Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
- rhoenix
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#126 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
News from Tenno Live at PAX East:
The major news items from this stream (that were not covered by the previous stream):
- PvP modes are being added, with Capture the Flag / Capture the Cephalon is first
- playing PvP earns you rep with a second neutral faction, which will give away pvp-oriented mods, as well as cosmetic items
- new dragon-themed frame is named Chroma, and it can change elemental focus (fire to ice, etc.); will focus on team buffing and support
- 3rd year anniversary free weapon being released soon is the Dex Dakra
- much lore is coming
- proper transition between ground battle and archwing is coming (so you can fly outside a ship for a part of a mission, and then fly back in)
- 4th faction has been teased
The major news items from this stream (that were not covered by the previous stream):
- PvP modes are being added, with Capture the Flag / Capture the Cephalon is first
- playing PvP earns you rep with a second neutral faction, which will give away pvp-oriented mods, as well as cosmetic items
- new dragon-themed frame is named Chroma, and it can change elemental focus (fire to ice, etc.); will focus on team buffing and support
- 3rd year anniversary free weapon being released soon is the Dex Dakra
- much lore is coming
- proper transition between ground battle and archwing is coming (so you can fly outside a ship for a part of a mission, and then fly back in)
- 4th faction has been teased
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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#127 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Two new, though small, discoveries over my weekend:
1. The Wyrm Prime sucks as a Sentinel. It's gun however, the Prime Laser Rifle, is a great gun for a Sentinel - and the best one that works with the Fired Up mod.
2. Corrupted mods have their place, even if their place is a very specialized one. Basically, under conditions in which the tradeoffs are minimized, and you have enough mod energy, they can help something go above and beyond what normal mods can achieve.
For instance: With guns like the Ignis, Torid, and Amprex, as they are AoE weapons, accuracy isn't as much of a consideration. Those same weapons also tend to fall off in usefulness at higher levels, simply because while they're great for doing damage to an area, they don't do as much damage to individual targets. For this instance, the Heavy Caliber mod works quite well. In fact, it works especially well with the Torid, as the accuracy loss from Heavy Caliber will often make the multishot for a grenade land in a different spot, thus widening the gassed area.
Heavy Caliber takes up a large amount of mod energy by itself, and it makes any gun it's put into more inaccurate, especially at higher ranks - but the damage bonus it gives very nicely counterbalances that. For guns such as the Ignis and Amprex, the accuracy loss does not really affect the guns' performance at all, and the damage boost is quite noticeable.
For weapons such as the Supra or Soma however, where there are actual bullets flying at actual targets, while it does much more damage if a round hits, you'll have to use the gun at shotgun ranges to get any kind of accuracy. It does work nicely with the Synapse and Glaxion, due to the nature of how their beams work, and it works pretty well with the Flux Rifle - but for most other guns, I'll avoid using Heavy Caliber, since I like hitting what I aim at, and tend to get cranky if I can't. On the other hand, there are options such as Critical Delay (which gives increased crit chance in exchange for slower fire rate), Critical Deceleration (same as Critical Delay, but for shotguns), Tainted Shell (reduces shotgun spread at the cost of slower fire rate), and Magnum Force works like Heavy Caliber for sidearm-type weapons.
For instance 2: In the case of a Warframe, it's a bit trickier. Basically, there are two considerations one must be mindful of: first, that you may not wish to use all abilities for a given Warframe, and second, that not all abilities require boosts to range, duration, and strength. Let's use Excalibur as our example in this case, since damn near everyone has one.
- Slash Dash is affected by duration mods (for distance traveled), strength mods (for damage), and range mods (for width of the slash as you travel).
- Radial Blind is affected by duration mods (for time of actual blindness), and range mods (for the blind radius).
- Super Jump is affected by strength mods (for jump height), and range mods (for stun radius when he lands from the jump)
- Radial Javelin is affected by strength mods (for the damage), and range mods (for additional targets to be hit).
Abilities affected by +strength mods: Slash Dash, Super Jump, Radial Javelin
Abilities affected by +duration mods: Slash Dash, Radial Blind
Abilities affected by +range mods: Slash Dash, Radial Blind, Super Jump, Radial Javelin
So now, it becomes a question of what abilities you want to use. Let's say for the sake of argument that you're not worried about any other ability here other than Radial Blind, so you can blind enemies easily and often in places like T4 Defense, Derelict Defense, and the like. This means that you're just going to be focused on +duration mods and +range mods, and not taking +strength mods into consideration at all. This means that you can use the Corrupted mod Overextended, which normally has the downside of reducing power strength in exchange for a massive boost in range, but in this case, we're really not worried about power strength. So with Stretch and Overextended equipped, you get a total boost in range by +135%, more than doubling the range within which an enemy will get blinded when you use Radial Blind. Your Super Jump height will suck, and the damage you'll get for Slash Dash and Radial Javelin won't be at all impressive now, but the tradeoff is that you can blind enemies in a huge radius.
Some frames are of course easier to do this than others with, depending on what abilities you want to focus on. For instance, Loki doesn't need +strength mods at all, for any of his abilities. Decoy isn't affected by any mods except +duration, Invisibility is only affected by +duration, Switch Teleport is only affected by +range, and Radial Disarm is only affected by +range. Therefore, focusing on just +duration and +range for Loki makes him even more effective than before.
- - -
In conclusion, Corrupted mods have their uses, while they tend to be very focused ones. The recently released Primed series of mods tend to work better for their purpose than Corrupted mods do, for the simple reason that Primed mods offer a higher benefit with no real drawback, apart from needing more mod energy to slot.
In all likelihood, you'll only use Corrupted mods if you have them in very specific circumstances. However, while all of them offer a tremendous drawback in exchange for their power, it is at least good to acknowledge what they offer.
One last quick example - the Corrupted mods Blind Rage and Transient Fortitude both add a bonus to power strength. At maximum rank, Blind Rage offers a +99% boost to power strength (compare to Intensify, which offers +30% at max rank), in exchange for a -55% drop in power efficiency and 16 mod energy points. Transient Fortitude offers a +55% bonus to power strength, in exchange for a -27.5% drop in power duration, also at a cost of 16 mod energy points.
Both of them offer a higher bonus than what Intensify offers, and while both of them have drawbacks, both of those drawbacks can be mitigated, or at least minimized in the case of Blind Rage. While you may not need or want this option most of the time, there are times when having a much-increased power strength can be of tremendous help when casting abilities.
For instance - Nova's Molecular Prime ability can slow enemies, but how much those enemies are slowed is directly dependent upon current power strength. A Trinity's abilities all depend on power strength to see how much life or energy they return when cast, and for her, having penalties to power duration can actually help Well of Life and Energy Vampire get out their full effects more quickly, though this will negatively impact how Link works. The point is that by being a bit more flexible in how you use a given Warframe's abilities, and how you use them, Corrupted mods may actually be of help to get.
1. The Wyrm Prime sucks as a Sentinel. It's gun however, the Prime Laser Rifle, is a great gun for a Sentinel - and the best one that works with the Fired Up mod.
