Witch Hunter: The Invisible World
Moderator: B4UTRUST
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
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There were several generals known for being quakers (Nathan Green from the revolution was brought one but thrown out for attending military events for example) all of them were fighting in direct violation of their religions orders. Many were expunged from their church for doing so. In short... Yes, but they were crappy quakers. Good men, but crappy quakers.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- Comrade Tortoise
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- Location: Land of steers and queers indeed
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All that means is that while everyone else may think he is an asshole, he can sleep with a clean conscience.frigidmagi wrote:There were several generals known for being quakers (Nathan Green from the revolution was brought one but thrown out for attending military events for example) all of them were fighting in direct violation of their religions orders. Many were expunged from their church for doing so. In short... Yes, but they were crappy quakers. Good men, but crappy quakers.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Comrade Tortoise
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- Location: Land of steers and queers indeed
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Hotfoot wrote:Okay, all players will start off with 15 hero points (remember that 10 hero points = 1 true faith) and 20 survival points.
Make your selections wisely. The game will start tomorrow.
I loooooove you
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- General Havoc
- Mr. Party-Killbot
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Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
- Haizu
- Initiate
- Posts: 371
- Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 9:47 pm
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Character Complete, let me know if there are any adjustments that need be made.
Those who do evil to others...the killers, rapists, psychos, sadists...you'll come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me....The Punisher.
The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
- General Havoc
- Mr. Party-Killbot
- Posts: 5245
- Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:12 pm
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- Location: The City that is not Frisco
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Name: Sébastien D'Artois
Nationality: French
Religion: Catholic
Order: Stalwarts of St. Christopher
Class: Duelist (Special Ability: Collected)
Catalyst: The Witness
Hero Points: 5
True Faith: 2
Damnation: 0
Vice: Prideful
Virtue: Just
Jean-Claude Sébastien de Saint Omer was born in the northern county of Artois to petty French-Flemish nobility in 1659, a year after the Treaty of the Pyrenees ended French involvement in the Thirty Years' War, and transferred the Feudal county of Artois to French suzerainty. The younger of two sons, Sébastien was, like many second sons, dispatched at a young age to Paris to become a retainer at the court of Louis XVI, at Versailles. Initially a royal page, Sébastien was permitted to join the famous Musketeers of the Guard upon attaining his majority, thanks to his skill with a blade and his familial connections. He served in this ceremonial unit with distinction, eventually winning a coveted posting to the elite Garde de la Manche (Guards of the Sleeve, so-named because they stood so close to the King as to rub sleeves with him), the personal guards of the King of France himself. His family semi-impoverished, Sébastien's promising and illustrious career was expected to restore his family to wealth and influence within the Kingdom.
That it did not, was perhaps Sébastien's own fault, stemming from one terrible incident in the winter of 1684. On Christmas Night, as he was returning to his lodgings after being relieved from duty, Sébastien came upon a young scullery maid in the employ of the Comte (Count) of Hautefort in the gardens of the opulent palace, running terrified through the snow and babbling incoherently about some manner of horrific act. Imagining that the poor girl had been assaulted by ruffians or would-be cutthroats, Sébastien directed her to lead him to the perpetrators. Rather than a band of miscreants however, the girl tearfully led Sébastien to a disused guest manor near the edge of Versailles, where, peering through the windows, he found a terrible ritual taking place. Robed, masked men were standing in a circle around a bloodstained alter, upon which was the mutilated corpse of a small child. Carven instruments of bone lay next to the child's body, and looming above the alter stood a dark, savage monster, with bat wings and the head of a goat. The robed men were doing homage to the creature, falling to their knees and intoning arcane venerations in Latin and other tongues, and while Sébastien could not see the faces of the masked men, he recognized an opulent ring on the finger of the man nearest the creature as belonging to the powerful Comte d"Hautefort himself.
