Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

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Comrade Tortoise
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#1 Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Hi everyone!

So, I figure we are advanced enough through that people should be able to start putting up their nations. I have included here the full rules, which will be kept updated through an errata page in this thread (so I dont force you to re-download the PDF every stinking time I tweak something, especially because as the game progresses, I will be putting out little fires and adding helpful examples from play to illustrate things).

Land Statistics: You have 26 points, each of these is on a 1-10 scale, though as you advance, they can increase higher than this limit.

Size:How large your territory spans, in increments of 2 provinces.
Resources:A measure of the natural resources, be it iron, wood, fish, wool etc.
Connectivity: How connected your territories are by roads, paths. Alsop how urbanized the state is..
Economy: How strong the barter and good to currency exchange economy is.

Connectivity and Economy can be increased by spending a number of Florins equal to (Current rating)x(1+1/2 economy or connectivity[whichever is not the one being raised])x5000 .

Resources and Size increase only by conquest. For each new province you conquer, your resource score increases by (Conquered Nation's Base resource score/number of provinces+bonus to that province's score due to a particular resource in high supply)

Bonuses to Resources will be assigned to particular provinces based on geographic and historical criteria, and will be applied to a player's Resource score at game start. These bonuses however do NOT average in to the above equation. They are applied to Florins Per Season. Economy will get similar bonuses, and are applied the same way, and are added to the conquering player's economy score upon successful conquest of an affected province.

Derived statistics: The are statistics derived from Land Statistics

Military statistics derived this way are for starting military only.
Feudal Army (SA):(Resources+Size) x 60000 Florins
This is the portion of an army composed of men called to serve as part of the Feudal Burden. Any given regiment requires 10-connectivity (minimum of 1) weeks to be called into service. No upkeep is required when they are not active for less than a season, as they have already been paid as part of their recruitment and are in effect paying for the favors granted by their noble patron. Keeping them beyond a season of active service however requires that they be paid 2.5%% of their recruitment cost for each additional season.

Professional Army (M): (Connectivity + Economy) x 50000 Florins
These soldiers are professionals. They may be citizen soldiers (Yeoman) or they may be locally recruited mercenaries (Condotta). Their upkeep cost is 2.5% of their total recruitment cost per season and they are available year round.

City Guard/Emergency Levies: (½ Connectivity + ½ Economy) x 7000 Florins, per city
Standing garrisons are for walled cities only. You can assume you have this in point value for soldiers for each walled city, available immediately upon that city being besieged. It basically represents the local constabulary, and however many bows, guns, spears etc a walled city might have on hand to shove into the arms of the population in defense if the city is attacked without sufficient warning to call for additional soldiers. These soldiers are paid locally, and as a result, no upkeep is required.

Fortifications: Every geographic region is assumed to have at least 1 walled city (for example, Tuscany would have Florence as a walled city, while northern Italy would have Milan, SE England would have London etc). The number of walled cities within a geographic region increases by 1 at 7 connectivity and another is gained at 10. Stand alone military fortifications (read: castles/device forts/bastions) are purchased from a pool of points equal to ((Resources+Economy) x size) x 20000) with availability of specific components and the cost of those components based on Art and Technology respectively. Default fortifications for a city are 12 meters high and 3 meters thick with square towers (round towers are an additional 3000 Florins from the fortification allotment) 4 meters thick and 16 meters high. 4 gatehouses are present, one on each cardinal direction, and consist of a rounded flank-tower complex (see Siege Guide) 20 meters high, and 6 meters thick. You may apply upgrades to walls and towers, or expand these defenses at their usual cost. Note that tower and wall-section specific upgrades are in this case done per wall facing. For example, it would be assumed that if you had towers capable of holding cannon, you could place cannon on them, and bombard siegeworks on that facing.


Army Travel Speed: Armies may move between regions based upon that region's connectivity. It takes [14-connectivity] days to move from one geographic region to one adjascent. Minimum of 3. If the territory in question is controlled by another power, the average of the two scores is used.

Florins per Season From Internal Tax Revenue=((1+½ connectivity) X Economy) +((1+½ Resources) X Size) x 1000 Florins

Feudal Tax Levie=((1+½ Resources) X Size)x1000 Florins, useable 1 season per year.

Florins per Turn from Exports: High resource states do more exporting rather than importing of raw materials, while high economy states export finished goods. This produces a number of Florins per Season equal to Resources+Economy x1000

Production Capacity: This is the ability of your state to produce weapons, armor, Ornithopters for sale or transport to another state. It is calculated as ((1+½ Resources) X Size) x 25000 florins. You pay 1/2 of the total recruitment cost of any soldiers recruited in this way, while the player purchasing the weapons pays 75% normal recruitment costs (in effect, soldiers cost 1.25 x their normal cost). The terms of the economic exchange (how much you make from this) are between you and the other player. The industrial capacity sum is spent from your normal budget accordingly.

Renaissance Statistics: These are on a 1-10 scale, as above. You have 26 points to spend, and your investments will be modified by land statistics and may go over ten.

Technology A measure of the advancement in industrial technologies such as metallurgy. (If average of Economy and Conectivity is greater than 6 +1, if greater than 8, +2) Higher scores open up new military units, and increase the effectiveness of others. The average of artistry and technology also affects the ability of a state to Jury Rig solutions to certain problems on the fly (such as creating a countermeasure to a new siege engine). If such a counter-measure is conceived of by the player, a base chance of 50% exists that the solution can work or be built correctly. This is modified by the GM for difficulty, and by this average at a rage of 5% per averaged score.

Art: A measure of craftsmanship, both military and civilian.(If average of Economy and Conductivity is greater than 6 +1, if greater than 8, +2) Higher scores can open up new military units increase the effectiveness of others, and offer certain optional upgrades to existing units. Also assists in placating angry populations and securing your power base in the event of a difficult succession etc.

Finance: The degree to which financial innovation is advanced in the economy. (If the average of economy and resources is greater than six, finance is increased by 1, if greater than 8, +2). The primary purpose is determining how safe it is for lenders to lend money to the state, a higher score lowers interest rates on loans used to spend Florins over and above your quarterly budget.
(1=40%,2=35%. 3=30%, 4=25%, 5=20%, 6=15%, 7=10%, 8=5%, 9=4%, 10=3%). Loan payments (1/4th balance+ interest) are due at the next season unless an extension is granted, default on loan obligations lowers your finance score by 1. Increases can be made to finance only through making and taking out loans, and successfully collecting upon or paying them back. You must successfully collect or pay back 2 loans x Current finance score in order to increase said score by 1. Loans between states are possible, however this is done by guaranteeing a loan from a private bank. The lending state takes a loan at their interest rate and gives it to the borrowing state at whatever interest rate they wish. However, if the borrowing state defaults (damaging their finance score), the lending state is left holding the bag. Unless otherwise specified, loans are taken from the Medici Bank, which will begin the game with 2 million florins in assets, which grows by a stable 5% annually. Failure to pay back loans or make other arrangements (such as giving a province to Florence of the loan's value or somesuch) may lead to the bankruptcy of the bank.

Politics: The machiavellianity (thank you Havoc for this word) displayed in your political system. (If the average of size, connectivity and economy is greater than six, increase this stat by 1, if greater than 8 +2) A low score does not stop a player from being clever, but has other in-game effects, and cleverness will provide a modifier to any plot . High scores increase the chance of any external plot working, and affects the chances of detecting and foiling a plot committed inside your territory by another state. (roll of 3d6 +0 on a politics score of 5, -1 for each point below, +1 for each point above. Opposed rolls). It also effects how well conquered territories are integrated, and how the population will respond to upsets. In the event that you conquer a territory, every season for the the next year, there is a base chance of 50% that the territory in question will rebel (any militia within the territory defect to rebels, garrisons will select their own leaders and refuse to follow orders) leaving only standing army and mercenaries obeying your commands, and forcing you to re-take the territory. This chance decreases by 5% per point in the average of Politics and Art. In the event of a natural disaster, politics will also help in maintaining the order and productivity of the state within the territory in question. A difficulty will be set by the GM if a natural disaster strikes, and a roll of 3d6 will be forced, with Politics, and Art scores providing a bonus equal to average between their scores. Failure will mean the loss of all Florins produced in that territory that season (proportionate to the number of territories you control).

