they drop in to prevent something like Silver's episode from happening again."
He looked at Frank, then back at Mike. "More than that. If we can talk to them, they can drop more than fucking syringes. They can give us enough to keep us going here."
"There's the snag. To talk to them, you need a working satellite transmitter with NT access codes. There aren't many in the city. None in several 'burbs, anyway. It'd be at least a week's trip, right through Horde central." He said flatly.
"Road trip," he said cheerfully. "Frank, pull the 1st back in. We're going for a ride. I need to see what's going on with those downtown hordes anyway."
Frank looked at him dubiously. "You can barely walk."
"I can walk. Running's a little off at the moment, but by the time they're back, we're loaded and ready, I'll be up to speed."
"It might come to nothing anyway." Mike warned. "A lot could've happened to a building in three months."
"So it's an intel run, if nothing else. Up for the run, Mike? Just like the good old days. FM being all quiet and menacing, me smart-assing all over the place, Steve being the sane one... bracing! Simply bracing!" he enthused.
"Even if you didn't want me, or I didn't want to go, I'd have to come." He pointed out. "You need someone who has NT authorisation."
"Couldn't just give us the codes?" he asked.
"Well, unless you want to borrow my fingerprints, eyeballs and voice..."
He fiddled with his knife. "Oh. Voice. Good point!"
"Yes, I thought I'd mention that." Mike said with a grin.
He grinned. "Okay, we'll do this. Frank can handle things the way he always does."
"What else is new?" Frank interjected sourly.
Mike poked his head in. "Is this a bad time?" He asked.
"Nah, c'mon in. Man of the hour and all that..." he said, producing a bottle of fruit juice and tossing it over to him. "How's it going?"
"Pretty well, considering." Mike said, catching the bottle and taking a drink. "We're dancing on the edge with the med supplies, but what's new?"
"We can make that our next objective. Now that the food issue is pushed back, we can bring up supplies."
"Mmm. That's kinda-sorta what I wanted to talk about." He said, grabbing a chair and sitting down. "I've had a week to think about Silver's mutated viral strain, and I'm worried it might not have been contained just to him. What if he got it from the ones who killed him in the first place?"
"Got any way we can hunt them down?" he asked, glancing at Frank and then back to Mike.
Mike shrugged. "It's been months. They probably won’t be in the same place, and’ll most likely have killed again. It might not even have started with them. Luckily," the look on his face said that it might not be that lucky after all, "I have an idea."
"Then we keep our eyes open for it."
"It could start again on the other side of the city. No, what we need is a method to distribute a 'cure' over the entire city. We can't do that, but..." He hesitated. "I might be able to get in touch with people who can."
"Necrotech?" he asked. "They're the only ones still moving anything into this city."
"The syringes, specifically. It'd be simple enough for them to alter the next batch they drop in to prevent something like Silver's episode from happening again."
He looked at Frank, then back at Mike. "More than that. If we can talk to them, they can drop more than fucking syringes. They can give us enough to keep us going here."
"There's the snag. To talk to them, you need a working satellite transmitter with NT access codes. There aren't many in the city. None in several 'burbs, anyway. It'd be at least a week's trip, right through Horde central." He said flatly.
"Road trip," he said cheerfully. "Frank, pull the 1st back in. We're going for a ride. I need to see what's going on with those downtown hordes anyway."
Frank looked at him dubiously. "You can barely walk."
"I can walk. Running's a little off at the moment, but by the time they're back, we're loaded and ready, I'll be up to speed."
"It might come to nothing anyway." Mike warned. "A lot could've happened to a building in three months."
"So it's an intel run, if nothing else. Up for the run, Mike? Just like the good old days. FM being all quiet and menacing, me smart-assing all over the place, Steve being the sane one... bracing! Simply bracing!" he enthused.
"Even if you didn't want me, or I didn't want to go, I'd have to come." He pointed out. "You need someone who has NT authorisation."
"Couldn't just give us the codes?" he asked.
"Well, unless you want to borrow my fingerprints, eyeballs and voice..."
He fiddled with his knife. "Oh. Voice. Good point!"
"Yes, I thought I'd mention that." Mike said with a grin.