Had he been alone, he might have burst into the proceedings then and there, sword in hand, in the name of the King of France, but the maid begged him in tears on her knees not to attract attention, saying that her master was in consort with demons and she feared to become a sacrifice herself. Reluctantly, he agreed to her request, and escorted her to safety within the palace guard barracks, before mustering a company of Royal Musketeers and returning in force to the scene of the heinous crime. Too late. By the time the Musketeers arrived, the building was empty, scrubbed clean of all traces of the foul ritual. What's worse, upon returning to the Palace with the Musketeers, Sébastien found to his horror that the terrified maid who had alerted him in the first place, had disappeared. The guards on duty swore that they had seen nothing, that she had simply entered a room and vanished without a trace. Though he turned out half the guard and scoured the entire palace in search of her, Sébastien was unable to find a trace of the young girl, save for a torn piece of head scarf caught on a torch sconce, singed black and soaked with blood.
No doubt the perpetrators of this heinous deed now reckoned themselves safe, having eliminated both evidence and witnesses of the foul act, without which nothing could be proven or even accused, save for gossip and hearsay. If so, they had reckoned wrong. The very next day, as the King was holding court within the Palace, Sébastien walked up to the Comte d'Hautefort directly, and, before the entire court, smote him across the face with his hand, calling him a foul and cursed villain, murderer, and worshiper of devils, before removing his glove and throwing it to the ground in full view of the King and half of the nobility of France. Had the Count kept a level head, and appealed to the King for redress for this grotesque insult, he might have turned the tables on the Guardsman, but the Count's temper got the better of him, and he not only took up the awful challenge, but drew his sword. A terrible mistake. Highly skilled, superbly trained, and with the heat of boiling anger upon him, Sébastien was more than a match for the Count's swordcraft, and struck him dead on the spot, on the floor of the Grande Salon, before King and court alike.
Having slain a man (even in all honor) before the entire court, the King, and the major nobility of France, Sébastien yielded to the royal guards and was sent to the Bastille to await judgment which could not be long in coming, for the Comte D'Hautefort was an influential and powerful man, with many friends in high places. Yet King Louis XIV, a subtle and proud monarch in his own right, did not order Sébastien's death. Perhaps the reason was politics, perhaps the King suspected that Sébastien's allegations had merit, or perhaps he simply took pity on a loyal servant who had defended his very person by sword and pistol. Whatever the reason, three days after his incarceration, Sébastien was almost literally smuggled out of the Bastille by his own jailers, and told simply to leave France as quickly as possible.
Such was the mercy of the King. The mercy of the diabolists that he had interrupted and accosted however was not quite as forgiving. Traveling by horse to Calais, and by ship to Dover, Sébastien did not manage to elude their clutches for long. Several weeks later, on a quiet road in the south English downs, he was set upon by a host of terrible revenants. With little time to prepare, Sébastien drew weapons and prepared to sell his life dearly, but from nowhere came an unexpected savior, an old man on a broken-down horse, who struck the mob of undead creatures from behind and scattered them with blows of axe and sabre. Having dispatched the remaining foes, the old man introduced himself to the astonished young guardsman as Godfrey of Northumbria, member of an order called the Stalwarts of St. Christopher...
Five years later, a flamboyant Frenchman known only as Sébastien d'Artois, who claimed to be a Musketeer, and a member of something called the 'La Garde Vaillant de Saint-Christophe', took ship from Portsmouth to the Colony of New France across the ocean. What purpose he had in going there was unknown to crew or passengers, for whenever he was asked his intentions, he would smile, and say only that he wished to set eyes upon a new land, and see what manner of men lived within it, and offer to treat the stranger to a cup of wine, if they would be only so kind tell him any news they might have heard of Versailles...
