ST: Deep Space Nine

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#1 ST: Deep Space Nine

Post by rhoenix »

Having never really watched more than an episode here or there of this show, I began over from s01e01, and moved from there. I am now on s03e22, and growing even more interested.

The parallels between DS9 and B5 are there, this is true. However, they are different enough for me to enjoy DS9 on its own merits.

There were many moments of awesome already, but I was struck by the good characterization of the show already, of all the characters. I have not noted a single prominent character that's even just mediocre. Some of the per-episode secondary characters can be a bit weak at times (Garak's old boss Tain, for one - he just didn't sell the character well to me), though there are recurring characters that are very memorable (Gul Dukat, The Grand Nagus).

I have not yet reached the true Episodes of Awesome that many have mentioned to me (In the Pale Moonlight for one, which apparently takes place during season 6), but the episodes thus far already have been impressive.
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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by rhoenix »

Another recurring memorable character - Wynn.

Just finished s03e24, and seeing Kai Wynn's naked attempt at a powergrab was just ugly. What happened to her couldn't have possibly happened to a nicer Kai, and I mean that.

EDIT: In s03e25, I know Quark got blackmailed into helping Dax with her previous hosts' memories, but wow. Just wow. Hearing him talking effeminately about what its like to be a mother made me laugh uncontrollably.
Last edited by rhoenix on Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by rhoenix »

Just got to s04e01 - The Way Of The Warrior.

Finally - Sisko has his head shaved. He just looked weird with hair.

And Major Kira's hair looks like she's been electrocuted.
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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Destructionator XV »

I've been trying to re-watch DS9 as well, but have only gotten through the first season so far.

What I really like about it early on is that they were trying something new - it isn't an advanced starship with the Federation's best people. It is a piece of junk with all kinds of random riffraff aboard. The Bajorans are in no way perfect, and the Cardassians are just really outstanding in just about every way (television wise).

Good show.
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Post by rhoenix »

Also, I have to give Cynical Cat credit - when Worf arrives at DS9 in s04e01, he does indeed bring Awesome with him.

I'm on s04e06, and I have to say the writing has been consistently solid - Worf is only making it more Awesome.
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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by rhoenix »

...Ah, here we are. A true facepalm-worthy episode of DS9, at last. I have to give the show credit - a stinker like this didn't surface until season 4.

Specifically, s04e08 - Little Green Men.

Just... *sigh*
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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Steve »

It's a Ferengi episode. Virtually all of them are either Bad, Horrible, or Worse. A couple might manage to be "So Bad It's Good" if the humor works.

And just wait until "Profit and Lace". :twisted:
Last edited by Steve on Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dark Silver »

The "Ferengi 12" or whatever it was called during the Dominion War arc was actually in that category Steve....
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Post by Steve »

Dark Silver wrote:The "Ferengi 12" or whatever it was called during the Dominion War arc was actually in that category Steve....
You mean "The Magnificent Ferengi"? The prisoner swap episode? Yeah, that falls into "So Bad It's Good" territory.
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
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Post by rhoenix »

on s04e14 (Return to Grace)

I am struck by how many people appear interested in Major Kira's heart and panties. Barial, Odo, Shakhaar, and now Dukat.

Less facetiously, I think this episode was an excellent amount of character development for Dukat. The look in his eyes as he saw his chance to regain his former post, turning into the greed for power, turning from there... to the urge for revenge.

His daughter added a large amount of drama as well, especially with her earnestness at wanting to be near her father, and help him. Major Kira's decision to take his daughter with her back to DS9 was... a very nice touch.
Last edited by rhoenix on Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by rhoenix »

In watching s04e15, and seeing Worf's brother Kurn suddenly struck me - I recognized the actor immediately, since he's the same one who played an old Jake Sisko earlier this season.

Works for me - he has the skills to do it.

