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Post by LadyTevar »

[23:09] TevarTahalshia: Over all, I think the Transformers movie was grat
[23:09] TevarTahalshia: great
[23:10] AcNut64: Yeah, I agree. The geography in Egypt was a touch out to lunch, and there were annoying bits, and it was a bit too long, but it was still awesome
[23:11] TevarTahalshia: I was making cracks about "of course that's where it is, the Holy Grail's hidden there too!"
[23:12] AcNut64: Aaaand now you've managed to tie two series with Shia La bouf in them together
[23:13] TevarTahalshia: heh.

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Post by LadyTevar »

[20:13] B4: So how's the writing going?
[20:16] TevarTahalshia: I am finishing the last Officer's Report, and starting Old Business.
[20:16] TevarTahalshia: "Meanwhile, the Baron was stuck at his Mundane Duties, and was teaching 4-H children how to mutilate and torture small mammals (Getting them spiffy for County Fairs, that is)"
[20:16] B4: o.O
[20:17] TevarTahalshia: Tattoos and other markings
[20:18] B4: ahh
[20:18] TevarTahalshia: 4H.
[20:19] TevarTahalshia: They raise mammals for a year then show them for prizes. Afterwards, the animals are sold, the kids get the money, and little Lambs, Pigs, Calves, Sheep, and Rabbits get turned into FOOD
[20:27] B4: ...
[20:27] B4: they kill the BUNNIES?!
[20:27] B4: O.O
[20:30] TevarTahalshia: Where else do you get Rabbit Fur Bikinis?
[20:30] B4: faux fur?
[20:30] B4: hurt bunnies?
[20:30] B4: o.O
[20:31] B4: but...
[20:31] B4: but...
[20:31] B4: they're cute! And cuddly! And bunnies!

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Post by Charon »

A friend of mine and I discussing Felicia Day.
IRWriter86: God damnit, she's hot, funny, smart, has a nice looking dog with a cool name, and has a house I would kill anyone less awesome than her for.
IRWriter86: What... the... fuck...
IRWriter86: Ok, how bad is this.
friend: what are you doing?
IRWriter86: I'm spending more time looking at her house then at her.
friend: hahaha
IRWriter86: It's such an awesome house!
friend: good job dave
friend: way to be not a perv.
friend: unless you have a sexual attraction to houses
IRWriter86: Damn, they're on to me...
friend: in which case... what?
IRWriter86: Oh my god... Is that her front door?
Ok, so I might have a few sexual problems...
Last edited by Charon on Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hotfoot »

[09:13] hashava: researchers now think women knew how to read in jlem 2500 years ago :-)
[09:13] hashava: which is pretty awesome ^___^
[09:14] HotfootB5: Yes, but the only words they could recognize were "Sale" and "No Cover"
[09:14] hashava: they actually found women wrote their names on their stuff
[09:15] HotfootB5: You mean like half their husband's things? ;)
[09:16] hashava: well, im happy i wasnt born back then
[09:16] hashava: but they could divorce, if they wanted to
[09:16] hashava: and, hmm, have money for a year on their own, maybe
[09:16] hashava: :S
[09:16] HotfootB5: Hmm, if I was born back then...
[09:16] hashava: oh, and get some of their property
[09:16] hashava: lol
[09:17] HotfootB5: I'd probably be in a kilt drinking my butt off, or raiding the European coastline
[09:17] hashava: i can imagining you walking around jlem with a donkey
[09:17] hashava: *imagine
[09:17] HotfootB5: Give me a beard and I could start a religion
Some days, it's just too easy.
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Post by Dark Silver »

During the week, on the phone with B4
B4: I never was really into Doogie Houser...
Me: You sir..disgust me.
B4: . . . All the things I've done and said and thought over the years you've known me, the rape, murder, pillage, blowing up of worlds, slaughtering innocent lives....none of this bothered you. But not liking Doogie Houser? That's where you draw the line?
Me: That's right, because I have standards.
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
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"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
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Post by B4UTRUST »

