Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

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#1 Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Cynical Cat »

The game will be Sunday nights. The players will be members of the illustrious (or possibly infamous) Old Thuria Lodge and starting off in the ancient and storied city of Ceryl.

Old Thuria Lodge

The Old Thuria Lodge is an arcane order that is rumoured to descend from a secret society by those who are aware of its existence. Less concerned with appearances of propriety (and less stuffy) than the vastly larger and wealthier Fraternal Order of Wizardry, the Lodge has a long history of recruiting experimenters, eccentrics, and military veterans as members of faculty and pushing the boundaries of magic in unconventional directions with perhaps less caution than might be advisable. The Lodge was briefly outlawed following a violent clash with Vinter Raelthorne IV's Inquisition, only to be restored following the Lion's Coup. At present the Old Thuria Lodge is merely a minor magical order whose main lodge house in the city of Ceryl still bears bullet scars and blast marks on its stone exterior.

Unofficially, the lodge has long had tides to Cygnar's military and intelligence establishment and has acted as a resource and a deniable source of agents and activity. It still does today.

Benefits: Gifted members gain an additional level of the skill Lore (Arcane) and treat it as a career skill. They also gain the Arcane Scholar ability. Non-Gifted members are usually veterans of Cygnar's military or intelligence organizations and are "retired". They either gain the Language ability or an additional occupational skill level in one of the following skills: Bribery, Climbing, Cryptography, Deception, Detection, Disguise, Escape Artist, Etiquette, Forgery, Interrogation, Intimidation, Lock Picking, Negotiation, Pickpocket, Research, Riding, Rope Use, Seduction, Sneak, or Streetwise.

Post characters in this thread for now. We'll move them over to Obsidian Portal as we settle in.
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#2 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Marcao »

Name: Lachlan Ellis
Alias: Lorcan Bain
Race: Human
Languages: Cygnar, Thurian, Khadorian
Feat Points: 3
Bloodline: Thurian
XP gained: 56
Rank: Veteran


Derived Stats
Def: 17 (17 with Armor)
Init: 19
Armor: 5 (12 with Armor)
Will: 9
Mat: 7
Rat: 7

Life Spiral
Physique: 1-2: OO 1: OO 2: OO
Agility: 3-4: OO 3: OO 4: OO
Intellect: 5-6: OO 3: O 4: O

Careers: Aristocrat/Duelist
Archetype: Skilled (+1 Attack)
Archetype Benefit: Virtuoso: Hand Weapons, Sidestep, Virtuoso: Pistols, Disarm
Abilities: Good Breeding, Language, Privilege, Parry, Riposte, Two Weapon Fighting, Precision Strike, Quick Work, Gunfighter, Fast Draw
Connections: Nobility
Military Skills: Hand Weapon 2, Pistol 2
Occupational Skills: Command 1, Deception 1, Detection 3, Etiquette 3, Gambling 2, Intimidation 1, Jumping 1, Law 1, Negotiation 2, Seduction 1, Streetwise 1, Swimming 1
Special: 50gc a month from old money
Starting Assets: 275gc

Starting Gear:
Custom Plate (-1, 7) 130gc
Armored Greatcoat (-1, 5) 25gc
Rapier 15gc
Repeating Pistol 35gc (48 range)
Two Ammo Wheels 30gc
50 ammunition 20gc
Weighted Cloak 10gc
Gold Pocket Watch 25gc
Flare Pistol*
Gun Brace 15gc
Gas Mask (x2 filters) 20gc
Clockwork Injector (3 Restorative, 1 Antitoxin)
Dress Pants 15gc
Dress Shirt 10gc
Dress Boots 25gc

Acquired Gear
Springblade x2 24gc
Quad Iron x2 200gc

Available Assets:
gold: 10.5
silver: 4
copper: 6

Xp Improvements:
Etiquette 1 -> 2
Negotiation 0 -> 1
+1 Ability: Two-Weapon Fighting
+1 Stat: Agility 4 -> 5
Detection 0 -> 1
Detection 1 -> 2
+1 Ability: Precision Strike
+1 Archetype Ability: Sidestep
+1 Stat: Perception 3 -> 4
Gambling 1 -> 2
Deception 0 -> 1
+1 Ability: Quick Work
+1 Stat: Speed 6 -> 7
Seduction 0 -> 1
Streetwise 0 -> 1
+1 Archetype Ability: Virtuoso: Pistol
+1 Stat: Perception 4 -> 5
Swimming 0 -> 1
Negotiation 1 -> 2
+1 Ability: Fast Draw
+1 Stat: Strength 4 -> 5

Rapier [Pow 2, Hand Weapon [Hit: 3d6d1+7, Damage: 3d6d1+7]
Springblade [Pow 1, Hand Weapon [Hit: 3d6d1+7, Damage: 3d6d1+6]
Quad Iron [Pow 10, Accuracy -1, Range: 60/300 range, Ammo 4 [Hit: 3d6d1+6, Damage: 3d6d1+10]
Repeating Pistol [Pow 10, Accuracy 0, Range 48/240, Ammo 5 [Hit 3d6d1+7, Damage 3d6d1+10]

