STGOD: The Pheonix Wars (Chapter I)

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Post by Ra »

*Galadriel stares out at the stars. Suddenly, she looks to Ra.*

The Borg are moving.

Ra to all forces. Jump to point Gamma at once.

*In unison, thousands of Ha'taks and motherships jump out of Earth orbit. Following in their wake is an equally vast fleet of Imperial starships, including one Eclipse and two Sovereigns.*
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Robert Walper »

Walper turned to his communcations display. Ra and Kreshna appeared on the split screen. Robert again chose to ignore Kreshna's apparent fetish with a tied and squealing Gungan.

"Gentlement, I offer you a gift. One of two, but I cannot spare both. The limited resources of this system prevents any further construction of them."

A display flickered to life, one that both Ra and Kreshna could see.

"I present you with the Borg MultiKinetic Neutronic Mine. It's destructive power is quite amazing. This device, when exploded, will produce a shockwave sufficient to affect the entire star system. It's a fleet killer. I highly doubt any practical adversary can produce a ship that would have even a remote chance of surviving in proximity. Highly versatile device, however poorly armored and no shields. It's entire structure is designed to maxmize it's destructive force. I recommend you do not detonate it near any important planetary targets, as their orbits will be severely affected. I'd recommend an Imperial escort to take yours to a safe location. I don't suggest wasting this weapon needlessly. The both of you may wish to inform the other before detonating it."

Ra: "And you as well, Lord Walper?"

"No need. I'll know your intentions before you do."

Lord Walper switched off the communcation channels.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

At the base...

"Sir, long range sensors pick up an alarming number of enemy starships moving about."

"I have a bad feeling about this. Tell the forces to commence with the plan."

"Fully understood, sir."

All 450 ships went to battlestations and prepared to move out. Also, at the orbiting base, all the weapons charged up and the crews prepared for an attack. The planetary shield charged up and surface weapons were armed.
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Post by Ra »

An excellent weapon. However, with three Superlaser-equipped vessels and my ship, with the Eye aboard, we should have enough firepower to crush them utterly.

*As Ra speaks, the Goa'uld fleet exits hyperspace. The Destructionator, Troll, and Dalek fleets are engaged with the thousands of Borg cubes, losing many ships. When a cube explodes in naquada-fueled fire, Ra decides to try it out.*

Activate phase two, Lieutenant.

Aye, sir, the Eldar lieutenant replies. His hands work a console.

*Aboard Destructionator's ship, the popup-swamped computers suddenly experience glitches. Androids begin making strange expressions. Suddenly, the interfaces switch to green, with strange symbols moving on the screen. The Destructionator fleet ceases fire.*

Implimentation successful, m'lord.

Excellent! Inform Walper.

Already ahead of you.

*Suddenly, the Destructionator fleet joins the Goa'uld, Imperials, and Borg in vanquishing the Troll and Dalek fleets. Destructionator XV is restrained by Borg-controlled androids, and drones beam aboard.*
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Destructionator XV »


"Sir, priority one transmission from A'millian Prime. The Lady Her Excellency wishes to speak with you."

"In my ready room."


In his ready room...

"My old friend, what do you need?"

"Adam, I have a horrible feeling about what is about to happen."

"Please, tell me more."

"I'm not sure what it is, but I feel a disturbance, as if millions of voices are preparing to all scream out at once..... then suddenly perish."

"A superweapon?"

"I think so, and targetted towards you."

"I trust your instincts with my very existance, old friend, but I must go forth with this mission. the future of this galaxy may depend on it."

"I know... just be ready, and come back alive."

"I shall, my friend."

"... See you soon. Out."

The image of the beautiful lady disappears from his viewscreen, but the concern she raised did not disappear from his mind. He presses a button on his console.


He releases the button, then starts floating almost 35 centimetres off the ground and magical light begins swirling into him. He would be ready for whatever is coming.

Outside, there is a brilliant display as the fleet goes to warp, heading to destroy the nearest Borg base.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Destructionator XV »

In the battle

"Sir, the android ships are turning on us!"

On the main android ship

Their computers start messing up. Androids are disabled. Then Borg board the vessel. There is nothing this ships can do.

On the flagship

"Damn! We have no choice.... use the remote destroy system. Destroy the android controlled ships."

"Yes, sir."

He presses a few buttons, and outside the 24 android controlled ships blow up violently, taking nearby enemy ships with them.

"All human controlled ships are functioning normally, sir."