Conversation between my friend and I discussing the different types of music on my mp3 player.
"My taste in music is eclectic."
"And by eclectic you mean fucked up, right?"
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Post by B4UTRUST »

steeleffigy: I am a closet nerd
B4UTRUST: ...You do realize that if you're a 'closet' nerd it's a walkin closet with no doors what-so-ever
steeleffigy: They're off for remodeling
B4UTRUST: into what?! A stained glass montage to your nerddom?
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Post by frigidmagi »

[00:47] magithis: Detroit -- Impassioned parents demanded jail time for educators and district officials Saturday following the release of test scores that showed fourth- and eighth-graders had the worst math scores in the nation.
[00:47] magithis: Aren't you glad you got out?
[00:48] Hotfoot: Detroit? Man the whole damn city needs to be in jail
[00:48] Hotfoot: I'm sure we can fit them in between Newark and Trenton
[00:49] magithis: You're just saying that so the Warrend will finially let you leave for good.
[00:50] Hotfoot: GATTICA! GATTICA!
When we discussed the Detriot news I found.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by rhoenix »

[19:22] steeleffigy: Ok, so there's been a conclusion reached as to the universe of glitch
[19:22] DarkSilver: no
[19:22] steeleffigy: Super-amazing-powers are certainly possible, but a toilet, and passing out on it are the keys
[19:22] DarkSilver: taking a shit, or having other bodily functions/infunctions are not the key to having powers
[19:23] steeleffigy: not by itself, no - I mean, you can't take a dump on the side of a road and expect to get anything
[19:23] DarkSilver: the circumstances of your crossing over doesn't dictate what powers you get either
[19:23] DarkSilver: that's purely a personal circumstances
[19:25] steeleffigy: So, we need more toilets in glitch
[19:25] DarkSilver: -stares at you-
[19:25] DarkSilver: oh dear gods
[19:25] DarkSilver: I'm going to fucking kill all of you
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Rukia »

Rukia: It's gonna hit me in the face.

TVI: Stop being so tense, relax your arms, I'm not gonna hit you.

SharkBait: What are you doing to my fiance?

This interlude happened while TVI was trying to teach me how to use his POI.
shark42bait: you are evil...
shark42bait: i admire that in a woman....
I'm a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in an AWESOME rack!
"if you want to get out of a speeding ticket short skirts and crying are still the way to go" Kairy on "mythbusters"

LimePink: "Um, Mr. President? I was doing a suduko puzzle, and based on the hidden co-ordinates in the grid, I think Osama Bin Laden is either here : points on map: or here :points to another spot within 5 miles:. Also, Jay-Z killed Tupac Shakur and the lost treasure of Atlantis actually turned to the glacier that sunk the Titanic."
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Post by rhoenix »