2. Corrupted mods have their place, even if their place is a very specialized one. Basically, under conditions in which the tradeoffs are minimized, and you have enough mod energy, they can help something go above and beyond what normal mods can achieve.
For instance: With guns like the Ignis, Torid, and Amprex, as they are AoE weapons, accuracy isn't as much of a consideration. Those same weapons also tend to fall off in usefulness at higher levels, simply because while they're great for doing damage to an area, they don't do as much damage to individual targets. For this instance, the Heavy Caliber mod works quite well. In fact, it works especially well with the Torid, as the accuracy loss from Heavy Caliber will often make the multishot for a grenade land in a different spot, thus widening the gassed area.
Heavy Caliber takes up a large amount of mod energy by itself, and it makes any gun it's put into more inaccurate, especially at higher ranks - but the damage bonus it gives very nicely counterbalances that. For guns such as the Ignis and Amprex, the accuracy loss does not really affect the guns' performance at all, and the damage boost is quite noticeable.
For weapons such as the Supra or Soma however, where there are actual bullets flying at actual targets, while it does much more damage if a round hits, you'll have to use the gun at shotgun ranges to get any kind of accuracy. It does work nicely with the Synapse and Glaxion, due to the nature of how their beams work, and it works pretty well with the Flux Rifle - but for most other guns, I'll avoid using Heavy Caliber, since I like hitting what I aim at, and tend to get cranky if I can't. On the other hand, there are options such as Critical Delay (which gives increased crit chance in exchange for slower fire rate), Critical Deceleration (same as Critical Delay, but for shotguns), Tainted Shell (reduces shotgun spread at the cost of slower fire rate), and Magnum Force works like Heavy Caliber for sidearm-type weapons.
For instance 2: In the case of a Warframe, it's a bit trickier. Basically, there are two considerations one must be mindful of: first, that you may not wish to use all abilities for a given Warframe, and second, that not all abilities require boosts to range, duration, and strength. Let's use Excalibur as our example in this case, since damn near everyone has one.
- Slash Dash is affected by duration mods (for distance traveled), strength mods (for damage), and range mods (for width of the slash as you travel).
- Radial Blind is affected by duration mods (for time of actual blindness), and range mods (for the blind radius).
- Super Jump is affected by strength mods (for jump height), and range mods (for stun radius when he lands from the jump)
- Radial Javelin is affected by strength mods (for the damage), and range mods (for additional targets to be hit).
Abilities affected by +strength mods: Slash Dash, Super Jump, Radial Javelin
Abilities affected by +duration mods: Slash Dash, Radial Blind
Abilities affected by +range mods: Slash Dash, Radial Blind, Super Jump, Radial Javelin
So now, it becomes a question of what abilities you want to use. Let's say for the sake of argument that you're not worried about any other ability here other than Radial Blind, so you can blind enemies easily and often in places like T4 Defense, Derelict Defense, and the like. This means that you're just going to be focused on +duration mods and +range mods, and not taking +strength mods into consideration at all. This means that you can use the Corrupted mod Overextended, which normally has the downside of reducing power strength in exchange for a massive boost in range, but in this case, we're really not worried about power strength. So with Stretch and Overextended equipped, you get a total boost in range by +135%, more than doubling the range within which an enemy will get blinded when you use Radial Blind. Your Super Jump height will suck, and the damage you'll get for Slash Dash and Radial Javelin won't be at all impressive now, but the tradeoff is that you can blind enemies in a huge radius.
Some frames are of course easier to do this than others with, depending on what abilities you want to focus on. For instance, Loki doesn't need +strength mods at all, for any of his abilities. Decoy isn't affected by any mods except +duration, Invisibility is only affected by +duration, Switch Teleport is only affected by +range, and Radial Disarm is only affected by +range. Therefore, focusing on just +duration and +range for Loki makes him even more effective than before.
- - -
In conclusion, Corrupted mods have their uses, while they tend to be very focused ones. The recently released Primed series of mods tend to work better for their purpose than Corrupted mods do, for the simple reason that Primed mods offer a higher benefit with no real drawback, apart from needing more mod energy to slot.
In all likelihood, you'll only use Corrupted mods if you have them in very specific circumstances. However, while all of them offer a tremendous drawback in exchange for their power, it is at least good to acknowledge what they offer.
One last quick example - the Corrupted mods Blind Rage and Transient Fortitude both add a bonus to power strength. At maximum rank, Blind Rage offers a +99% boost to power strength (compare to Intensify, which offers +30% at max rank), in exchange for a -55% drop in power efficiency and 16 mod energy points. Transient Fortitude offers a +55% bonus to power strength, in exchange for a -27.5% drop in power duration, also at a cost of 16 mod energy points.
Both of them offer a higher bonus than what Intensify offers, and while both of them have drawbacks, both of those drawbacks can be mitigated, or at least minimized in the case of Blind Rage. While you may not need or want this option most of the time, there are times when having a much-increased power strength can be of tremendous help when casting abilities.
For instance - Nova's Molecular Prime ability can slow enemies, but how much those enemies are slowed is directly dependent upon current power strength. A Trinity's abilities all depend on power strength to see how much life or energy they return when cast, and for her, having penalties to power duration can actually help Well of Life and Energy Vampire get out their full effects more quickly, though this will negatively impact how Link works. The point is that by being a bit more flexible in how you use a given Warframe's abilities, and how you use them, Corrupted mods may actually be of help to get.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#128 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
This is a great breakdown about using the Fury mod versus using the Berserker mod for melee speed.
TL;DW: Fury adds +30% to attack speed, but Berserker adds +30% to attack speed for 24 seconds every time you crit. Which of the two you use (and you can use both on the same melee weapon) is mainly dependent upon the weapon's chance to crit, plus the number of multi-hits a given stance for it has. Be mindful though that the very highest bonus you can have to attack speed is 75%, so if you proc Berserker three times, the last bonus will only be +15% to attack speed, and not the full 30%. However, +75% to attack speed is no joke.
And FYI, this is how I mod the Tipedo, Dragon Nikana, Orthos Prime, and Dual Zorens to be able to cut down the Stalker in melee, since he staggers briefly every time you land a hit on him if you Channel first. If you can, get your hands on the Life Strike mod, which will return some health back with every channeled strike you make that does damage on an enemy.
This is a great breakdown about using the Fury mod versus using the Berserker mod for melee speed.
TL;DW: Fury adds +30% to attack speed, but Berserker adds +30% to attack speed for 24 seconds every time you crit. Which of the two you use (and you can use both on the same melee weapon) is mainly dependent upon the weapon's chance to crit, plus the number of multi-hits a given stance for it has. Be mindful though that the very highest bonus you can have to attack speed is 75%, so if you proc Berserker three times, the last bonus will only be +15% to attack speed, and not the full 30%. However, +75% to attack speed is no joke.
And FYI, this is how I mod the Tipedo, Dragon Nikana, Orthos Prime, and Dual Zorens to be able to cut down the Stalker in melee, since he staggers briefly every time you land a hit on him if you Channel first. If you can, get your hands on the Life Strike mod, which will return some health back with every channeled strike you make that does damage on an enemy.