French (Native Language): 4 (Literate)
English: 2
Latin: 1
German: 1
Strength: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 3
Education: 3
Reason: 3
Will: 2
Courage: 4
Intuition: 2
Personality: 3
Class Skills:
Acrobatics 1
Construct (Artist) 1
Endurance 1
Firearms 2
Hand to Hand 4
Parry 2 (Skilled Talent)
Elective Skills
Reflexes 1
Charm 2
Ride 1
Gamble 1
Resolve 1
Basic Fighting Style: Faith in Steel (Unlocks Faith in Steel Talents)
Balanced Strikes (Reduces Dual-Weapon penalty by 1)
Block and Strike (Deal damage on extra parry successes)
Skilled: Parry (Makes Parry a Class Skill)
Inheritance (+31 Pounds starting)
Attack Focus Rapier (-1 Weapon Complexity)
Current Money:
24 Pounds
0 Crowns
0 Shillings
1 Pennies
1 Farthings
4 pounds powder/shot
Fencing Jacket
Riding Horse, Quality
Gentleman’s Clothing
Long Coat
Prayer Book
Rope (10 yards)
6 day’s rations
6 pints quality wine
1 pound Spices
3x Paper
Nationality: French
Religion: Catholic
Order: Stalwarts of St. Christopher
Class: Duelist (Special Ability: Collected)
Catalyst: The Witness
Hero Points: 5
True Faith: 2
Damnation: 0
Vice: Prideful
Virtue: Just
Jean-Claude Sébastien de Saint Omer was born in the northern county of Artois to petty French-Flemish nobility in 1659, a year after the Treaty of the Pyrenees ended French involvement in the Thirty Years' War, and transferred the Feudal county of Artois to French suzerainty. The younger of two sons, Sébastien was, like many second sons, dispatched at a young age to Paris to become a retainer at the court of Louis XVI, at Versailles. Initially a royal page, Sébastien was permitted to join the famous Musketeers of the Guard upon attaining his majority, thanks to his skill with a blade and his familial connections. He served in this ceremonial unit with distinction, eventually winning a coveted posting to the elite Garde de la Manche (Guards of the Sleeve, so-named because they stood so close to the King as to rub sleeves with him), the personal guards of the King of France himself. His family semi-impoverished, Sébastien's promising and illustrious career was expected to restore his family to wealth and influence within the Kingdom.
That it did not, was perhaps Sébastien's own fault, stemming from one terrible incident in the winter of 1684. On Christmas Night, as he was returning to his lodgings after being relieved from duty, Sébastien came upon a young scullery maid in the employ of the Comte (Count) of Hautefort in the gardens of the opulent palace, running terrified through the snow and babbling incoherently about some manner of horrific act. Imagining that the poor girl had been assaulted by ruffians or would-be cutthroats, Sébastien directed her to lead him to the perpetrators. Rather than a band of miscreants however, the girl tearfully led Sébastien to a disused guest manor near the edge of Versailles, where, peering through the windows, he found a terrible ritual taking place. Robed, masked men were standing in a circle around a bloodstained alter, upon which was the mutilated corpse of a small child. Carven instruments of bone lay next to the child's body, and looming above the alter stood a dark, savage monster, with bat wings and the head of a goat. The robed men were doing homage to the creature, falling to their knees and intoning arcane venerations in Latin and other tongues, and while Sébastien could not see the faces of the masked men, he recognized an opulent ring on the finger of the man nearest the creature as belonging to the powerful Comte d"Hautefort himself.
Had he been alone, he might have burst into the proceedings then and there, sword in hand, in the name of the King of France, but the maid begged him in tears on her knees not to attract attention, saying that her master was in consort with demons and she feared to become a sacrifice herself. Reluctantly, he agreed to her request, and escorted her to safety within the palace guard barracks, before mustering a company of Royal Musketeers and returning in force to the scene of the heinous crime. Too late. By the time the Musketeers arrived, the building was empty, scrubbed clean of all traces of the foul ritual. What's worse, upon returning to the Palace with the Musketeers, Sébastien found to his horror that the terrified maid who had alerted him in the first place, had disappeared. The guards on duty swore that they had seen nothing, that she had simply entered a room and vanished without a trace. Though he turned out half the guard and scoured the entire palace in search of her, Sébastien was unable to find a trace of the young girl, save for a torn piece of head scarf caught on a torch sconce, singed black and soaked with blood.
