Earthdawn Character Creation
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- frigidmagi
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#76 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
Awesome, you are approved. Thank you Lys.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- General Havoc
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#77 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
Name: Di'oq Flamequencher
Race: Troll
Discipline: Warrior, 2nd Circle
Description: Tall and muscular as any troll, Di'oq has the look and scars of a twenty-year veteran of countless battles, for good reason. A troll of around forty years, with a keen, quiet stare and much less given to boisterous braggadocio than the standard troll. His teeth do not protrude and his tusks are perfectly intact, but he wears his hair and beard cut short. His skin is greener than most trolls and his brow more swept
Background: "I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of raiding. Its glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing for sons, husbands, and fathers. It is only those who have never held a sword, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated, that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation."
- Di'oq Flamequencher, final address to the moot.
Barsaive is a violent place. Low-scale endemic warfare stretches from Parlainth to Vivane, from the fastness of the Blood Wood to the shores of Death's Sea. The Theran Empire's campaign to re-establish control over its rebel province clashes with the efforts of Thoral and the other Free Cities to remain independent, all while Orcish marauders, Troll skyraiders and T'skrang river pirates ply the air and ground and waterways, and gangs of adventurers seek fortune and glory against monsters, armies, horrors, and one another. Most would-be adventurers throw themselves into the conflicts of Barsaive seeking a means of distinction and glory.
Most, not all.
Glory is a relative thing. Legends are ephemeral, things for theory and the telling of tales. What is not ephemeral is blood, and pain, and the slaughter of the defenseless. Pretensions of honor do not restore the dead rotting in their fields, nor do fine words spoken to multitudes of armed men alter the basic fact that the majority of such multitudes are employed for purposes that have nothing to do with fine words. For every battle wherein one army, company, or brotherhood stands down another and fights for some principle, there are a hundred others consisting of those without swords dying at the hands of those with them. This is a truism that cuts across all races, kingdoms, clans, and philosophies. The primary purpose of armaments is to subject those without them to the arbitrary will of those with. And any soldier both honest and long-lived enough will eventually come to realize this.
Di'oq is both.
In his time he was a raider, a mercenary, a lesser follower of greater captains. A swordsman hired or feared for the reach of his arm and the power of his trollish musculature. He fought for principles he thought good and some he thought less good. He fought for freedom or other high-minded ideals, for fortune and riches, for glory and for the honor of clan and race and other things no longer even held in account. Sometimes he fought men who also fought for such things. Sometimes he fought men who simply wanted to keep what was theirs. And sometimes he fought men he never knew the motivations of. In the end, it didn't matter. Whatever high-minded purpose was stretched as a veneer over the fighting that was done, the purpose of warfare, ultimately, is itself. Stories of entering into legend, becoming heroes of renown through the act of raiding farms and stealing provisions from those without the steel to keep them, were illusory. The quest for glory devours its own, and permits men to imagine themselves greater than they are. How many soldiers did he meet sitting atop their steeds, soaked head-to-toe in the blood of men they didn't know, heads or children spitted on their lances, talking excitedly of their "victories" and "honor", every one of them a paladin? How many times was he that man? In all the years of killing over principles held dearly, how many men were actually ennobled? How much blood was spent to purposes invented after the fact to justify some fresh act of death? Disgust might have turned to rage had he not been neck-deep in the same filth as the rest of those hypocrites he fought alongside. As it was, all he could muster after a point was apathy. Fine words turned to ash, glory to mockery. And all the riches piled high among the bones of the fallen were nothing but the sterile, charmless trinkets that were used to reward those who killed enough defenseless farmers to be accounted "great". His separation from moot and clan was ultimately inevitable. The coin they had to pay for his continued presence became so devalued in his eyes as to constitute an insult. When the end finally came, he did not even bother to curse them for not seeing the truth of a matter their entire structure was based around not seeing. He just left.
He left not seeking some new purpose, but to be damned to all purposes and their honeyed appeals to the glory and honor of senseless butchery. He left once his innate cynicism would no longer admit yet another 'cause' to champion, once all empires and kingdoms and tribes and pirate clans all began to look the same, he simply left. And sought the solitude of misanthropy and the wilderness. He killed some, and did not kill others, acting according to whim and personal feelings, and did not seek to lay codes and principles and questions of discussion atop his actions, for all such questions were dishonest in his mind. Some sought to hire him and some to curse him, and he could not have cared less for the pretensions of either. Heroism itself was a lie. And those who clung the tightest to it were those who embodied it the least. What he sought instead was simplicity. Of the wilderness and survival, of beasts and predators and prey, who did not couch their violence in high-minded principle, but killed or did not kill such that they might live, or from instinct so-long bred into them as to constitute the natural workings of the world. There was no nobility in the wilderness, no honor or glory or legend or purity of innocence, but at least there was honesty. And the rest of the world did not even have that.