Last edited by rhoenix on Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#129 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
For those of you curious as to how the new 8-player raid will go, here's a 3 part series showing how it goes down. Note that 3 of the 8 left about halfway through, leaving it to be completed with 5 people total, and successfully.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
And, here are the possible Arcane enhancements that can drop as a reward for completion. Note that these can be applied to any helmet or syandana, as long as that helmet or syandana is not already arcane in quality.
Arcane Acceleration - ON CRITICAL HIT: 1% chance for +5% FIRE RATE to Rifles for 1.5 seconds
Arcane Agility - ON DAMAGED: 1% chance for 5% Movement Speed for 2 seconds
Arcane Avenger - ON DAMAGE: 3.5% chance for a +0.1 % CRITICAL CHANCE for 2 seconds
Arcane Awakening - ON RELOAD: 3% chance +15% DAMAGE to Pistols for 4 seconds.
Arcane Barrier - ON DAMAGED: 1% chance to instantly restore all shields
Arcane Eruption - ON ENERGY PICK UP: 5% chance to knockdown nearby enemies
Arcane Guardian - ON DAMAGED: 5% chance for +15% ARMOR for 5 seconds
Arcane Healing - +10% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect
Arcane Ice - +10% chance to resist a Heat damage effect
Acane Nullifier - +10% Chance To Resist Magnetic Proc
Arcane Phantasm - ON PARRY: 4% Chance for +5% SPEED for 3 seconds.
Arcane Rage - ON HEADSHOT: 2.5% chance for +5% DAMAGE to RIFLE Weapons for 4 seconds
Arcane Strike - ON HIT: 2.5% chance for +5% ATTACK SPEED to Melee Weapons for 3 seconds.
Arcane Trickery - ON FINISHER: 2.5% chance of going invisible for 5 seconds
Arcane Warmth - +10% chance to resist a Cold damage effect
Each enhancement is stackable up to 10x, multiplying each numerical value by 4 at total. This becomes a bit more impressive, but you have to cough up 500,000 credits each time you add one of them (totaling 5 million credits alone), which seems very excessive, though you do get a sizable amount of credits for completing the raid, which takes about 35-50 minutes. However:
Arcane Acceleration - ON CRITICAL HIT: 4% chance for +20% FIRE RATE to Rifles for 6 seconds
Arcane Agility - ON DAMAGED: 4% chance for 20% Movement Speed for 8 seconds
Arcane Avenger - ON DAMAGE: 14% chance for a +0.4 % CRITICAL CHANCE for 8 seconds
Arcane Awakening - ON RELOAD: 12% chance +60% DAMAGE to Pistols for 16 seconds.
Arcane Barrier - ON DAMAGED: 4% chance to instantly restore all shields
Arcane Eruption - ON ENERGY PICK UP: 20% chance to knockdown nearby enemies
Arcane Guardian - ON DAMAGED: 20% chance for +60% ARMOR for 20 seconds
Arcane Healing - +40% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect
Arcane Ice - +40% chance to resist a Heat damage effect
Acane Nullifier - +40% Chance To Resist Magnetic Proc
Arcane Phantasm - ON PARRY: 16% Chance for +20% SPEED for 3 seconds.
Arcane Rage - ON HEADSHOT: 10% chance for +20% DAMAGE to RIFLE Weapons for 16 seconds
Arcane Strike - ON HIT: 10% chance for +20% ATTACK SPEED to Melee Weapons for 12 seconds.
Arcane Trickery - ON FINISHER: 10% chance of going invisible for 20 seconds
Arcane Warmth - +40% chance to resist a Cold damage effect
So yeah, not quite the same as the old arcane helmets some of us stocked up on, but still interesting nonetheless. I'm less pleased that which one drops is random... but at least you don't have to buy a new blueprint each time you want to modify an item.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
And, here are the possible Arcane enhancements that can drop as a reward for completion. Note that these can be applied to any helmet or syandana, as long as that helmet or syandana is not already arcane in quality.
Arcane Acceleration - ON CRITICAL HIT: 1% chance for +5% FIRE RATE to Rifles for 1.5 seconds
Arcane Agility - ON DAMAGED: 1% chance for 5% Movement Speed for 2 seconds
Arcane Avenger - ON DAMAGE: 3.5% chance for a +0.1 % CRITICAL CHANCE for 2 seconds
Arcane Awakening - ON RELOAD: 3% chance +15% DAMAGE to Pistols for 4 seconds.
Arcane Barrier - ON DAMAGED: 1% chance to instantly restore all shields
Arcane Eruption - ON ENERGY PICK UP: 5% chance to knockdown nearby enemies
Arcane Guardian - ON DAMAGED: 5% chance for +15% ARMOR for 5 seconds
Arcane Healing - +10% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect
Arcane Ice - +10% chance to resist a Heat damage effect
Acane Nullifier - +10% Chance To Resist Magnetic Proc
Arcane Phantasm - ON PARRY: 4% Chance for +5% SPEED for 3 seconds.
Arcane Rage - ON HEADSHOT: 2.5% chance for +5% DAMAGE to RIFLE Weapons for 4 seconds
Arcane Strike - ON HIT: 2.5% chance for +5% ATTACK SPEED to Melee Weapons for 3 seconds.
Arcane Trickery - ON FINISHER: 2.5% chance of going invisible for 5 seconds
Arcane Warmth - +10% chance to resist a Cold damage effect
Each enhancement is stackable up to 10x, multiplying each numerical value by 4 at total. This becomes a bit more impressive, but you have to cough up 500,000 credits each time you add one of them (totaling 5 million credits alone), which seems very excessive, though you do get a sizable amount of credits for completing the raid, which takes about 35-50 minutes. However:
Arcane Acceleration - ON CRITICAL HIT: 4% chance for +20% FIRE RATE to Rifles for 6 seconds
Arcane Agility - ON DAMAGED: 4% chance for 20% Movement Speed for 8 seconds
Arcane Avenger - ON DAMAGE: 14% chance for a +0.4 % CRITICAL CHANCE for 8 seconds
Arcane Awakening - ON RELOAD: 12% chance +60% DAMAGE to Pistols for 16 seconds.
Arcane Barrier - ON DAMAGED: 4% chance to instantly restore all shields
Arcane Eruption - ON ENERGY PICK UP: 20% chance to knockdown nearby enemies
Arcane Guardian - ON DAMAGED: 20% chance for +60% ARMOR for 20 seconds
Arcane Healing - +40% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect
Arcane Ice - +40% chance to resist a Heat damage effect
Acane Nullifier - +40% Chance To Resist Magnetic Proc
Arcane Phantasm - ON PARRY: 16% Chance for +20% SPEED for 3 seconds.
Arcane Rage - ON HEADSHOT: 10% chance for +20% DAMAGE to RIFLE Weapons for 16 seconds
Arcane Strike - ON HIT: 10% chance for +20% ATTACK SPEED to Melee Weapons for 12 seconds.
