ITT: The Makmende Strikes

ART: Movies, Pictures, Music the stuff that could be considered Art by some people

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The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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#1 ITT: The Makmende Strikes

Post by rhoenix »

Yes, I'm stealing thunder from Hotfoot and others who brought my attention to the very idea of Makmende, and consequently, this excellent example of cross-cultural awesomeness.

So, first off - the pop culture term "makmende" comes from the country of Kenya, who apparently had a strong affection for the Dirty Harry movies. In fact, the term "makmende" is derived from Dirty Harry's catchphrase, "Make my day," and is used to refer to try-hard thug types. As in, "calm down, you're being a makmende."

This has become a pop culture meme in Kenya, to the point of awesome. Here is a very good band's example of this. You don't have to speak English at all to get it, don't worry.


The band's other music is actually pretty damn good, but that song is just priceless.

EDIT: Should be spelled "Makmende," not "Makmunde." Fixed.
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