STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter II)
- Josh
- Resident of the Kingdom of Eternal Cockjobbery
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#1 STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter II)
((Let the madness resume.))
Last edited by Josh on Sun Jun 19, 2005 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When the Frog God smiles, arm yourself.
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
"'Flammable' and 'inflammable' have the same meaning! This language is insane!"
"Ork 'as no automatic code o' survival. 'is partic'lar distinction from all udda livin' gits is tha necessity ta act inna face o' alternatives by means o' dakka."
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
- Dartzap
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*The Admiral had expected this..
"Fire the Transmatt again, and while your at it, fire all the oither stuff as well"
"Yes Sir!
*the beam firs again, and yet again goes through the sheilds, due to the fact transmatts arnt technically of this dimension*
The ship disappears again*
"Fire all main battries at her escorts, I dont want them to be here when He gets back!"
"Yes Sir! right away Sir!"
"Fire the Transmatt again, and while your at it, fire all the oither stuff as well"
"Yes Sir!
*the beam firs again, and yet again goes through the sheilds, due to the fact transmatts arnt technically of this dimension*
The ship disappears again*
"Fire all main battries at her escorts, I dont want them to be here when He gets back!"
"Yes Sir! right away Sir!"
"Why hello! Could I intrest you in some giant bonsai trees?"

- Adept
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OOC: Just moved this from the previous thread having posted in it after it had been locked.
"Ah, a minion of Dartzap. Sorry to disappoint you, but I assure you my actual presence will be reserved for far more dangerous and formitable foes than yourself. My presence is onboard every Borg ship, base and facility in existence; even the more powerful members of this realm will have great difficulty pinpointing my actual location."
The hologram glanced at the main display screen, and the Golems did the same.
"I'm afraid I must return my attention to the battle, Golems. A word wisdom before you die...never allow yourselves or your allies to set foot upon another Borg ship. From the previous Collective's perspective, they are expendable to achieve goals. So they are to me."
The Golem's eyes widened in understanding. And with that, the Borg cube falsed identified as unique or a command ship self destructed, exploding into a fiery ball of energy and debris.
Back in the safety of his secure command center, Walper chuckled and shook his head. Poor fools. As if a individual of my power would ever be caught so easily. Walper toggled his display. With a thought, the thousands of Borg cubes on stand by swarmed into the battle location. The enemy looked in horror as over two thousand Borg cubes entered the fray. Although obsolete, Walper gave the typical Borg greeting anyhow:
The Golems open fire upon the Sith...but the weapons simply pass through him. His image flickers momentarily. The hologram turns and faces Dorfl.Dartzap wrote:*Aboard the Borg Command Vessal*
*Dorfl so far had cut down almost 300 hundred of the drones who had tried rushing him and his men, he knew he had lost almost 200 of his fellow Golems to the borg rush, however, they were now close to the door, and there were only a few dozen drones left, all firing their disrupter attachments, and all failing to penetrate the sheilds of the Golems.
With one last push they were at the door.
Inside was lord Walper, concentrating on crushing ships who tried to get to near to his ship
He appears to not notice the golems behind him*
"Ah, a minion of Dartzap. Sorry to disappoint you, but I assure you my actual presence will be reserved for far more dangerous and formitable foes than yourself. My presence is onboard every Borg ship, base and facility in existence; even the more powerful members of this realm will have great difficulty pinpointing my actual location."
The hologram glanced at the main display screen, and the Golems did the same.
"I'm afraid I must return my attention to the battle, Golems. A word wisdom before you die...never allow yourselves or your allies to set foot upon another Borg ship. From the previous Collective's perspective, they are expendable to achieve goals. So they are to me."
The Golem's eyes widened in understanding. And with that, the Borg cube falsed identified as unique or a command ship self destructed, exploding into a fiery ball of energy and debris.
Back in the safety of his secure command center, Walper chuckled and shook his head. Poor fools. As if a individual of my power would ever be caught so easily. Walper toggled his display. With a thought, the thousands of Borg cubes on stand by swarmed into the battle location. The enemy looked in horror as over two thousand Borg cubes entered the fray. Although obsolete, Walper gave the typical Borg greeting anyhow:
- Adept
- Posts: 1087
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:37 am
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Lord Walper stood within a darkened chamber, surrounded by stars. The spherical room acted as a three dimensional viewscreen, showing all angles of the current ship broadcasting the images to his secured position. The view suddenly changed...a different perspective, a different cube. Robert nodded approvingly. The technology would be invalueable in his direction of the battle.
Within moments some of the stars could be seen moving, which quickly grew into dozens, then hundreds of warships pounding eachother with weapons too numerous to count.
The Borg fleet of over two thousand cubes, almost Walper's entire Borg fleet, charged the lines of battle. Cubes opened fire with massive tractor beam emittors, energy beams and torpedo launchers. Smaller enemy ships crumbled quickly, while their larger counterparts now turned their attention to the new Borg reinforcements. The battle intensified and both sides engaged in bloodly combat.
Lord Walper's eyes surveyed the battle, Borg icons and information scrolling rapidly, overlaying his view of the scene, but not disruptively so.
One ship, obviously of Golem design filled the view.
"Now you fools shall truely know the nature of the Dark Side of the Force!" Walper hissed.
Raising his hand, he clenched his fist, and the vessel crumpled like tissue paper, weapon emplacements flying off into space from the rapidly shifted form and explosions of the ship's hull. He turned his attention to another, a wave of his hand sending the massive battleship into a spin, slamming into her fellow support craft, pulverizing it.