8:14:13 PM B4UTRUST: well it's either that or I go through the Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech
8:14:25 PM B4UTRUST: where an american president tells the german people he's a doughnut
8:16:28 PM steeleffigy: come on, that had to be awesome
8:16:41 PM B4UTRUST: well, in his defense he was correct
8:16:48 PM B4UTRUST: Berliner means person of berlin
8:16:50 PM steeleffigy: the germans should have held that over america and her diplomats for the next twenty years, easy
8:16:51 PM steeleffigy: EASY
8:16:52 PM B4UTRUST: but it also means doughnut
8:17:25 PM steeleffigy: they could've gotten some good cultural running gags off it too
8:35:12 PM B4UTRUST: yeah, american stole all the cultural running gags from that
8:38:04 PM B4UTRUST: hell, we stole the japanese goof of MacArthur
8:38:31 PM He Who Walks In Storms: I have a small personal theory
8:38:54 PM B4UTRUST: does it in any way involve cats or MacAruthur's erection?
8:38:57 PM steeleffigy: I think if Japan really, REALLY wanted to, they could be a completely independent state and ignore American culture for the most part
8:39:19 PM steeleffigy: they don't because America morbidly fascinates them so much that they don't want to
8:39:35 PM B4UTRUST: That and we're their biggest source of comic material
8:39:45 PM steeleffigy: so yes, we morbidly fascinate a country that sells used women's underwear in vending machines
8:39:49 PM B4UTRUST: it's kind of a circular fascination
8:39:53 PM He Who Walks In Storms: indeed
8:40:08 PM B4UTRUST: Because really it's more of a fascination with a culture that is so insanely fascinated with them
8:40:43 PM B4UTRUST: kind of one of those voyuer things of "WTF is with these people that they're so freaking obsessed with our kids cartoons and porn? We've gotta study these guys and find out."
8:40:51 PM steeleffigy: heh
8:40:52 PM steeleffigy: exactly
8:42:36 PM B4UTRUST: then, because of translation problems and the language barrier
8:42:46 PM B4UTRUST: they try to blend in with us on vacations and study us studying them in their home country
8:43:01 PM B4UTRUST: they try to disguise themselves in americanized slogan tshirts in an attempt to be stealthy
8:43:10 PM steeleffigy: with sunglasses
8:43:19 PM steeleffigy: don't forget the the great power of sunglasses
8:43:25 PM B4UTRUST: which makes it all the more amusing when you see some 14 year old busty japanese schoolgirl whereing a shirt that says "I love cock!"
8:44:18 PM steeleffigy: yes, yes it does
8:46:13 PM B4UTRUST: it's like a pedophile's wet dream over there man
8:46:15 PM B4UTRUST: I'm telling you
8:46:26 PM B4UTRUST: except then they get all pissy and butthurt when you try to take them up on their t-shirts offers
8:46:36 PM steeleffigy: I sense a story
8:46:51 PM B4UTRUST: most of the butthurt comes from them clenching and not relaxing but they just don't listen...
8:46:52 PM B4UTRUST: I mean, what?
8:50:53 PM steeleffigy: ...
8:50:58 PM steeleffigy: I heard nothing
8:53:56 PM B4UTRUST: they were asking for it in my opinion
8:54:01 PM B4UTRUST: their shirts were an open invitation
8:54:19 PM B4UTRUST: I mean huh?
9:02:55 PM steeleffigy: the keys are right next to each other, its ok
9:03:16 PM B4UTRUST: common typographical error
9:03:19 PM B4UTRUST: could have happened to anyone
9:04:02 PM steeleffigy: exactly
9:04:06 PM B4UTRUST: it's like all of a sudden you're typing out an eloquent and insightful comment about the state of the economic decline but you hit a wrong key or two and all of a sudden you're making posts concerning the sodomization of japanese schoolgirls
9:09:49 PM B4UTRUST: it's the damnedest thing and I can't figure out how it happens
9:10:32 PM steeleffigy: terrible, someone should look into redesigning the keyboard layout
9:11:30 PM B4UTRUST: They should. It makes a simple typographical error into an international incident involving pedophilia and anal sodomy. And it started out as such a wonderfully well thought out prose on the falling value of the American dollar.
9:11:53 PM steeleffigy: indeed, it's amazing how economics and anal sex are usually related
9:13:08 PM B4UTRUST: Usually that is indeed the case which makes it, sadly, all the more easier for a simple innocent conversation to accidently be turned towards such unsavory concepts as debauchery and japanese pornographic films
Ah, the great discussion of international economics.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by rhoenix »

[16:04] steeleffigy: yar
[16:05] B4UTRUST: yai?
[16:05] steeleffigy: the ninja greeting!
[16:05] steeleffigy: have you joined THEM?
[16:07] B4UTRUST: *whips off mask to reveal slanted eyes* I've always been with them. Your slow pirate mind could just not ifgure it out!
[16:08] steeleffigy: This means WAR!
[16:08] steeleffigy: after drinking
[16:08] steeleffigy: after all, you already have your ninja sake
[16:09] B4UTRUST: Hai
[16:09] steeleffigy: know how I knew?
[16:09] steeleffigy: since otherwise you wouldn't pick a fight with a pirate, stupidass ninja
[16:10] steeleffigy: the two most terrible forces in the universe, each subject to the inverse square law
[16:11] B4UTRUST: *eyes narrow* Kyuusen tameni za okurimono
[16:11] steeleffigy: Careful, I see another ninja
[16:12] B4UTRUST: Kore wa, doro, kaizoku no owari desu
[16:12] B4UTRUST: Omae o korosu
[16:12] steeleffigy: yep, I definitely see some other ninjas over there - you'd better chase them off before you start sucking out loud
[16:13] B4UTRUST: *snorts and points behind you to your boat that is currently sinking beneath the water after the ninja team scuttled it*
[16:16] steeleffigy: oh hey, you sunk the ship we jacked from you
[16:16] steeleffigy: well, we were going to give it back as a peace offering to you guys, but...
[16:16] B4UTRUST: It had been tainted with the film of the pirate scum
[16:16] B4UTRUST: it had been dishonored
[16:16] steeleffigy: we did watch Pirates of the Carribbean on it, yes
[16:17] B4UTRUST: in death during war it may reclaim a portion of its honor
[16:17] B4UTRUST: at least this way it still has more honor than you, pirate scum
[16:17] steeleffigy: listen very closely
[16:17] B4UTRUST: Omae o Korosu
[16:17] steeleffigy: hear that?
[16:17] steeleffigy: that's a bunch of drunken pirates singing "hoist the colors" as they watch your ship burn
[16:17] B4UTRUST: Are they drinking too?
[16:18] steeleffigy: any self-respecting pirate that tries to sing already has so much alcohol in their system that they'd drown a horse
[16:18] steeleffigy: so, yes
[16:19] B4UTRUST: gee, I hope it wasn't those barrels of ale that were generously and freely given to them by the anonymous donors
[16:20] steeleffigy: nah, we used those to blow up the ship
[16:20] B4UTRUST: Good, because that was the unpoisoned ale ;)
[16:20] steeleffigy: ...I'm hearing the sound of silence
[16:20] steeleffigy: Oi, lads?
[16:21] steeleffigy: you seriously had all the bar's liquor poisoned - wow
[16:21] steeleffigy: I have to hand it to you, you ninjas must really hate us to want to poison an entire town
[16:21] B4UTRUST: Every bar and supply of alcohol for one hundred miles around
[16:21] steeleffigy: ...that's just cold blooded\
[16:21] B4UTRUST: The taint of you Gaijin could not be tolerated
[16:21] steeleffigy: In that case, we'll use all the cherry trees as firewood
[16:21] B4UTRUST: better they die peacefully then know the horrors of the war to come
[16:22] B4UTRUST: Like the likes of you could even navigate the waters of Nippon to get to our trees
[16:23] steeleffigy: heh
[16:23] steeleffigy: don't worry, we brought marshmallows
[16:23] steeleffigy: I have to say, ya'll have some good liquor
[16:23] steeleffigy: I prefer me a good bar wench to a geisha though, they're kind of uptight
[16:23] B4UTRUST: Good. Marshmellows are good. We will happily use them to consume over the burning embers of your boats. You have come to Nippon only to never leave again
[16:24] steeleffigy: are you SURE about that?
[16:24] steeleffigy: why don't you go check? ;)
[16:24] B4UTRUST: We have scuttled every boat for miles around japan
[16:24] B4UTRUST: no boat on or off this island nation
[16:25] steeleffigy: cool, NOW we'll land ;)
[16:25] B4UTRUST: Unless perhaps you intend to learn the sacred art of maho hiko
[16:25] steeleffigy: no, I came here to teach some geisha the sacred art of fellatio
[16:26] steeleffigy: and get drunk, but hey
[16:27] B4UTRUST: Ah, I see. And what, praytell, is it that you pirate scum wish to teach to those who have practiced the erotic arts for years without count and perfected them? Is it how to properly suckle vienna sausages that you pretend are the penises of real men? I assure you, they're already more than capable of handling such small fair. After all, they contend with the likes of this man!
[16:29] B4UTRUST: I ask you, where is your pirate god now?
[16:29] steeleffigy: probably getting fellatio
[16:30] steeleffigy: and as for the pirate god, he'd the the dude who can fire off three full clips in 3.9 seconds
[16:31] B4UTRUST: How quaint. Is he the one cowering like a bitch in the corner clutching at his silly little gun while our Samurai deftly cut his bullets out of the air?
[16:32] steeleffigy: No, he's the one lighting the fuse next to the building where all the Samurai are getting drunk
[16:32] B4UTRUST: that's impossible
[16:32] B4UTRUST: samurai would never allow themselves to lose their discipline in the middle of a war like that
[16:32] steeleffigy: *points*
[16:32] steeleffigy: you sure?
[16:32] B4UTRUST: you must mean those stupid drunken clods of yours we knocked out and dressed in our women's kimonos
[16:33] steeleffigy: ...oh goddammit
[16:33] steeleffigy: shit, too late
[16:33] steeleffigy: In that case, its time for the ultimate pirate attack
[16:33] steeleffigy: I believe you ninjas would call it "Ten Thousand Years of Golden Showers"
[16:34] B4UTRUST: we counter with the eternal public humiliation hell of bukkake
[16:34] steeleffigy: it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye
[16:34] B4UTRUST: then it's hilarious
[16:35] steeleffigy: and thus the war rages on - urine-filled skies versus spooge-filled skies
[16:35] B4UTRUST: and the world was torn asunder in their wake
[16:35] steeleffigy: Indeed
[16:35] steeleffigy: so how about a drink? ;)
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Hotfoot »

A bit of late night fun at AcNut's expense.
[02:57] AcNut64: Hey
[02:58] Hotfoot: yo
[02:58] AcNut64: I don't know if you know, but back when Dark Heresy first came out I'm almost certain there was a web supplement that included rules for vehicles. Do you remember anything like that?
[02:59] Hotfoot: vaguely, yeah
[02:59] Hotfoot: I remember lighters and chimeras, right?
[03:00] AcNut64: Yeah, some basic stuff
[03:01] AcNut64: Probably got swallowed up into a black hole when Black Industries tanked, but I was just wondering if you might have it kicking around your files anywhere
[03:02] Hotfoot: probably somewhere, I'll keep an eye open
[03:02] AcNut64: Cool. I'll double check ze Google
[03:04] AcNut64: Also, apparently Deathwatch is due out this summer
[03:04] Hotfoot: yup
[03:04] Hotfoot: I wonder if they'll do rules for mass combat ;)
[03:05] AcNut64: Yeah, that would be useful if you were say taking on Orks or Nids
[03:06] Hotfoot: yeah, though they'll probably cut all the stats down to 10% or so, maybe even change the die type to something like a d6
[03:08] Hotfoot: I'm sorry, you walked into that one
[03:09] AcNut64: D'oh!
[03:09] AcNut64: You're a clever one you are
[03:10] Hotfoot: yes, well, I'm just hoping that their mini line does well, I hope they've got good Imperial Guard minis. ;)
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Post by Hotfoot »

To those of you I torment, you are not alone.
[20:54] Imperial Feline: the name for the part of the leg beneath the knee has just flow out of my head.
[21:06] Hotfoot: shin?
[21:07] Imperial Feline: yeah, got it already. shin's the front, calf is the back.
[21:07] Hotfoot: fair enough
[21:07] Hotfoot: Well, it could have been worse
[21:07] Imperial Feline: having it fly out of my brain was annoying though. I kept thinking of parts of the arm.
[21:07] Hotfoot: You could have forgotten the upper part of the arm, that would be humerus.
[21:07] Hotfoot: *rimshot*
[21:08] Imperial Feline: I may smite you with lightning for that.
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Post by Hotfoot »

This is a conversation I had with my parents just moments ago. They share a gmail account, so sometimes I don't know who's talking to me. Today, I knew it was my father. How?
Julia: You look to be on the road to a good recovery at this point, although it is still a long process when mono is involved
Aren't you happy you only had nono and not stereo?
Mono that is
me: thanks dad
Julia: I figured you needed a grroaner pun to wake up properly
I just knew.
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Post by frigidmagi »