Mechanical Weapons
Mechanika Rapier: Hit: 3d6d1+7, Damage: 3d6d1+9, Special: Grievous Wounds, Arcane Force, Storm Capacitor (200 gc)
Mechanika Tailored Plate: Armor 7, Armor Penalty 0, Special: Compensator, Aegis (Ignores Continuous Effects), Light, Clockwork Capacitor (106 gc)

Last edited by Marcao on Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:34 pm, edited 83 times in total.
The Peddler of Half Truths.
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#3 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Vasily Grigorovich
Arcanist/Explorer/Arcane Mechanik
Archetype: Gifted (Combat Casting--Rending die for attack spells, Rune Reader--can ID spells, Strength of Will, Quick Cast)

Phy 7
Spd 7 (8)
Str 4
Agi 5
Prw 4
Poi 4
Int 5
Arc 4
Per 5

Defense:17 (17 unarmored)
Armor: 12
Willpower 11
MAR 2d6+4
Feat Points 1
Current XP 59

7 Phy: 1-2: OO 1: O00 2: OO
5 AGI: 3-4: 00 3:0 4: 11
5 Int:5-6: 01 5: 1 6: 11

Arcane Bolt,(Cost,2 Range,12 AOE, Power 11, Upkeep no, Off?no)
Aura of Protection(Cost, 2 Range self, AOE crtl Power,-- Upkeep yes, Off? No)
Light in the Darkness(Cost, 1 Range self, Power --, Upkeep yes Off No)
Tempest(Cost 4, Range 8, AOE 4, Power 12)
Occultation, range 6, upkeep yes. Stealth +3 to sneak
Protection from Fire

Military Skills
Hand Weapon 1(Prw)

Career Skills
Research 1 (int)
Medicine 2(Int)
Mechanikal Engineering: 2
Craft: Metalworking 1
Detection 2(Per)
Command (Soc)
Survival 2 (Per)
Swimming 1 (agi)
Climbing 1(Agi)
Navigation 2
Rope Use 1

General Skills
Lore Arcane 2 (Int)
Lore Extraordinary Zoology 2 (Int)
Historical Lore 1
Mundane Natural lore 1

Great Power (1 free spell upkeep)
Arcane Scholar (Spells Known Int x 3)
Big Game Hunter
Language (Morridane)
Port of Call
University Education
Inscribe Formulae

Available Abilities
Arcane Defenses
Battle Plan:Recon
Disease Resistance
Expert Rider
Natural Leader
Poison resistance
Signal language
Swift Rider

Map Case
Spy Glass
Armored Great Coat (25)
Surgical Kit(30)
2 Waterskin
Paper, 10 sheets (1)
Pen and ink (5)
Tarp (4)
Bedroll (5)
Piton and Hammer (5)
40 feet of rope (4)
Durkin Bar(15)
Adventuring Scholars Tools (15)
All Weather Notebook (20)
Personal Tent (15)
Waterproof Sack (2)
Hand Pick (5)
14 days rations
Various medallions and ascendants of Khadoran extraction, 3 inscribed wedding rings, two romantic lockets.
89 gold 147 silver (from Khadoran loot)

End Assets:
372 gold, 11 silver

1 Fleet rune Difficulty-15, time 3 weeks
1 Arcane Force--difficulty 15 time 3

Net Total Assets: 544 gc, 13 silver

Things we found in storage:
Lots of canned food
flint and steel
8 grenade casings
Waterproof notebooks and ink
4 hand axes
waterproof sacks
alchemists kit
jack wrench
2 entrenching spades
2 gas masks
surgical kit
6x6 tarp
grappling hook
mechaniks tookit
box with two clockwork capacitors
flare pistol
ice axe
clockwork injector
spider harness
Grounded gloves

Ashen Cloud-2
Banishing Ward-2
Fog of War-3
Force Field-3
Force Hammer-4
Hand of Fate-2
Hex Blast-3
Howling Flames-2
Icy Grip-2
Inhospitable Ground-3
Lightning Tendrils-3
Protection from X-1
Rock hammer-3
Rock Wall-2
Storm Tossed-1
Wind Blast-2

Current Equipped Weapon: Arcane Force Rapier (Power 4+ STR)
Current Equipped Armor: Armored Great Coat, Fleet
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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#4 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by rhoenix »

Name: Malek Ardson
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Thurian
Nationality: Cygnar

Base Attributes:
spd 8 (7 natural) (+1: 14xp bonus stat), +1 (Tailored Plate, does not affect derived stats)
str 4
AGL 5 (3 base, +1: human bonus, +1 45xp stat boost)
prw 5 (4 base, +1: 36xp stat bonus)
poi 5 (4 base, +1: adv.)
INT 4 (3 base, +1: adv.)
arc 4 (Willweaver)
per 5 (3 base, +1: adv., +1 24xp bonus stat)

Derived Attributes:
DEF: 18 (spd 7 + AGL 5 + per 5 +1 (Tailored Plate))
INIT: 17 (spd 7 + prw 5 + per 5)
ARMOR: 12 (phy 5 + tailored plate 7)
WILL: 9 (phy 5 + int 4)
(Pistol) Ranged Attack (RAT): 5 (poi 5 + pistol 0)
(Rifle) Ranged Attack (RAT): 7 (poi 5 + rifle 2)

