Alchemist vs Avatar: Science(sorta) vs Bending

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#1 Alchemist vs Avatar: Science(sorta) vs Bending

Post by Dark Silver »

Brought on by having to lay in a bunk with a limited selection of things to watch on my tablet.....I came up with a versus. This will be a one on one fight, so no going into the various tidbits of armed forces, etc etc. I'm not even sure who would win, but I obviously would love discussion on this....

In one corner: we have the Avatar-verse. Master of the Four Elements, Bridge to the Spirit World and Protector of the Balance. For the instance of this battle, we will go with a Fully Realized Avatar - master of all four elements and in the fullness of their power. I'm hesitant to give the Avatar access to the Advanced Bending Disciplines because...well...we don't KNOW if the Avatar can access those abilities due to their "Jack of All Trades" ability.

In the opposing corner, hailing from the Alt-Earth country of Amestris, we have a State Alchemist. Not just any Alchemist....we have a Alchemist who has performed the Taboo of Human Transmutation, paid the toll, and opened the Gate to behold The Truth. For all intents and purposes, this is a Alchemist at least on the level of Edward Elric or his teacher, Izumi Curtis. By clapping their hands they can form an array with their body and Transmute either themselves or what they are immediately touching. They also possess the abilities of a normal Alchemist - to utilize Transmutation Circles to affect things they are not touching.

The battle occurs in a open field with a forest about half a kilometer away, a river flows approximately fifty meters from the initial site of combat.

So which of these two master manipulators of the Elements will win?
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#2 Re: Alchemist vs Avatar: Science(sorta) vs Bending

Post by Batman »

I presume by Advanced Bending Disciplines you mean Lightning, Blood, and Metal Bending. Lighning Bending Aang managed to do even outside the Avatar state so it's not inconceivable that he (or any other Avatar) could learn Metal and Bloodbending too.
Is there anywhere I can look up what these Alchemists are capable of?
Last edited by Batman on Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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#3 Re: Alchemist vs Avatar: Science(sorta) vs Bending

Post by Charon »

Sorry, but I don't ever remember seeing either Elric brother or Izumi ever create an island.

Even without the uber-smashey of the Avatar State, a fully realized Avatar is able to do some terrifying things. Lets not forget that even without the Avatar state the 12 year old Aang who it could be argued was not yet at the apex of his power, very nearly held his own against the super-charged most powerful Fire Bender in the world. Alchemy is cool and you can do a lot of finesse things with it. But it does not have the speed or brute force we see from Benders.
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#4 Re: Alchemist vs Avatar: Science(sorta) vs Bending

Post by frigidmagi »

Yeah I gotta give it to the Avatar. Not cause an Alchemist is weak mind you but because a full on Avatar can really wreck shit.
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#5 Re: Alchemist vs Avatar: Science(sorta) vs Bending

Post by Lys »

The best equivalent to the Avatar in Full Metal Alchemist isn't a State Alchemist with Edward Elric's talent and skill, it's Father. This changes things a little, since father is a scary powerful unholy monster who required multiple highly talented alchemists and a heavy weapons company to take down. He has an ablative energy shield thingy, which can take a hell of a lot of punishment, including mortars, rockets, and a close equivalent to a napalm bomb. The Avatar would have a very tough time, especially because Father is far more dangerous if he only has to focus on one threat, i'm not entirely sure it's possible for him to beat Father.
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#6 Re: Alchemist vs Avatar: Science(sorta) vs Bending

Post by White Haven »

I look at this match as somewhat akin to Batman versus, well, anyone. The Avatar unquestionably has sight-unseen quickdraw throwdown than an Elric-grade Alchemist. On the flip side, an Alchemist with the time to research his opponent and properly prepare is far, far more dangerous than one going in blind. That's a very common theme in FMA, finding out HOW to fight an enemy beforehand.

Not saying it'd go the Alchemist's way, but as with Batman, it's all about the prep time. Or possibly number of rounds, for that matter...
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