In the distance, a large group of enemy ships of both Dartzap's and Destructionator XV's formed up and moved in to support their weakened flank. Walper grinned, a twisted smile of pleasure only a Dark Sith Lord could muster. They were obviously confused as to what had so quickly caused the demise of their brothers.
The ships closed quickly, opening fire with an enormous wave of energy weapons and projectiles. Several Borg cubes exploded violently under the assault, while the other less damaged or not yet hit ones returned fire.
A massed barrage of weaponry closed upon Walper's view, but his two arms waved, parting the shots harmlessly away from the current cube dictating his view of the battle. Some of the shots went far enough off course to slam into friendly targets now mixing with the Borg armada. Another clenched fist rendered nearby enemy crusier a compressed hulk of useless metal. Apparently the enemy fleet began to notice the one cube performing so well and inflicting such damage. Walper smirked. No doubt they though he was physically on this vessel as well. They closed the gap between themselves and the cube. Walper didn't bother protecting it, as the Borg vessel absorbed a monstrous amount of punishment before succumbing to an fiery ball of destruction.
Walper's entire surroundings changed instantly, his perspective of the battle and enemy fleet now off to the side and slightly behind them. Intoxicated with his feeling of power and depth of the manipulation of the Dark side, Walper's arms and hands moved rapidly. With his right hand, two enemy warships were flung into spins, out of control and suffering severe engine damage from damage none of the crew could determine the source of. His left arm directed an entire wing of enemy fighters into the shields of another cruiser, destroying them all and damaging the crusier's shields. Raising both his arms above his head, two warships followed his hands erratically, slamming into eachother with great force as Robert's hands met above his head. His arms came down and forward, and two more crusiers now whipped into the hull of a battleship, obliterating them and causing the battleship to lose shields, along with the majority of it's stern section.
One of the largest warships, obviously a powerhouse of destruction, pummelled cubes surrounding it with enormous firepower. Robert's hands pointed to crusiers, sending them directly into the warship's side. The crew, apparently catching on to the fact that their own ships were inexplicitly being used as weapons of ramming attacks, managed to destroy one of them, but the other made it through crippling the warship's port shield grid. Lord Walper began laughing with an intense joy, twisted by his obvious hatred towards the target of his attack. His arms and hands moved back in forth, sending enemy crusier, fighter, or smaller battleship one after the other sailing into destruction against the doomed ship. Finally, the massive warship, unable to withstand such a massive assault, exploded fiercely, taking out entire squadrons of fighters around it.
The enemy reinenforments began panicking, not seeing this invisible force that turned their own ships in weapons of destruction against themselves. They broke up, and began attempting to flee the immediate battle zone as fast as their engies would allow. Several of the ship's engines were firing at full power, but moved nowhere as if held by an invisible grip. Advancing cubes quickly pulverized them with intense fireepower, one of the being sliced in half by cutting beams. Within mere moments, Walper's powers and fleet had decimated an entire wing of warship of the enemy.
The Borg cubes advanced, pushing aside the dwindled forces in the area.
Destructionator XV's capital ship took a center position on Lord Walper's display, and the Borg armada closed upon it slowly.
Three heavy warships took a triangular defensive position between Destructionator XV's ship and the approaching Borg armada. Suddenly the two flanking ships moved unnaturally away from the center one, and then accelerated incredibly towards it, crushing the center ship completely. All three hulks slowly floated off, welded together by the titanic force of the collision.
"Young fool..." Walper said, sending his thought into Destructionator XV's mind. "Only now, at the end, do you understand." His right hand reached forward, and began to close. The bow of Destructionator XV's capital ship began to crumple, support struts bending and compressed with enormous force.
Suddenly Walper frowned, his concentration broken and Destructionator XV's vessel was released. Something was wrong, he realized. His Borg forces moved sluggishly, and where his attention wasn't focused, they were fairing badly. Walper was surprised to find even some of the cubes were dead in space, the entire crew complement dead but with no apparent battle damage. He stretched out with his senses to determine what was wrong. To his surrpise and shock, he realized the cause of the dead crews and sluggish performance was himself. His lust for power and relentless application of Force usage had drained enormous energy from the living drones in the fleet. He felt the drain even at the Borg Unicomplex, although the effect was vastly smaller. Walper fumed at his own arrogance and damage to his force by his own hand. In a rage, his reached out, further crushig Destructionator XV's bow, and ripping an entire third of the bow off the rest of the ship. But the effect was accumulative, and dozens more Borg cubes fell silent. Destructionator XV's ship was badly crippled, but the surrounding cubes were dead, posing no threat. Although the remaining Borg fleet was still large, the Force drain Walper inflicted was too much, and they began to lose ground.
With hatred, Lord Walper glared at Destructionator XV's ship.
"Your death at my hands is not worth the cost to myself, young adversary." Robert could feel the fear of Destructionator XV as he heard the voice in his mind.
With a nod, Walper's chamber switched back to a more distant view of the battle. His directed his cubes to fall back and regroup. Although badly weakened, given time they would recover, and the Borg fleet was still large enough to pose a conventional threat to enemy forces.
Within moments some of the stars could be seen moving, which quickly grew into dozens, then hundreds of warships pounding eachother with weapons too numerous to count.
