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Post by frigidmagi »

STGOD stands for Structured, The Good Old Days. It's a game where you role play as the government/rulers of an entire nation. Think of it as sorta a simpler and communal version of Civilization or Europa Universalis.

As for the setting I would suggest an alt-history earth, the history to be actually written by the players (pro-tip, when writing your nation's history actually talk to and try to work in other players, it'll feel more believable and draw people in more). I would like to have the game in the 20th century and a good bit before modern day (I suggest anywhere from 1900 to 1930 from the start date). In order to prevent complications, nuclear weapons are banned. You can't make them, you can't invent them, you can't have them. Ditto biological weapons.

Now the rules I'm flat out stealing from another board, the writers going by the handles, Czechmate, Big Steve (who posts here) and Thanas. I'm stealing them because I frankly don't think I could up with better and... well why bother?
Simplicity itself. Simply assign your points to each of the categories until you run out. That'll give you the basis around which to write up the details of your nation.

Starting Points: 30


0. 1 million
1. 30 millions
2. 60 millions
3. 90 millions
4. 120 millions
5. 150 millions

Home Territory

0: National Land Area of <20,000 sq. kms
1: National Land Area of >20,000 sq. kms
2: National Land Area of >200,000 sq. kms
3: National Land Area of >600,000 sq. kms
4: National Land Area of >2,000,000 sq. kms
5: National Land Area of >6,000,000 sq. kms

Colonial Territory

0: Nothing
1: Colonial Land Area of <200,000 sq. kms
2: Colonial Land Area of >200,000 sq. kms +1 population
3: Colonial Land Area of >600,000 sq. kms+ 1 to population+1 economy
4: Colonial Land Area of >1,000,000 sq. kms+2 to population +1 economy
5: Colonial Land Area of >2,000,000 sq. kms+2 to population,+2 economy


0: 30pts/3mo, size limit 10kt.
1: 60pts/3mo, size limit 20kt
2: 120pts/3mo, size limit 40kt (you need at least a total of 6 points in the following fields: population, infrastructure, economy and colonial possession)
3: 150pts/3mo, size limit 60kt (you need at least a total of 9 in the above-described fields) + 1 to a focus of your choice
4: 180pts/3mo, size limit 60kt (you need at least a total of 12 in the above-described fields with at least a 3 in population and a 3 in infrastructure) + 2 to a focus of your choice
5: 210pts/3mo, size limit 60kt (you need at least a total of 15 in the above-described fields with at least a 3 in population and a 4 in infrastructure) + 3 to a focus of your choice


0: No deficit in wartime allowed.
1: 25% deficit in wartime allowed
2: 50% deficit in wartime allowed
3: standard economy. 75% deficit in wartime allowed.
4: (you need at least a 3 in population for this) 100% deficit in wartime allowed
5: (you need at least a 3 in population and a 1 in colonial possessions for this) 125% deficit in wartime allowed


0: Your army cannot redeploy at all.
1: Your army can redeploy by the speed of foot marches (20 km a day)
2: Your army can redeploy to the speed of 18th century armies
3: Your army can redeploy by the speed of 18th century cavalry. Standard redeployment time.
4: Your army can redeploy by the speed of train. (You need at least a 3 in economy and a 3 in industrial might to pull this off)
5: Your army can redeploy from one end of your country to the other in a matter of two-three weeks (depending on size of nation). (You need a 4 in economy and a 4 in industrial might to pull this off)

NOTE: For home territory 4-5 this takes longer and will be decided by the mods.

Standing Military Limit

0: Your army consitsts of fortress and garrison divisions.
1. 40% of standard forces
2: 60% of standard forces
3: The standard for a typical nation.
4: 110% of forces to spend - 1 to economy
5: 120% of standard forces - 2 to economy and - 1 to industry. At least a value of 3 in population and a 3 in economy needed.

Naval Focus

0: You have your ship of state
1: Total capship tonnage: 0,3 million, total BB tonnage may not exceed more than 0,2 million tons Combined Industry/Economy level of 4 needed
2: Total capship tonnage: 0,6m, total BB tonnage < 0,4 m. t. Combined Industry/Economy level of 6
3: Total capship tonnage: 0,9 million, total BB tonnage may not exceed more than 0,6 million tons Combined Industry/Economy level of 8
4: Total capship tonnage: 1,2m, total BB tonnage may not exceed 0,8 million tons. Combined Industry/Economy level of 8
5: Total capital ship tonnage may not exceed 1,5 million standard tons tonnage, total bb tonnage may not exceed more than 1 million standard tons Needs a combined industry/economy level of 10

(Note: Placeholder tonnages until we can make sure of the limits we want. Shipyard statistics may also be added.)