Quark's Quote for this episode: "That does it! I just won't talk to the customers anymore."
Last edited by rhoenix on Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Steve »

rhoenix wrote:In watching s04e15, and seeing Worf's brother Kurn suddenly struck me - I recognized the actor immediately, since he's the same one who played an old Jake Sisko earlier this season.

Works for me - he has the skills to do it.

Quark's Quote for this episode: "That does it! I just won't talk to the customers anymore."
Yeah, the excellent Tony Todd. He does a rather good job when he appears on stuff.

You've reached the show's peak seasons, though there are some stinkers coming.
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
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Post by Destructionator XV »

There's quite a few actors in Star Trek who play many roles. In DS9, watch for all the roles of Jeffrey Combs. He does just about everything!
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Post by General Havoc »

To say nothing of J. G. Hertzler.
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Post by Stofsk »

Season 7 is more or less unwatchable. You have been warned...
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Post by Steve »

Huh? There were some poorer episodes early on, but Season 7 had some good episodes too, especially in the final ten episodes that resolved the whole Dominion War arc.
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
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Post by rhoenix »

s04e20, Shattered Mirror.

The plot, characters and all the rest were good, but the special comment I want to make is about the Defiant.

I get it now.

What everyone else was telling me about what the Defiant's strengths are - I didn't really get it until seeing it here. Watching Sisko take the helm, and use the Defiant to close to knife-fighting range, and rip, claw, shred, maul, and tear apart the battlecruiser really brought it home.

Heh, seeing this universe's Worf so angry at the outcome that he seriously said "I have been betrayed! It is the only solution for my defeat!" was just awesome.

Yeah pal, your bigass battlecruiser and a small fleet just got their asses handed to them by a single combat shuttle and a single tactical escort. Go home and cry, bitch.
Last edited by rhoenix on Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Stofsk »

Steve wrote:Huh? There were some poorer episodes early on, but Season 7 had some good episodes too, especially in the final ten episodes that resolved the whole Dominion War arc.
If you disagree that's your prerogative. I did like 'Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges' though.
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Post by Hadrianvs »

rhoenix wrote:What everyone else was telling me about what the Defiant's strengths are - I didn't really get it until seeing it here. Watching Sisko take the helm, and use the Defiant to close to knife-fighting range, and rip, claw, shred, maul, and tear apart the battlecruiser really brought it home.
Lesson learned: Never enter a knife fight with Starfleet's tactical escorts?
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Post by frigidmagi »

I should point out Sisko was part of the design team for the Defiant. He captained the lead ship of the class. He built this thing, he flew it first and understands it like no one else can. The Defiant is built to close up to the enemy grab him by the belt and do it's level best to beat him to death.
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Post by rhoenix »

frigidmagi wrote:I should point out Sisko was part of the design team for the Defiant. He captained the lead ship of the class. He built this thing, he flew it first and understands it like no one else can. The Defiant is built to close up to the enemy grab him by the belt and do it's level best to beat him to death.
That's a couple of good points actually. It did get bonus points for having Sisko fly it.

Good grief, and Havoc wanted to give it more phasers to make it scarier at knife-fighting range.

Well, this will change how I fly the Gilgamesh in the Trek game, but not too much.

Also - s04e25... After that long conversation with Garak about how he wanted to die, they never showed Quark going back and giving the "yeah...never mind" speech. Otherwise, a good episode - despite having a Ferengi sub-plot.
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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Dark Silver »

Havoc actually DID change the design, add more phasers, and used it purely as a knife fighter.

He Trafalgar-class Defiant Variant loved to gt in close, slice and dice with the best of them. He used it not a few times on various ST games I ran.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
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Post by General Havoc »

It was that very episode that convinced me to give Trafalgar a shot, but a standard Defiant is (obviously), perfectly capable of handling itself at knife-range.
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Post by Steve »

Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
"Come on, who wouldn't trade a few dozen square miles of French countryside for Warp 3.5?" - Marina
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Post by rhoenix »

I stopped it when it got into spoilers, but yes - that was indeed awesome.
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- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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