No doubt the perpetrators of this heinous deed now reckoned themselves safe, having eliminated both evidence and witnesses of the foul act, without which nothing could be proven or even accused, save for gossip and hearsay. If so, they had reckoned wrong. The very next day, as the King was holding court within the Palace, Sébastien walked up to the Comte d'Hautefort directly, and, before the entire court, smote him across the face with his hand, calling him a foul and cursed villain, murderer, and worshiper of devils, before removing his glove and throwing it to the ground in full view of the King and half of the nobility of France. Had the Count kept a level head, and appealed to the King for redress for this grotesque insult, he might have turned the tables on the Guardsman, but the Count's temper got the better of him, and he not only took up the awful challenge, but drew his sword. A terrible mistake. Highly skilled, superbly trained, and with the heat of boiling anger upon him, Sébastien was more than a match for the Count's swordcraft, and struck him dead on the spot, on the floor of the Grande Salon, before King and court alike.
Having slain a man (even in all honor) before the entire court, the King, and the major nobility of France, Sébastien yielded to the royal guards and was sent to the Bastille to await judgment which could not be long in coming, for the Comte D'Hautefort was an influential and powerful man, with many friends in high places. Yet King Louis XIV, a subtle and proud monarch in his own right, did not order Sébastien's death. Perhaps the reason was politics, perhaps the King suspected that Sébastien's allegations had merit, or perhaps he simply took pity on a loyal servant who had defended his very person by sword and pistol. Whatever the reason, three days after his incarceration, Sébastien was almost literally smuggled out of the Bastille by his own jailers, and told simply to leave France as quickly as possible.
Such was the mercy of the King. The mercy of the diabolists that he had interrupted and accosted however was not quite as forgiving. Traveling by horse to Calais, and by ship to Dover, Sébastien did not manage to elude their clutches for long. Several weeks later, on a quiet road in the south English downs, he was set upon by a host of terrible revenants. With little time to prepare, Sébastien drew weapons and prepared to sell his life dearly, but from nowhere came an unexpected savior, an old man on a broken-down horse, who struck the mob of undead creatures from behind and scattered them with blows of axe and sabre. Having dispatched the remaining foes, the old man introduced himself to the astonished young guardsman as Godfrey of Northumbria, member of an order called the Stalwarts of St. Christopher...
Five years later, a flamboyant Frenchman known only as Sébastien d'Artois, who claimed to be a Musketeer, and a member of something called the 'La Garde Vaillant de Saint-Christophe', took ship from Portsmouth to the Colony of New France across the ocean. What purpose he had in going there was unknown to crew or passengers, for whenever he was asked his intentions, he would smile, and say only that he wished to set eyes upon a new land, and see what manner of men lived within it, and offer to treat the stranger to a cup of wine, if they would be only so kind tell him any news they might have heard of Versailles...
French (Native Language): 4 (Literate)
English: 2
Latin: 1
German: 1
Strength: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 3
Education: 3
Reason: 3
Will: 2
Courage: 4
Intuition: 2
Personality: 3
Class Skills:
Acrobatics 1
Construct (Artist) 1
Endurance 1
Firearms 2
Hand to Hand 4
Parry 2 (Skilled Talent)
Elective Skills
Reflexes 1
Charm 2
Ride 1
Gamble 1
Resolve 1
Basic Fighting Style: Faith in Steel (Unlocks Faith in Steel Talents)
Balanced Strikes (Reduces Dual-Weapon penalty by 1)
Block and Strike (Deal damage on extra parry successes)
Skilled: Parry (Makes Parry a Class Skill)
Inheritance (+31 Pounds starting)
Attack Focus Rapier (-1 Weapon Complexity)
Current Money:
24 Pounds
0 Crowns
0 Shillings
1 Pennies
1 Farthings
4 pounds powder/shot
Fencing Jacket
Riding Horse, Quality
Gentleman’s Clothing
Long Coat
Prayer Book
Rope (10 yards)
6 day’s rations
6 pints quality wine
1 pound Spices
3x Paper
Last edited by General Havoc on Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
- Posts: 7998
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:: Character Bio ::
Character Name: Aaron Pendra
Religion: Deist
Nationality: New Worlder
Background: Folk Healer (When making a Heal check, may ignore up to 2 dice worth of penalties due to injury level, or inauspicious circumstances)
Social Standing: Commoner
Catalyst: Sole Survivor (he and his entire family were caught by creatures of darkness when he was 12 - a Witch Hunter of the new Dawn brought him back from death, and became his teacher soon afterward)
Order: Apostle of the New Dawn (may attempt to recreate a prayer or Hermetic rite effect without needing the requisite talents & rite knowledge, but must still meet listed requirements - increases normal difficulty by +2. An Apostle may not recreate the same spell effect twice in the same adventure.)
Sin: Prideful
Virtue: Truthful
True Faith: 3
Damnation: 0
Hero Points: 5
Survival Points: 20
Defense: (avg. of Reflexes & Toughness, round up) 3 + 2 (buff coat armor)
:: Abilities ::
Physical: Strength: 2, Reflexes: 3, Toughness: 3
Mental: Education: 3, Reason: 2, Will: 3
Social: Courage: 4, Intuition: 4, Personality: 2
:: Skills :: (boldface are background skills)
Skills (Fighting): Archery 1
Skills (Interaction): Empathy 2, Charm 1
Skills (Movement): Swim 1
Skills (Professional): Animal Care 1, Gossip 1, Heal 2, Herbalism 1, Myth & Lore 1, Sorcerous Tradition (Prayer) 2
Skills (Reaction): Notice 2, Concentration 1
:: Languages :: (English is native tongue)
English 3 (literate)
(11 Language points banked for later)
:: Talents ::
Pious (grants True Faith of 2)
Basic Prayer (allows access to Prayer rites)
Basic Rite: Blessing (grants access to Blessing rite for Prayer)
Skilled: Sorcerous Tradition (treats Sorcerous Tradition: Prayer as background skill)
:: Rites :: (for Prayer, common attrib. is Courage)
Blessing (can bless food/drink, an item, a location, or a person - see p.132 of main RPG)
:: Resources ::
(1 pound = 4 crowns = 20 shillings = 240 pennies = 960 farthings)
Funds (on hand): 6 pounds, 1 crown, 7 shillings, 30 pennies, 10 farthings
Funds (treasury): -
Equipment: 1 set of ordinary clothes, backpack, dagger, bedroll, blanket, waterskin, crossbow, buff coat, 30 crossbow bolts
Character Name: Aaron Pendra
Religion: Deist
Nationality: New Worlder
Background: Folk Healer (When making a Heal check, may ignore up to 2 dice worth of penalties due to injury level, or inauspicious circumstances)
Social Standing: Commoner
Catalyst: Sole Survivor (he and his entire family were caught by creatures of darkness when he was 12 - a Witch Hunter of the new Dawn brought him back from death, and became his teacher soon afterward)
Order: Apostle of the New Dawn (may attempt to recreate a prayer or Hermetic rite effect without needing the requisite talents & rite knowledge, but must still meet listed requirements - increases normal difficulty by +2. An Apostle may not recreate the same spell effect twice in the same adventure.)
Sin: Prideful
Virtue: Truthful
True Faith: 3
Damnation: 0
Hero Points: 5
Survival Points: 20
Defense: (avg. of Reflexes & Toughness, round up) 3 + 2 (buff coat armor)
:: Abilities ::
Physical: Strength: 2, Reflexes: 3, Toughness: 3
Mental: Education: 3, Reason: 2, Will: 3
Social: Courage: 4, Intuition: 4, Personality: 2
:: Skills :: (boldface are background skills)
Skills (Fighting): Archery 1
Skills (Interaction): Empathy 2, Charm 1
Skills (Movement): Swim 1
Skills (Professional): Animal Care 1, Gossip 1, Heal 2, Herbalism 1, Myth & Lore 1, Sorcerous Tradition (Prayer) 2
Skills (Reaction): Notice 2, Concentration 1
:: Languages :: (English is native tongue)
English 3 (literate)
(11 Language points banked for later)
:: Talents ::
Pious (grants True Faith of 2)
Basic Prayer (allows access to Prayer rites)
Basic Rite: Blessing (grants access to Blessing rite for Prayer)
Skilled: Sorcerous Tradition (treats Sorcerous Tradition: Prayer as background skill)
:: Rites :: (for Prayer, common attrib. is Courage)
Blessing (can bless food/drink, an item, a location, or a person - see p.132 of main RPG)
:: Resources ::
(1 pound = 4 crowns = 20 shillings = 240 pennies = 960 farthings)
Funds (on hand): 6 pounds, 1 crown, 7 shillings, 30 pennies, 10 farthings
Funds (treasury): -
Equipment: 1 set of ordinary clothes, backpack, dagger, bedroll, blanket, waterskin, crossbow, buff coat, 30 crossbow bolts
Last edited by rhoenix on Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:49 pm, edited 26 times in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
- Haizu
- Initiate
- Posts: 371
- Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 9:47 pm
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- Location: The blasted lands of Kilik'tor.
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Hopefully I understood the rule book correctly on this one.
Notice Roll 8 dice
Notice Roll 8 dice
Last edited by Haizu on Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Those who do evil to others...the killers, rapists, psychos, sadists...you'll come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me....The Punisher.
The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
You understand the rulebook, but not my method for running this game or how the dice function works.
First off, when you roll dice, you can't edit the post. When you do, you create fixed results, which are unreliable because you can take a fixed result to basically cheat.
Second, I'm not rolling dice for everything. The character sheets are to give basic ideas of what your character is capable of, but we are running rules-light.
First off, when you roll dice, you can't edit the post. When you do, you create fixed results, which are unreliable because you can take a fixed result to basically cheat.
Second, I'm not rolling dice for everything. The character sheets are to give basic ideas of what your character is capable of, but we are running rules-light.
- Haizu
- Initiate
- Posts: 371
- Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 9:47 pm
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- Location: The blasted lands of Kilik'tor.
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I didn't know that editing the post would generate that fixed result, all I did was add the first line of the post. And no rolling, gotcha, forgot that you weren't doing that. So my bad.
Those who do evil to others...the killers, rapists, psychos, sadists...you'll come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me....The Punisher.
The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
The world will look up and shout Save Us and I'll whisper..No.
- Soontir948
- Disciple
- Posts: 783
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:19 pm
- 19
- Location: Queens, NY
- Contact:
Name: Peter Cornwell
Religion: Anglican
Nationality: British
Catalyst: Lazarus Effect
Order: Lightbringers
Background: Bureaucrat (Tax Collector): Characters using Interaction skills against you take a -2 dice penalty.
Sin: Lustful
Virtue: Humble
Hero Points: 5
True Faith: 2
Survival Points: 0
STR: 2
AGI: 3
TOU: 3
EDU: 4
REA: 3
WIL: 2
COU: 2
INT: 3
PER: 4
Firearms 3 (+2 by 10 XP from Skilled talent)
Climb 1
Charm 2
Deceive: 1
Empathy 1
Evaluate: 1
Gossip: 1
Research 1
Survival 1
Track 1
Trade (Bureaucrat) 1
Trained Knowledge:
Geography 1 (5 XP)
Law 1
Politics 1 (5 XP)
Notice 1
Speak (English): 4 (Literate)
Speak (French): 3
5 language points left.
Lucky (B)
Skilled (B)
Swift (G)
Clothing and accessories:
Handkerchief (4d)
Hat (3s)
Holster (6d) 1lb
Suit (fine) (19s) 7lb
Backpack 2lb
Bedroll (4d) 5lb
Blanket (6d) 2lb
Book (2c) 1lb
Candle Tallow (1d2f)
Ink, 1oz (8s)
Paper (4d)
Pouch (1s)
Quill (1d)
Food and Drink:
2 Bread, loaf (2f)
Fruid, dried (2d) 1lb
Weapons: Firearms
Dagger (10d) 1lb
Dagger [Ring Bayonet] (2s 10d) 1lb
Musket (L5) 25lb
Pistol (L8) 5lb
10 Powder and Shot (10s) 10lb
Fencing Jacket (2s) 2lb
Total Weight: 53lb
Startings wealth: 50/2= 25 pounds
Current wealth: 8 pounds 18 shillings 35 cents
What is our weight carry limit?
Religion: Anglican
Nationality: British
Catalyst: Lazarus Effect
Order: Lightbringers
Background: Bureaucrat (Tax Collector): Characters using Interaction skills against you take a -2 dice penalty.
