10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

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#1 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by rhoenix »

According to Harold Camping, God rescheduled the Rapture for October 21, 2011. According to the biblical enthusiast (I'm not calling him a scholar), it will be a "quiet" Rapture, during which most of the unworthy will just die in their sleep.

(I'm also waiting to see how this goes down where I work - before his earlier prediction this year, lots of people talked about the Rapture - once the date came and went, and after Harold had backpedaled furiously, the SDA's where I work had a meeting about it, wanting to warn people about "false prophets.")

At any rate - I'll talk to all of you tomorrow!
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#2 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by B4UTRUST »

rhoenix wrote:At any rate - I'll talk to all of you tomorrow!
:rofl: Because there sure as hell isn't any way any of us are getting taken!
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#3 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by frigidmagi »

it will be a "quiet" Rapture, during which most of the unworthy will just die in their sleep.



One would think, that there wasn't a personal warning from the Messiah himself in the New Testament, one where he tells us not to believe people who predict the end of the world or claim to know where he is. One would think that there wasn't an explicit and clear statement that no moral alive or dead would know the time of the return of God. DOES I WILL COME AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT HAVE NO MEANING ANYMORE!

I swear, you know our entire faith is based on what this one book says. Some of y'all may have seen a copy of this book on TV! It's called the Bible and my fellow Christians would be well served to try reading the damn thing instead of flocking off like a small herd of jackasses after anyone who gets a TV or radio spot! This is utterly ridiculous and could be solved by simply knowing your own faith!
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#4 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by rhoenix »


One would think, that there wasn't a personal warning from the Messiah himself in the New Testament, one where he tells us not to believe people who predict the end of the world or claim to know where he is. One would think that there wasn't an explicit and clear statement that no moral alive or dead would know the time of the return of God. DOES I WILL COME AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT HAVE NO MEANING ANYMORE!

I swear, you know our entire faith is based on what this one book says. Some of y'all may have seen a copy of this book on TV! It's called the Bible and my fellow Christians would be well served to try reading the damn thing instead of flocking off like a small herd of jackasses after anyone who gets a TV or radio spot! This is utterly ridiculous and could be solved by simply knowing your own faith!
Just for the record, the OP and this post are not aimed to be poking fun at any Christians - except the "THE WORLD IS ENDING OMG" types.

And as an aside, from all that I've read over the past few months, this whole "GOD WILL END THE WORLD BASED ON MY POCKETWATCH" idea seems to be a uniquely American thing - I haven't seen much of end-times stuff elsewhere, except when pushed by American zealots. As you pointed out Frigid, Jesus was very clear in saying (yes, I'm paraphrasing) "I have no idea when the world will end - my Dad does, but he ain't telling me. Oh - anyone who says they know when the world is going to end is delusional, a liar, or both, btw" - so, I honestly don't see what the big attraction to this idea is.

Maybe for some, it's a "my life is shit, but this gives me people I can feel superior to" - but I'm certainly not implicating all those of the Christian faith for that. I quite honestly don't get it. If you are certain the world is going to come to a screeching halt soon, then my first thought is to clear your conscience by trying to right all the wrongs you haven't yet, and try to make others' lives better in the meantime. I don't get how end-times is any more dramatic than that, unless people are trying to use this for some political stunt.
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#5 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by frigidmagi »

I'm not accusing you of poking at Christianity man. It's just a running compliant I have. Most of the shit that by Christians that people hate about Christianity... Is very clearly listed in the book under the title of "Shit You Should Not Do." American Christianity especially has gotten outright fucking insane in some places. There's the recent political trend of glorifying the wealthy (I say to you truly it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle then a rich man to enter heaven), the fixation with Armageddon (worry not about tomorrow, sufficient unto the day are the evils thereof) and the constant need for shaming and rock throwing (there are so many verses on this I don't even know where to start!). I'm basically utterly exasperated with my co-religionist inability to even pick up the damn book that is suppose to be the cornerstone of said religion.
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#6 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by rhoenix »

frigidmagi wrote:I'm not accusing you of poking at Christianity man. It's just a running compliant I have. Most of the shit that by Christians that people hate about Christianity... Is very clearly listed in the book under the title of "Shit You Should Not Do." American Christianity especially has gotten outright fucking insane in some places. There's the recent political trend of glorifying the wealthy (I say to you truly it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle then a rich man to enter heaven), the fixation with Armageddon (worry not about tomorrow, sufficient unto the day are the evils thereof) and the constant need for shaming and rock throwing (there are so many verses on this I don't even know where to start!). I'm basically utterly exasperated with my co-religionist inability to even pick up the damn book that is suppose to be the cornerstone of said religion.
It seems like many people have an "All I need to know I learned from TV" attitude lately, and when this is applied to religious discussion of any sort, the results are... usually disappointing.

I will just say this - of all the people I've had good religious discussions with, regardless of their specific faith, the people I've enjoyed the discussions with the most are people who not only understand their faith, study it, and actively think about it, but people who also enjoy asking (and putting in the effort of learning the answers to) difficult questions. I've had good discussions like this with people of many different faiths.

The people I've enjoyed discussing things with the least are those who are of the "It's true because... it's true! And you're wrong!" crowd. It seems like most of the time, those people seem to hold onto their faith out of fear of something, rather than because they genuinely believe it.
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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#7 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by Destructionator XV »

Nobody likes books!
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#8 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by Batman »

That's right. I bought all of mine for the simple reason of sparing the rest of the population from exposure to the heathen ideas presented therein.
'I wonder how far the barometer sunk.'-'All der way. Trust me on dis.'
'Go ahead. Bake my quiche'.
'Undead or alive, you're coming with me.'
'Detritus?'-'Yessir?'-'Never go to Klatch'.-'Yessir.'
'Many fine old manuscripts in that place, I believe. Without price, I'm told.'-'Yes, sir. Certainly worthless, sir.'-'Is it possible you misunderstood what I just said, Commander?'
'Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a sword a little'
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#9 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by rhoenix »

Batman wrote:That's right. I bought all of mine for the simple reason of sparing the rest of the population from exposure to the heathen ideas presented therein.
You are a true humanitarian, Batman.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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#10 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by Batman »

Don't jinx it. With the New52 they might actually do that to me.
'I wonder how far the barometer sunk.'-'All der way. Trust me on dis.'
'Go ahead. Bake my quiche'.
'Undead or alive, you're coming with me.'
'Detritus?'-'Yessir?'-'Never go to Klatch'.-'Yessir.'
'Many fine old manuscripts in that place, I believe. Without price, I'm told.'-'Yes, sir. Certainly worthless, sir.'-'Is it possible you misunderstood what I just said, Commander?'
'Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a sword a little'
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'Hello, inner child. I'm the inner babysitter.'
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#11 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by The Minx »

Oh, I totally missed this thread! The Rapture 2.0 was supposed to happen, wasn't it?

That means I missed it. Damn.


Somehow, not a surprise I'm still down here. Oh, well.
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#12 Re: 10/21/2011 - Rapture 2.0

Post by Batman »

Maybe the rapture did happen and it just turned out pretty much nobody was worthy so God just threw in the towel and cancelled the whole 'end of the world' thing?
'I wonder how far the barometer sunk.'-'All der way. Trust me on dis.'
'Go ahead. Bake my quiche'.
'Undead or alive, you're coming with me.'
'Detritus?'-'Yessir?'-'Never go to Klatch'.-'Yessir.'
'Many fine old manuscripts in that place, I believe. Without price, I'm told.'-'Yes, sir. Certainly worthless, sir.'-'Is it possible you misunderstood what I just said, Commander?'
'Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a sword a little'
'Run away, and live to run away another day'-The Rincewind principle
'Hello, inner child. I'm the inner babysitter.'
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