Arcane Trickery - ON FINISHER: 10% chance of going invisible for 20 seconds
Arcane Warmth - +40% chance to resist a Cold damage effect
So yeah, not quite the same as the old arcane helmets some of us stocked up on, but still interesting nonetheless. I'm less pleased that which one drops is random... but at least you don't have to buy a new blueprint each time you want to modify an item.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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#130 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
So - the Chroma. This is the latest frame added, and I have to say, it's a great deal of fun to use, and it's just a useful frame to have along in many circumstances.
You start the quest to get him by going to any Relay on the system map, and running all the way to the back, with the elevators. Take the elevator to the second floor room, where you'll see Darvo's room for extra deals (for plat, of course) on the left, and Cephalon Simaris' room is on the right.
Talk to Cephalon Simaris (the huge glowing orange/yellow thing) to get the quest The New Strange, which is actually a fun quest to do. You'll have to chase someone around for a while, learning more about them, and during this, your ship's Cephalon AI, Ordis, will also have some events of his own. Note that you'll need to collect some other Warframe parts to build each individual blueprint for the Chroma; you'll need a built Frost Chassis to build the Chroma Chassis, a built Saryn Systems to make the Chroma Systems, a built Ember Helmet to make the Chroma Helmet, and finally a built Volt Helmet to make the Chroma frame itself.
It may seem a bit excessive on build times, and it is, I'll grant - however, I thought it was still a nice touch to require a part from each of the four Elemental frames to build the Chroma.
Finally, once you do build the Chroma, you'll notice a couple of rather nice things straight away. First, he has the second-highest base Armor value in the game (at 350). Base Health and Shields are both 100, Movement Speed is 1.0, and Power is 150. These are nice stats to start with.
The Chroma's Elemental Alignment is set before a mission, by selecting his Energy color. Red & Orange are Heat, Blue & Purple are Electric, shades of green are Toxic, and Black & White are Cold. Once a color it set, it will show what elemental value it will grant Chroma on the Appearance screen for the Warframe, so you can see it easily. Which element you choose for the Chroma's element does affect how the Abilities work.
Chroma's Abilities:
TL:DR: Chroma's quest is genuinely fun, with the downside of having to craft other Warframe parts in addition to its own in order to build it. However, the frame itself is very fun to use in many circumstances and roles. The only role that Chroma doesn't do well in is stealth missions (e.g. Spy missions); for all others, Chroma can do very nicely. Being able to use Effigy to deny enemies an entrance to a room in Survival, or overwatching a point in Defense or Mobile Defense is very useful, and Elemental Ward & Vex Armor go very far in helping Chroma be nicely tanky.
Spectral Scream is mostly there so you can cosplay as Godzilla.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
You start the quest to get him by going to any Relay on the system map, and running all the way to the back, with the elevators. Take the elevator to the second floor room, where you'll see Darvo's room for extra deals (for plat, of course) on the left, and Cephalon Simaris' room is on the right.
Talk to Cephalon Simaris (the huge glowing orange/yellow thing) to get the quest The New Strange, which is actually a fun quest to do. You'll have to chase someone around for a while, learning more about them, and during this, your ship's Cephalon AI, Ordis, will also have some events of his own. Note that you'll need to collect some other Warframe parts to build each individual blueprint for the Chroma; you'll need a built Frost Chassis to build the Chroma Chassis, a built Saryn Systems to make the Chroma Systems, a built Ember Helmet to make the Chroma Helmet, and finally a built Volt Helmet to make the Chroma frame itself.
It may seem a bit excessive on build times, and it is, I'll grant - however, I thought it was still a nice touch to require a part from each of the four Elemental frames to build the Chroma.
Finally, once you do build the Chroma, you'll notice a couple of rather nice things straight away. First, he has the second-highest base Armor value in the game (at 350). Base Health and Shields are both 100, Movement Speed is 1.0, and Power is 150. These are nice stats to start with.
The Chroma's Elemental Alignment is set before a mission, by selecting his Energy color. Red & Orange are Heat, Blue & Purple are Electric, shades of green are Toxic, and Black & White are Cold. Once a color it set, it will show what elemental value it will grant Chroma on the Appearance screen for the Warframe, so you can see it easily. Which element you choose for the Chroma's element does affect how the Abilities work.
Chroma's Abilities:
Spoiler: show
Spectral Scream is mostly there so you can cosplay as Godzilla.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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#131 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
A sidenote about the two new Neutral Syndicates - the Conclave Syndicate (team PvP capture-the-flag, basically), and the Cephalon Simaris Syndicate.
The Conclave Syndicate room is reachable on any Relay, on the ground floor in the back where the elevators are. They offer Conclave-specific (in other words, PvP-specific) mods and items. I haven't tried it out yet, so I have nothing really to say, good or bad about it.
The Cephalon Simaris Syndicate, on the other hand, functions around scanning enemies. The bad news is that you have to buy a Syndicate Scanner from Cephalon Simaris to perform the scans for that Syndicate, but the good news is:
- each scan you make with the Syndicate Scanner also counts as a Codex Scan, if you haven't already maxed out the number of scans for that object or enemy.
- unlike the Codex Scanner, the Syndicate Scanner is upgradable, at 50k rep per upgrade.
. the upgrades are the Sol Battery Widget (so you no longer consume Scanner charges per scan), the Vector-Thread Widget (reduces time required to scan a target), and the Cross-Matrix Widget (gives a chance of a successful scan counting as two scans of that target instead of one).
- Simaris will show you his current targeted enemy in the main room. This enemy will appear on maps where that unit normally spawns, but will appear in a special color scheme and a special map marker when you see it. You will also never see more than one of these targets per mission, unfortunately. Scanning this target requires actually scanning four separate parts of its body (shown in the scanner), and will give you a hefty chunk of Simaris Rep when you've done so.
- Currently Simaris' target is still set on a Grineer Lancer, and it is unknown what will be shown or revealed once Simaris moves onto another enemy type.
- Simaris offers a precept ability for the Helios Sentinel, the Detect Vulnerability mod, for 75k rep. This ability creates highlighted weak points on enemies you've scanned the maximum amount of, similar to how the Banshee's Sonar ability works, but less powerful overall. On the other hand, the Helios will perform this ability for free if it's equipped, so...
- Simaris also offers Transmute Cores at 10k rep each, which will force the resulting mod you're Transmuting to be of the polarity of the Transmute Core, and will remove the credit cost for transmutation.
- For 50k rep, you can purchase access to the Simulacrum, which is a place you can fill with enemies of various factions and levels, up to a maximum of 20 units, and try killing them. You won' t get any rewards for doing so, so it's mostly good for practice against specific types of enemies, or specific combinations of enemies you want more experience fighting.
The Conclave Syndicate room is reachable on any Relay, on the ground floor in the back where the elevators are. They offer Conclave-specific (in other words, PvP-specific) mods and items. I haven't tried it out yet, so I have nothing really to say, good or bad about it.
The Cephalon Simaris Syndicate, on the other hand, functions around scanning enemies. The bad news is that you have to buy a Syndicate Scanner from Cephalon Simaris to perform the scans for that Syndicate, but the good news is:
- each scan you make with the Syndicate Scanner also counts as a Codex Scan, if you haven't already maxed out the number of scans for that object or enemy.
