White Haven wrote:...Oh. This game's revived itself. I hadn't noticed, heh. Lemme catch up and I'll go stab something.
cough email Alerts !!!
saber72 always has Google mail open

Moderator: B4UTRUST
White Haven wrote:...Oh. This game's revived itself. I hadn't noticed, heh. Lemme catch up and I'll go stab something.
hides behind a bushfrigidmagi wrote:*Shush!* This is how people learn.
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
rhoenix wrote:WhiteHaven has posted, and it seems like Marcao has been drawn away by RealLife (tm) concerns of higher importance than a game, I'm afraid. ;)
I shall make the GM post tonight, and move things ahead. You're getting close to done with the Prelude at this point.
Hmm, keep people from trying to take him from the rear? The only problem I find with that solution would have to be that Sol's rear is moving at such a high speed rotation ONLY a geth would be able to track his blind spot accurately.General Havoc wrote:You quarians and your damned melee combat, I swear. How the hell is Shaddai supposed to cover you if you insist on going off and fighting people in close quarters? Because make no mistake, he will attempt to cover you whether you like it or not.
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
GO vanguard power!!!Soleimon Berserker wrote:Sol'Amon Nar Tolshek, righting wrongs, hunting evil, teaching machines how to feel the emotion of annoyance, rescuing dams...wait what was that last one?
Anywho, everyone knows Vanguards are crazy, it's a known and accepted fact, Examples are pending.
Subject 1
http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk21 ... nguard.jpg
Subject 2
http://social.bioware.com/uploads_user/ ... /52396.jpg
....I rest my case.
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
"So... this must be why the other Geth just said 'fuck it, let's kill 'em all'."Soleimon Berserker wrote:Sol'Amon Nar Tolshek, righting wrongs, hunting evil, teaching machines how to feel the emotion of annoyance, rescuing dams...wait what was that last one?
Anywho, everyone knows Vanguards are crazy, it's a known and accepted fact, Examples are pending.
Subject 1
http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk21 ... nguard.jpg
Subject 2
http://social.bioware.com/uploads_user/ ... /52396.jpg
....I rest my case.
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
Closer than you think, much closer than Shaddai will ever admit.rhoenix wrote:And thus, the Loyalist Geth collective finally learned the terrible truth about organics, and found some common ground with the Heretic Geth.
Next on our program, just how different are the Mainline Geth Collective and the Loyalist Geth Collective now? Stay tuned!
Yes, but that means that the seeds for those Vanguards are in all Quarians.Soleimon Berserker wrote:Technically the Vanguard argument only applies to around three dozen Quarians out of.....however million are in the Flotilla.
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
rhoenix wrote:Yes, but that means that the seeds for those Vanguards are in all Quarians.Soleimon Berserker wrote:Technically the Vanguard argument only applies to around three dozen Quarians out of.....however million are in the Flotilla.
Just lurking. Waiting, for their chance to strike. Taking their time.
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
Yup we are talking about "Junko" Here ...she not your "normal" "Vanguard" am sure Shepard will have a interesting comment on this .....rhoenix wrote:Well, to be fair to Sabre, the two phrases "taking their time" and "Vanguard" are rarely seen in the same sentence.
Wasn't aware I was helping "anyone" just pointing out the obviousSoleimon Berserker wrote:*Facepalm* Damn it Sabre stop helping! >.< Hahaha
my first character is a vanguard :) ........romanced TaliGeneral Havoc wrote:The great irony is that in the Mass Effect games, I always play Vanguard.