The Borg fleet of over two thousand cubes, almost Walper's entire Borg fleet, charged the lines of battle. Cubes opened fire with massive tractor beam emittors, energy beams and torpedo launchers. Smaller enemy ships crumbled quickly, while their larger counterparts now turned their attention to the new Borg reinforcements. The battle intensified and both sides engaged in bloodly combat.
Lord Walper's eyes surveyed the battle, Borg icons and information scrolling rapidly, overlaying his view of the scene, but not disruptively so.
One ship, obviously of Golem design filled the view.
"Now you fools shall truely know the nature of the Dark Side of the Force!" Walper hissed.
Raising his hand, he clenched his fist, and the vessel crumpled like tissue paper, weapon emplacements flying off into space from the rapidly shifted form and explosions of the ship's hull. He turned his attention to another, a wave of his hand sending the massive battleship into a spin, slamming into her fellow support craft, pulverizing it.
In the distance, a large group of enemy ships of both Dartzap's and Destructionator XV's formed up and moved in to support their weakened flank. Walper grinned, a twisted smile of pleasure only a Dark Sith Lord could muster. They were obviously confused as to what had so quickly caused the demise of their brothers.
The ships closed quickly, opening fire with an enormous wave of energy weapons and projectiles. Several Borg cubes exploded violently under the assault, while the other less damaged or not yet hit ones returned fire.
A massed barrage of weaponry closed upon Walper's view, but his two arms waved, parting the shots harmlessly away from the current cube dictating his view of the battle. Some of the shots went far enough off course to slam into friendly targets now mixing with the Borg armada. Another clenched fist rendered nearby enemy crusier a compressed hulk of useless metal. Apparently the enemy fleet began to notice the one cube performing so well and inflicting such damage. Walper smirked. No doubt they though he was physically on this vessel as well. They closed the gap between themselves and the cube. Walper didn't bother protecting it, as the Borg vessel absorbed a monstrous amount of punishment before succumbing to an fiery ball of destruction.
Walper's entire surroundings changed instantly, his perspective of the battle and enemy fleet now off to the side and slightly behind them. Intoxicated with his feeling of power and depth of the manipulation of the Dark side, Walper's arms and hands moved rapidly. With his right hand, two enemy warships were flung into spins, out of control and suffering severe engine damage from damage none of the crew could determine the source of. His left arm directed an entire wing of enemy fighters into the shields of another cruiser, destroying them all and damaging the crusier's shields. Raising both his arms above his head, two warships followed his hands erratically, slamming into eachother with great force as Robert's hands met above his head. His arms came down and forward, and two more crusiers now whipped into the hull of a battleship, obliterating them and causing the battleship to lose shields, along with the majority of it's stern section.
One of the largest warships, obviously a powerhouse of destruction, pummelled cubes surrounding it with enormous firepower. Robert's hands pointed to crusiers, sending them directly into the warship's side. The crew, apparently catching on to the fact that their own ships were inexplicitly being used as weapons of ramming attacks, managed to destroy one of them, but the other made it through crippling the warship's port shield grid. Lord Walper began laughing with an intense joy, twisted by his obvious hatred towards the target of his attack. His arms and hands moved back in forth, sending enemy crusier, fighter, or smaller battleship one after the other sailing into destruction against the doomed ship. Finally, the massive warship, unable to withstand such a massive assault, exploded fiercely, taking out entire squadrons of fighters around it.
The enemy reinenforments began panicking, not seeing this invisible force that turned their own ships in weapons of destruction against themselves. They broke up, and began attempting to flee the immediate battle zone as fast as their engies would allow. Several of the ship's engines were firing at full power, but moved nowhere as if held by an invisible grip. Advancing cubes quickly pulverized them with intense fireepower, one of the being sliced in half by cutting beams. Within mere moments, Walper's powers and fleet had decimated an entire wing of warship of the enemy.
The Borg cubes advanced, pushing aside the dwindled forces in the area.
Destructionator XV's capital ship took a center position on Lord Walper's display, and the Borg armada closed upon it slowly.
Three heavy warships took a triangular defensive position between Destructionator XV's ship and the approaching Borg armada. Suddenly the two flanking ships moved unnaturally away from the center one, and then accelerated incredibly towards it, crushing the center ship completely. All three hulks slowly floated off, welded together by the titanic force of the collision.
"Young fool..." Walper said, sending his thought into Destructionator XV's mind. "Only now, at the end, do you understand." His right hand reached forward, and began to close. The bow of Destructionator XV's capital ship began to crumple, support struts bending and compressed with enormous force.
Suddenly Walper frowned, his concentration broken and Destructionator XV's vessel was released. Something was wrong, he realized. His Borg forces moved sluggishly, and where his attention wasn't focused, they were fairing badly. Walper was surprised to find even some of the cubes were dead in space, the entire crew complement dead but with no apparent battle damage. He stretched out with his senses to determine what was wrong. To his surrpise and shock, he realized the cause of the dead crews and sluggish performance was himself. His lust for power and relentless application of Force usage had drained enormous energy from the living drones in the fleet. He felt the drain even at the Borg Unicomplex, although the effect was vastly smaller. Walper fumed at his own arrogance and damage to his force by his own hand. In a rage, his reached out, further crushig Destructionator XV's bow, and ripping an entire third of the bow off the rest of the ship. But the effect was accumulative, and dozens more Borg cubes fell silent. Destructionator XV's ship was badly crippled, but the surrounding cubes were dead, posing no threat. Although the remaining Borg fleet was still large, the Force drain Walper inflicted was too much, and they began to lose ground.