He grinned. "Okay, we'll do this. Frank can handle things the way he always does."
"What else is new?" Frank interjected sourly.

"Are you trying to give me a spasm?" ~The Necrontyr Messenger
- Pcm979
- Adept
- Posts: 1306
- Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:22 am
- 19
- Location: Command Deck, the UMSC Pillar of Awesome.
The infirmary was blessedly quiet that day, Sherry noted as she passed through the store full of beds, most of which had their sheets changed recently as well. She carried with her a tiny package, nondescript to passers-by of course, as well as two thermoses of hot tea. Spying him working in a corner, boiling some surgical tools, it appeared, she wrapped an arm around him from behind and gave his shoulder an affectionate squeeze.
"Hey, Hero Doc," she said with a grin.
"Hey yourself." He said, turning and giving her a kiss as he finished what he was doing. "You look better." He remarked.
"Better than what?" she asked with a grin, handing over one of the thermoses and taking a sip from her own. With a bit of a groan, she plunked down onto the sofa beside him and held up the package with a grin. "Like truffles?" she asked.
"Truff- I overslept and it's the first of April, right?" He said, taking a seat next to her and drinking from his own thermos. "Aah. That hits the spot."
"Mm, nope," she said, tearing the bag open and offering him one of the small foil-wrapped delicacies. "They're a mite stale," she said, "but they're good."
"If I wasn't already in love with you, I would be now." He said admiringly as he snaffled one of the truffles. "Who'd you have to sacrifice to conjure up these?" He asked, inhaling its smell like it was vintage brandy.
"Been saving 'em for a special occasion," she said with a grin.
"Minx." He said, prodding her in the ribs. Then he looked at his watch with theatrical anxiousness. "A special occasion? I haven't missed an anniversary or something?" He grinned.
"Oh, today is the anniversary," she said, taking a bite of one of the chocolates and then kissing him sweetly. "We're going to be remembering this day for the rest of our lives."
"Do tell." He said, munching on his truffle and snuggling closer.
"Because we're fucking free," she said, leaning on him. "Who needs a special reason? Today's our own holiday."
"Sounds good." He said affably, finishing his truffle and throwing his now-free arm over her shoulders. He took another sip of tea. "Truffles, tea, you... Those make for a pretty good holiday." He concluded, kissing her with tea-flavoured lips.
"You got some time to spare?" she purred, licking at his mouth and the taste of chocolate.
"Why?" He asked. "Do you need an examination?" He ran his hands over her. "You seem fine from a preliminary, but I can make time for a more detailed one." He grinned wickedly.
"Indeed, doctor," she said, grinning as she pressed her body against his. "Seeing as how we were both too tired for one last night..."
"Be warned, I insist on follow-up exams." He cautioned, carefully recapping his thermos and wrapping his arms around her.
"That can be arranged, although I've a fairly busy schedule." She winked and pressed a finger to his nose. "So where we headed? Supply room?"
"Sounds good." He said again, getting to his feet without letting go of her. "I need to check on the linen anyway." He winked back.
"The linen, hm?" she said with a chuckle, allowing him to lead her away from the general infirmary area. As they walked, she kept up leaning against him.
"Oh, yes." He said, holding her close to him as they walked. "Dirty, I'm afraid." He said with an air of deep regret. "And the room's nearly soundproof. If something were to happen to us, no one would know." He looked down at her and waggled his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, but it's the best I can do."
"Soundproof and dirty, you sure you didn't plan this?" she said with a grin as they rounded the corner. Her hands were getting braver now, more exploratory, smoothing over his clothes as they walked.
"Me? Plan something? Surely not." He chuckled, opening the door with one hand while the other went up the back of her sweater.
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
As their beloved general was shouting his damnfool head off about something or other, a man walked up to him, tapping his shoulder.
"What?" he said, turning around.
The man was in his late twenties, and when Petro spun he jumped back a bit, frightened. "Ah, sir, you said you're looking for Lisbeth?" he asked.
"Yeah, needed to talk to her about something," he said. "What's up?"
"Is she here?" he asked quietly, looking around the room. "That's my sister you're talking about, I think..."