Sin: Lustful
Virtue: Humble
Hero Points: 5
True Faith: 2
Survival Points: 0
STR: 2
AGI: 3
TOU: 3
EDU: 4
REA: 3
WIL: 2
COU: 2
INT: 3
PER: 4
Firearms 3 (+2 by 10 XP from Skilled talent)
Climb 1
Charm 2
Deceive: 1
Empathy 1
Evaluate: 1
Gossip: 1
Research 1
Survival 1
Track 1
Trade (Bureaucrat) 1
Trained Knowledge:
Geography 1 (5 XP)
Law 1
Politics 1 (5 XP)
Notice 1
Speak (English): 4 (Literate)
Speak (French): 3
5 language points left.
Lucky (B)
Skilled (B)
Swift (G)
Clothing and accessories:
Handkerchief (4d)
Hat (3s)
Holster (6d) 1lb
Suit (fine) (19s) 7lb
Backpack 2lb
Bedroll (4d) 5lb
Blanket (6d) 2lb
Book (2c) 1lb
Candle Tallow (1d2f)
Ink, 1oz (8s)
Paper (4d)
Pouch (1s)
Quill (1d)
Food and Drink:
2 Bread, loaf (2f)
Fruid, dried (2d) 1lb
Weapons: Firearms
Dagger (10d) 1lb
Dagger [Ring Bayonet] (2s 10d) 1lb
Musket (L5) 25lb
Pistol (L8) 5lb
10 Powder and Shot (10s) 10lb
Fencing Jacket (2s) 2lb
Total Weight: 53lb
Startings wealth: 50/2= 25 pounds
Current wealth: 8 pounds 18 shillings 35 cents
What is our weight carry limit?
Last edited by Soontir948 on Sun May 02, 2010 12:32 pm, edited 9 times in total.
There's a chart, but basically it's the total of Strength and Toughness applied to a chart. For most people, it breaks down like this
3 = 25
4 = 50
5 = 75
6 = 100
Your Strength is 2, your toughness is 3, so 75 pounds is your limit.
3 = 25
4 = 50
5 = 75
6 = 100
Your Strength is 2, your toughness is 3, so 75 pounds is your limit.
Just as a reminder, most forms of ranged weapons, while potent, are not all that terribly reliable in close combat, due to the time it takes to reload, and you can't really reload when someone is stabbing you with a sword.
- Soontir948
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- Comrade Tortoise
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That is because the bayonet had not been invented yet. Musketeers had rapiers, and armies protected the shot part of their pike and shot formations with halberdiers.Soontir948 wrote:ON that thought, I just realized there's no bayonet for the musket.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
Given that the game is set in 1689, yes, Bayonets have been invented, and they are in the game. Page 100, under the description of Daggers, has listed the cost for a bayonet, which is 2s more than a normal dagger.
The can be a plug or ring version (your choice), though there's really no purpose to a plug version unless you like losing the ability to fire completely.
The can be a plug or ring version (your choice), though there's really no purpose to a plug version unless you like losing the ability to fire completely.
- Comrade Tortoise
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I thought those were invented later. Mae culpa.Hotfoot wrote:Given that the game is set in 1689, yes, Bayonets have been invented, and they are in the game. Page 100, under the description of Daggers, has listed the cost for a bayonet, which is 2s more than a normal dagger.
The can be a plug or ring version (your choice), though there's really no purpose to a plug version unless you like losing the ability to fire completely.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
On a more relevant historical note, it's been brought to my attention that Baltimore did not actually exist in 1689. Given it's prominence as a port city today, I thought for sure it had to be around back then, but apparently I'm off by 50 years or so.
As a result, we will take all references to Baltimore and replace them instead with Annapolis.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled game.
As a result, we will take all references to Baltimore and replace them instead with Annapolis.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled game.
- Soontir948
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Jason was about to get ready for bed when he noticed he received a new email. Upon opening the thread, he read a post that was directed at him.
You intend on me not sleeping, do you!
I'll get right on it.
You intend on me not sleeping, do you!

I'll get right on it.