Note on Attrition: Battlefield attrition can force capitulation of smaller states. Huge battlefield upsets with a casualty threshold based on the number of men lost, and the size of the nation in question, can cause political turmoil. Politics must then be used to deal with this using checks identical to those for natural disasters. On three cumulative failures of these checks (once failures-successes=3), a leader who refuses to come to terms will be ousted in favor of one who WILL. These however reset after a two in game year period. Mercenaries do not count against this threshold.

Threshold:(Sizex10000 casualties)

Renaissance statistics are increased in several ways. Politics cannot be raised using monetary investment, but only by successfully carrying out or countering a plots (1 per current score. So, to go from 5 to 6 requires 5 successfully machinations of sufficient magnitude that GM permits it to count. The same goes for avoiding negative fallout from disasters, and putting down rebellions without military force. FInance has already been described. Art and technology are increased the same way economy and connectivity are: by spending a number of Florins equal to (Current rating)x(1+1/2 Art or Technology [whichever is not the one being raised])x1000 .


The cost for Hand Cannon troops is reduced by 2000 Florins

The cost for Harquebus troops is reduced by 2000 florins

If you want cities with concentric walls: You get them for a fixed cost. If you cannot, you get the minimum listed under fortifications. This is not expansive however, for balance reasons. If your city had a double wall, you take the default fortifications and add a second tier ten meters higher, and 1 meter thicker 20 meters behind the first set. Same thing for a triple wall like constantinople. Concentric tiers of defense may only be taken if the defenses were purpose built that way. But not if the walls were expanded as the city grew. You pay 40 thousand florins from your fortifications allotment for each subsequent layer of fortifications. If you wish to include any historic citadel inside the city (such as the tower of London), you pay that out of the your usual fortification allotment at its cost. So the city of Constantinople will cost a total of 80 thousand florins.

Upkeep for units has been decreased to 2.5%

Starting military has increased to better reflect contemporary army sizes

Naval unit costs are inclusive of their soldier compliments. However, they need to be light infantry, and are sailors and thus not... land combat. You can suppliment them with land-bound troops, but must pay for those normally. Any sailors you press into land-bound service suffer -2 to attack and defense, as they are not accustomed to land combat tactics. They are baseline ONLY. No purchased upgrades need apply. What is meant by this, is that the sailors on a ship are armed, but the ship can also transport that same number of land-bound infantry. However, land bound infantry do not fight well at sea, and suffer a -2 penalty to attack and defense on ship
Cannon get all relevant upgrades purchased, and transfer at a rate of 1 unit of cannon per unit of ship. However, even though this leads to a certain mathematical inconsistency, any ships stripped of their guns in this manner are bereft of their guns.

On the Stacking of Templates: It is possible to stack melee and ranged templates. Doing so adds 5000 Florins to the unit cost. It also doubles training time. Something I somehow managed to not mention in the original document: Light infantry takes 1 month to train, medium infantry takes a season. Heavy infantry takes 6 months. Double this for stacking templates, as they have to learn two completely different sets of skills. There is also a certain transition time when they switch between modes. It takes time to sling an arbalest over one's back and draw a war-hammer, during which time, they may be particularly vulnerable, this is context dependent, and completely up to common sense and the GMs magnanimity. When they are in a certain mode, they gain the bonuses and penalties for being in that mode. So a heavy shield guy with a crossbow has a -2 morale penalty when attacked by cavalry if he has not put that crossbow away before shock. Any penalties which are independent of actual weaponry also apply, and this may be context dependent. Lastly, there are certain weapon classes which may not be stacked. Pikes are an example of this. Because of the formation pikemen fight in, and because their weapons are particularly cumbersome, they may not be stacked with a ranged weapon. A melee weapon must have the capacity to be easily put away or safely put down for this to be effective.

Additionally, there are opportunity costs. With dedicated archers, you can still use them to shoot the enemy while your infantry pins them. You cannot do this if you are using your heavy infantry as ranged troops.

For non-infantry/cavalry, construction and training times are equal to 1 week per thousand florins of cost, rounded up to the nearest season (13 weeks, 26 weeks, 39 weeks, 52 weeks)

Ships have been re-statted so that things less than galleon size are not irrelevant. Carrack attack value increased to 38, galleon attack value decreased to 40
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"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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Comrade Tortoise
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#2 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

substantive errata updates
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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Comrade Tortoise
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#3 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

expanded upon and modified section on city walls.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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Comrade Tortoise
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#4 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Republic of Florence, Serene Republic of Venice
Leaders and Other Persons of Note
Lorenzo de Medici, Signore of Florence, Praetorian Governor of Venice
[tab=30]Guiliano de Medici: Roman senator, Brother to Lorenzo de Medici
[tab=30]Piero de Medici: First Born Son of Lorenzo de Medici
[tab=30]Giovanni de' Medici: Second Born Son of Lorenzo de Medici
[tab=30]Francesco de' Pazzi: Head of the Pazzi family, and rival of Lorenzo
[tab=30]Jacopo de' Pazzi: Son of Fracesco de' Pazzi
[tab=30]Leonardo da Vinci: Homosexual Artist, Sculptor, and Mad Genius
[tab=30]Nicollo Machiavelli: You should all know who this is. Functionally adopted by [tab=30]Lorenzo, and serves as one of his advisers at 18 years of age.
[tab=30]Various shady individuals
Andrea Vendramin, Roman Senator, Doge of Venice
[tab=30]Regina Gradenigo: Wife of Andrea Vendramin
[tab=30]Giovanni Mocenigo: Rival to Andrea Vendramin

Size:1 (Firenze and Veneto)


Heavy Infantry
Armament: Warhammer, Shield, Arbalest.
Upgrade: Fightmaster Tempered Steel Crank Reloading
Melee Attack 8, Ranged Attack 9, Defense 23
36000 Florins

Medium Longbow
Armament: Espada ropera, buckler, longbow
Upgrade: Fightmaster, Recurved Bows
Melee Attack 7, Ranged Attack 8, Defense 17
22000 Florins

Heavy Pike x2
Upgrade: Tempered Steel, Fightmaster
Melee Attack 9, Defense 21
54000 Florins

Medium Halberd
Upgrade: Tempered Steel, Fightmaster
Melee Attack: 9, Defense 19
Cost 22000

Lesser Culverin
Upgrade: Mobile Clockwork Gun Carriages, Canister Shot
Cost 31000

3x Florentine Regiments

Heavy Infantry
Armament: Warhammer, Shield, Arbalest.
Upgrade: Fightmaster Tempered Steel Crank Reloading
Melee Attack 8, Ranged Attack 9, Defense 23
36000 Florins

Medium Harquebus
Armament: Espada ropera, buckler, Harquebus
Upgrade: Fightmaster, Pavises
22000 Florins

Heavy Pike x2
Upgrade: Tempered Steel, Fightmaster
Melee Attack 9, Defense 21
54000 Florins

Medium Halberd
Upgrade: Tempered Steel, Fightmaster
Melee Attack: 9, Defense 19
Cost 22000

Lesser Culverin
Upgrade: Mobile Clockwork Gun Carriages, Canister Shot
Cost 31000

2x Venetian Regiments

Venetian Professional Navy:
Upgrade: Lateen Rigging, Clockwork Guns,Explosive Shot

Feudal Military

Supremacy Ornithopters x2 80k
Bomber Ornithopters x2 100k

Lateen Rigging, Clockwork Guns,Explosive Shot

City Guard: 70,000 per city
Heavy Shield 20000
Medium Arbalest 15000
Medium Longbow 15000
Lesser Culverin 20000

Heavy Shield 20000
Medium Arbalestx2 30000
Lesser Culverin 20000

Fortifications: 300,000

Walls of Florence, finished 1333
Covered Battlements x4=4000
Arrow Loops x4=800
Machicolations x4=800
Labyrinthine Gates x4=8000
Water Filled Moat 30 Meters=3000
Stronghold Towers x4=800
Artillery Towers x4=2000
Round Towers=3000

Total Cost of Additions:18400

Barbicains Guarding the Gates of Florence x4
D shaped Wall, 180 meters in total. 12 Meters high, 6 meters thick
Defense:72 HP:360
Arrow Loops x2=400
Machicolations x2=400
Gun Galleries x2=1000

Outer Gate, dual round towers
15 meters tall, 6 meters thick
Machicolations x2=400
Arrow Loops x2=400
Artillery Towers x2=400

Inner Gate, dual round towers, 20 meters tall, 6 meters thick
Machicolations x2=400
Arrow Loops x2=400
Artillery Towers x2=400
Porcupine Gates=300

10 meter Moat=1000

Total Cost=100,200

Walls of Lucca
Covered Battlements x4=4000
Arrow Loops x4=800
Machicolations x4=800
Labyrinthine Gates x4=8000
Water Filled Moat 10 Meters=3000
Stronghold Towers x4=800
Artillery Towers x4=2000
Round Towers=3000

Total Cost of Additions:16400

Walls of Pisa
Covered Battlements x4=4000
Arrow Loops x4=800
Machicolations x4=800
Labyrinthine Gates x4=8000
Water Filled Moat 10 Meters=1000
Stronghold Towers x4=800
Artillery Towers x4=2000
Round Towers=3000

Total Cost of Additions:16400

Walls of Venice
Venice is wierd. It is an island city and thus does not have walls. It does not need them. Instead, it has fortified ports around the lagoon surrounding it, and a Sea Wall. The baseline fortifications are thus sets of fortifications identical to normal city walls, four of them. They are each 270 meters in circumference, and have stats identical to normal city walls, as modified, these include the sea wall.

