Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

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#1 Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Dark Silver »

So a thing I did....

Ended up finding a really nice pork loin for real inexpensive on a trip to pick up some milk at the grocery store Monday. So I figured I'd do something with it.

The first thing I did was marinade it in herbs and stuff for 2 days (Rosemary, Thyme, Basil, Soy Sauce, Worcestershire, Salt, Pepper, Paprika, and Sirachi).

After the two days of marinade, I sliced it open and folded it out. Taking some Mozzarella Cheese and fresh Cherry Tomatos, I sliced the cheese up into thin slices, and cut the cherry tomatoes in halves.

I then proceeded to line the interior of the pork loin with the Cheese and Tomatoes - which I then seasoned with salt and pepper
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After living the interior, I then proceeded to roll the thing back up - because I'm sure as in hell not going to leave it flat like a cake!
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As you can see, the outside still holds plenty of the tastyness that was the marinade.

I then proceeded with the secret weapon.....Bacon Wrapping!
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After it was wrapped in bacon, I reseasoned with Salt and Pepper, added a drizzle of Sirachi Sauce ontop, lined with Minced Garlic and chopped up a onion. The onion I placed around the Pork loin in the pan in order to cook and add the aromatics without getting all up in the porkloin.

After 2 hours on a slow heat....
plated, sliced, and some of the leaked out cheese was placed on the plate as well.
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And thus, was a thing I did because I was bored and had a good piece of pork loin available.
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#2 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by frigidmagi »

Mother of God man. I think I gained weight just looking at it.
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#3 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Dark Silver »

That would be from the mozzarella cheese that has literally soaked in pork fat while baking at 350 for 2 hrs.

Rest assured it was delicious.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
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#4 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Josh »

When I go, I want it to be from the heart attack induced by walking into Allen's kitchen and soaking up the airborne cholesterol.
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#5 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Lys »

That's nothing, I regularly eat pork bellies or pork fatback. I call it reverse bacon, because whereas bacon is meat with a strip of fat, this is fat with a strip of meat. Just take a look, it's motherfucking delicious.


And here it is all cooked up and ready to eat. Look at all that fat just dripping from it.


I'm rather fond of frying up pork bellies in a dry pan on low heat to let some of the fat melt off, then making stir-fry or grilled sandwiches using the rendered oil.
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#6 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Dark Silver »

Lys...down here we call that "Grauton" or Cracklins.. :P
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#7 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Lys »

Cracklings are pork rinds, which this isn't, though it can have a rind still attached.
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#8 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by General Havoc »

Pork Belly is indeed awesome, but in my experience it can be hard to make well, as it often winds up soggy or full of unrendered fat.
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#9 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Lys »

You can't possibly be serious. To hear you talk it's as if slices of pork belly dripping in oil from their half-rendered fat aren't the ideal, and you should damn well know that's vile blasphemy suited only for the likes of the low-fat heretics.
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#10 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by General Havoc »

Unrendered fat is a vile substance, irrespective of how one wishes to dress it up, and it's no heresy of low fatness to say so. Pork Belly cooked poorly is vile, as is untrimmed steak gristle and raw bacon and other fat-containing things improperly prepared. And no amount of appeal-to-ingredient will change that. Uncooked Pizza is also vile.
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#11 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Lys »

I am truly sorry that your palate is unable to handle the richness of flavour that animal fat has. It's truly wonderful when you can enjoy it, and i often take a few raw pieces of pork belly or bacon into my mouth when i'm cutting them up. I guess you'll never enjoy the wonders of salo, cured pork fatback with emphasis on the fat. You don't even have to cook it, just eat it as is in sandwiches or spiced with black pepper, paprika, and coriander. Now streak gristle is another thing, that's not fat but collagen, which is too tough to chew comfortably and adds nothing to the taste of the meat.

Here's a couple pictures of delicious salo:


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#12 Re: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Pork Loin

Post by Josh »

It's funny because the generational evidence in my family is that a taste for straight fat is an age-developed tendency. Everyone when they're young is all 'eww' and trimming the fat off their steaks, but then as they get older it actually starts appealing.

I'm straddling the line on that myself. Most days I still trim it off, but occasionally it does actually taste good and seem like something my body wants.
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