Army Focus

0: You have no army except your personal guard
1: Your standing army is 200.000 men
2:Your standing army is 400.000 men
3: Your standing army is 600.000 men
4: Your standing army is 800.000 men
5: Your standing army is 1 million men

NOTE: You also have reserves. These are:
if Economy and Infrastructure = 10 points, then they are 20% of your population
if Economy and Infrastructure = 9 points, then they are 18% of your population.
(scales down to....)
If Economy and/or Infrastructure = 1 point, then they are 2% of your population.

Air Focus

0: You refuse to embrace these ridiculous flying contraptions.
1: You have 120 aircraft
2: You have 240 aircraft
3: You have 360 aircraft
4: You have 480 aircraft
5: You have 600 aircraft
Do I have any takers?
Last edited by frigidmagi on Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

I might... and have dibs on germany... ;)
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

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Post by rhoenix »

With the people here, this could be very interesting indeed. I'll likely take Japan if there's enough interest.
Last edited by rhoenix on Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by frigidmagi »

For the record I intend to play as Taiping China, controlling the Southern and central coastal areas of the nation.
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Post by Steve »

Preliminary claim on the United Republics of California and Cascadia, aka Pacifica. :smile:

Territorial claim, though I'll reduce Sonora and Alberta if asked:

(Yeah, I have land grab fever. But eh, I'll compromise for other players, I don't know if I'll be more active here or SDNW3 anyway. :smile:)

Colony claims include Hawaii, Midway, Wake, the Caroline Islands, the Bismarck/New Britain Archipelago, and southern Australia, though the last I would cut for another player or a British player looking to maintain a more historical British Empire. If not Southern Australia, Eastern New Guinea and the Solomons.

(Heh, SDNW3's British player forswearing Australia has triggered a landgrab. hee.)

I can play a different sort of game here than I will over in SDNW3, plus if the time periods are similar I can simply use ship designs and such in both games. :grin:

And for the mod convenience here:

I'm using one of these in SDNW3. You can thank Czechmate for them. :smile:
Last edited by Steve on Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
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Post by Hadrianvs »

I think I would be interested in playing the Russian Bear, though I at first glance it looks like I'll have to compromise on any attempts to make it historical. Dammed equitable points system... Hopefully nobody will be playing the Eastern Roman Empire, so long as they're around I can't very well claim to be the Third Rome.

My ideal date would be 1900-1910. Before the Great War, and either immediately before or immediately after the first All-Big-Gun Battleships are designed and built by the Great Powers. I just love that time period, the 19th century has ended, but its fruits will not allow it to go quietly. The results of the industrial revolution are massively changing paradigms in both the civilian and military spheres, and the world is rushing headlong toward a catastrophic clash of both pens and swords.

It would be great fun, we get to rebuild our navies, re-organize our armies, and start making the very first air forces. Then when war breaks out, it's trenches, artillery, and poison gas!
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Post by Ezekiel »

Hello folks. I'm Czechmate, but I used a different handle here cause it's actually the more common for me. Thanks for the props about the ruleset and such.

Couple-three things:

Firstly, the ruleset as posted isn't entirely what it was intended to be (not as I'd intended it, anyway), and if you lads are open to it I'd like to tinker with it for a couple days. Mostly to streamline it and make it a little more understandable and certainly more relaxed.

Secondly, I made a really wonderfully crazy anachronistic map to go with this particular ruleset, which was meant for games between 1890 and 1950, with some fun stuff on it. If you want to use it, it's here: ... 1256426868

Thirdly, this kind of game (any forum game, really) is also called a Story Debate or SD, which I find infinitely easier to type out than 'STGOD'. It also helps that that's what they're called on the forum where I learned to play and make this stuff. :grin:

EDIT: Also, dibs on Prussia. Failing that, the USA/CSA.
Last edited by Ezekiel on Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rhoenix »

Ezekiel wrote:Hello folks. I'm Czechmate, but I used a different handle here cause it's actually the more common for me. Thanks for the props about the ruleset and such.
Awesome, even better to see you here.
Ezekiel wrote:Firstly, the ruleset as posted isn't entirely what it was intended to be (not as I'd intended it, anyway), and if you lads are open to it I'd like to tinker with it for a couple days. Mostly to streamline it and make it a little more understandable and certainly more relaxed.
I can certainly understand that, but why not talk out the rules changes here? Most of us are experienced roleplayers; perhaps we could help you.
Ezekiel wrote:Thirdly, this kind of game (any forum game, really) is also called a Story Debate or SD, which I find infinitely easier to type out than 'STGOD'. It also helps that that's what they're called on the forum where I learned to play and make this stuff. :grin:
That's fine by me.
Last edited by rhoenix on Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Ezekiel »

rhoenix wrote:
Ezekiel wrote:Firstly, the ruleset as posted isn't entirely what it was intended to be (not as I'd intended it, anyway), and if you lads are open to it I'd like to tinker with it for a couple days. Mostly to streamline it and make it a little more understandable and certainly more relaxed.
I can certainly understand that, but why not talk out the rules changes here? Most of us are experienced roleplayers, and perhaps we could help you.
Fair point.