Covered Battlements x4=4000
Arrow Loops x5=1000
Machicolations x5=1000
Labyrinthine Gates x5=10000
Water Filled Moat 30 Meters=3000
Stronghold Towers x5=1000
Artillery Towers x5=2500
Round Towers=3000

Total Cost of Additions=25,500

Walls of Padua
Covered Battlements x4=4000
Arrow Loops x4=800
Machicolations x4=800
Labyrinthine Gates x4=8000
Water Filled Moat 10 Meters=3000
Stronghold Towers x4=800
Artillery Towers x4=2000
Round Towers=3000

Total Cost of Additions:16400

Walls of Belluno
Covered Battlements x4=4000
Arrow Loops x4=800
Machicolations x4=800
Labyrinthine Gates x4=8000
Water Filled Moat 10 Meters=3000
Stronghold Towers x4=800
Artillery Towers x4=2000
Round Towers=3000

Total Cost of Additions:16400

Total Cost of City Defenses: 209700

Military Fortresses

Located on the Northern Austrian Border, protecting a major mountain pass.

6x Outer Curtain Wall (10x3 meters)=9000 florins
Defense: 30 HP: 150
Mural Towers:1200 florins
Arrow Loops: 1200 florins

2x Outer Gate, Consider as Two Round Towers (15x5 meters)=4500 Florins
Defense: 75 HP 375
Treat each side separately...
Machicolations:400 florins
Arrow Loops:400 florins
Artillery Towers x2=1000

4x Inner Curtain Wall (15x5 meters)=9000
Defense: 75 HP:375
Arrow Loops:800 florins
Machicolations:800 florins
Gun Galleries x4= 2000

4x round tower (20x5 meters)=12000 florins
Defense: 100 HP: 500
Arrow Loops: 1200 florins
Machicolations:1200 Florins
Stronghold:1200 florins
Artillery Towers=2000

2x Inner Gatehouse, treat as double round tower (25x5 meters)=7500 florins
Defense:125 HP:625
Arrow Loops 800 florins
Machicolations 800 Florins
Labyrinthine gates 4000 florins\
Artillery Towers=1000

On Crag, cannot be mined
covered battlements 1000 florins

Total Cost: 63000 Florins

Located just outside Padua

2 x Wall (12x3 meters)=3600 Florins
Defense: 48 HP 240
Arrow Loops +400 Florins

4 x Round Tower (18x3 meters)=6480 florins
Defense: 54 HP: 270
Arrow Loops +800 Florins
stronghold: 800
Artillery Towers=2000

3x Square Tower (18x3 meters)=3240 meters
Defense: 40 HP: 202
Arrow Loops +600 Florins
Stronghold: 600

Gatehouse: (18x3) 2 round towers=3240 Florins
Round Flanks: Defense: 54 HP: 270
Machicolations: On All +400 Florins
Arrow Loops: +400 Florins
Artillery Towers=1000

Barbicain (15x3 meters) Square=900 Florins
Defense: 33 HP: 75
Arrow Loops +200 Florins

10 meter moat and earthwork, 1000 florins
covered battlements:1000

Total Cost: 25,060 Florins

Total Cost of all Fortifications:299,760

Florins Per Turn(base):75,625
Import/Export Tax Income:16,650
Feudal Tax Levies: 3,800
Production Capacity: 62,500
Seasonal Income: 92,275
Annual Income: 372,900

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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Academia Nut
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#5 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Academia Nut »

Kingdom of Sicily

Sicily (396) Palermo [+0.3 Econ] Silk [+0.2 Econ]
Messina (395) Sulfur [+0.4 Resources]
Sardinia (397) Copper [+0.1 Resources]
Corsica (398)
Malta (819)
Tunisia (739) Silk [+0.2 Econ]

Size: 3
Resources: 3 (3.5)
Connectivity: 10
Economy: 10 (10.7)

Technology: 12
Art: 11
Finance: 5
Politics: 4

Feudal Army: 360000
Professional Army: 1000000
City Guard: 70000
Standalone Fortifications: 780000
Travel Speed: 4 days
Production: 187500

Feudal Army
Heavy Lancers: 20500
+Milanese Plate: 7000
+Trained by Fightmaster: 4000
+Fine Horses: 4000
Total: 35500
x3 = 106500

Light Lancers: 10500
+Steel Armour: 3000
+Fine Horses: 4000
+Trained by Fightmaster: 4000
Total: 21500
x6 = 129000

Light Composite Bow Cavalry : 10500
+Recurve Bow: 3000
+Fine Horses: 4000
+Steel armour: 3000
Total: 20500
x6 = 123000

Professional Army
Longship: 1000
+Lateen rigging: 200
Total: 1200
x90 = 108000

Longship: 1000
+Greek fire pump: 15000
+Lateen rigging: 200
Total: 16200
x5 = 81000

Galley w/bombard: 10000
+Bronze casting: 2000
+Clockwork gun carriage: 5000
+Lateen rigging: 200
Total = 17200
x5 = 86000

Galleon: 30000
+Lateen rigging: 200
+Clockwork carriage: 5000
+Explosive shell: 7000
Total: 42200
x5 = 211000

Heavy two handed: 20000
+Milanese plate: 7000
+Trained by fightmaster: 4000
Total: 31000
x2 = 31000

Heavy shield: 20000
+Tempered steel: 4000
+Trained by fightmaster: 4000
Total: 28000
x2 = 56000

Medium pike: 15000
+Tempered steel armour: 4000
Total: 19000
x6 = 114000

Light longbow: 10000
+Recurve: 3000
+Trained by fightmaster: 4000
Total: 17000
x6 = 102000

Light polearm: 10000
+Steel armour: 3000
Total: 13000
x6 = 78000

Light harquebus: 8000
+Steel armour: 3000
Total: 11000
x5 = 55000

Culverin: 25000
+Clockwork carriage: 5000
+Mobile gun carriage: 2000
+Explosive shot: 7000
Total: 39000
x2 = 78000


Sanctum Stronghold design:

5 Outer Wall Segments: (10x3)x5 = 7500
4 Inner Wall Segments: (15x4+Arrow loops)x4 = 12800
6 Round towers: (16x5+Arrow loops+Stronghold)x6 = 16800
2 Flank towers: (20x5+Arrow loops+Machiolations+Stronghold) = 7200
2 Gun towers: (25x5+Arrow loops+Machiolations+Stronghold+Gun tower)x2 = 9700
Gatehouse: (20x5+Machiolations) = 2200
Square keep: (20x6) = 2400
30m moat: 3000
Lesser culverins+clockwork carriage+cannister shot = 29000
Hidden Fun Stuff: 9200
Total: 99800 Florins

6 Sanctum Stronghold castles (1/province) at 99800 each
181200 Florins remaining, will figure out spending properly later

Key Figures

King Rogerio V - King of Sicily, King of All the Tyrrhenian Sea
Duke Tankretti Detempio - Duke of Messina, Marshal of Armies, Chief Advisor to the Crown
Duke Iacopo Enrici - Duke of Sardinia, Head of the College of Alchemy
Duke Adamo Salvatici - Duke of Corsica, Head of the College of Light
Duke Salvatore Belleci - Duke of Tunisia, Head of the College of Stables
Count Iskander Nemo - Count of the Tyrrhenian, Master of the Navy
Countess Catarina Barone - Countess of Malta
Xenophon Ilgrande - Grandmaster of the Guild of Clockwork

