Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

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#1 Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by frigidmagi »

It was only a matter of time…

Since its June 27 premiere, The Legend of Korra has been troubled with low ratings. From as high as 1.5 million on the first episode to as low as 1.1 million on the fourth and fifth episodes, it was only a matter of time before episodes were either rescheduled or pulled completely.

Now, the network has started pulling the episodes completely. After seven new episodes of Book Three’s 13 have aired, Nick has pulled one episode from this Friday as well as all four episodes from August 1 and 8.

Episode 8 “The Terror Within” is still airing this Friday at 8 p.m. (ET/PT).

No word on when (or where) the remaining five episodes will air. With a Comic-Con panel this Friday, we’ll likely find out pretty soon.

UPDATED #2: The good folks over at are reporting the news that Korra is likely on the move to digital platforms following this week’s 8th episode. More details will be released at Comic-Con, but co-creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino have posted on their Tumblr and Facebook pages to that effect.

UPDATED #3: From the official Korra Nation tumblr: “After this Friday’s on-air premiere of Episode 8 “The Terror Within” at 8/7c, all remaining Book 3 episodes will move to a digital rollout. That means two things: 1) Korra is NOT cancelled, 2) the remaining episodes will roll out weekly on and the Nick app beginning August 1, as well as on platforms like Amazon, Google Play, Xbox and Hulu.”

My thoughts: ... Fuck Nick. Look you want to know why you lost .4 mill viewers? Because nobody knows when the fucking show is on Nick! Maybe if you promote the damn thing people would know when to tune in.

Course you're also running a show on Friday night, aimed at a demographic most likely to be out and about on Friday night... Maybe you could stop sending shows into the death slot and act surprised when they fall down?

Well I suppose jokes on them, they already paid for 4 seasons of Korra.
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#2 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by B4UTRUST »

I'm okay with Korra wrapping up after 4 seasons. Honestly, so far this season hasn't been quite as good as the first two(in my opinion) but still enjoyable. I've got the GF and roommate going through the first avatar now so I can rewatch Korra with them once they finish that up.
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#3 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by frigidmagi »

Scotty... That's not what anyone said. What's going on is they're pulling Korra from television.

Also you think this season is worse then season 2? Good Sir, are we watching the same show? This frankly is the best season of Korra so far.
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#4 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Steve »

I agree, Book 3 is the best one so far.

And they're going to do online airing only now, since the online streaming figures for Korra were much higher for Books 1 and 2.
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#5 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by B4UTRUST »

I didn't think season 2 was amazing, but I thought 1 was a bit better. I may need to go back and watch them again since my opinion is apparently not the norm.
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#6 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Batman »

I seem to have read somewhere that they're not terminating Korra so much as moving it online (without bothering to do the groundwork that would let people 'know' that, of course, but yeah, Nick doing something stupid. Totally hasn't happened before).
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#7 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by B4UTRUST »

Yes, I apparently misread it or misunderstood what was being said. I know, people are shocked. I see the looks. You all were shocked. It's that same shocked look you get when you're not shocked at all. It's a subtle, yet distinct difference.
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#8 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Steve »

From a few things I've read, the reason Book 3 aired with so little advertising buildup is because the first several episodes sent for airing to Mexico got leaked online and Nick panicked.

It's rather silly too, since the premiere episode also leaked online and the opening episode still had 4+ million viewers. People like this show, but since part of the viewership consists of adults airing it on Fridays does cut into viewer numbers because the 20-somethings who watch it prefer to be out partying or socializing on Friday night.

Anyway, new episode every Friday. Looking at Book 3, I think it's going to end on a cliffhanger. With only what, five episodes left, there's a lot of story still to tell, and the season finale is supposedly titled "Venom of the Red Lotus", which does sound like more of a cliffhanger title to me than a conclusion. Since Book 3 was written with the expectation of Book 4, it makes sense they would do a two-book story. But I may be wrong; we'll find out in a few weeks.
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#9 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Steve »

So... episode 10 today. "Long Live the Queen".
Spoiler: show
The title is an example of egregious Blatant Lies, but is nice irony. Since, well, Zaheer proves how evil Airbending can be in the wrong hands by literally asphyxiating the Earth Queen by sucking all of the air out of her lungs and then keeping an air bubble around her head so she couldn't breath.