Life Spiral:
[td]5[/td] [td]Physique[/td] [td]o o[/td] [td]o[/td]
[td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]o o[/td]
[td]5[/td] [td]Agility[/td] [td]o o[/td] [td]o[/td]
[td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]o o[/td]
[td]4[/td] [td]Intellect[/td] [td]o o[/td] [td]o[/td]
[td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]o[/td]

Archetype: Gifted
- Strength of Will: After failing a fatigue roll, can spend 1 feat point to instead automatically succeed
- Quick Cast: Can spend 1 feat point to immediately cast 1 upkeep spell at the start of combat, before first round begins. When casting a spell with this benefit, not required to pay cost of spell.
- Additional Study: gain spell (Rune Shot: Silent Shot)

Arcane Tradition: Willweaver
Careers: Arcane Tempest Gun Mage, Rifleman, Ranger
- ATGM: (can gain Runesmith as career ability, can gain Rune Shot: Disruption as if it were on career spell list)
Armor: Tailored Plate (SPD 1, DEF 1, ARM 7),
Armor Runeplate
- Aegis (immune to continuous effects)
- Compensator (reduce DEF penalty by 1)
- Fleet (wearer gains +1 SPD and +1 DEF)

Connections: Cygnaran Military
Languages: Cygnar, Thurian
- Arcane Scholar (can have max of spells equal to INT x3, instead of INT x2)
- Craft Rune Shot (can make 5 shots per hour)
- Crackshot (gains +2 against any target that has concealment, cover, or elevation)
- Dual Shot (can forfeit movement to gain +1 ranged attack)
- Fast Reload (gains extra quick action per turn to reload)
- Marksman (can use quick actions and aim in the same round, but still has to forfeit movement)
- Targeteer (when he hits with a ranged attack, can choose the branch of life spiral hit, if applicable)
- Prowl (gains stealth while within terrain that provides concealment, AoE of spell that provides concealment, or AoE of a cloud effect)

Military Skills:
Rifle 2

Occupational Skills:
6 Craft: Gunsmithing (INT 4 + Craft: Gunsmithing 2)
7 Survival (PER 5 + Survival 2)
7 Sneak (AGL 5 + Sneak 2)
7 Tracking (PER 5 + Tracking 2)

General Skills:
7 Climbing (AGL 5 + Climbing 2)
7 Detection (PER 5 + Detection 2)
1+ Intimidation (stat determined by GM + Intimidation 1)
6 Lore: Arcane (INT 4 + Lore: Arcane 2)
5 Lore: Extraordinary Zoology (INT 4 + Lore: Extraordinary Zoology 1)
6 Lore: Gunpowder Weaponry (INT 4 + Lore: Gunpowder Weaponry 2)

- (1) Rune Shot: Accuracy (next attack roll this turn is boosted)
- (1) Rune Shot: Brutal (next ranged attack gains damage bonus)
- (1) Rune Shot: Thunderbolt (if next rune shot this turn hits, target is pushed d3' away from character; on crit, target is knocked down after push)
- (1) Rune Shot: Silent Shot (next shot gives no sign of being fired; all sound from target is suppressed)
- (2, upkeep) Snipe (Target character's ranged weapons gain +4 Range)
- (3) Rune Shot: Phantom Seeker (shot ignores LOS, concealment, and cover)
- (3) Rune Shot: Detonator (shot centers a 4' AoE on target; all targets within radius other than original target take unboostable POW damage)

- Magelock Rifle (w/Scope): (ammo 1, range 102 (17'), ex. range 510, pow 10)
- Magelock Pistol: (ammo 1, range 60 (10"), ex. range 300, pow 10)

- 25 rifle (m)shots
- 10 pistol (m)shots

- Ammo Bandolier
- Magelock Rifle (with powder, 10 rounds of ammo)
- Scope for rifle (adds 18 ft (3') to range, 90 ft (15') to extreme range)
- Rune Shot Casting kit
- Gunsmith's Kit
- Armored Greatcoat
- Bedroll
- Compass
- Waterproof sack
- Shovel
- 100 shots' worth of materials to make magelock ammo
- 2 Waterskins
- Flint Striker
- Anti-toxin
- 17 days' worth of rations

Money: 127gc
Spoiler: show
- 35 gc
- 25gc (5 extra shots for rifle)
- 2gc (food at inn)
- 5gc (throw in for mobile artillery)
3 gc
+400 gp (sloppy bookkeeping)
- 226 (tailored plate, storm chamber, with runes Aegis/Compensator/Fleet)
-50gc (donated to group bank)