- unlike the Codex Scanner, the Syndicate Scanner is upgradable, at 50k rep per upgrade.
. the upgrades are the Sol Battery Widget (so you no longer consume Scanner charges per scan), the Vector-Thread Widget (reduces time required to scan a target), and the Cross-Matrix Widget (gives a chance of a successful scan counting as two scans of that target instead of one).
- Simaris will show you his current targeted enemy in the main room. This enemy will appear on maps where that unit normally spawns, but will appear in a special color scheme and a special map marker when you see it. You will also never see more than one of these targets per mission, unfortunately. Scanning this target requires actually scanning four separate parts of its body (shown in the scanner), and will give you a hefty chunk of Simaris Rep when you've done so.
- Currently Simaris' target is still set on a Grineer Lancer, and it is unknown what will be shown or revealed once Simaris moves onto another enemy type.
- Simaris offers a precept ability for the Helios Sentinel, the Detect Vulnerability mod, for 75k rep. This ability creates highlighted weak points on enemies you've scanned the maximum amount of, similar to how the Banshee's Sonar ability works, but less powerful overall. On the other hand, the Helios will perform this ability for free if it's equipped, so...
- Simaris also offers Transmute Cores at 10k rep each, which will force the resulting mod you're Transmuting to be of the polarity of the Transmute Core, and will remove the credit cost for transmutation.
- For 50k rep, you can purchase access to the Simulacrum, which is a place you can fill with enemies of various factions and levels, up to a maximum of 20 units, and try killing them. You won' t get any rewards for doing so, so it's mostly good for practice against specific types of enemies, or specific combinations of enemies you want more experience fighting.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#132 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Just FYI - Baro Ki'Teer, the Void Trader is back, and he's currently on the Saturn Relay. He's currently selling the Prisma Gorgon (which is an excellent upgrade to the Gorgon and Gorgon Wraith), and the Primed Heated Charge mod (same as regular Heated Charge, just with a higher maximum rank) for sidearms.
He's also selling a Baro Ki'Teer Noggle for your ship, but that's purely a cosmetic thing.
EDIT: Some comparisons. Because.
[td=]G. Wraith[/td]
[td=]Prisma G.[/td]
[td=]Firing Rate[/td]
[td=]Clip Size[/td]
[td=]Reload Time[/td]
[td=]dmg (total)[/td]
[td=]dmg (imp)[/td]
[td=]dmg (pun)[/td]
[td=]dmg (sla)[/td]
[td=]crit %[/td]
[td=]Crit Mult.[/td]
[td=]Status %[/td]
So yes. The Prisma Gorgon is a LMG that's definitely worth getting, and functions as a viable upgrade to both the Gorgon, and Gorgon Wraith.
He's also selling a Baro Ki'Teer Noggle for your ship, but that's purely a cosmetic thing.
EDIT: Some comparisons. Because.
[td=]G. Wraith[/td]
[td=]Prisma G.[/td]
[td=]Firing Rate[/td]
[td=]Clip Size[/td]
[td=]Reload Time[/td]
[td=]dmg (total)[/td]
[td=]dmg (imp)[/td]
[td=]dmg (pun)[/td]
[td=]dmg (sla)[/td]
[td=]crit %[/td]
[td=]Crit Mult.[/td]
[td=]Status %[/td]
So yes. The Prisma Gorgon is a LMG that's definitely worth getting, and functions as a viable upgrade to both the Gorgon, and Gorgon Wraith.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#133 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
So over my vacation, I finally got the parts I needed to make the Brakk.
The Brakk is still a powerful shotgun sidearm weapon, even after the nerfs it took. It and the Detron are still rather annoying to get your hands on, though with the recent Raid addition it's at least easier to meet the Grustrag Three with some regularity.
The fastest way I know of to get the Brakk or Detron is to run Invasion missions where the Corpus and Grineer are in conflict (side with Corpus if you want the Brakk, side with the Grineer if you want the Detron) until you get a message in your inbox, calling you a problem and such. If you then check your profile, you'll also have a Mark from the Grustrag Three if you sided against the Grineer, and the Harvester if you sided against the Corpus. At this point, go to the Recruiting channel, and look for others with the same mark. From there, just run normal missions together (as long as they're on the normal map; they will not appear in Void missions) as a group until you see the assassin appear. Having a Nekros, or a Hydroid with the Pilfering Swarm augment mod along to give you another chance at getting the parts also helps.
Now though, we come to the point where we have proper choices for shotgun sidearms, including the Bronco Prime, and the recently released Kohmak. I'm going to add the Detron to this list as well, even though it sucks terribly against everything that isn't Grineer.
[td=]Bronco P.[/td]
[td=]Fire Rate[/td]
[td=]dmg (total)[/td]
[td=]dmg (impact)[/td]
[td=]dmg (puncture)[/td]
[td=]dmg (slashing)[/td]
[td=]dmg (other)[/td]
[td=]105 radiation[/td]
[td=]crit %[/td]
[td=]crit mult.[/td]
[td=]status %[/td]
So at first glance, the Kohmak sucks - especially considering that you can get it only from the Clan Dojo, it comes with no polarities stndard, and you need a Forma to make it. Its 40 rounds per clip is rather nice, especially considering the others, but it appears to fall far behind the others. Here's the thing though - it has innate 1 meter punch-through, its damage fall-off over distance is much softer compared to the others (so you'll do more damage further away), and it spools up more pellets for each additional shot you fire from the clip.
So while the Kohmak does less damage initially, it does that damage further away, it has a much larger clip, and has an innate 1 meter punch-through.
Additionally, I hope you now see why the Detron sucks against anyone that isn't Grineer - no other faction's members take as much from Radiation damage as the Grineer do.
The Brakk, you'll note, has a terrifying fire rate - faster than one can actually click with the mouse. This makes it hilarious at close range, but not as great past about 20 meters or so.
The Bronco Prime does impressive damage, which is nice, but it has the same severe damage fall-off as with the others.
In conclusion, the Brakk and Bronco Prime are both best at close range, with the Brakk edging out the Bronco Prime across all categories, including with a hilariously fast 1 second reload. However, the Kohmak, while it will need Forma to add polarities, is much better over longer ranges, has a much larger clip, and has innate punch-through. Though I really like the Brakk (not least because it took me so long with the wrong approach to get it), in my humble opinion, the Kohmak stands very solidly on its own as a proper shotgun pistol.
Deciding which one to bring with you on a mission is basically down to personal preference and playstyle, which I think is a good thing.
The Brakk is still a powerful shotgun sidearm weapon, even after the nerfs it took. It and the Detron are still rather annoying to get your hands on, though with the recent Raid addition it's at least easier to meet the Grustrag Three with some regularity.
The fastest way I know of to get the Brakk or Detron is to run Invasion missions where the Corpus and Grineer are in conflict (side with Corpus if you want the Brakk, side with the Grineer if you want the Detron) until you get a message in your inbox, calling you a problem and such. If you then check your profile, you'll also have a Mark from the Grustrag Three if you sided against the Grineer, and the Harvester if you sided against the Corpus. At this point, go to the Recruiting channel, and look for others with the same mark. From there, just run normal missions together (as long as they're on the normal map; they will not appear in Void missions) as a group until you see the assassin appear. Having a Nekros, or a Hydroid with the Pilfering Swarm augment mod along to give you another chance at getting the parts also helps.