[15:14] magithis: If it looks like a duck...
[15:14] braidedshinigami: It's Mr. Quackers?
[15:14] magithis: The drug dealer.
[15:18] braidedshinigami: Mr. Quackers is not a drug dealer
[15:18] braidedshinigami: your countless accusations are preposterous
[15:19] magithis: Uh Huh. And all those 8 balls of cocaine?
[15:20] magithis: Just holding it for a friend right?
[15:20] braidedshinigami: they were planted
[15:20] braidedshinigami: it was a setup
[15:20] braidedshinigami: it's a conspiracy
[15:20] magithis: Sure, sure. By the Greys or the Illuminati?
[15:22] braidedshinigami: *sighs* You act like they're the ones that do it all
[15:22] braidedshinigami: It was Majestic-12
The tradition lives!
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by B4UTRUST »

B4UTRUST: Look at my horse
B4UTRUST: My horse is amazing
B4UTRUST: Give it a lick
steeleffigy: give me a minute
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Post by Dark Silver »

[4:53 AM] DarekSilver001: otherwise, it'll be a rather grimdark future for Transverse
[4:53 AM] magithis: Well it's up to B4 and... Whose playing Jack again?
[4:53 AM] DarekSilver001: fisher
[4:54 AM] magithis: B4 and Fisher!?! The campaign rests on those two?
[4:54 AM] magithis: Well... It was a fun game and I'm very sorry about the Transverse.
[4:54 AM] magithis:
[4:56 AM] DarekSilver001: -laughs-
[4:56 AM] DarekSilver001: yeah
[4:56 AM] DarekSilver001: luckily, we have you and Charo....
[4:56 AM] DarekSilver001: ah fuck
[4:56 AM] DarekSilver001: well
[4:56 AM] DarekSilver001: there goes the Digi-verse...
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Dark Silver
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Post by Dark Silver »

darksilver: i will now sing and perform a interpritive dance to show my approval of events as they will logically unfold
darksilver: Swing from the hip now
darksilver: Swing from the hip now
darksilver: Swing from the hip now
darksilver: Swing!
Gen Havoc: You are actually the antichrist
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Post by Jason_Firewalker »

braidedshinigami 6:23 pm
(6:23:40 PM): You're talking to the guy who's said we need to get coke and pepsi to sponser the war, nuke the fuck out of a country, deradiate the glass we make and turn them into commerative collectors bottles
FirewalkerCOA 6:23 pm
(6:23:53 PM): ROFL

((Edited the chat-spam down to the joke. DO NOT POST A FULL CHAT, JUST FOR ONE JOKE!!))
Last edited by Jason_Firewalker on Mon May 31, 2010 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
'Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today — but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all'
-- Sir Issac Asimov

The True Resurrection would undo the chartrusing of the Gnome
-- My friend figuring out how to permanently turn a gnome chartreuse

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents
--HP Lovecraft in Call Of Cthulhu
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The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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Post by rhoenix »

[02:31] DarkSilver: of couse, I managed to get a small, 5 day break back home that ended about...12 days ago
[02:32] DarkSilver: I have my laptop, I bring a arseload of digital media and play some video games....browse the web...I've reintroduced myself to /b/ and allow myself to be amused by the antics of the folks there
[02:32] DarkSilver: oh
[02:32] DarkSilver: and I do work
[02:32] DarkSilver: gets rather boring, let me tell you
[02:32] rhoenix: you are amused by /b/ tards at work ;)
[02:32] rhoenix: this says much
[02:32] DarkSilver: indeed
[02:32] DarkSilver: the fact that I even STARTED going back to /b/ after staying away from it for years?
[02:32] DarkSilver: that there
[02:32] DarkSilver: should say a great deal about it
[02:33] rhoenix: very much
Slow down there, Turbo - the Fun Police will start knocking on your door.