"She's supposed to be here, yeah," he said. "C'mon, let's go see if we can find her," he said, waving him along.
" Didn't know she made it," he said, "thought she died... She was gonna have a kid, you know, scariest thing, huh?"
"Yeah, that's why I'm looking for her," he said.
"I dunno if she made it,' he said again, looking around. "She's a little thing... Short and stuff."
"I think we're looking for the same woman," he said. "C'mon, daylight's burning, time's a'wasting, we got a reunion to get you to..." he trotted down the stairs.
He followed. "How d'you know she's here?" he asked as he jogged after Petro down the stairs.
"Long story," he said, he said, bouncing up on the rail to slide the rest of the way down. He lit a cigarette, still enjoying the vaguely sinful behavior of SMOKING IN THE MALL as he went.
As he followed, he said: "My name's Joachim, by the way..."
"Petro," he said unnecessarily. "Please to meet ya, Joachim. You one of the new militia members?"
"Yes," he said. "I came here with my wife, Yesenia, after we had given up looking for my sister. I didn't think she had made it... She's a big girl, you know?"
"Good to have you onboard," he said sincerely as he moved through the mall. "Need all the people we can get, and the militia is a job worth doing."
"Right, sir," he said with a grin. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
"That's the spirit," He kept walking briskly, checking all the communal haunts the survivors had put together.
Unfortunately, through the tents and shanties and piles of bedrolls in the commons, there was no sign of anyone he recognised.
"C'mon, we'll keep looking," he said.
"Right," the man said, peeking into the bath products store and then the linen store next to it. Uninhabited.
He checked the old toy store, then the pet store, smiling a mysterious smile as he left.
"What?" he asked with a series of blinks. "You see something?"
"Nah, just... remembering something. Anyway, let's keep going."
He nodded, looking at the tiny lean-tos beneath the stairs before saying: "Is it possible for someone to like leave?"
"Sure it is," he said. "We don't lock people in."
"Well I mean wouldn't the patrols spot 'em?"
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
A long, low, agonised moan filled the air. Sherry was up in a flash, grabbing the pistol from her discarded holster even as she was completely unclothed.
"Did you fucking hear that?!" she whispered.
"Probably a patient." He said, swinging to his feet and hauling his pants back on.
She yanked the bare minimum of clothing back on, leaving her jacket and underwear behind as she opened the door first, cautiously.
Mike threw his clothes on. Luckily, his hair was pretty much permenantly disheveled, so he didn't look like he'd just been rolling in the hay. He grabbed some linen and strode out officiously, not bothering to take cover. It wouldn't be a Zombie, not this far in without any advanced warning.
Sherry followed him, embarrassed by her earlier reaction, and shoved the underwear into her back with a bit of an embarrassed grin. Although she didn't really care if anyone had seen them.
"Who the fuck?" she asked.
"Nobody." Mike said, puzzled. And indeed, there was no disturbance in the infirmary.
"Sounded like a fucking patient," she said, then turned on her heel as another groan sounded from back where they'd came. "Come on!" she shouted.
Mike searched the area, calling out to whoever-it-was for clearer indications as to his/her location.
"In... Here!" someone groaned, followed by a heavy clatter. Sherry charged down the hallway with purpose, flinging open door after door until finally she found the right one and nearly stumbled over the woman in the office. She laid on the floor, breath coming in heavy gasps and sweat beading on her face.
Mike dashed over and inspected the woman quickly, searching for the problem.
"Oh jesus FUCK," Sherry snarled, taking a few steps back. "Mike, get some fucking people," she said. It was apparent by now that the woman was having heavy contractions, coming about a minute and a half apart.
"You're faster than me and I'm the doctor." He replied quickly, doing what he could for the woman.
"I'm a girl," she contested, then scrambled down the hall. "I'll find people!" she shouted. Find Melanie, hopefully? Anyone that knew more about this than them?
"Hey, Hero Doc," she said with a grin.
"Hey yourself." He said, turning and giving her a kiss as he finished what he was doing. "You look better." He remarked.
"Better than what?" she asked with a grin, handing over one of the thermoses and taking a sip from her own. With a bit of a groan, she plunked down onto the sofa beside him and held up the package with a grin. "Like truffles?" she asked.