Advancement: 53xp (Veteren Level)
Spoiler: show
+2xp (game 2; gains +2 to occupational skills)
- spent 2 skill points (+1 Climbing, gains Jumping at lvl 1)
- changed Jumping to Lore: Extraordinary Zoology, per GM (in game 3)
+3xp (game 3)
- purchase spell (gain +1 spell from advancement) Snipe
+3xp (game 3)
+3xp (game 4)
+1 to ARC (bonus from gaining 6 xp)
+1 to Survival, +1 to Craft: Gunsmithing (bonus from gaining 8 xp)
+3 xp (game xp)
(acquired spell Rune Shot: Phantom Shot)
+2 xp (game xp)
(purchase archetype benefit Quick Cast for reaching level 12)
+2 xp (game xp)
(15 xp stat increase: +1 to Speed)
+3 (game xp)
(+2 occ. skills: bonus from reaching lvl 18: +1 to lore(arcane), +1 to craft(gunsmithing))
+3xp (game xp)
21 xp
(+1 ability/military/contact point; Targeteer)
+2 xp (game xp)
23 xp
+3 xp (game xp)
26 xp
+1 to PER (24xp bonus stat boost)
26 xp
+2 xp (game xp)
28 xp
+2 to Lore: Gunpowder Weaponry (2 occupational skills at 28xp)
+3 xp (game xp)
31 xp
- bonus: +1 career (Ranger), +2 occupation skills (Sneak 1, Tracking 1)
+3xp (game xp)
- Prowl (+1 ability/military skill/connection)
- +1 stat
+1 xp (game xp)
- (+1 to Occupational Skill Prowl (from 1 to 2), +1 to Occupational skill Tracking (from 1 to 2)
+3 xp (game xp)
(purchase spell Rune Shot: Detonator)
+3 xp (game xp)
45 xp (total)
+1 stat (45xp reward)
+2 xp (game xp)
47xp (total)
+3 xp (game xp)
50xp (total)
(50xp bonus: +1 archetype bonus: additional spell: Rune Shot: Silent Shot)
+3xp (game xp)
53xp (total)
Last edited by rhoenix on Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:41 pm, edited 70 times in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#5 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by White Haven »

Name: Christoff Hayes
Race: Human
Languages: Cygnaran, Khadoran

XP: 60

Base Stats:
PHY 8 (+1 to max)
STR 5 (6 in armour)

Derived Stats:
DEF: 14
INIT: 15
ARM: 15 (17 with shield) (8 unarmored)
WIL: 12
MAT: 7
RAT: 5
Command Range: 7 (42 ft.)

Careers: Cygnaran Warcaster/Sorcerer/Knight
Archetype: Gifted
Arcane Tradition: Focuser
Archetype Benefits:
Additional Study
Combat Caster (Roll additional d6 on magic attacks, drop lowest)
Magic Sensitivity (Detect spells cast within 200ft., detect Focusers within 200ft.)

Arcane Scholar
Iron Will (Reroll failed willpower tests)

Spells: 7/12
Battering Ram
Solid Ground
Stone Stance

Arcane Bolt

Cygnaran military

Military Skills:
Hand Weapon 1
Great Weapon 2
Pistol 1
Shield 2

Occupational Skills:
Climbing 2
Command 3
Detection 2
Intimidation 2
Jumping 3
Law 1
Lore (Arcane) 2
Sneak 1
Survival 2
Swimming 1

Can spend focus to boost attack rolls or damage roles with bonded weapons or magic attacks, or grant an additional attack with a bonded weapon.
+1 to racial maximum PHY per level

Starting Gear:
Medium Warcaster armour (+7 ARM, 0 DEF, +1 STR, 6-point powerfield, +1 ARM per unspent focus)
Mechanika Caspian Battleblade (Great Weapon, Attack 0 (-1 one-handed), POW 8 (6 one-handed). STR 5 to use one-handed. Storm Chamber. Bond & Arcane Force runes)
Mechanika Shield (+1 ARM, ATK -1, POW 0, Clockwork Capacitor, Halo of Fire)
Armored Greatcoat (+5 ARM, -1 DEF)
Anti-toxin dose
21 days dry rations
50lb bag of coal (5gc)
5x extra water skin (10gc)
Dagger (Pow 1, Atk +1)
Hand Axe
Staff (Pow 3, Atk 0, Reach, can trip)
Great Coat
Brass Pocketwatch

Cash: 31 gc, 8 sc, 5 cc

Life Spiral:
PHY (7): 1-2: OO 1: OOO 2: OOO
AGI (3): 3-4: OO 3: O 4: O
INT (3): 5-6: OO 5: O 6: O
Last edited by White Haven on Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:48 pm, edited 77 times in total.
ImageImageChronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring rhoenix
-'I need to hit the can, but if you wouldn't mind joining me for number two, I'd be grateful.'
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White Haven
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#6 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by White Haven »

The errata may be found here, if anyone hasn't already stumbled upon them. Several items, including a few of particular interest to gun mages.
ImageImageChronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring rhoenix
-'I need to hit the can, but if you wouldn't mind joining me for number two, I'd be grateful.'
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#7 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Karrick »

Thagrosh enlisted with the Cygnaran army in the Northern Midlunds. His raw strength, physical reserves, and enthusiasm for protecting his squadmates served him well and earned him much respect amongst his fellow Trenchers. He quickly developed an interest in the liberal application of high explosives. He earned his nickname thanks to the immense grin (and occasional low chuckle) that was his inevitable reaction to targets successfully exploded.

