Transformers: Ashes of Victory

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Post by LadyTevar »

First things First.... See if the Door is actually locked, then towards the armory with a stop at the first available, hackable computer station Lifeline and I can find.

I wish now I'd stated in my writeup that I was very good at hacking, instead of just implying I broke in and stole data. :oops: I am praying the GM allows me a chance before he fries my circuits :)

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Post by Charon »

Yeah, I'd been about to have Medicon go "Shimmer, you're good at breaking into systems. Go check it out." but when I checked your sheet again I couldn't find reference to it. Oh well. I see it as a matter of a skill set for your job. You may not be an awesome hacking machine, but considering your job you're at least going to be decent at it.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Ok... we're out of the box. Now to see how many alarms we've tripped.

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Post by LadyTevar »

Ok, GM... please tell me if there's a computer console in the corridor? If not, I hope the arsenal door is unlocked/unlockable and there's a computer fixture in there.

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Post by LadyTevar »

"Unbreathable" atmosphere? Could it have hydrogen or another fusionable gas in the air Firestorm could suck up?

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Post by Cynical Cat »

He's not an atmosphere processing plant. He can't just suck up anything and use it because it contains some hydrogen.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Darn. Nit said it wouldn't work either :razz:

I will be working for an upgrade to where Shimmer can 'tap in' without a GUI. If only those power/data lines could be accessed!

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Post by LadyTevar »

What do you need me to post/roll/do to get this door open, Cyncat?

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Post by LadyTevar »

Amusingly, I think Novawing would have a chance to know the language as well. Shimmer just doesn't know that yet.

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Post by frigidmagi »

Rhionex I already gave Hornet his stuff man. Yesterday.
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Post by rhoenix »

frigidmagi wrote:Rhionex I already gave Hornet his stuff man. Yesterday.
...Whoops. Fixed and updated post.
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Post by Dark Silver »

Edited my post slightly, I mis-identified the robot who came out the corner as Countdown, when it was Slice 'n Dice.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Novawing? Wanna try to stop that EMP grenade?

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Post by frigidmagi »

Didn't I send him to engineering?
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Post by LadyTevar »

Did you?

Fuck, you did. Is it just the three of us heading to the bridge?

No... you didn't.
Novawing, Shimmer and Shackle
So Novawing is with us, and Overhaul is heading to the Engineering
Last edited by LadyTevar on Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by frigidmagi »

Can I transform?
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Post by Cynical Cat »

frigidmagi wrote:Can I transform?
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Post by Armaina »

Sooooo Frigid told me about this aaand I'm going to see if this more unusual character of mine would work out alright. This character is a little.. different. I'm not entirely sure how to fit them in now anywho, but I figure maybe once everyone is out or something..

Name: Void
Affliation: Neutral
Classification: medbot/mechanic
Size: 10m
Alt Form: None

A lot of the background on Void is a little vague due to the mech's personal changes to their lives. Vorns ago, due to a personal disagreement with the reasons for the war, Void decided to leave behind everything that they had been a part of. Because Void believed they could never be truly neutral while still having experiences of their past, and thus a bias, Void actually edited much of their memory. Because of this, Void does not have any actual memory of what faction they used to be with, what their previous name used to be or any other aspects that could cause them to make a connection to their past. Only most forms of academic knowledge was kept.

On top of this, Void became effectively 'genderless', as far as that goes for cybertronian standards, though will sometimes switch between different gender appearances on a whim. For that matter, Void takes great enjoyment in modifying themselves, be it a simple paint job to a absolutely radical new look. Though, regardless of the change, Void's general size category remains the same. (Rather difficult to replace an entire frame, you know.)

Currently, Void is a drifer, moving from base to base at any time they feel like, trading services for shelter. Until the Cybertronians can learn to unite together under a common cause as children of Primus, Void refuses to take sides.

A very warm and friendly demeanor, as they're the sort that enjoys assisting and repairing. Generally pleasant to get along with, up until the point that you try to talk to them about repairs or upgrades. Though despite being very friendly, Void isn't exactly what you would call trusting. Additionally, because of their stance and lifestyle, they tend to be very cautious about making any lasting connections with other mechs.

Void has a love of repairs, upgrades and other sorts of modifications, part of the reason why they change themselves so often. However, this love can often be rather off-putting to other mechs not used to Void's eccentric behavior, as they can be rather intense about the topic. At times Void may come off as a pushy salesman, though a simple and direct no is enough to make them refrain from their excitement.

Anger is not an emotion often seen on Void, but it's also not one you want to see on them either. Because there are few things that truly drive them to angery, when they do become angry it usually is rather impassioned and intense.

Now, while Void is neutral, they are not what you would call a passifist. They have a personal policy to never be an agressor, they have no issue passing battles in progress as long as they're not in the crossfire. However, if attacked, Void will defend themselves, and given certain circumstances, will protect other individuals. By extention, if Void is given shelter at base of somesort, they will work to defend the base if it comes to that, as it by extention is protecting themselves.

Special Systems:
Digits in both hands are cabled of splitting off into an assortment of tools. Hand tools consist of things such as wire cutters, torch and smaller pincher intended to hold delicate wires and circuits in place. There are also larger repair or modification based tools they carry on their person.

Other internal modifications of note is the lack of any sort of 'pain receptor' in Void. Due to the consistant modification, and a distrust of any mech other than themselves working on them, the ability to feel pain was taken out so that they could make repairs easier. In it's place, Void has a personal monitoring system in their display to notify of any damage on the body. Of course, small damage could go unnoticed for some time.

Void also has a small drone companion intended to help with repairs and other such tasks. Though the drone doesn't exactly have an AI or personality to speak of, it does answer to the name Null.

The only consistent weapon Void keeps is a large, belt-fed minigun. Though, it is possible for them to install other weapons, Void usually doesn't due to being more of a medic than a soldier.


That aside uh.. what's the consenseus on substances, because if they're pretty common, Void is kind of a peddler of substances as well.

And to show what I mean by radically different, have some Void sketches.
Last edited by Armaina on Mon May 23, 2011 11:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Cynical Cat »

The character is interesting, but unfortunately the game is pretty much dead. :cry:
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Post by LadyTevar »

*kicks* Perhaps it can still function?

That is, if someone else decides to post, as I was the last one :evil:
Last edited by LadyTevar on Thu May 26, 2011 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Armaina »

Wheeelll any way I could help? Maybe a random character for conflict and a firefight? Fights make things interesting.
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Post by Dark Silver »

we were in middle of a fight when the game died.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Hell I was waiting for the GM when the game died!
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Post by Cynical Cat »

frigidmagi wrote:Hell I was waiting for the GM when the game died!
The GM was waiting for every single other player to post in response to his last post. He got zip.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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