"Truff- I overslept and it's the first of April, right?" He said, taking a seat next to her and drinking from his own thermos. "Aah. That hits the spot."
"Mm, nope," she said, tearing the bag open and offering him one of the small foil-wrapped delicacies. "They're a mite stale," she said, "but they're good."
"If I wasn't already in love with you, I would be now." He said admiringly as he snaffled one of the truffles. "Who'd you have to sacrifice to conjure up these?" He asked, inhaling its smell like it was vintage brandy.
"Been saving 'em for a special occasion," she said with a grin.
"Minx." He said, prodding her in the ribs. Then he looked at his watch with theatrical anxiousness. "A special occasion? I haven't missed an anniversary or something?" He grinned.
"Oh, today is the anniversary," she said, taking a bite of one of the chocolates and then kissing him sweetly. "We're going to be remembering this day for the rest of our lives."
"Do tell." He said, munching on his truffle and snuggling closer.
"Because we're fucking free," she said, leaning on him. "Who needs a special reason? Today's our own holiday."
"Sounds good." He said affably, finishing his truffle and throwing his now-free arm over her shoulders. He took another sip of tea. "Truffles, tea, you... Those make for a pretty good holiday." He concluded, kissing her with tea-flavoured lips.
"You got some time to spare?" she purred, licking at his mouth and the taste of chocolate.
"Why?" He asked. "Do you need an examination?" He ran his hands over her. "You seem fine from a preliminary, but I can make time for a more detailed one." He grinned wickedly.
"Indeed, doctor," she said, grinning as she pressed her body against his. "Seeing as how we were both too tired for one last night..."
"Be warned, I insist on follow-up exams." He cautioned, carefully recapping his thermos and wrapping his arms around her.
"That can be arranged, although I've a fairly busy schedule." She winked and pressed a finger to his nose. "So where we headed? Supply room?"
"Sounds good." He said again, getting to his feet without letting go of her. "I need to check on the linen anyway." He winked back.
"The linen, hm?" she said with a chuckle, allowing him to lead her away from the general infirmary area. As they walked, she kept up leaning against him.
"Oh, yes." He said, holding her close to him as they walked. "Dirty, I'm afraid." He said with an air of deep regret. "And the room's nearly soundproof. If something were to happen to us, no one would know." He looked down at her and waggled his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, but it's the best I can do."
"Soundproof and dirty, you sure you didn't plan this?" she said with a grin as they rounded the corner. Her hands were getting braver now, more exploratory, smoothing over his clothes as they walked.
"Me? Plan something? Surely not." He chuckled, opening the door with one hand while the other went up the back of her sweater.
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
As their beloved general was shouting his damnfool head off about something or other, a man walked up to him, tapping his shoulder.
"What?" he said, turning around.
The man was in his late twenties, and when Petro spun he jumped back a bit, frightened. "Ah, sir, you said you're looking for Lisbeth?" he asked.
"Yeah, needed to talk to her about something," he said. "What's up?"
"Is she here?" he asked quietly, looking around the room. "That's my sister you're talking about, I think..."
"She's supposed to be here, yeah," he said. "C'mon, let's go see if we can find her," he said, waving him along.
" Didn't know she made it," he said, "thought she died... She was gonna have a kid, you know, scariest thing, huh?"
"Yeah, that's why I'm looking for her," he said.
"I dunno if she made it,' he said again, looking around. "She's a little thing... Short and stuff."
"I think we're looking for the same woman," he said. "C'mon, daylight's burning, time's a'wasting, we got a reunion to get you to..." he trotted down the stairs.
He followed. "How d'you know she's here?" he asked as he jogged after Petro down the stairs.
"Long story," he said, he said, bouncing up on the rail to slide the rest of the way down. He lit a cigarette, still enjoying the vaguely sinful behavior of SMOKING IN THE MALL as he went.
As he followed, he said: "My name's Joachim, by the way..."
"Petro," he said unnecessarily. "Please to meet ya, Joachim. You one of the new militia members?"
"Yes," he said. "I came here with my wife, Yesenia, after we had given up looking for my sister. I didn't think she had made it... She's a big girl, you know?"