Well, after some...issues between myself and some of the more stubbornly pigheaded players at SDN, I stopped participating in the design process about three-quarters of the way through. It was then finished by the players there, and I think it would be nice if I could finish it the way myself and Steve had intended it - a less anally-retentive system than what it turned out to be.

Specifically, I'd like to put in the points-purchase system for military units that I had intended (instead of 'you have a million men' and 'you have 400 planes', etc), include approximately era-accurate GDPs in the Economy section, and completely redo the Infrastructure section. (Infrastructure isn't just your army's movement, it's also your supply system and your reinforcement system.)

Bottom line, I'd just like to surgically remove all the incorrect and inflexible stuff that got put in after I left.
tiny friendly crab.
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Post by Hadrianvs »

Holy shit, the Russian Empire was 22 million sq km. I could dump a third of my points in national land area plus colonial land area and I wouldn't even have half the historical territory. Add the 1 million man army and the 130-140 million population, and I'm out of points before we get into navy, economy, and infrastructure.

I knew it was going to be bad, but that's... damn.
Last edited by Hadrianvs on Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rhoenix »

Ezekiel wrote:Well, after some...issues between myself and some of the more stubbornly pigheaded players at SDN, I stopped participating in the design process about three-quarters of the way through. It was then finished by the players there, and I think it would be nice if I could finish it the way myself and Steve had intended it - a less anally-retentive system than what it turned out to be.

Specifically, I'd like to put in the points-purchase system for military units that I had intended (instead of 'you have a million men' and 'you have 400 planes', etc), include approximately era-accurate GDPs in the Economy section, and completely redo the Infrastructure section. (Infrastructure isn't just your army's movement, it's also your supply system and your reinforcement system.)

Bottom line, I'd just like to surgically remove all the incorrect and inflexible stuff that got put in after I left.
Okay, I can understand your reluctance. How about this - make a repost with the changes you're intent on making, and we go from there?
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Steve »

Hadrianvs wrote:Holy shit, the Russian Empire was 22 million sq km. I could dump a third of my points in national land area plus colonial land area and I wouldn't even have half the historical territory. Add the 1 million man army and the 130-140 million population, and I'm out of points before we get into navy, economy, and infrastructure.

I knew it was going to be bad, but that's... damn.
On SDN we basically made it where 5 points if >6,000,000 square kilometers period. So Russia would be a 5. But I'm not sure how Frig and Zeke (see Czech, I caught myse.... ooops!) will alter the rules from the version we're using at SDN.
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
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Post by Ezekiel »

Steve wrote:
Hadrianvs wrote:Holy shit, the Russian Empire was 22 million sq km. I could dump a third of my points in national land area plus colonial land area and I wouldn't even have half the historical territory. Add the 1 million man army and the 130-140 million population, and I'm out of points before we get into navy, economy, and infrastructure.

I knew it was going to be bad, but that's... damn.
On SDN we basically made it where 5 points if >6,000,000 square kilometers period. So Russia would be a 5. But I'm not sure how Frig and Zeke (see Czech, I caught myse.... ooops!) will alter the rules from the version we're using at SDN.
I never bothered with km^2 land area for a reason. I just wanted to put in historical equivalents and let people figure it out for themselves. The intent was to keep the system flexible and easy.
tiny friendly crab.
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Post by Steve »

Ezekiel wrote:
Steve wrote:
Hadrianvs wrote:Holy shit, the Russian Empire was 22 million sq km. I could dump a third of my points in national land area plus colonial land area and I wouldn't even have half the historical territory. Add the 1 million man army and the 130-140 million population, and I'm out of points before we get into navy, economy, and infrastructure.

I knew it was going to be bad, but that's... damn.
On SDN we basically made it where 5 points if >6,000,000 square kilometers period. So Russia would be a 5. But I'm not sure how Frig and Zeke (see Czech, I caught myse.... ooops!) will alter the rules from the version we're using at SDN.
I never bothered with km^2 land area for a reason. I just wanted to put in historical equivalents and let people figure it out for themselves. The intent was to keep the system flexible and easy.
Eh, it works better with some kind of quantification.
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
"Come on, who wouldn't trade a few dozen square miles of French countryside for Warp 3.5?" - Marina
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Post by frigidmagi »

Holy shit, the Russian Empire was 22 million sq km. I could dump a third of my points in national land area plus colonial land area and I wouldn't even have half the historical territory. Add the 1 million man army and the 130-140 million population, and I'm out of points before we get into navy, economy, and infrastructure.