He was enticed to join the Old Thuria Lodge by the promise of discovering new and interesting explosives… and using them.


Corporal Tuluk “Grinner” Thagrosh (aka Gantak Halghat, "The Icon of Fury")
Ogrun Trencher/Artillerist
Mighty - Revitalize (feat point to regain PHY vitality points), Vendetta, Back Swing

Huge Stature – can wield 2h weapon in 1h for -2 on attack rolls
Languages: Molgur-Og, Rhulic, Cygnaran

SPD 6 (-2 when carrying deck gun)

DEF 14 (12 in armor) (further-2 while carrying deck gun)
ARM 7 (14 in armor)
WIL 11

MAT (Bayonet [attached]): 2d6+4+2
MAT (Maul): 2d6+4+2
MAT (Flame Spear): 2d6+4+2-1
MAT (Trench Knife): 2d6+4
RAT (Military Rifle): 2d6+4+2
RAT (Deck Gun): 2d6+4+2

Life Spiral
PHY(7): 1-2:OO 1:OO 2:OOO
AGI(4): 3-4:OO 3:OO 4:O
INT(4): 5-6:OO 5:O 6:O

Battle Plan: Close Fire (when using plan, friendlies do not suffer blast from friendlies in command range)
Bayonet Charge
Dig In
Hit the Deck!
Scorched Earth (+2 on ranged attack blast damage rolls)

Cygnaran Military

Military Skills:
(POI) Heavy Artillery 1
(PRW) Great Weapon 2
(POI) Light Artillery 2
(POI) Pistol 1
(POI) Rifle 2
(PRW) Thrown Weapon 2

Occupational Skills:
(SOC) Command 2 (range is INT+Command, 6)
(INT) Craft (Metallurgy) 2
(INT) Craft (Ordnance) 2
(PER) Detection 2
(AG) Driving 1
(INT) Interrogation 1
(SOC) Intimidation 2
(INT) Lore (Fortifications) 1
(INT) Mechanikal Engineering 2
(AG) Rope Use 1
(AG) Sneak 2*

Ammo bandolier
Bayonet (Hand Weapon/Great Weapon, AM-1, POW 2/3; 2 hands, Reach and +2 Charge attack as Great Weapon)
Deck Gun (Ammo 1, EffR 84/14, ExR 420/70, Light Artillery, AM 0, POW 13, AOE 3)
[tab=30]Reload is full action, -2 SPD/DEF when moving it (+1 for each helping char to 0)
Military rifle (Ammo 1 Heavy, EffR 60/10, ExR 300/50, Rifle, AM 0, POW 11)(EffR 78/13 and ExR 390/85 with scope)
Mechanikal Blunderbuss (Ammo 1, EffR 48/8, ExR 240/40, Rifle, AM -1 (-2 one-handed), POW 12, deals fire damage, inflicts critical fire, can choose to become AOE3)
[tab=30]20 loads of grapeshot, (Blunderbuss becomes range SP8, POW 10)
Mechanikal Maul (Great Weapon, AM 0, POW 9, causes disruption, can spend feat point to slam on critical hit)
Flame Spear (Great Weapon, AM -1, POW4/5(1h/2h), causes additional point of fire damage if fueled and ignited, 5gc of Menoth's Fury for 30 minutes)
Trench Knife (Hand Weapon/Unarmed, AM0/2, POW 2, can knockout using unarmed)
Trencher medium infantry armor (DEF -2, ARM +7)
Blowtorch (Pistol, AM -1, POW 10, range 3', on critical inflicts continuous fire, +1 to craft (metalworking) rolls
Entrenching spade
Grenade Bandolier
Rifle Scope
heavy rounds (Mil Rifle) x 114
26 x Deck Gun ammo
9 x Blunderbuss grapeshot
3 smoke grenades
Cinder bombs (handheld) x 2
Cinder bombs (rifle) x 5
Acid bomb (rifle) x 2
Rust bomb (rifle) x 1
military rations for 17 days
Waterproof Cloak
1 Antitoxin
2 waterskins
Skyhammer Rocket launcher (Range 96/16, Attack Modifier -4, POW 12, AOE 3)
[tab=30]3 rockets
access to party's mechanik's toolkit
103.33 gp

Total XP: 31
[tab=30]XP gains and expenditures:
[tab=30]Session 2: +2, picked up Craft (Ordnance) 1, Sneak increased to 2.
[tab=30]Session 3: +3 (5), picked up Grenadier.
[tab=30]Session 4: +3 (8), picked up +1 Agility, Rope Use 1, increased Craft (Ordnance) to 2.
[tab=30]Session 5: +3 (11), increased Great Weapon to 2.
[tab=30]Session 6: +2 (13), gained Vendetta archetype benefit.
[tab=30]Session 7: +2 (15), +1 Int
[tab=30]Session 8: +3 (18), +1 Intimidation, +1 Interrogation.
[tab=30]Session 9: +3 (21), +1 Thrown Weapon
[tab=30]Session 10: +2 (23)
[tab=30]Session 11: +3 (26), +1 SPD
[tab=30]Session 14: +5 (31), increased Intimidate to 2, picked up Lore (Fortifications); gain Field Mechanik career, Craft (Metallurgy) 1, Mechanikal Engineering 1
[tab=30]Session 14: +2 (33), gained Hit the Deck!
[tab=30]Session 16: +2 (35),
[tab=30]Session 17: +1 (36), +1 STR
[tab=30]Session 19: +2 (38)
[tab=30]Session 22: +3 (41)
[tab=30]Session 23: +2 (43), increased Craft (Metallurgy), Mechanikal Engineering, and Light Artillery each to 2.
[tab=30]Session 24: +3 (46), +1 AGL
[tab=30]Session 24: +3 (49)
[tab=30]Session 24: +3 (52), archetype benefit: back swing
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#8 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by frigidmagi »