Dex: 10+6 = 16 (7)
Str: 14+5 = 19 (8)
Tou: 12+4 = 16 (7)
Per: 9 +1 = 10 (5)
Wil: 11+1 = 12 (5)
Cha: 10+3 = 13 (6)
Karma: 6/6
Initiative Step: 7
Physical Defense: 10
Physical AD Threshold: 25
Magical Defense: 7
Magical AD Threshold: 18
Social Defense: 7
Carrying Capacity: 230
Death Rating: 66
Unconcious Rating: 52
Wound Threshold: 11
Recovery Tests/Day: 3
Physical Armor: 12
Mystic Armor: 5
Movement Rate: 7
Racial Abilities: Heat Vision
Discipline Talents:
Avoid Blow: 2 (10)
Karma Ritual: 2
Melee Weapons: 3 (11)
Unarmed Combat: 2 (10)
Wood Skin: 2 (9)
Durability: 3
Anticipate Blow: 1 (6)
Other Talents:
Air Dance: 3 (11)
Tiger Spring: 2
Speak Language: 2 (Dwarven, Troll) (7)
Read/Write: 1 (Troll) (6)
Singing: 1 (7)
Knowledge Creature Lore: 1 (6)
Knowledge Wild Animals: 1 (6)
Animal Bond: 2 (8)
Animal Handling: 1 (6)
Animal Training: 2 (7)
Diplomacy: 1 (7)
Hunting: 1 (9)
Shield Charge: 1 (9)
Wilderness Survival: 1 (6)
Adventurer's Kit
Artisan Tools
Traveller's Garb
Trail Rations, 1 week
1-handed, Double-bladed Arming Troll-Sword (6)
1 Troll-scale Crystal Raider Shield (3/3 armor, +3/+3 deflection)
Troll-scale Ring Mail Armor (6 armor, +2/+0 deflection w/ helmet)
Espagra-Scale Cloak (3/1 Armor)
9x Gold Pieces
210x Silver Pieces
Legend Points
2700 Total
200 Unspent
Avoid Blow II - 200
Melee Weapons III - 300
Air Dance III - 300
Unarmed Combat II - 200
Wood Skin II - 200
Durability I - 100
Durability II - 200
Anticipate Blow I - 100
Tiger Spring I - 100
Tiger Spring II - 200
Durability III - 300
Race: Troll
Discipline: Warrior, 2nd Circle
Description: Tall and muscular as any troll, Di'oq has the look and scars of a twenty-year veteran of countless battles, for good reason. A troll of around forty years, with a keen, quiet stare and much less given to boisterous braggadocio than the standard troll. His teeth do not protrude and his tusks are perfectly intact, but he wears his hair and beard cut short. His skin is greener than most trolls and his brow more swept
Background: "I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of raiding. Its glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing for sons, husbands, and fathers. It is only those who have never held a sword, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated, that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation."
- Di'oq Flamequencher, final address to the moot.
Barsaive is a violent place. Low-scale endemic warfare stretches from Parlainth to Vivane, from the fastness of the Blood Wood to the shores of Death's Sea. The Theran Empire's campaign to re-establish control over its rebel province clashes with the efforts of Thoral and the other Free Cities to remain independent, all while Orcish marauders, Troll skyraiders and T'skrang river pirates ply the air and ground and waterways, and gangs of adventurers seek fortune and glory against monsters, armies, horrors, and one another. Most would-be adventurers throw themselves into the conflicts of Barsaive seeking a means of distinction and glory.
Most, not all.
Glory is a relative thing. Legends are ephemeral, things for theory and the telling of tales. What is not ephemeral is blood, and pain, and the slaughter of the defenseless. Pretensions of honor do not restore the dead rotting in their fields, nor do fine words spoken to multitudes of armed men alter the basic fact that the majority of such multitudes are employed for purposes that have nothing to do with fine words. For every battle wherein one army, company, or brotherhood stands down another and fights for some principle, there are a hundred others consisting of those without swords dying at the hands of those with them. This is a truism that cuts across all races, kingdoms, clans, and philosophies. The primary purpose of armaments is to subject those without them to the arbitrary will of those with. And any soldier both honest and long-lived enough will eventually come to realize this.
Di'oq is both.