I knew it was going to be bad, but that's... damn.
Hadri I wouldn't worry about it. Russia is 5 and that's that. Now Finland or Poland would be a colony. Zeke we got time as there are several people I know just mulling the idea of playing or not so feel free to pursue tinkering, let's keep the process open though so people can add their input.

Also CT claimed all of Germany already, sorry man. Confederacy is still open though and I'm sure Steve would love a neighbor.

While I'm here CT can you outline just what of Germany is your claim? Also folks do you have a preference for start times? 1900? 1910? 1920?
Last edited by frigidmagi on Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
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Post by rhoenix »

Mmmmm, time to research governments.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."

- William Gibson

Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Netherlands to Saxony (including Luxemborg and the german speaking parts of eastern france) and from the danish peninsula south through switzerland and western austria.

As for start time, I would prefer a century earlier, but can work with 1900.
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Cynical Cat »

Greater Hungary for me. Hungary, Romania, and pieces of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Then I will also take eastern Austria.

I have this odd feeling Cat, that we will be either The Great Central European Alliance, or constantly at war.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

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Post by Cynical Cat »

Comrade Tortoise wrote:Then I will also take eastern Austria.

I have this odd feeling Cat, that we will be either The Great Central European Alliance, or constantly at war.
Definitely. BTW, I took Hungary so I wouldn't fight with you over Germany.

I also took it so I can have Transylvania Polytechnic University.
Last edited by Cynical Cat on Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
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Post by Hadrianvs »

Aaaand it looks like I just found my two big rivals in Eastern Europe, but maybe I'll try to play it friendly. We'll see...
Last edited by Hadrianvs on Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Steve »

For start time 1910 is a good suggestion. Though may I point out that while you can find plenty of good dreadnought-BBs and battlecruisers for this era, cruisers of the first quarter century are.... complicated. The role of the cruiser was in heavy flux (pre-dreadnought era, armored cruisers were nearly battleships themselves - the USS Maine famously blown up at Havana was designated an ACR or Armored Cruiser, not a battleship) thanks to the advent of the battleship and the concept of a battlecruiser, as the latter especially proved to have the speed to chase down and the firepower to kill normal cruisers.

Historically, from 1905 to 1920 the US built a grand total of three cruisers, mostly because of limited naval funds granted (they focused everything on dreadnoughts). The WWII-style of cruiser didn't really start coming around until the 1920s, when old armored cruisers were re-conceived as heavy cruisers and newer "scout cruisers" were the light cruisers.
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
"Come on, who wouldn't trade a few dozen square miles of French countryside for Warp 3.5?" - Marina
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Post by Hadrianvs »

Steve wrote:For start time 1910 is a good suggestion.
I move that we start in the Spring of 1901 in honour of Diplomacy.

Oh, BTW, if there's a Napoleon III in our history, he did not marry Maria Eugenia de Montijo. In this timeline Alekstandr II broke the royal Russian tradition of marrying German high nobility and instead opted for a charming Spanish-Scottish girl.

*is plotting to not have an idiot for a Tsar or hemophiliac for a Tsarevich*
Last edited by Hadrianvs on Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Steve »

Hadrianvs wrote:
Steve wrote:For start time 1910 is a good suggestion.
I move that we start in the Spring of 1901 in honour of Diplomacy.

Oh, BTW, if there's a Napoleon III in our history, he did not marry Maria Eugenia de Montijo. In this timeline Alekstandr II broke the royal Russian tradition of marrying German high nobility and instead opted for a charming Spanish-Scottish girl.

*is plotting to not have an idiot for a Tsar or hemophiliac for a Tsarevich*
Great. Now I have to design pre-dreads. I was going to avoid doing that since they'd all be gone or undergoing scrapping in 1925 regarding SDNW3. I already have my first two dreadies planned....
Chatniks on the (nonexistant) risks of the Large Hadron Collector:
"The chance of Shep talking his way into the control room for an ICBM is probably higher than that." - Seth
"Come on, who wouldn't trade a few dozen square miles of French countryside for Warp 3.5?" - Marina
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

State Breakdown Prelim

4(upgraded from 2)

3:approx 600k KM^2 (once Denmark is accounted for)

Colonial Holdings





1(upgraded to 3 by industry)

Standing army


Military Reserves
16% of population, or 16 million men
Last edited by Comrade Tortoise on Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky

There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid

The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc