Soontir948 wrote:Name: Geoff
Race: Dwarf (2 CP 1d6 HP)
Background: Spirit Speaker (2 CP)
Shifter Species: Gargoyle - 12 CP, STR 0, COR 1, DEF 3, SPD 1, WIS 1, HP 26
Very good start.

That gives you 16 CP to finish your character. Now the fun part begins, buying abilities and spells. Card Points are spent 1/1.
Roll your 1d6 and add to your Gargoyle HP. Then purchase your abilities from the list below. You may purchase more than one but only up to your CP total. I will be counting.
Ace Abilites
Aces may be used once per day, unless multiple uses are purchased. They recharge after 8 full hours sleep. Aces may be lost through fatigue or spells, and may be traded for new Abilities when spending EXP.
Gargoyle Abilities
Gargoyle Form (1CP).
You get one use of this free, but extra uses per day may be purchased for the listed price. Form Cards last until dropped or removed. Gargoyle Form gives a +2 STR and a +3 DEF while active, and allows limited low-level flight (1 Hour max flight time)
Rock Fist (3CP) Gargoyle Form Only
Add +3 STR to any melee attack
Stone Daggers (3CP) Combat Only
Turns a stone into a ranged attack weapon that adds +4 COR to both attack and damage.
Stone Meld (2CP). Lasts until dropped.
Gargoyle made meld into any stone object larger than themselves. This renders them invisible to anyone searching for them. Gargoyles may see and hear as normal, but may not move, speak, or use magic or abilities until emerging.
Stone Healing Trance (3CP) Gargoyle Form Only.
Turns the Gargoyle into a deaf, blind, unmoving statue for 8 hours. Heals all physical damage, as well as removes poison and poison damage.
Stone Skin (4CP) Gargoyle Form Only
Add +4 DEF for 1 Combat Round
Stone Walk (2CP) 1 Combat Round or 10 Min.
Allows the Gargoyle to walk through 20ft of stone per combat round.
Stone to Clay (1CP)
Use to turn 1 cubic foot of stone into clay.
Swoop Attack (5CP) Gargoyle Form Only, while in Flight
Gain +7 STR to melee attack.
Shaman Spells
Dismiss Spirit (2CP) 2d6+WIS
Success banishes a spirit from the physical world for a month. Stronger spirits may roll to resist at GM's option. Spirits who return may not be happy.
Free The Dead (2CP) 2d6+*
Destroys Undead. +1 vs Zombie, +3 vs Skeleton.
Healing Hands (2CP)
Heals 1d6+2+WIS to living target. Does not remove Poison.
Inner Spirit Eye (1CP)
While the Shaman can always hear spirits, seeing into the spirit plane is harder. Caster may see all spirits within 500', but all sight-based rolls on the physical plane are -6.
Muddle the Dead (2CP)
2d6+1+WIS confuses target Spirit or Undead for 1d6+1 combat rounds.
Sense Undead (1CP)
2d6+WIS senses any undead within 200ft. Very useful against Necromancers.
Warding (2CP)
The Shaman asks a minor spirit to watch over a campsite or room for 8 hrs. Any intruder larger than a rat causes the spirit to emit a loud wailing alarm.
Universal Abilities
(Usable by any PC or NPC, any form)
Boosted Strike (1CP) Combat Only
Add +1 STR to Melee Attack
Fancy Footwork (1CP) Combat Only
Play at any time to add +COR to dodge. Success allows a dodge without moving away from attacker.
First Aid (1CP) Use once per person per combat.
Roll 1d6. On a 2-6, 3HP are healed.
On a 1, do 1HP damage.
If PC also has Bind Wounds, ignore all 1s and add +6HP healed
Good Moves (1CP) Combat Round or 10min.
Adds +2SPD
Listen (1CP)
2d6+1+WIS to listen for faint sounds or eavesdrop on conversations. GM determines what you hear.
Vigorous Strike (2) Combat Only
Add +2STR to any melee attack
These are Learned Skills available all day. They are never lost, forgotten, or stolen. I am including only those that might be in your reach
Bind Wounds (6CP) Once per person per day
Roll 1d6. On a 2-6, 6HP are healed.
On a 1, do 1HP damage.
Charm (4CP)
Roll 2d6+1+WIS to influence any intelligent being. GM may roll to resist
Health (4CP)
Adds +12 HP permanently. Only one Health per PC.