"Good, but I wish we hadn't lost those ships..."
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Post by Ra »

*Destructionator thinks the threat is over, but even his Human-crewed ships begin showing signs of the hack taking its toll. Quickly, the self-replicating virus spreads to his other ships, even to his own since it piggybacked the self-destruct signal. More ships fall to the Borg virus.*

Much of the enemy fleet is now falling, m'lord. Enemy planetary defenses are now under Walper's control.

This has finess... but no appeal to me.

*The mothership targets a Destructionator battlecruiser, carving it up with the Eye's superbeam. Enemy forces then swarm to Ra's ships, only for a Sovereign to blast through two ships at once using its superlaser. More vessels fall to the Borg virus, and begin to go inert. Some explode from their own self-destruct sequences, or by Walper's Force attacks. Even if the computer techs aboard Destructionator's ships could handle the virus, they cannot translate the Borg interfaces, much less remove the software.*

You should have surrendered. But you chose the way of suffering. So much the better.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

"Lord Detritus! the battle rages! we must implement the plan!"

"Have you instaledl the transporters that Lord Adams andoid provided us?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Good, this Borg may have power of such magnitude.. what can he do when he faces those Golems? They are machines of clay, from what we have seen, he cannot sense then with his powers.."

"Shall I send the order signal?"

"Do it"

*The Trident Transports, having been sent away to a secure location, and upgraded with the transporters, were now jumping head first into battle

Dorfl glanced at his troops, five thousand Golems vs one Drone? It sounded easy, but his master had told him that it would not be..

Above the command ship of the Borg Armarda, the ships delcoak, fire a volly of torpedos send transport cargo's to their fate*

*the Command Ship*

Dorfl appeared gfirst, then the rest of his troops followed, none of them raised their weapens, they all knew what would happen if they did.

They walk towards the door to the command area, where Command Drone Known as Walper would be, however, before they reached it.. hundreds of Drones activate from their regeneration cycles

It Is Time, Time to show these borg who really rules the roost

As one Golem, they form up to the end of the massive cavern, five thousand Advanced Golems Vs the Borg Elite, within the Unified golem mind, they drew their ten foot long ElctroAxes, they hum echoe's through out the room

It was time to forfill their destinies.
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Post by Dartzap »

"My Lord Detritus, i do think it is time for you to bring the new fleat to bear in the battle, without them, we shall fall to that superlaser"

"Very well Admiral you may deploy them, I hope its enough"

"At Once Milord"

*from the Ruby's Pride a message is sent to the far outskirts of the System. It read's "Bring forth the sledgehammer that breaks down the door to freedom*

With that sent, the Admiral has his ship target a Ha'tak which is being pummled from all sides it. makes a pleasent sight when it explodes into fragments.

Above the battle, three hundred ships exit L-space.

These were not the normel ships seen so far by the enemy, this was a War Fleet These ships were equal in length of that os an Eclipse class stardestroyer, these ships were the ones that had been built with all of the new technology aquired, these ships were the ones built for this war.

In the newly arrived ship,Was the end result of a lot of guesswork on the behalf of Trollish scientists, it was even bigger than the others, and more anguler, This ship would put the largest of World Devastators to shame.

For that is what this was, the Trollish eqivilent of an World Devastator when fully formed.

And it was building Hundreds of suicide ships, every half an hour that passed in the battle, 200 hundred BattleBombs would emerge

Now the battle would begin to be intresting.
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Post by Ra »

He wants to play with numbers, does he? Dietrius must have forgotten that most of this fleet was built by that younger devastator.

*Ra pushes a button. Within seconds, thousands more Ha'taks and motherships arrive, reinforcing the line. The loss of a few ships and their Jaffa crews was of no consequence.*

*Meanwhile, suicide frigates are picked up by the countercloak sensors, and destroyed with ease. Several assimilated Destructionator battlecruisers also move in to attack the Troll forces.*

The enemy believes that martyr ships will ruin our resolve. However...

*Galadriel focuses on a suicide frigate, and redirects it into the hangar it just left. A massive explosion ensues that guts the mother ship.*


I'm just warming up.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

Look behind you Ra, i think your missing the point of my little fireworks display...and don't bother shooting my hologram, i hear the Jaffa alreadyhate the cleaning on these ships. This display is merely to show you and your fellows i have an astroid belt of resources, my ships take hardly any time to build, and well, because of this new fangled device the egg heads have made.. I can make whatever i wnat, and aim it right at your capital ship.

From the records i have discovered on the Death Tsra, we have peiced togther some intresting facts about the Goa'uld on the aha' "examinations" that Imperial SpecOps did upon your species. What we now know is that your speices enters a persons body and takes it over.. essentily a parasite.