Now though, we come to the point where we have proper choices for shotgun sidearms, including the Bronco Prime, and the recently released Kohmak. I'm going to add the Detron to this list as well, even though it sucks terribly against everything that isn't Grineer.
[td=]Bronco P.[/td]
[td=]Fire Rate[/td]
[td=]dmg (total)[/td]
[td=]dmg (impact)[/td]
[td=]dmg (puncture)[/td]
[td=]dmg (slashing)[/td]
[td=]dmg (other)[/td]
[td=]105 radiation[/td]
[td=]crit %[/td]
[td=]crit mult.[/td]
[td=]status %[/td]
So at first glance, the Kohmak sucks - especially considering that you can get it only from the Clan Dojo, it comes with no polarities stndard, and you need a Forma to make it. Its 40 rounds per clip is rather nice, especially considering the others, but it appears to fall far behind the others. Here's the thing though - it has innate 1 meter punch-through, its damage fall-off over distance is much softer compared to the others (so you'll do more damage further away), and it spools up more pellets for each additional shot you fire from the clip.
So while the Kohmak does less damage initially, it does that damage further away, it has a much larger clip, and has an innate 1 meter punch-through.
Additionally, I hope you now see why the Detron sucks against anyone that isn't Grineer - no other faction's members take as much from Radiation damage as the Grineer do.
The Brakk, you'll note, has a terrifying fire rate - faster than one can actually click with the mouse. This makes it hilarious at close range, but not as great past about 20 meters or so.
The Bronco Prime does impressive damage, which is nice, but it has the same severe damage fall-off as with the others.
In conclusion, the Brakk and Bronco Prime are both best at close range, with the Brakk edging out the Bronco Prime across all categories, including with a hilariously fast 1 second reload. However, the Kohmak, while it will need Forma to add polarities, is much better over longer ranges, has a much larger clip, and has innate punch-through. Though I really like the Brakk (not least because it took me so long with the wrong approach to get it), in my humble opinion, the Kohmak stands very solidly on its own as a proper shotgun pistol.
Deciding which one to bring with you on a mission is basically down to personal preference and playstyle, which I think is a good thing.
Last edited by rhoenix on Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#134 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Also, Baro Ki'Teer, the Void Trader, will be back on Friday, and he's rumored to have some very good stuff this time. Save up your credits, and trade in your extra prime parts for Ducets at the relays - I think we'll need them.
Also, make sure to check out Darvo's shop, on the second floor of the Relays, near the Cephalon Simaris room. Though he always sells items for Platinum, they come with a free weapon slot and an Orokin Reactor installed. He only changes stock once a day, so check out what he has if you have some spare Platinum.
And FYI, a great way to get Platinum that doesn't involve giving DE more real world money is to farm Void missions for good mods and Prime parts, and then sell them in Trading. I've done this quite a bit lately to get extra platinum for things such as affinity boosters.
Also, make sure to check out Darvo's shop, on the second floor of the Relays, near the Cephalon Simaris room. Though he always sells items for Platinum, they come with a free weapon slot and an Orokin Reactor installed. He only changes stock once a day, so check out what he has if you have some spare Platinum.
And FYI, a great way to get Platinum that doesn't involve giving DE more real world money is to farm Void missions for good mods and Prime parts, and then sell them in Trading. I've done this quite a bit lately to get extra platinum for things such as affinity boosters.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#135 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Baro Ki'Teer, the Void Shyster, is back today. For PC, he has two cosmetic items (a syandana, and a sugatra, dangly thing for the handle of your melee weapon), and two special mods: Jolt, and Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation.
Jolt was previously released only as an event reward, so I'm glad to see this mod becoming more available. Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation... eh. Gets you more ammo pickups for a sidearm weapon, yes, but you only really need it if you go through sidearm ammo faster than most do, even with a maxed Pistol Ammo Mutation.
EDIT: He's on the Pluto Relay, FYI.
Jolt was previously released only as an event reward, so I'm glad to see this mod becoming more available. Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation... eh. Gets you more ammo pickups for a sidearm weapon, yes, but you only really need it if you go through sidearm ammo faster than most do, even with a maxed Pistol Ammo Mutation.
EDIT: He's on the Pluto Relay, FYI.
Last edited by rhoenix on Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
#136 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
If your favorite sidearm is a machine pistol of some type, it's very useful.
- rhoenix
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#137 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Granted - for sidearms like the Twin Vipers, Akstilletos, or Aksomati, it's great, so you can keep bullet-hosing all throughout a mission.Hotfoot wrote:If your favorite sidearm is a machine pistol of some type, it's very useful.
I've just been on a shotgun sidearm kick lately, so I haven't needed ammo anywhere near as much for sidearms.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#138 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
So. Lots of stuff apparently being added relatively soon; I'll skip over most of it for now, since I want to see just how those things are going to be implemented before I get excited. (Namely, stuff about extra lore and storylines, more and better quests, better integration of quests in main gameplay, the fourth enemy faction coming soon, etc.)
In the meantime though, there's been a couple new weapons added (I know, hide your shock and surprise), one of which I'll go over briefly.
The Tonkor is a new launcher-type weapon, similar to the Penta or Torid. The Tonkor blueprint is available through the market. It comes with no polarities standard and only has two shots per clip, but does have three strong points in its favor. First is its very high crit% of 35%, along with a 2.5x crit multiplier. Second, and just as important, is that it doesn't perform self-damage if you shoot a grenade at your feet. And third, its blast radius is very impressive, and only gets much more so with the Firestorm mod.
I've used this gun pretty often over the past few days, which is what convinced me to go straight to crazy and put 6 forma into it, for five V polarities and one - polarity. I normally put in Serration, Split Chamber, Heavy Caliber, Firestorm, Point Strike, Vital Sense, and two elemental mods for added damage. I have to say, I'm very glad I did, since this thing is a monster now. It works very nicely against all factions, but especially well against Void enemies and the Infested, due to the numbers of those enemies that spawn at one time. The blast radius of this gun is no joke.
In the meantime though, there's been a couple new weapons added (I know, hide your shock and surprise), one of which I'll go over briefly.
The Tonkor is a new launcher-type weapon, similar to the Penta or Torid. The Tonkor blueprint is available through the market. It comes with no polarities standard and only has two shots per clip, but does have three strong points in its favor. First is its very high crit% of 35%, along with a 2.5x crit multiplier. Second, and just as important, is that it doesn't perform self-damage if you shoot a grenade at your feet. And third, its blast radius is very impressive, and only gets much more so with the Firestorm mod.