{More to come later}
Last edited by Academia Nut on Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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#6 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Cavalier »

The Kingdom of Burgundy and the Archduchy of Austria

Rulers and Nobles
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
-His son Maximilian, King of Burgundy
--Maximilian's wife Marie, Queen of Burgundy
---Their son, Philip
-His daughter Kunigunde, Archduchess of Austria
Archduke Sigmund of Further Austria
Christopher von Baden, Margrave of Baden-Baden
-His wife Ottelie of Katzenelnbogen
--Their eldest son, Jakob von Baden
-His brother Johann, Archbishop of Trier

Notable Figures
Ulrich Fugger, Head of the Fugger Banking Family
-His brother Jakob Fugger
Jeanetto Tasso, Imperial Postmaster
Anton Koberger, Printer of Nuremberg
-His godson, Albrecht Dürer
Anthonis van Mansdale (Keldermans), Master Mason
-His son Anthonis II, Architect
-His son Rombout II, Architect
-His brother Matthijis, Sculptor
--His son Laurens, Sculptor
Hieronymous Bosch, Painter
Josquin des Prez, Composer
Antoine Busnois, Composer and Poet
Johannes Ockeghem, Choirmaster of Brugges
Conradus Celtis, Humanist and Latinist
Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Court Painter and Savant
Hartmann Schedel, Historian and Cartographer
Johann Reuchlin, Scholar of Greek and Hebrew
Desiderius Erasmus, Humanist and Polymath

Provinces with Fortified Cities
327 - Ostmarch (Krems)
351 - Austria (Vienna)
369 - Steiermark (Graz)
368 - Istria (Trieste)
350 - Salzburg (Salzburg)
348 - Ansbach (Ansbach)
371 - Tirol (Innsbruck)
1612 - Schwyz (Zürich)
373 - Baden (Freiburg im Breisgau)
374 - Alsace (Strassburg)
387 - Franche-Comte (Bensancon)
388 - Bern (Bern)
377 - Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
379 - Artois (Arras)
380 - Flanders (Antwerp)
378 - Brabant (Brussels)
340 - Zeeland (Eindhoven)
339 - Holland (Amsterdam)
338 - Geldre (Guelders)
337 - Friesen (Groningen)

Land: 10
Resources: 8
Connectivity: 3
Economy: 5

Art: 8
Technology: 9
Finance: 4
Politics: 6

Resources Bonuses: 3.505
Economic Bonuses: 1.55
-Seasonal Income: 83,900 florins
-Trade Income: 18,055 florins
-Feudal Levy: 67,525 florins
Total Annual Income: 475,345 florins

Feudal Military
1,080,000 Florins Available
1,079,000 Florins Spent

Landsknecht Regiment (69,000 Florins each)
-2 Medium Pike + Tempered Steel Armor (15,000 + 4,000 Florins)
-1 Medium Polearm + Tempered Steel Armor (15,000 + 4,000 Florins)
-1 Light Arbalest + Crank Reloading (10,000 + 2,000 Florins)
x 4
Total: 276,000 Florins

Fortress Garrison (23,000 Florins each)
-1 Medium Polearm Infantry (15,000 Florins)
-1 Light Harquebus Infantry (8,000 Florins)
x 16
Total: 368,000 Florins

Royal Lifeguards Company (31,500 Florins each)
-1 Heavy Lance & Shield Cavalry + Gothic Plate Armor + Fightmaster (20,500 + 7,000 + 4,000 Florins)
x 1
Total: 31,500 Florins

Gendarme Company (49,000 Florins each)
-2 Heavy Lance & Shield Cavalry + Tempered Steel Armor (20,500 + 4,000 Florins)
x 3
Total: 147,000 Florins

Hussars Company (39,000 each)
-2 Medium Composite Bow Cavalry + Tempered Steel Armor (15,500 + 4,000 Florins)
x 4
Total: 156,000 Florins

Antwerp Merchant Marine
-4 Carrack Squadrons + Lanteen Sails (25,000 + 200)
Total: 100,800 Florins

Professional Military
400,000 Florins Available
399,900 Florins Spent

Imperial Guard Regiment (54,000 Florins each)
-1 Medium Shield + Tempered Steel Armor (15,000 + 4,000 Florins)
-1 Medium Polearm + Tempered Steel Armor (15,000 + 4,000 Florins)
-2 Light Harquebus (8,000 Florins)
Total: 54,000 Florins

Guard Cavalry Battle (22,500 Florins each)
-1 Medium Wheel-Lock Cavalry + Gothic Plate (15,500 + 7,000 Florins)
Total: 22,500 Florins

Siege Train
-2 Ballistae (10,000 Florins)
-3 Extraordinary Culverins + Mobile Carriage + Clockwork Gun Carriage + Canister Shot (30,000 + 2000 + 5000 Florins)
Total: 143,000 Florins

Fortress Artillery
-4 Lesser Culverin (20,000 Florins)
-4 Ballistae (10,000 Florins)
Total: 120,000 Florins

Burgundy Squadron
-2 Galleon Squadons + Lanteen Sails (30,000 + 200 Florins)
Total: 60,400 Florins

City Guard
28,000 Florins Available
28,000 Florins Spent

Local Militia
-1 Light Harquebus
-1 Light Crossbow
-1 Light Polearm
Total: 28,000 Florins

Fortification Budget
2,600,000 Florins Available

Stand-Alone Fortifications
-Brenner Pass (Tyrol) Large
-Great St. Bernard Pass (Bern) Large
-St. Gotthard Pass (Bern) Minor
-Splügen Pass (Schwyz) Minor
-Umbrail Pass (Schwyz) Minor
-Reschen Pass (Tyrol) Minor
-Timmesljoch (Tyrol) Minor
-Predil Pass (Styria) Medium
-Bozen (Tyrol) Medium
-Raabs an der Thaya (Ostmarch) Medium
-Manhartsberg (Ostmarch) Minor
-Laa an der Thaya (Ostmarch) Medium
-Kelheim (Ansbach) Medium
-Creussen (Ansbach) Medium
-Fürth (Ansbach) Large
-Kobriad (Istria) Large
-Colmar (Alsace) Large
-Breisach (Baden) Medium
-Belfort (Franche-Comte) Large
-Bastogne (Luxembourg) Minor
-Lens (Artois) Large
-Cambrai (Artois) Large
-Ypres (Flanders) Medium
-St. Omer (Flanders) Medium
-Lille (Flanders) Large
-Leuven (Brabant) Medium
-Tournai (Brabant) Medium
-Arnhem (Geldre) Minor
-Nijmegen (Geldre) Minor
-Vlissingen (Zeeland) Medium
-Breda (Zeeland) Medium
-'s-Hertogenbosch (Zeeland) Medium
-Assen (Friesien) Minor
-Zwolle (Geldre) Minor
-Dordrecht (Holland) Minor

12 x Minor, 9 x Large, 14 x Medium
408,000 + 1,260,000 + 924,000 = 2,592,000 Florins

Production Budget
1,250,000 Florins
Last edited by Cavalier on Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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#7 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Charon »

The Ottoman Empire

Leader and Persons of Interest
Sultan- Mehmet II
Grand Vizier- Karamani Mehmed Pasha
Valide Sultan- Huma Hatun
General of the European Armies- Zaganos Pasha
General of the Anatolian Armies- Mahmut Pasha
Leader of the Janissaries- Radu Bey
Eldest son of Mehmet- Prince Bayezit
Son of Mehmet- Prince Cem

Orban- Master gun and cannon maker in the employ of the Sultanate

More to be announced

Provinces and Walled Cities
477- Izmit (Anatolia)
478- Izmir (Smyrna)
482- Konya (Konya)
483- Adana (Adana)
1610- Antalya (Antalya)
1611- Silifke (Taurus)
479- Khalkis (Ionia)
358- Thessalonika (Macedonia)
321- Varna (Rumelia)
359- Athens (Hellas)

Size: 5
Resources: 7 (7.9)
Connectivity: 6
Economy: 8 (9.15)

Technology: 8 (9)
Art: 7 (8)
Finance: 5 (6)
Politics: 6 (7)