You take a fair few of the charactisicts of your host, and i notice how many of these crew are former humans.

If Ikilled you, which at this point i could easily do, do you know what would happen?

your comrades will bicker for hours, and then they will splinter, they will take this fleet, and take it to war with each other. because of the human paranoia that runs deep within the species, i have used this to my advange when dealing with the Imperials, and i can use aganist you.

If you do not stop right now, this is the fate of your species in this sector

my spy upon your ship will tell me of your responce.

Detritus Out.

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Post by Ra »

*Galadriel senses the spy aboard once Dietritus makes a transmission to him.*

Deck 19, Section Golf.

Thank you, m'lady.

*A Kull Warrior marches up to a lone Jaffa crewman.*

Tell this to your leader, fool. Your god does not accept threats.

*At that, the Kull shoots the spy in the head, splatting his brains all over the corridor.*

*Ra reopens the transmission to Dietritus.*

Oh, you may know something about my biology, but most of my people are Jaffa, who are not directly controlled by the Goa'uld inside them. They depend on them for survival, however. The rest are Kulls, who have no emotion or ambition, only obedience; and Elves, which serve me as long as the Lady is my ally. And that will never change.

And how do you propose to even get to me? You cannot breach this ship's shields, you cannot attack us with suicide ships, like cowards. An entire armada stands between you and me, as does a forcefield and a legion of Kull Warriors. I laugh at your threats.

End transmission.

*Ra then spins toward a map.*

Anyway, enough of this. We will finish off his asteroid bases, and return to Earth. Alert Darth Kreshna. He will handle this nicely.

*Ra smirks at Dietrius' naivete. He doesn't realize what force keeps the Goa'uld together. Not Ra himself, but something else entirely...*
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Post by Dartzap »

Detritus loved how this fool were putty in his hand, he loved the fact they thought he was really going to send a spy to a ship, and do nothing

He opens the transmission again*

Ra, you an idiot if you think i cant breach your sheilds *he press a button on his command chair, explosions rip through the areas containing the shild generators* You were saying something about sheilds and the breaching thereof?"

"With the sheilds down, Battlebombs rain down on the ship, disabling its engines and main weapenry*

I do hope to talk to you again, i enjoy our little chats.. be sure to be nice to the golems on their way, I'm more than sure they will be happy to slaughter through your Elflings and Kull.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

"Sir, the virus has 234 ships under its control, and the crews are fighting off Borg invaders!"

A Borg drone beams aboard the flagship. Lord Adam waves his hand at it and the drone is flung against the wall and is killed.

"Tell all crews to go to manual control while rebooting their computers to backup hard drives. The virus will be stopped."

"Changing out the drives... the ships are rebooting...... done! We have control again! 326 of our vessels still kicking enemy ass!"

"Focus all fire on the ships with superlasers!"

More Borg beam into the ship, but are quickly blasted by Marine guards.

"And get my shields back up!"
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Post by Ra »

*Countercloak sensors destroy "battlebombs, as they have been destroying for hours.*

*Secondary shield generators come online.*

Is that all you've got?

*finger rests on tertiary shield generator button, just in case.*

And get to work on repairing our primary generators, Jaffa minions.

He figured that if he got a spy aboard, he could destroy this ship. Quite clever of the troll. Or not.

*Meanwhile, the death star, escorted by two Eclipses, go rampaging through the asteroid belt, shattering 'roids left and right.*

I find it amusing how he thinks even getting the "gollums" *snicker* aboard could destroy me. I could destroy any compartment they compromised. If that fails, we can ring out to my hidden "doomsday" ship waiting under cloak.

Things are easy when I plan them out for you, aren't they?

Quiet you.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Ra »

*The virus seems gone, until it reappears again. Destructionator's forces would have to find literally each microbit of the virus, and eradicate it. After all, it was self-replicating, and highly adaptable. It was Borg.*

*Destructionator's ships again lose control, and begin exploding randomly as the Hive mind triggers their autodestructs.*
Last edited by Ra on Sat Jun 18, 2005 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

"Admiral!, our allys are in need of help!"

"Send the Colossus and a few other of our capital ships over there! they should be able to absorb most of the fire away from them!"

"Yes Sir!"

*Under the command of General Fiddyment, the Colossus Moves off towards the Borg fleet threatening the Ally's ships.*

"It never rains! but it sure as hell pours! bellowed the general, "Fire all weapens at the lead cube!"

"Yes Sir!"
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Post by Destructionator XV »

"Sir, that damn virus is coming back up!"

"Oh for the love of Linus! Kick up the engines on manual control. Get us out of here while we fix that."