Name: Tol
Race: Human (Thurian)
Languages: Cynarian, Thurian
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Careers: rangers/sorcerer
Archtype: gifted (willweaver)
GP: 331
SP: 11
CP: 3
XP: 60

6 Phy: 1-2: OO 1: OO 2: OO
4 Agi: 3-4: OO 3: O 4: O
4 Int: 5-6: 00 5:O 6:O

DEF: 17 (17 unmodified)
WILL: 10
ARM: 12 (6 without armor)


PHY: 6
SPD: 8/9 (while in armor for movement, does not effect Init)
STR: 4
AGL: 4
PRW: 5
POI: 5
INT: 4
ARC: 4
PER: 5

(PRW) Hand Weapons: 2
(POI) Archery: 2
(PER) Detection: 2
(PER) Survival: 2
(PER) Tracking: 2
(AGL) Sneaking: 2
(PER) Navigation: 2
(AGL) Rope Use: 2
(PER) Gambling: 1
(STR) Swimming: 2
(Soc) Command: 1
(Pro)Unarmed Combat: 1

Camouflage: +2 Def when concealed or in cover
Pathfinder: Move over rough terrian with no penalty
Warding Circle:
Prowl: Gain stealth in shadows, terrian or AOE of spell that provides concealment.
Combat Caster: +1 Dice for magic attack roll, discard lowest dice roll.
Traceless Path: Move at half speed, +3 to anyone attempting to track you.
Magic Sensitivity: Sense Magic within 50ft per Arc Stat, (200ft).
Strength of Will: If fail a fatigue roll, spend feat point to automatically succeed.

Razor Wind 2______10____---_____12_____No__Yes
Storm tossed 1_____8_____---_____---____No__Yes
Wind Blast 2______Ctrl____5______---_____No__No
Zephyr ____3______6______---____---_____No__No
Chain Lightening 3__10_____---_____10_____No__Yes

Razor Wind: Wind slices through target
Storm Tossed: When enemy is hit is pushed back 3 directly away from caster
Wind Blast: Place 5 AOE anywhere targets are -3 RAT while within the AOE
Zepher: Target may immediately advance up to 5

Traveling clothes (cloth)
Cloak waterproof
Flint Striker
2 Waterskin
Entrenching Spade
Arrows 50
Rope & Grappling Hook (20ft)
Waterproof sack (16 gallons)
Map Case
Military Rations 15 days
Tarp Waterproof
leather belt
belt pouch
Silver inlaid whiskey flask.
3 fire arrows
2 empty grenade arrows
1 Antivenom


Name_____Att Mod______Pow_____Ammo___Eff RGN____Exe RGN____AOE


Name____________SPD MOD_______DEF MOD_______ARM MOD
Custom Battle Armor___0______________ ____________+6
clockwork capacitor with mechanical housing for custom battle armor, runeplate with fleet rune (+1 Def and +1 Spd)
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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#9 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Hotfoot »

ironkingdoms.jpg (123.83 KiB) Viewed 12272 times
Name: Mikal Antoliovich
Michael Weston
Harlan Bannister
AKA: Jonas Kerswell

Human Investigator/Alchemist/SpyMechanick
Mechanic Gambler

XP: 60

Stat Block

INIT: 17
DEF: 17
ARM: 10 (13 vs. blast, cold, corrosion, fire)
WIL: 10
COM: 6
MAT: 5
RAT: 5

Life Spiral:

PHY: 1-2: XO 1: O 2: OO
AGI: 3-4: OO 3: O 4: OO
INT: 5-6: OO 5: O 6: OO

Feat Points: O O O

Sword Cane: 2d6+7 POW 8/6 (TN14 to detect)
M. Rapier: 2d6+7 POW 10 (1FP, boost att/dam, Corrosion Continuous, crit can slam, light)
Springblade: 2d6+7 POW 7 (Free draw)
Dagger: 2d6+7 POW 7
Sap: 2d6+5 POW 6 (if target suffers damage, must make PHY roll TN11, back attack boosts damage, TN becomes 13, failed roll results in KO)
Throwing Knife: 2d6+7 POW 8 Range 36’ (can be used in Melee)
Grenade: 2d6+7 POW * Range 48’ (Variable load)

