Been getting into Dresden Files

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#1 Been getting into Dresden Files

Post by Steve »

Well, with my brother's recommendations to drive me, I finally went through the Dresden Files novels... and I love them. Butcher's a great author, and Dresden is a fun and enjoyable protagonist with a lovable cast of supporting characters. The books do a good job of slowly but steadily ratcheting up the tension and stakes and occasionally shifting the status quo a bit (and then Changes came along and took a baseball bat to the status quo's kneecaps). I was uncertain about Ghost Story, worried that Butcher's tinkering with the formula might not make the story as enjoyable, but I found that I was quickly growing to enjoy it.
Spoiler: show
And yeah, I admit to getting teary when Uriel takes Harry to visit little Maggie and he finds out she's living with the Carpenters, in a household where she will be given unconditional love, with Mouse as her defender and wearing a cute R2-D2 shirt.
And now to join the other Dresden fans in the torment of waiting for Cold Days.
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"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
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#2 Re: Been getting into Dresden Files

Post by LadyTevar »

Welcome to the fandom. I have all the books in Hardcover.

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#3 Re: Been getting into Dresden Files

Post by Steve »

Aaaargh. I need Cold Days out. Right now. Someone get me a hydrospanner, this subspace time displacement engine won't build itself! :evil:
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
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#4 Re: Been getting into Dresden Files

Post by LadyTevar »


If we're lucky

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#5 Re: Been getting into Dresden Files

Post by Soontir948 »

I'm currently reading Sidejobs which has his shorts, novellas, etc. I hope he continues to produce this kind of stuff along with his overarching affair. The ratcheting up the stakes is not my cup of tea though I'll probably read the next book anyway.
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#6 Re: Been getting into Dresden Files

Post by Steve »

AAaargh, not September, I can't wait.... *hears about Legend of Korra's announced premiere* THIS APRIL?! OOOOOOOH, SHINY.

*gets distracted from need for Dresden novels* :mrgreen:
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
"Come on, who wouldn't trade a few dozen square miles of French countryside for Warp 3.5?" - Marina
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