"Good to have you onboard," he said sincerely as he moved through the mall. "Need all the people we can get, and the militia is a job worth doing."
"Right, sir," he said with a grin. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
"That's the spirit," He kept walking briskly, checking all the communal haunts the survivors had put together.
Unfortunately, through the tents and shanties and piles of bedrolls in the commons, there was no sign of anyone he recognised.
"C'mon, we'll keep looking," he said.
"Right," the man said, peeking into the bath products store and then the linen store next to it. Uninhabited.
He checked the old toy store, then the pet store, smiling a mysterious smile as he left.
"What?" he asked with a series of blinks. "You see something?"
"Nah, just... remembering something. Anyway, let's keep going."
He nodded, looking at the tiny lean-tos beneath the stairs before saying: "Is it possible for someone to like leave?"
"Sure it is," he said. "We don't lock people in."
"Well I mean wouldn't the patrols spot 'em?"
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
A long, low, agonised moan filled the air. Sherry was up in a flash, grabbing the pistol from her discarded holster even as she was completely unclothed.
"Did you fucking hear that?!" she whispered.
"Probably a patient." He said, swinging to his feet and hauling his pants back on.
She yanked the bare minimum of clothing back on, leaving her jacket and underwear behind as she opened the door first, cautiously.
Mike threw his clothes on. Luckily, his hair was pretty much permenantly disheveled, so he didn't look like he'd just been rolling in the hay. He grabbed some linen and strode out officiously, not bothering to take cover. It wouldn't be a Zombie, not this far in without any advanced warning.
Sherry followed him, embarrassed by her earlier reaction, and shoved the underwear into her back with a bit of an embarrassed grin. Although she didn't really care if anyone had seen them.
"Who the fuck?" she asked.
"Nobody." Mike said, puzzled. And indeed, there was no disturbance in the infirmary.
"Sounded like a fucking patient," she said, then turned on her heel as another groan sounded from back where they'd came. "Come on!" she shouted.
Mike searched the area, calling out to whoever-it-was for clearer indications as to his/her location.
"In... Here!" someone groaned, followed by a heavy clatter. Sherry charged down the hallway with purpose, flinging open door after door until finally she found the right one and nearly stumbled over the woman in the office. She laid on the floor, breath coming in heavy gasps and sweat beading on her face.
Mike dashed over and inspected the woman quickly, searching for the problem.
"Oh jesus FUCK," Sherry snarled, taking a few steps back. "Mike, get some fucking people," she said. It was apparent by now that the woman was having heavy contractions, coming about a minute and a half apart.
"You're faster than me and I'm the doctor." He replied quickly, doing what he could for the woman.
"I'm a girl," she contested, then scrambled down the hall. "I'll find people!" she shouted. Find Melanie, hopefully? Anyone that knew more about this than them?

"Are you trying to give me a spasm?" ~The Necrontyr Messenger
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:51 pm
- 19
- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
Hearing the agonized moans, Petro forgot the search for the moment and drew his pistol. There better not be any rapine and pillage going on in his by-god mall. "C'mon!" he called out, charging for the sounds. He burst down the hallway at a run, charging in to discover Mike and Sherry and... huzzah, a pregnant woman.
Sherry's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as she looked from Lisbeth to petro to the gun to Petro again.
"What the flying FUCK are you doing?!" she shouted, staring at him with a gaping jaw.
"Heard... screaming..." he said, reholstering his pistol, surprised at the venom.
"You just pointed a GUN at a PREGNANT WOMAN in LABOUR!" she said, eyes wide. Sometimes Petro wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but this was... Bad, even for him.
"I didn't know she was in labor!" he shouted back. "And besides, it's... like the hiccups! A good scare, and she's all better, right?"
"A--" Sherry stared at him, completely aghast. She had absolutely nothing she could say in response to that little gem of reasoning, shook her head. "You are such a twat sometimes!" she squeaked.
"Okay, okay, you go get Mel or Ace or somebody, I'll help Mike. Sheesh, you act like nobody in the fucking history of the human race has slung out an infant before. It's a perfectly natural thing." He rolled his eyes, stepping past her. "You are SUCH a fucking drama queen."