Abilities: Anatomical Precision, Astute (Re-roll PER Tests), Battle Plan (Shadow) (FP1, All allies gain Prowl for one round), Cover Identity (Alchemist*), Cover Identity (Mechanik/Gambler), Fast Cook, Freestyle, Language, Language, Signal Language (TN 16), Truth Reader
Military Skills: Hand Weapon 1, Thrown Weapon 1
Occupational Skills: *Alchemy 3, Bribery 1, Climb 1, Command 1, Cryptography 1, Detection 3, Deception 1, Disguise 1, Escape Artist 1, Etiquette 1, Forensic Science 1, Forgery 1, Gambling 1, Interrogation 1, Law 1, Lockpicking 1, *Mechanical Engineering 1, Medicine 1, Negotiation 1, Research 1, Seduction 1, Sneak 2, Streetwise 1

Intimidation, Lore

Archetype: Intellectual (+1 to Attack and Damage to all allies within 6”)
Hyper-Perception - All PER rolls are Boosted
Genius - All INT rolls are Boosted
Unconventional Warfare - Feat Point for Stunts
Perfect Plot - 1 Feat point, +1 die to all non-combat checks of the group

Languages: Cygnarian, Khadorian, Ordic, Five-Cant

Gear: (200gc starting)
Forged Identity Papers (Harlan Bannister)
Forged Identity Papers (Jonas Kerswell)
Alchemist’s Leathers 50gc
Mechanicka Alchemist’s Leathers (Aegis, Steady, Compensator, Halo of Fire)
Alchemist’s Kit, Travelling 50gc
Mechanik’s Tool Kit 20gc
Eavesdropper 200gc
Spider Harness 20gc
Thief’s Tools 10gc
Poisoner’s Dagger 20gc
Sword Cane 15gc
Rapier 15gc
Mechanikal Rapier
Springblade 12gc
Clockwork Garrote 15gc
Poison Ring 15gc
Grenadier’s Bandolier 5gc (1 Smoke, 3 Vitriolic Fire, 1 Explosive)
Sap 2gc
Throwing Knife 8gc
Weighted Cloak 10gc
Durkin Bar 3gc
Magnifying Glass 5gc
Spyglass 3gc
Book 5gc
Fountain Pen and Inkwell 5gc
Paper, 20 sheets 2gc
Cards 2gc
Chalk (5) 1gc
Rope and Grappling Hook 5gc
Canteen 3gc
Preservation of Corbin Pendant
Gold Cameo (with Woman, initials L.M.)
9 Gas Mask Filters
7 Smoke Grenades
3 Explosive Grenades
1 Acid Bombs
Clockwork Injector (3 Restorative, 1 Antitoxin)
5 Antitoxin
2 Vitriolic Fire Grenades (POW 13, AOE 3, Continuous Fire)
6 Light Explosives
2 Rust Agents
2 Alchemical Restoratives
3 Ashes of Urcaen
17 Days of Rations

33 Empty Grenade Casings
Surgical Kit
One pocket watch (gold) on gold chain
Waterproof Notebook, w/Ink
Waterproof Sack

Sleep/Fear Grenade Trap in Apartment
Sleep/Fear Grenade Trap in Lachlan’s Apartment
Sleep/Fear Grenade Trap in Christoff’s Apartment
Sleep/Fear Grenade Trap in Vasily’s Apartment
Sleep/Fear Grenade Trap in Tol’s Apartment
Sleep/Fear Grenade Trap in Malek’s Apartment
Sleep Grenade Trap in Tuluk’s Apartment

Money: 49gc 12sc 3cc

200 gc (Armor)
Storm Chamber
Aegis, Compensator, Halo of Fire, Steady

200 gc (Rapier)
Storm Chamber
Arcane Force, Corruption, Light

Group Kitty: 49gc 35sc 45cc

89gc 147sc

2 silver 1 gold menoflex

Jonas Kerswell - Gambling Mechanic

10 clockwork detonators
5 poison rings
2 shot pens and 10 rounds
2 blade pens
2 poisoners daggers
2 clockwork garrotes
2 knockout grenade pens
2 explosive grenade pens
2 poison pens
2 acid pen grenades
10 doses of remel's embrace
4,000 GC

Professor Alexander McCulloch
Lady Francia Dunford (Fraternal Order of Wizardry) Orgoth Artifact Collector
Hagan Lynch (Aristocracy, no title) Orgoth Artifact Collector
Lord Everett Fine (Nobility) Orgoth Artifact Collector (Sold)
Davan Roanoke Five Fingers Gambling Scion

Veryn Petrozzi
Elspeth Elyse
Colonel Fane Torys - Warcaster

Alchemical Reference

Alchemical Supplies:
Alchemical Stone (1gc): 177
Alchemical Waste: Crystal (1gc): 33
Alchemical Waste: Liquid (1gc): 47
Arcane Extract (5gc): 13
Arcane Minerals (7gc): 8
Bioluminescent Extract (2gc): 20
Burrow Mawg Adrenal Gland (5gc): 20
Ectoplasm (10gc): 17
Heavy Metals (2gc): 83
Menoth’s Fury (3gc): 51
Mineral Acid (2gc): 37
Mineral Crystals (3gc): 59
Mutagenic Extract (8gc): 17
Organic Acid (3gc): 37
Organic Oil (1gc): 62
Organic Toxin (5gc): 18