I've used this gun pretty often over the past few days, which is what convinced me to go straight to crazy and put 6 forma into it, for five V polarities and one - polarity. I normally put in Serration, Split Chamber, Heavy Caliber, Firestorm, Point Strike, Vital Sense, and two elemental mods for added damage. I have to say, I'm very glad I did, since this thing is a monster now. It works very nicely against all factions, but especially well against Void enemies and the Infested, due to the numbers of those enemies that spawn at one time. The blast radius of this gun is no joke.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#139 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Long story short about the Void Trader:
- he only comes once every two weeks. (you can check to see when he'll be back at a kiosk in any Relay)
- he usually sells a Primed version of a regular mod, a cosmetic item, and a Prisma weapon.
- the Primed version of the mod is the same as the regular version, but has a higher maximum rank, which will give you a higher bonus.
- the Prisma weapons available are equivalent in stat upgrades for a weapon to a Wraith or a Prime version compared to the regular version. All of them so far have been better than their counterparts. And, they all look awesome.
A few other notes:
- Ash Prime has been released.
- Excalibur got a major rework, and is no longer terrible. In fact, he's now competitive with top-tier frames now.
- to level stuff quickly, it's best to be on Loki, Ash, or Banshee, and do the Oceanum Spy mission on Pluto. Stealth-kill your way through a mission (stealth kills always give much more xp than regular kills), and get all three data masses without getting caught (Loki is best for this). If you do, you are rewarded with a metric crapton of affinity each time you complete the mission. In between, run t3 or t4 Sabotage missions for more XP, and to get more forma and keys.
- Dakra Prime, Mag Prime, and Boar Prime are being removed from the Void drop tables. They will presumably be back later.
- he only comes once every two weeks. (you can check to see when he'll be back at a kiosk in any Relay)
- he usually sells a Primed version of a regular mod, a cosmetic item, and a Prisma weapon.
- the Primed version of the mod is the same as the regular version, but has a higher maximum rank, which will give you a higher bonus.
- the Prisma weapons available are equivalent in stat upgrades for a weapon to a Wraith or a Prime version compared to the regular version. All of them so far have been better than their counterparts. And, they all look awesome.
A few other notes:
- Ash Prime has been released.
- Excalibur got a major rework, and is no longer terrible. In fact, he's now competitive with top-tier frames now.
- to level stuff quickly, it's best to be on Loki, Ash, or Banshee, and do the Oceanum Spy mission on Pluto. Stealth-kill your way through a mission (stealth kills always give much more xp than regular kills), and get all three data masses without getting caught (Loki is best for this). If you do, you are rewarded with a metric crapton of affinity each time you complete the mission. In between, run t3 or t4 Sabotage missions for more XP, and to get more forma and keys.
- Dakra Prime, Mag Prime, and Boar Prime are being removed from the Void drop tables. They will presumably be back later.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#140 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
A few quick notes:
- Carrier Prime is now available from the Void.
- Vectis Prime is also available from the Void.
U17 notes:
- Stamina bar will be removed.
- Coptering will be removed. (this is the part that makes me cringe)
- Parkour 2.0 will be added (to basically replace the ability to copter, and provide much more mobility)
- Star Chart 2.0 will be released (300+ static nodes replaced by approx. 20+ dynamic nodes)
- Yin/Yang frame will be released.
- Nunchuku melee weapon will be released.
- Carrier Prime is now available from the Void.
- Vectis Prime is also available from the Void.
U17 notes:
- Stamina bar will be removed.
- Coptering will be removed. (this is the part that makes me cringe)
- Parkour 2.0 will be added (to basically replace the ability to copter, and provide much more mobility)
- Star Chart 2.0 will be released (300+ static nodes replaced by approx. 20+ dynamic nodes)
- Yin/Yang frame will be released.
- Nunchuku melee weapon will be released.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#141 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
...I just got to the point where I had all the frames except one and now there's ANOTHER one?! *mutters*
Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers
- rhoenix
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#142 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
See, when a daddy Tenno and a mommy Tenno love each other very much (as long as Nova's not involved somehow), the Tenno Stork comes and gives the Lotus a new minion a new Tenno for the cause.B4UTRUST wrote:...I just got to the point where I had all the frames except one and now there's ANOTHER one?! *mutters*
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#143 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Fun tip: if you use a melee weapon that has a Syndicate proc mod on it (such as the Justice Blades mod for the Dual Cleavers), you'll get that same proc meter when you're playing as Excalibur, and activate his Exalted Blade ability.
Yes, this means that when Excalibur has his ultimate active, you get a Syndicate proc meter.
Justice Blades, for the Dual Cleavers and the Prisma Dual Cleavers (recently offered from the Void Trader), fits this option nicely. The Justice effect is particularly nice for this, since it does 1000 Blast damage in a wide radius, restores 25% of your maximum health, and increases your Armor rating by 25% for 30 seconds.
Yes, this means that when Excalibur has his ultimate active, you get a Syndicate proc meter.
Justice Blades, for the Dual Cleavers and the Prisma Dual Cleavers (recently offered from the Void Trader), fits this option nicely. The Justice effect is particularly nice for this, since it does 1000 Blast damage in a wide radius, restores 25% of your maximum health, and increases your Armor rating by 25% for 30 seconds.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#144 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Baro Ki'Teer update: Mastery fodder and cosmetic stuff, basically.
Two weapons previously only available from Events (Prova Vandal and Machete Wraith) are the only real items available. The Prisma Sigil (which does nothing but look cool, wearing it won't give you rep with any faction) and the Prisma Liset skin are also available, but are both simply cosmetic items.
On another note, if you don't already have all the rare Elemental damage mods (the ones that give damage and status chance), killing Vor in t4 Void missions gives you a good chance of getting a random one, and running higher level planetary Spy missions (such as Oceanum, on Pluto) have good chances of giving you one as well.
If you want a relatively quick way of getting random Prime parts to trade at a Relay for Orokin Ducets, running a Void Survival mission is a pretty good way of doing so. I have to say, using a Zephyr with the Jet Stream syndicate mod is hilariously fun to run Void Survival missions solo, especially if you use the Tonkor as your primary.
The Firestorm mod is available as a rare drop from Toxic Ancients. This is a very rare mod to get, but so, so worth it. In short, Firestorm increases the blast radius of AoE weapons, such as the Ignis, Ogris, Torid, Tonkor, and Opticor, with hilarious and awesome results.
Two weapons previously only available from Events (Prova Vandal and Machete Wraith) are the only real items available. The Prisma Sigil (which does nothing but look cool, wearing it won't give you rep with any faction) and the Prisma Liset skin are also available, but are both simply cosmetic items.
On another note, if you don't already have all the rare Elemental damage mods (the ones that give damage and status chance), killing Vor in t4 Void missions gives you a good chance of getting a random one, and running higher level planetary Spy missions (such as Oceanum, on Pluto) have good chances of giving you one as well.
If you want a relatively quick way of getting random Prime parts to trade at a Relay for Orokin Ducets, running a Void Survival mission is a pretty good way of doing so. I have to say, using a Zephyr with the Jet Stream syndicate mod is hilariously fun to run Void Survival missions solo, especially if you use the Tonkor as your primary.