With hatred, Lord Walper glared at Destructionator XV's ship.
"Your death at my hands is not worth the cost to myself, young adversary." Robert could feel the fear of Destructionator XV as he heard the voice in his mind.
With a nod, Walper's chamber switched back to a more distant view of the battle. His directed his cubes to fall back and regroup. Although badly weakened, given time they would recover, and the Borg fleet was still large enough to pose a conventional threat to enemy forces.
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
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After the Death Star escapes, three World Devastators jumped out of hyperspace, escorted by several Star Destroyers. Aboard the lead Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger II, Captain Mc Kenzie is giving orders, "alright, folks. Our job here is softening those 10 km-wide asteroids for the World Devastators out there. Remember Hoth? This should be a cakewalk."Ra wrote:*The Death Star and its escorting Eclipses manage to shoot down many asteroids, but it is too much. They jump to another part of the belt, and the two SSD's resume blasting bases.*
Lord Detritus' asteroids are blasted to pieces by the Star Destroyers, while the juvenile-state World Devastators are having their feast. Some huge asteroids make their way intact, though, and the World Devastators are shuddered upon the impact by those 10-km wide objects. Their shields are holding, though, and those asteroids are soon consumed by their fiery furnaces.
Captain McKenzie watches in satisfaction as his flotilla is destroying the Trollish asteroids with ease. Asteroids? He chuckles. Surely, Moff Anderson would be severely reprimanded for forgetting to turn the Death Star shields on!
Well, McKenzie sighs, everyone was drunk during the conference aboard the Death Star. Darth Kreshna is smart, but he's way too hedonist. Ironically, he is the one who would reprimand the Moff. As if the Dark Lord was not drunk himself!
But where is he now?
It is Darth Kreshna's plan; using World Devastators against those asteroids. The plan is going well, by the way. Now those monstrosities are growing. In mere hours, they would reach adult state.
But where is Darth Kreshna?
In a galaxy, far, far away...........
Darth Kreshna floates several feets above the ground, his eyes close. Below, about a horde witches of Dathomir gather unwillingly, with Stormtroopers forming a circle around them, pointing their blasters at the crowds.
Kreshna feels the thirst again. He remember what the Emperor said, "you have great potential, my friend, but there's something inside you that is.... different. You are a Sith, yet something else. You are more than a Sith, yet are also less. The Force is NOT with you, yet it is the Force that keep you from being consumed all this time. Or consuming."
And he feel the thirst again.
He has been learning to quench such thirst for years with his training in The Force. In fact, he almost forget about it.
Still, he felt it rearing its ugly head again several days ago.
Now he feels thankful that Ra has been handling the battle with marvel.
Darth Kreshna concentrates.......
Below, the witches are screaming as their life-force is consumed by the Sith Lord Inquisitor floating above. Their flesh dried up, shriveled, until nothing left but skin-covered skeletons. Above, the Darth Kreshna is screaming as he consumes their life-force. The pain, but oh, so invigorating. So refreshing! As if satisfying a hunger that has lasted for thousand years.....
A fiery aura envelops Darth Kreshna's body, grow larger and larger, until it forms a vauge shape of a gigantic bird. The Sith Lord's eyes radiate unholy flames.
Until he calms down and let the power flows smoothly inside him.
When Darth Kreshna climbs aboard the shuttle that would bring them back to the System of Nine Planets; where the battle still ensues, he suddenly realizes in horror.
There is something inside him. Something has been inside him for long, before he received his training from Emperor Palpatine, before he entered the Secret Order of the Emperor when we was a dashing TIE Fighter pilot some years ago, even before he was born. Something had chosen to make him its living host. Something he cannot yet control. Or can he?
And whatever it is, it is not The Force.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
*The enemy fires their puny displacement beam at the Goa'uld mothership. By Galadriel's power, it instantly relocates, the beam missing the target entirely.*
Mwahahaha! The FOOL!
*The real mothership flies over several Troll ships, blasting them into debris. When a Destructionator cruiser moves to cut them off, it flies into a nearby Troll pocket battleship in a huge explosion. Galadriel lowers her hand.*
Nice save.
I try. Now, let us assist the Borg. Several of their ships have lost power due to the actions of one Sith lord.
*The dark mothership flies between two cubes, beaming new naquada generators aboard. The cubes light up, and resume killing Troll capital ships.*
Mwahahaha! The FOOL!
*The real mothership flies over several Troll ships, blasting them into debris. When a Destructionator cruiser moves to cut them off, it flies into a nearby Troll pocket battleship in a huge explosion. Galadriel lowers her hand.*
Nice save.
I try. Now, let us assist the Borg. Several of their ships have lost power due to the actions of one Sith lord.
*The dark mothership flies between two cubes, beaming new naquada generators aboard. The cubes light up, and resume killing Troll capital ships.*
Last edited by Ra on Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Destructionator XV
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In the midst of wreckages, aboard Lord Adam's battered ship...
This ship was heavily damaged. The entire front of it was ripped off, with only force fields and blast doors holding the rest together. The bridge is a wreck. Consoles are burnt out. Wires hang free.
"Sir... the Borg are falling back!"
"Excellent! But, Ra's ships are still here and Imperial ships are still blasting Trollish asteroids. Let's go get their attention. Set a course for the asteroid belt, blasting Ra's ships as we pass by."
A frown goes across the navigators's face. He would like to get out of this alive, and the odds of that decreased with each other ship they engaged.
"Course plotted and laid in, sir."
"Focus all fire on the rear Star Destroyer. Let's tell them we're here."
The 150 starships that were still fit to fight all engaged the Star Destroyers at once.
This ship was heavily damaged. The entire front of it was ripped off, with only force fields and blast doors holding the rest together. The bridge is a wreck. Consoles are burnt out. Wires hang free.
"Sir... the Borg are falling back!"
"Excellent! But, Ra's ships are still here and Imperial ships are still blasting Trollish asteroids. Let's go get their attention. Set a course for the asteroid belt, blasting Ra's ships as we pass by."
A frown goes across the navigators's face. He would like to get out of this alive, and the odds of that decreased with each other ship they engaged.
"Course plotted and laid in, sir."
"Focus all fire on the rear Star Destroyer. Let's tell them we're here."
The 150 starships that were still fit to fight all engaged the Star Destroyers at once.
The enemy is trying to break through the line.
Really? Give them what they want.
*The Goa'uld fleet parts way for the Destructionator fleet. However, something odd begins to happen. A huge battleship suddenly slows down, and collides with its escorts. The battleship then begins to tumble helplessly, destroying smaller ships as it does. Finally, it smashes agains another battleship, with both exploding violently.*
*The Goa'uld forces then close in around the Destructionator fleet, trapping them with the Imperial fleet. A Sovereign then dispatches a battleship with its superlaser, while the second Sovereign vaporizes two light cruisers by firing straight through them.*
A virus couldn't keep you down, but now you will be vanquished. All ships fire at will!
Really? Give them what they want.
*The Goa'uld fleet parts way for the Destructionator fleet. However, something odd begins to happen. A huge battleship suddenly slows down, and collides with its escorts. The battleship then begins to tumble helplessly, destroying smaller ships as it does. Finally, it smashes agains another battleship, with both exploding violently.*
*The Goa'uld forces then close in around the Destructionator fleet, trapping them with the Imperial fleet. A Sovereign then dispatches a battleship with its superlaser, while the second Sovereign vaporizes two light cruisers by firing straight through them.*
A virus couldn't keep you down, but now you will be vanquished. All ships fire at will!
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:37 pm
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Aboard the Death Star, repair teams are still busy repairing external damages, being aided by Borg nanoprobes. Darth Kreshna's red shuttle is entering the hangar.
Moments later, the repair is complete. Moff Anderson winces as the Sith Inquisitor enters the Death Star command center. He realizes he made very stupid blunder by forgetting to raise the shields, letting an impact of mere asteroids hurt the Death Star. Anderson's hands are instinctively moving to cover his crotch. Omigawd please don't castrate me please please puh-lesee.....
On his surprise, the Kreshna merely inquiries, "is the repair complete?"
"Why- I mean, y-yes, milord."
"Good. Now send the Death Star to aid the Borg fleet. Ra would give you directions over the battle. Meanwhile, the two Eclipses will accompany the Phoenix to asteroid belts. Destructionator's fleet is threatening our mining activity over there. Now beam me up to the Phoenix."
Moff Anderson orders an officer to transport the Sith Lord to his flagship. Transporter; a new technology from the Borg.
"Oh, and Mr. Anderson," Kreshna speaks as he is shimmering out.
"Yes milord?"
Moff Anderson suddenly feels his testicles are being squeezed by some kind of invisible grip as Darth Kreshna continues, "I don't care how many tequilas you drank last night but next time make sure you have those shields UP before entering the battle."
Moff Anderson tries to muffle an ACK! as the grip on his testicles tightened with the word UP.
Moments later, the repair is complete. Moff Anderson winces as the Sith Inquisitor enters the Death Star command center. He realizes he made very stupid blunder by forgetting to raise the shields, letting an impact of mere asteroids hurt the Death Star. Anderson's hands are instinctively moving to cover his crotch. Omigawd please don't castrate me please please puh-lesee.....
On his surprise, the Kreshna merely inquiries, "is the repair complete?"
"Why- I mean, y-yes, milord."
"Good. Now send the Death Star to aid the Borg fleet. Ra would give you directions over the battle. Meanwhile, the two Eclipses will accompany the Phoenix to asteroid belts. Destructionator's fleet is threatening our mining activity over there. Now beam me up to the Phoenix."
Moff Anderson orders an officer to transport the Sith Lord to his flagship. Transporter; a new technology from the Borg.
"Oh, and Mr. Anderson," Kreshna speaks as he is shimmering out.
"Yes milord?"
Moff Anderson suddenly feels his testicles are being squeezed by some kind of invisible grip as Darth Kreshna continues, "I don't care how many tequilas you drank last night but next time make sure you have those shields UP before entering the battle."
Moff Anderson tries to muffle an ACK! as the grip on his testicles tightened with the word UP.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
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On the asteroid belt....
Captain McKenzie is taken by surprise as the surviving Destructionator's ships jumped his flotilla. His ship rocked slightly. He is not worried, though, as the World Devastators are getting bigger now and continue growing. However, this means he should split his forces.
"Avenger II to Emasculator, stay behind with the World Devastators. The rest of the fleet, engage those new enemies now!"
Several Star Destroyers now turn to face those new guests, turbolasers blazing.
Captain McKenzie is taken by surprise as the surviving Destructionator's ships jumped his flotilla. His ship rocked slightly. He is not worried, though, as the World Devastators are getting bigger now and continue growing. However, this means he should split his forces.
"Avenger II to Emasculator, stay behind with the World Devastators. The rest of the fleet, engage those new enemies now!"
Several Star Destroyers now turn to face those new guests, turbolasers blazing.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
*Destructionator's forces attempt to break out of the trap they had gotten into. Suddenly, a large... object looms over the battle.*
We should manage the battle from the Death Star.
You are wise as always, m'lady.
*The Goa'uld mothership flies into the DS hangar bay. Ra is then transported to the Overbridge, where Moff Anderson awaits.*
Target the nearest Destructionator battleship.
With the improved superlaser, we should be able to eliminate three of their heavy ships at once, m'lord.
Prepare to fire.
Commence Primary Ignition. Stand by.
*A brilliant green beam slices through a destructionator battleship, vaporizing it utterly. Two more rapid shots dispatch two more battleships. With most of Destructionator's remaining forces now fled to the Asteroid Belt, the Borg, Imperial, and Goa'uld fleets jump for the Belt.*
We should manage the battle from the Death Star.
You are wise as always, m'lady.
*The Goa'uld mothership flies into the DS hangar bay. Ra is then transported to the Overbridge, where Moff Anderson awaits.*
Target the nearest Destructionator battleship.
With the improved superlaser, we should be able to eliminate three of their heavy ships at once, m'lord.
Prepare to fire.
Commence Primary Ignition. Stand by.
*A brilliant green beam slices through a destructionator battleship, vaporizing it utterly. Two more rapid shots dispatch two more battleships. With most of Destructionator's remaining forces now fled to the Asteroid Belt, the Borg, Imperial, and Goa'uld fleets jump for the Belt.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
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On the Death Star's command center, Kreshna's hologram appears, "Ra, Destructionator's fleet is heavily weakened now, but don't forget the Trollish fleet. They are the greater menace. How about the status of our Borg ally?"
Darth Kreshna continues, "I'm aboard the Phoenix now; heading for the asteroid belt. Two Eclipses are escorting my flagship. Keep me updated, would ya? Oh, and here's a tip: with the Death Star shield is up, you can ram the big testicle to your heart content until all enemy ships are smithered. Kreshna out."
Ra frowns. The Sith Inquisitor is still cheerfully hedonistic as usual, but he notices some unattural flash in his eyes. Damn, the Dark Lord has been his drinking buddy all the time; what's wrong? Time to consult with Galadriel....
Darth Kreshna continues, "I'm aboard the Phoenix now; heading for the asteroid belt. Two Eclipses are escorting my flagship. Keep me updated, would ya? Oh, and here's a tip: with the Death Star shield is up, you can ram the big testicle to your heart content until all enemy ships are smithered. Kreshna out."
Ra frowns. The Sith Inquisitor is still cheerfully hedonistic as usual, but he notices some unattural flash in his eyes. Damn, the Dark Lord has been his drinking buddy all the time; what's wrong? Time to consult with Galadriel....
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
- Destructionator XV
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"That Death Star's operational! All ships, get in closer to those Star Destroyers. They won't be able to use their superlaser without hitting their own ships."
"Where are the Trolls and the Daleks!"
"Deritius will get those ships in, we have to give him more time!"
My fleet moves in very close to the Star Destroyers, using their small size and high manuverability to strafe the massive ISDs like starfighters.
"Where are the Trolls and the Daleks!"
"Deritius will get those ships in, we have to give him more time!"
My fleet moves in very close to the Star Destroyers, using their small size and high manuverability to strafe the massive ISDs like starfighters.
*Ra notices the Trolls pursuing the death star. Suddenly, he shuts off the hyperdrive. All the pursuing Troll ships splat against the DS's shields, exploding brilliantly.*
*With that done, the DS reenters hyperspace.*
Now, since when did Darth Kreshna's eyes flash? I didn't put a Goa'uld in him.
Are you sure?
Positive. Could it be a lesser System lord at work?
I thought you'd killed them all.
All except for Ba'al and Anubis. The former is powerless now, and the latter is fighting that Ancient girl forever and ever. Poor sap.
Then I will consult an old friend.
*After exiting hyperspace, the Death Star looms over the battle as Troll and Destructionator ships are clobbered by the tripple-threat. Suddenly, a lone shuttle enters the DS hangar. A figure beams to the Overbridge.*
Ah, Lord Elrond.
Lady Galadriel.
Elrond then turns to the Moff, and looks oddly.
Mister Anderson! Welcome back.
Oh crap!
*With that done, the DS reenters hyperspace.*
Now, since when did Darth Kreshna's eyes flash? I didn't put a Goa'uld in him.
Are you sure?
Positive. Could it be a lesser System lord at work?
I thought you'd killed them all.
All except for Ba'al and Anubis. The former is powerless now, and the latter is fighting that Ancient girl forever and ever. Poor sap.
Then I will consult an old friend.
*After exiting hyperspace, the Death Star looms over the battle as Troll and Destructionator ships are clobbered by the tripple-threat. Suddenly, a lone shuttle enters the DS hangar. A figure beams to the Overbridge.*
Ah, Lord Elrond.
Lady Galadriel.
Elrond then turns to the Moff, and looks oddly.
Mister Anderson! Welcome back.
Oh crap!
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
I want an update on the battle.
The Destructionator forces have been using their superior agility to fight us. However, the PD guns on the Imperial and Goa'uld ships are keeping them at bay.
Then we shall try something else.
*Tens of thousands of TIE Advanced X1's stream from the DS hangars, and begin attacking the Destructionator fleet.*
The Destructionator forces have been using their superior agility to fight us. However, the PD guns on the Imperial and Goa'uld ships are keeping them at bay.
Then we shall try something else.
*Tens of thousands of TIE Advanced X1's stream from the DS hangars, and begin attacking the Destructionator fleet.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Adept
- Posts: 1087
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:37 am
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Lord Walper toggled his communications console:
"Ra, Kreshna, I'm informing you my Borg forces are falling back to Borg space. Unanticipated complications force my action. In the meantime, I'll shall help coordinate the battle from the Death Star."
A single small Borg probe disengages from the Borg Unicomplex and jumps to transwarp, setting a course for the Death Star. Within moments it arrives, and Lord Walper transports into the Death Star's command center.
"Ra, Kreshna, I'm informing you my Borg forces are falling back to Borg space. Unanticipated complications force my action. In the meantime, I'll shall help coordinate the battle from the Death Star."
A single small Borg probe disengages from the Borg Unicomplex and jumps to transwarp, setting a course for the Death Star. Within moments it arrives, and Lord Walper transports into the Death Star's command center.
Why are your forces retreating? We just replenished the generators on all of your derelict cubes.
Perhaps there is another... internal matter he attends to.
Whatever. I'm getting sick of these interlopers.
*The Death Star goes to full throttle, slamming into dozens of Troll ships as it destroys a huge asteroid base with the superlaser.*
Perhaps there is another... internal matter he attends to.
Whatever. I'm getting sick of these interlopers.
*The Death Star goes to full throttle, slamming into dozens of Troll ships as it destroys a huge asteroid base with the superlaser.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Destructionator XV
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"Enemy fighters!"
"There's too many of them! Launch all fighters to draw them away from the capships. Fire all aft guns to assist our fighters, while keeping the forward guns working on the Star Destroyers."
He thinks to himself:
We have to hold together....
"There's too many of them! Launch all fighters to draw them away from the capships. Fire all aft guns to assist our fighters, while keeping the forward guns working on the Star Destroyers."
He thinks to himself:
We have to hold together....
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:37 pm
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Meanwhile, in the asteroid belt....
Captain McKenzie's eyes are widened with suprise as three gigantic vessles jump out of hyperspace, then he sighs with relief. It is the Phoenix; easily recognizable from the vaguely bird-shaped paintwork spreading accross its hull. The Executor-Class Command Ship is flanked by two bulkier but slighty shorter Eclipses.
"Nice to see you alive, Ron!" a voice greets. It was Darth Kreshna's voice. Even since Kreshna was a TIE pilot, Ronald McKenzie has been always his drinking buddy while they were serving under Vice (now Grand) Admiral Thrawn. McKenzie is a brilliant officer, made his way quickly to Captain while Kreshna involved himself in the Secret Order scheme, but the Captain had denied admiralty twice just to keep himself 'close to the action'.
"Yo, nice to see you bring those huge things along, Kresh." There are not many officers have the luxury of calling the Sith Inquisitor with his first name, "suppose we're back defending the Devastators now?"
"Of course," Darth Kreshna replies, "oh, and keep watching, buddy. You'll enjoy this."
The Phoenix and her two escorts doesn't bother to open fire; they just accelerate toward Destructionator's ships with forward shields up. Captain MacKenzie watches in awe as those pesky ships explode as they're being rammed by the kilometers-long Imperial vessels. He calls a sub-ordinate, "OMFG tape this one QUICK!!"
Captain McKenzie's eyes are widened with suprise as three gigantic vessles jump out of hyperspace, then he sighs with relief. It is the Phoenix; easily recognizable from the vaguely bird-shaped paintwork spreading accross its hull. The Executor-Class Command Ship is flanked by two bulkier but slighty shorter Eclipses.
"Nice to see you alive, Ron!" a voice greets. It was Darth Kreshna's voice. Even since Kreshna was a TIE pilot, Ronald McKenzie has been always his drinking buddy while they were serving under Vice (now Grand) Admiral Thrawn. McKenzie is a brilliant officer, made his way quickly to Captain while Kreshna involved himself in the Secret Order scheme, but the Captain had denied admiralty twice just to keep himself 'close to the action'.
"Yo, nice to see you bring those huge things along, Kresh." There are not many officers have the luxury of calling the Sith Inquisitor with his first name, "suppose we're back defending the Devastators now?"
"Of course," Darth Kreshna replies, "oh, and keep watching, buddy. You'll enjoy this."
The Phoenix and her two escorts doesn't bother to open fire; they just accelerate toward Destructionator's ships with forward shields up. Captain MacKenzie watches in awe as those pesky ships explode as they're being rammed by the kilometers-long Imperial vessels. He calls a sub-ordinate, "OMFG tape this one QUICK!!"
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
*Ra expected Destructionator to deploy fighters. However, more and more are deployed from each Star Destroyer in the fleet. If anything, the Imperials would win the furball by sheer numbers. He then smiles evilly as the Death Star plows through an entire Destructionator flotilla, and then another. With the insane volume coming from the DS defense guns, as well as the Star Destroyers, the enemy is so confused that the DS is able to annihilate another asteroid base with virtual impunity.*
It's only a matter of time...
It's only a matter of time...
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Destructionator XV
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"Jesus Christ! Recall all fighters, and jump out of here! We can't take this anymore...."
"Fighters beling pulled it, jump drive warming up... 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... jump!"
In a flash of light, my fleet again disappears. They warp to the wreckages of the battle with the Borg, beam up our survivors, and warp back towards the starbase.
"Forgive us, friends, for we could not save your asteroids..."
"Fighters beling pulled it, jump drive warming up... 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... jump!"
In a flash of light, my fleet again disappears. They warp to the wreckages of the battle with the Borg, beam up our survivors, and warp back towards the starbase.
"Forgive us, friends, for we could not save your asteroids..."
- Adept
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Walper turns to Ra, looking irritated. "Irrelevent, young one. The generators supplying my fleets are in perfect working order. The nature of the damage to my force is beyond your comprehension. Needless to say, my decision is well founded."Ra wrote:Why are your forces retreating? We just replenished the generators on all of your derelict cubes.
Walper points at Ra, and an invisisble grip constricts Ra's throat, then releases.
"Don't question me again...Ra."
- Sick, Twisted Fuck
- Posts: 1949
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Aboard the Death Star...
Darth Kreshna's hologram materializes in front of Ra and Lord Walper, "things are going well here. Sorry I cannot accompany you but you're both welcome to enjoy the Death Star facilities. Now, I suggest we keep destroying the asteroids, as it would inflict severe strategic damage to the Trollish Imperium. They are stones, ain't they? And knock it off, Robert! The Goa'uld is our ally and Ra IS my drinking buddy. Save your grip for Detritus."
He continues, "and Robert, feel free to use Earth spacedocks for your fleet to refuel and repair. We have several Earth rioters in prison as well; I have contacted Governor Clark to hand them to you for assimilation. By the way, Ra, I hope Mr Anderson doesn't cause you troubles too much."
Kreshna never likes Moff Anderson, but he has no choice. Grand Vizier Sate Pestage insisted the Moff to be assigned aboard the new Death Star. Fuck those bureaucrats! He knows that the Moff is to spy over him, but just because the Moff is backed by the Grand Vizier doesn't mean he cannot tell him who's actually in charge.
However, Kreshna feels the fire again, burning inside him. Despite his cheerful attitude, he knows something is wrong. The Sith Inquisitor abruptly shuts down the comm line as the pain suddenly increases. He kneels on the floor and screams as the flame aura burns again out of his eyes.
Darth Kreshna's hologram materializes in front of Ra and Lord Walper, "things are going well here. Sorry I cannot accompany you but you're both welcome to enjoy the Death Star facilities. Now, I suggest we keep destroying the asteroids, as it would inflict severe strategic damage to the Trollish Imperium. They are stones, ain't they? And knock it off, Robert! The Goa'uld is our ally and Ra IS my drinking buddy. Save your grip for Detritus."
He continues, "and Robert, feel free to use Earth spacedocks for your fleet to refuel and repair. We have several Earth rioters in prison as well; I have contacted Governor Clark to hand them to you for assimilation. By the way, Ra, I hope Mr Anderson doesn't cause you troubles too much."
Kreshna never likes Moff Anderson, but he has no choice. Grand Vizier Sate Pestage insisted the Moff to be assigned aboard the new Death Star. Fuck those bureaucrats! He knows that the Moff is to spy over him, but just because the Moff is backed by the Grand Vizier doesn't mean he cannot tell him who's actually in charge.
However, Kreshna feels the fire again, burning inside him. Despite his cheerful attitude, he knows something is wrong. The Sith Inquisitor abruptly shuts down the comm line as the pain suddenly increases. He kneels on the floor and screams as the flame aura burns again out of his eyes.
Last edited by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman on Sun Jun 19, 2005 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Sick, Twisted Fuck | Sap #2 of the Bitter Trio | Knight of the e-mail | Evil Liberal Conspirator | Esoteric Order of Dagon | Weird TGODer
Share your free D&D character here.
So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
Share your free D&D character here.

So be it. If saying "NO" means being alone, then to hell with love, with romance, with marriage, and all the shit life keeps pumping at me. I'll walk alone, but with freedom and a healed pride.
NEVER buy a LiteOn CD/DVD Writer. Ever.
*Between the Death Star, the World Devastators, the two Sovereigns, and two Eclipses, the Asteroid Belt is slowly but inexorably destroyed. The two "young" Devastators soon grow to full size.*
*On the Third Planet, the Imperials begin construction on a new series of World Devastators to make the consumption move faster.*
*On the Third Planet, the Imperials begin construction on a new series of World Devastators to make the consumption move faster.*
Jonathan McKenzie
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
Half-Insane Snakehead | MSPaint Acolyte | Wierd TGOD'er
"Every time you stay abstinent...Kitten kills a god."
- Adept
- Posts: 1087
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:37 am
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Kreshna's hologram flickers away. Ra turns away and heads off to his duties.Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote: However, Kreshna feels the fire again, burning inside him. Despite his cheerful attitude, he knows something is wrong. The Sith Inquisitor abruptly shuts down the comm line as the burn suddenly increases. He kneels on the floor and screams.
Lord Walper continues to stare where Kreshna's hologram had been. Something most certainly was not right with him. His hands fingered his two light saber hilts at his indication of deep thought. He would find out what was transpiring with Kreshna very quickly, or resort to killing him to eliminate any personal threat.