Military Figures
Feudal Military: 720,000 florins
Professional Military: 700,000 florins
City Guards: 49,000 florins
Fortifications: 1,500,000 florins

Revenue Figures
Tax Revenue: 61,350
Tax Levie: 24,750
Exports: 17,050
Total: 103,150
Production Capacity: 237,500

Armies of the Ottoman Empire

Professional Military- 699,900 Upkeep- 17,498

The Janissary Corps- 400,500
Topcu- Heavy Harquebusier, personal weapon, Matchlock musket, tempered steel (Melee Attack 6, Ranged Attack 11, Defense 19, Accuracy 70, Range 60, Rate of Fire 2, Movement 50, Morale +2)
22,000x5= 110,000

Beyliks- Heavy Polearm, Halberd, Wheellock, Damascene Plate, Fightmaster Training (Melee Attack 9, Ranged Attack 11, Defense 20, Accuracy 70, Range 60, Rate of Fire 2, Movement 75, Morale +2)
36,000x4= 144,000

Sekban- Medium Arbalest, Arbalest, Fightmaster Training (Ranged Attack 8, Defense 16, Accuracy 100, Range 110, Rate of Fire 2, Movement 75, Morale +1)
19,000x2= 38,000

Cemaat- Medium Lance, Lance, Shield, Arabian Horses, Fightmaster Training (Attack 7, Defense 17, Movement 370, Morale +2)
23,500x3= 70,500

Kargi- Medium Pike, Pike, Fightmaster Training (Attack 7, Defense 16, Movement 75, Morale +1)
19,000x2= 38,000

Janissary Artillery Corps- 95,000
Extraordinary Culverin- Cannister Shot, Mobile Gun Carriage (Attack 40, Defense 13, Accuracy 45, Range 500, Rate of Fire 0.1, Movement 10, Morale -5)
36,000x1= 36,000

Mortar (Attack 30, Defense 13, Accuracy 40, Range 400, Rate of Fire 0.1, Movement 0, Morale -5)
16,000x1= 16,000

Trebuchet (Attack 25, Defense 13, Accuracy 40, Range 450, Rate of Fire 0.1, Movement 0, Morale -5)
12,000x1= 12,000

Scorpions (Attack 14, Defense 13, Accuracy 100, Range 350, Rate of Fire 1, Movement 10, Morale -5)
8,000x2= 16,000

Greek Fire Pump (Attack 25, Defense 13, Accuracy 50, Range 20, Rate of Fire, Movement, Morale +2)
15,000x1= 15,000

Imperial Navy- 204,400
Galleon- Lateen Rigging
30,200x1= 30,200

Carrack- Lateen Rigging
25,200x4= 100,800

Galley- Lateen Rigging
10,200x7= 71,400

1,000x2= 2,000

Feudal Military- 720,000 Upkeep- 18,000

Anatolian Army- 301,000
Spahi- Medium Bow Cavalry, Composite Bow, Arabian Horses (Attack 7, Defense 14, Accuracy 90, Range 125, Rate of Fire 10, Movement 370, Morale +2)
19500x5= 97500

Akinci- Light Bow Cavalry, Composite Bow (Attack 6, Defense 12, Accuracy 90, Range 125, Rate of Fire 10, Movement 400, Morale +0)
10500x3= 31500

Isik Teber- Light Polearm, Halberd (Attack 6, Defense 13, Movement 100, Morale 0)
10,000x3= 30,000

Orban Cannon- Grand Bombard (Attack 55, Defense 13, Accuracy 30, Range 550, Rate of Fire 3/day, Movement 0, Morale -5)
70,000x1= 70,000

Scorpions (Attack 14, Defense 13, Accuracy 100, Range 350, Rate of Fire 1, Movement 10, Morale -5)
8,000x2= 16,000

Trebuchet (Attack 25, Defense 13, Accuracy 40, Range 450, Rate of Fire 0.1, Movement 0, Morale -5)
12,000x1= 12,000

Lesser Culverin- Mobile Gun Carriage (Attack 35, Defense 13, Accuracy 45, Range 400, Rate of Fire 0.1, Movement 0, Morale -5)
22,000x2= 44,000

Anatolian Navy- 99,000
Carrack- Lateen Rigging
25,200x1= 25,200

Galley- Lateen Rigging
10200x7= 71400

Longship- Lateen Rigging
1200x2= 2400

European Army- 238,000
Spahi- Medium Bow Cavalry, Composite Bow, Arabian Horses (Attack 7, Defense 14, Accuracy 90, Range 125, Rate of Fire 10, Movement 370, Morale +2)
19500x2= 39000

Yayli Tufek- Light Crossbow, Crank Reload (Attack 6, Defense 13, Accuracy 100, Range 85, Rate of Fire 4, Movement 100, Morale 0)
12,000x3= 36,000

Orta Teber- Medium Polearm, Halberd (Attack 7, Defense 15, Movement 75, Morale +1)
15,000x3= 45,000

Orban Cannon- Grand Bombard (Attack 55, Defense 13, Accuracy 30, Range 550, Rate of Fire 3/day, Movement 0, Morale -5)
70,000x1= 70,000

Scorpions (Attack 14, Defense 13, Accuracy 100, Range 350, Rate of Fire 1, Movement 10, Morale -5)
8,000x2= 16,000

Mortar (Attack 30, Defense 13, Accuracy 40, Range 400, Rate of Fire 0.1, Movement 0, Morale -5)
16,000x2= 32,000

European Navy- 82,000
Carrack- Lateen Rigging
25,200x1= 25,200

Cog- Lateen Rigging
15,200x2= 30,400

Galley- Lateen Rigging
10200x2= 20400

5,000x1= 5,000

1,000x1= 1,000

City Garrison
Medium Polearm- Halberd, Steel Armor (18,000)
Light Shield- Personal Weapon, Shield, Steel Armor (13,000)
Light Harquebus- (8,000)
Light Shortbow- Personal weapon, Shortbow (10,000)


Walled Cities- 499,600
First Tier- Khalkis
Default Fortifications

Second Tier- Izmir, Antalya, Konya, Silifke
Machicolations x4 (800)
Arrowloopsx4 (800)
Artillery Towersx4 (2000)
Covered Battlements (1000)
Stronghold Towerx4 (800)
Wet Moat (1000)
Lesser Culverin- Cannister shot (24,000)
30,400x4= 121,600

Third Tier- Adana, Athens, Varna
Machicolations x4 (800)
Arrowloopsx4 (800)
Artillery Towersx4 (2000)
Covered Battlements (1000)
Stronghold Towerx4 (800)
Wet Moat (1000)
Porcupine Gatesx4 (1200)
Labyrinthine Gatesx4 (8000)
Lesser Culverin- Cannister shot (24,000)
Porcupines (10,000)
49,600x3= 148,800

Fourth Tier- Izmit, Thessalonika
Machicolations x4 (800)
Arrowloopsx4 (800)
Artillery Towersx4 (2000)
Covered Battlements (1000)
Stronghold Towerx4 (800)
Double width Wet Moat (2000)
Porcupine Gatesx4 (1200)
Labyrinthine Gatesx4 (8000)
Secondary Walls (40,000)
Lesser Culverin- Cannister shotx2 (48,000)
Porcupines (10,000)
114,600x2= 229,200
Last edited by Charon on Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:32 am, edited 8 times in total.
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#8 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by General Havoc »

Senatus Populesque Romanum

Empire Statistics
Size: 7
Resources: 5 (5.8)
Connectivity: 8
Economy: 6 (7.3)

Military Statistics
Feudal Army (SA): 780,000 florins
Professional Army (M): 700,000 florins
City Guard/Emergency Levies: 49,000 florins
Stand alone military fortifications: 1,540,000 florins
Army Travel Speed: 5

Economic Statistics
Florins per Season From Internal Tax Revenue: 63,800 florins/season
Feudal Tax Levie: 27,300 florins
Florins per Turn from Exports: 13,100 florins/season
Total Income: 76,900 florins/season

Production Capacity: 612,500 florins

Renaissance Statistics
Technology: 8 (9)
Art: 7 (8)
Finance: 5
Politics: 6 (7)

Attrition Threshold:(Sizex10000 casualties)

Roman Army Troop Types:

Pedarius: Medium Infantry, Personal Weapon, Tower Shield, Tempered Steel Armor, Fightmaster Training, Wheelock Pistol. (7 melee, 8 ranged, 70 accuracy, 60 range, 21 defense, +1 morale, 75 movement)
28,000 florins/1000 men

Custodius: Medium Infantry, Halberd, Fightmaster training, Wheelock. (9 melee, 8 ranged, 70 accuracy, 60 range, 17 defense, +1 morale, 75 movement)
24,000 florins/1000 men

Equites: Medium Cavalry, Lance, Crossbow, Crank Reload, Fine Horses, (7 melee, 7 ranged, 100 accuracy, 75 range, 15 defense, +1 morale, 370 movement)
26,000 florins/500 men

Descensorius: Heavy Infantry, Personal Weapon, Tower Shield, 1x Wheelock, Fightmaster Training, Milanese Plate Armor (8 melee, 9 ranged, 70 accuracy, 60 range, 22 defense, +2 morale, 75 movement)
33,000 florins/1000 men

Incendiarius: Feudal Greek Fire Pump (25 attack, 13 defense, 50 accuracy, 20 range)
15,000 florins/20 units

Tormentor: Feudal Extraordinary Culverin, Canister Shot, Mobile Carriages (40 attack, 15 defense, 55 accuracy, 500 range, -5 morale, 10 movement)
36,000 florins/20 units

Artificitor: Feudal Ballistae, (12 attack, 14 defense, 90 accuracy, 400 range, -5 morale, 10 movement)
10,000 florins/20 units

Aeromachinarae Defensivum: Superiority Ornithopters (5 attack, 20 defense, 75 accuracy, 85 range, +5 morale, 400 movement)
40,000 florins/10

Aeromachinarae Distrugerum: Bombardment Ornithopters (5 attack, 20 defense, 75 accuracy, 85 range, +6 morale, 400 movement)
45,000 florins/10

Purchased forces

Standard Roman Legion:
3x Professional Pedarius: 112,000 fl.
2x Feudal Custodius: 32,000 fl.
1x Feudal Equetes: 21,500 fl.
1x Feudal Artificitori: 10,000 fl.
Total: 112,000 fl. Professional, 84,000 fl. Feudal

I Legion 'Primagenitas'
II Legion 'Triumphator'
III Legion 'Fidelis'
IV Legion 'Adiutrix'
V Legion 'Rapax'
VI Legion 'Victrix'

Total cost 672,000 fl. Professional, 504,000 fl. Feudal

2x Professional Descensorius: 66,000 fl.
Total cost 66,000 fl. Professional

Aeronauticae Conscripti:
1x Feudal Aeromachinarae Defensivum: 40,000 fl.
1x Feudal Aeromachinarae Distrugerum: 45,000 fl.
Total cost 85,000 fl. Feudal

3x Feudal Tormentor: 108,000 fl.
3x Feudal Incendiarius: 45,000 fl.
Total cost 153,000 fl.

Roman Navy

Naviae Publicae:
2x Professional Galleon w/ Lateen Sail and Clockwork Gun Carriages: 30,200 fl. (35 attack, 50 defense, 35 accuracy, 400 range)

Naviae Conscripti:
3x Feudal Galleon w/ Lateen Sail and Clockwork Gun Carriages: 90,600 fl. (35 attack, 50 defense, 35 accuracy, 400 range)

Fortified cities
Roma: Rome, Ostia
Siena: Saena Julia (Siena), Arretium (Arrezo)
Emilia: Regium Lepidi (Reggio Emilia), Via Regis (Viareggio)
Romagna: Bononia (Bologna), Ravenna
Marche: Ancona, Pisaurum (Pesaro)
Mantua: Mantua, Verona
Lombardia: Mediolanum (Milan), Brixia (Brescia)
Liguria: Genua (Genoa), Spedia (La Spezia)
Piedmont: Augusta Taurinorum (Turin), Aosta (Chatillon)
Napoli: Neapolis (Naples), Potentia (Potenza)
Apulia: Brindisium (Brindisi), Rhegium (Reggio Calabria)
Dalmatia: Sapalatum (Split), Ragusium (Dubrovnik)
Crete: Candia (Heraklion), Kydonia
Thrace: Constantinople (Istanbul), Rienza Byzantium (Galipoli)


Class 1: Sienna, Arezzo, Reggio Emilia, Viareggio, Pesaro, Siena
Default Fortifications only.

Class 2: Ravenna, Bologna, Ancona, La Spezia, Chatillon, Potenza, Dubrovnik, Mantua
Arrow Loops (800 florins)
Wet Moat (1000 florins)
Strongholded Towers (800 florins)
Artillery Towers (2000 florins)
Porcupine Gates (1200 florins)

Total Cost per city: 5,800 florins
Total Cost overall: 46,400 florins

Class 3: Ostia, Brescia, Verona, Genoa, Turin, Naples, Brindisi, Split, Kydonia, Milan
Arrow Loops (800 florins)
Wet Moat, double width (2000 florins)
Strongholded Towers (800 florins)
Artillery Towers (2000 florins)
Porcupine Gates (1200 florins)
Covered Battlements (1000 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)
Labyrinthine Gates (8000 florins)

1x Lesser Culverins (20,000 florins)
1x Porcupine (10,000 florins)

Total Cost per city: 46,000 florins
Total Cost overall: 414,000 florins

Class 4: Rome, Rheggium, Candia, Rienzo Byzantia
Arrow Loops (800 florins)
Wet Moat, triple width (3000 florins)
Strongholded Towers (800 florins)
Artillery Towers (2000 florins)
Porcupine Gates (1200 florins)
Covered Battlements (1000 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)
Labyrinthine Gates (8000 florins)
Second set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Double Tower Barbicans (36,000 florins)

2x Extraordinary Culverins (60,000 florins)
1x Porcupine (10,000 florins)

Total Cost per city: 163,000 florins
Total Cost overall: 652,000 florins

Class 5: Constantinople
Arrow Loops (800 florins)
Wet Moat, triple width (3000 florins)
2x Wet Moat, single width, for inner walls) (2000 florins)
Strongholded Towers (800 florins)
Artillery Towers (2000 florins)
Porcupine Gates (1200 florins)
Covered Battlements (1000 florins)
Gun Galleries (2000 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)
Labyrinthine Gates (8000 florins)
Second set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Third set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Double Tower Barbicans, West and North sides (18,000 florins)

2x Extraordinary Culverins (60,000 florins)
1x Mortars (15,000 florins)
1x Porcupine (10,000 florins)

Castrum Justiniani (Incorporates Constantinople northern Barbican)
Curtain Wall, 540m length, 15m height, 6m thickness (27,000 florins)
9x Round Towers, 25m height, 6m thickness (40,500 florins)
Artillery Towers (4500 florins)
Wet Moat, triple width (3000 florins)
Covered Battlements (250 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)
Gun Galleries (3000 florins)
Stronghold Towers (1200 florins)

1x Culverins (25,000 florins)

Turris Maximus
Round Tower Keep, 100m height, 15m thickness (45,000 florins)
Artillery Tower (500 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)

1x Grand Bombard (70,000 florins)
Total Cost overall: 427,350 florins
Last edited by General Havoc on Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:37 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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#9 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by frigidmagi »

Royal Family: King Artus I, Queen Phillipa, Prince Darant age 14, Princess Astrina age 4

Size: 7
Resource: 6
Connect: 6
Economy: 7

Feudal Army: 780,000
Professional Army: 650,000
City Guard: 49,000

(+1) Tech: 8
(+1) Art: 8
(+1) Finance: 7
(+1) Politics: 6

Attrition Threshold: 70,000

Florins per Season: 56,000
Feudal Tax Levy: 28,000
Florins per Exports: 13,000
Production Capacity: 800,000

Feudal Levies:

Light Infantry, Crossbowmen with crank reload.
18 units
12,000 per unit
216,000 total cost

Light Cavalry, shield, lance, handweapons with fine horses
12 units
14,500 per unit
174,000 total cost

Heavy Horse, shield, lance, handweapons, with fine horses, tempered steel armor and fightmaster training.
12 units
32,500 per unit
390,000 total cost

Professional Army:

The Royal Army, Medium Pikemen
15 units
15,000 per unit
225,000 total cost

The Royal Guard, Heavy Infantry, shield and polearm with fightmaster training.
10 units
24,000 per unit
240,000 total cost

The Royal Artillery Corps
5 units
16,000 per unit
80,000 total cost

Lesser Culverin
5 units
20,000 per unit
100,000 total cost

The Royal Navy
5 units
1,000 per unit
5,000 per unit

The Fortress Corps

Light Infantry polearm and shield, steel armor
3 units
13,000 per unit
39,000 total cost

Light Crossbowmen
1 unit
10,000 per unit
10,000 total cost

Fortications pending.
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#10 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Errata updated with rules for stacking templates
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#11 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Simon_Jester »

Kingdom of Bohemia

Persons of Interest
King Victor I of Podebrady
... (pending)

State Religion
Unitas Fratrum

... (pending)

Major Statistics
3 Size
7 Resources
8 Connectivity
8 Economy

9+1 = 10 Technology
Between the radical tactical departures of the Taborites on the military-technology front, the close ties of the Utraquists to the University of Prague, and the minorities filtering into the cities, Bohemia has become a magnet for what might imprecisely be termed ‘Renaissance’ social forces (the rise of secular scholarship and the bourgeoisie) in Central Europe.

