Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

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#1 Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by Dark Silver »

The first top-to-bottom audit of the Federal Reserve uncovered eye-popping new details about how the U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. An amendment by Sen. Bernie Sanders to the Wall Street reform law passed one year ago this week directed the Government Accountability Office to conduct the study. "As a result of this audit, we now know that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in total financial assistance to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world," said Sanders. "This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else."

Among the investigation's key findings is that the Fed unilaterally provided trillions of dollars in financial assistance to foreign banks and corporations from South Korea to Scotland, according to the GAO report. "No agency of the United States government should be allowed to bailout a foreign bank or corporation without the direct approval of Congress and the president," Sanders said.

The non-partisan, investigative arm of Congress also determined that the Fed lacks a comprehensive system to deal with conflicts of interest, despite the serious potential for abuse. In fact, according to the report, the Fed provided conflict of interest waivers to employees and private contractors so they could keep investments in the same financial institutions and corporations that were given emergency loans.

For example, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase served on the New York Fed's board of directors at the same time that his bank received more than $390 billion in financial assistance from the Fed. Moreover, JP Morgan Chase served as one of the clearing banks for the Fed's emergency lending programs.

In another disturbing finding, the GAO said that on Sept. 19, 2008, William Dudley, who is now the New York Fed president, was granted a waiver to let him keep investments in AIG and General Electric at the same time AIG and GE were given bailout funds. One reason the Fed did not make Dudley sell his holdings, according to the audit, was that it might have created the appearance of a conflict of interest.

To Sanders, the conclusion is simple. "No one who works for a firm receiving direct financial assistance from the Fed should be allowed to sit on the Fed's board of directors or be employed by the Fed," he said.

The investigation also revealed that the Fed outsourced most of its emergency lending programs to private contractors, many of which also were recipients of extremely low-interest and then-secret loans.

The Fed outsourced virtually all of the operations of their emergency lending programs to private contractors like JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo. The same firms also received trillions of dollars in Fed loans at near-zero interest rates. Altogether some two-thirds of the contracts that the Fed awarded to manage its emergency lending programs were no-bid contracts. Morgan Stanley was given the largest no-bid contract worth $108.4 million to help manage the Fed bailout of AIG.

A more detailed GAO investigation into potential conflicts of interest at the Fed is due on Oct. 18, but Sanders said one thing already is abundantly clear. "The Federal Reserve must be reformed to serve the needs of working families, not just CEOs on Wall Street."
To read the GAO report, click here
Bernie Sanders - US Senator, Vermont

That there, officially fucking sickens me. The wolves were left to guard the chicken coup, and thus got away with this. Something NEEDS to be done about this shit.
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#2 Re: Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by The Cleric »

The Federal Reserve isn't even under the direct control of the US government. You should read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" if you have a chance.
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#3 Re: Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by Dark Silver »

Yeah, I know, it's not in control of the federal government, yet it can print money like no one's business.

The entire thing needs to be eliminated, or the wolves need to be kept out of the hen house.

Otherwise, they look out for themselves and their friends, and fuck the rest of us.

There is no reason the US should have been bailing out the foreign companies and banks. Not to that fucking extent.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
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#4 Re: Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by The Cleric »

Pretty much. At the risk of sounding all conspiracy theorist, the Fed is nothing but a manufactured entity by the banking cabal doing nothing but serving it's own interest.
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#5 Re: Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by Soontir948 »

I suppose this would be an actual government agency the pro-small government advocates should like to see cut...
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#6 Re: Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by Charon »

Hahaha! That's funny Soontir. :wink:

I don't think they've been mentioned by any of the Small-government advocates. But don't hold me to that.
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#7 Re: Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by frigidmagi »

Alot of Occupy Wall Street Protests have been full of End the Fed cries.
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#8 Re: Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by The Minx »

16 trillion dollars.

That's fifty thousand dollars for every man, woman and child in the USA.

It's a hundred thousand dollars for every worker.

OMG. :shock:

And they doled out all of that in order to stimulate the economy.
Soontir948 wrote:I suppose this would be an actual government agency the pro-small government advocates should like to see cut...
As far as I know, many libertarians have been consistently anti-Fed. Many of the Tea Party are anti-Fed too, and the House Republicans are speaking out against it.
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#9 Re: Fed Audit: 16 TRILLION in Low Interest and Secret Loans

Post by Comrade Tortoise »


That is more than our GDP. I will say this again. More.Than.Our.Gross.Domestic.Product. In potentially toxic assets. What. The. Fuck?
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