Key Recipies:

Alchemical Acid (TN14, 1 hours): 2 Alchemist Stone, 1 Mineral Acid, 2 Organic Acid (10gc)
Alchemical Restorative (TN14, 1 hours): 2 Alchemist Stone, 1 Mutagenic Extract, 1 Organic Oil (11gc)
Ashes of Urcaen (TN16, 1 hours): 1 Alchemist Stone, 1 Arcane Mineral, 1 Ectoplasm (18gc)
Antitoxin (TN14, 0.5 hour): 1 Alchemist Stone, 1 Organic Acid, 2 Organic Toxin (14gc)
Bottled Light (TN14, 0.5 hour): 1 Arcane Extract, 2 Bioluminescent Extract (9gc)
Rust Agent (TN14, 1 hours): 1 Alchemist Stone, 1 Alchemical Waste (Crystal), 1 Heavy Metal, 1 Mineral Acid (6gc)
Somnolence Elixer (TN14, 1 hours): 1 Arcane Mineral, 1 Organic Acid, 2 Organic Oil (12gc)
Vitriolic Fire (TN14, 1 hours): 2 Alchemist Stone, 1 Heavy Metal, 1 Menoth Fury (7gc)
Fear Gas (TN14, 2 hours): 1 Alchemist Stone, 1 Arcane Extract, 1 Arcane Mineral, 1 Organic Oil (14gc)
Night’s Black (TN14, 0.5 hour): 1 Alchemical Waste (Liquid), 1 Mutagenic Acid, 1 Organic Oil (10gc)
Revitalizer Tonic (TN14, 1 hours): 2 Heavy Metal, 2 Organic Oil (6gc)
Alchemical Explosive (TN14, 2 hours): 1 Alchemical Stone, 2 Mineral Crystal, 2 Organic Acid (9gc+2)
Preservation of Corben Pendant (TN14, 1.5 hours): 2 Alchemist Stone, 1 Arcane Extract (7gc)

Field Alchemy:

Simple Acid (TN11): 1 alchemical waste (crystal), 1 mineral acid (3gc)
Simple Stimulant (TN11) 1 alchemical waste (crystal), 1 alchemical waste (liquid) (2gc)
Simple Stink Gas (TN12) 1 alchemical waste (liquid), 1 organic acid (4gc)
Simple Smoke (TN10) 1 mineral acid, 1 mineral crystal (5gc)
Alkalic Fluid (TN12) 1 alchemical waste (liquid), 1 mineral crystal (4gc)
Blackbond (TN12) 1 alchemical stone, 1 organic oil (2gc)
Firestifle (TN12) 1 alchemical waste (liquid), 1 mineral crystals (4gc)
Glasseater (TN12) 1 arcane mineral, 1 mineral acid (9gc)
Last edited by Hotfoot on Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:37 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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#10 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Cynical Cat »

We'll be starting 6pm this Sunday, Pacific Time.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#11 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Cynical Cat »

Game will be 6:30 pm this Sunday, Pacific Time.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#12 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by frigidmagi »

Arrrgh, I may be a few minutes late. Late minute thing, sorry.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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#13 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by rhoenix »

Life Spiral & Feat Point usage:
Spoiler: show
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#14 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Cynical Cat »

No game this weekend. Next weekend we will be back in business.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#15 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Cynical Cat »

Just a reminder, the game will be back this Sunday 5pm Pacific.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#16 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Cynical Cat »

And I'm going to have to cancel. Sorry folks. I was as sick as a dog yesterday and although I'm somewhat better today I'm still weak as a kitten and have two nights of torn up sleep on top of it. We'll try again next week.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#17 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Hotfoot »

Feel better man
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#18 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by rhoenix »

Take care of yourself, CynCat. There's always next week to resume IK shenanigans.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#19 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by frigidmagi »

Cursed Bacteria or Virus. I hope you feel better as quickly as possible Julian. Remember to drink water and all that.
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#20 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Karrick »

Two nights of bad sleep on top/as a result of being sick is decidedly no bueno. Feel better!
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#21 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Marcao »

Hello everyone,

I will be going on vacation from the 9th of August until the 17th of August. I may be checking in the board from time to time but I will not be online. I am taking the wife to Florida. I will talk with you all when I get back.

The Peddler of Half Truths.
"Not OP, therefore weakest." - Cynical Cat (May 2016)
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#22 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by White Haven »

So, Lachlan's on point until further notice.
ImageImageChronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring rhoenix
-'I need to hit the can, but if you wouldn't mind joining me for number two, I'd be grateful.'
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#23 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Cynical Cat »

With two players already confirmed to not be there, I'm canceling the game for this Sunday. Sorry folks.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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#24 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by White Haven »

Merp. Ah well.
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Out of Context Theatre, this week starring rhoenix
-'I need to hit the can, but if you wouldn't mind joining me for number two, I'd be grateful.'
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#25 Re: Iron Kingdoms: Skulls and Skullduggery

Post by Karrick »

I think it's going to be my turn to bail this Sunday. I'll be coming back late from a camping trip and don't expect be home until after 11 (if then).
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