5+1 = 6 Finance
Utraquist Prague and some of the other major cities are fairly stable homes for Jewish minorities, which contributes to what is at least a credible financial sector.

8+1 = 9 Art
See “Technology,” although Bohemia is no Italy when it comes to painting, sculpture, and the like. Craftsmanship and philosophy flourish, architecture and the sciences do well enough. Patronage of what most moderns would call the arts is practically absent in much of the country, outside of a few enclaves in Prague.

4+1 = 5 Politics
Bohemian politics are divided and divisive due to the trend towards religious splintering (they’ve kicked off the Protestant Reformation 100 years early, with an extra nationalist overlay, and get the resulting theological chaos and Schism Syndrome that goes with it).

Provinces: Bohemia, Moravia, Erz, Sudeten, Silesia, Krakow
Province Codes: 314, 315, 328, 329, 330, 299

2 walled cities/province (would be 1/province at 6 Connectivity)
Bohemia: Prague, Tabor
Moravia: Brno, Prerov
Silesia: Breslau, Legnica
Erz: ... (pending)
Sudeten: Pilsen, Budweis (FORTRESSES OF BEER, still somewhat restive; entire province harbors Catholic sympathies)
Krakow: Krakow, (Nowy Sacz?)

Derived Stats

Feudal Army: ((3+7)*60000) =
600k florins

Professional Army: ((8+8)*50000) =
800k florins

Guard/Levies: ((4+4)*7000) =
56k florins per city

Army Travel Speed:
Six days province to province, possibly adjusted a bit for terrain

Internal Revenue: (((1+(.5*8))*8)+((1.5*7)*3))*1000 =
71500 florins/season

Feudal Tax Levy: ((1+(.5*7))*3)*1000 =
13500 florins, one season per year (?)

Export Income: (7+8)*1000 =
15000 florins/season (1 season = 1 turn? or not?)

Production Capacity: ((1+(.5*7))*3)*25000 =
337500 florins (significance confuses me; what exactly does this cap?)

Standalone Fortifications: (((7+8)*3)*20000) =
900000 florins

Standard Military Formations

(Pending. There will be war wagons!)
The Duchess of Zeon
Posts: 386
Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2005 12:28 pm

#12 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

The Most Christian Khanate of the Golden Horde and all the Kievan Rus.

Religion: Orthodox Christian, home of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople in exile and in communion with the Orthodox Patriarchs of Antioch, Jerusalem, and the Metropolitans of Belgrade and Trebzond.

History: Khan Toqta was converted to Orthodox Christianity by his wife Mary, illegitimate daughter of the Byzantine Emperor. They had a son, Khan Temur the Great, who refounded the sacked cities of the great Rus and served to partially integrate the conquering Mongols with the Russian population will maintaining their language and customs, within the limits of Orthodoxy, to preserve a warrior caste of light horsemen. He also started building a huge string of fortresses and fortress cities, partially to hold the population down and more importantly to collect tax revenue from shipping traffic through the huge and navigable rivers of Russia.

Important Personages:

The Most Orthodox and Christian Sovereign Khatun, Aiyurug II Feofaniya Bordžigin, Great Princess of Kiev and
Ruler of the Rus from Coast to Coast, the Supreme Commandress of the Golden Horde and Protectress of the
Orthodox Patriarchs and Peoples. A woman of 27, she succeeded her father Yesugei because he felt her more
capable than any of his sons. By the rather fluid succession customs of the Mongols and his great prominence
due to several successful wars over Astrakhan and against Muscovy and Poland, this was accepted without--much-
-complaint. She regards Constantinople as a city worthy of imitation in Kiev, but attaches importance to it due
to the general feeling that it must be liberated from Latin rule and the trade routes to the Mediterranean
opened through it. She despises the Latin Patriarch but has little interest to see Italian Catholicism
weakened, as she hopes to see the Spanish Pope weakened enough to accept the Orthodox line and thereby achieve
a general reunion of the Church on Orthodox terms. She is weary of Turkish intentions for her trade routes with
the west, but does value them as useful against the Kingdom of Hungary, but also fears for their ambitions
against the fellow Orthodox power of Great Serbia.

Prince Hulagu Ioannes: The younger brother of the Khatun, he is often the public face of the Empire to visiting
Christians and seems relatively uncomplicated in his acceptance of his older sister's authority. Though a
skilled diplomat and well-versed in European customs so that the sometimes bizarre practices of the Golden
Horde's court and the woman at its head are less problematic, his primary interest is in architecture. He has
overseen many fortifications and has a reutine of renaissance intellectuals paid for by a stipend by his
bemused sister who helps advise and instruct him on the continual improvement of fortifications, but his
greatest pleasure by far is in the design of churches. He has mostly succeeded in backing his sister enough
that she leaves him a free hand for building in the Empire while the other brothers have been sent off to be
finished raising various monasteries.

The Khatun Mother: Hoelun, Aiyurug's mother, is the governor of Great Kiev as it was rebuilt with plundered
gold from the ground up by Khan Temur the Great in the 1320s. She was considered decisive in securing the
throne for her daughter, and noteworthily both the Khatun and Prince Hulagu are the children of her womb. She
is in charge of the Convent of Irene the Ikonophile in Kiev in addition to the governorship, and wields
enormous influence of her children, collectively forming a familial triumvirate which functionally governs by
consensus absolutism in managing the delicate clan relations of the governing Mongol class.

Prince Vasiliy of Chernogov: The richest of the subordinate Russian princes, with his constant loyalty against
the Poles he secured the right to have Chernogov fortified to rival the Great Sietchs, and exercises the
greatest latitude of the Rus Princes under the House of Bordžigin. In exchange for this latitude he can be
relied upon to overawe the other Rus princes into loyalty to the Khanate.

Marshal of Artillery Yuan "John" Tun: A Chinese slave sold into the Khanate, converted to Christianity, and
freed, Yuan Tun showed a particular artifice for the working and laying of guns and was rapidly promoted. He is
now an old man, but remains the healthy and able commander of the Imperial artillery in sieges and an eager
promoter of continued improvement in the use of both artillery and the now ubiquituous handgonnes.

Base Stats:
Size: 10
Resources: 7
Connectivity: 2
Economy: 7

Art: 8
Technology: 8
Finance: 5
Politics: 7
(Resources bonus 1.4, economic bonus 0.2)

Yearly Tax Revenue: 267,600 florins
Yearly Feudal Tax Levy: 51,500 florins
Trade Duty revenue: 62,000 florins.

Total state revenues: 377,100 florins a year.

Volgograd, Ufa, Kuban, Kalmuk, Azov, Lugansk, Donetsk (home of the capital, Kiev), Crimea, Kremen, Yedisan,
Podolia, Ukraina, Poltava, Bogatyr, Belgorod, Chernigov, Voronetsk, Saratov, Tamarov, Kazan.