In his time he was a raider, a mercenary, a lesser follower of greater captains. A swordsman hired or feared for the reach of his arm and the power of his trollish musculature. He fought for principles he thought good and some he thought less good. He fought for freedom or other high-minded ideals, for fortune and riches, for glory and for the honor of clan and race and other things no longer even held in account. Sometimes he fought men who also fought for such things. Sometimes he fought men who simply wanted to keep what was theirs. And sometimes he fought men he never knew the motivations of. In the end, it didn't matter. Whatever high-minded purpose was stretched as a veneer over the fighting that was done, the purpose of warfare, ultimately, is itself. Stories of entering into legend, becoming heroes of renown through the act of raiding farms and stealing provisions from those without the steel to keep them, were illusory. The quest for glory devours its own, and permits men to imagine themselves greater than they are. How many soldiers did he meet sitting atop their steeds, soaked head-to-toe in the blood of men they didn't know, heads or children spitted on their lances, talking excitedly of their "victories" and "honor", every one of them a paladin? How many times was he that man? In all the years of killing over principles held dearly, how many men were actually ennobled? How much blood was spent to purposes invented after the fact to justify some fresh act of death? Disgust might have turned to rage had he not been neck-deep in the same filth as the rest of those hypocrites he fought alongside. As it was, all he could muster after a point was apathy. Fine words turned to ash, glory to mockery. And all the riches piled high among the bones of the fallen were nothing but the sterile, charmless trinkets that were used to reward those who killed enough defenseless farmers to be accounted "great". His separation from moot and clan was ultimately inevitable. The coin they had to pay for his continued presence became so devalued in his eyes as to constitute an insult. When the end finally came, he did not even bother to curse them for not seeing the truth of a matter their entire structure was based around not seeing. He just left.
He left not seeking some new purpose, but to be damned to all purposes and their honeyed appeals to the glory and honor of senseless butchery. He left once his innate cynicism would no longer admit yet another 'cause' to champion, once all empires and kingdoms and tribes and pirate clans all began to look the same, he simply left. And sought the solitude of misanthropy and the wilderness. He killed some, and did not kill others, acting according to whim and personal feelings, and did not seek to lay codes and principles and questions of discussion atop his actions, for all such questions were dishonest in his mind. Some sought to hire him and some to curse him, and he could not have cared less for the pretensions of either. Heroism itself was a lie. And those who clung the tightest to it were those who embodied it the least. What he sought instead was simplicity. Of the wilderness and survival, of beasts and predators and prey, who did not couch their violence in high-minded principle, but killed or did not kill such that they might live, or from instinct so-long bred into them as to constitute the natural workings of the world. There was no nobility in the wilderness, no honor or glory or legend or purity of innocence, but at least there was honesty. And the rest of the world did not even have that.
Dex: 10+6 = 16 (7)
Str: 14+5 = 19 (8)
Tou: 12+4 = 16 (7)
Per: 9 +1 = 10 (5)
Wil: 11+1 = 12 (5)
Cha: 10+3 = 13 (6)
Karma: 6/6
Initiative Step: 7
Physical Defense: 10
Physical AD Threshold: 25
Magical Defense: 7
Magical AD Threshold: 18
Social Defense: 7
Carrying Capacity: 230
Death Rating: 66
Unconcious Rating: 52
Wound Threshold: 11
Recovery Tests/Day: 3
Physical Armor: 12
Mystic Armor: 5
Movement Rate: 7
Racial Abilities: Heat Vision
Discipline Talents:
Avoid Blow: 2 (10)
Karma Ritual: 2
Melee Weapons: 3 (11)
Unarmed Combat: 2 (10)
Wood Skin: 2 (9)
Durability: 3
Anticipate Blow: 1 (6)
Other Talents:
Air Dance: 3 (11)
Tiger Spring: 2
Speak Language: 2 (Dwarven, Troll) (7)
Read/Write: 1 (Troll) (6)
Singing: 1 (7)
Knowledge Creature Lore: 1 (6)
Knowledge Wild Animals: 1 (6)
Animal Bond: 2 (8)
Animal Handling: 1 (6)
Animal Training: 2 (7)
Diplomacy: 1 (7)
Hunting: 1 (9)
Shield Charge: 1 (9)
Wilderness Survival: 1 (6)
Adventurer's Kit
Artisan Tools
Traveller's Garb
Trail Rations, 1 week
1-handed, Double-bladed Arming Troll-Sword (6)
1 Troll-scale Crystal Raider Shield (3/3 armor, +3/+3 deflection)
Troll-scale Ring Mail Armor (6 armor, +2/+0 deflection w/ helmet)
Espagra-Scale Cloak (3/1 Armor)
9x Gold Pieces
210x Silver Pieces
Legend Points
2700 Total
200 Unspent
Avoid Blow II - 200
Melee Weapons III - 300
Air Dance III - 300
Unarmed Combat II - 200
Wood Skin II - 200
Durability I - 100
Durability II - 200
Anticipate Blow I - 100
Tiger Spring I - 100
Tiger Spring II - 200
Durability III - 300
Last edited by General Havoc on Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:14 pm, edited 27 times in total.
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
#78 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
And here I thought all Barsaivian Trolls were Sky Raiders, because who doesn't want to watch 500 pounds of awesome using Great Leap and Wind Catcher? (Both on my Versatility list.) Still, if you really want to be a tank who specializes in face-wrecking above all things, you can't go wrong with Troll Warrior.
Lys is lily, or lilium.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
- Comrade Tortoise
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#79 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
Just a note to everyone. Due to catastrophic internet failure at Frigid's place, Earthdawn is Cancelled this evening.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- rhoenix
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#80 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
Damn. Here's hoping things calm the hell down as soon as possible, then. Remember: necromancy technically will revive your connection, but it'll be suffer very bad lag. Just ask Havoc.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
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#81 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
Hey everyone. What has happened is my Router (after a nameless roommate fucked with it) screamed, shit itself and died a horrible death after 7 years of honorable service. At the moment I have plugged myself straight into the modem, after my other roommates confessed that they didn't need it, as they were bootstrapping themselves via their smartphones and unholy rites to the machine god.
Hopefully we will get a new Router soon.
Sorry about the trouble.
Hopefully we will get a new Router soon.
Sorry about the trouble.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- rhoenix
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#82 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
No worries man - we're just glad it wasn't something worse, like your house's wiring or something. At least a router can be easily replaced.frigidmagi wrote:Hey everyone. What has happened is my Router (after a nameless roommate fucked with it) screamed, shit itself and died a horrible death after 7 years of honorable service. At the moment I have plugged myself straight into the modem, after my other roommates confessed that they didn't need it, as they were bootstrapping themselves via their smartphones and unholy rites to the machine god.
Hopefully we will get a new Router soon.
Sorry about the trouble.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
#83 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
*Salutes frigidmagi's brave router, which gave its life in the line of duty after many years of valiant service*
Hey, check it out, Free Karma is an actual Optional Rule for ED3! It's just in the Player's Companion (Pg. 10) rather than the Player's Guide. Does anyone have any good reason to not implement it? Because I can't really think of any, and so far every player who has commented on optional rules has been in favour of it. Nobody's spent any LP on karma yet far as I know, and if someone did it's just a few seconds inconvenience to never have to worry about again.
Also on the same page is the Ghost Master Ritual, which is really neat and a good reason to look forward to 4th circle. If Frigid approves I may have Stormbreaker advance through Journeyman under the tutelage of a dead Ashurian Weaponsmaster. Just... need to somehow obtain an orichalcum coin as a Novice. That I have no idea how to do this implies high jinks will be involved.
Hey, check it out, Free Karma is an actual Optional Rule for ED3! It's just in the Player's Companion (Pg. 10) rather than the Player's Guide. Does anyone have any good reason to not implement it? Because I can't really think of any, and so far every player who has commented on optional rules has been in favour of it. Nobody's spent any LP on karma yet far as I know, and if someone did it's just a few seconds inconvenience to never have to worry about again.
Also on the same page is the Ghost Master Ritual, which is really neat and a good reason to look forward to 4th circle. If Frigid approves I may have Stormbreaker advance through Journeyman under the tutelage of a dead Ashurian Weaponsmaster. Just... need to somehow obtain an orichalcum coin as a Novice. That I have no idea how to do this implies high jinks will be involved.
Lys is lily, or lilium.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
- Cynical Cat
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#84 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
Ghost Masters are awesome.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
#85 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
What's that? You need to obtain an incredibly rare and valuable object? If only you knew a discreet wealth distribution specialist of some sort....
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
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#86 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
Gee... If only you were heading to a kingdom full of lost ruins and stuff grappling to understand it's history and heritage...
If only.
If only.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
#87 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
I didn't know "filthy communist" was a discipline.Hotfoot wrote:What's that? You need to obtain an incredibly rare and valuable object? If only you knew a discreet wealth distribution specialist of some sort....

#88 Re: Earthdawn Character Creation
So there's a grad student association meeting tonight that was announced an hour ago.
I've got to put in an appearance, but not much else so I'll be late tonight, but hopefully not more than an hour. Hopefully.
I was planning on meditating on one or more talents anyway starting at the next narrative opportunity, if possible. 8 hours on Animal Bond and 8 hours on Avoid blow (to increase each to rank 2). I believe that's 400 of my xp as well.

I was planning on meditating on one or more talents anyway starting at the next narrative opportunity, if possible. 8 hours on Animal Bond and 8 hours on Avoid blow (to increase each to rank 2). I believe that's 400 of my xp as well.