The Firestorm mod is available as a rare drop from Toxic Ancients. This is a very rare mod to get, but so, so worth it. In short, Firestorm increases the blast radius of AoE weapons, such as the Ignis, Ogris, Torid, Tonkor, and Opticor, with hilarious and awesome results.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#145 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Devstream 57:
- Update 17 coming this Wednesday.
- Cape-type cosmetic items will be added (taking the same spot as the Syandana)
- alt-fire will be added as a standard extra button (meaning you can zoom-aim with all weapons)
- Stamina bar being removed entirely.
- "Coptering" will no longer be a thing.
- Parkour 2.0 will be implemented, allowing for good movement with all warframes, regardless of what melee weapon you have equipped. (this will apparently be an entirely new movement set that allows for faster, concise movement with a minimum of button-pushing.)
- Yin/Yang frame will be added. First ability switches between Light and Dark, and the other three abilities change depending on whether you're set as Light or Dark at the time.
- Supra buff: faster projectiles, bigger clip, faster reload time. (finally.)
- Shotgun buffs: less damage falloff, more damage for all primary Shotgun weapons.
- Underwater Archwing missions will be added for Uranus. This is the prelude for seamless transitions between regular mission play and Archwing play.
- Update 17 coming this Wednesday.
- Cape-type cosmetic items will be added (taking the same spot as the Syandana)
- alt-fire will be added as a standard extra button (meaning you can zoom-aim with all weapons)
- Stamina bar being removed entirely.
- "Coptering" will no longer be a thing.
- Parkour 2.0 will be implemented, allowing for good movement with all warframes, regardless of what melee weapon you have equipped. (this will apparently be an entirely new movement set that allows for faster, concise movement with a minimum of button-pushing.)
- Yin/Yang frame will be added. First ability switches between Light and Dark, and the other three abilities change depending on whether you're set as Light or Dark at the time.
- Supra buff: faster projectiles, bigger clip, faster reload time. (finally.)
- Shotgun buffs: less damage falloff, more damage for all primary Shotgun weapons.
- Underwater Archwing missions will be added for Uranus. This is the prelude for seamless transitions between regular mission play and Archwing play.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
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#146 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Update 17 is now live.
I'm still getting used to the new movement system, but I already like it much more than the previous version. Sure, I can't equip the Dual Zorens and fly across the room anymore, but on the other hand, I don't need to in order to jump to high places, flip between walls, or the like.
The new movement system has a tutorial - for me at least, the movement system makes sense, feels much more fluid and ninja-ish than before, and doesn't require multiple combinations of buttons to get right. It's also more intuitive to use on a keyboard, and I'd presume just as easy to get the hang of with a controller.
More weapons have also been added, to nobody's surprise.
I'm still getting used to the new movement system, but I already like it much more than the previous version. Sure, I can't equip the Dual Zorens and fly across the room anymore, but on the other hand, I don't need to in order to jump to high places, flip between walls, or the like.
The new movement system has a tutorial - for me at least, the movement system makes sense, feels much more fluid and ninja-ish than before, and doesn't require multiple combinations of buttons to get right. It's also more intuitive to use on a keyboard, and I'd presume just as easy to get the hang of with a controller.
More weapons have also been added, to nobody's surprise.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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#147 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
So, the rework of Tyl Regor and his tileset is kind of awesome, and a nice prelude of things hopefully to come. The transition between Archwing and regular play is pretty seamless.
The downside is that to get the new Equinox frame, you effectively have to collect all the blueprints to make both the Light and the Dark versions - which means you need to collect the Helmet, Chassis, and Systems blueprints for both aspects before you can build the frame itself. This will be a 6 day project (assuming you get all the blueprints in one day), considering that each counts as a full frame for purposes of build times, and then the two need to be combined into one.
The rework of Tyl Regor himself is a pretty good one, even if he can keep you on your toes - he loves him some melee, and he'll electrify the water you're in like a troll.
The downside is that to get the new Equinox frame, you effectively have to collect all the blueprints to make both the Light and the Dark versions - which means you need to collect the Helmet, Chassis, and Systems blueprints for both aspects before you can build the frame itself. This will be a 6 day project (assuming you get all the blueprints in one day), considering that each counts as a full frame for purposes of build times, and then the two need to be combined into one.
The rework of Tyl Regor himself is a pretty good one, even if he can keep you on your toes - he loves him some melee, and he'll electrify the water you're in like a troll.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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#148 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
When running to go punk Regor, you might run into weird, thin, glowing blue things. Make sure to scan at least one, and this will unlock the Natah quest when you finish killing Regor.
I have to say, the Natah quest opens up some very interesting questions in universe... but I digress.
At the conclusion of this quest, you receive one Exilus Adapter, which adds another slot for Utility mods (such as Rush for sprint speed, or the new mods that add further utility to movement), but must be applied per warframe. You can receive another one from Cephalon Simaris once the quest is complete for 50,000 rep apiece.
As a tip for getting additional rep for Simaris, scanning an unaware enemy gives much more rep than normal - approximately 4x more.
I have to say, the Natah quest opens up some very interesting questions in universe... but I digress.
At the conclusion of this quest, you receive one Exilus Adapter, which adds another slot for Utility mods (such as Rush for sprint speed, or the new mods that add further utility to movement), but must be applied per warframe. You can receive another one from Cephalon Simaris once the quest is complete for 50,000 rep apiece.
As a tip for getting additional rep for Simaris, scanning an unaware enemy gives much more rep than normal - approximately 4x more.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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#149 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
So - after a few days of testing and gameplay, here are some additional things.
- the Kubrow installment for your ship is almost ready. Its blueprint is available in the Tenno Lab in the Dojo.
- The Ack & Grunt sword/shield melee weapon is available in the Chem Lab of the Dojo.
- Storage containers for resources are now available in the Dojo. This means we can stash materials in the Dojo.
- Parkour 2.0 is amazing. Anything I used to like doing before is now done much more easily, more fluidly, and more effectively. It's well worth practicing.
- No new Dynamic System Map yet, but presumably that's coming.
- Since I got lucky in trades, I rushed the Equinox (otherwise, it would have been 4 more days). So far, I'm rather impressed with the frame. Its Day form is better suited to assault and offense, while the Night form is great for support and crowd control.
Overview of the new frame:
- the Kubrow installment for your ship is almost ready. Its blueprint is available in the Tenno Lab in the Dojo.
- The Ack & Grunt sword/shield melee weapon is available in the Chem Lab of the Dojo.
- Storage containers for resources are now available in the Dojo. This means we can stash materials in the Dojo.
- Parkour 2.0 is amazing. Anything I used to like doing before is now done much more easily, more fluidly, and more effectively. It's well worth practicing.
- No new Dynamic System Map yet, but presumably that's coming.
- Since I got lucky in trades, I rushed the Equinox (otherwise, it would have been 4 more days). So far, I'm rather impressed with the frame. Its Day form is better suited to assault and offense, while the Night form is great for support and crowd control.
Overview of the new frame:
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#150 Re: Get ready, Tenno. (Warframe)
Just couldn't stand the thought of me beating you to a new frame, could you?rhoenix wrote: - Since I got lucky in trades, I rushed the Equinox (otherwise, it would have been 4 more days).

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