Then they'll have to wait until you get home to talk with you - until then, they'll leave a strongly-worded letter to show their displeasure.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by rhoenix »

[01:05] General Havoc: Nope. Repenting won't save you
[01:05] General Havoc: Abandon all hope.
[01:05] rhoenix: I know just the thing to restore hope to all humanity
[01:06] rhoenix: even my own doomed soul
[01:06] rhoenix: may it save your tainted soul as well
[01:06] rhoenix:
[01:09] General Havoc: l...
[01:09] General Havoc: ...
[01:09] General Havoc: ...
[01:09] General Havoc: There are no words
[01:09] rhoenix: see? it's working already!
Aww. No salvation for Mingo today.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Jason_Firewalker »

braidedshinigami 2:43 pm
(2:43:38 PM): Look at my truck, my truck is amazing
(2:43:39 PM): give it a lick!
FirewalkerCOA 2:44 pm
(2:44:33 PM): mind you my tounge puts that in the mouth of gene simmons to shame and st bernards got less saliva then I do
braidedshinigami 2:44 pm
(2:44:54 PM): I'm sure the girls love you
FirewalkerCOA 2:45 pm
(2:45:07 PM): yes they do.... all 5 at once
'Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today — but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all'
-- Sir Issac Asimov

The True Resurrection would undo the chartrusing of the Gnome
-- My friend figuring out how to permanently turn a gnome chartreuse

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents
--HP Lovecraft in Call Of Cthulhu
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The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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Post by rhoenix »

[00:23] rhoenix: so is that like the "good cop, bad cop" kind of thing?
[00:23] LimePink: -smirks-
[00:23] LimePink: -nods-
[00:24] LimePink: Im all about the carrot and the stick
[00:24] LimePink: Except the carrot is a bacon/chocolate cake depending on gender
[00:24] LimePink: And the stick seems very small
[00:24] LimePink: But then in reality the stick is a thousand whip-lashing knives of FIRE
[00:24] LimePink: so its a VERY clear choice
[00:24] rhoenix: ...wouldn't that burn the carrot?
[00:24] LimePink: Its not carrot
[00:24] LimePink: Its BACON
[00:24] LimePink: it COOKS it
[00:25] LimePink: and it warms the hot fudge sauce for the cake
[00:25] rhoenix: so basically you smell like bacon all the time
[00:25] rhoenix: bacon and chocolate
[00:25] LimePink: >.>
[00:25] LimePink: You know
[00:25] LimePink: I was joking that bacon perfume would assure you attract good bfs
[00:25] rhoenix: ...
[00:25] LimePink: But i think id die inside if i smelled like bacon
[00:25] LimePink: DIE
[00:25] rhoenix: I'd really worry
[00:25] rhoenix: I know that there's a bacon-flavored vodka now
[00:25] LimePink: Congratulations
[00:25] rhoenix: I don't drink at all, and knowing of that's existence basically ensures I never will
[00:26] LimePink: You just caused my gag reflex without me ever having been within 1000 miles of your penis.
Last edited by rhoenix on Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Cynical Cat
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Post by Cynical Cat »

Talking with Stofsk about Underbelly
imperialfeline 11:39 pm
But it was weird, because I started watching the first series just right after Carl Williams was murdered. I was "hey, Stofsk just posted about this dude getting killed."
Stofsk 11:39 pmi should update that thread
a corrupt ex-cop's murder trial coincidentally was dropped after carl williams' death
Stofsk 11:40 pm
lol 'coincidence'
imperialfeline 11:41 pm
I'm sure no corrupt ex cop charged with murder would ever stoop to a jailyard hit.
Stofsk 11:42 pm
especially not when the murder victims were themselves people who were going to inform on him... :)
imperialfeline 11:43 pm
But that would be wrong.
Stofsk 11:46 pm
well he dodged a bullet, so to speak
imperialfeline 11:46 pm
Or fired one, metaphorically.
Stofsk 11:46 pm
now a free man... until vicpol decides to put on the clownshoes and try to get him for something else, only to fuck it up
imperialfeline 11:49 pm
I find your lack of faith disturbing.:-)
Stofsk 11:51 pm
i shouldn't be so flippant, after all if anyone knows how to rail road somebody it's vicpol (y)
imperialfeline 11:51 pm
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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