"Jump in 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1...."

In a bright flash the fleet disappears from battle and their crews work frantically to kill this virus so they can get back into the fight.

"Those bastards will pay for this."
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Post by Ra »

*A cube rapidly explodes under the bombardment. The trolls focus on the next vessel, only for it to resist the bombardment. The Borg ships returned fire, breaking up several cruisers.*

*Meanwhile, on Ra's ship, primary shields have been restored. Despite the devastating act of sabotage, the Eldar managed to repair the ship in record speed.*

Let's pester them a little.

*The mothership brings its underside to bear, and the Eye of Ra beam fires, cutting into the Collossus.*

Just wanted to say hi!
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Dartzap »

Detritus was pleased. more pleased, There wasa Death Star in hisastroid belt.. His home ground as it were.. now was the time to show what troll were good for.

"Captain, activate the grav beams, throw all the rocks over 10km towards the deathstar, and disbale its weapen"

"At once my lord"

*Hundreds of astroids start hurling towards the Death Star, its green superlaser hits one or two,, the the first few behind smash the shield, temporily overloading it , the one behind that, smash's into the primary firing dish.. it's only weapen of effetiveness disabled.

other astroids streak to the surface, causing external damadge to the round battle station*

"Hah! see how they like being on their own for once! the Home fleets are to commence runs on those two Eclipes's they shall not be leaving here in one peice"

"Yes Sir!"
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Post by Ra »

*The Death Star and its escorting Eclipses manage to shoot down many asteroids, but it is too much. They jump to another part of the belt, and the two SSD's resume blasting bases.*

M'lord, the Destructionator fleet has retreated!

Gee, that's big news. Now, let's get the trolls off of the Borg's asses, shall we?

*Hundreds of Ha'taks begin heavy bombardment of the Troll forces attacking the Borg. Strangely enough, a huge troll battleship crumples as if a giant hand had crushed it. They were encroaching too close to the Borg mega-cube, and Dietritus knew it.*
Jonathan McKenzie
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Post by Destructionator XV »

"Sir, the fleet reports that all peices of this virus have been destroyed. We have also severed the network cables so if it does pop pack up, it will only affect one system at a time. We have also restored our shields."

"Good, now let's get back there and help the Trolls. Jump!"

The ships flash again and they return to the fray.
Adam D. Ruppe
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Post by Dartzap »

"Tell me Captain, have you ever heared of a Transmatt device?"

"Erm, no Admiral, should i have?"

"No, not really, it''s a tool of the Daleks, used to trasport people.. and occasionly ships to distances which are ofetn many hundreds of light years away..its the latter affect i shall be using on that Goa'uld mother ship"

"Pardon sir? where did you find one of those?"

"I stole it from the Daleks of course, they never seem to mind me poking around, so i made a large one for our use, and now we shall use it"

"Where is it sir?"

"You see our Factory ship over there?"

"Yes sir!"

"You see a beam coming out of it?"

"Yes sir.. its birhgt yellow.. and it's heading towards Ra's ship!"

"Yes, indeed,.. and youll notice how its just gone right through the sheilds?"

"Yes Cropolith! its.. disintergrating?"

"Yes, and now it shall be transported all the way to the outer rim of this galaxy, sadly it wont destroy them, but it will give us the time to eliminate this damned fleet of theirs"

*Ra's ship disspears from the battlefeild, not to be seen for many hours to come.

when they get to the other side, most, if not all of them, will have a huge headache.*
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Post by Dartzap »

*Aboard the Borg Command Vessal*

*Dorfl so far had cut down almost 300 hundred of the drones who had tried rushing him and his men, he knew he had lost almost 200 of his fellow Golems to the borg rush, however, they were now close to the door, and there were only a few dozen drones left, all firing their disrupter attachments, and all failing to penetrate the sheilds of the Golems.

With one last push they were at the door.

Inside was lord Walper, concentrating on crushing ships who tried to get to near to his ship

He appears to not notice the golems behind him*
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Post by Ra »

*Ra laughs as Detrius uses the displacement device.*

They must be desperate to get rid of me!

*With a wave of her hand, Galadriel makes the mothership reappear at point-blank range next to Dietritus' ship.*

Play time is over, Dietritus.

*Powers up the eye at maximum power.*

Make a note to have the shields recalibrated against all Dalek attacks.

Aye, sir.

[now, I didn't have to do this bit of magic-wanking. Considering how the Goa'uld are an intergalactic power, I could have been back in a few minutes at worst.]

[[Now, let's take a breather so that Walper and KAN can get in on this battle, K?]]
Jonathan McKenzie
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