Onto DS's Trek tale. Overall, a good preview of where you're going with this (either for a continued story or another game), and is tantalizing in doing so.
With that said, let's examine some typos - I'll boldface the corrections I'm making.
And...DS, Firefox has a built-in spellchecker now. Just saying.
Dark Silver wrote:"We are the Borg. You will be annihilated. Your Biological and Technological distinctiveness has become irrelevant. Resistance is futile...but welcome."
The monotone voice droned through he communications channel. Moments ago, a Borg Cube had appeared from seemingly nowhere above the planet Hypodron IV, surrounded by a wave task force of Spheres and even several of the not oft-seen Wedges.
A Borg armada had come. Before it, hovering in a protective formation, a fleet of Federation Starships had gathered. Ever since the Borg blitzkrieg attack that destroyed Borolia and Acamar and handed them the Federation's Multi-Vector Agent which was meant to finish the war once and for all.
A little over two months ago, the Enterprise-E had succeeded in a mission to destroy the captured and assimilated U.S.S. Einstein. Within a month of it's success, two Borg Cubes appeared mysteriously over the two planets - both five sectors from each other. A attempt to infect the Borg with the Agent resulted in failure, as the Borg had struck down the Away Team sent after them, instead of assimilating them. With a captured sample of the Multi-vector Agent brought onboard by Lt. Leybenzon as a last ditch effort to infect a Drone, the Borg adapted and became immune.
And now they had come. Borg ships appearing in Federation space, come not to assimilate, but to annihilate.
"Full power to weapons," Captain Trevor Sanchez of the U.S.S. Heritage ordered. Crew members responded to the orders, as the Defiant-Class Starship prepared for combat. In space above the planet, over fifty other starships and the "Hyperion" class Starbase armed their weapons and powered up their shields.
The Borg fleet remained motionless for a moment, before a flight of Wedges broke off and dived for the Federation formation.
Borg disruptors and Federation phasers and torpedoes cut through the depths of space, the Star Fleet ships breaking formation and running in multiple directions.
The battle was joined.
Borg Wedges drove into the Federation ships, weapons slicing out into shields of the Excelsior, Galaxy, Sabre and Luna class starships, dotted with the smaller explosions as Pergrine-class fighters were swatted out of the way. The Spheres floated lazily forward, disruptor beams impacting Federation shields, causing them to glow and flicker.
Two Excelsior class ship, the Lichton and the Dorsat, speed towards the Cube, which until now had not fired a single shot - but instead was drifting towards the planet and it's starbase.
Phasers cut through the blackness of space, striking at the monolithic cube, only to be intercepted by a group of Spheres. Borg torpedoes flew from the smaller ships. The Dorsat's shields flared under the barrage of green torpedoes, till it's shields failed, and torpedoes instead impacted on the hull. The first torpedo blasted into the center of the saucer section, ripping upward through the lower sensor dome, and out through he bridge dome. Three more torpedoes struck the ship's engineering hull, and breached the antimatter containment systems. Fragment of the Dorsat exploded outward, impacting the port flank of the Lichton.
The Spheres changed targets even as the Federation ship exploded. The Litchton attempted to put distance between itself and the Spheres, finding it's aft under assault by a flight of Wedges. Seconds later, the Lichton's shields buckled, and the ship was engulfed in a warp core breach.
There you are. Hope this helps.