The Army of the Khatun:
Cavalry: (Feudal and professional)
10,000 light cavalry armed with compound recurve Mongolian bows and light flexible kontos lance, the personal
guard of the Khatun. (260,000 florins of professional troops).
30,000 light cavalry of the Clans of the Golden Horde -- armed with the compound recurve Mongolian bow, layered
silk for protection against wounds and glancing bows, and the light, flexible "kontos" lance for close combat.
(780,000 florins of feudal troops).
6,000 heavy feudal lancers of the Princes of Tamarov, Kozetsk and Chernogov (240,000 florins of feudal troops).
Infantry: (All professional)
5,000 light infantry handgonners -- operate from war wagons (50,000 florins).
5,000 light infantry with polearms -- operate from war wagons (50,000 florins).
Artillery: (All professional)
10 x Porcupines (10,000) -- mounted on war wagons.
20 x Ballistae (20,000) -- mounted on war wagons.
30 x Bombards (48,000) -- siege artillery train of thirty bombards.
10 x Trebuchets (12,000) -- siege artillery train of ten bombards with biological warfare provisions.
500 x War Wagons (100,000 fortress points) -- comprise mobile fortifications of wagon laagers for infantry and
artillery to fight in.

Production Budget for equipment: 1,287,500 florins.

Rayon City Defences:
Each Rayon's capital has a typical defence of 2,000 polearm soldiers and 1,000 archers with standard
fortifications except for the great fortress of Kiev, and three designated "Fortress Cities" which have been
massively built up despite having small populations and not existing before the 14th - 15th century wars with
the recovering Hungarians and Poles.

Florins toward fortification (minus wagons): 2,700,000. (2,696,000 used).

Free-standing fortresses (1,820,000 florins):

The Dnepr Rapids: 1 x large fortification
Zaporizhia Island in the Dnepr: 1 x large Fortification.
The Mouth of the Dnepr: 2 x large fortification, on either bank.
The Mouth of the Don at Azov: 2 x large fortification, on either bank.
The Volga at the approaches to the North: 1 x large fortification
The Mouth of the Dnestr: 2 x large fortification, on either bank.
The Quadrilateral of Podolia: 4 x large fortification stretching across Podolia from the Dnestr to the Dnepr
and the great swamps of the Pripet Marsh in Chernogov.

City improvements: (876,000 florins) :

Arrow Loops (800 florins)
Wet Moat, triple width (3000 florins)
Strongholded Towers (800 florins)
Artillery Towers (2000 florins)
Porcupine Gates (1200 florins)
Covered Battlements (1000 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)
Gun Galleries (2000 florins)
Labyrinthine Gates (8000 florins)
Second set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Third set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Double Tower Barbicans (36,000 florins)
4 x Bombards (64,000 florins)
4 x Porcupine (40,000 florins)
Total cost: 239,000 florins.

The Great Sietch of Podolia:
Arrow Loops (800 florins)
Wet Moat, triple width (3000 florins)
Strongholded Towers (800 florins)
Artillery Towers (2000 florins)
Porcupine Gates (1200 florins)
Covered Battlements (1000 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)
Gun Galleries (2000 florins)
Labyrinthine Gates (8000 florins)
Second set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Third set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Double Tower Barbicans (36,000 florins)
4 x Bombards (64,000 florins)
4 x Porcupine (40,000 florins)
Total cost: 239,000 florins.

The Great Sietch of Jedisan:
Arrow Loops (800 florins)
Wet Moat, triple width (3000 florins)
Strongholded Towers (800 florins)
Artillery Towers (2000 florins)
Porcupine Gates (1200 florins)
Covered Battlements (1000 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)
Gun Galleries (2000 florins)
Labyrinthine Gates (8000 florins)
Second set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Double Tower Barbicans (36,000 florins)
4 x Bombards (64,000 florins)
4 x Porcupine (40,000 florins)
Total cost: 199,000 florins.

Splendid Chernogov:
Arrow Loops (800 florins)
Wet Moat, triple width (3000 florins)
Strongholded Towers (800 florins)
Artillery Towers (2000 florins)
Porcupine Gates (1200 florins)
Covered Battlements (1000 florins)
Machicolations (200 florins)
Gun Galleries (2000 florins)
Labyrinthine Gates (8000 florins)
Second set of Walls (40,000 florins)
Double Tower Barbicans (36,000 florins)
4 x Bombards (64,000 florins)
4 x Porcupine (40,000 florins)
Total cost: 199,000 florins.
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Comrade Tortoise
Posts: 4832
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:33 am
Location: Land of steers and queers indeed

#13 Re: Mad Renaissance STGOD Final Rules Nation Info, and OOB

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

OOB of The Holy order of Rhodes/Knights of St. John/Knights Hospitalier

820 - Corfu
360 - Morea
481 - Rhodes
484 - Cyprus

Land: 2
Resources: 8
Economy: 8
Connectivity: 8

Art: 9
Technology: 9
Finance: 4
Politics: 4

Feudal Army: 600,000
Professional Army: 800,000
City Guard: 56,000

Fortifications: 640,000

Hospitalier Regiment
Heavy Cavalry (lance and shield)
Milanese plate, Fine Horses, Fightmaster training
Attack 9 Defense 22
Cost: 35500

Heavy Infantry (Shield)
Milanese Plate, Fightmaster Training
Attack 8, Defense 23
Cost 31000

Heavy Poleaxe x2
Milanese Plate, Fightmaster Training
Attack 10, Defense 21
Cost 62000

Heavy Arbalest
Milanese Plate, Fightmaster Training, Rack and Pinion, Pavises
Melee Attack 8, Range Attack 9 Defense 21(24)
Cost 39,000

Extraordinary Culverin
Mobile clockwork carriage, canister shot
Cost 44000

Total Cost: 208000

Total number of professional regiments: 3
176000 remaining

Galleon x4
Lateen Rigged, Clockwork Carriages, Exploding Shells

Supporting Artillery
3x Scorpion
Total Cost: 24000

Total number of feudal regiments: 2
84,000 remainimg

Light Levy Group

Light Harquebusier x5
Light Pike x4
Total Cost: 80000

City Guard:
Medium Harquebusier 13000
Medium Polearm (fighmaster): 19000
Lesser Culverin (canister shot):24000

820 – Corfu (Corfu and Agios Gordis)
360 – Morea (Korinthos and Tripolitsa)
481 – Rhodes (Rhodes City and Lalysos, walled together)
484 – Cyprus (Nicosia and Ammochostos)

City fortifications

Second Wall 40000
Round Towers 3000
Cannon Towers 2000
30 meter moat 3000
Labyrinthine gates 8000
covered battlements 4000
arrow loops 800
machicolations 800
Stronghold towers 800

Second Wall 40000
Round Towers 3000
Cannon Towers 2000
covered battlements 4000
arrow loops 800
machicolations 800
Stronghold towers 800
Coastline: Protected on two sides

Fortress at Isthmia (compact device fort)

2x Gatehouses
One on each side
Two round tower design (20x7)=16800
Defense 140, HP 700
Labyrinthine gate 4000
Arrow Loops 800
Artillery Towers 2000

Circular Keep (30x7)=6300
Defense 210, HP 1050
arrow loops 200
artillery towers 500
machicolations 200
On Crag, cannot be mined, elevation 100 meters.


Fortress at Rio
Identical to Isthmia, but coastal

Other cities and fortifications TBA

Kingdom of England and France
240 - Northumberland
242 - Lancashire
241 - Yorkshire
243 - Wales
244 - Midlands
245 - Lincoln
246 - Bristol
247 - Anglia
250 - Cornwall
249 - Wessex
248 - Kent
413 - Normandie
412 - Maine
411 - Oreleans
384 - Caux
383 - Picardie
382 - Calais
385 - Ile de France
376 - Champagne
386 - Nivernais

Land: 10
Resources: 7
Economy: 4
Connectivity: 5

Art: 8
Technology: 10
Finance: 4
Politics: 4

Professional Army: 450,000 Florins

2 English Regiments (see Below)
2 Units of Cog.

Feudal Army: 1,020,000

English Regiment
Men At Arms (Heavy Shield)
Fightmaster training, tempered steel

Medium Polearm
Fightmaster Training, Tempered Steel

Medium Longbow x2
Recurved Bows

Light Longbow x4
Recurved Bows, fightmaster training

Heavy Horse (Lance and Shield)
Gothic Plate, Fightmaster


Cost: 190.5

Total English Regiments: 3

French Regiment

Heavy Horse (shield and lance) x2
Fine Horses, Gothic Plate, Fightmaster

Medium Pike x2
Tempered Steel Armor, Fighmaster

Medium Arbalest x2
Crank reload, Pavise

Lesser Culverin

French Regiments 2

Fortifications TBA
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
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