It was only a matter of time…
Since its June 27 premiere, The Legend of Korra has been troubled with low ratings. From as high as 1.5 million on the first episode to as low as 1.1 million on the fourth and fifth episodes, it was only a matter of time before episodes were either rescheduled or pulled completely.
Now, the network has started pulling the episodes completely. After seven new episodes of Book Three’s 13 have aired, Nick has pulled one episode from this Friday as well as all four episodes from August 1 and 8.
Episode 8 “The Terror Within” is still airing this Friday at 8 p.m. (ET/PT).
No word on when (or where) the remaining five episodes will air. With a Comic-Con panel this Friday, we’ll likely find out pretty soon.
UPDATED #2: The good folks over at are reporting the news that Korra is likely on the move to digital platforms following this week’s 8th episode. More details will be released at Comic-Con, but co-creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino have posted on their Tumblr and Facebook pages to that effect.
UPDATED #3: From the official Korra Nation tumblr: “After this Friday’s on-air premiere of Episode 8 “The Terror Within” at 8/7c, all remaining Book 3 episodes will move to a digital rollout. That means two things: 1) Korra is NOT cancelled, 2) the remaining episodes will roll out weekly on and the Nick app beginning August 1, as well as on platforms like Amazon, Google Play, Xbox and Hulu.”

My thoughts: ... Fuck Nick. Look you want to know why you lost .4 mill viewers? Because nobody knows when the fucking show is on Nick! Maybe if you promote the damn thing people would know when to tune in.
Course you're also running a show on Friday night, aimed at a demographic most likely to be out and about on Friday night... Maybe you could stop sending shows into the death slot and act surprised when they fall down?
Well I suppose jokes on them, they already paid for 4 seasons of Korra.