Yup. On air regicide!
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#10 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by frigidmagi »

Damn this episode. Just wow.
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#11 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Dark Silver »

We've always said being a airbender would make one hell of a assassin.
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#12 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by frigidmagi »

Saw episode 11...

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#13 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Dark Silver »

If the previous seasons didn't showcase Tenzan's Mastery of Airbending...

This last episode did.

He was taking the attacks of three Benders (Magma, Water and Air) and wasn't until their Combustion Bender landed a direct hit that he was having trouble.

I hope they merely beat him into submission instead of killing him...
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#14 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by frigidmagi »

Christ that was brutal. I mean fucking savagely brutal. The Avatar creative team just jumped up and screamed that no one was allowed to walk away from season 3 without paying the price.
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#15 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Steve »

Seconded. We need Book 4 now.
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#16 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Dark Silver »

That fight was....damn. Hell, even the fight leading UP to that fight was just...

Bolin now can Lava Bend - so that's why he couldn't learn to Metal Bend. Good on him. Lava Bender vs Lava Bender was good, for a little bit anyway.

Mako took down the Red Lotus WaterBender with Lightning, my question is why didn't he do it more often - we've been knowing he was a Lighting Bender, she uses Water for Arms....hit her arms with the Lightning and BAM, she's beaten.

Su Lin...damn woman. If there was one way to take out a Combustion Bender...that was it. You made her blow her own head off That's just. Fuck. Brutal. At least she went quickly.

Zahir, how the fuck does he get so good at Airbending so quickly? He's had it a little over a month and he's unlocking powers of one of the greatest Airbending Masters ever.

Their plan almost worked - if they wouldn't have hesitated they would have succeeded. Or at least killed the current Avatar and the Red Lotus could have struck out everywhere else - maybe even succeeded. And they would have had at least twenty years before the next Avatar could have done anything against them.

Still...they did a lot of damage. Earth Kingdom is ripping itself apart (at least Ba Sing Sa is), the Air Nomads are hurting (though they now have a new Master amoung them) and it will be awhile before they can do anything really to improve the situation.

And Korra...oh dear Korra..

In the words of the 10th Doctor, I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry...
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#17 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Steve »

My brother didn't like the finale or Book 3 because he thought Zaheer was made too powerful and that his flight simply "Broke the camel's back" of his acceptance of the character, making him unenjoyable. We had a good argument over it that came down to whether or not either of us accepted the buildup of Zaheer's knowlege of Air Nomad teaching.

If you ask me, him being a powerful Airbender isn't too shocking if A) he was already strong in it after Convergence, which isn't much since Kai and Opal showed natural prowess too and B) if he is, as hinted, a former Air Acolyte, and thus had an education that included Airbending forms and philosophy.

But that ending. Man, that ending. Book 3's finale is just.... wow.
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#18 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Steve »

Time for Feels everyone! Someone posted these on SB:



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#19 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Steve »

Not so much feels as dark humor:

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#20 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by LadyTevar »

I got home from my mom's and watched Chapter 3 as a whole. Wow... that was brutal. The book name might be Changes, but the theme seemed to be Family. The Bei Fong sisters, Mako and Bolin's family, the Airbenders, and even the 4 Assassins. All were families that had to come together before change could be made.

I figure Chapter 4 will focus on Healing, of the Earth Kingdom as well as Korra herself.

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#21 Re: Nickelodeon Pulls Five “Legend of Korra” Premieres

Post by Steve »

On SB I proposed Book 4 will be Balance, and will involve Korra healing and coming to terms with herself and, vitally, the need to balance her identity as the Avatar with her identity as Korra. She's been trying to be the former so much that being deprived of it is wrecking her; she needs to find that balance in herself, make peace with her dual nature, and then she can restore peace in the world and, presumably, bring down the Red Lotus.
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