"How am I supposed to know what to do?" she chirped, "I fucking HATE children!"
And with that she raced from the room, rather glad to be away from that little hotbed of activity.
Melanie was busy on the top floor, going through her supplies in her and Petro's room. Good god, she wasn't prepared for anything like this... And when she heard Sherry squealing she figured it was time to go.
Sherry's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as she looked from Lisbeth to petro to the gun to Petro again.
"What the flying FUCK are you doing?!" she shouted, staring at him with a gaping jaw.
"Heard... screaming..." he said, reholstering his pistol, surprised at the venom.
"You just pointed a GUN at a PREGNANT WOMAN in LABOUR!" she said, eyes wide. Sometimes Petro wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but this was... Bad, even for him.
"I didn't know she was in labor!" he shouted back. "And besides, it's... like the hiccups! A good scare, and she's all better, right?"
"A--" Sherry stared at him, completely aghast. She had absolutely nothing she could say in response to that little gem of reasoning, shook her head. "You are such a twat sometimes!" she squeaked.
"Okay, okay, you go get Mel or Ace or somebody, I'll help Mike. Sheesh, you act like nobody in the fucking history of the human race has slung out an infant before. It's a perfectly natural thing." He rolled his eyes, stepping past her. "You are SUCH a fucking drama queen."
"How am I supposed to know what to do?" she chirped, "I fucking HATE children!"
And with that she raced from the room, rather glad to be away from that little hotbed of activity.
Melanie was busy on the top floor, going through her supplies in her and Petro's room. Good god, she wasn't prepared for anything like this... And when she heard Sherry squealing she figured it was time to go.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
- Pcm979
- Adept
- Posts: 1306
- Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:22 am
- 19
- Location: Command Deck, the UMSC Pillar of Awesome.
"Petro, please wheel over a bed from the infirmary." Mike said, attending to the woman as his mind raced. He'd never delivered a baby. It wasn't his job! Well, until now.

"Are you trying to give me a spasm?" ~The Necrontyr Messenger
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:51 pm
- 19
- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
"Will do," he said cheerfully. "Hey Joachim! Found her! She could use a little company!"
He departed for the infirmary.
He departed for the infirmary.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
The man, who'd been following Petro, finally reached the room. He didn't have the other man's manic energy, and so he'd been not quite as---OH FUCK.
Joachim stared with wide eyes at his sister, who was quite obviously in the process of having a baby.
"Lisbeth! Where the Hell have you been?" he asked, dropping onto a knee beside her and taking her hand. She didn't seem to respond too well, simply grabbing his shirt and bunching it in her fists as the contractions continued.
After a few agonising minutes, Melanie was finally on the bottom floor, and she rounded a corner straight into Petro, followed by Sherry, who smashed into the two of them, further tangling their limbs.
Joachim stared with wide eyes at his sister, who was quite obviously in the process of having a baby.
"Lisbeth! Where the Hell have you been?" he asked, dropping onto a knee beside her and taking her hand. She didn't seem to respond too well, simply grabbing his shirt and bunching it in her fists as the contractions continued.
After a few agonising minutes, Melanie was finally on the bottom floor, and she rounded a corner straight into Petro, followed by Sherry, who smashed into the two of them, further tangling their limbs.

- Pcm979
- Adept
- Posts: 1306
- Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:22 am
- 19
- Location: Command Deck, the UMSC Pillar of Awesome.
In the meantime, Mike and the other men had managed to haul the woman on to the bed and wheel her back into the infirmary, where Mike was pulling together an assortment of gloves, smocks and medical implements.
"Ma'am!" He said with relief as the tangle of human limbs entered the room. "Have you done this before, by any chance?" He asked, trying to keep the hope in his voice to a minimum.
"Ma'am!" He said with relief as the tangle of human limbs entered the room. "Have you done this before, by any chance?" He asked, trying to keep the hope in his voice to a minimum.

"Are you trying to give me a spasm?" ~The Necrontyr Messenger
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
- Posts: 8114
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:51 pm
- 19
- Location: Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
He disentangled himself from the pile of women, breaking out into a laugh at Mike's question. "Reinforcements are enroute," he called out cheerfully.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain