The pretentiousness that brought us the classic Usenet post is back again, with a vengeance!
Also man i didn't know the 80s in gaming were nothing but dungeon delving and dragon fighting as far as the eye could see. Guess that Traveller (1977), Call of Cthulhu (1981), Champions (1981), Mekton (1984), Paranoia (1984), Twilight 2000 (1984), MechWarrior (1986), Star Wars (1987), Cyberpunk (1988), and Shadowrun (1989) were all some kind of collective delusion. That's just the games i know, and i wasn't even born then! Hell even the specific thing that World of Darkness is, playing supernatural predators in the a dark vision of the modern world, was done first by Nightlife (1990), from which Vampire the Masquerade borrows heavily.
It's true that White Wolf was a really big deal in the 90s and had a lot of influence on the gaming industry, and arguably even pop culture, but get a grip man. It wasn't the second coming, the reality is that it was the right thing at the right time. It didn't create the wave, it just happened to get on the surfboard just as it was cresting and then stayed on it all the way down. That's certainly notable and something to be proud of, but the tone of that trailer almost makes it sound like White Wolf invented punk and goth.
That entire thing is nothing but hilarious self-masturbatory bullshit. Not even mad, just: