And the villian in Thor 2 is...

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#1 And the villian in Thor 2 is...

Post by frigidmagi »

Dr. Destro!
Former Doctor Who star Christopher Eccleston has been cast as the primary villain Thor: The Dark World.

Deadline claims the 28 Days Later and Shallow Grave actor will play Malekith the Accursed in the Marvel sequel. Eccleston is no stranger to comic book-oriented fare having played Destro in G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra and having a stint on the TV series Heroes.

Malekith the Accursed is the leader of the dark elves of Svartalfheim, who in the comics stole the Casket of Ancient Winters. (The casket can be seen in the first Thor movie.) Malekith also had a badass servant, Kurse, who ultimately turned on Malekith and killed him. The Malekith and Casket of Ancient Winters storyline was adapted for an episode of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Mads Mikkelsen was initially approached for the role, but had to bow out due to scheduling.
First off: I like this villian, but then I always liked Thor when it was embracing the epic fantasy instead of having him tool around New York on a subway.

Second off I think, Eccleston is a good choice for this. Doubt me? Watch these then.


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#2 Re: And the villian in Thor 2 is...

Post by Josh »

Yeah, I'd heard he was getting a role in Thor 2, but they hadn't confirmed what it was going to be. The villain? Awesome. My interest just went up.
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#3 Re: And the villian in Thor 2 is...

Post by Batman »

I didn't even know there is a sequel coming.
No opinion on Malekith but as I'm hard pressed to name any Thor villain other than Loki and those that appeared in Earth's Mightiest Heroes that is hardly surprising.
Eccleston is still my favourite Doctor and as frigids clips show, he even makes a good villain when he's nominally the hero. Looking forward to this.
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#4 Re: And the villian in Thor 2 is...

Post by LadyTevar »

Dakkalfar? the King of the Dakkalfar?
Oh yes, this will be a great sequel. :)

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